Spring Break Shooting in Miami Beach ... 2 Injured, Breakers Run for their Lives

Spring Break in Miami Beach turned violent Saturday night ... after 2 people were shot and kids scrambled for their lives.

It all went down on famed Ocean Drive ... you hear the shots and people start running for their lives.

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As for the shooting victims ... a woman was hit in the leg. The other person may have been more seriously hurt ... that person was carried out on a stretcher and taken to a hospital. The injuries were not life-threatening. We also don't know if cops caught the shooter.

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It's been a tough Spring Break week ... three people were hurt after a shooting broke out in Texas.

Earlier this month, some Spring Breakers OD'd on fentanyl-laced cocaine. The alleged dealer was arrested.

'People's Convoy' in D.C. We're Gonna 'Tar & Feather' BLM Plaza!!! Trucker Vows During Rally

Racial tension is simmering in the nation's capital where the so-called "People's Convoy" is taking a KKK-ish turn -- a protest leader invoked lynchings while promising to "take back" Black Lives Matter Plaza.

The convoy of truckers has been roving around Washington D.C. highways for about 2 weeks, purportedly to protest COVID restrictions. However, during a Friday rally, one of the truckers vowed to "tar and feather" BLM Plaza ... the street just a few blocks from White House grounds that was renamed in June 2020.

The trucker's pronouncement drew big cheers from the crowd, and the unidentified man also said they -- whoever "they" are -- were also going to "tar and feather delegates."

When the "People's Convoy" started, it sounded like America's version of the convoy in Canada earlier this year ... which made for some tense standoffs with law enforcement, but never turned violent.

Interestingly, BLM Plaza is currently undergoing renovations to make it a permanent installation. The big yellow lettering is still there, but it's been moved about a half block.

So far there's no increased police or security around the plaza.

Pete Davidson Drops Out of Blue Origin Space Flight After Launch Date Gets Pushed


5:25 AM PT -- 3/18 -- A source with direct knowledge tells us Pete was unable to accommodate the new launch date with his schedule.

Pete Davidson won't be going to space -- at least not during Blue Origin's next trip -- he's dropped out of the flight after it's launch date was pushed back.

Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin made the announcement late Thursday, saying, "Blue Origin's 20th flight of New Shepard has shifted to Tuesday, March 29. Pete Davidson is no longer able to join the NS-20 crew on this mission. We will announce the sixth crew member in the coming days."

The announcement is surprising, considering the launch date was supposed to be less than a week away on March 23.


It's currently unclear why Pete will be unable to make the trip, but as we reported -- he's been working on various projects, including James DeMonaco's "The Home" in which Pete was spotted covered in blood for a scene. So, it's possible one of them got in the way.

As for the remaining passengers who were scheduled to go up with Pete -- there's Party America CEO Marty Allen, hubby and wife duo Sharon and Marc Hagle, entrepreneur Jim Kitchen and Commercial Space Technologies Prez Dr. George Nield.

We got pics of Pete and Kim grabbing In-N-Out Thursday night in L.A. so it appears if there was even such a thing as a space diet, it's clearly out the window -- and for good reason.

Originally Published -- 3/17 9:32 PM PT

President Zelensky Wanted As 2022 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky deserves the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize ... according to several world leaders now pushing to get him the high honor.

It comes as no shock ... Zelensky's become a beacon of courage around the world for the way he's inspired and rallied Ukrainians against the Russian invasion. That's clearly why a group of European politicians now want the Norwegian Nobel Committee to reopen the nomination for its 2022 peace prize.

The politicians issued a statement, saying ... "We therefore humbly call upon you, the Committee, to consider: Extending and thereby re-opening the nomination procedure for the Nobel Peace Prize until March 31, 2022 to allow for a Nobel Peace Prize nomination for President Zelensky and the people of Ukraine."

The extension is necessary because the nomination process closed on January 31.

For the uninitiated, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to an organization or person who has done the most/best to advance fellowship among countries, or the reduction of standing armies ... and have advocated for peace.

Translation: hand the thing to Zelensky.

Nearly 251 people and 92 orgs applied for this year's honor, but for some politicians -- and millions of citizens around the world -- this year's winner should be a no-brainer.

The 2022 Nobel Prize announcements are slated to take place the first week of October.

'Challenge' Star Johnny Bananas Ukraine Mission Eye-Opening ... Be Thankful for What You Have, America!!!


"The Challenge" star Johnny Bananas is overseas helping as many Ukrainian refugees as he can, and says the heartbreaking effort is shining a light on just how good we have it here in the U.S. of A.

Right now, Johnny's splitting his time between Poland and Ukraine -- he's joined a humanitarian convoy with the Humanosh Foundation, and earlier this week helped deliver 3 ambulances and 3 vans loaded with food, military gear and medical equipment.

He says the mission's made him realize American issues pale in comparison to what Ukrainians are facing.

With people in the U.S. currently upset about soaring gas prices and inflation at the supermarket -- Johnny thinks we should imagine a world where there is no gas to be found!

Johnny says Americans have gotten "too comfortable," and coming to a war-torn country like Ukraine really put things into perspective for him.

BTW ... the Humanosh Foundation is a nonprofit that provides shelter and aid to refugees and soldiers.


Last week Johnny's friend called asking if anyone he knew with a big platform would be willing to help show the world the good the nonprofit is trying to accomplish.

Three days later Johnny arrived in Warsaw and has been helping ever since.

Justin Bieber Lights Out in Denver ... Concert Grinds to Halt After Electrical Fire

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10:55 AM PT -- A tour rep tells us the video failure was the result of an electrical fire within the venue. We're told show producers were able to power lights and sound with the help of a generator, but the video screens had to remain off.


Our sources say the power failure knocked out a whole city block, but thankfully the fire department was able to quickly get the fire under control and Justin finished out the show for his fans like a champ.

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10:55 AM PT -- Concertgoers told us they were thrilled JB managed to keep it going ... even if it was less flashy, as you can see in this clip after they got back power.

Justin Bieber was forced to take a seat Wednesday during his concert in the Mile High City ... but not because of the altitude ... because his concert went to crap.

It went down at Justin's Justice World Tour show in Denver at the Ball Arena.

JB was performing "Yummy" when the stage lights went out, video monitors went dark, sound equipment shut down, lasers went off, the large monitor behind him went out ... and only the pyrotechnics -- mini fireworks -- still worked.

Once things started to go sideways, Bieber stopped performing and just sat down on the side of the stage ... while technicians worked frantically to restore power.

JB was only a few songs into his set ... and it was no quick fix because JB didn't rise up for more than 15 minutes.

And, speaking of sitting, it didn't sit well with his fans, who plunked down hundreds of dollars and traveled miles. Making matters worse, the concert had already been postponed and downsized due to COVID.

The show resumed after a 30 min pause, but there were still tech issues. Justin powered through but didn't have all the bells and whistles, like some of the large video screens, lasers and stage lighting.

When he returned to the stage, Justin mentioned Hailey ... asking the crowd if they had "heard about my wife in the news, she's doing better." TMZ broke the story, Hailey was hospitalized last week in Palm Springs with a blood clot. As we reported, doctors at the time thought it was COVID-related.

Justin said, "Thank you for your patience, sometimes life throws you a curveball, not much you can do about it."

Well, 2 curveballs in a week are a bit much.

Originally Published -- 7:06 AM PT

Ukraine Theater Destroyed By Russian Shelling ... As 1,000 Shelter Inside


All that remains on the surface is smoldering wreckage, but underneath this theater, in Ukraine, more than 1,000 civilians are sheltered trying to survive another wave of Russian shelling.

Russian bomber planes demolished the theater Wednesday in the southern city of Mariupol, and images of the aftermath are devastating when you realize somewhere between 1,000 and 1,200 peaceful Ukrainians were inside hiding for their lives.


The number of casualties is unclear, although Parliament of Ukraine member Dmytro Gurin told BBC, "It looks like most of them have survived," noting the basement where many are taking cover remains standing.

The Mariupol mayor's office says emergency workers are still struggling to get to the building due to constant shelling.

This latest airstrike on defenseless civilians comes after Russia's previous attacks on a church, apartment buildings and a maternity hospital.

President Volodymyr Zelensky says Russia targeted the theater deliberately, and added, "Our hearts are broken by what Russia is doing to our people. To our Mariupol."

Satellite photos taken on Monday -- 2 days before the attack -- showed the Russian word for "children" written on the ground, warning Russian jets to avoid the building.

Local authorities say at least 2,400 people have been killed in Mariupol since the war began.

An estimated 300,000 residents are trapped in the city, while gas, electricity and water have been cut off.

Despite the horrifying video evidence, the Russian defense ministry is denying attacking the theater.

Russian Invasion Russian Soldiers Execute Ukrainian Civilian ... While Man Had Hands in Air


Here's a new low for Vladimir Putin's monstrous minions -- drone footage shows Russian soldiers opening fire on an unarmed civilian as he was attempting to surrender.

The video, obtained by a German TV station, shows the Ukrainian man driving down a road when he spots Russian soldiers in a tank. The man pulled over and put his hands in the air but it didn't stop the Russians from executing him.

According to the German station ZDF ... this terrifying scene went down March 7 on a highway west of Kyiv. What's particularly chilling about the video is the fact the man seemed to be giving himself up. His hands were already up when he stepped out of his car.

The invaders couldn't care less, and mercilessly decided to shoot to kill.

The Russians showed zero remorse and tossed the man's lifeless body into a ditch on the roadside. A woman and child reportedly witnessed the entire scene, but it's not clear from the video where they were during the shooting.

Russia has continuously denied targeting harmless civilians -- which is considered a war crime -- but, videos like this show just how gruesome and reckless Russian forces have become.

President Zelensky Gets 3-Minute Standing Ovation ... Following Rousing Speech

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is not just a war hero in his own country, he's now recognized as such around the world, and it's more than evident by the incredible ovation he received from the Canadian Parliament.

Zelensky appeared via zoom before the governmental body, appealing for aid. when he was done, everyone, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, rose to their feet with thunderous applause that lasted not one, not 2 but 3 full minutes.

Zelensky's speech was rousing. He pointed out 97 children have died in Ukraine in the last 20 days. He asked how Canadians would feel if Russian forces decided to take over Vancouver or attack the popular CN Tower in Toronto.

He even echoed his previous call for a no-fly zone over Ukraine ... hoping to put an end to airstrikes from Russian attackers.

Russia's bombings have caused devastation across the country ... including the bombing of a maternity hospital that killed 3 ...  including a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

His appeal comes after addressing the British House of Commons this month. Zelensky will make his case Wednesday to a joint session of Congress. Expect a similar ovation.

Fox News Photog Pierre Zakrzewski Killed ... While Reporting in Ukraine

Veteran Fox News photographer, Pierre Zakrzewski, is dead after his vehicle took fire while covering the war in Ukraine.

The tragic incident happened Monday in Horenka, a town outside Kyiv, where Zakrzewski had been traveling with Fox correspondent, Benjamin Hall, and Ukrainian journalist Oleksandra Kurshynova, just before their vehicle was hit by incoming fire.

Pierre and Oleksandra were both killed during the attack, while Benjamin lost part of his leg and remains hospitalized.

Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott announced the devastating news Tuesday, writing in a memo to staff ... "Pierre was a war zone photographer who covered nearly every international story for Fox News from Iraq to Afghanistan to Syria during his long tenure with us. His passion and talent as a journalist were unmatched."

Pierre had been working on the ground in Ukraine, since February.

This comes on the heels of the death of filmmaker and journalist Brent Renaud. He was on a assignment for Time magazine when he was killed Sunday during a Russian assault on Irpin, Ukraine.

Pierre was 55.


Ukrainian Refugee Tearful Describing Murders, Rapes in Kyiv


For Ukrainian refugee Anastasiia Chuba, the constant gunfire and bombings back home in Kyiv aren't the scariest things happening ... it's murder and rape that have haunted her.

Anastasiia managed to escape the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, landing Monday at LAX with her daughter, Sasha ... and she tells our photog a harrowing account of what's going on in their hometown.

It's pretty grim ... Anastasiia says she was confined to a basement for the last 10 days, which is no place to raise a child, with the sounds of bombs exploding and guns firing ringing out day and night.

Even worse, Anastasiia says the advancing Russian forces are raping young girls in Kyiv ... and she says the invaders are also murdering Ukrainians.

You can see the emotion building up in Anastasiia as she gives a first-hand account of what life is like for her Ukrainian brothers and sisters stuck in a war zone ... and the dangers they face.

She's keeping it together and is clearly a strong woman ... but the rapes and murders are what tug at her emotion ... and she tears up telling us what she's seen as she holds her daughter.

Like most refugees, Anastasiia has no plan for what she'll do in America ... she hasn't had time to think about it ... but she wants to find a way to help those struggling to stay alive back home.

She says her husband is protecting the family home, where her parents are still sequestered, and she hopes he's still alive when she goes back to Ukraine.

Anastasiia isn't sure what the average American can do to stop the war, but she has a message for the Russians ... telling them to rise up against Vladimir Putin and overthrow the government, like the Ukrainians did in 2014 when they didn't like their leadership.

The revolt paved the way for Volodymyr Zelensky's presidency a few years later ... and Anastasiia says he's united the country like never before, and hopes the Russians do the same.

It's a powerful conversation ... illustrating the human cost of war.

Ukraine President Zelensky Sends Letter to Fam of U.S. Journo Killed in Conflict We Are 'Mourning With You'

Ukrainian President Zelensky is showing once again why he's being hailed as an exceptional leader at an impossible time for his country ... offering condolences to the family of a U.S. journalist killed during the conflict.

On Sunday, it was announced Brent Renaud, an acclaimed filmmaker and former NY Times journalist, was shot and killed in Ukraine after Russian forces allegedly opened fire on his vehicle. It's been reported he was gathering information for a report on refugees.

A letter, sent from Zelensky to Renaud's family reads, "A talented and brave journalist, Brent lost his life while documenting human tragedy, devastation and suffering of the millions of Ukrainians. With all his courage and determination, he traveled to the most dangerous war zones to film the unprecedented ruthlessness and evil, also inflicted upon our nation by the aggressor state."

Zelensky continues, "The people of Ukraine, who are fighting against the Russian regime to defend their Homeland and democracy in the world, are mourning with you."

As for some of his other accomplishments -- Renaud's "Last Chance High" on HBO was a series that profiled at-risk youth on Chicago's West Side ... the series went on to win a Peabody Award.

In finishing his letter, Zelensky says, "May Brent's life, service and sacrifice inspire generations of people all around the world to stand up in fight for the forces of light against forces of darkness."

Andrey Liscovich From Silicon Valley to Ukraine ... Creates Org To Help Volunteer Soldiers


Tech entrepreneur Andrey Liscovich is fighting for his birthplace of Ukraine by giving up his life in Silicon Valley and getting civilian soldiers the supplies they need ... and it's so dangerous he's just written his will.

Andrey joined us Monday on "TMZ Live" and tells us he and his colleagues put together the Ukraine Defense Fund, taking anything they can to help support the troops.


The organization has already raised $65k ... using the money to place supply orders worldwide, getting items shipped to Poland. They're also accepting supplies as a donation ... including medical supplies, body armor and clothes.

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With over 100,000 volunteers joining the Ukrainian armed forces since the war began, the army doesn't have enough necessities to go around. He says, "You can imagine a guy ... coming in a sweater, getting an AK-47, and perhaps a few spare magazines and not get much besides that."

The Russia-Ukraine conflict is personal for Andrey ... growing up in Ukraine, he knew he couldn't sit on the sidelines while destruction plagues his people.

Andrey says he's even drafted a will on his laptop while the attacks rage on ... knowing these uncertain times are a matter of life or death.

He's encouraging anyone that wants to make a difference to donate what they can to his organization.

Elon Musk Hey Daddy Vladdy, Let's Rumble ... Winner Takes Ukraine!!!

Elon Musk is asking Vladimir Putin to put his dukes up -- and not just that, but he's posing the challenge in the dictator's native language ... with the ultimate stakes at play.

The Tesla and SpaceX chief dared VP to a battle of brawn Monday morning, doing so over Twitter of course ... where he wrote, "I hereby challenge Владимир Путин  to single combat." EM followed up by saying ... "Stakes are Україна."

The translation is pretty simple, he's just asking Putin to rumble -- noting that the winner takes Ukraine. As you know ... Elon has directly involved himself with the conflict (in a good way) by offering Internet support and other tech resources to help Ukrainians/deter Russia.

Just make sure Vlad and co. got the message, Elon asked ... "Вы согласны на этот бой? @KremlinRussia_E." That simply means, "Do you agree to this fight?"

Obviously, Elon seems to be kidding -- we don't think he expects Russia's President to take him on ... but just for the sake of argument, ya gotta wonder who might take the W  -- because they each have some fighting experience.

Perhaps more famous in throwing down would be Putin ... we've seen photos of the guy laying dudes out on the mat while dressed head to toe in martial arts gear, and he even has an honorary taekwondo black belt (which he was stripped of in the wake of him invading).

Less known is Elon's training ... he once told Joe Rogan that he trained in karate as a kid. On top of that, he said he's also dabbled in taekwondo, judo and a little jiu-jitsu.

No word on where each of them might be currently on their brawling skills -- but it's an interesting matchup for sure. Place your bets ... but don't hold your breath either. 😅

Ukraine Pregnant Woman & Baby Die ... Maternity Ward Bombed

A pregnant woman and her baby were killed when Russian forces bombed a maternity ward in Ukraine last week -- and the images of the destruction are shocking.

The expecting mother -- who has gone unidentified -- lost her life last Wednesday shortly after her child was delivered via emergency C-section following an airstrike that rained down on a hospital in Mariupol, which treated some soon-to-be moms.

Unfortunately, shortly after the newborn was delivered, it was declared dead. While everything was going on, the expectant mother realized she might lose her baby and reportedly cried out ... "Kill me now!"

After the baby died, medics attempted to save the woman, but after 30 minutes she succumbed to her injuries.

It's just a snapshot of the horror being inflicted in Ukraine right now -- highlighting that the most vulnerable of people are being targeted and killed in this ongoing war.

BTW, the moment this woman was being rushed out of the destroyed hospital on a stretcher was captured on video by AP reporters ... and it's incredibly difficult to watch.

The woman appears pale as volunteers run to try to get her to safety. She's bleeding from the waist down and seems completely out of it as she stares off into space. Unclear how many months along she was, but she appeared to be in at least the 2nd trimester.

As far as what Russia is saying about this ... they're claiming they bombed this hospital because it was being used as a hideout for Ukrainian extremists -- also insisting that no patients or medics were left inside. Clearly, that's BS.

The war is going into its third week now ... with no end in sight. Russia is moving in on Kyiv, but Ukrainian soldiers are holding them back as best they can ... for now.

'The Challenge' Jordan Wiseley Hands Out Supplies in Ukraine ... Helps Humanitarian Efforts

"The Challenge" star Jordan Wiseley is finding more ways to make an impact on the ground in Ukraine ... distributing much-needed supplies brought over the border from Poland.

Check out these images from Ukraine, where Jordan and his actor roommate Kevin Pasdon are making a daily trek across the border to aid the humanitarian efforts underway.

Jordan's routine includes loading up vans with boxes full of supplies ... driving the goods in from Poland and handing them out to the Ukrainians, who are having their cities and towns shelled by the Russians.

Remember ... Jordan and Kevin flew to Poland earlier this month with the goal of helping out in Ukraine, but they didn't have a plan ... and they quickly found work transporting supplies, thanks in part to their U.S. passports, which allow them to cross the border with ease.


As you see in the videos, the folks in Ukraine are desperate to get their hands on whatever supplies they can ... and Jordan's working hard to unload the boxes and distribute essential items, like food and blankets.

They have started a fundraising campaign for donations that will go towards Ukrainian aid for both military and humanitarian relief.

Jordan and Kevin told us they're mostly working with Ukrainians, and speaking little English ... but it looks like the language barrier isn't a problem, and they're banding together to help win the war.