WATCH Jeffrey Katzenberg Hacked!!!


Billionaire Investor Jeffrey Katzenberg is many things, but like many of us ... he's not bulletproof from being hacked online.

Jeffery became a guinea pig of sorts, starring in a video showing how hackers take advantage of vulnerable and/or unsophisticated users and steal vital, personal info.

Check out the video ... Jeffery's devices get hacked by Rachel Tobac, CEO of SocialProof Security, and she's able to swipe his emails, contacts, photos ... even his ID/passport, and it's pretty shocking how it all goes down.

Online hackers have cracked into more than 13 billion connected devices ... in 2020 alone, Americans lost more than $4.2B from digital crimes, according to the FBI.

Pretty scary, right?

The co-founder and former CEO of DreamWorks Animation is touting digital security for consumers through a company called Aura.

J.K. will be front at center Saturday at SXSW with Aura's CEO. Super interesting.

Road Crimes L.A. Reporter Witnesses Hit-and-Run ... During Story on Hit-and-Runs


An L.A. TV reporter was doing a story about a tragic hit-and-run accident, and what played out behind him is just crazy.

KTLA reporter Gene Kang was in South L.A., doing a story on a fatal crash at a dangerous intersection, when 2 cars behind him get into a gnarly accident. You see one of the cars bolting from the scene. In other words, it's a hit-and-run in the middle of a story about a hit-and-run.

Kang said afterward, "Our security guard Walter Mann yelled 'get back' and we moved as the car came racing towards us. It veered away at the last second and T-boned the car."

The driver of the car that left the scene may want to throw himself at the mercy of authorities, because his/her license plate fell off the car.

The story itself is just awful ... a man was walking with his wife and 2-year-old son when a driver struck and killed him and then fled the scene. There's a $50,000 reward for information about the driver's identity.

Russian War Identity of Ukrainian Family Killed by Russian Missile Revealed

This ghastly image is swirling around the world, bringing home the horrors of Putin's war.

We can now put faces to the innocent civilians who were killed by Russian mortar fire as they tried to escape Irpin, Ukraine.

Tatiana Perebeinis was the chief accountant for SE Ranking ... it's a Silicon Valley startup which has a large presence in Kyiv. The 43-year-old mother of 2 died, alongside her daughter, Alise, 9, and son Nikita, 18.

Tatiana's husband, Sergii Perebeinis, was not with his family when they were killed. He posted on Facebook, "Trying to hold on but it's really hard." He said the family dogs were also killed in the attack.

It's heartbreak heaped on heartbreak ... their funerals are on hold because the morgues in the city are all filled to capacity.

The family's apartment building was bombed the day before Tatiana and her kids were slaughtered on the street by Russian force.

Tatiana's company issued a statement, saying she was "a very friendly, brave, courageous woman with a great sense of humor. She always cheered everyone around her up. She was truly like a big sister to all of us."

Her son was supposed to attend a university this year. He was required to stay in Ukraine ... 18 to 60-year-old men cannot leave the country.

Hopefully, these images will find their way to the Russian people, so they can see for themselves how their leader is destroying Ukraine, killing civilians and committing war crime after war crime.

Zelensky and Klitschko The Evolution of Ukrainian Greatness

Two Ukrainians have emerged as war heroes who have inspired their nation and the world with their bravery and fortitude ... both improbable leaders who rose to the occasion.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky was born in 1978 to Jewish parents in southern Ukraine. His family moved to Mongolia for 4 years and then returned to their homeland.

He studied at the Kyiv National Economic University and graduated in 2000 with a law degree.

And then, the turn to acting. While he was a student, he became interested in theatre, and from 1997-2003 he appeared on an improv show on Ukrainian TV.

In 2003, Zelensky founded a TV studio, serving as the creative director until 2011. Under his watch, the studio became one of the most successful in the country.

He went on to star in some farce comedies. He also tried his hand at romantic comedies -- one called "8 First Dates" and another called "8 New Dates."

He appeared on "Dancing with the Stars" and won the whole thing. He also was the voice of Paddington the bear in Ukraine's version of the films.

In 2014, as the then-Ukrainian President was toppled, Zelensky starred in a new show -- "Servant of the People" ... about a school teacher's improbable rise to power as President of Ukraine. The show became a huge hit.

Then another big turn. He decided to imitate his art and run for President of Ukraine in 2019 ... and his celebrity was enough to garner 73% of the vote.

The first real exposure Americans had to Zelensky was during the first Donald Trump impeachment, when Trump tried pressuring him to investigate Hunter Biden in return for receiving aid, something he refused to do.

You know the rest ... a guy who never dipped his toe in politics led the nation and stood firmly against Russian occupation. Zelensky has become a modern-day Winston Churchill, even quoting him in his resolve to save his country.

Vitali Klitschko is an equally improbable war hero. He was born 50 years ago in the U.S.S.R. and developed a love of boxing at age 13. He and his brother, Wladimir, both became amateur boxers and Vitali won a gold medal.

Vitali graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in Ukraine in 1996 and did postgraduate work at Kyiv University. He ended up with a Ph.D. in Sports Science.

Vitali and Wladimir both became professional boxers in 1996, and both excelled.

The 6'7" Vitali became the WBC champ and retired in 2005, but returned to boxing in 2008.

Vitali played a big role in Ukraine's 2004 Orange Revolution, and ran twice for mayor of Kyiv -- both times unsuccessfully.

In 2010, Vitali became the leader of the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform. He gave up the WBC title in 2013 for a life in politics.

Vitali ran for mayor of Kyiv and won in 2014, and remains mayor to this day.

He's been a popular city official now for nearly 8 years, but it was not a position that put him in the eye of the storm. Well, that's where he is now, and his resolve is in lockstep with Zelensky ... both of whom are willing to risk their lives and fight for their country. Both have received international acclaim ... proving politics is not just for professional politicians.

BIZARRE CRIMES Blue Dinosaur Onesie Suspect ... Arrested in Nashville!!!


A convicted felon is trading in his now infamous blue dinosaur onesie for an orange jumpsuit ... because cops say he's back in police custody in Nashville after a truly bizarre alleged crime spree.

Here's the deal ... cops say 23-year-old Elijah Samuel Morris is the burglary suspect they've been searching for since January, when he allegedly broke into a vehicle and burglarized a home --- all while wearing a blue dinosaur onesie -- and police say he was arrested Wednesday on separate charges.

Cops say they responded Wednesday morning to reports of vehicle burglaries in progress, and officers saw Morris in a car with 2, count 'em, 2 flat tires. Police say when they hit the sirens, Morris put the car in reverse and drove off before stopping in a parking lot and fleeing on foot.

Police say they tracked Morris down and saw him try to get into another vehicle ... and cops allege he was in possession of a gun that had been reported stolen in Louisville when they made the arrest.

And, get this ... cops say arson investigators from the Nashville Fire Department also identified Morris as the suspect who they believe started a fire outside a home back in December, and now he's facing charges of aggravated arson.

Police say Morris is also charged with aggravated assault, theft of property, theft of a firearm, evading arrest, felony probation violation, possessing a firearm during the commission of a felony and felon in possession of a gun.

Morris is being held in lieu of a $171,000 bond ... so it appears he may not be back on the streets in a blue dino onesie any time soon.

American Dad Desperate Search for Ukrainian Orphan ... Flies to Europe in Hopes of Adoption


Trent Hartsfield and his wife were supposed to permanently welcome a Ukrainian orphan to their family ... now he's in a terrifying race against time, as the brutal Russian invasion continues in Ukraine.

Trent joined TMZ live Tuesday from Bucharest, Romania -- he's flown there in hopes of finding 9-year-old Angelina, a little girl his family's trying to adopt as Putin's assault on Ukraine grows more and more brutal.

Twitter / @ZelenskyyUa

We spoke to Trent just hours after the Russians shelled a children's hospital ... putting him even more on edge. He says he and his wife fell in love with Angelina back in December when they hosted her for a month. They had to send her back in January, per Ukraine law, but they simultaneously started the process to permanently adopt her.

Once Putin declared war, Trent says he and his wife, Muff, were worried about Angelina's safety and lost all communication with her ... with the exception of one brief video call on Feb. 25.

Quite frankly, he's scared and devastated by the news out of Ukraine ... and wants to do everything in his power to bring Angelina back to the U.S. -- but, right now, it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Trent says he'll start by going to the Romanian border with Ukraine in hopes missionaries and other volunteers can point him in the right direction.

Hundreds of American families in the process of adopting Ukrainian children are in the same plight as Trent, who says "timing is everything" in his search.

Sadly, it might also be a matter of life or death.

Randy Orton I Want To Wrestle Until I'm 50!! 'Got Another Decade In Me'

Future WWE Hall of Famer Randy Orton closed the door on any retirement talk ... saying he's got a lot left in the tank, and plans to wrestle for another decade -- which would make him 50+ years old when he walks away.

Adam Glyn spoke with 41-year-old Randy in NYC this week, and asked the WWE legend about everything from his favorite place to perform, who he wants to induct him into to the Hall of Fame (one day), and how much longer he plans to wrestle.

"I just turned 40 a year ago," Orton said, "I got another decade in me."

"We'll see. We'll see."

It wouldn't be unfamiliar territory if Orton -- aka "The Viper" -- wrestled until he was 50 years old. After all, he watched mentors and contemporaries like Triple H, Ric Flair, and The Undertaker have tremendous longevity in their careers.

And, wrestling runs in the Orton family. Both Randy's grandfather, Bob Orton Sr., and his father, Bob Orton Jr., were professional wrestlers.

As for his favorite place to wrestle ... Orton says it's Madison Square Garden in NYC.

"The history of the arena itself, I think, makes it just cool," Randy said.

MSG also happens to be the first location of the first WrestleMania where Orton wrestled.

Speaking of the Hall of Fame, Randy also dished on some possible names of people he would want to induct him when the times comes.

"[Triple H] came up. Cena came up. Flair came up. But, you know I don't know if I can get Cena to come in from Hollywood to do it," Orton joked. "Maybe he could do it virtually."

Orton is good buddies with Superstar turned company executive, Triple H ... who he credits with taking him under his wing and really "preparing him for the life" as a WWE superstar.

'The Challenge' Jordan Wiseley I'm Driving Supplies To Ukraine Army ... Felt I Had To Help Somehow


"The Challenge" star Jordan Wiseley wanted to find a way to help the crisis unfolding in Ukraine, so he flew to neighboring Poland ... and now he's got a key role in the war effort.

Jordan's staying about a kilometer from the Ukraine border at a small border crossing in Poland, along with his actor roommate Kevin Pasdon, and they're crossing the border in a truck and delivering crucial supplies to Ukrainian troops.

As Jordan explains, he felt drawn to the crisis and recently bought plane tickets to Poland with Kevin ... and while they landed last week without a plan, they knew they would find a way to pitch in, and they did.

Jordan and Kevin say their U.S. passports are being put to good use ... the travel docs allow them to cross into the country with relative ease, unlike other truck drivers who came to help from countries in the European Union.


It also helps Jordan knows how to use a manual transmission ... he says he grew up driving all sorts of vehicles back in the States ... and Jordan's tale of how they got their gig is pretty incredible.

While the deliveries are being made to Ukraine military forces, Jordan and Kevin are not exactly running firearms here ... they say they are delivering essential items, like food, blankets and gasoline.

There's also a bunch of manual labor involved ... they've got to load up the trucks each day with boxes, then unload them once they make it to their drop spots in Ukraine.

Jordan and Kevin have been on the ground in Poland and Ukraine since March 3, and they're not sure when they will leave ... but they tell us why their Ukrainian comrades are confident Vladimir Putin's invasion will be foiled.

Ukraine Troops Play Checkers ... With Molotov Cocktails

Ukraine is in a chess match with Putin's army -- but some of the brave men on the ground are playing a different game ... and they have some interesting board pieces.

Check out these photos of Ukrainian soldiers locked in on a round of checkers -- but instead of red and black chips like you might normally see ... they got Molotov cocktails out! Unclear how they're distinguishing between bottles -- but if you look closely, it seems some of the caps might be different colors.

Kinda surreal to see, especially knowing that they're putting these weapons to use beyond just a game.

Of course ... we've seen ordinary citizens using these puppies to fight back against Russian forces, with local businesses (like breweries and whatnot) creating these on the fly and getting them out to the public for defense.

Indeed, the government has given folks there the greenlight to chuck the cocktails as they see fit -- and after the way the Russian army has been targeting civilians lately ... you can understand why they'd let 'em fly.

Looks like the Ukrainian soldiers have a fair amount themselves ... and until they're needed for flinging in battle, would appear they're putting them to good use elsewhere.

King me!

Ukraine Devastation Inside Buildings, Homes

We've seen buildings getting blown to bits from the outside looking in as Russia continues to invade Ukraine -- but here's a peak at the horror from behind closed doors.

This goes without saying ... but it doesn't go without showing. These are photos from inside homes and businesses hit by mortar and missiles throughout the besieged country -- and as you can see, it's utter devastation.

One shot appears to show a gym that's been decimated ... equipment destroyed and scattered about ... totally covered in ash and soot.

There's even some fires that are still going as a result of whatever attack this edifice endured -- again ... just giving you a sense of how bad the property damage is on the ground.

The same can be said for individual people's homes ... which are being turned upside down amid the conflict, with drawers being blown out ... and personal items and debris thrown every which way indoors. Those who are still around are trying to pick up the pieces.

Of course, this is to be expected considering the types of weaponry being unleashed onto the Ukrainian people at the hands of the Russians -- specifically, under the orders of Vladimir Putin. You hear about this stuff, but seeing it is a whole other story.

Ukraine NOW/Telegram

Also worth mentioning ... the cost to repair all this once the dust settles will be astronomical, so even when this horrible chapter closes -- it'll be far from over in terms of recovery.

Ukraine Elderly Fleeing War Zones Get Help Wheelchairs, Wheelbarrows

The exodus from Ukraine is heartbreaking on so many levels -- more than a million-and-a-half people fleeing their homeland as Putin viciously bombs civilian and other targets.

The struggle to leave is especially hard on the elderly ... but their fellow Ukrainians are doing everything in their power to help them with safe passage.

These images are extremely compelling and powerful, and underscore the humanity within the borders of Ukraine.

Elderly citizens are crossing the border in wheelchairs, walkers and whatever other means that are available. As harrowing as it seems -- literally using wheelbarrows to get the infirmed out of harm's way -- it's necessary and it's working.

Seeing soldiers and civilians carry some of the elderly on piggy-back is as inspiring as it is desperate.

This is being played out over and over as the war escalates. It's beyond sad to know a lot of these people have got to be wondering if they'll ever return to the place they were born and lived their lives.

Ukraine Film Star Pasha Lee Dead at 33 Killed by Russian Shelling

Ukrainian actor Pasha Lee was killed while fighting off Russian forces -- having gone from entertainer to soldier who put himself on the front lines in the battle for his country.

Lee died while serving in the Ukrainian army this weekend, falling at the hands of Russian occupiers who were bombarding the city of Irpin with mortar shells -- this according to the Odesa International Film Festival, which broke the news about his passing.

They memorialized him by listing his film credentials, including roles in "Shtolnya," "Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors," "Zvychayna Sprava," "The Fight Rules," "Meeting of Classmates" and more.

He's also done commercial and TV work, as well as voice acting -- and not just that ... but the dude was apparently known as a composer and theater actor too.

The OIFF wrote, "We call on the world community to help Ukraine in the fight against Russia and stop the war. We urge you to close the sky over Ukraine immediately and continue to boycott Russian cinema."

Unclear when he joined the Ukrainian armed forces -- but Lee is reported to have served in a territorial defense unit ... which apparently saw action in Irpin, an area that was under siege all weekend long -- as many saw first-hand in brutal fashion.

Ukrainian actress Anastasiya Kasilova -- one of his fellow costars -- mourned his death by taking to social media and writing ... "Pasha Li killed during the shelling in Irpen, defending Ukraine. He is an actor, TV presenter, my colleague and a good acquaintance… Not so long ago we shot together in a teaser for a children's film…Never forgive!"

He was 33.


Sean Penn Emotionally Recalls Meeting Zelensky During Russian Attacks

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Sean Penn gets choked up remembering his face-to-face meetings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as war erupted ... and as Russia's invasion intensifies, he's commending Zelensky's bravery.

Speaking out for the first time since leaving war-torn Ukraine, Penn told CNN's Anderson Cooper he couldn't help but praise Zelensky for all he's doing to protect his people. He said, "I don't know if he knew that he was born for this, but it was clear I was in the presence of something ... that was new to the modern world in terms of courage and dignity and love that comes out of that man."

Penn says he met Ukraine's president before the invasion, and then again on the day it started -- amid the chaos and uncertainty, he says Zelensky showed nothing but courage ... which Penn says is also evident in all Ukrainians.

He described his escape to the Polish border as pure terror -- seeing thousands of families fleeing for their lives while the men were forced to stay behind and defend their country ... as the Russian shelling began.

Penn believes after seeing the nightmare first-hand, negative effects could ripple out to the rest of the world ... adding America could "plummet off a cliff" if it doesn't choose to support Ukraine.

Russia's War Ukrainian Woman Shot and Killed ... Delivering Dog Food to Shelter

A Ukrainian woman was killed trying to save dogs that were abandoned during the war.

Anastasiia Yalanskaya was delivering dog food to a shelter outside Kyiv, when she was shot and killed by Russian troops. Her family believes the shooting was intentional ... that Anastasiia was targeted by members of the Russian military.

Two other volunteers were also killed.

The town where this happened -- Bucha -- has been the site of unrelenting aggression by the Russian army ... with daily bombings.

She posted a photo of her in a car next to bags of dog food she intended to deliver ... the Insta post went up just hours before Anastasiia was shot and killed.

The attack occurred while she was still in her car ... having just delivered the food.  The car was bullet-ridden.

Anastasiia's husband said, "She was one of the best human beings I knew. She was committed to help, to help her friends and relatives and whoever needed help."

He added, "She loved animals. We had a dog and a cat. She was the best partner I ever had."

Ukrainian UFC Fighter Maryna Moroz Cries for Ukraine After Spectacular Win


Ukrainian UFC fighter Maryna Moroz won her match Saturday night, and she dissolved into tears afterward telling fans about the heartbreak she and her family are going through in the wake of Putin's war.

Maryna's win against Mariya Agapova was awesome ... an arm-triangle choke ended the fight in the second round.

Joe Rogan talked to Maryna in the Octagon after the decision was announced, and she confessed it's been a hard week for her and her family. She says she's heartbroken over the attack on her country ... "My family is in Ukraine. I had a hard week. I worried, I cried, because my family is right now in a bad situation."

She added, "Thank you to everyone who messaged me, because this week was hard for me. I want to cry because of this war my country is in. It's a hard time for Ukraine. I want to support my country, my president, whole army in Ukraine, and I want to say we don't want war. I worry about my family right now."


Before the fight, Maryna talked to TMZ Sports ... and had some choice words for Vladimir Putin -- "F**k you, bitch! I love my country. Don't touch Ukraine!"

Elon Musk Assures Zelensky More Starlink Stations On the Way

It seems in this increasingly troubled world, all roads lead to Elon Musk, and that was evident again Saturday after he hopped on a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Zelensky says Musk is providing more Starlink satellite internet stations to some of Ukraine's "destroyed cities."

Musk assured Zelensky terminals are on the way to Ukraine ... courtesy of SpaceX.

Zelensky said, "Talked to @elonmusk. I’m grateful to him for supporting Ukraine with words and deeds. Next week we will receive another batch of Starlink systems for destroyed cities."

And this is interesting ... Zelensky is confident about the future of Ukraine to add, "Discussed possible space projects. But I’ll talk about this after the war.”

There's been a massive number of internet outages in Ukraine, and Musk had said a few days ago he was stepping up to activate Starlink satellite internet service to the country.

The Ukrainian Minister of Digital Transformation had tweeted a plea to Musk a few days ago, "@elonmusk, while you try to colonize Mars — Russia try to occupy Ukraine! While your rockets successfully land from space — Russian rockets attack Ukrainian civil people! We ask you to provide Ukraine with Starlink stations and to address sane Russians to stand."

Musk apparently heard the Minister loud and clear.