Bethenny Frankel Foundation Raises $25 Mil for Ukrainians

Bethenny Frankel has done something pretty incredible ... she's raising $25 MILLION for Ukrainian relief, and she's not done.

As we reported, Bethenny's foundation -- BStrong -- has been raising cash for badly-needed aid. She says $10 mil has been earmarked to help in the relocation of Ukrainian refugees, and the remaining $15 mil will provide food, medical aid and other necessities inside the war-torn country.

Bethenny said, "We are partnering with different apparel companies, food companies, lodging companies to be announced later, to place these people in lodging."

This isn't the first humanitarian effort in which she's been involved ... her foundation has helped with various disasters around the world since 2017.


Bethenny told us on "TMZ Live" how the foundation works and what they're doing to help innocent civilians whose lives have been turned upside down or destroyed by Putin's war.

The foundation is still raising cash ... and every little bit helps.

Ukraine IVF Clinics Under Threat Kyiv Doc Trying to Save Embryos


11:30 AM PT -- IVMED lab director, Birol Aydin, tells TMZ ... he was able to successfully transport all 17 tanks out of Ukraine via trucks and cars.


He adds ... "There are 2 reason why I did this. Firstly, of course, I am an embryologist and all (the) embryos are created by me. Any mother or father will not leave their kids easy and it's the same for me. The second reason, liquid nitrogen explosion is quite dangerous in case of fire or some other chemicals mixed up. It was best to move them safety."


Aydin finishes by saying, "We have 12.000 of patient's embryos and oocytes in these storages. Can you imagine all got damage! How I can continue to live with that? Many clinics already get damaged while they are bombing everywhere."

As Ukrainians try fleeing while Putin wreaks havoc -- one group that's been all but forgotten is ... unborn kids in the form of embryos, which some docs are fighting hard to save.

Word of a brave practitioner named Birol Aydin -- who runs an IVF clinic called IVMED in Kyiv -- has spread to the community online, and the story goes ... this man has attempted to remove a number of cryogenic tanks containing precious would-be life out of the country.

As one Yale professor puts it on FB ... Aydin supposedly tried smuggling upwards of 17 cryo tanks on day 1 of the Russian invasion, and after 5 days of travel -- he finally reached the border and was apparently able to get at least five of the tanks out of Ukraine in the first trip.

The professor, Cihan Halicigil, says he's hearing that Aydin had to go back for the rest shortly thereafter ... also noting he's a Turkish citizen, and under no obligation to do this.

As for the rest of the clinics in town, it's said to be very dangerous right now ... with a majority of the tanks being stored in bunkers with a low supply of liquid nitrogen (needed to keep them cold) and not a great outlook of viability the longer this conflict lasts.

Even more troubling is the fact that any male IVF docs and/or staffers are reported to have taken up arms in the military there to help fight ... leaving the facilities unmanned and mostly abandoned as Russia continues to move in on the capital.

Halicigil -- who's in the loop on all this from here in the U.S. -- tells TMZ ... these tanks contain anything from eggs and sperm to full-blown embryos that must remain at -196 degrees Celsius, or perish. The conflict has created a supply issue for the liquid nitrogen needed to help keep these tanks up and running -- and that the best of them can stay up and functioning for up to a couple months, assuming all other conditions are favorable.

As for Aydin, it sounds like he was able to get all 17 tanks to a safe place in a bordering country -- but Hilicigil wouldn't give that up for security reasons. Scary stuff, indeed.

Originally Published -- 11:03 AM PT

Russian Invasion Ukrainians Shoot Down Russian Chopper with Missile

Ukraine is getting pummeled by the Russian military, but not at zero cost, and this image of a Russian helicopter going down in flames is proof ... Ukrainians still have a lot of fight left in them.

It appears the helicopter was cruising along when it was hit by a Ukrainian missile. You see the chopper burst into flames as it crashes to the ground.

The direct hit causes the helicopter to explode in a fireball. It looks like the video was shot from a drone. As the chopper goes down, you hear someone say "Glory to Ukraine!"

It's unclear where the incident occurred, but there are reports it's around 25 miles from Kyiv.

The type of helicopter is commonly referred to as a "flying tank" because of its size. The type of helicopter was featured in 'Rambo: First Blood Part II' and "Rambo III."

The Russians have ramped up their assault on the country, now appearing to routinely bomb civilian targets. The destruction is devastating.



Lindsey Graham is getting dragged for saying someone in Russia should murder Putin, and by a person that knows a lot about the subject -- the Navy SEAL who shot and killed Osama bin Laden.

Robert O'Neill tells TMZ ... as a Senator, Graham shouldn't have made those comments. He notes Graham's a part of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and believes the Senator should be using those backdoor channels to get the work done instead of talking about it on news TV -- noting politicians shouldn't be worrying about ratings.

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Fox News

Senator Graham took to Fox News on Friday, responding to the terrors developing in Ukraine ... saying "The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out. You would be doing your country and the world a great service."

Now, Robert doesn't completely disagree with Graham, telling us someone on the inside should put a hit on Putin if the madness doesn't end soon. For now, he's hoping this can all end without getting messy and one of Putin's associates knocks some sense into him!

Robert says Putin is losing his mind ... and something needs to get done quickly, as innocent people die every day in Ukraine.

As for Graham, he thinks both sides of politics have people that don't know what they're talking about.

Ukraine Nuclear Plant Bursts into Flames During Russian Attack

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Ukraine is on the edge of a nuclear meltdown after Russian forces attacked the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe ... sending flames into the night sky, and raising fears of another Chernobyl.

Ukrainian officials insist the Zaporizhzhia plant outside the city of Enerhodar is stable ... for now. They say reactor No. 1 was damaged, but personnel have been able to keep it operating safely. Radiation levels in the area are not at dangerous levels.


But, President Zelensky is making it crystal clear his country barely avoided total disaster. During a speech Friday he called the attack on the nuclear plant "a terror of a new level."

He also addressed citizens of Russia ... reminding them their countries were united in 1986 when the Chernobyl plant melted down in the world's biggest nuclear disaster.

Zelensky is urging Russians to demand an end to the war, because he accurately points out ... if a nuclear plant goes up in Ukraine ... the radiation won't stop at the border.

Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called for an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council to raise the issue of Russia attacking the plant.

Michael Rapaport Zelensky Is An inspiration ... From One Jewish Comedian To Another!!!


Michael Rapaport is commending President Zelensky for his bravery ... giving his seal of approval to a fellow Jewish man and comedian.

We got Michael in NYC on Thursday, and he had nothing but praise for the Ukrainian President -- who Rapaport believes has been a great leader through such uncertain times.

Michael tells us "[Zelensky]'s been vocal, he's been emotional ... it's been inspiring to me as a Jewish man."

As for how he'd handle a situation similar to Zelensky, Rapaport jokes he'd simply call the guy for help.


Of course, Zelensky was a very famous comedian and actor in Ukraine before becoming President, a role Rapaport believes he should keep -- because he's excelling -- and leave the entertainment biz behind.

Before Zelensky was elected into office in 2019, he starred in a show called "Servant of the People," where he filled a similar role -- a teacher that becomes president and becomes an icon of bravery. Life imitating art.

'DWTS' MAKSIM CHMERKOVSKIY Reunites With Wife in America ... After Escaping Ukraine War

LionsShareNews / BACKGRID

Maksim Chmerkovskiy has made it to safety in the United States after fleeing war-torn Ukraine ... and he just reunited with his wife at the airport.

Check out this emotional video of the "Dancing With The Stars" alumni Wednesday at LAX ... you can see he's happy to see his better half, Peta Murgatroyd, after a harrowing experience in Europe ... and they share a long embrace and kiss.

Maksim is clearly impacted by what he witnessed in the middle of war ... and he says he's just trying to process all that just happened in Kyiv, where bombs are exploding.

It's scary ... Maksim says when he was in Ukraine he was told to get a gun and watch YouTube videos on how to use an AK-47 ... but he says he opted to document everything for the world to see, using his iPhone as a weapon instead of a firearm.

Maksim's also got some strong words for Russian strongman Vladimir Putin ... wishing him a similar fate as Adolf Hitler.

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It's the culmination of a long journey for Maksim as he flees his native Ukraine and the Russian invasion devastating his countrymen.

Maksim, who lived in Ukraine until he was 14 and then recently returned to Kyiv to work on a dance competition show, documented much of the daring journey on social media ... first sharing a video of him on a balcony in the capital while sirens blared around him.

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Stuck in Kyiv as Russian forces surrounded the city, Maksim spent time in a bomb shelter before boarding a train bound for Poland. The train ended up being packed to the gills, and during the journey to Warsaw he says he witnessed a boy say goodbye to his dad.

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About 16 hours ago, Maksim boarded a plane from Poland ... and now he's reached safety in the USA.

Maksim's obviously going through a lot of emotions ... and he's thanking everyone in his country who took up arms, the neighboring countries offering support, and the news media on the ground in Ukraine.

Helen Mirren A Zelensky Film is Premature ... We Don't know How it Ends


Helen Mirren thinks the internet is jumping the gun over a possible film based on the war in Ukraine ... saying it's way too premature, because we don't know how the story ends.

We got Helen at LAX on Wednesday ...  and talked to her about the prospects of a film about Ukrainian President Zelensky and his bravery during the Russian invasion.

"Culture always responds to what is happening in the world," she tells TMZ. "The end of that story, we don't know yet, clearly."

Helen also weighed in on Jeremy Renner playing Zelensky -- it's making the rounds on social while she says she's not the one to make that call, she notes Renner is quite the actor -- more than capable for the challenge.

Helen mirrors the sentiment of her fellow actors -- supports Ukraine and the artists that have been affected by the conflict.

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As you know by now, Zelensky starred in "Servant of the People" playing a school teacher who was improbably elected president and became a heroic leader ... sound familiar?

Jon Stewart Zelensky's Got Real Balls


Jon Stewart is blown away by what he's seeing in Ukraine ... first by Volodymyr Zelensky's remarkable leadership, and second by seeing war play out in real-time on social media.

We got the former 'Daily Show' host Wednesday on Capitol Hill and asked him about the Russian invasion and what he's seeing from his fellow comic, who is now leading Ukraine.

Jon says comedians are usually not the most courageous bunch  ... which is what makes Zelensky's strong leadership in the face of the massive Russian army so impressive.

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The Russians have the military advantage, at least on paper, and are bombing the crap out of Ukraine ... and Jon says it's remarkable to see Zelensky and his people holding it together in the face of danger.

Ukraine NOW/Telegram

Jon also says it's unfathomable to see the real cost of war unfold on TikTok, pointing out it's a lot more intense than the old WWII footage, and offers this sobering point ... we're not that far away from the grand mistakes of the past.

Still, it's clear Jon believes Ukraine is in good hands with their entertainer-turned-president ... and Stewart tells us if he thinks another celeb president would work in the States.

Transgender Woman I'm Fighting 2 Wars in Ukraine ... Fears Russians & Transphobic Ukrainians


A Ukrainian woman trapped in her Kyiv home says she's fighting a "war within a war," because she's transgender and worries transphobic Ukrainians -- who are now armed -- might get her before the Russians.

Zi Faámelu says "it was hell" living as a trans person in the capital of Ukraine, even before the Russian invasion, but now she's unable to flee out of fear leaving her apartment will be more dangerous for her.

While all her friends and neighbors have been able to evacuate the city, she told CBS News, "I don't want to go outside. I am literally scared for my life."

Ukraine NOW/Telegram

Zi says the country isn't accepting of LGBTQ folks, and she's painfully aware that many of the men who've stayed behind as volunteer soldiers have guns. So, in a twisted way, she thinks staying trapped in her home -- as bombs and missiles explode around her -- feels like the better option.

Even if she makes it to the border, Zi says she'll be blocked from leaving because "If you have male gender on your passport [as a woman] they will not let you abroad... they will not let you through."

Her most immediate crisis is a dwindling reserve of food as the Russian assault on Kyiv intensifies ... and it all leaves Zi feeling trapped on all fronts.

Yevhen Malyshev Ukrainian Biathlete Killed In War With Russia ... 19 Years Old

Yevhen Malyshev -- a former Ukrainian biathlete -- lost his life while defending his country in the war with Russia ... officials announced Wednesday. He was only 19 years old.

The International Biathlon Union's executive board released a statement confirming the tragic news earlier this week ... saying Malyshev died following Russia's invasion.

"The EB expresses its deepest condolences on the loss," officials said.

Specific details surrounding the circumstances of his passing are unclear ... though officials added he died "serving in the Ukrainian military."

Malyshev raced for Ukraine's biathlon junior team in 2018 and ended his career when the pandemic started in 2020.

"The EB once again condemns the Russian attacks on Ukraine and the support provided by Belarus and reiterates its hope for an immediate end to the war," officials said.

It's been common for Ukrainian athletes to take up arms in the country since Russia's attack ... with star boxers Oleksandr Usyk, Vasyl Lomachenko, Vitali Klitschko and Wladimir Klitschko already in the country fighting off invaders.

Ukrainian tennis star Sergiy Stakhovsky also left his family in Hungary to fight ... saying on "Good Morning Britain," "The world needs to unite and stop this mess."

Tragically, several other Ukrainian athletes have been killed during the war ... with the FIFPRO World Players Union saying earlier this week "young Ukrainian footballers Vitalii Sapylo (21) and Dmytro Martynenko (25)" also passed away.


Whoopi Goldberg Pay Attention, America ... 'Take Notes' from Prez Zelensky


Whoopi Goldberg hopes Americans never have to imagine being in a situation similar to the Russia-Ukraine war -- but if we do, we should get inspiration from Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky.

We got Whoopi leaving Harry Belafontes 95th birthday party at The Town Hall Tuesday night in New York and asked what Americans can learn from Zelensky, and her response was simple -- keep fighting for your country!

Whoopi says what we're seeing in Ukraine is nothing short of heroics ... with Zelensky refusing to leave his people behind, and defending your homeland is something everyone can get behind.

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Zelensky has been proving his bravery, since leading his country's charge to fend off Vladimir Putin's Russian forces, and gave a rousing speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday ... saying he'd fight to the death for his country.

The speech -- coming on the heels of an attack on Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city -- received a standing ovation.

Following countless attacks on his country, Zelensky refuses to accept defeat ... urging his citizens to join him in the battle.

President Zelensky Mr. Putin, 'You are Killing Holocaust Victims for the Second Time'


President Volodymyr Zelensky turned the tables on Putin Wednesday, telegraphing he was acting like a Nazi by bombing a sacred part of his country that has become a memorial to Ukrainian Holocaust victims.

Zelensky was incredulous over the Russians bombing Babyn Yar, the site where 33,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis in 1941. It is sacred ground in Ukraine and the bombing has further galvanized the country.


It's rich, right? Putin brazenly lied in a weak attempt to justify the invasion by saying he was doing it to rid Ukraine of Nazis, but by bombing Babyn Yar he's acted like one himself. As Zelensky said, "You are killing Holocaust victims for the second time."

Zelensky went on to observe, "Nazism is born in silence." He has been defending his country on 2 fronts -- internally against the Russians, and externally by pressuring the U.S., European allies and other countries to lend a hand.

As the Russian invasion intensified, Zelensky remains strong, speaking of what things will look like "after the victory."

He ended with 3 simple but stirring words ... "Glory to Ukraine!"

Pres. Biden's SOTU Justice Breyer Goes Full-Blown Humble ... During Shout-Out

White House/Fox News

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer got name-dropped at President Biden's State of the Union address -- but even on his way out ... the guy was a picture of modesty, almost to the point that it was kinda funny.

Biden mentioned Breyer was retiring at one point in his speech, and took a moment to thank him for his service on the bench -- over 2 decades worth -- which got a big round of applause from just about everybody in the House Chamber ... Dems and Republicans alike.

You could tell the longtime SCOTUS servant was grateful for the shout-out, but watch what happened when JB asked him to stand ... he obliged, but almost immediately parked it again after a brief rise to his feet!

He was also doing a ton of appreciative hand gestures, mouthing "thank you" and waving to both Biden and the congress members ... like we said, very humble and meek.

Funny enough, Justice Breyer kept the deferential vibes going even the Prez had wrapped up his remarks ... sharing a quick word with him on the House floor, but then allowing Joe to shake hands with others as soon as he sensed his time with 46 was nearing an end.

Super respectful of him ... which just speaks to his character -- aka, good dude. Other Justices were on hand as well -- including Amy Coney Barrett, Elena Kagan, Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts. JB's newest pick, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, was also mentioned.

Prez Zelensky Ready for Primetime in UK!!! Network Buys His Sitcom

While Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky is desperately hoping the European Union will accept his country, British TV's already welcoming him with open arms by buying his sitcom ... about becoming prez.

Zelensky's comedy, "Servant of the People," is going to be airing on the UK's Channel 4, which purchased the series ... clearly seizing on the Ukrainian leader's worldwide popularity as he stands up to Vladimir Putin's Russian forces.

Channel 4's not wasting any time either -- 'Servant' will reportedly start airing this Sunday night.

The show, which ran for 3 seasons in Ukraine, is about an everyday guy who's elected president and grows into his role as a beloved and heroic leader. Think "Veep" ... minus the heroism.

One scene from the show's already gone viral because it's kinda spot on with real-world events. It shows Zelensky getting a call from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who informs him he's been accepted into the EU. The prez starts celebrating -- even drops an f-bomb -- but then Merkel says she dialed the wrong number.

Good stuff, but the actual President Zelensky, and his citizens, are hoping for a real call now ... and the EU's military support to fend off Russia.

Ukraine's Zelensky Rousing Speech to European Parliament ... Amid Russian Bombing

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had fellow European leaders on their feet after pleading for entry into the EU ... this after a devastating attack on the country's second-largest city.

Zelensky beamed in to address the European Parliament Tuesday, where he spent about 3 minutes addressing what he and his people are currently fighting for -- namely, freedom and sovereignty from Russia, whose forces unleashed a missile attack on an area called Freedom Square in Kharkiv ... destroying a building and killing at least 10.

Ukraine accused Russia of terrorism and war crimes as a result, and the destruction was top of mind for Zelensky Tuesday during his speech -- one that drew applause (and perhaps even tears) from representatives of several neighboring countries, who listened attentively.

Ukraine NOW/Telegram

Of the many memorable lines he said, Zelensky's mention of the price of freedom Ukraine was paying to preserve its borders was one he was happily willing to pay -- even as the situation becomes more dire by the day, and Russia's military closes in.

And yet, Zelensky said he'd fight to the death, if necessary, to make sure Ukraine is maintained ... this while also reasserting his request to be allowed entry into the EU as quickly as possible -- so that Ukraine can receive even more help, including on-the-ground reinforcements if necessary.

He also said that every square in Ukraine would be known as Freedom Square in the wake of Tuesday's attack -- finally issuing one final plea to ask the EU to stand with them beyond what they're already doing ... again, by granting them a membership to the EU ASAP.

When he wrapped ... the entire room gave him a standing O and a huge round of applause. Zelensky even had the CNN translator weeping during multiple sections of his remarks.