Ukraine Big Bands, Acts Still Scheduled to Perform in Russia ... Amid Ongoing Conflict


2:27 PM PT -- 3/2 Add Slipknot to the list of groups that will no longer play in Russia. The band just announced, "We had looked forward to reuniting with our fans in these incredible cities ... But we take this step in support of our community in our solidarity with the people of Ukraine, for whom the struggle continues, in a new and more terrible form.


The group continues, "We also acknowledge that our Russian and Belarusian fans are overwhelmingly united with the Ukrainians in their fight for peace."


7:39 AM PT -- A rep for Clapton tells us his shows -- St. Petersburg and 2 in Moscow in June -- have been canceled and "... it is highly unlikely that they will be reinstated at any time."

As Putin invades Ukraine, there are a handful of big-name bands and musicians scheduled to perform in Mother Russia ... and not a whole lot of answers on whether they'll proceed.

A good handful of artists have already announced they're nixing any further concerts in Ukraine and Russia -- including Imagine Dragons, Green Day and Louis Tomlinson ... most of whom did so out of protest, or just sheer safety for their fans.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

And yet ... there are even more set to take the stage in cities like St. Petersburg or Moscow -- including acts like Eric Clapton, Judas Priest, Bjork, Korn, Slipknot, Gorillaz and Five Finger Death Punch.

All these bands have shows booked between May and July -- be it one-off solo shows, 2 or 3 shows, or even as part of a larger organized event. We reached out to all of them ... only to hear back from Korn, who told us they had no comment on their plans.

For everyone else ... the jury's still out on what they're going to do.

The Killers -- who were going to play the Park Live Festival along with a handful of the above-mentioned bands -- just told us Monday they're refusing to play in Russia ... so it would seem some of these musicians are more decisive on the issue than others.

In all fairness, it's possible there are folks who are waiting to see how things shake out over the next few weeks -- perhaps in hopes that this thing gets resolved before their gigs.

Originally Published -- 1:00 AM PT

Ukraine Normal Citizens Are Fighting Back!!! Journo Explains from War's Frontline


Ukrainians are fighting tooth and nail against Russian forces trying to take over the country, but it isn't just the military in the bunkers ... it's normal citizens too.

Journalist Terrell Jermaine Starr broke down this breathtaking -- and sometimes heartbreaking -- aspect of the Russian invasion when he joined us Monday on "TMZ Live." He's embedded with a group of volunteers in Kyiv who've answered the call to take up arms and battle the Russian superpower.

One important factor here ... as Terrell told us, these aren't trained soldiers, they're ordinary folks -- from shoemakers to lawyers -- fighting to preserve their freedom and sovereignty with little to no military training.


Starr has one of these volunteers with him in the car -- a guy named Andriy Koronenko -- who says the end game is fending off Russia and getting its soldiers the hell out of their borders ... but it's a daunting task for volunteer platoons.

Based on local reports, it would appear groups like these are actually finding success in certain confrontations. We've seen Ukrainians decimating a good amount of Russian tanks and, in some cases, wiping out entire convoys on the move.

As you know ... the government has told its citizenry to get creative on pushing back, which includes homemade Molotov cocktails they're encouraging folks to chuck at passing Russians.

Here's hoping their efforts start making some big impacts sooner than later -- and that the rest of the world can force Putin into retreat too.

Derek Jeter Quits Miami Marlins CEO Gig ... Cites Differences In 'Vision For The Future'

Derek Jeter's run as Miami Marlins CEO is over ... the MLB legend just announced he's quitting the gig over differences in "the vision for the future of the franchise."

Jeter and the team made the surprising announcement Monday morning ... with the ex-Yankees captain making it clear in a statement that he wanted out.

"Through hard work, trust and accountability, we transformed every aspect of the franchise, reshaping the workforce, and developing a long-term strategic plan for success," said Jeter, who took over the CEO role back in 2017.

"That said, the vision for the future of the franchise is different than the one I signed up to lead. Now is the right time for me to step aside as a new season begins."

No word yet on who will replace Jeter or where he'll go next ... but the 47-year-old did say he would be giving up his four percent stake in the team.

The Marlins only made the playoffs once during Jeter's tenure as CEO ... losing in the NLDS to the Atlanta Braves in 2020. The team, though, does now have a promising young lineup and pitching rotation.

"The organization is stronger today than it was five years ago," Jeter said, "and I am thankful and grateful to have been a part of this team.”

Ukrainian Invasion Ukraine Military Annihilate Russian Convoy ... On Outskirts of Kyiv


Ukrainian soldiers kicked Russia's ass in a battle that left Russian tanks destroyed in the road and Russian soldiers dead ... and the person who is probably most surprised is the aggressor himself -- Vladimir Putin.

The video shows the aftermath of a massive battle on the outskirts of the capital -- in a town called Bucha ... which shows tons of Russian military equipment and vehicles torched up and utterly destroyed ... apparently at the hands of the Ukrainian army.

Ukrainian officials say as many as 100 units of enemy equipment were stopped in their tracks  ... which halted a convoy that was trying to make its way toward the epicenter of the nation.

As you see in the videos ... it was more than just tanks and armored vehicles that got blown up. Surrounding buildings and homes also suffered some ruin during the fight -- but it sounds like there were more Russian casualties than Ukrainian.

While the official tally varies from source to source ... some European officials estimate as many as 50 Russian aircraft, 150 tanks and 4,300 soldiers have either perished or been successfully pushed back.

CNN's Matthew Chance also got compelling on-the-ground footage of the aftermath ... and it was clearly a bloody affair, as he actually panned to a dead man left behind -- whom he claimed was a Russian.

Point being ... Ukraine is holding its own, and there are some reports that Russia's actually getting clobbered out in the field. The question ... how will Putin respond? Time will tell.

Ukraine Crisis Racism Claims Start to Emerge ... Africans Can't Flee???

As millions of people attempt to leave Ukraine and seek refuge in neighboring countries, a disturbing trend has surfaced ... namely, Africans, allegedly, being discriminated against.

Several videos and accounts have emerged over the past 24 hours or so from Africans and other POC, who claim they are not being allowed to board certain trains and other modes of transportation to flee Ukraine -- and they think it's because of the color of their skin.

This mostly appears to be happening at the Ukrainian-Polish border in the northwest region, where many allege that border agents and local police are literally letting white Ukrainians hop on in ... while refusing access -- or at the very least, limiting access -- to Black people.

Multiple clips appear to show scores of African migrants and/or expatriates being left behind at train stations -- and not just that, but actually being pushed back as they try to enter.

One clip shows a group of Africans who appear to have weapons drawn on them, and they shout that they're unarmed students ... tensions escalating quickly. It's unclear who exactly may be deciding who's able to book it out of there first and how -- but the feeling among those on standby (in some cases for days, it seems) is that they're a second-rate class.

As you can imagine, this is creating resentment and frustration -- especially for those who see this from afar and can't help but wonder ... how can racism persist in a time of war???

It's a fair question ... especially if what looks to be happening here is, in fact, going down as described. There isn't much context in a lot of the videos beyond what's being claimed by the person on camera and/or the person posting it. Still ... it looks damning on the face of things.

Many users -- African-American and otherwise -- are sounding off online ... noting that even when Black people show solidarity against a nation in crisis -- those on the ground still might have to go above and beyond for a shred of dignity or mere safety, while others are being afforded exactly that without a blink of the eye. That's the consensus, anyway.

As we've told you ... Russia continues to invade Ukraine, and the military there is trying its best to defend itself -- while Western allies keep putting the financial squeeze on Putin and his people.

We've heard countless stories of bordering countries and their residents receiving Ukrainian refugees with open arms -- it's a shame that might not be happening everywhere.

Elon Musk SpaceX Will Save the Day ... If Russia Tries Sending ISS Hurtling Toward Earth


12:01 PM PT -- It seems Elon can walk and chew gum at the same time -- while he was declaring he'd save the world if push came to shove with Russia ... he was also chowing down with locals in Texas.


Check out these photos we got of EM at the Sombrero Festival in Brownsville Saturday, where Papa Bear showed up with his young son, X, whom he was holding.


We're told he was in town giving a speech about SpaceX, and after someone invited him to the festivities ... he decided to take 'em up on the offer.


Looks like he was given some fresh barbecue too while he was at it ... Elon was photographed wolfing down some sort of kebob thing, with a spiral potato on the stick. That's good eating for a potential Earth savior ... keep the guy well-fed, Texas!

Elon Musk has vowed to become a real-life action hero, saving the world -- or at least part of it -- by thwarting any attempt by the Russian Government to send the International Space Station hurtling toward earth.

Musk is reacting to a Russian space official who menacingly suggested the ISS could lose its trajectory and careen toward the U.S. or Europe if the Russians sabotage the craft. The official suggested sanctions could trigger the move. Russia controls the engines on the ISS, and it can direct the trajectory accordingly.

Musk's Twitter response ... a SpaceX logo.

Someone on Twitter inquired if E.M. was suggesting SpaceX would prevent the ISS from plummeting to earth. His response -- "Yes."

Musk acknowledged another tweet with the ISS, but one thing was missing -- any evidence of Russia. Instead, the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft was front and center.  Elon responded, "Good thread."

The ISS could do lots of damage for sure ... it weighs in at 500 tons.

As for how serious the threat, the Russian official said, "The ISS does not fly over Russia, therefore all the risks are yours. Are you ready for them?"

NASA says nothing's changing with respect to ISS operations. What's unclear ... can Russia do what it's threatening?

Don't count Musk out ... NASA has increasingly relied on SpaceX for space exploration.

Originally Published -- 6:43 AM PT

'SNL' Cold Open's Moving Tribute to Ukraine ... John Mulaney Hosts for 5th time

'SNL' broke from tradition Saturday night ... there were no laughs in the cold open -- instead, there was a moving tribute to Ukraine.

The show opened with Kate McKinnon and Cecily Strong somberly introducing the Ukrainian Chorus Dumka of New York. The choir sang a mournful song called "Prayer for Ukraine."

The Chorus has a deep connection to both Ukraine and the U.S. ... Ukrainian immigrants back in the 1940's created the Chorus to preserve their Ukrainian heritage and celebrate music ... something deeply important in Ukrainian culture.

A table filled with candles was center stage, spelling the name of the capital -- Kyiv.

'SNL' has broken from tradition with serious cold opens only a few times in the past -- notably, after 9/11 Paul Simon sang "The Boxer" as first responders and then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani stood by.

BTW ... John Mulaney hosted the show for the 5th time, and hilariously mentioned his cocaine addiction and rehab stint, saying, "It's wonderful to be in a place that always emphasized sobriety and mental health."

Miss Grand Ukraine Beauty Queen Now a Soldier ... Warns Russia, We'll Shoot to Kill

The Ukrainian people have mounted a heroic resistance to Russian aggression ... people from all walks of life, including beauty queens.

Anastasiia Lenna, aka former Miss Grand Ukraine, is now a member of Ukraine's fighting force to block Russia from taking over her country.

Lenna has influence, for sure ... with more than 115,000 Instagram followers. She's also a bad ass, writing, "Everyone who crosses the Ukrainian border with the intent to invade will be killed!"

She paid homage to the person who has become a worldwide hero -- President Volodymyr Zelensky, referring to him as "a true and strong leader."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

She's been posting pics of her in military issue ... sporting the guns she's more than willing to use to protect her homeland.

Lenna has been blasting out pleas for donations to allow her military to fight off the Russians.

Lenna has quite the resume ... she speaks 5 languages and worked as a translator and PR manager.

Ukraine President Zelenskyy Declines U.S. Offer to Evacuate ... I Need Ammo, Not a Ride

Ukraine is under attack, and while you might think its President would get the hell outta there ASAP ... Volodymyr Zelenskyy is doing the exact opposite, sticking around to fight.

Ukraine's fearless leader is showing his guts by staying on the ground in and around Kyiv -- the nation's capital -- and making sure his people know ... he isn't abandoning them in a time of crisis.

Case in point ... AP reports that sometime on Friday, Zelenskyy turned down an offer from U.S. officials to flee the country -- apparently with their help -- and instead told them ... "The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride," per sources familiar with the convo.

He later posted a video of himself next to fellow cabinet members in the middle of the night, assuring everyone there he hadn't fled -- contrary to reports, it seems -- and that he was dedicated to staying in Ukraine as long as possible to defend their sovereignty.

VZ threw up yet another video on Saturday morning echoing the same sentiment.

He said, "I am here. We are not putting down arms. We will be defending our country, because our weapon is truth, and our truth is that this is our land, our country, our children, and we will defend all of this."

BTW, reports say the Ukrainians are actually holding their own in the battle -- and, in some cases, are actually fending off Russian soldiers pretty well with the forces they currently have.

Zelenskyy further addressed Ukrainians Saturday with some encouraging news -- saying he'd gotten reassurance from neighboring countries that they'd help feed oil to Ukraine during this fight ... and not just that, but he also announced Russia had, in fact, been nixed from SWIFT.

SWIFT is an international banking communications system that Russia -- and a ton of other countries -- rely on to talk finance and money ... and removing them will further isolate Putin beyond sanctions already in place, with more consequences likely to follow.

It also sounds like President Zelenskyy has been on the horn nonstop with Western allies -- many of whom, including the U.S., are vowing support via resources and in some cases ... on-the-ground troops if needed.

It's a tricky situation, because a misstep here can unleash an all-out world war -- but all things considered ... Zelenskyy is navigating this as best as possible, and in many cases ... being hailed a hero for leading his people through a turbulent situation.

Here's the crazy part about Zelenskyy's tenure -- the guy is actually a comedian/TV star who actually played the Ukrainian Prez on his own show years before he manifested that into the real thing. He's been likened to Jon Stewart with his biting satire ... and now, he leads a war-torn nation in real life.

With all that in mind, it's incredible to see how well he's doing ... and the bravery displayed.

Daring Rescue Cruise Ship Saves Floating Migrants ... Off Coast of Cuba


A group of apparent migrants who were stuck in the big blue with nothing but each other and a raft found refuge in a nearby cruise ship -- which swooped them up in heroic fashion.

Check out this video showing a daring rescue Friday somewhere out on the Atlantic -- about 50 miles from Cuba, we're told, and en route back toward Florida -- where a Celebrity Apex came across these guys in the water ... floating aimlessly in the middle of nowhere.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Apparently, it was actually a passenger who spotted them out there ... and then sounded the alarm. The captain of the ship turned the thing around to go get 'em -- and to bring them onboard, of course.

That's exactly what happened ... but it was no easy task getting a ladder down to the stranded trio -- who struggled, at first, in securing it -- but were ultimately successful.

As you can see ... folks were cheering when they finally got a hold of the rungs and were able to hoist themselves up. We're told that the captain later explained that if they'd left them out there ... those folks would've perished, not just because of the choppy waters ... but because they simply didn't have any supplies on hand -- including absolutely no food.

In the end the U.S. Coast Guard was summoned to collect the group ... which is what they did. Unclear what might become of them -- but they'll almost certainly be processed through immigration to figure out where they need to go. At least they're alive, though!

We're told the Celebrity Apex continued on its voyage and touched down in Ft. Lauderdale Saturday. That's a tale of the high seas those vacationers won't soon forget ... no doubt.

Putin's War Ukrainians Mock Russian Troops ... After Tank Runs Out of Gas


The Ukrainians are not only a stronger force than the Russians expected, but they're also bringing attitude to the fight, and they're doing it in an awesome fashion.

Check out this video ... some Ukrainians were driving and came upon a Russian tank that apparently ran out of gas and was simply stuck in the road. Rather than hightailing it out of there, the Ukrainians mocked the Russians, asking if they wanted a tow back to Russia.

Here's the translation of how the convo went ...

Ukrainians: You guys broke down?

Russians: What?

Ukrainians: You broke down? Maybe you need a tow back to Russia.

*Both sides laugh*

Ukrainians: Do you know where you're headed?

Russians: No.

Ukrainians: Well you're headed toward Kyiv.

Russians: What are people saying?

Ukrainians: Everything is going our way. Your side is surrendering well because none of your guys know where they're headed. I asked a whole caravan of guys like you and none of you know where you're headed.

The brutal reality ... the Russian assault on Ukraine has intensified over the last 12 hours, but the Russian troops have met with intense resistance. The capital -- Kyiv -- and is the flashpoint.

Untold thousands of Ukrainians have fled their homeland, but those who are staying have made it clear ... they will not go down without a righteous fight, and they're proving it in many, many ways ... standing up against a brutal dictator who kills people he doesn't like and lies to justify invading a free country ... killing innocent civilians.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson First Black Woman Nominated to SCOTUS


11:25 AM PT -- President Biden and Judge Brown Jackson just appeared together at the White House.

Fox News

8:19 AM PT -- President Biden just made the announcement official, saying, "I’m proud to announce that I am nominating Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on the Supreme Court. Currently serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, she is one of our nation’s brightest legal minds and will be an exceptional Justice."

A 51-year-old federal appeals court judge is poised to become the first-ever black woman to sit on the United States Supreme Court.

President Biden is set to nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who sits on the prestigious Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. ... this according to ABC News.

Biden reportedly called Jackson to offer her the nom and she accepted during a call Thursday night.

Biden was true to his word when he said during the 2020 campaign he would nominate a Black woman.

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Jackson was the frontrunner from the get-go, although there were 3 other jurists Biden was considering. Jackson is a Harvard Law School grad who clerked for the Justice she's in line to replace -- Stephen Breyer.

In her early career, Jackson was a federal public defender. She'd be the first, former federal public defender to serve on the High Court since Thurgood Marshall. This is significant -- most of the Justices have no practical experience in the criminal justice system ... at least no experience in the trenches.

As for her chances, well there's a razor-thin Democrat majority in the Senate, but confirmation is likely unless there are surprises. Jackson's already been confirmed by the Senate 3 times -- twice when she was elevated to 2 federal courts and a third time when she was confirmed to sit on the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

As for how Jackson could change the court ... not much for the immediate future. She's replacing a like-minded jurist in Breyer, so the balance of power is still 6-3 in favor of conservative justices.

And, fun fact ... while she was at Harvard she acted opposite Matt Damon in a drama class.

Originally Published -- 6:43 AM PT

Ukrainian Soldiers Defiant Last Words To Russian Warship ... 'Go F*** Yourself!!!'

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

A group of Ukrainian border guards' final words are now preserved on audio -- as they faced death from Russian sailors ... they simply told the Russians to f**k off.

According to an audio recording, 13 Ukrainian soldiers who were killed Thursday while defending Zmiinyi -- or Snake Island -- gave a powerful final message as the Russian aggressors on a warship threatened to open fire.


The Russians got on a loudspeaker and demanded the Ukrainians surrender or else. In the tense moments that followed you can hear the Ukrainian guards discussing how they should respond.

One of the guards said, "Should I tell them to go f**k themselves?" ... and then uttered it over the radio. The Russians followed through and bombed the location killing all the soldiers stationed there.

Snake Island is located off the country’s southeastern shoreline, and had been approached by 2 Russian vessels after President Vladimir Putin launched the invasion.

Russia ended up assaulting the 42-acre island from the warship, and also deployed an air attack. Ukraine is reporting nearly 150 deaths and more than 300 injured after the first day of war.

F1's Sebastian Vettel I Won't Race In Russian G.P. ... Due To Ukraine Attack

If the Russian Grand Prix goes down as planned in September, Sebastian Vettel won't be there -- the 4-time Formula 1 champ says he will boycott the race over the attack on Ukraine.

"For myself, my opinion is I should not go, I will not go," the Aston Martin driver said Thursday. "I think it’s wrong to race in that country."

"I’m sorry for the people, innocent people who are losing their lives, getting killed for stupid reasons under a very strange and mad leadership."

34-year-old Vettel says he was in disbelief over the development ... and calls it "horrible" to witness.

"I'm just really shocked and sad to see what's going on. We will see going forward, but I think my decision is already made."

The Russian GP is currently slated to go down on September 25 ... but F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali said the org. will meet to determine whether or not to pull the race following the recent developments.

"Formula One is closely watching the very fluid developments like many others and at this time has no further comment on the race scheduled for September," F1 said in a statement.

"We will continue to monitor the situation very closely."

Vettel isn't the only champ sounding off on the Russia/Ukraine conflict -- Red Bull's Max Verstappen also weighed in on Thursday.

"When a country is at war it's not correct to race there, that's for sure."

Story developing ...

Sean Penn I'm In Ukraine Filming Doc On Russian Invasion

Sean Penn is in the thick of the Russian invasion of Ukraine ... and he's filming a documentary the Ukrainians say will tell the world the truth about what's going down.

Sean popped up Thursday in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, after the Russians invaded ... and Ukraine's government says Penn is there to capture the conflict on film.

The Office of the President of Ukraine says Sean is showing "courage and honesty" ... characteristics they say are lacking among many western politicians.

As you see, Sean sat in on a press briefing Thursday in Kyiv ... listening to government officials. The Ukrainians say Sean also spoke to journalists, the military to understand how the Ukrainians are mounting a defense.

Sean first arrived in Ukraine back in November, according to the government, preparing for his documentary by visiting with the Ukrainian military.


As we reported ... Russia is attacking Ukraine from all angles, dropping bombs and sending folks running from their homes.

It sounds like there's plenty for Sean to document, and President Zelensky says, "The more such people in our country now, true friends of Ukraine, who support the struggle for freedom, the sooner it will be possible to stop Russia's treacherous attack."

USWNT U.S. Soccer Federation To Pay $24 Million As Part Of Settlement ... Over Equal Pay

A longstanding dispute between the women on the U.S. National Team and the U.S. Soccer Federation has ended ... with the USSF agreeing to pay $24 million to the USWNT as a part of the settlement, it was announced Tuesday.

"We are pleased to announce that contingent on the negotiation of a new collective bargaining agreement," a joint statement read, "we will have resolved our longstanding dispute over equal pay."

It continued ... "And proudly stand together in a shared commitment to advancing equality in soccer."

According to details of the settlement, $22 million dollars will be distributed amongst the players ... with an additional $2 million being allocated into an account to support their post-career endeavors and other charitable ambitions.

It all started back in 2019 when all 28 players on the USWNT filed a lawsuit against the USSF ... accusing it of engaging in "institutionalized gender discrimination" against the team.

Star player Megan Rapinoe was, perhaps, the most prominent voice to speak out on the issue ... when she spoke at the White House in March 2021.

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The settlement is viewed as a victory for the USWNT -- although, the $22 million mark is well short of the team's initial asking price of $66.7 million -- but Rapinoe says she knew they would be victorious all along.

"I'm not a big fan of roller coasters," Rapinoe said. "I did think we would get to this point, 100%. I did think we would win all along in this."

"This is a win for us. And this is a win for the players for the next generation, for women's players around the world."