Capital Gazette Shooting Gunman Opens Fire in Office ... 5 Fatalities Reported

6:15 PM PT -- The shooting suspect has been ID'd as Jarrod Warren Ramos, according to CNN. He reportedly filed a defamation claim against the paper in 2012, which was dismissed in 2013 and upheld after an appeal in 2015.

2:49 PM PT -- The suspect is a white male in his 20s with no ID who was taken into custody without the exchange of gunfire. He has damaged his fingertips, so law enforcement cannot ID him from fingerprints.

Smoke bombs and flash bangs were found in his backpack.

1:48 PM PT -- MD officials just announced that there have been 5 fatalities, with several others "gravely" injured.

They also stated that within 60-90 seconds of the gunman opening fire, authorities were on the scene. At this time, they believe the suspect in custody acted alone, and the building is now secure.

Gunfire erupted in a Maryland newspaper's office Thursday, and the gunman reportedly took down multiple employees before cops captured him.

The mass shooting happened in the Capital Gazette's newsroom in Annapolis. The suspect reportedly shot through a glass door at the beginning of the attack ... and continued firing around the office.

Cops raced to the scene, and Anne Arundel County Sheriff says one of his deputies successfully captured the suspect alive. He's reportedly a white man in his 20s. Authorities say he used a shotgun.

In a scene we've seen far too often, employees were seen exiting the building with their hands in the air ... as cops tried to get people out of harm's way.

Some early reports say as many as 4 people were killed and 5 injured in the attack.

A confirmed reporter inside the building at the time of the shooting tweeted from the scene.

Story developing ...

Celebs in Texas Protest at the Border To End Family Separations

Texas is drawing a slew of stars to a tiny town called Tornillo, but they're not there to shoot a movie ... they're rallying to keep immigrant families together at the border.

Amber Heard, Mira Sorvino, Lena Dunham, Sia, Joshua Jackson, Cara Santana, Katie Lowes, Anna Camp, Skylar Astin and others headed to the El Paso/Juarez border Sunday to protest families being detained and separated.

Many brought signs demanding children be reunited with their parents, and some celebs even stood on a mini-wall together to make their point.

Immigration has certainly been the hot-button issue of the week, leading to one controversial story after another.

As we reported ... Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to keep families together, but many in Hollywood don't think he's doing nearly enough.

Tomi Lahren The Left's Disgusting ... I Wouldn't Even Treat Kaepernick Like That!!!


Tomi Lahren says civility is dead -- on the Left -- because she'd never treat someone the way Sarah Huckabee Sanders got treated at a Virginia restaurant ... not even Colin Kaepernick.

We got the FOX News contributor at LAX Saturday, and she slams the recent trend of conservatives being booted from restaurants due to their political allegiances. Tomi backs up her take with a hypothetical scenario of being seated next to the unsigned NFL QB and how she'd handle it.

She says, "Even though everyone knows I vehemently disagree with everything he says he stands for" ... she claims she'd walk up to Kaep, shake his hand, and the 2 would have a good convo.

Tomi says it's all about respect, and the "weak" left has none of it ... a stance she echoed earlier on Twitter.

Don't forget, Lahren received some impolite treatment at a Minneapolis bar last month ... so you can't say she doesn't have some experience on the subject. Bryan Cranston says he does, too.

'Will & Grace's' Leslie Jordan Show with Gay Men's Chorus of L.A. Evacuated After Bomb Threat!!!

5:00 PM PT -- We're told the Alex Theatre and area surrounding it has been cleared and no explosives or weapons were found. The 8 PM show will go on as planned.

A summer concert with the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles -- featuring Emmy Award-winning actor Leslie Jordan -- was cut super short after a bomb threat ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... an evacuation was ordered at the Alex Theatre in Glendale, CA right after the show's opening number, because a bomb threat was called into the box office. Jordan -- known for playing Beverly Leslie on "Will & Grace" -- was on stage at the time and got escorted off immediately.

We're told cops have the entire block taped off and bomb-sniffing K9s have shown up to search for any weapons or explosives.

The 2 PM concert has been canceled due to the threat, but we're told if cops can clear the theater in time and ensure everyone's safety ... the 8 PM show will go on.

Bryan Cranston Maybe Trump's Team Tips Bad? JK ... Restaurant 86ings Aren't Cool


Bryan Cranston's got a theory on why members of President Trump's administration keep getting driven out of restaurants ... but he's only kidding.

We got the "Breaking Bad" legend at LAX Saturday and told him about Sarah Huckabee Sanders getting kicked out of a restaurant on moral grounds, and after a quick dad joke ... he told us how he really feels.

Cranston says he hopes we can start coming together in this country to find middle ground, because as it stands now ... there's too much hate to get anything constructive done.

He tells us he doesn't believe anyone should be refused service or forced out of a food joint based on their political standing either ... then makes one more joke for the road.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Booted from Restaurant ... On Moral Grounds

10:00 AM PT -- Her dad, Mike Huckabee, just weighed in on the incident by tweeting ... "Bigotry. On the menu at Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington VA. Or you can ask for the “Hate Plate”. And appetizers are “small plates for small minds”

8:45 AM PT -- Sanders just said, "Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so"

A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp page has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Steve-O on Corey Lewandowski He's Digging His Own Grave!!! Defending 'Womp, Womp'


Steve-O's got a real disdain for Corey Lewandowski but he's all for giving the guy a platform ... cause the guy keeps digging himself into a hole defending his "Womp, womp" comment.

We got Steve-O out in Hollywood on Friday and wanted to get his take on the political pundit's quip after Zac Petkanas shed light about a disabled immigrant child being separated from her mother.

Fox News

The snarky comment hit too close to home for Steve-O, who is horrified at the idea children -- let alone disabled children -- are being ripped apart from their parents who are crossing the southern border.

Check it out ... Steve-O says Corey -- who still refuses to apologize for mocking the 10-year-old girl -- is only making matters worse trying to explain himself. And Steve-O's loving it.

FOX News' Charles Krauthammer Dead at 68

FOX News analyst Dr. Charles Krauthammer has died after a battle with terminal cancer.

Krauthammer had a cancerous tumor removed from his abdomen about 10 months ago. Doctors thought the surgery had been successful, but then he was told the cancer returned and he only had a few weeks to live. He revealed the diagnosis in

earlier this month in the Washington Post, where he was a contributor.

Charles -- who was paralyzed in a diving accident while in medical school -- won the Pulitzer for Commentary for his Washington Post columns in 1987. His book, "Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics,” was also a New York Times best seller. In recent years, he'd appeared on FOX News’ “Special Report with Bret Baier” as a panelist.

FOX News CEO Suzanne Scott said in a statement, “Charles was a guiding voice throughout his time with FOX News and we were incredibly fortunate to showcase his extraordinary talent on our programs. He was an inspiration to all of us and will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his beloved wife Robyn and his son Daniel."

The network says it will air a special in his honor on Friday night.

Despite the grim prognosis from doctors, Charles still wrote in his letter, "It was a wonderful life."

He was 68.

Melania Trump I'm Here to Help ... Surprise Visit to Child Detention Center

FOX News

Melania Trump unexpectedly showed up to a border facility to get a firsthand look at what's going on ... and offer a lending hand in reuniting children with their parents.

The First Lady arrived at a child detention center Thursday in Texas and started her visit by recognizing the medical staff, social workers and other employees for their "heroic work" in caring for kids separated from their families.

Melania said, "I want to thank you for your hard work, your compassion and your kindness you're giving them in these difficult times." She added, her goal is to learn more about the situation and help out in any way she can.

Her trip comes the day after President Trump signed an executive order to keep families at the border together. He told reporters Thursday, Melania went to the border because she's been bothered by what's going on there.

According to the Washington Post ... Border Patrol agents have been instructed to stop sending parents with children to federal courthouses for prosecution. The White House hasn't confirmed.

President Trump had said Wednesday his "zero tolerance" policy would continue.

Corey Lewandowski 'Womp Womp' Quip Filled Me W/ Rage!!! ... Says Zac Petkanas


Corey Lewandowski's "Womp womp" comment stooped to a new low but, the truth is, even though he was pissed off about it ... Zac Petkanas says he wasn't completely shocked.

We spoke to Zac -- the Democratic strategist who had a fiery live TV exchange with Trump's former campaign manager -- and he tells us Lewandowski's quip about the disabled immigrant child being separated from her mom personifies everything about this White House.

Fox News

As we reported ... Corey made the snarky remark when Petkanas was trying to bring light to one of the many heartbreaking stories unfolding on the southern border. It appears the outcry from millions of Americans has finally pressured Trump to reverse course.

Check it out ... Petkanas ends the interview actually thanking Lewandowski, but it's not what you think.

Sen. Cory Booker Lewandowski's Not a Respectable Corey ... Like Haim, Hart, Feldman


Senator Cory Booker says Trump's former campaign manager has a long way to go to live up to all the honorable men who share his name.

The New Jersey Senator responded with a little levity Wednesday on Capitol Hill when our photog asked about Corey Lewandowski mocking a girl with Down syndrome being separated from her parents at the border.

Booker was not aware of Corey's "womp, womp" comment, but still didn't hold back from taking a jab at him ... drawing from his rather extensive knowledge of pop culture to make his point.

Fox News

For the record, all the Coreys mentioned by Booker spell their name with an -ey at the end ... but the Senator just goes with a -y.

Clever move.

President Trump I'll Sign Exec. Order to Keep Immigrant Families Together

FOX News

12:26 PM PT -- Trump just officially signed the order to keep families together, but says the "zero-tolerance" prosecution policy will continue.

The national outrage has been heard, and President Trump says he will act immediately and stop separating immigrant families at the border.

During a meeting with Republican lawmakers, POTUS said he will be "signing an executive order" that will reverse the policy his administration enacted last month. He added, "We're keeping families together, but we have to keep our borders strong."

Mr. Trump said he would sign the order Wednesday, before he left the White House for a trip to Minnesota.

The Department of Homeland Security is reportedly drawing up the order the President says he'll sign. As we reported, the Sec. of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, experienced firsthand how pissed off millions of Americans are about the separation of families.

Metro D.C. Democratic Socialists of America

Thomas Jefferson would be proud -- "A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing."

Waffle House Hero James Shaw MTV Honor was Nice ... But It's No Medal of Freedom!!!


James Shaw Jr.'s still stoked Chadwick Boseman shouted him out at the MTV Movie & TV Awards ... but his sights are set on a more prestigious prize as he continues his quest to make the world a better place.

The Waffle House hero tells TMZ ... he's hoping to get an invite to the White House to receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the U.S. Shaw's certainly earned it for courageously disarming the Tennessee Waffle House gunman and saving several lives.

It's not all about him, though -- James says he'd like the award so people will get off President Trump's case about it ... and everyone can move forward.

Shaw also touches on his foundation to improve mental health awareness, the tragic death of XXXTentacion ... and his plan to take over the rapper's mission to reach 5 million kids and positively impact their lives.

As we reported, the star of "Black Panther" won the Movie award for Best Hero Monday, but turned the spotlight on the real-life hero ... and gave Shaw his golden popcorn award.

Southwest Airlines Sued Over Fatal Flight That Shattered Window

Nine passengers who survived Southwest flight 1380 -- the one where shrapnel from a failed engine shattered a cabin window -- are suing the airline.

The passengers say they're all suffering severe PTSD after the tragic flight. Some are also coping with physical injuries, though the lawsuit doesn't specify what those are. In the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, the passengers say the in-flight emergency forced them to "confront their greatest fear, the overwhelming horror of being trapped in a plane about to crash."

You'll recall, flight 1380 made an emergency landing in Philadelphia back in April ... after the 737's left engine failed and broke apart. The resulting shrapnel destroyed a cabin window, and Jennifer Riordan was partially sucked out of the cabin. She later died from her injuries.

One of the plaintiffs was not onboard the flight, but his wife was. He's suing for loss of consortium.

They're suing Southwest and Boeing, which manufactured the plane.

Chadwick Boseman Gives MTV Award to Waffle House Hero

Chadwick Boseman got an award for playing a super hero on the big screen, but he couldn't accept the award without acknowledging a real-life hero just several feet away from him. Enter James Shaw Jr.

The "Black Panther" star won the Movie award for Best Hero Monday at the 2018 MTV Movie & TV Awards ... and he thanked the fans for making 'BP' a monumental success. But then something incredibly special happened ... so, get ready for goosebumps.

Watch the clip ... Chadwick turned the spotlight -- rightfully so -- on Shaw ... who heroically wrestled an AR-15 from a gunman at a Waffle House in Tennessee back in April.

Shaw's gotten props from his favorite player, Dwyane Wade, and tons of celebs raised money for him. Now, add Chadwick's special honor in front of a live audience -- super cool.

Wendi McLendon-Covey Shame On Sessions! Concentration Camps Not Different From Border Kids


"The Goldbergs" star Wendi McLendon-Covey says there's not much difference between children held at the border and those in concentration camps ... and she's scolding politicians for thinking otherwise.

We got Wendi at LAX Friday morning, where she shamed Attorney General Jeff Sessions for using the Bible as an excuse for separating kids from their parents who were just gunning for a better life in the U.S.

There have been photos circulating of children allegedly locked up behind fences and in cages, and Wendi says it's like God has indeed left the building.

As for that difference ... Wendi really paints a scary picture.