Kendrick Lamar Staying Humble with Mia & Ronan At Pulitzer Prize Luncheon

Kendrick Lamar is the toast of a Pulitzer Prize event where some of the most influential people in the world are pressing to rub elbows with him.

The pride of Compton was at Pulitzer luncheon Wednesday at Columbia University. He's being honored in the music category, and Mia Farrow couldn't wait to get a snapshot with him. Mia's son, Ronan, is getting Pulitzer's public service award for blowing the lid off Harvey Weinstein's history of sexual misconduct.

Kendrick's arrival was so highly anticipated, the Pulitzer's administrator welcomed him before he even walked into the building.

Kung Fu Kenny winning the music category was unprecedented. He's the first non-classical or jazz artist to win the prize since they started awarding them for music in 1943.

So, makes sense everyone wants a piece.

NOFX Good That Country Fans, Not Punk Fans Got Shot ... In Vegas Massacre

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NOFX crossed the line in a big way Sunday in Vegas, when they made a crack about the Vegas shooting, saying the silver lining was that the people killed were country fans and not punk fans.

The band was playing the Punk Rock Bowling & Music Festival, and when they finished a song frontman Fat Mike said, "We played a song about Muslims and we didn't get shot. Hooray."

But, it didn't end there ... another band member jumped in and said, "I guess you only get shot in Vegas if you are in a country band."

And it got even worse ... "That [the massacre] sucked, but at least they were country fans and no punk rock fans."

Some audience members audibly recoiled, but the singer then jumped in, "You were all thinking it."

58 people were killed and almost 500 were injured in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Obama Aide Valerie Jarrett I'm Fine After Roseanne Attack But, I Worry About Others


The woman Roseanne Barr called a baby born out of the Muslim brotherhood and 'Planet of the Apes' says she can deal with the racism -- but worries about those facing similar attacks out of the spotlight.

Barack Obama's former adviser, Valerie Jarrett, spoke on MSNBC Tuesday following Roseanne's racist comment, saying she's "fine" ... but adding she's concerned about those who don't have such a public support system coming to their defense.

She says she wants this to be a teaching moment, but notes that there are daily examples of racism black people experience that don't get the attention she's getting now.

BTW ... Valerie also calls out President Trump for setting the tone that she believes Roseanne followed and executed. Speaking of "Roseanne" ... she's all the way canceled.

She also says she got a call from Disney CEO Bob Iger, who apologized and said his company has a "zero tolerance" for such hateful comments.

Dean Cain Goes to Bat for James Caan ... Defends Morgan Freeman


Dean Cain seems to agree with his friend James Caan that the world's a strange place right now regarding how men and women interact ... and also shares his support of Morgan Freeman.

We got the former Superman actor out at the National Mall in D.C. on Memorial Day and asked about Caan's comments to us last week ... Dean tells us he sees where James is coming from, and dismisses a video tape many feel shows Freeman acting inappropriately to a reporter as "ridiculous."

Cain goes on to explain hitting on the opposite sex is fine if it doesn't go too far -- and he's seen that happen on both sides -- but the current culture's not going to stop him from talking to a beautiful woman.

He also says not to turn your back on Freeman simply based on allegations ... because he hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

Hero 'Spiderman' Amazing Rescue of Child Leads to French Citizenship

The 22-year-old undocumented immigrant who risked his life to save a young child in Paris is not only a national hero ... he's about to become an official French citizen.

Mamoudou Gassama became a worldwide sensation this weekend after climbing 4 stories in seconds to rescue a 4-year-old boy who was hanging on to a balcony railing for dear life. The video's incredible.

Gassama's heroics saved the child, and now the Malian migrant's been cast into the national spotlight after a meeting with President Emmanuel Macron ... in which he was presented with a certificate and a gold medal for performing an act of courage and dedication.

Mamoudou will also be granted citizenship and has been offered a job with the Paris fire brigade.

According to reports, the young hero was in the area to watch a football match when he noticed the commotion and sprung into action. He said ... "I like children, I would have hated to see him getting hurt in front of me. I ran and I looked for solutions to save him and thank God I scaled the front of the building to the balcony."

The boy's father was reportedly detained for alleged neglect, and the child has been placed in special care.

Chelsea Manning Posts 'Suicide' Photo

Chelsea Manning is physically ok, after posting an image of someone standing on a ledge ... appearing to be on the verge of jumping to her death.

She quickly deleted the post, which was captioned, "I'm sorry." Someone posted on her account early Monday morning, "Chelsea is safe," adding ... "She is on the phone with friends, thanks everyone for your concern and please give her some space."

Manning has had her struggles for years. As you know, she's the whistleblower who went to prison in 2013 for giving government files to Wikileaks. President Obama commuted her sentence.

There was no further elaboration on what appears to be a suicide photo. It is also unclear if the person shown in the photo is Chelsea.

Ronda Rousey IN. School Teacher's a Hero I'd Love to Go in the Ring with Him


Ronda Rousey says she'd be honored to host the Indiana school teacher who risked his life to save his students during a shooting this week ... assuming the guy's a fan of WWE.

We got Ronda touching down in D.C. Sunday ahead of Monday Night Raw in neighboring Richmond, VA, and she tells us she'd have no problem allowing 29-year-old Jason Seaman of Noblesville West Middle School walk her into the ring at one of her matches.

In case you hadn't heard, Jason is being hailed as a hero after he's said to have tackled an unnamed suspect who opened fire in one of his classes Friday, saving countless lives.

He just got released from the hospital, too, so if he's into wrestling, or Ronda or both ... get on the horn, bud. The spotlight's waiting for ya.

'Evil Genius' Director The Case Should Not Be Closed ... Especially for One Guy!!!


Trey Borzillieri -- one of the directors of Netflix's hit documentary 'Evil Genius' -- believes investigators need to take another look at the notorious case ... because the show exposed some major lies.

If you aren't familiar ... 'Evil Genius' is about a diabolical bank heist in 2003 that goes awry and leads to the murder of Brian Wells. Despite convictions of a few criminals related to the crime, Trey thinks total justice has still not been served ... specifically to Floyd Stockton.

Trey tells us Stockton's immunity in the case was based on him telling the truth, but the director believes that's not the case ... so his immunity should be void and he shouldn't get a pass for his involvement.

Borzillieri also believes the shocking twist at the end of the doc -- a confession from former prostitute Jessica Hoopsick -- is totally legit ... and answers one of the main mysteries of 'Evil Genius.'

Morgan Freeman Misplaced Humor, Not Sexual Assault Alleged Victim Calls Out CNN

Morgan Freeman has issued a second statement, responding to allegations he sexually harassed a number of women, this time saying the incidents were "misplaced compliments or humor" and not sexual assault ... and now one of the women is calling out CNN for unfairly suggesting she's a victim.

Freeman says, "I am devastated that 80 years of my life is at risk of being undermined, in the blink of an eye." He goes on ... "It is not right to equate horrific incidents of sexual assault with misplaced compliments or humor."

Freeman does apologize, saying he will "continue to apologize to anyone I might have upset, however unintentionally."

A woman mentioned in the CNN story -- Tyra Martin, reached out to TMZ and said, "Hey, still getting a lot of nasty messages from people who think I AM one of the accusers. I'm not, never was. CNN totally misrepresented the video and took my remarks out of context." The incident involved an interview Martin did with Freeman, where she recounted, "When I stood up, I pulled my skirt part of my dress down and he did say, 'Oh, don't pull it down now.'"

U.S. Air Force Airmen in Charge of Nuclear Weapons ... Trippin' on LSD

Now this will scare the crap out of you ... a group of Air Force airmen responsible for guarding nuclear weapons were heavy into LSD and cocaine.

The jaw-dropping revelations just surfaced ... and not because the government wanted it known. Turns out one of the airmen screwed up and posted a big enough hint on social media to raise eyebrows, and through a series of Freedom of Information Act demands, the Associated Press got the story.

The service members were part of the 90th Missile Wing, responsible for one third of the 400 Minutemen 3 missiles tucked away in silos across the northern Great Plains.

The LSD use was especially problematic, because it's an hallucinogen that can permanently mess up the brain. As the Air Force noted in a dozen court marshals during the scandal -- which went down in 2015 and 2016 -- LSD has "profound effects" from even a tiny amount, causing "paranoia, fear and panic, unwanted and overwhelming feelings, unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences, and flashbacks."

One of the airmen who was tripping said during a bad acid trip, "I'm dying! ... When is this going to end?" Another talked about how much he enjoyed the drug, saying, "Minutes felt like hours, colors seemed more vibrant and clear."

It wasn't just a random guy dropping acid. This was a full-blown drug ring.

Disciplinary action was taken against 14 airmen. Two accused airmen were acquitted and 3 others were not charged. Others served time in jail.

Marlon Wayans Outraged Over Houston's Arrests ... 'One Day it Will Be Your Ass'


Marlon Wayans is outraged over the arrest of 3 women at a Houston's restaurant in Atlanta, saying you don't have to be black to rise up, because if you don't it's only a matter of time before it happens to you.

We got Marlon Tuesday leaving Equinox in WeHo ... and he delivered a fiery parking lot sermon ... saying just because the curly fries and steaks are delicious is no excuse to turn a blind eye to what he believes is a human rights violation.

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As we reported, the 3 women were arrested after a security guard dragged them out of the women's restroom.

Marlon doesn't think this is a black issue ... it's an issue of human decency and if people don't rise up and be counted they will eventually find themselves on the chopping block.

Aaron Schlossberg 'Racist Rant' Lawyer Says He's No Racist ... I Love Immigrants!!

Aaron Schlossberg -- the attorney who threatened to call ICE on Fresh Kitchen employees who were speaking Spanish -- says ya got him all wrong, America ... he actually LOVES diversity and immigrants!

One week after he became public enemy #1, Schlossberg is issuing an apology ... of sorts. He says seeing the viral video of himself helped him see "the manner in which I expressed myself is unacceptable and is not the the person I am."

Schlossberg claims, "What the video did not convey is the real me. I am not racist."

Umm ... ok.

He added, "One of the reasons I moved to New York is precisely because of the remarkable diversity offered in this wonderful city." Schlossberg also claims "immigrants and diversity of cultures" are why he loves America.

All the tweeted apology was missing was "viva la raza" -- but his apparent 180 comes after cultural diversity partied showed up in droves on his doorstep.


Peaceful protesters were outside his NYC apartment building all weekend accompanied by mariachi music. Gotta love New York.

Mario Batali Under Criminal Investigation For Sexual Misconduct: Report


Mario Batali is reportedly being investigated by the NYPD for sexual misconduct after a woman came forward on '60 Minutes' to claim he'd sexually assaulted her.

Anderson Cooper spoke to a handful of women Sunday, one of whom anonymously said Batali had possibly drugged and sexually assaulted her in 2005 after waking up at the Spotted Pig with semen on her leg. The woman, who was an employee of his at the time, says she was getting romantic with Batali prior to blacking out the night before.

The woman says she went to the hospital to get a rape kit done, but never filed a police report.

Other women claimed Batali had inappropriately touched them under his employ, and that they'd once seen him sexually assault at least one other woman, who was either unconscious or semi-conscious, at the Spotted Pig. That woman refused to talk to '60 Minutes.'

Batali issued a strong denial to CBS, saying he vehemently denied sexually assaulting the woman who did speak. It's unclear if he was asked about about the alleged second sexual assault, or the alleged inappropriate touching. That said ... he did issue an apology for his behavior last year.

'60 Minutes' says the NYPD confirmed there was an active criminal investigation into Batali's alleged misconduct.

Texas School Shooting Suspect Was Dancing at Church ... Days Before Massacre


The student arrested for gunning down 10 people at his high school appeared to be nothing more than a church-going dancer mere days before the shooting.

TMZ has obtained video of 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis participating in a choreographed dance for his Greek Orthodox church the weekend before he allegedly shot and killed 8 of his peers and 2 teachers.

Sources connected to the event tell us the dance was part of a larger Greek festival in a town about 30 minutes away from Santa Fe, TX where he went to school. The performance was rehearsed well before showtime -- Pagourtzis was involved from the start.

Another harrowing detail ... we're told those who knew or knew of Pagourtzis never saw any signs that would indicate he would go absolutely mad.

Pagourtzis has been charged with multiple counts of capital murder and aggravated assault on a public servant after allegedly opening fire Friday at Santa Fe High School -- killing 10 and injuring many others. Cops say he used a shotgun and a revolver as weapons.

He has not entered a plea.

Donald Trump It's Great to Have Melanie Back Home ... I Mean Melania

President Trump gave the First Lady a warm welcome back to the White House ... by misspelling her name.

Trump tweeted out the good news Saturday -- Melania's back home after spending several days at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center recovering from a kidney procedure -- but called her Melanie in the process.

The Prez was quick to fix the typo after several of his 52 million Twitter followers called him out for the error, but the damage was already done.

Trump's known for typos, grammatical mistakes and an occasional covfefe in his tweets ... but he always gets the names of family and friends right.

Guess there's a first time for everything.

Welcome home, Melania ... we're glad you're back home and feeling better.

Texas School Shooting Parkland Students Respond Slam Trump, Politicians, NRA

12:30 PM PT -- Texas Governor Greg Abbott has confirmed at least 10 dead and 10 more wounded in this morning's attack. In addition to the two guns the shooter brought with him -- which were owned by the suspect's father -- he had also planted multiple explosive devices in his home, vehicle, and at the school.

The suspect has been identified as 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis. The Governor claimed the student had admitted to initially intending to take his own life, however he was taken into custody alive.

At least 8 people have been brutally killed at a high school in Texas after yet another mass shooting in America ... and Parkland, FL students are venting their anger and frustration.

President Trump responded to the shooting at Santa Fe High School Friday morning by tweeting, "School shooting in Texas. Early reports not looking good. God bless all!"

Those words didn't sit well with students Jaclyn Corin and Cameron Kasky, who accused the President of treating the tragedy "like a game" ... instead of doing something to stop them.

Emma Gonzalez made a an immediate call to action, saying Santa Fe High deserves "more than Thoughts and Prayers, and after supporting us by walking out we will be there to support you by raising up your voices."

David Hogg called out other politicians for simply "acting like they give a s**t." Several students have blasted the NRA as well.

Trump just addressed media at the White House, saying, "Everyone must work together at every level of government to keep our children safe."

Fox News