Chris Paul On TX School Shooting: We Gotta Do Something About It

Chris Paul is speaking out about the Texas school shooting that happened roughly 35 miles from Houston on Friday ... and he's calling for change to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

“First and foremost, aside from the playoffs going on, which is minor compared to what is taking place down in Santa Fe," Paul said Friday morning at Rockets practice.

"Our prayers going out to the victims and the families having to deal with that situation."

FYI, 10 people were killed and several more injured at Santa Fe HS when a shooter opened fire inside the building.

"We have a lot of fan support there. Those people come out and support us night in, night out. So, this is very minor compared to what those people are dealing with.”

"It's scary that that's becoming a norm here and we gotta do something about it, 'cause yeah, I can't imagine something like that taking place with one of my kids."

Tomi Lahren Schlossberg's Racist Rant? Yeah, That Whole Thing's Ridiculous


Tomi Lahren says a New York-based attorney who's gone viral for an incredibly racist rant he unleashed this week is rude ... and ridiculous.

We got the conservative talk show host Wednesday at LAX, where we showed her video of Aaron Schlossberg yelling at a restaurant manager for allowing his employees to speak Spanish to customers -- while also threatening to call ICE on the staff before storming out.

Tomi says no one deserves to be treated like that, whether they're native English speakers or not. She sticks to her guns on policy topics like assimilation and merit-based immigration ... but she says Schlossberg simply went too far here.

BTW ... this ain't Schlossberg's first rodeo for getting into people's faces and screaming bigoted rhetoric. He's been captured in multiple videos confronting people on the streets of New York over immigration.

Also ... he was reportedly booted from his office space Thursday.

Anne Frank I Got Dirty Jokes!!! New Diary Pages Uncovered

Anne Frank was a typical teenager in at least one way -- she told dirty jokes and had strong opinions about sex, birth control and prostitution ... which she included in her famous diary.

Dutch researchers deciphered the writing on 2 pages of Anne's diary dated September 28, 1942 ... less than 3 months after she and her family went into hiding from Nazis in an Amsterdam house. The pages include 4 dirty jokes.

The humor's a little lost in translation, but one is about German soldiers banging Dutch women, and others are about men catching their wives banging other men ... and men with ugly wives.

Anne had covered the pages with brown paper, possibly out of fear someone would read them. Researchers uncovered the text by taking photos of the pages, backlit by a flash and then used image-processing software to decipher the words.

About prostitution, Anne wrote: "All men, if they are normal, go with women, women like that accost them on the street and then they go together. In Paris they have big houses for that. Papa has been there."

She also described a young woman getting her period around age 14 as "a sign that she is ripe to have relations with a man but one doesn't do that of course before one is married."

Waffle House Hero Joins Up with Parkland Student Heroes

James Shaw Jr. -- the man who heroically disarmed the Waffle House gunman last month and saved lives -- just met with a bunch of fellow young heroes trying to save many more lives in the future.

James shared a pic with Parkland student leader Emma Gonzalez Saturday, saying he met one of his heroes today. Fellow student activist David Hogg also shared a photo with Shaw, saying ... "Wow, just wow ... lots of work ahead but the young people will win. #YPWW"

Sources close to David tell us ... he and a group of Parkland peeps drove to meet with James because he's a hero. We're told they had breakfast together at Denny's in Miami, and they're all hopeful to work with him in the future if the opportunity arises.

That seems highly possible, especially since James says meeting with the young adults of the Parkland incident with "so much fire and inspiration in their eyes was a great joy."

As we've reported ... Shaw says he's now on a mission to bring awareness to mental health problems in the U.S., and we know the Parkland students are serious about gun reform in the country.

Apple Sued Your Combustible Phone Took Down an Airplane!!!

The crash of EgyptAir flight 804 into the Mediterranean Sea that killed 66 people was caused by a hot Apple product ... according to a new suit.

The families of several of the victims of the May 19, 2016 crash claim the tragedy was due to the co-pilot's iPhone 6S or iPad mini overheating in the cockpit and catching fire.

According to the docs ... an investigation revealed the device ignited and led to a bigger fire in the cockpit, which ultimately took the plane down.

It should be noted, however -- some industry experts have questioned this phone theory ... and believe the fire on the plane started beneath the cockpit in the avionics bay due to a short circuit or some kind of explosion.

Still, the families believe there's enough evidence to hold Apple responsible for the deaths of their loved ones ... so they're suing for damages. The airline is also listed on the suit.

We reached out to Apple and EgyptAir ... so far, no word back.

Boston Dynamics' Robot Runs, Jumps & Scares The Crap outta Us

No more joking that robots will one day replace and/or destroy humans ... cause s*** just got real thanks to the nerds at Boston Dynamics.

The robotics company released this video of its insanely human-like robot named Atlas going out for some air -- Boston Dynamics' own words, not ours. The robot's missing a head, but who cares? As you can see in the video, Atlas seamlessly goes for a jog and jumps over a log ... all on its own.

That Atlas can perform these tasks effortlessly is scary in more ways than one. Oh, btw ... didn't Elon Musk warn us about this?

Reps. Steve Scalise & Hakeem Jeffries North Korea Releasing Hostages ... Big Win for USA


Congressmen Steve Scalise and Hakeem Jeffries might be on different sides of the aisle, but they both agree -- it's a good deal when North Korea gives us what we want.

Both Representatives were on Capitol Hill Wednesday, when we asked if President Trump deserves props for Kim Jong-un releasing 3 American hostages. House Majority Whip Scalise naturally heaped praise on the Prez for standing up to one brutal dictator, and sending a message to all U.S. enemies.

Meanwhile, Jeffries, a Democrat, also gushed about the news, but was much less willing to shout out POTUS. Ultimately, he did acknowledge Trump -- although, he refused to give him top billing.

Morgan Freeman Granddaughter's Killer Guilty Of Manslaughter, Not Murder

The man who stabbed Morgan Freeman's step-granddaughter 25 times dodged a murder conviction ... but still got nailed for manslaughter.

The judge handed down the decision Monday in NYC. Lamar Davenport killed E'Dena Hines back in August 2015 outside of the couple's NYC apartment. Davenport was acquitted of second degree murder. His lawyer argued Davenport was high on PCP when he repeatedly stabbed Hines while screaming, "I love you. I always loved you. God would have wanted this." The judge agreed Davenport wasn't acting with malice, he was just messed up on drugs.

Davenport now faces up to 25 years in prison.

As we reported ... Davenport screamed several religious statements during the stabbing.

After her death, Morgan said, "her star will continue to shine bright in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. May she rest in peace."

Hines was 33.

Southwest Another Window Breaks Mid-Flight

Southwest Airlines had to make another emergency landing when a window tore open during a flight from Chicago to Newark -- but this time the plane got down without any fatalities.

Flight 957 was diverted Wednesday to Cleveland after the window broke -- and a passenger onboard took these photos of the damage before safely exiting.

Southwest says the aircraft is being taken out of service for maintenance review. They've yet to say anything about how or why the window broke.

This scare comes just 2 weeks after another Southwest plane's window was shattered when an engine blew up. The passenger who was sucked out through the damaged window eventually died from her injuries.

A rep for the FAA tells us the agency is investigating Wednesday's emergency landing.

Dwyane Wade Surprises Waffle House Hero

Waffle House hero James Shaw Jr. appeared on 'Ellen' and revealed that his favorite player is Dwyane Wade ... so, guess who Ellen brought out onstage?!


The moment was incredible ... Wade told Shaw that he doesn't just consider him an "American hero" -- but he's also the perfect role model for his kids.

Shaw was clearly touched by Wade's words -- but it didn't stop there.

Wade asked Shaw what good he hopes can come from the terrible April 22 shooting in Nashville, TN -- and Shaw said he's now on a mission to bring awareness to mental health problems in the U.S.

Wade, again impressed, then brought out a special gift to help Shaw fulfill his mission.

Amazing moment.

Ronan Farrow Exercises Right to Remain Silent on Weinstein ...


Ronan Farrow had an interesting comment on a possible Harvey Weinstein prosecution ... something prosecutors typically say when hounded by the media.

We got the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Friday at LAX and asked if the Bill Cosby conviction might be a precursor to what's in store for Weinstein. He took a pass, saying he wouldn't comment on a pending criminal investigation.

Farrow, who helped open the floodgates on the #MeToo movement, also acknowledged that a meeting with Hillary Clinton almost got canceled in the throes of his Weinstein reporting. It appears Hillary's people were nervous because of her association with Weinstein. In the end, he got the interview.

Tom Brokaw Facing Claims of Sexual Harassment

Tom Brokaw is being accused of making inappropriate and unwanted advances ... on 2 female co-workers in separate incidents in the 1990s.

One of the women, Linda Vester, claims the veteran broadcast journalist and former anchor of NBC Nightly News sexually harassed her while she was a reporter for NBC on "Weekend Today" in 1994 ... according to a report by The Washington Post.

Vester claims he asked her to have a drink with him, she replied "I only drink milk and cookies" ... and Brokaw later called her room around 3 AM and told her to order the milk and cookies because he was coming over.

She then says he showed up uninvited and attempted to force a kiss on her, jerking her head towards his, but she resisted ... then he left.

The second woman -- who chose to remain anonymous -- says she was a former PA at NBC News when he took her hands and put them under his jacket against his chest. He then invited her to his office later on ... insinuating he wanted to give her more than job advice.

She says she left the company shortly thereafter.

Neither woman reported the incidents when they happened. Brokaw -- who has been married to Meredith Lynn Auld since 1962 -- has denied the allegations.

Meek Mill I'm Out, But I Still Don't Feel Free


Meek Mill getting out of prison doesn't mean he's out of the clutches of the criminal justice system ... at least that's how he's viewing his situation 24 hours after getting released on bail.

Meek sat down with Lester Holt for NBC's 'Nightly News,' and rather than celebrate ... the Philly rapper explained why he doesn't feel free and hasn't since he was a teenager.

Although he's out on bail, Meek isn't running from his case. In fact, he says he now feels a responsibility to other people who are wrongly imprisoned. Case in point, he wants the #FreeMeekMill replaced by #JusticeReform.

Congressional Baseball Game GOP's 1st Practice Since Shooting ... No Sign of Scalise


Congressional Republicans came together this week to play some baseball -- the team's first reunion since a shooting last year that almost left Rep. Steve Scalise dead.

The GOP held its first Congressional Baseball Game practice Tuesday at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park in Alexandria, VA, where different members made some opening remarks at a podium ... including lobbyist Matt Mika, who was shot multiple times last summer by James Hodgkinson.

Mika thanked one of the paramedics on the scene who helped save his life, which was followed by a round of applause. We also ran into Senator Jeff Flake, who was reportedly at bat when Hodgkinson opened fire during an early morning practice.

He says it's emotional to come back onto the field, but also tells us he's looking for a win during this year's actual game. Scalise himself did not appear at Tuesday's practice.

David Hogg & Cameron Kasky Prom Pose Pic was Just for Fun ... We're Not Dating

Parkland student leaders David Hogg and Cameron Kasky have nothing but love for one another, but they're not actually going to prom together ... TMZ has learned.

Cameron's tweet Monday of this photo with the caption "Prom 2018" led many to believe the 2 were announcing their prom plans ... but their parents tell us it's not true.

David's mom, Rebecca Boldrick, tells us David has another date for the prom, and the photo with Cameron was taken during a video shoot Monday for U2's RED campaign the high schoolers were working on.

Cameron's dad, Jeff Kasky, tells us ... "Cameron and David love each other very much, as do the 20 or so other kids that are part of their group, but not in a romantic type of way."

We're told Marjory Stoneman Douglas High just has a senior prom -- and Cameron's only a junior -- so while he could go if he gets invited by a senior like David ... they're just friends.

Florida Shooting Students Burning the Midnight Oil ... For Gun Control & School!!


Two familiar faces from March For Our Lives and the #NeverAgain movement need to start #NeverSleepingAgain 'cause juggling gun control rallies with high school ain't easy.

We got Marjory Stoneman Douglas High juniors Cameron Kasky and Jaclyn Corin Wednesday at LAX ... and it was clear life hasn't slowed down for them, nearly a month after the march in D.C.

For starters ... they're in L.A. to participate in the ABC special "WE Day California" ... a summit for student leaders that'll also feature renowned speakers and celebs. While seniors like David Hogg are nearly done with school ... Jaclyn and Cam are still knee-deep in their books.

They both admitted it's creating a challenge for them, and other Parkland kids -- how to balance school work, while remaining active in their now national movement.

In part, they say it requires some very understanding teachers, but the rest of it's on them -- and one of 'em seems to be handling it better than the other.