O.J. Simpson I Was Angry at Her During Her Funeral


O.J. Simpson was still angry at Nicole Brown Simpson at her funeral, and although he doesn't remember what he said to her when he kissed her goodbye ... he describes what he WANTED to say in this never-before-seen video from the upcoming FOX special, "O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession?"

It's all very strange and chilling, as O.J. elaborates to book publisher Judith Regan about the feelings he had toward his ex-wife ... and how his anger toward her didn't disappear after her death.


Simpson then oddly brings Nicole's infamous 911 call up -- where he could be heard yelling at her in the background -- as a way of explaining how he warned her of ... something. He talks in circles, but expresses regret he'll never be able to "have an effect on this person again."

O.J.'s asked what he said to Nicole when he leaned over and kissed her, but says he can't remember. He DOES remember people heard him say, "I'm sorry."

The FOX special also features what seems like a confession to the murders of Nicole and Ron Goldman in 1994, with the premise being it's only "hypothetical."

'The Lost Confession?' airs Sunday at 8 PM.

CNN's Erin Burnett To Ex-Trump Aide ... I Smell Alcohol On Your Breath


CNN's Erin Burnett's interview with ex-Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg ended with a bang ... Burnett saying she smelled booze on him after a wild live broadcast.

Nunberg made the rounds on all the major networks Monday after making a big stink about a subpoena he'd been issued by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in connection to the Trump-Russia investigation -- saying he wouldn't comply and basically daring Mueller to arrest him.

He also said a BUNCH of other bizarre things on the air -- from claiming Trump had to have known about the Trump Tower Russia meeting in 2016, to accusing Carter Page of colluding with the Russians ... and calling Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders a "fat slob."

One of his last stops was apparently on Burnett's show, and she asked him point-blank if he'd been drinking at all throughout the day. Nunberg denied drinking, saying he'd only taken some anti-depressants.

Nonetheless ... his media blitz Monday was undoubtedly off the rails. And ya gotta wonder if Trump's gonna hit back at some point.

Florida Shooting Survivors Approached for Documentary Deals

The Florida shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School could become a documentary soon, 'cause some students are getting approached by Hollywood producers ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us at least a couple student survivors have been getting calls to participate in some sort of docu-type project that would depict the tragedy and its aftermath.

We're told these students are fielding requests from a number of producers and executives for potential deals on a full-blown movie documentary, a TV documentary and a TV docuseries. They're sorting through these talks with some high-powered publicists.

As we reported ... some students are also being hit up for possible book deals on the shooting ... they've taken meetings with publishers ... but nothing's been inked just yet.

Unclear what kind of money is being discussed for a documentary, but we're told any funds would either go directly to March For Our Lives or toward gun control advocacy efforts.

2018 Oscars #NeverAgain Student Leaders Won't Be Attending

The faces of the #NeverAgain movement won't appear at the Oscars Sunday, a decision that will surely keep their strong, pure message far far away from "Hollywood."

Oscar production sources tell us familiar faces like Emma Gonzalez, Jaclyn Corin, Alex Wing, Cameron Kasky and David & Lauren Hogg didn't get an invite to Sunday's big event ... for good reason.

People organizing the student marches tell us the kids would likely have turned down invitations to the Academy Awards ... it's just not the time or place given the importance of the movement.

TMZ broke the story ... George Clooney and Scooter Braun have been working behind the scenes organizing the March For Our Lives later this month in D.C. Our sources say the two Hollywood heavyweights have chosen to remain in the shadows to keep the focus on the kids.

Our sources say at this time it's unclear if Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel will make any mention of gun control or the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Florida Shooting Student Survivor AR-15 Bullet Nearly Tore Off My Foot ONE. SINGLE. BULLET.

A student who survived the Florida shooting wants you to see how a single AR-15 bullet butchered his foot ... mangling it to pieces.

Kyle Laman -- who was inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High when Nikolas Cruz opened fire and brutally murdered 17 people -- tells TMZ ... he damn near needed an amputation after a bullet pierced his right foot ... leaving a gaping and horrifying hole.

The 15-year-old freshman -- who will need at least 4 surgeries and a year of rehab before he can walk again -- described the excruciating pain he felt after waking up from one of his surgeries.


Kyle's mom, Marie, used the TV show "The Walking Dead" as a way of describing her son's injury. She's adamant -- no one in America who isn't old enough to buy a beer should be allowed to buy such powerful ammo. The family has now started a GoFundMe account.


Fla. Student Leader Cameron Kasky Hates the NRA But Respects its Members


Marjory Stoneman Douglas student leader Cameron Kasky has clearly spent a lot of time over the last 2 weeks thinking about gun violence and how to curb it, because he distinguishes between the NRA and its members.

We got Cameron at LAX Friday night ... on his way home after appearing on Bill Maher's show and scoring a little swag as a parting gift.

Cameron has contempt for the NRA over its hard line position on any meaningful gun control, but he not only respects its members ... he says they're patriots.

And speaking of contempt ... Cameron rails on people who dismiss efforts by the students to change hearts and minds -- people who have never experienced the horror of February 14th.


And Cameron joins the head-scratching chorus of those trying to process Donald Trump's hollow brag that he'd have run into the school to save the students.

Donald Trump Jr. Man Arrested for White Powder Also Threatened Mark Salling Prosecutor

Donald Trump Jr. wasn't the only target of the man who allegedly mailed him a letter with suspicious white powder ... according to cops who busted the suspect in Massachusetts.

Daniel Frisiello was arrested and charged with mailing 5 threatening letters to high-profile individuals around the country ... including the federal prosecutor in Mark Salling's child porn case.

Frisiello's letter addressed to Nicola T. Hanna contained the white substance and included the following message -- "That’s for murdering Mark Salling! I Hope you end up the same place as Salling."

Similar letters were sent to Stanford Professor Michele Dauber, Michigan Senator Deborah Stabenow ... and Antonio Sabato Jr., who's running for a congressional seat in California.

As we reported ... Don Jr.'s wife Vanessa opened Frisiello's alleged letter intended for DTJ, exposing her to an unidentified white powder. It was later determined to be cornstarch.

Frisiello was arrested Thursday morning and is facing 5 counts of mailing a threat to injure, and 5 counts of false information and hoaxes.

Kathie Lee Gifford Jesus, Oprah ... Look for the Signs!!!


Kathie Lee Gifford is all for divine intervention guiding Oprah's decision on whether she should run for President.

We got KLG leaving lunch Wednesday at Michael's, and our guy dropped the best question of the day: What signs should Oprah be looking for from her colleague, God?

Of course, Kathie had some answers -- while she prayed for the big guy to bring her car around.

As you may have heard, Oprah re-opened the door Wednesday to running for Prez when she said she's all in ... if God tells her to do it.

Florida Shooting Student Survivor We Welcome All Celebs at MFOL ... They're Powerful Voices!!!


A student who survived the Florida shooting says he's happy George Clooney and Scooter Braun are super involved with their cause -- in fact, he says the more, the merrier.

Dimitri Hoth -- a student survivor at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High -- has a clear view of the upcoming March for Our Lives rally in D.C. He wants celebs front and center, because they have the key to the most powerful engine of change -- social media.

TMZ broke the story ... Scooter and George are deeply embedded in organizing the event for MFOL, but have stayed out of the spotlight to avoid blurring the students' message.

It's a student effort, but he says famous people, including vocal supporters Oprah and Jimmy Fallon, will be warmly received.

George Clooney, Scooter Braun Secretly Major Forces Behind March for Our Lives

George Clooney and Scooter Braun are secretly working behind the scenes for the March for Our Lives campaign ... and TMZ knows this all because we wanted to find out how many MFOL t-shirts were sold.

One of our producers emailed members of the campaign triggered by the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting. She wanted to know how many sweatshirts, t-shirts and other merch items have been sold to raise money for the upcoming marches -- in particular, the march in Washington to ban assault rifles and end gun violence.

We were told over 22,000 items have been sold, but our producer wanted to know more, and she was referred to a woman who is running the fundraising campaign. Turns out ... the woman works for Scooter Braun.

After more digging, we found out Scooter is deeply involved in the fundraising efforts but was determined not to take the spotlight away from the students, so he used one of his employees for cover. As you know, Scooter organized the Manchester charity event for the victims of the Ariana Grande concert bombing.

We also found out Clooney, who donated $500k to March For Our Lives, is actively working behind the scenes to provide various forms of help. And sources at MFOL tell us Clooney is the one who started the behind-the-scenes work and recruited Braun and others.

We're assuming they've done all this on the QT because they feel it would diminish the impact of the movement if celebrities appear to be running the show -- the students are the ones changing hearts and minds and it's important it stays that way.

Clooney tells TMZ, "Amal and I fully support the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas. We've donated money to help pay for their march. But the march and all of the activities surrounding this movement belong to the young people across the country."

Clooney goes on ... "To suggest anything else would not only be completely inaccurate but also undercut the courage and determination of these incredible kids. They make me proud to be an American."

Florida Shooting Survivors Eyeing Book Deals to Push Gun Message

Some of the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High are planning on using their newfound star power to get their gun control message out ... through a good page-turner.

Sources tell TMZ that at least two of the outspoken survivors have been in talks with publishers for book deals. The deals haven't been inked ... the students are in the meeting phase with book honchos.

We're also told that some of the students have been getting help from high-profile publicists to field requests and schedule media appearances. A lot of these kids have been all over the news lately, so it'd make sense they're not handling all these bookings solo.

According to our sources ... the point of this publicity push is to get their message across loud and clear -- real gun control is needed now, and they're insistent in bringing about change. One downside ... the kids haven't really had a chance to properly grieve.

As for book money ... we're not sure how much a deal would net the 2 survivors. We're told they'd likely donate the cash to March for Our Lives ... which is taking place in D.C. next month.

U.S. Navy SEAL Rob O'Neill I Was Bumpin' The Game Before Killing Bin Laden


The U.S. Navy SEAL who's credited with firing the kill shots on Osama bin Laden says he listened to a banger the night of the raid, and we gotta say ... it's an excellent choice.

We got retired Navy SEAL, Robert O'Neill, heading into the Gaylord National Resort near D.C. Saturday, and asked if he's had to pay for a drink since taking down the man behind 9/11 ... he has, but only by choice.

Our guy then asks Rob if he jammed to any special music that night in May 2011, and he tells us he bumped "Red Nation" by The Game ... and he'd love to meet the rapper.

Rob also addresses a popular conspiracy theory about what happened to bin Laden after his death with a definitive answer ... check it out.

David Hogg's Mother Florida Students Too Busy to Grieve


David Hogg's mother worries her son is going 1,000 MPH in his quest for gun control, but she also knows his time to act is NOW.

Hogg's mother, Rebecca, tells us David hasn't stopped making the media rounds advocating for new gun legislation after Nikolas Cruz brutally murdered 17 people from his high school last week in Parkland, Florida.

But, while the grieving process is imperative, Rebecca also understands David and every other student-turned-activist is doing right by their late classmates to keep the issue relevant in the news in order to see real change.

And, as a teacher herself, Rebecca has strong feelings about Trump's suggestion to arm her colleagues.

T.I. Yes, We Need Real Gun Control ... But, At What Cost?


T.I. says it's time for the U.S.A. to reexamine its gun laws in the wake of the Florida shooting ... but he doesn't wanna lose his right to bear arms.

We got Tip Wednesday leaving The Palm in Bev Hills, where he weighed in on the gun control debate raging in the country right now. Somewhat surprisingly, he says he's for reform.

The rapper tells us it absolutely should be more difficult for unstable people to get their hands on a firearm, and that "not being a felon isn't enough" anymore. At the same time ... he fears messing with the 2nd Amendment could lead to "enslavement" by Uncle Sam.

You gotta hear his take here, which is interesting considering T.I. himself did prison time on federal gun charges. Also, check out how he feels about banning automatics.

President Trump Talks Arming Teachers To Deal with Shootings


President Trump seems to think the way to solve the problems with school shootings is more guns ... specifically, arming teachers.

Trump fielded suggestions Wednesday at the White House during a "listening session" he hosted with survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. He came prepared with a cheat sheet that included questions, and even a comment ... "I hear you." That was number 5 on his list.

A father of a Stoneman Douglas High survivor suggested allowing certain school personnel to be secretly armed so they can immediately respond before cops arrive. Trump was receptive, and said it was something he'd consider, among other things.

Trump said "maniacs" would be deterred from even attempting a school shooting if they knew bullets could be coming in their direction. The room was torn on the issue.

Interesting ... almost no one squarely addressed the biggest issue ... banning assault weapons. Also interesting ... Trump has taken a position on this before, and appeared to be against guns in the classroom.

We don't know how the people in the room were chosen or whether the White House had any say in who was there.

Judd Apatow Donates $1k to FL Shooting Victim

Judd Apatow is just one of thousands of people who've donated to a child who was shot and critically injured during the Florida high school shooting ... TMZ has learned.

Judd's rep confirmed to us that the comedian had, in fact, contributed $1,000 to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Anthony Borges, who was shot multiple times while attempting to save others last week in the mass shooting.

According to the official GoFundMe page, Anthony took bullets to both legs and his back while trying to close and lock a door to a classroom full of classmates. He's alive and stable, but has "a long road of recovery ahead." The fund has raised over $400k so far.

There are 2 other donors who might be famous -- a Kevin Smith donated $1,000 and Eric McCormack donated $500. We haven't heard back from reps to confirm it's the filmmaker and the "Will and Grace" star.