Harvey Weinstein Could Be Silenced and Booted From TWC Board Meeting

Harvey Weinstein could be cut off at the knees at Tuesday's Board of Directors meeting, because there are signs the Board might fire him ... which we're told would guarantee litigation.

Harvey, who is still a member of the Board despite being fired from The Weinstein Co., plans to participate in Tuesday's meeting via speakerphone -- he's currently in Arizona for rehab.

As we reported, Weinstein and his lawyer, Patty Glaser, plan to challenge his firing, claiming there was no basis to remove him from the company based on his Oct. 2015 employment contract.

A source from TWC tells TMZ, "Harvey's role in the meeting will be very limited." We know that's not Weinstein's intention -- he and Glaser plan to fight the firing tooth and nail.

Our Harvey Weinstein sources smell a rat, and believe the Board may start the meeting with a motion to kick him off the Board. If that happens, they can disconnect the speakerphone and kick Glaser out of the boardroom.

If that happens, there would be no debate over Weinstein's firing, but our sources say it would guarantee a lawsuit. Based on what we know from the contract, Weinstein might have to go to arbitration, but his side believes if the Board fights dirty they'd want this to end up in court.

Woody Allen 'Sad' For Weinstein Hopefully No Witch Hunts!

6:25 PM PT -- Woody Allen has clarified his "sad" comment over Harvey Weinstein in a statement to Variety ... saying " When I said I felt sad for Harvey Weinstein; I thought it was clear the meaning was because he is a sad, sick man ...Lest there be any ambiguity, this statement clarifies my intention and feelings."

Woody Allen says he feels "sad" for Harvey Weinstein after being accused of sexual harassment and assault -- but he also hopes no witch hunts come out of this.

Woody told the BBC Saturday that he felt for everyone involved in the Weinstein scandal -- including the women making the allegations, and Harvey himself.

He explained ... "The whole Harvey Weinstein thing is very sad for everybody involved. Tragic for the poor women that were involved, sad for Harvey that (his) life is so messed up."

Allen -- who's been accused of sexually abusing children -- went on to say he'd heard rumors about Weinstein before, but never took them seriously because he was only interested in making his own movies while working with the guy.

And while Allen says he hopes this can be a teachable moment in Hollywood, he also doesn't "want it to lead to a witch hunt atmosphere, a Salem atmosphere, where every guy in an office who winks at a woman is suddenly having to call a lawyer to defend himself."

Pressing his luck?

Courtney Love Warned Actresses in 2005 Stay Clear of Weinstein

101417_courtney_love_kal 2005
Comedy Central

11:45 AM PT -- Courtney has responded to our story, saying ... "Although I wasn't one of his victims, I was eternally banned by CAA for speaking out against Harvey Weinstein."

More proof of the biggest lie in Hollywood ... that no one knew about the shenanigans of Harvey Weinstein.

We found this video -- circa 2005 -- from the red carpet event for the Pamela Anderson Comedy Central Roast.

Courtney Love is asked by Natasha Leggero if she has advice for young women trying to make it in Hollywood. She hesitates -- fearing what she says could land her in court -- but then goes for it, warning women to decline an invite from Weinstein at a swanky Bev Hills hotel.

Love was not afraid to be seen in public with Weinstein. Here she is in 2012 with Jessica Chastain, interacting with Harvey Weinstein at the Sunset Tower Hotel.

Angie Everhart Harvey Weinstein Masturbated In Front of Me ... and Everyone Knew


Angie Everhart just told a stunning story on TMZ Live ... she says Harvey Weinstein broke into the room where she was sleeping on a yacht, held her at bay and masturbated ... she told everyone about it afterward, but no one cared.

Angie says the incident happened more than 10 years ago on a yacht during the Venice Film Festival (she mistakenly said Cannes). She says she had just arrived from the United States, was jetlagged and went to a cabin and fell asleep. The next thing she knew, Weinstein was over her, blocking the door and pleasuring himself.

She says he told her not to tell anyone, but, "I told everyone." Angie says she told other actors, producers -- anyone who would listen -- and all they said was, "oh that's just Harvey." Angie says everyone knew that Weinstein committed such acts but no one did a damn thing until last week.

Jason Aldean to Evildoers 'F*** You!!!'


Jason Aldean's triumphant return to the stage included a message to domestic terrorists -- "f*** you!!!"

The country star resumed his concert tour Thursday night in Tulsa, OK and opened with comforting words for the Las Vegas shooting victims. As you know, Jason -- who canceled shows in L.A., San Diego and Anaheim in the aftermath -- was onstage when the shots rang out.

Jason said the 58 people killed are always on his mind but he also thinks about fans who weren't shot but were traumatized by the experience. He said, "Even though people may not have physical injuries it's gonna be a mental thing for a lot of people for a long time."

The singer then directed his anger at those trying to make us live in fear.

Watch. Powerful stuff.

John Legend Wine Grapes Feeling Heat in Wildfires ... But Safe for Now

John Legend's keeping a close eye on the massive wildfires in California's wine country, because the vineyard that produces his wine is flirting with disaster.

The singer's LVE Collection Wines are produced at Raymond Vineyards in Napa, which is smack-dab in the middle of the surrounding blaze. The owner of the vineyard, Jean-Charles Boisset, tells TMZ the fires are 5 miles away in every direction, so John's grapes and vines are safe ... for now.

However, we're told Legend's been informed his grapes will most likely be affected by the smoke. The damaged ones would have to be sorted out at harvest time ... which could increase costs. As you can see, the sky over the vineyard is smokey as hell.

The fast-moving fires in Cali's wine country have killed more than 20 people and hundreds are missing. And the inferno's far from contained.

Las Vegas Shooting Victim Sues Stephen Paddock Estate ... Live Nation, MGM Too

12:05 PM PT -- An MGM Resorts spokesperson also tells us:

“The tragic incident that took place on October 1st was a meticulously planned, evil senseless act. As our company and city work through the healing process, our primary focus and concern is taking actions to support the victims and their families, our guests and employees and cooperating with law enforcement ... Out of respect for the victims we are not going to try this case in the public domain and we will give our response through the appropriate legal channels.”

12:00 PM PT-- A rep for Live Nation tells us, "We continue to be devastated by the tragedy at the Route 91 Festival, heartbroken for the victims, their families and the countless people forever impacted by this senseless act of violence and are cooperating fully with the active FBI investigation. We are, however, unable to comment specifically on pending litigation."

One of the Las Vegas shooting victims has filed the first lawsuit against Stephen Paddock's estate along with MGM Resorts and Live Nation, claiming they're all to blame for her life-threatening injuries.

Paige Gasper, a 21-year-old from CA, filed the suit in Clark County, Nevada ... and in the docs she says the venue and promoter are just as responsible as Paddock because they failed to properly protect concertgoers from mortal danger.

Gasper says she was struck by a bullet that entered her right underarm, cut across her right breast, shattered her ribs and lacerated her liver before exiting her body. She says the bullet incapacitated her, and fleeing concertgoers ended up trampling her, which she partly blames on Live Nation for having an inadequate exit plan.

A Good Samaritan eventually picked her up and put her on a flatbed truck with other victims, and they were raced to a hospital. Gasper is also suing the manufacturers of bump stocks, which helped turn Paddock's semi-automatic rifle into a near fully-automatic weapon.

We've reached out to MGM and Live Nation, so far no word back.

'American Horror Story' Edited Mass Shooting Scene Airs ... But the Gore's Still Online


Producers for "American Horror Story" made good on their promise to edit a mass shooting scene for this week's episode, but the carnage can still be seen online.

FX aired "Mid-Western Assassin" Tuesday, and you can see they significantly pared it down to avoid showing anyone actually getting shot. You mostly just hear the victims.


The decision to make major cuts to the shooting scene came on the heels of the Vegas mass shooting. However, viewers can still use FX's video-on-demand feature to watch the unedited version of the scene ... where at least 3 people are shot onscreen.

Mark Zuckerberg Sorry About Our Awesome VR Demo in Flooded Puerto Rico!!!


Mark Zuckerberg admits using hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico as the backdrop to roll out Facebook's new 360-degree virtual reality technology ... was a super tone-deaf idea. No duh.

Zuckerberg issued an apology for the demonstration he and other FB staffers pulled off on Tuesday. The technology is, no doubt, cool -- using VR to drop your friends into your home, your vacation ... or maybe even your decimated homeland ... in the case of millions of Puerto Ricans.

The video is stunning -- make sure you wait for the high-five between Mark and his social media honcho, Rachel.

Tone-deaf is a HUGE understatement.

Nia Long Screw Dove Black Skin is Not Abnormal


Nia Long used Dove products, UNTIL she read the label.

We got Nia Tuesday in one of the treasures of L.A. -- Larchmont Village -- and asked her about the brouhaha over the soap.

It's pretty stunning ... she says she was a fan of Dove until she noticed the description on the box that said it was for "normal to dark skin." Translation ... dark skin isn't normal.

That's all she wrote for Nia ... who raised the bar and chose a different bar.

Ivanka Trump Third Wheelin' with Trudeau, Wife And Everyone's Lovin' It!

Well, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pulled it off -- a dîner à trois -- with Ivanka Trump and his wife!

If your French sucks, that just means dinner for 3 ... don't get too excited. But Canada's top dawg was the man in the middle of Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and Ivanka Tuesday night at Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit and Gala in D.C.

Could've been a little awkward, since Ivanka and JT have shared a few glances and stated how impressed they are with each other -- but Sophie's clearly the cool chick, and seemed happy to have a hot third wheel.

Unclear if Jared Kushner attended. If he didn't ... big mistake, buddy. Huge.

Lindsay Lohan 'Parent Trap' Napa Property Spared ... In NorCal Wildfires

The Napa estate Lindsay Lohan schemed her way into "The Parent Trap" has miraculously been spared by wildfires in Northern California ... at least for now.

Staglin Family Vineyards -- portrayed as Dennis Quaid's "Parker Knoll" in the movie -- is currently unscathed by any of the surrounding fires in the area ... so says the owner.

Shari Staglin tells TMZ her property in the town of Rutherford hasn't been touched in the midst of raging blazes this week, despite bordering towns having been evacuated. She says the nearest fires are 3-5 miles away ... and threatening winds have started to die down.

Staglin also notes the property -- comprised of a vineyard and 2 mansions -- is surrounded by streams, so she's expecting to be fine. She's also housing some evacuated employees and families there, too, through the disaster.

The fires in NorCal have killed at least 15 so far, and scorched up to 100,000 acres.

President Obama I'm Disgusted by Harvey Weinstein

President Obama has added his name to the list of famous people who are disgusted by the stories that have surfaced about Harvey Weinstein.

The former Prez just said, "Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein. Any man who demeans and degrades women in such a fashion needs to be condemned and held accountable, regardless of wealth or status."

Obama went on ... "We should celebrate the courage of women who have come forward to tell these painful stories. And we all need to build a culture -- including by empowering our girls and teaching our boys decency and respect -- so we can make such behavior less prevalent in the future."

You'll remember, Malia Obama was an intern at Weinstein's company in January.

Harvey Weinstein Settlement Talks Loom ... Continued Relationship with Co. Possible

Harvey Weinstein is gearing up for settlement talks with the company that fired him, and inside sources say there could still be some form of a relationship between The Weinstein Co. and its namesake.

Sources familiar with the negotiations tell us, both the Board of Directors and Harvey Weinstein himself fully appreciate the numerous unresolved issues after he was 86'd in the wake of the sexual harassment allegations.

As one source put it, "The Board has a problem because The Weinstein Co. IS Harvey Weinstein. Without him, it's nothing." On top of that, there has been no financial settlement between Weinstein and his company ... something we're told is extremely complicated.

Weinstein has lawyered up, and there have already been moves to work out the inevitable settlement. As one source put it, there's a distinct possibility Weinstein could maintain some role -- even if it's on the outside.

Weinstein holds lots of cards in the negotiations ... as we reported, although the Board of Directors claims total surprise, stories about Weinstein and women were well known in Hollywood ... and tolerated by many. A wrongful termination lawsuit looms if they can't strike a settlement, and what comes out during discovery and a trial could seriously damage The Weinstein Co.

The trick for the Company ... is it worse to have a business relationship with Weinstein or risk a lawsuit?

Rose McGowan Ben Affleck's a Hypocrite!!! He KNEW Weinstein Assaulted Me

Ben Affleck is flat out lying if he wants people to think he didn't know about Harvey Weinstein ... at least according to Rose McGowan who says she told Ben face-to-face.

Shortly after Ben issued his first comments about Weinstein -- with whom he worked closely on several movies, including "Good Will Hunting" -- Rose blasted the actor for making it sound like Weinstein's pattern of sexual harassment was news to him. She claims she told Ben that Weinstein assaulted her, and Ben replied, "Goddamnit! I told him to stop doing that."

She says she even remembers where Ben said it -- while they were at a news conference for a movie they did. Rose adds she was forced to go to the event after Weinstein had assaulted her.

She told Ben ... "You lie."

Ben Affleck Harvey Weinstein's Actions 'Completely Unacceptable'

Ben Affleck is condemning Harvey Weinstein -- who helped make him an Oscar winner -- calling his actions "completely unacceptable."

Affleck says reading the allegations against Weinstein made him sick, especially because they'd worked together so closely on "Good Will Hunting" -- the 1997 Miramax release that earned Ben his first Oscar.

Rose McGowan seemed to be calling out Ben and his brother Casey on Monday with a vague tweet ... suggesting they've known about Weinstein's behavior, but had remained silent.

Affleck added in his statement, "We must support those who come forward" and condemn behavior like Weinstein's. He also said having "more women in positions of power" would help.

Speaking of women in power ... Hillary Clinton finally sounded off on Weinstein, who's famously made sizeable donations to her political campaigns.

Hillary said, "I was shocked and appalled by the revelations. The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior."