Don Lemon Here's Who'll Be Left When the World Ends

Don Lemon

Don Lemon's as ready as he can be for nuclear war, but it seems sort of pointless ... because he's not even on his own list of who'll make it out alive.

Our photog got the "CNN Tonight" host at LAX Thursday and asked if his network prepares them for the world going nuclear -- who knew? It does ... sort of.

Don says CNN holds training classes every couple of years and the office is stocked with survival packs.

But the good part's when Lemon predicts who'll survive.

Taylor Swift Butt Groping Trial 'He Latched On to My Bare Ass'

Taylor Swift has come out swinging at her butt groping trial -- reportedly testifying that a Denver radio DJ "grabbed my ass underneath my skirt" while posing with Swift for a photo and stayed "latched on" to her bare ass.

The singer is currently on the stand describing an incident before her 2013 concert in Denver in which Swift claims she was sexually assaulted by David Mueller.

"He did not touch my rib. He did not touch my hand. He grabbed my bare ass," Swift testified.

"He stayed latched on to my bare ass ... as I moved away from him visibly uncomfortable."

"It was a very shocking thing that I have never dealt with before … He grabbed my ass underneath my skirt. It was underneath my skirt."

Mueller's attorney has pointed out that Swift continued to meet-and-greet with fans after the alleged incident -- making it unlikely that it happened at all.

Swift responded that she didn't want to disappoint her fans.

Mueller's attorney told Swift during the questioning that she could have taken a break from the event. Swift replied. "And your client could have taken a normal photo with me."

He's denied the allegations outright.

Gov Terry McAuliffe to Trump Knock Off 'Fire and Fury' Talk


Gov. Terry McAuliffe has a clear message for Donald Trump for the sake of world salvation -- "Knock it off."

We got the Virginia democrat at an event Wednesday in Pentagon City, and he's alarmed to say the least at the President's "fire and fury" rhetoric directed at North Korea.

It's interesting ... check out this video of President Harry Truman back in August 1945 -- the day we dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima -- when he used language almost identical in tone to Trump's.


Donald Trump Ex-Campaign Manager Crib Raided by FBI

President Donald Trump's ex-campaign manager had a rude awakening after FBI agents conducted a predawn raid at his home.

The raid happened back on July 26 but news just surfaced. FBI agents stormed Paul Manafort's Alexandria, Virginia crib to seize docs related to Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia interference of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The raid reportedly went down the day after Manafort met with the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is also investigating Russia. Manafort, of course, was one of a handful of people -- including Donald Trump Jr. and son-in-law/adviser Jared Kushner -- who took part in a 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton.

News of the raid was first reported by The Washington Post.

Demi Lovato Apple of Tim Cook's Eye ... Rocks Corporate Concert

Demi Lovato put a smile on Apple CEO Tim Cook's face ... then headlined a corporate bash that made all the rest of his employees happy too.

Demi stopped by Apple's Northern California headquarters in Cupertino Friday and rocked their Beer Bash to celebrate diversity and inclusion. We're told she performed for an hour between 4-6 PM ... the perfect slot for happy hour.

Apple holds these type of events for its workers every couple months, but doesn't always land an act as big as Lovato.

Pretty sure they can afford it, though.

Martin Shkreli Convicted in Securities Fraud Case


Martin Shkreli-- dubbed the most hated CEO in America -- was convicted in his long-drawn out federal fraud case.

Shkreli was found guilty on 3 of 8 counts. He was charged with securities fraud, conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud Friday. The charges stem from his time as head of the drug company Retrophin, as well as hedge funds he managed. The 34-year-old was found not guilty of 5 other counts, including wire fraud.

Shkreli was arrested in 2015 after being accused of losing millions of dollars of investors' funds, and then trying to pay them back with stock in a new drug startup.

His defense attorneys reportedly argued many of the investors cashed in big-time when the new drug company went public. One of his attorneys even told the jury that just 'cause he wasn't well-liked doesn't make him a "Ponzi guy."

Shkreli famously hiked up the price of the AIDS drug Daraprim by 5,000% in 2015 (which wasn't related to his case) ... causing the price of each pill to inflate to $750. That hasn't gone over well with people, and he's made A LOT of enemies since ... including Lil Wayne.

Shkreli faces up to 20 years in prison for the 3 convictions.

Anthony Scaramucci 'Insane' Over White House Leaks Audio Released

Anthony Scaramucci's expletive-laced rant to a reporter was recorded, and The New Yorker just released the audio.

The reporter, Ryan Lizza, captured his phone convo with Scaramucci last week, and you can hear the then-White House Communications Director's now infamous reference ... "I'm not Steve Bannon, I'm not trying to suck my own c**k."

The Mooch also accused Reince Priebus of repeatedly c**kblocking him from landing his White House gig. As bad as it sounds, Scaramucci comes off as relatively calm on the audio ... even as he's dropping c-bombs and other obscenities.

Scaramucci resigned from his post Monday. As we told you, rumors he was dating FOX News' Kimberly Guilfoyle might've been the last straw.

Ohio State Fair Video Shows Riders Thrown In Deadly Accident

The moment an Ohio State Fair ride turned deadly in a horrific accident -- which hurled riders through the air -- was captured on video.

At least 1 person died Wednesday night and seven others were injured when part of the Fire Ball ride broke off its hinges ... violently ejected people from their seats and sent them flying to the ground.

Officials said the fair will be open Thursday, but no rides will be running until they're deemed safe.

It's still unclear what caused the accident and it's under investigation.

Justin Bieber Cancels Remaining Purpose Tour Dates

Justin Bieber is signing off early -- canceling the final leg of his Purpose world tour ... TMZ has learned.

It's unclear why he's pulling the plug on his 14 remaining shows -- starting with Arlington, TX this weekend -- but one tour source told us Justin's "just over it."

The tour started March 9 in Seattle, and was in the homestretch ... with some huge stadium dates in Texas, Denver, East Rutherford, NJ and also the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. There were also a few international stops in Japan, Singapore and the Philippines.

12:11 PM PT -- Justin's team just released a statement saying the cancellation stems from "unforeseen circumstances." They go on to say tickets will be refunded.

Shepard Smith Asks Trump and Co. 'Why All the Lies?'

FNC Anchor Shepard Smith is incredulous, blasting President Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Jr. Jared Kushner and the whole White House gang for repeatedly lying about their contacts with Russia during the 2016 election.

Smith couldn't hide his contempt as he talked to fellow FNC anchor Chris Wallace, noting the tide has turned and even Trump stalwarts now acknowledge the numerous lies ... all short of collusion but, as Smith says, why lie if there's nothing at the end of the road?

At one point Smith unleashes on Trump, literally leaving Wallace speechless.

Cat Killer/Sexual Abuser Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison

Robert Farmer will be behind bars 16 years for shocking crimes ... killing 21 cats and sexually abusing the carcass of one of them.

Farmer, who's dad is a retired captain from the San Jose PD, was apprehended at a Home Depot ... sleeping in his car with a dead cat in the center console. A necropsy revealed he had sexually abused the female tabby cat.

Police found chunks of fur and blood inside the car. They also found a backpack with fur-covered gloves and a hunting knife.


Chechnya President On Gay Execution Claims 'We Don't Have These Kinds of People Here'

The President of Chechnya says the people who are accusing his regime of torturing and killing gays are "devils" because he says it can't be true because "We don't have these kinds of people here."

President Ramzan Kadyrov sat for an interview with David Scott from 'Real Sports' and it's shocking. There are reports 27 people were recently murdered by the government ... killed because they were gay, something the government has denied because the party line is that there are no gays in the country.

Kadyrov says, "To purify our blood, if there are any here take them," and he goes on, "If there are any take them to Canada."

And there's more ... Kadyrov challenges America, saying "Even if our government were completely destroyed, our nuclear missiles would be automatically deployed. We will put the whole world on its knees and screw it from behind."

'Real Sports' did the interview because it is doing a piece on MMA in Chechnya.

'Gotham' Star Donal Logue Missing Daughter Back Home Safely

"Gotham" star Donal Logue can breathe a sigh of relief -- his missing teenager has returned home safely.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Logue's 16-year-old daughter Jade was found this morning in North Carolina at a friend's house. A joint NYPD-FBI investigation led to her discovery.

According to Logue's rep ... "Jade is now safely back home with her family."

Logue has been posting on social media since June 27 with pleas for her to return home, as well as descriptions and photos asking for the public's help. On Thursday he wrote ... "Jade, c’mon home, you sweet, beautiful, soul. We love and miss you dearly."

Thankfully she did, and his rep says Donal's extremely grateful for everyone's support, "especially to the NYPD, FBI and Team Adam NCMEC for her safe return."

President Trump Swing and A Miss! Polish First Lady Leaves Him Hanging


President Trump enjoyed a great Polish dish ... sorry, make that a diss ... courtesy of the country's first lady.

Melania and POTUS arrived in Poland Thursday and after a ceremony, stood onstage with President Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda. Trump's handshake with Prez Duda went off without a hitch -- but when he extended a hand to First Lady Agata ... things got chilly.

Agata passed up Trump's hand -- you can almost hear her say, "Psych!" -- and instead greeted Melania.

Total humiliation.

It was only momentary -- Agata did eventually shake his hand, but the embarrassment was written all over Trump's face.

Amelia Earhart Expert Claims New Doc is Bogus That's Not Her in the Photo!!!

Amelia Earhart indeed survived her plane crash, but an upcoming documentary claiming to have photo evidence is crazy ... so claims a man who has made the mystery his lifelong mission.

Ric Gillespie, owner of TIGHAR -- an organization long involved in the search for Earhart -- tells TMZ he's known about this photo for a year and on many levels he knows Amelia's not in the pic.

The new documentary claims Earhart became a captive in the South Pacific after her crash and claims her captors can be seen all around her in the photo.

Gillespie says there were a lot of mercenaries in that area at the time ... so it could be any white woman in the pic -- the features aren't recognizable.

Secondly ... based on where Earhart took flight in New Guinea, Ric says she would not have had enough fuel to get to the Marshall Islands, where the photo was allegedly taken. According to Ric, her last signal was picked up hundreds of miles from that location.

Finally, Gillespie believes the photo simply doesn't match up with the captive theory. He points out none of the alleged captors have guns or look threatening. He thinks it's just a photo showing people hanging out on the wharf on Jaluit Atoll -- part of the Marshall Islands.

Gillespie and TIGHAR still stand by their theory -- Amelia survived her plane crash and died as a castaway on the Pacific island of Nikumaroro, Kiribati.

Amelia Earhart Survived Crash Claims New Documentary with Photo Evidence

Amelia Earhart survived what everyone thought was a fatal flight and ended up a prisoner of war ... this according to a new documentary.

As everyone knows, almost 80 years ago to the day, Earhart took off in her Lockheed Electra from New Guinea and vanished. Neither her plane nor her body were ever found. She was presumed dead.

But a new documentary -- "Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence" -- shows a photo taken on a South Pacific island days after she disappeared. The doc claims Amelia is in the photo, sitting on a dock, surrounded by people who might be her captors.

The documentary -- which airs Sunday on the History Channel -- claims the U.S. government covered it all up to save face.