High-Flying Drone Drops Bags Of Weed Over Tel Aviv

It's cloudy with a chance of cannabis in Tel Aviv ... a drone dropped bags of weed over a city square, sending folks running into the streets for the gratis greens.

Dank started dropping from the skies over Rabin Square Thursday, a ganja gift from local activists seeking to legalize it.

As you can see in the video, the free baggies of bud started fluttering down from a high-flying drone, and people scrambled to scoop up the strains in the middle of traffic.

Pro-legalization group Green Drone hinted at the operation beforehand in a message on Telegram, saying ... "The time has come. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the Green Drone sending you free cannabis from the skies."

The fun police, AKA actual police, put a stop to it all, though -- cops say they arrested 2 men who allegedly operated the drone. Police claimed the bags were packed with "a dangerous drug." Hey, not everyone's come around on marijuana.

Medical cannabis is legal in Israel, while recreational use is illegal, but mostly decriminalized.

Beirut Blast Pets Reunited with Their Owners ... And It Looks So Good!!!

@animalslebanon / Instagram

A group of people has been on the ground after the Beirut blast, finding lost pets and reuniting them with their owners ... and the video is about as feel-good as it gets.

The org is called Animals Lebanon, and they just recently posted a series of clips of different pet owners -- mostly of cats and dogs -- being reintroduced to their furry family members. The team was literally on the streets these past few weeks finding animals that may have run away or been injured in the blast, and then tracking down their families.

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The pay-off is a joy to watch ... the animals are oftentimes just as excited -- if not more so -- than their humans, especially some of these dogs ... wagging tails and jumping up and down after recognizing a familiar face. The cats are happy too, just less demonstrative ... as usual. Still, it's awesome to see.

Animals Lebanon says it's reunited more than 100 owners with pets and adds, "These guardians had lost so much, many were injured and they were so grateful and happy to see their pets again."

Beirut Blast

Remember, the explosion that rocked the city literally blew out windows, rocked buildings and homes ... and absolutely scared the bejesus out of people (and animals, too). It also killed more than 100 people, and left several others severely injured.

Government officials said a fire broke out at a warehouse storing a ridiculous amount of ammonium nitrate, setting off the nuclear bomb-like explosion. They're still investigating how that was allowed to happen, and figuring out how to pick up the pieces.

In the meantime, here's a little something to lift everyone's spirits.

Wrestling Champ Navid Afkari Sentenced to Death In Iran ... Over 2018 Protests

An Iranian wrestling champ is slated to be executed over his alleged role in a 2018 protest against the government ... and now people from all over the world are begging for mercy.

The Islamic Republic of Iran's Supreme Court confirmed 27-year-old Navid Afkari received TWO death sentences for participating in protests against the government's economic policies.

Afkari is a decorated wrestler in Iran who has medaled in multiple national tournaments, according to several reports.

Navid and his 2 brothers were each charged with more than 20 different crimes -- including "attending illegal gatherings, assembly and conspiracy to commit crimes against national security, and insulting the supreme leader."

All 3 men were found guilty -- but Navid is the only one set to die for the alleged crimes.

His brothers each received lengthy prison sentences -- and were ordered to receive 74 lashes.

In addition to his death sentences, Navid is also set to receive 74 lashes.

Navid's mother made a video condemning the sham trial against her sons ... calling it an "unjust court hearing full of lies."

"My sons were not able to defend themselves at all."

Also, The Human Rights Activists News Agency says it has a letter from Navid explaining how Iranian authorities used torture to extract confessions.

In the purported letter, Navid says his captures used a plastic bag to cover his head and poured alcohol into his nostrils.

No word on when Navid will be executed -- but watchdog groups are calling for foreign governments to intervene quickly ... before it's too late.

Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron We Got Ballistics on Breonna Taylor ... But It's Not Conclusive

Kentucky's Attorney General says his office has finally received the ballistics report he's been waiting for in the Breonna Taylor case ... but he says it's not conclusive and it seems there's still no end in sight.

Daniel Cameron revealed Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation" that he's now gotten hold of a crucial FBI ballistics report he's been saying for weeks was one of the last things he needed before deciding if he'll bring charges against the cops that shot and killed her. He said the report was not "the end-all, be-all," though he would not elaborate.

Cameron made it seem like he was still a ways away from coming to any sort of conclusion. He says he still needs to meet with the FBI to review the report, on top of going through further witness testimony and other analysis ... with no clear end in sight.

Cameron did say he and his team will be meeting with the FBI this upcoming week but didn't indicate how long it would take to review the ballistics, or anything else that might follow. It's been 5 months now since Breonna was killed, and yet ... the waiting continues.

Her family's attorney, Ben Crump, said Sunday ... word of Cameron receiving the ballistics report was welcome news, but he also made it clear, he's expecting this to come to an end with a final decision sooner than later, adding Cameron's hyped up this report as damn near the last piece of the puzzle.

Cameron says he wants to do a thorough investigation before any announcement on possible charges. Just recently, Breonna's family told us they were reassured to Cameron's commitment to resolving her case and getting justice after finally meeting with him.

Unclear how they might feel now that he's saying he's actually not all that close after all.

President Trump at Lake Charles, LA OK, I Saw the Damage So Who Wants My $10,000 Autograph???

You know how valuable i am???

President Trump's trip to hurricane-ravaged Louisiana capped off with an unseemly sight -- him handing out his autograph to city officials ... telling them to sell it for $10k a pop.

DT flew down to Lake Charles Saturday -- which was just torn through by Hurricane Laura -- and after holding a news conference with some FEMA officials on hand, 45 stuck around to give his John Hancock to fans, notably ... LC officials.

He's done it before, but this time it looks terrible for 2 reasons. First, there are people who lost everything in the storm, so jokes not appreciated. Second, the idea that the President is signing autographs and telling recipients to sell it on eBay ... well, as they say, it is what it is.

Aside from the fact Trump's acting like he just rolled out of a limousine to an 'Apprentice' premiere, throwing around autographs haphazardly and acting more like a celebrity than POTUS tending to a city that desperately needs help ... well, that's whatcha call tone-deaf.

Elon Musk We Implanted Computer Chip in Pig's Brain ... And It Works!!!

Elon Musk's brave new world is closer to reality, because he just unveiled his latest triumph ... a pig that responds to prompts after getting a computer chip placed in its brain.

The pig is Gertrude ... and this could be a precursor to chips being placed in the brains of humans.

Gertrude is seen rooting around on the ground when it hears electronic signals emitted around her, and it triggers increased brain activity.

Musk's goal is to implant these chips in humans in a fairly noninvasive way. The idea ... a surgical robot would do the honors with a chip the size of a coin that has electrodes attached.

Musk has said his initial goal is to help people with diseases such as Parkinson's, and help quadriplegics function way better than with present technology.

Here's the thing ... if this works, and it actually seems inevitable, our brain chips will eventually be able to access computers to call up a world of information in a nanosecond. That would make school almost irrelevant, since learning gets bypassed by Google.

Intriguing and a little scary.

Weather Channel Reporting Live ... Hurricane Laura's Kicking Our Ass!!!

The Weather Channel

Weather Channel reporters take their job seriously ... maybe too seriously, 'cause they were seriously in danger while reporting from the eye of Hurricane Laura, and this intense video proves it.

A couple of reporters braved the elements beginning late Wednesday night from Lake Charles, Louisiana as Hurricane Laura picks up hurricane gust winds. Check out the video ... eventually, you see the poor reporter holding on for dear life as she struggles staying on her feet.

The winds eventually reach 104 MPH just before 1 AM CT. Things get so bad ... the winds send glass shattering everywhere, prompting the reporter to run for cover. There's another reporter out there who says he's in the eye of the storm at around 1:39 AM CT. Dude's wearing a helmet as debris is flying everywhere.

The storm is causing enormous problems along the Gulf.  They're setting up shelters for an untold number of people who may now be homeless, but in COVID times that adds an additional layer of danger.

Kenosha 'Vigilante' Shooter Arrested ... Booked for Homicide

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1:32 PM PT -- Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth says the shooting that occurred and resulted in 2 people dying is exactly why he doesn't support deputizing citizens with guns to help police patrol neighborhoods. He says it's way too much added liability for his department ... and leads to more confrontation.

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Sheriff Beth says he thinks the 2 victims got mixed up with this group inquiring about becoming deputized. He also gave his reasoning why law enforcement let the shooting suspect -- identified as the 17-year-old Rittenhouse -- leave the scene without being arrested.


10:15 AM PT -- The "vigilante" shooter in Kenosha who allegedly shot and killed at least two people has been captured by cops -- and he's now facing homicide charges.


Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested in Antioch, Illinois. Court records indicate he was booked for first-degree homicide in relation to the Kenosha shooting. It appears he's been assigned a public defender and is set to appear in court for an extradition hearing later this week.

A man -- who witnesses described as being part of a vigilante militia group -- with a long gun brazenly walked down a street in Kenosha, Wisconsin Tuesday night and began firing his weapon at people protesting the police shooting of Jacob Blake, killing 2, and incredibly walking right past a swarm of cops who let him go into the night.

The protest centered around the courthouse and got out of hand, with water bottles, rocks and fireworks aimed at police. The police then fired rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd, which then dispersed and moved several blocks.

That's when the white vigilante appears on video with his gun. He reportedly had already shot someone several blocks away, and he was being chased by protesters who were trying to subdue him.

The vigilante falls to the ground as he's being chased and then begins unloading his weapon, striking and killing 2 people.

And, then the unthinkable happens. As police swarm the area in patrol cars and fortified vehicles, the vigilante -- gun clearly visible around his chest -- put his hands up in the air. The police vehicles all pass him, as the crowd screams he's the shooter.

It's a stunning contrast ... the white vigilante posed a clear and present danger, even if cops didn't know he was the shooter, yet Jacob Blake, an unarmed black man, was shot in the back 7 times as he tried to get in his car. Jacob is now paralyzed from the waist down.

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Raysean White via TMX.news

The vigilante escaped and is still on the loose.

Originally Published -- 6:00 AM PT

Jacob Blake Paralyzed from Waist Down ... 'Miracle' If He Walks Again

Fox 6

Jacob Blake is paralyzed from the waist down as a result of being shot in the back by a cop in Kenosha, WI ... and he'll need a miracle if he's ever gonna walk again.

Jacob's father and mother got super emotional Tuesday as they asked for answers and prayers outside the Kenosha County Courthouse.

His dad fought back tears as he wondered why police shot his son in the back like his life didn't matter. His mother said she's praying for everyone, even the cops, and asked for an end to the riots and violence erupting in the aftermath of her son's shooting.

Fox 6

The family's lawyer, Ben Crump, and his legal team provided a harrowing update on Jacob's medical condition ... doctors are telling them Jacob will need a "miracle" to learn to walk again after a bullet ripped through his spinal cord.

Jacob was rushed into surgery Tuesday, with doctors removing his colon and small intestine. His lawyers also say he has holes in his stomach, plus damage to his liver, kidney and arm. More surgeries await Jacob, plus a long and difficult rehab.

Jacob's father got emotional again as he explained the toll the shooting is taking on the family ... he says his grandson keeps asking him why the police shot his dad.

His mother says Jacob's trying his best to keep in good spirits ... even telling a joke when she was finally allowed inside his hospital room.

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Raysean White via TMX.news

The family says its planning to file a civil lawsuit to hold the cops involved accountable, and their lawyers are asking for the officers to be fired and arrested.

The shooting of another unarmed Black man resulted in growing protests Sunday night in Kenosha, which escalated to violence ... including a police officer being knocked out cold.

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The unrest continued Monday, and a peaceful protest march through the city was again followed by violence and fires set to buildings after dark.

Jacob's mom says her son would not be pleased with the violence, and called for healing and prayer throughout the country.

As we reported ... Blake was shot 7 times in the back as he was walking away from cops and trying to get in his SUV. His partner and the couple’s 3 children were in the back seat of the vehicle screaming when police shot him. We're told they are severely traumatized by what they saw.

Michelle Smith via TMX.news

An alternate angle of the shooting shows that Jacob appeared to be involved in a tussle with the officers before getting up and walking around to the driver's side, where he was shot. A witness claims he heard the cops say Blake had a knife as they pointed their guns ... but in fact, he was unarmed.

N. Korea's Kim Jong-Un Reportedly in a Coma ... Not Dead, But Close???

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is once again on his death bed ... that is, if you buy what some South Korean officials are saying about his mysterious health status.

Chang Song-min -- a former aide to the late S. Korean President Kim Dae-jung -- recently told South Korean media that, based on intel he'd received, he assessed ol' Kim to be in a coma, but not entirely deceased quite yet.

He went on to say, "A complete succession structure has not been formed, so Kim Yo-jong is being brought to the fore as the vacuum cannot be maintained for a prolonged period."

There might be something to this, because N. Korea's own National Intelligence Service said that although Kim would still "exert absolute power," he would gradually begin to transfer authority to his younger sister, Kim Yo-jong, to "ease stress." So ... something's up.

Frankly, we don't know what to believe when it comes to reports about KJU, 'cause one minute the guy's said to be six feet under after a botched heart surgery, and the next ... he's walking around in the flesh, making limited public appearances and looking sorta healthy.

Of course, there's been tons of theories -- including debunked body double takes -- but one that seems to be sticking now is that Kim might very well be on his way out the door. What's bizarre about this latest development is that Kim was reported to have been in a meeting, in-person, just as recently as this past week, and we saw photos of him in late July.

Also, he supposedly ordered the execution of some N. Korean officials pretty recently too. So ... what the hell does he have that could've knocked him on his ass (again?) so quickly???

Stay tuned ...

Gas Station Shooting Cops Use Flash-Bang Explosives Against Protesters

Cops fired flash-bang explosives into a crowd of protesters Saturday night in Lafayette, Louisiana ... this after Trayford Pellerin died being shot 11 times at a gas station.

The protest/vigil was held at the Shell gas station where 31-year-old Trayford Pellerin's life ended. He had allegedly been holding a knife as cops followed him. Police say they tased Pellerin, but he continued to walk toward the convenience store with a knife, and when he approached the door, they shot him.


What police didn't explain ... why 11 shots? Could they have disabled him with one shot so he couldn't enter the convenience store? So far, the PD has not addressed this point.

Around 150 people were at the station, when Lafayette Parish Sheriff's deputies wearing riot gear formed a line to block the protesters.

The protesters chanted, "Hands up, don't shoot," and at a point deputies fired their flash-bang explosives at the crowd.

Several arrests were made. As for the deputies involved in the shooting ... they were all placed on administrative leave with pay pending an investigation.

Arizona Wildfire Jogger Tries to Put Out Fire with Tennis Shoes!!!

Hard to figure out ... is this more futile or dangerous?

A dude named Trevor Murphy was trying to create a fire break in the middle of the raging wildfires in Phoenix ... with his tennis shoes!

Check it out ... Trevor was out on his morning run. He's training for the 100-mile Ultra Marathon in October and runs 10 to 20 miles a day.

He came across a fire started by a lightning strike and tried to keep the fire from spreading across the hiking trail. He didn't have a hoe, didn't have a shovel, but he had some kicks.

As the weatherman from the CBS affiliate in Phoenix watched in shock on the air, Trevor was kickin' up dirt, licking the flames with his shoes.

He didn't do much to subdue the flames, and the soles of his shoes melted. To repeat the words of the weatherman ... don't try this at home.

Golden State Killer Gets Life Sentence Pled Guilty to 13 Murders

The man known as the Golden State Killer will be spending the rest of his days behind bars.

Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. learned his fate Friday when Judge Michael Bowman sentenced him to life without parole for murdering 13 people and raping 50 in a series of horrific crimes in the '70s and '80s that terrified California.

And, get this ... the judge sentenced DeAngelo in the ballroom at Sacramento State University, where the 74-year-old former police officer graduated almost half a century ago after earning a degree in criminal justice.

DeAngelo, wearing a long-sleeve white shirt over his orange jumpsuit, rose and removed his face mask to briefly speak before being sentenced, saying ... "I'm truly sorry to everyone I've hurt."

As we reported ... DeAngelo pled guilty in June to 13 first-degree murder charges and 13 counts of kidnapping for purposes of robbery. He also admitted guilt to rapes and abductions.

The Golden State Killer, whose trail of terror also spawned monikers like the "Original Night Stalker," "Visalia Ransacker" and "East Area Rapist," was arrested April 24, 2018 after being identified by crime-scene DNA ... ending a more than 40-year hunt.

Taryn Manning Going Full 'Karen' ... For Upcoming Movie

Karen is going Hollywood ... with an upcoming suspense thriller starring Taryn Manning!!!

The "Orange Is The New Black" star just signed on to play a "Karen" on the big screen ... in a story about a racist, entitled white woman in the South who terrorizes her new African-American neighbors. Sound familiar?

The movie, from writer and director Coke Daniels, seems like a mixture of all the "Karens" who have become Internet famous. Taryn's playing a Karen who believes people should stick to their own kind. Yeah, that's a Karen hallmark.

Taryn's character, Karen White, makes it her mission to oust the new kids on her block, a black family, by any means necessary. It's a very 2020 movie -- the neighbors are staunch Black Lives Matter supporters.

Taryn makes a lotta sense for the title character ... if you've seen her work in 'OITNB' you know she was Karen-ing way before it, unfortunately, became so prevalent in real life, it's a bonafide part of pop culture.

There's a moral to the story, which we don't often get with real Karens. Daniels says he wants to give folks an interesting perspective on social justice and race relations in America.

Susan B. Anthony Museum Tells President Trump ... Take Your Pardon and Stuff It!!!

The Susan B. Anthony Museum's telling President Trump to kick rocks when it comes to pardoning the activist ... essentially saying it's unwanted, much less needed.

The museum's president and CEO, Deborah Hughes, said Tuesday, in no uncertain terms, "Objection! Mr. President, Susan B. Anthony must decline your offer of a pardon." She explained ... "Anthony wrote in her diary in 1873 that her trial for voting was 'The greatest outrage History ever witnessed.' She was not allowed to speak as a witness in her own defense, because she was a woman."

Hughes continued in her blog, "At the conclusion of arguments, Judge Hunt dismissed the jury and pronounced [Susan] guilty. She was outraged to be denied a trial by jury. She proclaimed, 'I shall never pay a dollar of your unjust penalty.' To pay would have been to validate the proceedings. To pardon Susan B. Anthony does the same."

Donald Trump

As we reported ... Trump on Tuesday pardoned the women's rights activist for illegally casting her ballot in 1872. Remember ... it was illegal for women to vote back then.

The odd choice to pardon Susan came on the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment ... so to many, it came off like pandering.

Hughes says there's a better way the President can honor Susan ... "Enforcement and expansion of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 would be celebrated, we must assure that states respect the 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments to the United States Constitution. Support for the Equal Rights Amendment would be well received."

It should be noted ... Hughes isn't alone in this take on SBA. In fact, a historian wrote in 2005 that after a federal marshal approached Susan he asked her to accompany him downtown. She reportedly shot back "Is that the way you arrest men?" before practically demanding to be properly arrested. 💪🏽

Baltimore Discrimination Kid Booted Over Dress Code Holds Children's March in Protest

Dallas Grant
Marcia Grant

Dallas Grant, the Black child who had to face an allegedly blatant act of discrimination ... is now taking it to the streets with other kids who are fed up with racism.

The 9-year-old activist held a children's march Monday in Baltimore, outside the Ouzo Bay restaurant he was blocked from eating at a few months ago. You'll recall, an Ouzo staffer sent Dallas and his mom packing because he was wearing basketball shorts, sneakers and a T-shirt -- very much like a white kid who had been allowed entry.

His mother, Marcia, tells TMZ about 70 people showed up in solidarity to march with Dallas, and a lot of them had custom shirts specially made for the cause. As you can see, even though it was a relatively small crowd ... they were still fired up and loud as heck.

Marcia says the point of the protest was to show kids and youth that their voices matter -- and that they too can fight against systemic racism, despite their young age. She tells us she still wants the restaurant group that operates Ouzo to admit what they did to her boy.

Active Wear
Marcia Grant

As for Dallas, we're told he feels he's making a difference ... and is happy with the turnout, despite the fact some of the patrons they encountered didn't seem too pleased with their demonstration. In fact, one woman even gave them the finger and complained to a waiter.

As we reported ... this isn't the end of Marcia and Dallas' crusade against this company -- they've already filed a lawsuit and are seeking damages, claiming the kid was traumatized.

As for Atlas Group -- which runs Ouzo and other chain restaurants in town -- they denied they were discriminating or being racist but did apologize for the initial encounter ... saying they fired some staffers over bad judgment.

That's not enough for Marcia and co. though -- they're out for true justice, it seems.