Asian 'Murder' Hornets Possible U.S. Sightings Spike ... Not Many Are Accurate

Asian "murder" hornets arriving on America's doorstep are creating a mass panic we haven't seen since ... well, last month, and one state is already inundated with mostly false reports ... TMZ has learned.

The Washington State Dept. of Agriculture tells us ... its office has received HUNDREDS of reported sightings from all over the country. The flood of calls came in the last few days ... in the wake of a NYT story about the first confirmed encounters with the giant insects in the Pacific Northwest.

That's scared the crap out of people, but fortunately, we're told most if not all of the reports to the WSDA have been erroneous. It's usually not the Asian giant hornet (gov't name for "murder" hornets) folks are seeing, but instead ... its Western cousin, the European hornet -- which isn't nearly as scary.

The main differences between the two are pretty noticeable -- so hopefully this helps people chill out and STOP blowing up phones at the WSDA. The agency wants people to contact their own local agriculture agencies. We're told staffers are even getting calls from Great Britain.

As for how to tell which is which -- the European hornets, a dime a dozen in the States, are actually LARGER than the Asian "murder" hornets, and they look different too, if you look closely. European hornets' thoraxes and abdomens feature more yellow, while the Asian hornet is mostly black/dark brown in appearance ... with a yellow stripe closer to its stinger.

Of course, that all assumes you can safely observe the bugger up close.

For an even closer look at what European hornets look like -- here's a shot of one a Philly-area resident took over the weekend, mistakenly thinking it was Asian. He reported it to the Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture ... and they assured him it wasn't a "murder" hornet.

One last thing ... we spoke to some beekeepers in the Washington area, and they didn't seem all too concerned about the so-called "murder" hornets. They definitely wanna get the issue under control -- which scientists say they're doing now -- but they say it's not on a pandemic level of bad quite yet.

Deadly Hornet Massacres Mouse ... Huge AND Dangerous!!!

Killer Bee

What appears to be an Asian "murder" hornet took a mouse's life within seconds in a wild struggle that was captured on video ... seemingly proving how deadly these things are.

This video just resurfaced this week and is spreading in light of the news that the deadly version of these insects from across the world has touched down in our own backyard here in North America in the past few months.

A new influx of hornets from Asia -- which have NOT been seen here in the States until recently -- pose a massive risk to our domestic bee population, not to mention humans. With them roaming the wild ... much of the natural order of the animal kingdom is in danger

It's unclear if this is, in fact, a murder hornet -- as we don't know exactly when the clip was shot, or where -- but it certainly seems to reflect what these giant bugs are said to do ... MURDER.

It's crazy to see the mouse fight for its life and try to squirm away -- but it's no use, 'cause the hornet is all over it and stinging/biting away until finally ... the mouse stops. The hornet then flies away and starts coming for the cameraman -- that's when the video cuts out.

Whether it's an Asian hornet or not -- it's pretty clear ... we should keep an eye out for them in general, 'cause it looks like they're big, vicious and, obviously, lethal. Take care 😬

President Trump Buys Into N. Korean Media I, For One, Am Glad Kim's Doin' OK!!!

North Korea's state-run media is apparently good enough for President Trump -- he's taking their word that Kim Jong-un has a clean bill of health ahead of him at face value ... congratulating the guy on his alleged bounce-back.

POTUS tweeted Saturday -- a day after photos surfaced of Kim at some ribbon-cutting ceremony at a factory there, which the media (that he and his regime control) claims were taken this weekend as proof that KJU is still kicking -- and didn't question the authenticity.

He wrote, "I, for one, am glad to see he is back, and well!" His words came in the form of a retweet from a user who put up the photos and a caption that reads ... "KimJongUn cut the tape at the ceremony marking the completion of Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory in Sunchon. #NorthKorea." That same user also attached video that purportedly shows Kim walking around the factory grounds on his own two feet, smiling and taking it all in.

Of course, if the photos show what N. Korea says they show, it would be the first public appearance Kim's made since early April -- after which rumors swirled about his health. Some reports from overseas claimed he was actually dead at one point, while others hedged more, claiming he was either on his death bed, in "grave danger" or in a vegetative state.

Considering Kim and co. run a brutal dictatorship and control all the information that seeps out to the world, we, for one, are inclined to take their media's reporting with a grain of salt. Fact is ... we don't know for sure when this visit took place. And, we doubt many outside North Korea do either.

All good in DT's book, though ... it seems. Trust him AND your lying eyes! 👀

Kim Jong-un 'Alive and Well' ... Or Dead???

Kim Jong-un is 'alive and well' ... and you can take that to the bank, if you believe a South Korean official.

A South Korean foreign policy adviser squarely disputed various reports that the North Korean dictator's condition ranges from grave to dead.

Senator Lindsey Graham said Saturday he would be shocked if Kim was not dead or incapacitated.

A Japanese publication reported Kim's in a vegetative state after heart surgery gone wrong.

Several other reports claimed the dictator is dead.

There are numerous signs something is amiss ... Kim's personal jet has sat on a runway for way longer than normal. His train remains at a station near a resort where he and his family typically stay, but there has been no recent sign of the dictator.

Kim has not been seen -- at least publicly -- since April 11. The South Korean official who says Kim is alive says "No suspicious movements have so far been detected."

If Kim is dead, his sister would probably take the reigns until his kids grow up.

'Tiger King' Likely to Have Major Pull On Vote to Save CA Mountain Lions


9:59 AM PT -- TMZ spoke to Tiffany Yap of the Center for Biological Diversity -- one of the CA-based orgs spearheading the effort to get mountain lions protected -- and she tells us while it's great that 'Tiger King' has gotten people talking about big cats again, the issue has been at the forefront of Californians' minds for a while ... well before Joe Exotic was intro'd.


She tells us that protecting wildlife is something Californians have shown time and again is of value to them, so she firmly believes the measure on Thursday will pass -- especially because the threat to mountain lions is so very real ... something residents here are not oblivious to.


Tiffany points out that Californians have already passed a previous measure in the '90s to ban the sport hunting of mountain lions, which was a grassroots initiative. Bottom line ... she says Californians have long shown protecting big cats is important to them, and suggests the type of animal exploitation portrayed in 'Tiger King' ain't something that'd fly here.


 She stops short of saying we're ahead of the curve on the issue -- but let's just say California knows what's up. Here's hoping that same spirit carries through in Thursday's vote.

California officials will vote on a renewed hot button issue -- protecting local big cats -- and you gotta imagine ... 'Tiger King' will be at the forefront of everybody's minds for it.

The California Fish and Game Commission is scheduled to have the matter before them on Thursday, where they'll decide if mountain lions in Southern and Central California deserve state-mandated protections afforded to animals under the Endangered Species Act.

The effort to get these West Coast big cats that protection has been in the works for about a year, with several environmentalists, zoologists and different animal foundations having submitted petitions to move the item forward. Now, it's on the Commission's agenda.

Of course, the vote probably couldn't have at a better time ... seeing how Joe Exotic and co. just swept the nation and has most everyone -- especially Californians -- talking about tigers, lions and the like. Long story short ... we fully anticipate hearing 'Tiger King' on Thursday.

As for what these protections will do if passed by the CFGC ... it'll actually be a great boon to keeping mountain lions alive as humans continue to build out our own world. According to the Center for Biological Diversity -- which is helping spearhead the vote -- mountain lions could potentially get their own wildlife crossings built ... above freeways.

There are other protections the big cats would receive, and frankly ... it sounds like a great idea. The question now ... how much thanks would Joe and his tigers get if this goes through?

Originally Published -- 8:10 AM PT

Mississippi Emergency Officials Take Shelter from Tornadoes ... Also, Try to Social Distance

Several states down south are dealing with tornadoes and tornado warnings -- forcing officials to tell residents to take cover, while also social distancing ... if possible. Trying times, to say the least.

With tornadoes having already touched down in Texas and Louisiana this weekend, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency sent out a tweet Sunday showing staffers monitoring the volatile weather patterns that's coming their way soon.

The agency says, "Director Michel and our team are monitoring the weather and standby ready to assist."

They also add a directive regarding social distancing, saying ... "If you go to a public shelter please wear a mask, bandanna, or scarf around your nose and mouth. Practice social distancing. We will get through this!"

Mississippi's guidance on how to properly take shelter in public is similar to what emergency agencies in other states have provided. The common guideline for all is ... socially distance if you can, but hunkering down against something like a tornado -- which could kill you instantly -- is job 1.

Oklahoma said just that in its own directive ... "The need to practice social distancing and prevent the spread of COVID-19 brings added complications to taking shelter from severe weather." Again, they're giving top priority to tornado protection over the virus.

It's the perfect storm of problems, really. People trying to keep their distance, to survive, while a more typical natural disaster pushes them closer together ... for survival.

Kansas Supreme Court Justices Hear Arguments Via Zoom ... Uphold 10 or Less in Church


6:32 AM PT -- 4/12 - Governor Kelly wins. The Kansas Supreme Court ruled the Legislature lacked the authority to override Kelly's resolution. The Court's decision was based solely on the language of the resolution. The Justices did NOT address the Legislature's claims Gov. Kelly had infringed on religious freedom.


Bottom line: Easter services -- and all church services during the state's safer-at-home order -- must, legally, have 10 or fewer people.


Kentucky had a similar ruling, upholding the Governor's plan to ban mass gatherings for church with one exception ... a drive-in Easter service being held in Louisville

The Kansas Supreme Court will decide today whether Kansans can flock to church for Easter, and they're deliberating on webcam ... just like the rest of us.

The surreal scene went down Saturday morning as all 6 state Justices hopped on a Zoom conference from their homes to hear oral arguments in a case that will have major ramifications in the state -- and perhaps in others too.

The case is between Kansas Governor Laura Kelly and the Kansas State Legislature -- the latter overturned Kelly's executive order banning religious gatherings of 10 or more people.

Gov. Kelly didn't take that sitting down -- she sued the state body and now the matter's being discussed by the highest court in the Sunflower State. Gov. Kelly wanted this figured out before Easter, and she'll get it too. A decision is expected later today.

That's essentially what a Louisiana pastor is saying if any of his church members die from the virus ... adding they'll at least have done so in the name of God and freedom.

It's just the latest installment in pastors vs. coronavirus. As you know, several church leaders -- including Tony Spell in Baton Rouge -- insist they can and will continue holding services that violate social distancing. Spell told us his parishioners would be happy to die from the virus if it means they can go to church.

Of course, all the other people they could infect outside his church don't get a say in the matter.

Anyway, point is ... a lot of eyes are on Gov. Kelly and the Kansas Supreme Court.

Originally published -- 12:27 PM PT