Joe Biden I'll Nominate a Woman as My Veep ... And Pick a Black Woman for SCOTUS!!!

Joe Biden picked what will probably be his last debate with Bernie Sanders to make a big announcement ... if he gets the nomination, he's picking a woman to run with him.

Joe Biden picked what will probably be his last debate with Bernie Sanders to make a big announcement ... if he gets the nomination, he's picking a woman to run with him.

Biden left no wiggle room. He said there are women in this country who, right now, are capable of being President of the United States, and he intends to pick one of them.

So, the obvious candidates ... Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Kamala Harris. But hey, what about Hillary? Remember, she said "I never say never." And her new Hulu doc is pretty great.

Not to be outdone ... Bernie also said he would almost certainly pick a woman, but it doesn't look like he'll have that opportunity.

Biden also said the first chance he gets to nominate a U.S. Supreme Court Justice ... he'll pick a black woman, saying it's about time.

Truck Explosion Cops Save Trucker as Rig Blows Up ... Crazy Rescue Video!!!

Truck On Fire
NJ State Police

THIS is some real-life superhero stuff here -- NJ State Troopers yanking a trucker to safety right as his 18-wheeler burst into a ball of flames ... and it's all on video.

It really looks like something straight out of a Hollywood action flick -- the officers encountered the burning rig on a highway in Bridgewater Township. Cops say the truck went off the road Monday afternoon and hit a guardrail while an officer was making a traffic stop nearby.

Trooper Robert Tarleton heard the crash and you can see in the video ... he immediately left the stopped car and bolted toward the truck, which was already on fire.

You gotta see Tarleton running at top speed, and when he got to the rig another officer -- Lieutenant Edward Ryder -- was there trying to free the driver from his cab. Together, they pulled him to safety with, literally, a second to spare.

This plays like a "Mission: Impossible" opening sequence with one HUGE difference -- these guys are the real deal. No offense to Tom Cruise, but we know he'd agree with us.

Knicks & Thunder Honoring 1st Responders ... From OKC Bombing and 9/11

The NY Knicks are working with the OKC Thunder to honor several first responders who aided in rescue efforts during the '95 Oklahoma City bombing and the 9/11 terror attacks, the teams announced.

The Thunder are in town to take on the Knicks at Madison Square Garden on Friday -- but before tip-off and during the game the teams will pay tribute to emergency personnel.

In fact, certain heroes who responded to BOTH tragedies will have the honor of holding the American flag during the national anthem.

FYI, April 19, 2020, will mark the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. 168 people died in the domestic attack carried out by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.

In the wake of the attack, emergency personnel based in NYC were sent to OKC to help in the rescue and recovery efforts. So, there's a connection between the two cities.

The teams say they will also host the families of OKC responders who later perished in the line of duty while responding in the 9/11 terror attacks in NYC.

"The bravery of the first responders who are being honored was a beacon of light during unspeakable tragedies in Oklahoma City and New York. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to honor them,"  Thunder GM Sam Presti says.

Along with honoring the responders, the Thunder will be wearing the 2020 City edition jerseys on the court ... which were designed by the folks at the OKC Memorial.

Alex Trebek I Almost Gave Up on Life ... During My Cancer Treatment

Alex Trebek

Alex Trebek says he almost gave up on life during his battle with cancer, but he's glad he didn't and is celebrating a huge milestone.

The beloved "Jeopardy!" host just gave an update on his health, and there's good news. The one-year survival rate for stage 4 pancreatic cancer is only 18%, but Alex just crossed the 1-year mark!!!

He says he's had good days and bad days and joked that he tells friends the cancer won't kill him but the chemo probably will. He says he's experienced great pain and many of his bodily functions went haywire.

Most ominous ... Alex says he had extreme bouts of depression during his treatments "that made me wonder if it was really worth fighting on." Scary words, but he says he realized giving up on life would be a betrayal to his wife, God and other cancer patients.

As you know ... Trebek is in the midst of the fight of his life, battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Last May, Alex revealed his tumors had shrunk by more than 50 percent, and in September he announced he was undergoing more chemotherapy.

Though the past year's been incredibly trying, he's been hanging in there and fulfilling his hosting duties as planned ... possibly better than ever too.

This included January's 'Greatest of All Time' tournament, which really seemed to lift his spirits, and he's showing no signs of slowing down.

In fact, our "Jeopardy!" sources tell us tickets to the show to see Alex are so hot right now ... they're booked up through April.

Trebek's also been staying busy away from the game show -- he just donated $100k to the Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission to help out with L.A.'s homelessness crisis.

As for the future ... Alex says the 2-year survival rate is only 7%, but his oncologist told him he's sure a year from now the two would be celebrating.

Nashville Predators Invite Tornado Victims to Arena ... CJ2K Vows To Help


2:38 PM PT -- Ex-Tennessee Titans superstar Chris Johnson -- who has family in Nashville still -- tells TMZ Sports his loved ones are all okay, but he's looking to do whatever he can for those less fortunate.


"I'm currently in the process of putting a few things together to help that community because I'm from Orlando, but Tennessee is who drafted me," CJ2K tells us.

Chris Johnson Tornado

"Tennessee is like my second home. So, I'm definitely obligated to do something to help out my second home."


"I think I'mma do something like a GoFundMe to help build back those places that was messed up there.

The Nashville Predators are opening the doors of Bridgestone Arena to those affected by the devastating tornadoes that killed at least 22 people ... and serving pizza for everyone in attendance.

Tornadoes hit the area early Tuesday morning ... destroying part of the city and leaving many without power.

The local NHL team is stepping up to help those impacted by the tragedy ... offering pizza and a place to get away.

"We love you and we want to help," the Preds tweeted.

The Titans have also released a statement, saying, "We extend our deepest sympathies to those families who lost loved ones in the tornadoes last night and are heartbroken to see the damage across Nashville and Tennessee."

"We know the strength of our community and the Volunteer spirit that lives in us all. We will join the efforts to re-build in these areas and know our neighbors will join us."

Originally published -- 11:19 AM PT