Chris Christie Slams Reporter for Asking 'TMZ Stuff' Over Sunbathing Scandal


Chris Christie went ham Sunday at a news conference when a reporter dared to ask him if he got a tan while sitting on a beach the NJ Governor closed down, firing back, "We're talking about the closure of government and you're talking about your TMZ stuff."

Christie's taking more heat than he got from his beach outing, captured by The Star-Ledger of New Jersey. Christie had closed the beach in the wake of a government shutdown in his state over failure to pass a budget.

The most hilarious part ... after Christie left the beach over the weekend, he was asked if he had gotten any sun and said, "I didn't get any sun today." Then photos surfaced and his spokesperson gyrated ... "He did not get any sun. He had a baseball hat on."

Christie says he had always planned to go to the beach with his family ... a beach near his home.

East Boston Car Strikes Crowd at Airport ... Injuries Reported

1:20 PM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell us the crash was accidental. The driver reportedly lost control of his car.

A car has struck a crowd of pedestrians at an airport in East Boston, resulting in several injuries ... but it's unclear what may have caused the crash.

Massachusetts State Police put out a statement Monday saying multiple units were on the scene of Logan International Airport, where a vehicle had struck a crowd near the taxi pool outside. Ambulances were also on the scene as injuries were reported.

The vehicle in question appears to be a taxi. Boston PD is saying the driver stayed on the scene and is fully cooperative.

Unclear as of now if any of the injuries are life threatening ... or if terrorism is suspected.

Story developing ...

Donald Trump to Reporters Blasts NBC for Firing Greta She Got 86'd 'Cause She Doesn't Hate Me

Donald Trump's obsession with cable news knows no bounds ... he went on a Twitter rampage Saturday claiming Greta Van Susteren got fired because "she refused to go along w/ 'Trump hate!'"

MSNBC parted ways with Greta 2 days ago -- the network says it was mutual but insiders say Greta wasn't resonating with the audience.

The cable network, which intensely dislikes the Prez and makes no bones about it, got in Trump's cross hairs. Trump called out NBC honchos as "out of control bosses."

He also went after his go-to ... CNN, saying, "I am extremely pleased to see that @CNN has finally been exposed as #FakeNews and garbage journalism."

And he took more shots at Joe and Mika ... calling him "crazy" and her "dumb as a rock."

It's absolutely amazing ... on a good day CNN and MSNBC score a couple million viewers ... but Trump has put them in the center of his universe.

Amazing ... and ridiculous.

Baltimore Bus Shootout New Footage of Double-Barreled Barrage at Cops


The Baltimore shootout between cops and an armed robbery suspect who boarded a commuter bus was way more fierce than the initial video showed.

Prosecutors in Baltimore just released new footage -- a surveillance cam on the bus and an officer's bodycam -- and it shows the suspect pulling out 2 weapons, clearing the bus and opening fire in all directions. The battle went down 3 weeks ago.

You also see an officer arriving on scene, mounting up with a shotgun and returning fire.

As we reported ... the suspect was eventually shot and killed. One officer was injured by a shot to her leg, and the video shows her comrades in arms rushing to her rescue.

Bill Cosby Calls Sexual Assault Town Hall Meetings 'Propaganda'

Bill Cosby just lashed out in the most bizarre way, saying reports that he's conducting town hall meetings on sexual assault are just "propaganda" ... despite the fact his P.R. people announced the meetings.

Cosby just said, "The current propaganda that I am going to conduct a sexual assault tour is false any further information about public plans will be given at the appropriate time."


Here's the problem ... Cosby's spokespeople, Andrew Wyatt and Ebonee Benson came on "TMZ Live" Thursday and said the town halls would absolutely take place. We even questioned them about statements Cosby might make that could be used against him in his sexual assault retrial, and they said Cosby's lawyers didn't have a problem with it -- that they would coach him on what to say and not say.

Wyatt and Benson made similar comments the day before on "Good Day Alabama."


Sarah Huckabee Sanders Clashes with Reporter Over 'Fake News'


Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on the attack over "fake news" -- citing the CNN debacle -- then got raked over the coals by a White House reporter.

The Deputy White House Press Secretary chastised CNN over its retracted story ... which connected a Trump aide to a Russian investment fund. She started attacking the media in general too, and that's when The Sentinel reporter Brian Karem went off.

Tensions are clearly running high after 3 CNN staffers resigned -- and one of its producers was caught on hidden camera saying their Russia coverage is just for ratings.

Hillary Clinton Attacks Healthcare Bill ... GOP Is the 'Death Party'

Hillary Clinton jumped off the political sidelines and fired a shot at Republicans over the new healthcare bill ... saying, in not so many words, it's gonna kill Americans.

The former candidate said the GOP will be "the death party" if they pass the proposed healthcare measure. In her tweet, she referenced an article citing Harvard researchers. Their study says the Senate bill could result in "18,000 to 28,000 deaths in 2026."

She also urged her followers to speak out against the bill.

Johnny Depp White House Calls for Hollywood Backlash After Assassination Crack

Johnny Depp's assassination remark about President Trump will cost him dearly ... in Hollywood ... if the White House gets its way.

Trump's been silent about Depp saying, "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?" -- however, a White House spokesperson just said, "President Trump has condemned violence in all forms and it's sad that others like Johnny Depp have not followed his lead."

The statement continues, "I hope that some of Mr. Depp's colleagues will speak out against this type of rhetoric as strongly as they would if his comments were directed to a Democrat elected official."

It's just a matter of time ... but y'know the Prez is loading up some "Pirates of the Caribbean" cracks.

Simon Cowell Recruits 1D, Spice Girls and The Who Members for Grenfell Tower Fire Tribute

In response to the devastating Grenfell Tower fire ... Simon Cowell brought together a supergroup ... including Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Geri Halliwell, Pete Townshend, and Roger Daltrey for a moving tribute.

The Artists For Grenfell gathered in a London studio over 3 days to record a new version of Simon & Garfunkel's "Bridge over Troubled Water." They were just a half mile away from the tower where at least 79 were killed.

Others on the track include Nile Rodgers, Robbie Williams, Rita Ora, Jessie J, James Blunt, Bastille and Leona Lewis. In all, more than 50 artists contributed. The song is available on iTunes, and proceeds will support victims and their families.

You can also make donations at

Prince William Hugs Victim of London Fire

Prince William comforted families devastated by the London fire that killed as many as 58 people.

The Prince hugged an inconsolable woman whose husband went missing after the blaze, which consumed the entire building. It's a break from protocol ... embracing commoners, but the Prince clearly wanted to show compassion. Other families walked away from the visit to say William truly seems to care about their grief.

The death toll is expected to rise ... possibly to as many as 70 victims.

Donald Trump: Congress Shooter Is Dead

FOX News

President Donald Trump says the man who opened fire on a congressional baseball practice has died from injuries in the shootout with capitol police.

The shooter has been identified as James T. Hodgkinson -- a 66-year-old man from Illinois who has publicly called for the destruction of Trump and his supporters.

POTUS addressed the media moments ago and said Hodgkinson "has now died."

As we previously reported, Hodgkinson walked up to a baseball practice in Virginia early Wednesday morning and opened fire -- striking Rep. Steve Scalise and others.

Capitol police officers on the scene exchanged gunfire with Hodgkinson -- striking him. The officers were also shot. They survived and are being treated for their injuries.

Trump called the incident a "very, very brutal assault."

He described Scalise as a "good friend, he's a patriot and a fighter."

Trump also praised the capitol police officers as heroes.

Congress Baseball Shooter Is a Trump Hater ... Called to 'Destroy' Him

The man suspected of opening fire at a congressional baseball practice is 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson ... and judging by his social media, he REALLY hates Donald Trump.

Hodgkinson's Facebook page is loaded with anti-Trump posts. He's also a staunch Bernie Sanders supporter.

Also notable, Hodgkinson is also anti-Hillary Clinton, with several posts about her as well.

Among the posts on his page, there's one that stands out from March which says, "Trump is Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co."

9:30 AM PT -- Sanders just released a statement on Hodgkinson, saying, "I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms."

Grant Cardone Motivational Guru Begs I Want Permission to Use N-Word

A popular motivational speaker desperately wants the right to use the n-word freely, and he made a bizarre plea to do so while hosting his Internet show.

Grant Cardone -- a best-selling author with 1.1 million Facebook followers -- was in the middle of interviewing entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David a couple weeks ago. The conversation shifted to Miami's diversity when, out of nowhere, Grant straight-up said he wants a stamp of approval to use the n-word.

Important to note, Cardone wasn't following in Bill Maher's footsteps ... this aired before Maher's ill-fated slavery remark.

We've reached out to Cardone's camp, so far no word back.

U.S. Senate Pulls Old Kanye Move On Media ... No Interviews in Capitol


3:33 PM PT -- The Senate Rules Committee just reversed the restriction ... so all is good with hallway interviews.

U.S. Senators just collectively stiff-armed the media -- banning all recorded interviews in the hallways of the Capitol ... unless reporters get special permission.

The new rule essentially allows the Senate to cherry-pick who they talk to and where. It also means our guy in D.C. won't be getting candid moments with YOUR elected officials.

No more Sen. Burr boasting about his committee's TV ratings ... or Sen. Graham advising President Trump on his golf game ... or Sen. McCain pouring his heart out to Ashton Kutcher.

Hallway interviews will still be allowed if approved by the Senate Rules Committee, the Senate Sergeant At Arms or the Senate Radio and TV Committee.

Translation: more red tape and more booooring.

Kanye probably put it best ...


London Bridge Terror Attack Fake Suicide Belts Worn By Terrorists Looked Real

London police have released photos of the fake suicide belts worn by the London Bridge terrorists ... which reportedly turned out to be water bottles wrapped in tape.

The belts were strapped to the 3 men as they mowed down pedestrians on the Bridge, then went to a nearby restaurant and stabbed numerous people.

All 3 were shot and killed.

London authorities say the fake devices looked authentic and were presumably used to hold people at bay as they executed their plot.

8 people were killed during the attack last weekend and at least 48 were injured. Among the injured ... 4 unarmed police officers.

London Terror Attack Cops Shoot and Kill Attackers ... In New CCTV Footage


British police gunned down the London Bridge terrorists as they attacked an innocent bystander at Borough Market ... and the whole incident was captured by city surveillance cameras.

The new footage shows cops pulling up to the scene just as the terrorist were stabbing someone on the street. Within moments ... all 3 attackers were shot dead.

As we reported ... 8 people were killed and nearly 50 more injured in the London attack Saturday night.

17 people have been arrested in connection with the attack and 5 reportedly remain in custody.