President Obama Huge Differences with Trump But I'm Rooting for His Success


President Obama echoed Hillary Clinton's words, and said he would ensure a smooth transition of power to President-elect Donald Trump.

With Vice President Joe Biden by his side, POTUS said of the election ... "The day after we have to remember we're all on one team. We're Americans first, we're patriots first."

He also discussed his phone call to Trump last night and why he felt encouraged by what he heard. They're scheduled to meet face-to-face on Thursday.

There was a lighthearted moment between the Prez and VP where Barack talked about having lost elections, while Biden had not. Check out Biden's reaction.


Election Day 2016 Florida College Students Turned Away Over Dorm Address

Some Florida students tried to vote today but they hit a brick wall, because the folks at the polling place would not recognize their dorm address.

A rep from 866-OUR-VOTE Election Protection -- the nation's largest nonpartisan voters' rights coalition -- tells us at least 3 students were told their dorm at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton was considered a hotel ... not a residence.

The students were given a "provisional ballot" ... which voters get when there are eligibility questions -- and they were told their votes "may or may not be counted."

One of the students, an African-American woman, claims the people at the polling place gave her a particularly hard time.

We spoke with a rep from the Palm Beach County's Supervisor of Elections Office, who say they looked into the matter and the students in question had some irregularity with their addresses but the rep knew nothing about characterizing a dorm as a hotel.

Every vote really counts in Florida, where the margins are razor thin.

Omarosa It's Cookies & Chill INSIDE Trump HQ


Donald Trump's right hand woman, Omarosa, was greeted by huge trucks, hundreds of cops and Secret Service when she showed up at work -- but she says it's all good inside Trump Tower today.

The Donald's Director of African-American Outreach was on "TMZ Live" to give us the scoop on what's going on inside Trump headquarters as the votes are cast -- and it sounds like a complete 180 from the intensity of the campaign.

Omarosa believes Trump has good reason to put his heels up right now, based on numbers she's seeing. Not to mention all the food and snacks surrounding him and his family right now.

Charlie Sheen Rolls with JFK on Election Day


Charlie Sheen partied in the voting booth like it was 1960.

Charlie was at LAX where he told our photog he's a fan of decency, and if you thought that'd be your first clue about who he voted for, think again.

Check out the vid ... Charlie's always full of surprises.

Susan B. Anthony 'I Voted' From The Grave 144 Yrs Later

Hillary Clinton voters are flocking to Susan B. Anthony's gravesite to pay homage to the OG suffragette who was arrested for illegally casting a ballot almost 144 years ago.

Susan's tombstone in her hometown of Rochester, NY has been overrun with "I Voted" stickers and American flags.

A little history lesson -- Susan was arrested Nov. 18th after illegally voting in the 1872 election. She died 14 years before women were finally allowed to vote in 1920.

Scores of people are also paying tribute to other prominent women's rights activists ... including Sojourner Truth, who was born into slavery, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton -- both of whom dedicated their lives for passage of the 19th Amendment.

Now a woman could be POTUS.

#WhatATimeToBeAlive #GirlPower

Black Lives Matter Cop Sues DeRay McKesson Your People Bashed My Skull

Black Lives Matter leader DeRay McKesson incited a crowd of his supporters to go looting and to hurl chunks of concrete at a Baton Rouge cop ... according to the officer who's now suing.

The officer filed a federal lawsuit, as a John Doe, against McKesson for a BLM rally that went down July 9. According to the docs, a rally organized by McKesson was blocking streets, prompting the call for police to control the crowd.

The anonymous cop says he and his fellow officers were first pelted by full bottles, looted from a Circle K -- and when the water ran out, someone picked up a piece of concrete ... or a rock ... and chucked it. He says he was struck in the face and went down hard.

He says he lost teeth, and injured his jaw and brain. In the suit, he blames McKesson for inciting the violence. He points out tensions were already high because the Dallas PD ambush happened just 2 days earlier -- and Alton Sterling had been shot by Baton Rouge cops on July 5.

He's suing for his medical bills and damages.

Amelia Earhart Survived Plane Crash ... Died as a Castaway

Amelia Earhart did NOT die in a plane crash -- she died as a castaway on an island after her plane crashed ... that's the pretty shocking new theory, anyway.

New visual examination of a skeleton found in 1940 of a castaway on the the Pacific island of Nikumaroro, Kiribati -- originally thought to be male but later found to be female -- suggests its forearms were virtually identical to Amelia's.

Researchers tell us they compared images of Amelia's forearms to the measurements of the skeleton. No physical testing of the bones themselves was done ... we're told the skeleton's whereabouts are unknown, but you gotta assume it's dust by now.

According to the new findings, Earhart may have struggled for months to survive on the island ... a radically different story from the lore.

Earhart was last heard from on July 2, 1937 as she tried to become the first woman to fly around the world. In August, researchers said they found evidence she made at least 100 radio transmissions trying to get help.

Miranda Kerr Grisly Photos From Mansion Shooting

TMZ has obtained gory photos and details from the violent confrontation at Miranda Kerr's Malibu home on Friday, but be warned ... they aren't for the faint of heart.

Kerr's neighbor tells us ... workers on the deck of his home witnessed the scary altercation. We're told an alleged homeless man jumped the fence onto Miranda's property, and that's when the security guard approached him.

Our source says ... the intruder didn't obey requests to get on the ground, and attacked the guard with a knife -- who was stabbed in the face and arm. They wrestled on the ground for a bit before separating, but when the man charged the guard again ... he opened fire.

We're told the intruder was shot 4 times -- 2 in the chest area and 2 in the shoulder. 911 was called during the fight.

The neighbor confirms Miranda moved out recently and was not at the house at the time of the incident.

Donald Trump Hillary's Rear View 'Not Impressive'


Donald Trump took aim at Hillary Clinton Friday ... from behind.

He took a body shot at Clinton ... saying the view he had during Sunday's debate left him cold.

Trump also took a shot at the woman he allegedly sexually assaulted on an airplane in 1979 ... saying she wasn't worthy of his attention.


Trump claims in the vid ... all of the recent accusations are just part of a "sickness" in our country trying to thwart the great movement of his supporters -- but he knows how to stop it.


Miranda Kerr 1 Shot, 1 Stabbed At Malibu Mansion

A brutal confrontation at Miranda Kerr's Malibu home Friday morning has left 2 people hospitalized ... 1 with multiple gunshot wounds and 1 with a stab wound to the eye.

We're told a security guard at the house confronted an intruder who had just hopped the fence. The intruder stabbed the guard in the eye, and the guard responded by shooting the intruder multiple times. We know 1 shot struck the intruder's head.

The intruder and the security guard were airlifted to the hospital and both are expected to survive.

Miranda was not home at the time.

Donald Trump Accuser He Grabbed My Breasts ... Kissed Me 'Wherever He Could Find A Landing Spot'


The woman who accused Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her on a plane claims he was all over her for 15 minutes, but she says there was a clear breaking point.

Jessica Leeds came on Anderson Cooper's show Thursday night and gave a blow-by-blow of what she said went down.

Trump says she's a liar and vows to sue The New York Times for posting it.

Leeds also says she saw Trump at an event a few years after the alleged incident and he remembered her ... in terms she says are too gross to mention.

Donald Trump Slams McCain Again ... He's Got the Dirtiest Mouth!

O'Reilly and Trump

Donald Trump is not backing down from ripping Republicans who yank their support for him, and he just took at big swipe at John McCain.

Trump was on Bill O'Reilly's show Tuesday night, and when Bill tried to ask if he planned to patch things up with GOP heavyweights pissed about the leaked "Access Hollywood" tape ... The Donald went off.

Trump pretty much called Sen. McCain a foulmouthed hypocrite, and he got a shot in at Paul Ryan too ... just for good measure.


Presidential Debates Hillary & Donald Shocked Me ... Says Guy with BEST Question


Karl Becker didn't have high hopes when he asked Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to say something nice about each other ... but it ended up being one of the debate's best moments.

Karl came on "TMZ Live" to discuss Sunday night's most popular question ... and he thinks it was a game changer. He told us it was something he needed to ask to help undecided voters make their choice ... but he was surprised by the outcome.

As for who won the debate -- he still seems a little unsure.


Rugby Superstar Aaron Smith Apologizes for Banging Chick ... In Airport Bathroom

New Zealand All Blacks superstar Aaron Smith -- considered one of the best rugby players in the world -- has apologized after he was caught nailing a chick in an airport bathroom.

Multiple witnesses say they saw Smith (who has a girlfriend) and a mystery woman sneak into a handicap accessible toilet at Christchurch airport in New Zealand last month.

One witness was with his young son and told the media, "It was obvious what was happening."

The team suspended Smith for 1 game and the Prime Minister of New Zealand said he "embarrassed himself."

Now, Smith has issued a public apology -- saying, "I've made a huge mistake. A huge error in judgment."

"I’d personally like to say a huge sorry to my partner (girlfriend) Teagan, her family, my family. I’m also sorry to my teammates and the New Zealand fans."

"My behavior is unacceptable and if you could respect me and my partner in this situation."

"I’m just trying to get home to deal with this. Thank you."

Charlotte Shooting Wife Begged Police ... Don't Shoot Him, He Has NO Gun!

Video has surfaced of the Charlotte PD shooting of Keith Lamont Scott ... whose wife is heard on the footage yelling, "Don't shoot him" in the seconds before officers opened fire.

Scott's wife, Rakeyia, recorded the video on her phone -- NBC News obtained it -- and the moment four shots are fired is not on camera. His wife repeatedly pleaded with police not to shoot Scott, and you can hear officers yelling, "Put down the gun!"


Rakeyia told police her husband did NOT have a gun, and also told Scott he should get out of the car. She told police he had a "TBI." It's been reported Scott was disabled with a brain injury from a motorcycle accident years ago.

Cops have said Scott had a weapon. Charlotte PD points to a social media photo purporting to show a handgun near Scott's feet. Police say they have dash cam video, but won't release it until their investigation is complete.

No gun is apparent in the video, and Scott's family insists he was unarmed.

Tulsa Shooting Officer Shelby Surrenders

Tulsa Officer Betty Shelby turned herself in overnight and was booked for first degree manslaughter in the killing of Terence Crutcher.

Shelby was in police custody for less than half an hour -- according to her docs, she was booked at 1:11 AM and released at 1:31 AM ... when she posted $50,000 bond.

In the criminal complaint, the Tulsa D.A. says Shelby's "fear resulted in her unreasonable actions" which led to her shooting Crutcher.

Her lawyer says she fired because Crutcher was not following orders and, she believes, was reaching into his vehicle's window.
