Aaron Rodgers No aparecerá en el show de Pat McAfee ... Por esta temporada

El tiempo de Aaron Rodgers en el programa de Pat McAfee ha terminado, al menos, por esta temporada de fútbol. El presentador de ESPN anunció el miércoles por la mañana que el 4x MVP de la NFL no volvería a su horario habitual de los martes durante los playoffs.

"Aaron Rodgers los martes, la temporada 4, se acabó", dijo McAfee el miércoles, a pesar de que Rodgers supuestamente iba a unirse al programa durante varias semanas más.

Pat continuó: "Habrá un montón de gente feliz con esto, yo incluido para ser honestos con ustedes. La forma en que terminó, se puso muy ruidoso. Estoy contento de que no va a estar en mis menciones en el futuro, lo cual es una gran noticia".

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Rechazando a Rodgers

Las fuentes dicen a TMZ Sports que esto no fue una decisión de la red. Nos dicen que Pat determina qué invitados aparecen en el programa, pero ESPN está de acuerdo con el movimiento, según lo que nos dicen.

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Rompiendo la burbuja

Por supuesto, el spot de Rodgers en "The Pat McAfee Show" se ha convertido en el segmento más imperdible en las ondas de ESPN, pero también ha traído una tonelada de controversia, especialmente en las últimas dos semanas, cuando Aaron Rodgers aparentemente vinculó a Jimmy Kimmel con Jeffrey Epstein.

Rodgers aclaró más tarde sus comentarios, diciendo que no estaba insinuando que el presentador fuera un pedófilo.

La refutación de Rodger

Pero eso no impidió que Kimmel criticara aún más al jugador el martes por la noche.

Tal vez esto indica que la guerra entre Aaron y Jimmy ha terminado, y ahora el jugador insigne de los Jets no tendrá la plataforma de Pat para responder.

Rodgers, quien ha aparecido en el programa de Pat por años, suele ser un invitado durante los playoffs, pero ese no será el caso esta temporada.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

En cuanto a si Rodgers estará de vuelta para la temporada 5, no ha habido ninguna indicación en ese sentido.

Manténgase en sintonía ...

Aaron Rodgers Nunca llamé pedófilo a Jimmy Kimmel !!!

Réplica de Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers es firme en decir que nunca insinuó que Jimmy Kimmel era un pedófilo, diciendo directamente el martes: "No creo que él sea la palabra P".

Rodgers se unió a Pat McAfee en el "Pat McAfee Show" por primera vez desde que sugirió que Kimmel podría tener vínculos con el notorio traficante sexual Jeffrey Epstein y durante varios minutos, trató de explicar lo que realmente quiso decir con sus comentarios.

Le dijo a Pat que él y Kimmel han estado un poco enfrascados en una pelea desde la pandemia de COVID, porque el comediante lo ha acusado de estar equivocado en cosas que él considera, tiene la razón.

Rodgers dice que una de esas cuestiones tiene que ver con la lista de Epstein. La estrella de los New York Jets dijo que cree que eso existe, aunque acusa que Kimmel lo ha llamado "un loco conmocionado" por creer eso.

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Rompiendo la burbuja

Rodgers dice que por eso comentó que "mucha gente, incluyendo Jimmy Kimmel, están realmente esperando que "una lista no salga".

"Me refería al hecho de que sí hay una lista", dijo Rodgers, "y hay nombres en ella y sería la segunda vez que un chiflado de cerebro blando, de universidad junior o como las otras cosas que le hayan dicho él y otras personas en los medios, tendría razón".

Rodgers luego explicó: "Entiendo perfectamente lo grave que sería una acusación de pedofilia. No soy tan estúpido como para acusarlo de eso con cero pruebas".

Rodgers luego dijo que creía que los medios, incluyendo Kimmel, están haciendo todo lo posible para cancelarlo debido a sus creencias. Dijo que piensa que los escritores de Kimmel están haciendo que el presentador del talk-show pida por él en ese sentido.

"Creo que es impresionante que un hombre que fue a Arizona State y tiene escritores de chistes pueda leer en un apuntador", dijo.

Rodgers añadió: "Le deseo lo mejor. Me importa una p*** lo que diga de mí. No lo acuso de estar en la lista".

Cabe señalar que Rodgers nunca se disculpó por nada, algo que Kimmel exigió durante una diatriba de casi ocho minutos en el episodio del martes de "Jimmy Kimmel Live".

Kimmel se enfureció durante su discurso, calificando a Rodgers de todo mientras proclamaba que nunca había tenido ningún tipo de asociación con Epstein.

Rodgers dejó claro en el programa del martes, sin embargo, que ahora espera dar vuelta la página.

Aaron Rodgers I Never Called Jimmy Kimmel A Pedophile!!!


Aaron Rodgers is adamant he never insinuated Jimmy Kimmel was a pedophile ... saying straight up on Tuesday, "I don't think he's a P word."

Rodgers joined Pat McAfee on the "Pat McAfee Show" for the first time since he appeared to suggest that Kimmel might have ties to notorious sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein last week ... and for several minutes, he attempted to explain what he really meant by his comments.

He told Pat that he and Kimmel have been in a bit of a tiff since the COVID pandemic ... because the comedian has accused him of being wrong about things when he says he's actually been right on them.

Rodgers says one of those issues had to do with an Epstein list. The New York Jets star said he thinks one exists -- though he claims Kimmel called him "an overly concussed wacko" for having that belief.

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Rodgers says that's why he remarked "a lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, are really hoping that" a list "doesn't come out."

"I was referring to the fact that if there's a list," Rodgers said, "and there are names on it, that it'd be the second time a soft-brained, junior college wacko ... whatever other things have been said by him and other people in the media -- would be right twice."

Rodgers then explained ... "I totally understand how serious an allegation of pedophilia would be ... I'm not stupid enough to accuse you of that with zero evidence."

Rodgers then said he believed the media -- including Kimmel -- is trying its best to cancel him due to his polarizing beliefs ... saying he thinks Kimmel's joke writers are doing the talk-show host's bidding for him in that regard.

"I think it's impressive that a man who went to Arizona State and has joke writers can read off a prompter," he said.

Rodgers added, "I wish him the best. I don't give a s*** what he says about me. I'm not accusing him of being on the list."

It should be noted Rodgers never apologized for anything ... something Kimmel demanded the signal-caller do during a nearly eight-minute diatribe on Tuesday's episode "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

Kimmel went off during the rant, calling Rodgers all kinds of names while proclaiming he's never had any kind of association with Epstein whatsoever.

Rodgers made it clear on Tuesday's show, however, that he's now hoping to move on from the drama.

Jimmy Kimmel Blasts Aaron Rodgers On Late Night Show ... Demands Apology Over False Epstein List Claim

Jimmy Kimmel won't let go of his feud with Aaron Rodgers, blasting the NFL player during his late-night show for trying to tie him to notorious sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein .... explaining the impact it had on him and his family.

In his opening monologue Monday night, the host of "Jimmel Kimmel Live" came out swinging against Aaron, who claimed on the "Pat McAfee Show" that "I was nervous" that the "Epstein list" was coming out and "I was hoping it wouldn't."

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Jimmy said Aaron was going to "pop a bottle of something" because the comedian's name would be on the list, but, as it turned out, it wasn't anywhere near it.

Last week, court documents related to Epstein's underage sex ring were unsealed, revealing some prominent names -- although not Jimmy's -- connected to the now deceased former business tycoon.

Jimmy made it abundantly clear he had never met Epstein – and Aaron had defamed him, daring the Super Bowl champ to share any evidence in court.

Jimmy noted that Aaron's many fans believed the lies, putting the funnyman and his family in the crosshairs of "delusional" people who became spiteful.

He also speculated on why Rodgers made the false claim, coming up with several scenarios, before hitting on the most likely one ... Aaron is still mad at Jimmy for roasting him over his appearance and "wacko" beliefs.

As you probably recall ... Jimmy poked fun at Aaron's hair knot on top of his head and his anti-vaccination "lies" re: coronavirus.

Jimmy's monologue went on and on before he asked for an apology, and he promised to accept ... although JK is not holding his breath.

We'll see if Aaron takes the bait. Don't wait by the phone, Jimmy.

Joe Flacco Browns Jersey Sales Up 400% ... Amid Win Streak

The Dawg Pound is rallying behind Joe Flacco with their wallets amid the Browns' surprising winning streak ... with fans rushing to buy the backup-backup-backup QB's jersey!!!

The former Super Bowl winner's journey back to the gridiron has been one of the biggest storylines of the season -- he went from sitting on the couch on Sundays to leading the Browns to a 4-1 record after Cleveland lost Deshaun Watson and rookie Dorian Thompson-Robinson to injuries.

TMZ Sports has learned ... No. 15 threads have been a hot commodity since Flacco took over under center in December.

Fanatics -- the league's official e-commerce partner -- tells us Flacco is among the top 20 most popular jerseys in the NFL ... and is currently the top-selling Browns player.

In fact, we're told the sales spiked more than 400% during the span of his first victory on Dec. 10 to his playoff berth-clinching performance on Thursday Night Football against his former New York Jets team on Dec. 28.

FYI, Flacco has led the Browns with 1,616 yards and 13 touchdowns in just five games ... which is more than he had when he played for the Jets in TWO seasons.

It's been quite the feel-good story after Flacco tried to find a new home for the past five seasons. Remember, Joe signed with the Denver Broncos, Jets and Philadelphia Eagles after spending 11 years with the Baltimore Ravens.

He won Super Bowl XLVII with the Ravens in 2013, their second in franchise history.

Now, he has a chance for another championship run with the Browns ... who will face either the Jaguars or the winner of the Texans vs. Colts matchup during Wild Card Weekend.

Aaron Rodgers Jets Name QB Most Inspirational Player ... Despite 4-Snap Season

Aaron Rodgers has received a huge honor from the Jets -- he was just named the team's Most Inspirational Player ... this despite only playing a few seconds for NY in the 2023 season.

The Jets revealed the award for their signal-caller on Friday morning ... announcing the injured quarterback got the trophy over stars like Garrett Wilson, Sauce Gardner, Quinnen Williams and others.

Head coach Robert Saleh explained at a meeting with reporters just minutes ago that players themselves made the choice ... saying that it shows just how valuable Rodgers was to the team this season -- even though he couldn't actually get off the sidelines.

"I've said it a million times," Saleh said, "he loves his teammates and his teammates love him."

"He's a tremendous human and well-deserving of the award."

Rodgers, of course, arrived in New York with Super Bowl expectations, but he tore his Achilles just four snaps into the season-opener against the Buffalo Bills on Sept. 11 ... and never returned to the field.

He did work like a mad man to get back -- and he actually ended up returning to Jets practices late in the year, albeit in a limited capacity. And, clearly, his teammates appreciated the effort.

Other Jets who won awards this season included linebacker Quincy Williams -- who took home MVP honors -- and running back Breece Hall, who got the trophy for Most Courageous Player.

Jimmy Kimmel a Aaron Rodgers Nos vemos en los tribunales, idiota!!! Responde a sus comentarios sobre Epstein

Jimmy Kimmel y Aaron Rodgers se están enfrentando en las redes y todo por Jeffrey Epstein y su lista de asociados, la que pronto será desenmascarada.

El presentador de televisión está amenazando al mariscal de campo de los Jets de Nueva York con acciones legales después de que Aaron sugiriera en televisión, que Jimmy podría ser uno de los asociados de Epstein.

Jimmy acaba de disparar de vuelta en las redes, refiriéndose a Aaron como "Querido Aassh***e, (idiota)" diciendo que sus imprudentes palabras ponen en peligro a su familia.

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Soltando la bomba

Por si te lo perdiste, Aaron estaba en "The Pat McAfee Show" el martes cuando dijo que estaría celebrando la liberación de los asociados de Epstein.

Aaron dijo: "Mucha gente, incluyendo a Jimmy Kimmel, están realmente esperando que eso no salga".

Jimmy está negando vehementemente que tenga nada que ver con Epstein y está atacando a Rodgers como un "chiflado de cerebro blando" que "parece que no puede distinguir de la realidad".

Jimmy Kimmel dice que si Aaron Rodgers sigue así, "seguirán debatiendo los hechos en los tribunales".

Jimmy Kimmel To Aaron Rodgers I'll See You In Court, AA-Hole!!! Response to Epstein Claim

Jimmy Kimmel and Aaron Rodgers are beefing ... and it's all over Jeffrey Epstein's soon-to-be unmasked list of associates.

The late-night TV talk show host is now threatening the New York Jets quarterback with legal action after Aaron suggested on live TV, Jimmy might be one of Epstein's associates.

Jimmy just fired back on social media, ripping Aaron -- who he addresses with "Dear Aassh***e," saying the QB's "reckless words put my family in danger."

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In case you missed it ... Aaron was doing his scheduled Tuesday hit on "The Pat McAfee Show" when he said he would be celebrating the release of Epstein's associates.

Aaron said ... "A lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, are really hoping that doesn't come out."

Jimmy's vehemently denying having anything to do with Epstein whatsoever ... and he's blasting Rodgers as a "soft-brained wacko" who "can't seem to distinguish from reality."

JK says if AR keeps it up, they will "debate the facts further in court."

NFL's Muhammad Wilkerson Arrested In NJ ... Accused Of Driving Drunk With Loaded Gun In Car

Former NFL star Muhammad Wilkerson was arrested again last week ... after cops say he drove drunk with a loaded gun tucked beneath his car seat.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, Wilkerson was initially pulled over by police in Morris County, New Jersey back on Dec. 22 at 6:41 AM.

During the stop, cops suspected he was under the influence ... saying a strong odor of alcohol was emanating from the former New York Jets pass rusher's ride.

In the docs, cops say at one point during questioning, Wilkerson told them he was coming from a New York City club ... and a short time later, they say he failed field sobriety tests.

Wilkerson was placed under arrest -- and afterward, cops said during a search of his vehicle they not only found an open bottle of Don Julio tequila ... but also an FN 509 Tactical Handgun with 11 hollow point bullets inside of it.

Police said Wilkerson told them the firearm was purchased in Florida -- but he did not provide them proper documentation.

Court records show Wilkerson has since been tagged with a bevy of charges in the case -- including operating a vehicle while under the influence and unlawful possession of a handgun.

He's due in court for hearings on the matter next month.

This, of course, is not the first time Wilkerson has been accused of drinking and driving ... he was arrested for DWI in 2020 and 2019 as well.

Wilkerson -- who was picked by the Jets in the first round of the 2011 NFL Draft -- made one Pro Bowl appearance while logging 44.5 sacks in his eight seasons in the NFL.

Browns' David Njoku Takes Shots With Fans After 'TNF' Win ... We're In The Playoffs, Baby!!!

David Njoku helped the Browns clinch a playoff berth on the field on Thursday night ... and then he helped Cleveland's fans celebrate off of it -- shooting booze with Dawg Pound supporters in a parking lot!!!

The star tight end was seen performing the awesome gesture just minutes after Cleveland's 37-20 victory over the Jets.

In video from the scene, you can see Njoku -- who had 134 receiving yards in the "TNF" victory -- grab a shot glass, surround himself with fans and give a little toast before he throws the drink back.

The 27-year-old, though, had already gotten the party started well before he met the supporters outside Cleveland Browns Stadium ... he was spotted on the TV broadcast chugging a beer when he jumped into the stands following the dub.

Of course, it's great to see Njoku in good spirits ... because, remember, the former first-round pick nearly lost his eyesight in a terrifying fire accident on Sept. 29th.

The Browns don't play next 'til Jan. 10 ... so don't be surprised if Njoku keeps the celebration going for at least a few more days!!

Browns' Elijah Moore Suffers Scary Head Injury On 'TNF' ... Convulses On Ground


9:37 AM PT -- Browns head coach Kevin Stefanski just revealed Elijah Moore spent Thursday night in the hospital ... though he said the wideout is now at home resting.

"Glad that he's back home," the coach said.

The Browns' win on Thursday night came with a cost -- their star receiver, Elijah Moore, suffered a terrifying head injury that sent him into convulsions right on the turf.

The scary moment happened just before halftime of Cleveland's "Thursday Night Football" tilt with the New York Jets ... when Moore slammed his head face-first into the grass at Cleveland Browns Stadium after making a big catch.

Replays of Moore's grab showed he wasn't able to brace himself as a Jets defender flung him to the ground -- and almost immediately, he appeared to be knocked out.

What's worse ... while seemingly unconscious, his body twitched repeatedly.

Moore eventually regained consciousness and was taken off the field by trainers. He did not return to the game ... and he's since been placed in the NFL's concussion protocol.

His status for Cleveland's regular-season finale against the Bengals next week is now in doubt -- though further details surrounding his condition have not been made immediately available.

Moore had been having a big game prior to his injury -- the 23-year-old caught five passes for 61 yards and a touchdown.

Cleveland still managed to get the 37-20 win in Moore's absence -- securing a spot in the playoffs ... something we all hope can lift Moore's spirits while he recovers.

Originally Published -- 6:09 AM PT

Super Bowl Champ Derrick Ward Charged With Five Felonies ... After Allegedly Robbing L.A. Businesses

Derrick Ward is now facing some serious time behind bars after his alleged robbery spree ... 'cause TMZ Sports has learned he's just been hit with FIVE felony charges in the case.

According to court records, prosecutors levied the counts against the Super Bowl champion on Wednesday -- just two days after he was arrested.

The records show all five charges against Ward were second-degree robbery.

We broke the story, the ex-New York Giants tailback was thrown in jail on Monday afternoon following allegations he used force and fear to rob establishments in the Los Angeles area, including gas stations.

Jail records show as of Thursday morning, he still has not been released from police custody.

Ward played in the NFL from 2004 to 2011 -- helping New York beat Tom Brady's undefeated Patriots in SB XLII -- and he had such a fine career, he at one point signed a $17 million contract with the Buccaneers.

He finished his NFL tenure with 2,628 rushing yards and 12 total TDs.

Warren Moon Praises Aaron Rodgers ... I'm Glad He Didn't Rush Back From Achilles Tear


Warren Moon says Aaron Rodgers deserves a lot of credit for shutting down his comeback efforts this week ... explaining to TMZ Sports things could have turned dire for the QB if he had continued his push to get back on the field.

The Hall of Fame quarterback -- who knows a thing or two about playing into his 40s -- said on Wednesday he's glad Rodgers has decided to stop his pursuit of rejoining the Jets this season because he had a real fear the 4-time MVP could reinjure himself.

"Those Achilles injuries," Moon said, "even though the Achilles might be connected again, it still has to become much stronger."


Rodgers revealed on "The Pat McAfee" Show on Tuesday he would not get back under center for NY in 2023 despite busting his ass since he suffered the injury on Sept. 11 -- because he's just simply not 100 percent.

He told McAfee his leg is close -- but he needed another 3-to-4 weeks to really feel good about things. And, with the Jets officially eliminated from playoff contention on Sunday, it just seemed to make sense for the 40-year-old signal-caller to put his focus on getting ready for 2024.

Moon obviously thinks that's a great plan ... telling us that even if NY had been in the postseason hunt, he still would have rather sat Rodgers.

"I still don't think he should come back if he's not 100 percent," he said.

His advice to Aaron going forward was just to stay in shape -- while making sure his team makes it a priority to surround him with a good offensive line next season.

As for the rest of the Jets -- Moon said he'd keep Robert Saleh on board ... believing the head coach deserves at least one go-around with a healthy Rodgers to prove his mettle.

Aaron Rodgers I Won't Return To Jets This Season .... But NY Still Keeping Him Active



12/20 9:08 AM -- Jets head coach Robert Saleh just confirmed Aaron Rodgers will, indeed, not play this season ... though the team is still activating him off injured reserve so he can continue his recovery on the field with his teammates.


"It's all part of his rehab," Saleh told reporters Wednesday morning. "Just having him on the field is a plus for everybody, for him and his teammates."

Aaron Rodgers will not make a miraculous comeback to the Jets this season after all ... the quarterback just revealed he's still about a month away from being fully healthy.

The NY quarterback broke the news just minutes ago on "The Pat McAfee Show" ... saying his body is just not quite ready for him to get back under center for the Jets in 2023.

He told Pat he's close -- but his leg still needs about 3-to-4 weeks to possibly get to "100 percent."

"If I was 100 percent today," the 40-year-old said on the show, "I'd be pushing to play."

Rodgers initially blew out his Achilles on Sept. 11 -- and he worked like a mad man to try to make his return to the Jets this weekend.

He had said the decision would be contingent upon two things -- if he was healthy enough, and if the Jets were in playoff contention.

However, neither situation came to fruition -- and Rodgers seemed to make it clear to McAfee he's now turning his sights toward getting ready for 2024.

"Now without a timetable to come back obviously we can be as smart as we can be," Rodgers said.

What's interesting -- the QB was asked during his appearance on the show if next season would be his last ... and he said frankly, "I don't think so."

He explained that moving on from Green Bay to New York gave him "a renewed passion for the game."

The 5-9 Jets will now officially have to finish off their season without their superstar against Washington, Cleveland and then New England.

Originally Published -- 12/19 10:00 AM

LeRoy Butler Praises Jordan Love ... Packers Can 'Absolutely' Make Deep Playoff Run!!!


LeRoy Butler is loving what he's seeing from Jordan Love and his former Packers squad so much ... he tells TMZ Sports he can "absolutely" see the team making a deep run in the postseason.

We spoke with the Green Bay legend following the Pack's upset win over the Chiefs at Lambeau Field ... and he made it crystal clear to us that he's fired up about his old team's potential.

"We're so excited for Jordan Love," Butler said ... before adding, "Listen, he's on fire."

Butler then actually sent a thank you message to the New York Jets ... believing they did his Packers a favor by acquiring Aaron Rodgers in an offseason trade.

"See, now it's a band," Butler said of the Love-led Packers. "Not just a solo act. That's the difference."

Butler tells us he thinks the Packers' hot streak -- which now includes wins in four of their last five games -- will continue ... explaining he thinks the roster is too young to be affected by potential trap games or treacherous road matchups.

Up next for Green Bay is a Monday Night Football game against the New York Giants ... and in a month from now, maybe a playoff game will be on Green Bay's schedule?? Butler certainly thinks so!!

Aaron Rodgers Expected To Be Medically Cleared By XMas Eve Game Vs. D.C.

N.Y. Jets fans may have an early Christmas present under the tree ... a healthy Aaron Rodgers, who our sources tell us is expected to be cleared medically for game action before Gang Green's December 24 contest against the Commanders!

Then, it'll be up to the coaches and team execs to decide whether the 4x NFL MVP plays.

We're told barring an unexpected setback, Rodgers will be given the all-clear before the week 16 game against the NFC East team at MetLife Stadium in Jersey.

Of course, Rodgers ruptured his Achilles on September 11, just 4 plays into his Jets career. On September 13, just days later, AR had cutting-edge surgery to repair the injury in Los Angeles.

The injury typically takes professional athletes around 9 months to return to play. If Rodgers comes back on 12/24, it'll be just 104 days after sustaining the devastating injury.

Needless to say, if the Jets allow him to play, Aaron, who has been practicing with his teammates since late November, will complete the fastest-recorded recovery of a ruptured Achilles tendon.

Despite being given the go-ahead from the medical folks, it's possible the team still doesn't allow Rodgers to play ... depending on their playoff prospects.

The Jets, who beat the Texans behind Zach Wilson on Sunday, are still just 5-8 ... and are looking up at 6 teams between them and a playoff birth. The reality is the Jets likely need to win out to have a chance at the postseason.

N.Y. plays the 9-3 Dolphins on Sunday ... and whether Aaron plays the following week could come down to if the team wins or loses that game.

Stay tuned!

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