'Stranger Things' Millie, Finn, Winona and David Reunited ... Ready For Last Hurrah

"Stranger Things" filming is kicking into high gear ... notable cast members are getting together to shoot some of their final scenes -- and it's looking hella emotional.

We got pics of the gang on set, shot Thursday in Atlanta, and while you can make out the figures of David Harbour and Winona Ryder coming to set -- it's the kids who take center stage ... though they definitely aren't kids anymore.

Check it out -- Millie Bobby Brown and Finn Wolfhard, who play love interests on the show, are filming a scene at the top of the hill ... it seems quiet and emotional, not like the rip-roaring action the show also features.

But, speaking of emotional -- is that an intense scream we can see MBB ready to make ... something her character Eleven's done quite a few times during the show's first 4 seasons?

BTW this scene takes place on a radio station set ... we don't think Eleven and Mike are recording a fire mixtape in season 5 -- but hey, music did save the day last season.

Big takeaway ... the kids are all grown up.

Millie's 19 and engaged to Jon Bon Jovi's son and FH is 21 -- old enough to crack open a cold one at the end of a long shoot.

This is becoming a trend for the "Stranger Things" cast ... remember, we saw Gaten on set last week in Georgia, and he didn't look anything like the 13-year-old he was when the first episode dropped back in 2016.

No release date on the new season of 'ST' yet ... but with so much film rolling this month ya gotta think the last lap's coming real soon.

Sofia Vergara Sued by Griselda Blanco's Estate ... Stop This Netflix Show!!!

Sofia Vergara is being taken to court by Griselda Blanco's family over her new show where she plays the infamous Colombian queen-pin ... and they want to halt its release.

The actress is named as a defendant in a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, in which her adult kids -- acting as representatives of her estate -- are suing her and Netflix over what they claim is the unauthorized use of their family's image and likeness in this upcoming series.

Of course, the show features Sofia playing the late Griselda in her heyday as one of the most prominent drug lords in the world -- but now, her children are trying to prevent it from coming out next week ... running to court and asking the judge for an injunction to block its release.

The gist of their argument boils down to this ... Griselda's son, Michael, claims he'd been doing interviews for years now with some guys who were trying to get his life story -- and that of his mother -- on paper in the hopes of developing it into a production of some sort. He alleges these interviews he did with them date back to '09 all the way through 2022.

Michael claims that these fellas he was consulting with not only wanted to develop his narrative into a show, but into a book as well -- and he says they told him they'd start shopping it around Hollywood in 2016. He alleges they pitched it to a producer ... ahead of a meeting with Netflix about it. Michael claims he was then told Netflix was interested -- but that they didn't wanna use any of his details or consultations from the interviews he'd done.

Fast-forward to the present, and Michael claims he's learned this new 'Griselda' show does, in fact, lean on a lot of his anecdotes and material ... but he says he never saw a dime.

That's why he and his siblings are suing -- alleging Netflix basically ripped off their family story and weaved it into the plot of their show ... and the kids claim use of their own images and likenesses in the show without their permission violate their rights.

The lawsuit doesn't specifically say that Netflix can't depict their mother -- a public figure -- but it's clear the kids believe their likenesses and interview materials were used to make it -- presumably meaning they're depicted in the actual show in some capacity -- so they want a judge to step in ASAP to stop it.

The show is supposed to come out on Jan. 25 ... but the Blanco children wanna pump the brakes. SV is an EP on this thing BTW -- which seems to explain why she's roped in.

We've reached out to Sofia and Netflix ... so far, no word back.

Sofía Vergara Demandada por los herederos de Griselda Blanco ... Detengan ese show de Netflix!!!

Sofía Vergara está siendo llevada a los tribunales por la familia de Griselda Blanco, por un nuevo show de Netflix donde ella interpreta a la infame criminal colombiana, y los chicos quieren detener su lanzamiento a toda costa.

La actriz aparece como demandada en una nueva demanda obtenida por TMZ, en la que sus hijos adultos -actuando como representantes de su patrimonio- la demandan a ella y a Netflix, por lo que afirman que es un uso no autorizado de la imagen y semejanza de su familia en esta próxima serie.

Por supuesto, la serie presenta a Sofía interpretando a la difunta Griselda en su apogeo como una de las más prominentes capos de la droga en el mundo, pero ahora sus hijos están tratando de evitar que se estrene la próxima semana y por eso están corriendo a los tribunales y pidiendo una orden judicial para bloquear su lanzamiento.

La esencia de su argumento se reduce a esto. El hijo de Griselda, Michael, afirma que lleva años entrevistándose con unos tipos que intentan plasmar en papel la historia de su vida y la de su madre con la esperanza de convertirla en algún tipo de producción. Alega que estas entrevistas que hizo con ellos se remontan del 2009 y hasta el 2022.

Michael afirma que estos chicos no solo querían desarrollar su narrativa en un programa, sino también en un libro y dice que le dijeron que iban a empezar a ofrecerlo en Hollywood por el 2016. Alega que se lo propusieron a un productor, antes de una reunión con Netflix. Michael afirma que luego le dijeron que Netflix estaba interesado, pero que no querían usar ninguno de los detalles o consultas de las entrevistas que había hecho.

Ahora, Michael afirma que se enteró de que la nueva serie "Griselda" se basa en muchas de sus anécdotas y materiales, pero dice que nunca vio ni un céntimo de ello.

Es por eso que él y sus hermanos están demandando. Básicamente, alegan que Netflix está arrancado su historia familiar y la tejió en la trama de su show y aseguran que el uso de sus propias imágenes y semejanzas en el show sin su permiso violan sus derechos.

La demanda no dice específicamente que Netflix no puede representar a su madre, una figura pública, pero está claro que creen que sus imágenes y materiales de la entrevista fueron utilizados, lo que presumiblemente significa que están representados en el programa de alguna forma, por lo que quieren que un juez intervenga lo antes posible para detenerlo.

Se supone que la serie se estrenará el 25 de enero, pero los hijos de Blanco quieren frenarla. Por cierto, Sofía Vergara es productora ejecutiva en la serie también, lo que parece explicar por qué ella está involucrada.

Nos contactamos con Sofía y Netflix, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

'Stranger Things' Brett Gelman Noah Didn't Need To Apologize For Views On Israel, Hamas ... I Too Think Zionism Is Sexy


Brett Gelman doesn't see anything in Netflix costar Noah Schnapp's views on Israel that warrants an apology ... and he's not afraid to speak his mind about what's going on in Gaza.

We got the "Stranger Things" star at LAX and our photog asked him about Noah sharing a video restating his position on the Israel-Hamas War.

TikTok / @noahschnapp

Brett says he actually liked the viral photos of Noah with stickers reading "Zionism is sexy" and agreed with Noah calling out Hamas as a terrorist organization.

BG goes even further ... telling us anyone who is not pro-Israel is consciously or subconsciously being antisemitic.

To be clear, Brett says he's not blindly for everything that's going on in Israel, acknowledging there are some issues just as there are in every country and telling us he's not a fan of Benjamin Netanyahu ... but Brett says he supports Israel and the Israeli people.

Brett says Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas attacks ... he says he's been over to Israel recently and there are still being rockets launched by Hamas, who he also accuses of using civilians as human shields.

Noah's message was about unity, hope and peace ... and Brett says he's staunchly against the death of innocent Palestinians, but wonders why those deaths are being blamed on Israel and not Hamas.


It's rare to see a celebrity being so open about the Middle East these days ... but Brett's not shying away.

Bottom line for Brett ... everyone in Israel wants peace, and they aren't the ones who started this war.

Brett Gelman de 'Stranger Things' Noah no necesita disculparse por sus opiniones sobre Israel, Hamás


Brett Gelman no ve nada en las opiniones sobre Israel de su compañero de reparto de Netflix Noah Schnapp que justifique una disculpa, y no tiene miedo de decir lo que piensa sobre lo que está pasando en Gaza.

Nos encontramos con la estrella de "Stranger Things" en LAX y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó sobre el video de Noah en donde reafirma su posición sobre la guerra de Israel y Hamás.

TikTok / @noahschnapp

Brett dice que le gustaban las fotos virales de Noé con las pegatinas "El sionismo es sexy" y que estaba de acuerdo con que el actor llamara a Hamás como una organización terrorista.

Brett va aún más lejos y nos dice que cualquiera que no sea pro-Israel es consciente o inconscientemente antisemita.

Para ser claros, Brett dice que no está ciegamente a favor de todo lo que está pasando en Israel, reconoce que hay algunos problemas, al igual que en todos los países y nos dice que no es un fan de Benjamin Netanyahu, pero dice que apoya a Israel y al pueblo israelí.

Dice que Israel tiene derecho a defenderse de los ataques de Hamás y que ha estado en Israel recientemente y que todavía hay cohetes que son lanzados por ellos, a quienes también acusa de utilizar a civiles como escudos humanos.

El mensaje de Noah fue sobre la unidad, la esperanza y la paz y Brett dice que está incondicionalmente en contra de la muerte de palestinos inocentes, pero se pregunta por qué se culpa de esas muertes a Israel y no a Hamás.

Es raro ver a una celebridad ser tan abierta sobre lo que pasa en Medio Oriente por estos días, pero Brett no se asusta.

En pocas palabras, para él todo el mundo en Israel quiere la paz y no fueron ellos los que empezaron esta guerra.

Christina Applegate Standing Ovation At Emmys ... Jokes About Shaming MS

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"Don't shame me"

Christina Applegate got folks out of their seats at the Emmys ... and it's all because of her courage.

The "Dead to Me" star, who is dealing with her multiple sclerosis diagnosis, came out to a standing ovation as she presented the award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.

Christina used a cane to get to the stage as the crowd rose to its feet and applauded.

Ya gotta see the video ... she got emotional about the reception she was getting, and cracked a joke, saying ... "You're totally shaming me with disability by standing up."

Remember, Christina revealed her multiple sclerosis diagnosis back in 2021, referring to it as a "strange journey."

It's great to see her involved at the Emmys ... when she was up for a SAG award last year she said it would likely be her last award show as an actress because of MS.

At that award show she used a cane with a powerful message on it ... "F U MS." While her cane Monday night wasn't fitted with any such note, Christina's presence onstage said plenty.

If her acting career is over, as Christina's predicted, she could certainly still do award show presenting --- she had the Emmys crowd wrapped around her finger.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Sean Rad, cofundador de Tinder, vende su casa de Los Ángeles por 28.5 millones de dólares

El cofundador de Tinder, Sean Rad, ha puesto a la venta su gran mansión de Los Ángeles, y puede que te interese, eso si eres alguien que tiene 8 cifras extra por ahí.

El gurú de la aplicación de citas tiene su casa de más de 10.000 pies cuadrados a la venta de nuevo, con la friolera de $28.5 millones, y como se puede imaginar, los 5 dormitorios y 9 baños no son las únicas ventajas del lugar.

Hay un montón de comodidades que vienen con este inmueble de 3 pisos; incluyendo una piscina, cocina de un chef completo, un camino de entrada de adoquines, un bar speakeasy completo, 2 chimeneas, un patio cubierto, una bodega, un gimnasio, una biblioteca y un teatro privado... solo para nombrar unos pocos.

Por cierto, la finca de Sean ha estado en el ojo de algunas personalidades notables de Hollywood como Jason Oppenheim y Mary Fitzgerald...

Sean puso su casa en el mercado en julio, pidiendo $32M por el lugar, esto después de comprar originalmente la morada no tan humilde en 2018, recogiéndolo de Kurt Rappaport por $26.5 millones. Ahora está buscando un par de millones para llenarse los bolsillos.

Obviamente ha bajado el precio desde que trató de venderla el verano pasado, pero sigue siendo una ganancia que no dejaríamos escapar.

Tinder Co-Founder Lists Swanky L.A. Pad ... Swipe Right for Nearly $30 Million

Tinder's co-founder, Sean Rad, has put his fat L.A. mansion on the market -- and you might be a match for it ... that is, if you're someone who's got an extra 8 figures lying around.

The dating app guru has his 10,000-plus square foot home for sale again, with a whopping asking price of $28.5 million -- and as you can imagine ... the 5 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms aren't the only perks of the place.

There's a lot of amenities that come with this 3-story pad -- including a pool, a full chef's kitchen, a cobblestone driveway, a full speakeasy bar, 2 fireplaces, a covered patio, a wine cellar, a gym, a library, and a private theater ... just to name a few.

BTW, Sean's estate -- being listed by some notable people in H'wood ... "Selling Sunset" stars Jason Oppenheim and Mary Fitzgerald ... in case you're a fan of the show.

Sean put his home on the market back in July, asking $32M for the spot -- this after originally buying the not-so-humble abode in 2018, picking it up from Kurt Rappaport for $26.5 mil. Now he's looking for a couple mil to line his pockets.

He's obviously brought the price down since trying to sell it last summer, but it's still a profit we'd swipe right on regardless.

Gaten Matarazzo de "Stranger Things" luce mayor en el rodaje de la última temporada

La estrella de "Stranger Things" —Gaten Matarazzo fue visto filmando la temporada final del éxito de Netflix y hay que admitir que no parece un adolescente, a pesar de que tratan de mantener viva la ilusión.

Gaten estaba en el set el jueves en Georgia, charlando acerca de su escena entre tomas, con la camiseta icónica del Hellfire Club frente a una tumba de Eddie Munson, el inadaptado adorable interpretado por Joseph Quinn que murió la temporada pasada.

Eddie y el personaje de Gaten, Dustin Henderson, eran uña y carne en la serie, por cierto, puedes apostar a que será una escena muy emotiva y por otro lado, Gaten también se ha dejado crecer el pelo... muy a lo Eddie.

Ahora, abordando lo innegable, Gaten no se parece al niño que era cuando todo esto se estrenó en 2016... el tipo tiene 21 años ahora, por lo que mantenerlo como un adolescente en el programa es complicado y, sin embargo, eso es exactamente lo que están tratando de vender.

Debemos tener en cuenta que todo el elenco parece mucho mayor que las edades de sus personajes y los fans han estado quejándose por un tiempo, pero no está claro si esta temporada final implicará un salto en el tiempo de algún tipo o continuará donde la temporada 4. Definitivamente el salto en el tiempo ayudaría a hacerlo todo más creíble.

Por cierto, Gaten se ha hecho un nombre tras su irrupción en la serie, participó en la película "Honor Society", apareció en Broadway en espectáculos como "Dear Evan Hansen" y "Sweeny Todd", y fue presentador y productor ejecutivo de la serie de Netflix "Prank Encounters".

No está claro qué le espera al bueno de Dustin cuando termine la serie... pero suponemos que tendrá papeles más adultos. El tiempo vuela, ¿verdad?

'Stranger Things' Gaten Matarazzo Filming Final Season ... Lookin' Like An Old Teen!!!

"Stranger Things" star Gaten Matarazzo was spotted filming the final season of the Netflix hit ... and ya gotta admit, he's sure as hell not looking like a teenager anymore -- despite them trying to keep the illusion alive.

Gaten was on set Thursday in Georgia, chatting it up -- seemingly about his scene -- in between takes ... wearing the iconic Hellfire Club shirt in front of a grave for Eddie Munson, the loveable misfit played by Joseph Quinn who died last season.

Eddie and Gaten's character Dustin Henderson were thick as thieves in the show, BTW ... so you can bet this will be a pretty emotional scene -- and on another note, GM's grown his hair out too ... very Eddie-like.

Now, addressing the elephant in the room ... Gaten doesn't look like the kid he was when this whole thing premiered in 2016 ... the dude's 21 now, so keeping him as a teenager on the show is tricky -- and yet, that's exactly what they're trying to sell here.

We should note ... the entire cast looks much older than their character's ages -- and fans have been pointing that out for a while ... but it's unclear if this final season will involve a time jump of some sort, or will pick up where season 4 left off. Time jump would help make this go down easier in terms of buying the characters' matured appearances.

BTW, Gaten's made a huge name for himself following his 'ST' breakout -- he was in the movie "Honor Society," appeared on Broadway in shows like "Dear Evan Hansen" and "Sweeny Todd," and hosted/executive produced the Netflix series, "Prank Encounters."


Unclear what's next for good ol' Dustin after the show wraps ... we're assuming he'll be getting more grown-up roles though. Boy, time sure does fly, doesn't it?

Pete Davidson Estaba drogado con ketamina en el funeral de Aretha Franklin

Hay buenas razones para decir que Pete Davidson estaba cometiendo una falta de respeto grave en el funeral de Aretha Franklin, tras aparecer drogado con ketamina, según él.

El comediante detalló el incidente en su especial de Netflix "Turbo Fonzarelli", donde dijo ingeniosamente que estaba tan drogado en el servicio de 2018 que se acercó a la familia de la difunta y les dijo: "¡Hey! Solo estoy aquí para pagar mis R-E-S-P-E-C-Ts!".

Yeesh ... Eso es ser malo.

La ex estrella de SNL bromea con que Aretha no estaba cerca para saber que estaba bajo la influencia de las drogas, pero si hubiera estado le habría preguntado "qué coño" estaba haciendo en su funeral y quién demonios era en primer lugar.

Es una pregunta razonable, ya que en ese momento no era tan famoso y solo asistió al servicio como acompañante de su entonces prometida Ariana Grande. Aun así, ya era bastante conocido.

Ahora Pete Davidson agrega que se sentía avergonzado de andar haciendo cosas mientras usaba ketamina -la que tomó durante 4 años para tratar la depresión-, ya que la droga viene con una serie de efectos secundarios disociativos y alucinógenos. Pareciera que Pete ya no consume ketamina.

A la audiencia le pareció una historia divertidísima, aunque él está algo avergonzado de sus actos en aquel momento y quizá con razón. Es una confesión bastante salvaje. Dicho esto, ha intentado controlar el mal hábito con 7 sesiones de rehabilitación a lo largo de los años.

Junio 2023 fue la última vez que se registró en rehabilitación. También abordó su trastorno de estrés postraumático y trastorno límite de la personalidad.

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Visto con Madeline

En medio de sus problemas personales, ha sido etiquetado como una especie de mujeriego y nos alegramos de verlo feliz con su nueva novia Madelyn Cline en un reciente clip que obtuvimos. Por cierto, Pete evitó hablar de su vida amorosa en el especial, así que no hay jugosos detalles sobre ello. Tendremos que conformarnos con el material de siempre.


Pete Davidson was arguably serving up some serious disrespect at Aretha Franklin's funeral ... turning up to the 2018 service high on ketamine, at least according to him.

The comic detailed the drug-induced blunder in his Netflix special "Turbo Fonzarelli" ... the quipping that he was so high at the 2018 service, that he went up to the late icon's family, telling them, "Hey! I'm just here to pay my R-E-S-P-E-C-Ts!" Yeesh ... that's bad.

The ex-SNL star jokes Aretha wasn't around to know he was under the influence ... but if she were, she'd ask "what the f***" he was doing at her funeral and who the hell he was in the first place.

That's a fair assessment -- as at the time, he wasn't that famous and only attended the service as then-fiancée Ariana Grande's plus one. Still though, he was pretty known.

Now, Pete adds he was embarrassed being out and about while using ketamine -- which he used for 4 years to treat depression -- though the drug comes with a range of dissociative and hallucinogenic side effects. It doesn't seem like Pete's using ketamine anymore.

The audience clearly found the story hilarious ... but Pete sounds low-key ashamed of his actions at the time -- and perhaps for good reason, 'cause it is a pretty wild confession. That said, he's attempted to get the bad habit under control with 7 rehab stints over the years.

June 2023 was when he last checked in to rehab ... also addressing his post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder.

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spotted out with madelyn

Amid his personal woes, he's been tagged as somewhat of a ladies' man ... and we were pleased to see him looking happy with his new GF Madelyn Cline in a recent clip we obtained. BTW, Pete avoided much of his own love life in the special -- so no juicy tidbits about the ladies he bangs. We'll just have to settle for good old-fashioned material!

Guess Who This Little Rockstar Turned Into!

Before this blonde kiddo in their pink t-shirt turned into a musician, they were just throwin' on their hat backward, playing the drums and going by their famous nickname -- which they still use today -- and growing up in Victoria, Australia.

This performer considers themselves a multi-instrumentalist, and in 2018 dropped their debut single, "About You." A few years later, this talented star was featured in Troye Sivan's music video ... and also dressed up as Troye this past Halloween!

Need one more hint? You may see them pop up on Netflix's "Selling Sunset".

Can you guess who they are?

Adivina en quién se ha convertido esta pequeña estrella del rock

Antes de que esta rubia con camiseta rosa se convirtiera en músico, solo se tiraba el sombrero hacia atrás, tocaba la batería y se hacía llamar por su famoso apodo -que sigue usando hoy en día- y crecía en Victoria, Australia.

Esta intérprete se considera multiinstrumentista y en 2018 lanzó su single de debut, "About You". Unos años más tarde apareció en el video musical de Troye Sivan ... ¡y también se disfrazó de Troye este pasado Halloween!

¿Necesitas una pista más? Puede que la veas aparecer en la serie de Netflix "Selling Sunset".

¿Adivinas quién es?

Lil Nas X reacciona al chiste de Dave Chappelle y dice que se divorció del diablo

Lil Nas X dice que ni siquiera un escándalo de Dave Chappelle puede interrumpir su nueva "era cristiana" y suena como si quisiera que el comediante cambiara la rutina.

El miércoles, Lil se refirió al último especial de Netflix de Chapelle, donde cuenta una historia que hace alusión a su video "Montero".

El video muestra al rapero viajando al infierno para darle a Satanás un lapdance, pero Dave dijo que no tenía ni idea de quién era el artista de "Old Town Road" en ese momento y se rió de la decisión de Lil Nas X de empujar los límites sexuales en su base de fans más jóven.

Lil argumenta que "Montero" es cosa del pasado y cualquiera que se aferre a esa versión de él está viviendo en el pasado.

Para demostrarlo, anunció que su nuevo single y video llegará la próxima semana y adelantó una ilustración de él vestido como un sacerdote con la leyenda, "En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo, Amén".

es muy gracioso

Dave hizo chistes de otras figuras de la cultura pop y no todos reaccionaron como LNX. El ex-congresista, Madison Cawthorn, estuvo muy atento cuando Dave se refirió a las personas con discapacidad y le encantó cada minuto.

Lil Nas X Chappelle's Gotta Update His Material ... I Divorced the Devil!!!

Lil Nas X says not even a Dave Chappelle brouhaha can disrupt his newfound "Christian era" of his music career -- and sounds like he wants the comedian to get a new routine.

On Wednesday, LNX took exception to Dave's bit about him on his latest Netflix special "The Dreamer" ... where DC tells a story about LNX having his hopes set on recruiting Chappelle for his controversial 2021 "Montero" video.

The video infamously depicted LNX traveling to Hell to give Satan a lapdance -- but Dave said he had no idea who the "Old Town Road" artist was at the time ... and laughed at LNX's decision to push sexual boundaries onto his youthful fanbase.

LNX is now arguing that "Montero" is old news and anyone holding on to that version of him is living in the past.

To prove it, LNX announced his new single/video coming next week and previewed the holier than thou artwork ... an illustration of him dressed as a priest with the caption, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen."


Dave dished out digs to several other pop culture figures, and not all reacted like LNX. Ex-Congressman Madison Cawthorn caught stray shots as Dave was "punching down" on people with disabilities, and he loved every minute of it!!!