Carole Baskin I've Done All I Can to Find Don Lewis Despite 'Tiger King 2' Claim

Carole Baskin was (again) painted as an unhelpful, suspicious character in the ongoing search for her missing husband, but despite what 'Tiger King 2' suggests ... she says the exact opposite is true.

Joe Exotic's archenemy tells TMZ ... she's done everything in her power to track down Don Lewis -- her one-time hubby, who mysteriously went missing in the '90s and was never found. The 'TK' sequel, however, might have you thinking otherwise.

As you know ... the 2nd installment debuted last week, and a detective with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Moises Garcia, is prominently featured as they continue to dig into Don's case all these years later. As they delve into Carole's suspected knowledge about his whereabouts, Cpl. Garcia flat out says Carole seems uninterested in helping 'em out.

The reason ... she hasn't cooperated with his office's request for information -- but that's all for a good cause, according to Carole herself ... who says she's done enough already.

CB tells us that since the inception of the original investigation, she's done tons of interviews, forked over scores of documents and given unprecedented access to the authorities to get to the bottom of where the hell Don is. Not just that ... but she put out a $100k reward!

Carole adds, "There is no one who has more to gain from solving the mystery of Don’s disappearance than I do because it would clear my name and stop the idiotic rumors." She further states, "There is nothing that I know that is not either in the Sheriff’s files or in the diary I have published at and no way I am going to have a clearer memory or anything to add twenty-four years later."

While Carole acknowledges she's mostly snubbed Garcia -- she explains she did on the advice of counsel, as she simply has nothing more to contribute.

There's also this ... the new Netflix doc apparently reveals that the Dept. of Homeland Security has already found Don alive and well in Costa Rica. Carole says she hopes that's true -- and it is even more reason she wants to put all the speculation to bed about her alleged involvement, which she says is based on nothing but unfounded rumors.

Bottom line ... Carole isn't about to dig up the past to appease kooks who are hung up on this, and she means that literally. AKA, no septic tank dig is happening on her watch.

Garcia, for his part, says ... "The only person in this case who is not considered a suspect and a person of interest is myself. Everyone else is a possibility, with Carole being a high possibility."

Kevin Spacey Loses Big in 'House of Cards' Case ... $30 Mil to Production Co.!!!


11:08 AM PT -- A rep for MRC tells us, "The safety of our employees, sets and work environments is of paramount importance to MRC and why we set out to push for accountability. We thank Michael Kump and Gregory Korn of Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump Holley LLP for their commitment and hard work in this case."


Kump tells us, "It was a privilege representing MRC in this matter. MRC stood its ground, pursued this case doggedly, and obtained the right result in the end.”

Kevin Spacey cost the creative forces behind Netflix's hit 'House of Cards' a crap ton of money due to his alleged sexual misconduct -- and now, the guy's been ordered to pony up millions over it.

The disgraced actor lost an arbitration case he's been involved in for the past few years now with a couple of companies called MRC II and Knight Takes King Productions -- a distribution company and production company, respectively.

The two companies claimed they were doing the heavy lifting on 'HOC,' especially for the 6th season they were producing for the streaming giant ... with Kevin, obviously, being a huge part of it.

An arbitrator ruled last year that Spacey's alleged behavior did, in fact, cause MRC and Knight substantial harm by essentially torpedoing the final season ... but KS had appealed that decision, only to lose again earlier this month.

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Kevin Spacey

Now, the companies are asking the court to confirm the arbitration award ... which would leave Spacey and his loan-out and producing companies on the hook for about $31 million. The lion's share of the award is for compensatory damages -- more than $29.5 mil -- and the remaining million and change cover attorneys' fees and costs.

MRC and KTKP argued that there was an internal investigation of Spacey's behavior -- which included claims he'd sexually harassed/assaulted production members working on 'House of Cards' -- and after doing a deep dive, they say they found many of those accusations to be true and terminated his contract. They say his conduct caused them to suffer substantial losses ... which led to the litigation.


Spacey has avoided criminal liability thus far ... but on the civil side of things, this is a big ding. He's remained mostly low-key since the allegations surfaced -- although, he is getting back to work slowly but surely.

Originally Published -- 10:29 AM PT

'Tiger King' Reptile Dealer Jeff Johnson ... Dead by Suicide

Another person featured in 'Tiger King' has died -- only this time, by suicide ... one which happened right in front of a family member, so say cops.

Former reptile dealer Jeff Johnson -- who made a brief appearance in episode 4 of 2020's 'TK' docuseries to talk Carole Baskin -- shot and killed himself in September, and did so in the immediate presence of his wife ... this according to the Oklahoma City Police Department.


Per the incident report, obtained by TMZ, Johnson was arguing with his spouse in their garage on Sept. 8 -- while their children were home as well -- and at one point, the man brought a Glock-style handgun up to his head ... and pulled the trigger.

Johnson's wife called 911 for attempted suicide, and when officers arrived ... they say he still had a pulse and was rushed to a hospital. Unfortunately, Johnson was pronounced dead upon arrival.

The cops note Johnson's wife said her husband had not suffered from any mental illness and had not experienced any prior attempted suicide -- so it's unclear why he did this.

Like we said, Jeff's time on 'Tiger King' was short-lived ... but memorable in that he explained the beef between Joe Exotic and Carole. Interestingly enough, Jeff and Joe are also said to be one-time pals turned foes. Story goes ... Jeff and Joe were cool in the past -- as they both worked in the exotic animals world -- but had a falling out once Jeff Lowe came into the picture. At that point, Jeff bashed them early and often ... and vice versa.

There's a report that Jeff's home was actually burned down during this feuding -- but it's unclear if his beef with Joe and JL are in any way connected. Jeff Lowe tells us that he was in Las Vegas at the time and denies any involvement.

Jeff was 58.


Kevin Hart Comedians Should Be Respectful ... But Haters Have Chappelle All Wrong!!!


Kevin Hart says standup comedy should change in the wake of all the buzz about Dave Chappelle's alleged transphobia -- but he insists most of the critics don't have a clue who Dave really is.

We got Kevin out Friday morning in NYC, and asked if he planned to change anything in his standup routines due to the backlash against Dave's "The Closer" -- and it sounds like he will. Kev said, "We all have to adjust. We all gotta make sure we're operating and managing in a respectful manner."

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Watch how KH says it, because it comes off like a criticism of his pal Dave. As you know, Chappelle's been adamant his special was not transphobic, and he has nothing for which to apologize ... despite protests and a walkout staged by Netflix employees.

However, before ya start thinking there's a rift ... Kevin also came out swinging for Chappelle, telling us Dave is a very loving guy and "the narrative that's being attached [to Dave] doesn't necessarily have to be true without knowing the individual."

He also shouted out Chappelle directly, and sent him some love.

The takeaway here ... Kevin isn't gonna be as edgy or controversial as Dave the comedian -- never has been, really -- but he's still a ride or die for Dave as a person.

Joe Exotic Transferred to Fed Medical Center While He Battles Cancer

Joe Exotic is going across several state lines as he continues to battle an "aggressive cancer," and while he's still in federal custody ... his new home will help cope with his condition.

Federal prison officials tell us Joe was transferred from FMC Fort Worth, TX to FMC Butner in North Carolina Tuesday. According to its website, Butner provides "extensive medical services" with a full hospital and cancer treatment facilities.

As we reported, Joe recently had a biopsy performed on his prostate which revealed an "aggressive cancer." It was late summer when Joe said he was "ready to die" after believing the cancer had spread to his pelvis and to his stomach.

The transfer just happens to come the same week "Tiger King 2" dropped on Netflix. Joe appears in the new season from behind bars, desperate to get out.

It's currently unclear what type of cancer treatments he'll undergo. Bernie Madoff, who suffered from kidney disease, was an inmate at FMC Butner before his death in April 2021.

Cancer or not, Joe's done his best to benefit from the immense popularity of "Tiger King" -- he's launched a weed line and underwear line, while continuing to fight for freedom.

Carole Baskin Claims 'Tiger King' Duped Her ... Producers Lied About Plot


Carole Baskin is still fighting to have footage of herself removed from "Tiger King 2," and telling us how the series producers allegedly pulled some shady moves to deceive her.

We spoke to the big cat animal rescue owner herself just a day before Netflix is set to debut its sequel to the smash-hit series ... and Carole gave us the behind-the-scenes intel she says led to her filing a lawsuit to stop her image and likeness from being included in 'TK 2.'

For starters, Carole told us on Tuesday's "TMZ Live," she is NOT trying to stop Netflix from putting out a second installment -- she just wants any tie to her nixed from the final product.

As for why she wants out of the project? Well, Carole says she also hated the OG "Tiger King" ... and she alleges producers pitched it to her like it was going to be a "Blackfish"-styled expose on animal abuse. She even claims they even showed her an early promo cut which was exactly that.

As you now know ... "Tiger King" ended up playing as more of an anti-hero tale, with Joe Exotic as the heroic lead, and Carole as the "bad guy" nemesis.

That's Carole's biggest gripe -- what she calls the flat-out misrepresentation of her and her mission ... something she tells us is still haunting her to this day in the form of harassment and threats from rabid fans.


She also addressed what Jeff and Lauren Lowe told us Monday -- namely, that they're gearing up to sue Carole for allegedly tipping off the feds to violations at his now-shutdown Tiger King Park.

Carole says Jeff's fury is misplaced, and everything that's happened to him in the wake of "Tiger King" is his own doing. She claims her team got plenty of video evidence of animal abuse at Jeff's place, and she's airing it on her new Discovery+ show, "Carole Baskin's Cage Fight."

Appropriate title, 'cause Carole's gonna be doing battle -- at least in court -- on multiple fronts.

'Tiger King' Jeff Lowe Teaming Up with Joe Again!!! ... Ahead of Netflix Sequel


Joe Exotic is getting a helping hand from somebody he once considered a mortal enemy ... and that would be Jeff Lowe, who says he's back on Team JE.

Jeff and his wife, Lauren, came on 'TMZ Live' Monday ahead of the premiere of 'Tiger King 2' -- which comes out Wednesday on Netflix -- and they told us a lot has changed.

For starters, Jeff says the GW Exotic Animal Park they operated out of Oklahoma will, indeed, be moved to a new location -- but he claims he's in the process of getting all his animals back from the feds.

You'll recall the government raided the park, confiscated the animals and evicted the Lowes, based on allegations of mistreatment and not having the proper paperwork.

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Jeff claims the whole federal investigation was based on BS peddled by none other than Carole Baskin -- and as a result, he insists the feds are about to drop all charges against him.

The next step ... firing off their own lawsuits! Jeff and Lauren told us they're going after Carole, PETA and others he considers responsible for prompting the federal raid. What's even crazier is that he's recruiting Joe's attorneys to help him.

Watch what he says about how they've apparently patched things up since last time -- even though Jeff technically helped land Joe in prison, he now says some of those same convos he had with investigators years ago, might help JE's case to get sprung from prison.

Donnell Rawlings Chappelle Controversy Misinterpreted ... Dave's Still at His 'Happiest'


One of Dave Chappelle's best pals says most people don't understand "The Closer" or the controversy surrounding it -- nor do they get what people who are defending him really mean.

Check out what Donnell Rawlings had to say Tuesday at LAX -- we asked about the fact Jay-Z -- and others, including former Prez Barack Obama -- recently seemed to be backing Dave's special and/or vouching for his character.


DR believes folks are misconstruing all this "backing," because, as he put it, most celebs speaking out on behalf of Dave are not necessarily cosigning on his POV -- but, rather sticking up for freedom of speech and artists' rights.

At least that's what Donnell took from Jay saying "The Closer" made him cringe at times, but that's what "great art" makes you do sometimes.

It's a pretty interesting point he's making -- and he adds that despite all the controversy Dave is in great spirits right now. Donnell goes so far as to call it the "happiest point" of Chappelle's life.

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That seemed pretty clear, based on DC's face when we got him out in Hollywood last month ... just as the 'Closer' buzz was starting to take off.

As you know, Chappelle has said he's struggling to find distribution for his new untitled documentary film -- due to "The Closer" backlash -- but Donnell gives it a plug, and explains why it's more important than ever for people to see it ... especially the haters.

Jay-Z Defends Dave Chappelle ... Calls Him 'Brave,' Says Art is Divisive


Jay-Z was trying to walk a fine line while talking about Dave Chappelle's new comedy special -- but it's clear which side of the debate he lands on ... and that would be in DC's camp.

The rapper spoke on the controversy surrounding "The Closer" Friday on a Twitter Space audio conversation -- one that was being hosted by Netflix's Strong Black Lead account, no less. Somebody asked him point-blank about what he thought, and Jay shared.

Check it out ... Jay-Z says Dave is "super brave," going on to say if you spend time with him, you'll see he's "brilliant." Now, Jay does admit Dave pushed a lot of buttons -- ones that apparently made HOV squirm, as he describes -- but in the end, he considers it "true art."


He goes on to say we're in a time now where people can't have discussions with others who disagree with them -- emblematic in the reaction to Dave's stand-up -- and Jay thinks ... that kinda sucks.

Eventually, the person seemingly moderating the convo asks Jay if he thinks the special was divisive -- and Jay tries to dissociate Dave's special with what he considers great art, which he describes as oftentimes being divisive. While he tried to separate the two, it's clear he thinks Dave's show might fall into that "great art" category.

It's also obvious Jay has no real problem with Dave, evidenced in the fact that he invited him to be one of the keynote speakers at his Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction a week ago ... and was more than happy to pose and smile with the guy.

So, while Jay is trying not to comment specifically on the content of the special -- he may as well be cosigning it. Hard to decipher this any other way, really. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Joe Exotic My 'Aggressive Cancer' is Back ... Wants Prison Release for Treatment

Joe Exotic's health is taking a major turn for the worse as the disgraced zookeeper remains behind bars ... telling fans he has "aggressive cancer."

The 'Tiger King' star says he recently had a biopsy performed on his prostate, and doctors let him know the results Wednesday. He says he doesn't want sympathy, instead, he wants his voice to be heard and for an immediate release so he can get treatment at home.

Joe's attorney, John Phillips, tells TMZ ... he plans to file a motion requesting compassionate release from his federal prison in Texas. It sounds like JE's condition must be pretty bad, because Phillips added that any delay in getting their motion before a judge could prove fatal.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

While Joe is hopeful cancer treatment can help, it appears he's also acknowledging the outlook could be grim, noting if treatment doesn't work, he'd like to, "enjoy what life I have left with my loved ones!"

True to form, Joe also mentioned Carole Baskin on Wednesday, saying he's sure "Carole will have her own party over this!"

As we reported, Joe said he was "ready to die" in August after fears his cancer had spread to his pelvis and stomach.

Obviously, it's still too early to know what kind of treatment Joe will get, but he's certainly stayed busy behind bars ... helping to launch a weed line and underwear line, while still fighting to prove his innocence.

Kevin Hart Sit-Down Chat with Ted Sarandos ... Amid Chappelle Drama

Kevin Hart isn't one to embrace controversy for kicks -- which is why a one-on-one between Netflix's CEO and him is all the more interesting ... especially as the Dave Chappelle drama's still swirling.

Check out this photo TMZ obtained of the rock star comedian chopping it up with Ted Sarandos Monday evening in Beverly Hills. They were at the Waldorf Astoria, where eyewitnesses say the duo had dinner and talked extensively for quite some time.

Although you can't see Sarandos' face in the pic ... other entertainment big wigs who were around confirmed it was him.

What they talked about remains a mystery, but the mere fact they had a private little chat like this, especially amid all the Chappelle drama at Netflix, can't be ignored ... as Dave and Kevin are good friends, and anyone cozying up to Ted right now (especially comics) might as well be cosigning what DC had to say and what Netflix decided to do.

Of course, Kev already has a major relationship with the streamer -- a multi-year deal for movies and specials -- so maybe this had absolutely nothing to do with Dave at all ... but something tells us the topic came up.


There's also this ... Kevin himself was embroiled in an LGBTQ-related controversy a few years ago -- one that ended up costing him his Oscars hosting gig, this after he waffled on apologizing for years-old tweets that some considered offensive and anti-gay.

Not saying one thing has to do with the other ... but that history also exists in this context.

DaBaby LGBTQ Org OK With Performance ... But Condemns Chappelle


9:52 AM PT -- Clemons has since claimed she was misquoted in our story in regards to her comments about DaBaby. We've included her full response here to show exactly what she said.


DaBaby is A-OK to hit live stages again, because he's come a long way since his homophobic rants ... so says one LGBTQ org which is OK with his performing, but NOT Dave Chappelle.

The CEO for Relationship Unleashed, Gwendolyn D. Clemons, tells TMZ ... she and her cohorts at the nonprofit approve of DB's appearance at Rolling Loud NY last week -- and any future concerts -- as they feel he's learned a lot over the past few months.


Clemons says DaBaby met with them as well as 100+ other orgs that advocate for the LGBTQ community -- and insists they got through to him on why his diatribe about AIDS was hurtful and harmful.

RU gave DB a history lesson of sorts and educated the guy ... including how HIV/AIDS affects people in his native Charlotte, NC -- something Clemons thinks resonated with DaBaby, whom she believes did not understand what he was saying.


Clemons says DaBaby was coming from a place of ignorance, but she says now he gets it ...  and that's why Relationship Unleashed can cosign his latest Rolling Loud cameo, and others to come.

As for Mr. Chappelle -- she's not forgiving, telling us the comedian has not shown any empathy or remorse ... adding Dave knows exactly what he's doing. BTW, Dave would agree he knows exactly what he's doing, which is not to apologize because he says he is in no way shape or form transphobic.

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Relationship Unleashed thinks Dave's words from 'The Closer' are hate speech disguised as comedy ... and he was gaslighting audiences into bigoted POVs. It's interesting ... Dave used DaBaby's predicament to make one of his points.

Scottie Pippen MJ Used 'Last Dance' To Outshine LeBron ... I Was A Prop!!!

Time heals all wounds, right?? Not for Scottie Pippen ... 'cause he's STILL going off on Michael Jordan over the 'Last Dance' doc, claiming the Bulls legend used the series as propaganda to prove he's better than LeBron James.

Pippen -- who's been outspoken against the mega-popular Netflix show -- is crapping all over it once again in his upcoming memoir, "Unguarded" ... saying MJ was so worried about younger fans calling LeBron the G.O.A.T., he decided to release the multi-part series to show off his greatness.

“Michael was determined to prove to the current generation of fans that he was larger-than-life during his day -- and still larger than LeBron James, the player many consider his equal, if not superior," Scottie said in an excerpt published by GQ.

Pippen criticized MJ for making the doc all about him ... essentially discrediting the role that Scottie and the other Bulls’ players had in winning so many championships.

"They glorified Michael Jordan while not giving nearly enough praise to me and my proud teammates," Pippen says in the book.

"Even in the second episode, which focused for a while on my difficult upbringing and unlikely path to the NBA, the narrative returned to MJ and his determination to win. I was nothing more than a prop. His 'best teammate of all time,' he called me. He couldn’t have been more condescending if he tried."

Pippen also says there's a reason why 'Last Dance' put so much emphasis on MJ ... saying, "Michael deserved a large portion of the blame. The producers had granted him editorial control of the final product. The doc couldn’t have been released otherwise. He was the leading man and the director."

Pippen previously said he's directly addressed MJ over his beef ... but it's clear he's not ready to let this one go.

Carole Baskin Sues Netflix Over 'Tiger King 2' ... Stop Using Footage of Me!!!

Carole Baskin is putting her foot down over Netflix's sequel to 'Tiger King' -- insisting the producers and Netflix cut out all footage of her for their latest offering.

The big cat advocate -- who was heavily featured in the OG series last year -- just filed suit against producers of the mega-hit and the streaming giant itself, asking a judge to put the kibosh on footage of her and her Big Cat Rescue in the upcoming "Tiger King 2" project.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, all the new video of her that they're teasing in their trailer completely misrepresents reality ... namely, that she is NOT on board with this new project whatsoever.

Carole explains in her lawsuit that all this footage is just unused stuff that didn't make the cut for 'Tiger King' ... and argues that producers are simply rehashing/repackaging it to make it seem like she's given new interviews or insight.

That's not the case at all, so says Carole ... who claims she never realized she'd be portrayed as a villain in the original 'Tiger King' and thinks the whole series ended up undermining her true mission -- protecting big cats from folks like Joe Exotic.

As you well know by now ... a lot of the show focused on Carole's first husband, Don Lewis, who went missing years ago -- something for which Carole believes the docuseries made her seem responsible.

CB's rationale for suing is that the contract she signed to participate in the first series simply doesn't give producers a right to continue using the footage in the subsequent projects ... including this sequel.

She wants a judge to force Netflix to yank any footage of her in the promotional trailers and final product that may come out ahead of the actual show later this month.

Dave Chappelle at R&R HOF 'I Apologize' Joke During Jay-Z Speech ... Yuks it Up w/ Sarandos

Dave Chappelle is still being cheeky about his Netflix controversy -- taking his act to the Rock & Roll HOF this weekend, and getting facetime with none other than Ted Sarandos.

The comedian helped induct Jay-Z into the Hall Saturday down in Cleveland, where he was one of the few who kicked off the introduction -- alongside folks like Barack Obama, who also delivered remarks -- and DC opened with a line that directly touched on "The Closer."

He started by whipping out a piece of paper and reading from it, saying ... "I would like to apologize," cut himself off and then said, "nah, I'm just f***ing with ya." Everyone laughed.

Dave didn't discuss it much beyond that -- but he did sing HOV's praises ... talking about the impressive ascension he's made in life, going from drug dealer to rapper to bona fide mogul. Of course, there were jokes sprinkled in along the way -- and Dave was very well-received.

That's not all, though. Netflix's CEO was also on hand for the festivities -- for his father-in-law Clarence Avant's own induction into the Hall -- and he actually bumped into Dave backstage ... where they shook hands and shared a few words. Some reports say Dave and Ted were even seen laughing together at one point as well.

They also posed for a photo together -- and Mr. Dave Grohl himself joined in on the fun ... squeezing his way in and cheesin'. It's quite obvious ... Dave is nowhere near "canceled" as he incredulously alluded to last weekend over his comments on the LGBT community.

Obviously, he's still got many, many friends in Hollywood -- and he's considered in high enough regard to get booked for something like this ... where an ex-Prez (a Democratic one, no less) was among them too, albeit via video -- BO beamed in with a video message.

If you can show your face around Barry and friends, you're probably going to be just fine.

MLB's Luis Robert Tricks Out $1 Million Lambo ... Glow-In-The-Dark Naruto Wrap!!!

Luis Robert's $1 million Lambo now officially matches his flashy game -- 'cause the MLB player just got the ride covered in a Naruto wrap ... and it's awesome!!

TMZ Sports has learned ... the Chicago White Sox star is a huge anime fan, so he sought out Alex Vega from The Auto Firm in South Florida to get the ride tricked out.

And, it didn't take long for Vega to deliver a masterpiece ... 'cause he wrapped the thing head-to-toe with images from the cartoon -- and it all actually glows in the dark!

You can see in photos of the whip, the hood has Naruto and Sasuke on it -- and near the headlight is where the ride's wrap lights up at night.

We're told the custom job cost around $10,000 to do ... but don't worry, Robert's wallet can take the hit.

The rising MLB superstar signed a staggering 6-year, $50 MILLION contract with the Sox back in 2020 -- before he had ever even taken an at bat in the Major Leagues.

By the way, if the whole Naruto scheme seems familiar ... it's because it's become very popular in the sports world -- with guys like Zion Williamson and Israel Adesanya sporting their love for it on big stages constantly.

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