Millie Bobby Brown Craps on 'Stranger Things' ... Let's Get It Over With!!!

Millie Bobby Brown isn't mincing words on how she feels about the show that made her famous -- saying she's ready to turn the page ... and calling it a burden on her career.

The actress -- known for playing Eleven on the hit Netflix series dating back years now -- dished her latest thoughts about 'ST' in a new interview with Glamour ... where she pretty much crapped on the gig that gave her her big break.

The article notes she likens her final season -- which is forthcoming next year -- to a senior year in high school, where one's itching to be done with it already. She says, "When you’re ready, you’re like, 'All right, let’s do this. Let’s tackle this last senior year. Let’s get out of here.'"

Millie adds, "'Stranger Things' takes up a lot of time to film and it’s preventing me from creating stories that I’m passionate about. So I’m ready to say, 'Thank you, and goodbye.'"

With that said, she does seem to offer a sense of gratitude for what she's learned on the show, going on to say the series gave her "the tools and the resources to be a better actor." And then, in the same breath ... another slap in the face, of sorts. Glamour says MBB refuses "to be goaded into mourning the show."

Millie finishes by saying .... "When it ends, I’m going to be able to still see these people," pointing out that nobody is actually dying with the fan-fave binger coming to a close.

Obviously, she's over it -- and perhaps for good reason. Out of all the kids, she's arguably far and away the most famous outside of 'Stranger Things' ... and it sounds like she's ready to break free from it completely. It has been 7 years already, after all ... so we kinda get it.

Still, though, this is harsh ... sheesh. 😬


"¿clase trabajadora?"... si claro

David Beckham cuestionó a su mujer, Victoria, por afirmar que fue criada en un hogar de "clase trabajadora", exigiendo que muestre un poco de honestidad en una nueva docuserie.

La pareja se peleó durante el rodaje de la serie de Netflix, "Beckham", que se estrenó el miércoles durante una entrevista con la integrante de las Spice Girls. Victoria habló de su familia, asegurando que cayó en la categoría de "clase obrera".

David entonces intervino, regañándola por ser deshonesta con los productores. Cuando ella trató de defenderse, David se mantuvo firme, haciéndole confesar como es que ella llegaba a la escuela cuando era niña.

Parece que Victoria trató de esquivar la pregunta, pero David siguió presionando hasta que finalmente admitió que su padre la llevaba en un Rolls-Royce. La gente en Internet ha estado aplaudiendo David por mantener las afirmaciones de Victoria en jaque.

Los fans de David saben que su miniserie de 4 partes sigue su ascenso, así como su relación a finales de los 90 e incluso el supuesto romance de David en 2003.

El clan Beckham apareció para el estreno de la serie en Londres el martes. El producto final se estrena tres años después de que David consiguiera un acuerdo de $20 millones con Netflix.

David Beckham Blasts Wife For 'Working Class' Claims ... 'Be Honest,' Victoria!


David Beckham is dragging his wife, Victoria, for claiming she was raised in a "working-class" household ... demanding she show some honesty in a new docuseries.

The couple got into it while filming the Netflix series, "Beckham," which debuted on Wednesday -- during an interview with the Spice Girls member, Victoria talked about her hard-working family ... alleging she fell into the "working class" category.

David then stuck his head into his wife's interview, scolding her for being dishonest to the producers ... and as she tried to defend herself, DB stuck his ground, making her say what kind of ride she took to school as a kid.

It seems Victoria tried to dodge the Q, but David kept pushing -- and she eventually admits her dad drove her in a Rolls-Royce. Folks online have been applauding David for keeping Victoria's claims in check, too.

Fans of David know his 4-part miniseries follows his rise to the top of his international soccer fame ... as well as their relationship in the late '90s and even David's alleged affair in 2003.

The Beckham clan stepped out for the show's premiere in London on Tuesday ... with the finished product coming 3 years after David worked out a $20 million deal with Netflix.

'Selling the OC' Kayla Cardona Backs Brandi Marshall ... Alex Deserves Racism Flak

Alex Hall has been getting dragged after what some perceived as her trying to make a Black woman sound angry and unhinged -- and a fellow cast member says it's well-deserved.

We spoke to 'Selling the OC' star Kayla Cardona -- who's very familiar with what has fans up in arms now that Season 2 has officially come to a close ... with unsettled business between Alex and Brandi Marshall -- who got in a huge fight on the show.

Kayla Cardona

The drama between them all stems from Brittany Snow's ex, Tyler Stanaland ... and Brandi accusing Alex of being "messy" when it comes to pursuing him. It was a feud that simmered all season and eventually came to an ugly head during an argument in Cabo -- which was caught on camera and obviously aired on Netflix.

During that shouting match ... many felt Alex was hurling racist microaggressions at Brandi by suggesting she was going to swing on her and trying to paint her as violent. That didn't occur in the moment -- Brandi kept her cool -- but there was a lot of chatter after the fact.

Like we said, AH has been taking it on the chin on Twitter ... and in our convo with Kayla -- who was front and center for all of that during filming -- she says succinctly, "If the shoe fits."

Take a listen for yourself to see what she remembers from that day ... and what apparently happened off-camera too. Based on how KC describes it -- it sounds like things might've been even nastier behind the scenes.

When asked if she felt like the Oppenheim brothers should've stepped in to diffuse things ... she stops short of criticizing them specifically -- but the implication is that the production can, at times, be a little too toxic for everyone's comfort.

Pete Davidson Tiene nueva novia La estrella de Outer Banks, Madelyn Cline

Pete Davidson volvió a las pistas después de un breve paréntesis y, según nos cuentan, ya tiene una nueva novia, la estrella de Outer Banks, Madelyn Cline.

Fuentes cercanas al ex alumno de "Saturday Night Live" le dicen a TMZ que Pete y Madelyn son oficialmente algo, aunque es un misterio dónde, cuándo y cómo se conocieron.

Pero US Weekly, que informó de la noticia por primera vez, dijo que la pareja reservó una habitación para pasar la noche en el Hotel Beverly Hills y que luego compartieron un desayuno discreto a la mañana siguiente.

El romance en ciernes viene después de que Pete rompiera con Chase Sui Wonder en agosto. En el pasado, Pete también ha salido con Ariana Grande, Kim Kardashian, Emily Ratajkowski y Kate Beckinsale, entre otras celebridades.

En cuanto a Madelyn, sabemos que previamente había estado saliendo con su coprotagonista en Outer Banks, Chase Stakes, en 2021. Después de que terminaran, se rumoreó que Madelyn se estaba viendo con el músico Jackson Guthy, hasta que recientemente lo dejó de seguir en Instagram.

Buena suerte, Pete y Madelyn.

Pete Davidson Scores A New Girlfriend ... 'Outer Banks' Star Madelyn Cline

Pete Davidson is back on the dating scene after a brief hiatus ... and he already has a new girlfriend -- "Outer Banks" star Madelyn Cline.

Sources close to the "Saturday Night Live" alum tell TMZ ... Pete and Madelyn are officially an item, although it's a mystery where, when, and how they first met.

But, US Weekly -- which first reported the news -- said the couple got a room for the night at the Beverly Hills Hotel -- and then shared a low-key breakfast the next morning.

The budding romance comes on the heels of Pete breaking up with Chase Sui Wonder in August after their months-long relationship fizzled. In the past, Pete has also hooked up with Ariana Grande, Kim Kardashian, Emily Ratajkowski and Kate Beckinsale, among other notables.

As for Madelyn, she's previously dated her Outer Banks costar Chase Stakes in 2021. After they called it quits, Madelyn was rumored to be seeing musician Jackson Guthy until recently, when she unfollowed him on Instagram.

Good luck, Pete and Madelyn.

Joe Exotic 'Tiger King' Splits From Seth Posey ... Decision Was Mutual

Joe Exotic and his fiancé, Seth Posey, have called it quits ... telling us the decision was mutual.

The 'Tiger King' recently sent us a letter, saying he just wasn't getting enough support from Seth to help him get sprung from prison, while also claiming Seth could no longer take the public pressure of dating such a famous figure.

In the one-page letter, Joe gave Seth props for speaking with him by phone for the last 2 years and helping him "mentally fight cancer." Joe also wished Seth and his "amazing" mom all the best in the future.

But, Joe had one more surprise, teasing that he has a new beau ... "Someone older, much more mature and supportive will be a huge part of my life soon."

As you know ... Joe has been a dude magnet in federal prison ever since he was convicted in 2020 for a murder-for-hire scheme and sentenced to 22 years.

After his split from Dillon Passage in 2021, Joe held an online 'Bachelor King' competition, accepting applications to be his new boyfriend. Seth applied and became the lucky winner, but the two broke up and then got back together. In between, Joe briefly dated fellow inmate John Graham, who cut off the relationship after he was released from prison.

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Then there's Joe's very public battle with prostate cancer, which has complicated matters. As we reported in February ... Joe didn't think he had much time left on this Earth so he signed a will, leaving everything he had to Seth.

Now that they're broken up ... what's going to happen with the will, Joe?


Joe Exotic y su novio, Seth Posey, han roto su relación. Nos dicen que la decisión fue mutua.

El "Tiger King" recientemente nos envió una carta diciendo que no estaba recibiendo suficiente apoyo de Seth para ayudarle a salir de la cárcel, mientras que también afirma que Seth ya no podía soportar la presión pública de salir con una figura tan famosa.

En la carta de una página, Joe dio a Seth apoyos para hablar con él por teléfono durante los últimos 2 años y ayudarle a "luchar mentalmente contra el cáncer". Joe también deseó a Seth y a su "increíble" madre todo lo mejor en el futuro.

Pero Joe tenía una sorpresa más, bromeando con que tiene un nuevo pretendiente: "Alguien mayor, mucho más maduro cuyo apoyo será una gran parte de mi vida pronto".

Como ustedes saben Joe ha sido un imán de tipos en la prisión federal desde que fue condenado en 2020 por un esquema de asesinato por encargo y sentenciado a 22 años.

Después de la separación de Dillon Passage en 2021, Joe organizó un concurso en línea llamado "Bachelor King", aceptando solicitudes para ser su nuevo novio. Seth se presentó y fue el afortunado ganador pero ambos rompieron y luego volvieron a estar juntos. Entre medio Joe salió brevemente con su compañero de prisión John Graham, quien cortó la relación tras salir de la cárcel.

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cuando ya no esté

Luego está la batalla muy pública de Joe contra el cáncer de próstata que ha complicado las cosas. Como informamos en febrero, Joe pensó que no le quedaba mucho tiempo en esta Tierra por lo que firmó un testamento dejandole todo lo que tenía a Seth.

Ahora que han roto ¿qué va a pasar con el testamento?

Juego de celebridades ¡Adivina quién es!

Detrás de esta cara cambiada se esconde un actor que viajó a Estados Unidos cuando solo tenía 19 años y poco después apareció en una película de Netflix. Utiliza las discretas pistas para evitar en entrar en aguas profundas.

Habla mucho de sus ídolos... Heath Ledger es uno de ellos. Y, con sus 1,90 metros de altura, es difícil no verlo cuando sale por ahí.

¿Puedes adivinar qué famoso aparece en la foto? Seguro que querrás entrar en "La cabina de los besos" cuando veas su gran revelación.

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Hidden behind this rearranged face is an on-screen actor who journeyed to America when he was just 19 years old and soon after appeared in a Netflix film. Use the discreet clues in order to stay out of deep water!

He's vocal when speaking about his idols ... Heath Ledger being a big one! And, standing at 6 feet 5 inches, it's hard not to miss this guy when he's out and about!

Can you guess which celeb is in the euphoric pic? You'll surely want to step inside "The Kissing Booth" once you see his big reveal!

Bradley Cooper 'Maestro' Standing O at Venice ... Bernstein Kids Weep/Cheer

Bradley Cooper's portrayal of Leonard Bernstein has drawn a lot of criticism -- but in Italy this weekend ... it drew more applause than outrage, especially from the latter's children.

Netflix's new film, "Maestro," received a standing ovation Saturday at the Venice Film Festival ... where it was screened in front of a select audience, without any of its cast members around to enjoy it. Obviously, that's because of the actors' strike going on right now.

Still, the rest of the crew was on hand to hear all the cheers ... and based on reports, this applause lasted for quite a while -- around 7 minutes or so of people on their feet.

By most accounts ... Bradley's a front-runner for Best Actor after his performance in this.

The other notable part about this reaction here is the fact that the late conductor's adult kids were in the crowd as well -- and they seemed thrilled by what they saw on the screen. Check out what they did ... on top of just clapping for BC, they seemed to cry too.

Jamie, Alexander and Nina were even seen enthusiastically fake-conducting along to Bernstein's music when the credits rolled ... so yeah, they appear to have loved it.

Of course, the backdrop of all this is the controversy this film landed in -- namely, some accusing Brad of "Jewface" ... on account of his extended nose prosthetic in the movie.

LB's children publicly spoke out in support of Brad ... saying they're fine with how he looks on camera, noting their father did indeed have a large nose. Sounds like they might be even more on board after having seen 'Maestro' for themselves.

Time will tell if the outrage carries on into the fall ... "Maestro" releases in November.

Guess Who This Bowl Cut Kiddo Turned Into!

Before this cute kid hanging in the game aisle turned into an actor, he was just a '90s kid rockin' the bowl cut, growing up in Fairfax, Virginia and studying biomolecular & chemical engineering before making the switch to acting.

If you turn on Netflix, you can watch him as Zach Dempsey alongside actor Dylan Minnette. Other notable shows he's been on include "Riverdale," "K.C. Undercover" and he was in the superhero film "Shazam" with Zachary Levi.

You can tune in to his exciting adventures on Instagram, where he shows off his ripped bod and love for the water!

Can you guess who he is?

Billy Porter on Hollywood Strike I've Got Venom and Rage For Studios ... But Trying To Have Grace

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Billy Porter has three things for the Hollywood studios, producers and executives he blames for the strikes ... venom, rage and a little bit of grace.

The actor was at LAX Friday when a photog asked him about the unnamed studio exec who was quoted as saying studios are purposefully delaying negotiations with the writers and actors "until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses."

Billy unloads ... he says he's already losing his home, and his financial situation is why there are strikes in the first place ... though he's not quite going full Ron Perlman here.


Getting emotional, Billy says the strikes aren't a game ... and he's trying to have some grace about the situation he and others in Hollywood find themselves in.

At the same time, Billy says he's tried to bite his tongue because he knows all that's going to come out of his mouth is venom and rage, which he fears will not be useful to the strike's end goal.

Billy also seems to reference some of his recent interviews, like the one where he slammed Harry Styles' Vogue cover and called Anna Wintour a bitch.

For Billy, he says he's just telling the truth and is getting dragged as a result of keeping it real.

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Billy says the blowback is new for him, but that won't stop him from being open, vulnerable and truthful about all topics, Hollywood strikes or otherwise.

Nev Schulman I've Got Match For Woman Catfished By Fake Actor


Nev Schulman wants to play matchmaker for a pair of folks who got catfished by people pretending to be Katy Perry and "Stranger Things" star Dacre Montgomery.

We got the "Catfish" star at Aces Pizza in New York City Friday, and our photog asked him about the Kentucky woman who divorced her husband and got swindled out of $10,000 by someone pretending to be the Netflix actor.

Nev says the newly single mother, McKayla, would make a great match for a guy from his old MTV show ... Spencer.

As Nev explains, Spencer infamously got catfished by a woman masquerading as the "Dark Horse" singer ... and their awkward meeting was featured on his show.

Needless to say, Nev thinks Spencer and McKayla have enough in common to strike up a relationship.

While lots of folks are dragging McKayla for thinking she actually had a shot with a celeb, Nev says not so fast ... and he tells us why it's not that extreme of a premise.

Still, Nev cautions anyone going online in search of love to beware of some big red flags ... like when your potential partner starts asking for money. Nev says that's a dead giveaway.

It's funny ... Nev thinks he's actually being catfished here in some ways ... as we reported, McKayla detailed her saga on a YouTube channel called "Catfished."

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Nev says neither he or his show are involved in the YT channel in any capacity ... but he's laughing it off.

'Stranger Things' Catfish Woman Sent $10k To Fake Actor ... That Wasn't Billy!!!

A woman's life turned upside-down when she sent a bunch of money to one of the stars from "Stranger Things" ... and even divorced her husband because the "actor" told her to.

McKayla, a single mom from Kentucky, claims she was catfished and scammed out of $10k by someone who claimed to be Dacre Montgomery -- known for playing heartthrob-turned-villain, Billy Hargrove, in the Netflix series.

She shared her wild experience on the YouTube channel, Catfished, saying the 2 met on an online forum and chatted for a year before he asked her to be his girlfriend -- for reference, McKayla was still married, but claimed her relationship with her husband was toxic.

BTW, the real Dacre has been dating model Liv Pollock since 2017, but that bit of crucial info didn't seem to stop McKayla from thinking this was legit. He told her to choose between her husband and him ... and shockingly enough, she ditched her husband!

He also told her he couldn't access any of his bank accounts, saying they were all controlled by Liv ... which led to her sending the $10k of gift cards, crypto, and cash through payment apps over time.

For those unaware, this type of thing is often referred to as a "romance scam" -- finding someone emotionally vulnerable and gaining their trust, getting them to send money through unconventional ways like gift cards, often to hide a paper trail.

Taylor Swift Cam Crew Taking In Entire 'Eras' Tour ... Smells Like A Documentary

Taylor Swift is no stranger to signing huge deals, and we've learned there's another one on the horizon ... with camera crews following her "Eras" Tour journey throughout the world.

Camera crews have been present at just about every "Eras" Tour show thus far -- getting plenty of shots of Taylor, her fans and some behind-the-scenes content. It might seem standard for tours these days, but the scope of the crews with Taylor show she's got something more in the works.

We've spoken to sources who say there's not yet a plan for the project -- whether it'll end up on streaming or in theaters. It could be a multi-million dollar deal with Netflix, a company with which she has history.

While the details are sparse on how the footage will be used, you can bet Taylor's fans will eat it up ... especially those who couldn't attend "Eras" in person.

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TikTok / @Skibiscuit

As we reported, plenty of stars came out for the first two of 6 L.A. shows -- and Taylor had a super sweet moment Thursday night with Kobe Bryant's daughter, Bianka, when she presented her with a hat and a hug in the middle of the show.

Taylor's got 4 shows left in Los Angeles, so there's plenty more for fans to take in ... and for those who can't, keep an eye on what'll happen with all the footage from her camera crews.