Florida State Kicker Frat Fight Video Xmas Brawl Revealed


TMZ Sports has obtained footage of the street fight involving Florida State kicker Ricky Aguayo and several members of an FSU fraternity ... and one thing's clear -- he was NOT jumped.

It all went down on Dec. 2 2016 -- you can see Ricky square up to fight a Pi Kappa Phi frat bro in a Santa hat ... while a spectator roots him on, "Hey Aguayo, f*ck him up bro!"

The two proceed to trade blows in front of the frat house -- each landing some decent shots. At one point, one of the spectator frat bros throws a cheap shot at Aguayo ... but the brawl continues.

After Aguayo lost his shoe in the fight, one of the frat bros starts to heckle him saying, "You wanna do shit on our campus when you're a fucking kicker?!"

"Your brother never did this shit ... that's why i respected your brother ... not you, you little bitch."

FYI, Ricky's brother is former FSU kicker Roberto Aguayo, who was later drafted by the Tampa Bay Bucs.

The fight continued ... and at one point, Ricky's teammate Ryan Izzo (tight end) tries to save Ricky and physically breaks up the fight. The frat boys want a piece of Izzo, who at one point shoves a PKP bro like a rag doll.

Eventually, Izzo grabs Aguayo and they leave.

Cops were called to the scene and Aguayo told police he was "jumped" by the frat guys -- but the video looks far from a "jumping" situation. Looks like mutual combat to us.

No one pressed charges ... but Ricky -- an NFL prospect -- is lucky he wasn't seriously hurt.

Florida State Kicker Told Cops He Was Jumped By Frat ... After '16 Florida Game

FSU kicker Ricky Aguayo told police he was attacked by several Florida State frat guys after the 2016 Florida game ... and it's all detailed in newly surfaced police report obtained by TMZ Sports.

The Tallahassee Police Dept. was called to the Pi Kappa Phi frat house around 3 AM on Dec. 2, 2016 and found Aguayo and teammate Ryan Izzo (tight end) walking down the street.

Aguayo told cops several Pi Kappa Phi members had been heckling him about missing field goals during the Nov. 26 Florida game ... in which he missed 2 kicks.

"He said that he was rushed by several members of the fraternity and that they had 'jumped' him," the police report said.

"He said he was punched in the face and various other places on his body."

Cops say Aguayo had blood on his face and shirt and that his shirt was ripped.

When cops spoke with Izzo, he told police he wasn't there for the fight -- but was called afterward to help Aguayo.

But there's another side to the story ... one of the frat members told police Aguayo had called him a "sorority f**got" and punched him in the face 4 times. He also claims Izzo also attacked him and threatened another fraternity member.

In the end, neither side wanted to press charges.

The story was first reported by the Tallahassee Democrat.

Matt Leinart Baker Mayfield's Probably Gonna Win the Heisman


It's not a done deal ... but Matt Leinart says he'd really like Baker Mayfield to join him in the Heisman House.

"He's probably gonna win the Heisman, but we'll see in a couple of weeks," the USC legend told us at LAX.

As for Mayfield, the Oklahoma QB is wrapping up a pretty solid season -- he's thrown for more than 4,000 yards with 37 passing TDs and only 5 interceptions.

Leinart also weighed in on the college football playoffs -- and said he's a strong fan of EXPANDING from just 4 teams.

#Agree #Agree #Agree

Georgia Tech Football Player KO's Teammate In Training Center Fistfight


A Georgia Tech football player straight-up KNOCKED OUT his teammate during a fight in the GT athletic facility ... and TMZ Sports has the video.

The players are GT starting defensive backs Step Durham and Lance Austin -- who got into a heated altercation earlier this year, before Spring Practice began.

As a shirtless Lance walks towards his teammate, Step ... he gets hit with a quick right hook on the chin -- instantly putting Lance to sleep.

Lance collapsed into a chair and appears to be completely unconscious. You can hear multiple voices in the room instructing Step to pick Lance up off the ground.

We reached out to Georgia Tech -- and we were told, "Georgia Tech’s football coaching staff became aware of the incident between teammates and friends shortly after it occurred. Discipline was handled internally."

Sources tell us neither players missed any playing time during the 2017 season as a result of the incident. It's unclear what the punishment was exactly.

We're told both players told the coaching staff about the fight and insisted things were cool -- there were no hard feelings.

10:15 PM PT -- Step Durham, who threw the punch, released the following statement:

First off, I would like to start by apologizing to Georgia Tech, my teammates – especially Lance Austin – and my coaches, fans and family for bringing a negative light on the school, the football program and my name.

My actions in the video that was made public today were unacceptable and the dispute should have been handled in a more adult manner. Taking disputes to a physical level is never the answer and I hope my peers take note of my mistake.

The incident occurred during the spring, which gave Lance and me an opportunity to discuss the matter and put it aside a long time ago. Lance and I have always had a brother-like relationship and brothers sometimes fight but, as I said before, the situation should have been handled in a more mature manner. I’m glad that even after the incident, our friendship remains strong.

I’m deeply sorry for my actions and, being an adult, I understand that consequences and judgment come with the actions shown. I hope to prove to those who don’t know me that I’m not a violent person whatsoever.

I would respectfully ask those that have viewed the video not judge or categorize Lance or me based on what they saw in the video alone. Thank you.

Lance Austin, the player who was KO'ed, also released a statement:

A lot has been made today of an incident that happened months ago. The video snippet of that incident is not beneficial to anyone. Step Durham apologized and we long ago put that incident behind us.

As far as I’m concerned, there’s no further need for an apology. I forgave him already and we have since played well together as teammates this season.

Like Step said, as brothers, we have put our aside our differences and our friendship remains strong.

J.T. Barrett Camera Collision Aftermath Caught On Video


TMZ Sports has obtained a video shot seconds after a photographer collided with Ohio State quarterback J.T. Barrett on Saturday ... and you can see Barrett limping away in pain.

The person who shot the video had great seats for the OSU vs. Michigan game and had been recording Barrett as he warmed up in the early minutes of the game.

The witness says he didn't record the collision -- but managed to capture the direct aftermath ... and you can see Barrett limping.

The witness also says the perpetrator had already run away from the collision site by the time he got his phone back up and running ... but ID'd the photog as a white guy in gray and yellow gear who was carrying a "medium-sized camera."

OSU coach Urban Meyer initially called for an "all out investigation" into finding the photog -- but later walked that back and said the program is just trying to find out what happened, so the NCAA can help make better sideline procedures.

Hope this video helps ...

Albert Haynesworth Tennessee Won't Hire Tee Martin ... Because He's Black


Albert Haynesworth says his ex-teammate Tee Martin would be the perfect fit to take over as head coach at Tennessee ... but says it'll never happen because he's black.

Martin isn't just a legend at UT -- he's also been a rising star as the offensive coordinator at USC ... with both Yahoo! Sports and Sports Illustrated naming him on lists of best candidates for a head coaching job.

Haynesworth tells TMZ Sports ... the QB who brought a national championship to Tennessee would be the right move -- but says he's highly doubtful it'll actually happen.

"I don't think it's necessarily racism, but I think it's more like placism. They don't think a black candidate can lead UT or maybe they just don't want a black candidate leading UT."

Haynesworth is calling for his alma mater to consider more black coaches in their search -- but says he'd still be happy with several white coaches including Jon Gruden and Chris Petersen.

Haynesworth says he's had discussions with his other teammates on his 1998 national championship team ... and says they all want a proven coach who can help bring them back into title contention.


Univ. of Tennessee We Don't Believe Greg Schiano Protected Sandusky

The University of Tennessee says they found no evidence that Greg Schiano helped cover up child rape during his time at Penn State ... but they're still not explaining why they backed out of hiring him as the Vols head football coach.

FYI, Schiano was reportedly signed to be the next head coach -- but some students and supporters lashed out over the decision due to claims Schiano knew about the horrific things Jerry Sandusky was doing to children and didn't report him to police.

Schiano has denied covering up anything -- and said he never had any knowledge about Sandusky's disturbing crimes. Yahoo! Sports' Dan Wetzel explained where the allegation stems from.

Still, many have speculated that outrage over the Penn State connection is what led to Tennessee backing out.

Now, UT athletic director John Currie has issued a statement essentially saying the school vetted Schiano and determined he had no role in protecting Sandusky.

"Coach Schiano worked at Penn State from 1990-1995. Consequently, we, of course, carefully reviewed the 2012 investigation report by Louis Freeh. Coach Schiano is not mentioned in the Freeh report and was not one of the more than 400 people interviewed in the investigation."

"We also confirmed that Coach Schiano was never deposed and never asked to testify in any criminal or civil matter. And, we conferred with our colleagues at The Ohio State University, who had conducted a similar inquiry after the 2016 release of testimony."

"I know that Coach Schiano will continue to have great success in his coaching career and wish him and his family well."

J.T. Barrett Top 5 Buckeye of All Time ... Says Eddie George


Archie Griffin. Eddie George. Orlando Pace. Ezekiel Elliott. Cris Carter. Maurice Clarett ... some of the greatest Ohio State football players of all time.

But does J.T. Barrett belong in that group??? Hell yes, according to Eddie George.

Barrett has set all sorts of records at OSU during his 4 years as the Buckeyes QB -- including most career TDS, most career passing yards, most TDs in a season and most career offensive yards.

He also has the highest QB passing efficiency rating in BIG10 history, according to Sports-Reference.com.

Eddie tells TMZ Sports why J.T. definitely belongs in the All Time OSU Top 5.

Agree ... or nah?

Master P To LaVar Ball LaVar Should Thank Trump ... God Would Like It


Master P says LaVar Ball is dead wrong for not thanking Donald Trump ​... Telling TMZ Sports he believes POTUS did help get the 3 UCLA players out of jail, and thanking him is the Christian thing to do.

Ball has refused to thank Trump despite the fact his son LiAngelo and the other UCLA players did, sparking a full-scale war of words between the Big Baller and #45.

We got P at LAX and asked him about the whole fiasco, and he couldn't have been any clearer, saying he believes in God and that means he believes in showing gratitude, even to Trump.

"I put God first, so I think that if somebody help you ... that you be appreciative, that's it."

For the record, we doubt LaVar will ever say "Thanks" to Trump, but we're pretty sure he's gonna have some words for P pretty soon.

Freddie Mitchell Hey, Chip Kelly ... Florida Sucks, Come To UCLA


Chip Kelly is getting the hard sell from one of the best talkers in football history ... who's telling TMZ Sports why Kelly should choose UCLA over Florida for his next coaching job.

Here's Freddie Mitchell ... aka FredEx ... aka former UCLA All-American ... who's spelling out why Westwood is the move, and Gainesville isn't.

Listen, we'd give you quotes on what Mitchell said, but the reality is he says stuff way better than we could write it (the dude is downright hilarious) and we don't wanna ruin it for you guys.


Kobe's Daughter VIP Treatment from UConn ... Early Recruitment?

Kobe Bryant's 11-year-old daughter is already getting treated like royalty by the top women's basketball program in in the world ... begging the question -- is UConn angling for Gianna Bryant?

Mamba and Mini-Mamba hit up Pauley Pavilion in Westwood on Tuesday night to watch the Huskies take on UCLA. They sat courtside and they visited the players and head coach Geno Auriemma afterward.

The catch ... Gianna is a BALLER -- she's been training with her dad and learning all of his signature moves. Kobe has already dubbed her "Mambacita."

After the game, Kobe posted on social media -- "Thank you @uconnwbb for treating our baby girl to a night she will never forget #uconn."

Guessing UConn hopes Gianna remembers in about 6 years ...


White House: Trump Wasn't Serious About Leaving UCLA Players In China


Reeeeelax ... Donald Trump's mouthpiece says POTUS was only tweeting "rhetorically" when suggesting he should have left LaVar Ball's son in a Chinese jail.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders just addressed the media ... and was asked about Trump's tweets in which he said LaVar was "unaccepting" of what he did for LiAngelo Ball and said, "I should have left them in jail."

When questioned at Monday's White House news conference, SHS said, "It was a rhetorical response to a criticism by the father."

"Frankly it didn't seem like the father wanted the President to intervene which I think would've been a sad thing if he hadn't."

She also said Trump was "happy to intervene" ... "I think the President was happy to see the release of these individuals and have them back in the United States."

Baker Mayfield Punished By Oklahoma ... For Crotch-Grabbing

Oklahoma QB Baker Mayfield will NOT start this weekend -- and has been stripped of his team captain status -- as a result of the junk-grabbing gesture during the Kansas game.

Oklahoma head coach Lincoln Riley got super emotional -- and had to compose himself to keep from crying -- while announcing the punishment moments ago.


Mayfield busted out the junk grab as a visual shot at Kansas on Saturday after they refused to shake his hand during the coin toss.

Mayfield will not start on Saturday against West Virginia -- but he will play.

Riley says Mayfield is still just a kid -- despite the fact he's 22 years old -- and still has a lot of growing to do as a person.

LaVar Ball Returns to U.S. 'We'll Be Good' with Trump


LaVar Ball tells TMZ Sports he expects to have an encounter with President Trump now that he's back in the U.S. ... and he expects it to go well.

"We're gonna run into each other. We'll be good," LaVar said after touching down at LAX Wednesday night with his youngest son, LaMelo.

The Big Baller was clearly being careful with his words -- and for good reason -- since his son LiAngelo is still in the middle of an international incident after shoplifting in China.

It seems LaVar is confident everything is going to be okay ... and he's using the media attention to put a spotlight on his favorite thing in the world -- Big Baller Brand!!!


Al Sharpton Props to Trump on LiAngelo Ball 'Broke Clock's Right Twice A Day'


LiAngelo Ball might just be the answer to world peace ... 'cause Al Sharpton is actually BACKING Donald Trump after POTUS' involvement in the LiAngelo-China saga.

"I think that President Trump speaking to (President) Xi to make whatever arrangements were made ... was good," Sharpton told TMZ Sports in NYC. "He did the right thing."

But, don't expect to see Donald and Al hitting the links anytime soon ... 'cause Sharpton says "even a broke clock is right twice a day."

Also, probably worth noting that we got Sharpton BEFORE Trump publicly demanded 'Gelo and his UCLA bros show him some love.

Still ... it's a start.

Bonus: Al's got a piece of advice for LaVar Ball ... and something tells us the Big Baller ain't gonna like it.

Michael Jordan Gets G.O.A.T. Treatment ... from Patrick Ewing!!

Want the ultimate proof that heated rivals can become total bros??

Michael Jordan not only attended Patrick Ewing's head coaching debut for Georgetown on Sunday ... he got invited into his locker room for a post-game photo op!!

Pretty dope shot -- M.J. huddled up with the G-Town ballers up front ... while all 7 feet of Coach Ewing kept as low of a profile as humanly possible so his guys could fanboy out.

Classy move from Pat -- who went toe-to-toe with His Airness for years way back when the Bulls and Knicks were the beasts of the East ... and before that in college: