Brian Bosworth Backs NCAA In Fight Over Calif. Bill ... Kill It!!!

Brian Bosworth

Brian Bosworth says he's actually on the NCAA's side when it comes to the controversial Calif. bill that would help athletes get paid ... telling TMZ Sports it's a BAD idea!!

"When you're in college," Bosworth says, "you're going to college to get an education."

Of course, the Boz is the LAST guy we expected to have this take ... remember, at Oklahoma, he famously blasted the NCAA by wearing a "National Communists Against Athletes" shirt at the 1987 Orange Bowl.

But, when we got the ex-LB out at Reagan Airport over the weekend ... he told us he's now on the org's side in its fight against a bill that would force it to stop punishing athletes who get paid.

"You got some guys on the team that have star status, and other guys on the team that are going to feel shafted," the Boz says. "I don't think it's a good idea to put levels like that on the team."

Instead, Bosworth's solution to the whole problem is simple -- just give athletes in both women's and men's sports the same stipend ... and let that be all the pay they need.

"Everybody gets the same thing across the board," Bosworth says.

Seems like both Brian and NCAA are fighting a losing battle ... the CA bill is set to go into effect in 2023 -- and Sen. Cory Booker has said he's fighting to make it a national law too.

Tim Tebow Warns Gators Before LSU Game ... Death Valley Ain't Easy!!!

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow -- the GREATEST Florida Gators football player ever -- is issuing a warning to UF fans ... our team's good, but Death Valley is a HARD place to win!!

TMZ Sports saw Tim Wednesday morning in NYC ... and we asked him about #7 Florida vs. #5 LSU in Baton Rouge this Saturday.

The college football world is pumped for one of the most highly anticipated games of the entire season ... but what's Tebow think?

"They're doing well, this is a big weekend for them, though. Going to Death Valley is never easy."

If ya don't know ... Tiger Stadium, where LSU plays, is colloquially known as Death Valley -- and it holds over 100,000 fans.

So yeah, it's hard to beat LSU in their house.

But, if the Gators can topple star QB Joe Burrow and LSU, Tim put the would-be win into perspective in terms we can all understand.

"It'd be a big one for them."

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Snoop Dogg On Risque Kansas Gig That's What I Do!!!

Snoop Dogg ain't apologetic about his raunchy booty and money-throwing performance at the Univ. of Kansas this weekend ... saying he had one hell of a time, and the school should've known what they were getting into!

Of course, the rap legend pulled out all the stops for the Kansas Jayhawks basketball team's annual Late Night in the Phog pep rally on Friday ... complete with pole dancing women and money guns.

After the show, KU officials apologized saying Snoop's camp assured them before the show that his performance would be more family-friendly than his usual schtick.

D-O-Double-G addressed the show on the Howard Stern show Tuesday ... saying EVERYONE was loving it, and he was shocked when the school released an apology.

"The audience enjoyed that sh*t," Snoop said. "I don't know what the f*ck they talking about."

Stern asked Snoop about being asked to leave after the performance ... which he denies.

"That's a motherf**king lie. I had the time of my life. I enjoyed myself, hung out with the basketball teams."

Snoop believes the apology came from the backlash the school got after the performance ... and insists his time there was nothing but positive.

"I think it was more the publicity of what I did. they had to cover it up. And, I respect them, and I wasn't gonna put no smut on their name and say they did anything wrong because they invited me to come do what I do."

"And, when you pay for Snoop Dogg, you gon' get Snoop Dogg."

Damn right.

Univ. of Tennessee Cut Jeremy Banks After Alleged Violent Threats ... Against Female Student

The University of Tennessee cut Jeremy Banks from the football team over allegations he threatened a female student in an incident captured on video and obtained by TMZ Sports.

The University of Tennessee cut Jeremy Banks from the football team over allegations he threatened a female student in an incident captured on video and obtained by TMZ Sports.

As we previously reported, Vols coach Jeremy Pruitt cut Banks on Friday and said it was due to new information he received about the linebacker. This, just days after a prior video surfaced showing Banks berating police officers during a recent arrest.

Jeremy Banks

So, what's the new info that pushed Pruitt to cut ties with Banks? Here's the story ...

A female UT student tells TMZ Sports ... on August 24, Banks threatened to "smack" her outside of a party in Knoxville after she refused to let him inside. She claims Banks had been harassing her for months.

The woman claims she called 911 and while cops responded to the scene, Banks was not arrested. She says she was passed to the Univ. of Tennessee Police Dept. to follow up.

Days later, the woman says she was contacted by Univ. of Tennessee school officials who had learned about the incident from police.

The woman told school officials she had video of the August 24 encounter -- which also showed Banks arguing with security guards, shouting aggressive phrases at them like, "I've been thuggin'."

School officials conducted an investigation and issued a temporary no-contact order against Banks while the probe was underway instructing him to stay away from the alleged victim.

TMZ Sports had contacted the Univ. of Tennessee Police Dept. about the investigation on Oct. 3 and we were told, "Let me see what I can find out."

Later that day, we were told the woman was contacted by the school and told they found Banks had violated the student code of conduct.

On Oct 4, the UTPD followed up with us and said, "UTPD handles reports related to violations of law."

"The University of Tennessee Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards handles reports related to violations of the student code of conduct. Records of student conduct cases are protected by federal student privacy laws."

Minutes after we got the email, Coach Pruitt announced Banks was off the football team.

We've reached out to multiple officials at the Univ. of Tennesse for comment -- so far, no word back.

We've also reached out to the Knoxville PD -- no comment from them at this point, either.

We're also attempting to reach Banks -- no luck yet.

Tennessee Football Jeremy Banks Kicked Off Team

The University of Tennessee has booted Jeremy Banks off the football team days after footage surfaced showed him berating police officers during a recent arrest.

UT coach Jeremy Pruitt announced the move moments ago ... saying, "While I will continue to support Jeremy in the next steps in his life, information I recently received made it clear this decision is in the best interest of the football program & university."

As we previously reported, Banks was stopped for making an illegal U-turn in Knoxville on Sept. 15 and during the incident, cops noticed an outstanding warrant stemming from a failure to appear in court for a prior traffic issue.

Jeremy Banks

While Banks was in the police car being taken to the station, he went off on the officers.

At one point, Banks says the following to a female intern who's participating in a ride-along -- "You don't wanna be an intern because where I'm from we shoot at cops. I'm from Memphis, Tennessee."

He also made comments like, "I don't like the police, bro. Hell nah," and "Y'all police are some p*****s, bro. Real s**t, I don't f**k with y'all."

Story developing ...

Lolo Jones Warns LSU ... New CA Bill Is Going To Hurt Recruiting

Lolo Jones NCAA

Lolo Jones says her LSU Tigers are in trouble after the new California NCAA bill got signed ... telling TMZ Sports recruiting could suffer BIG TIME if things don't change!!!

Lolo is a huge LSU fan -- she went there back in the early 2000s -- and she keeps up with the school's athletics regularly.

So, when we got her out in NYC ... we had to ask about the new bill Gavin Newsom just inked which makes it legal for athletes at California universities to profit off their names and likenesses without penalty.

That's when Lolo told us Louisiana better adopt the law too ... OR ELSE!!!

"Right now, California passing this, it gives them an advantage in recruiting," Lolo says.

"Because let's say an athlete is choosing between USC or LSU. Well, now if they know they can monetize their likeness and make money, they will go to USC all day over LSU."

The bill isn't set to go into effect until 2023 ... so states have time to hop on board -- and it seems Lolo is saying they better get on that train ASAP.

"They're going to have to make it fair for all the athletes in the U.S.," Lolo says.

For her part, Lolo appears to be OKAY with the law (as long as EVERY school abides) ... telling us, "It's time that there is some change because I think that the power was on the NCAA's side. But, I think now it's kind of shifting."

Darren Rovell On NCAA Payment Law ... Here's How Schools Will Cheat

Darren Rovell has a warning to everyone who thinks the new CA law allowing college players to get paid for endorsements is all roses and sunshine --

Darren Rovell has a warning to everyone who thinks the new CA law allowing college players to get paid for endorsements is all roses and sunshine -- "There will still be cheating."

EVERYONE is talking about the law after Gov. Gavin Newsome signed it on Monday while appearing with LeBron James on the NBA star's HBO series, "The Shop."

The law -- known as "The Fair Pay to Play Act" -- doesn't take effect until January 1, 2023 ... but Rovell is already breaking down the pros and cons.

The Pros ... 

Rovell, who now works for the Action Network, says the law could be the "great equalizer" in college sports, allowing small schools to compete with the traditional powerhouses ... if they have wealthy boosters willing to plop down the cash to bring in top talent.

"Troy has a great booster," Rovell says ... suggesting ONE motivated billionaire could bankroll tons of paid endorsements for players and give them a serious edge in recruiting.

In other words, players could choose a school like Troy over Alabama or Ohio State if they're getting paid better.

The Cons ... 

Rovell says schools will find ways to cheat -- and could concoct "sham endorsements" where players will get paid 15 times their market value as a way to beat the system.

As for the NCAA, the organization has spoken publicly AGAINST the new law saying it will significantly damage college sports as we know it.

Rovell says the NCAA now has a choice ... "die or evolve."

LeBron James Praises CA Gov For Signing NCAA Bill Changing 'Countless' Lives

LeBron James says the NCAA bill that CA governor Gavin Newsom just signed is going to change "countless" lives ... and he's praising the guy for coming on his show to put pen to paper.

Newsom joined LBJ on "The Shop" this week ... and put his signature on a law that will allow athletes at California universities to profit off their names and likenesses without penalty for the first time ever.

Of course ... the bill was STRONGLY opposed by NCAA officials, who said it would create an unfair advantage and blur the "distinction between college and professional athletes."

But, Newsom clearly disagreed ... and LeBron was fired up to help give him the platform to make the public signing.

Josh Jacobs Nick Saban Loves Deez Nuts Jokes

"Saban just, like, he likes to do a lot of, like, deez nuts jokes."

That's Josh Jacobs -- former Alabama superstar and current Oakland Raiders starting RB -- dropping the biggest bombshell about Nick Saban ever ... and we can't stop laughing!!!

Jacobs appeared on "The Dan Patrick Show" on Friday ... and when DP asked Josh for his favorite story of Bama's head man -- Jacobs didn't hold back, saying the guy LOVES the toilet bowl humor!!!

"It's funny because I hadn't heard one of them since middle school," Jacobs says of the "deez nuts" jokes. "And then Saban, when I went to college, Saban used to do it a lot."

Jacobs then proceeded to tell the funniest Saban story you'll ever hear ...

"Alright, so one day, I caught like five passes in a row, and he was like, 'Hey, hey, Josh. If you want to hold all the balls, hold deez.'"

"I was like, 'What, coach?' So I just sat there for second and I was like, did he really just say that to me?!"

That's right, 67-year-old Saban -- winner of 6 national championships -- is clowning all his players on a regular basis with one of the most childish jokes ever.


Notre Dame QB Breaks Cheerleader's Nose ... with Errant Pass


Notre Dame QB Ian Book TRIED to throw the ball out of bounds during a busted play against Louisville on Monday ... but ended up hitting a cheerleader and BROKE HER NOSE!!

It happened in the 4th quarter as ND was trying to protect its lead against the Cardinals ... Book was pressured and tried to get rid of the football, opting to just heave it out of bounds to avoid the sack.

But, the ball sailed past the sidelines and stuck an unsuspecting UL cheerleader RIGHT IN THE FACE!!

The woman immediately dropped her poms and walked off (presumably to get medical attention).

After the game, the cheerleader -- named Liz -- tweeted about the damage.

"My broken nose is twitter trending huh," she wrote ... adding, "Well my nose is crooked but I'll always have a good story to tell."

Yeah, we know ... it's like that scene from "The Brady Bunch" ... or "Varsity Blues."

Hopefully, Liz is recovering well and will be back on the sidelines soon!

Oh, as for the game ... Notre Dame won. Bad night for the Cardinals across the board.

Draymond Green NCAA 'Did The Right Thing' Reversing Rich Paul Rule

Draymond Green

Draymond Green is praising the NCAA for backtracking on its controversial Rich Paul Rule ... telling TMZ Sports "they did the right thing!"

Earlier this week ... the org. reversed its new requirement for agents to have a bachelor's degree in order to rep college athletes looking to test the waters in the NBA Draft (while maintaining eligibility) ... after TONS of backlash.

We spoke with Day Day -- one of Rich's many NBA superstar clients -- about the move ... and it's clear he's in favor with the reversal.

"They did what was right. Rich applied that pressure to 'em, though!!" Green says.

Draymond doesn't think the initial criteria had anything to do with race ... but could impact people looking to follow the agent's footsteps.

"I just feel like it wasn't really gonna affect Rich ... but it was gonna affect the next Rich."

NCAA Backpedals on 'Rich Paul Rule' Won't Require Bachelor's Degree

The NCAA is caving to the major backlash it got over its new agent certification criteria ... amending the bachelor's degree requirement to rep certain college players.

The organization had been under fire since the memo was sent out to agents last week ... when it announced that any college player looking to test the NBA waters would only retain eligibility if they had an approved agent with a degree, 3 years of experience with the NBPA and passed an in-person test.

The requirements were dubbed the "Rich Paul Rule" by many -- given the super agent does not have a college degree -- and everyone from LeBron James to Chris Paul spoke out against it.

But, it's all over now ... 'cause the NCAA is amending the rule to coincide with the NBPA's criteria.

"We have been made aware of several current agents who have appropriately represented former student-athletes in their professional quest and whom the National Basketball Players Association has granted waivers of its bachelor’s degree requirement," the NCAA said in a statement ... while insisting it wasn't singling out Paul.

"While specific individuals were not considered when developing our process, we respect the NBPA’s determination of qualification and have amended our certification criteria."

The new requirement states that an agent must "Have a bachelor’s degree and/or are currently certified and in good standing with the NBPA."

That didn't last long.

Rich Paul NCAA's 'Rich Paul Rule' No Impact on Me!

Rich Paul is finally addressing the NCAA's new agent criteria that's been dubbed the "Rich Paul Rule" ... saying the new requirements have NO impact on his business ... but could prevent people from following in his footsteps.

The NBA super agent published an op-ed in The Athletic on Monday ... breaking down the new policy (which requires a bachelor's degree to rep players testing their NBA waters without losing eligibility) and explaining how it hurts anyone trying to be the next Rich Paul.

"NCAA executives are once again preventing young people from less prestigious backgrounds, and often people of color, from working in the system they continue to control."

"In this case, the people being locked out are kids who aspire to be an agent and work in the NBA and do not have the resources, opportunity, or desire to get a four-year degree."

Paul DOES agree with 2 of the 3 requirements ... saying he supports requiring 3 years of experience and a written test in order to represent players testing the market.

"However, requiring a four-year degree accomplishes only one thing — systematically excluding those who come from a world where college is unrealistic."

Paul suggests the NCAA work with aspiring agents with a one-year program or mentorship, instead of rejecting them completely.

"The barriers to entry for the next Rich Paul are already high enough."

Paul ends the piece by encouraging the youth to continue to "strive for greatness" ... no matter what the NCAA does.

Baker Mayfield Rips Big 12's Horns Down Rule 'I Think It's Very Soft'

Baker Mayfield is teeing off on the Big 12 Conference for penalizing players who mock Texas' famous "Hook 'em Horns" hand gesture ... saying the world is getting way too sensitive.

Conference honchos announced last month that any player who directs a "Horns Down" gesture towards Texas' team or student section will be hit with an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

Baker -- who was a big advocate of the hand sign during his time at Oklahoma -- thinks it's a bunch of BS ... sounding off on the decision on Barstool Sports' "Pardon My Take" on Friday.

"I think it's very soft they're implementing a rule about it," Mayfield says. "It shows the sensitivity of today's day and age."

Of course, the QB isn't shy to let his emotions fly on the field -- from crotch-grabbing to flag planting -- so it's no surprise he's pissed.

The Browns superstar also talked about his reaction to Odell Beckham coming to Cleveland ... saying his excitement level was an 11 out of 10 ... and says he's moved on from his feud with ex-coach Hue Jackson.

NBA Agent Daniel Hazan Blasts NCAA ... Supports Rich Paul

Daniel Hazan

Rich Paul's peers are coming to his defense in the wake of a new NCAA rule that seems to be aimed at him ... with NBA agent Daniel Hazan saying the NCAA is making a terrible mistake.

The NCAA's new rule -- dubbed the "Rich Paul Rule" -- is geared toward dissuading players from working with agents who don't have a bachelor's degree, among other requirements.

Long story short ... the NCAA says it will not allow players with remaining eligibility to return to college to play IF they establish a professional relationship with a non-degree holding agent.

The most famous NBA agent without a degree is Rich Paul, who represents everyone from LeBron James to Anthony Davis, Ben Simmons, John Wall ... you get the point.

Enter Hazan -- who at the beginning of his career was the youngest NBA agent to sign a client -- and currently reps a slate of pro ballers.

Not only does Hazan explain why the rule is bad for young agents, but says it will ultimately hurt the NCAA by driving players out of college basketball.

Hazan thinks young players will be more motivated to find other avenues to the NBA -- whether it's playing overseas or other semi-pro leagues in the U.S.

Remember, we just spoke with Al Harrington -- who's a part-owner of a pro team in Australia -- and he says he's gunning to recruit guys to plays for him INSTEAD of playing college ball because he'll cut fat ass checks that the NCAA refuses to do.

Al Harrington

Hazan says he doesn't think the rule will last more than a year before the NCAA realizes its mistake.

Stay tuned ...

Ex-USC Football Coach I Was Fired, Humiliated ... For Whistleblowing


1:02 PM PT -- A school spokesperson tells TMZ Sports ... “USC is investigating the allegations in the lawsuit. The university strives to ensure compliance with NCAA rules.”

A former assistant coach for the USC Trojans football team is suing the school -- claiming he was fired and humiliated after reporting multiple violations to school officials ... and now he wants at least $2 MIL to make things right. 

The man behind the lawsuit is Rick Courtright -- who was hired as a senior defensive analyst in early 2016, after coaching at various levels (including the NFL) for nearly 33 years. 

During his time with USC, Courtright claims he witnessed some violations and felt obligated to report them to the USC compliance office so they could address the matter in-house. 

Among the allegations, Courtright claims he learned 2 USC graduate assistants working for the football were paying other students to take their classes for them -- with the blessing and funding coming from USC defensive coordinator Clancy Pendergast

In his lawsuit, Courtright says he also reported safety violations -- including an incident where 2 football players were injured in an unsupervised pre-game warmup, where they were not wearing proper protective gear. Courtright says the players suffered concussions as a result. 

After he blew the whistle, Courtright says people at USC retaliated against him -- from gluing his computer mouse to his desk ... to leaving nasty sticky notes at his work-station calling him a "d*ckhead" and an "a**hole."

He also claims various clothing items were stolen, people stopped talking to him and eventually USC head football coach Clay Helton placed him on administrative leave before forcing him to resign in May 2018. 

Courtright adamantly believes the treatment was a direct result of his whistleblowing -- and he's demanding more than $2 MILLION. 

We reached out to USC -- so far, no official comment. 

Originally Published -- 11:17 AM PT