Clipper Darrell Still Reeling From Knockout Punch ... Suffering Headaches, Dizziness


Clipper Darrell says the punch that sent him crashing to the ground following a game in L.A. last year is still causing him issues ... and they're so bad, he tells TMZ Sports they're currently preventing him from going to see his beloved team in person this year.

The Clippers superfan -- real name Darrell Bailey -- suffered the initial injury back on Dec. 12, 2022 ... after a security guard tagged him on the chin following a dispute in the bowels of Arena.


Darrell says despite having 11 months to recover ... he's still not doing so hot, telling us, "I'm still in therapy."

CD says frequent headaches and dizziness are commonplace for him still ... adding that he'll never "tease another player in life" over concussions due to the horrible experience he's having with the one he sustained.

"The headaches and the dizziness is still there," he said.

Darrell, though, remains a monster Clippers fan despite it all ... recently telling us he expects James Harden to gel with the rest of the squad soon -- and end up as a top-three seed in the playoffs.

Kysre Gondrezick Denuncia falsa narrativa en el caso de Kevin Porter Jr.

Destruyendo al fiscal

La jugadora de la WNBA, Kysre Gondrezick, está denunciando a los fiscales involucrados en el caso de agresión de Kevin Porter Jr., diciendo que el fiscal del distrito sigue impulsando una "falsa narrativa" a pesar de que ella ha negado en repetidas ocasiones que su exnovio la atacó.

TMZ Sports habló con Gondrezick esta semana y dice que el manejo que ha tenido la oficina del fiscal de Manhattan del incidente de septiembre ha "agravado aún más su trauma que la experiencia real".

La joven de 26 años nos dice que le dio una declaración a los funcionarios una semana después de que Porter fuera arrestado y les explicó que la denuncia penal original no era ni de cerca lo que había pasado. Ahora quiere que el fiscal reconozca públicamente su versión de los hechos: que se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza después de que Kevin la despertara bruscamente tras una noche de fiesta. Ella es firme en que nunca la golpeó.

Como informamos anteriormente, Kevin Porter Jr. fue acusado de golpear varias veces a Gondrezick y de ponerle las manos en el cuello, lo que habría resultado en una vértebra del cuello fracturado y una laceración por encima de su ojo.

Más tarde se supo que la dolencia del cuello NO había sido obra de Porter, sino que se trataba de una lesión preexistente.

En cuanto a la laceración, Gondrezick afirma que fue consecuencia de la caída que sufrió y una mancha de maquillaje en la pared del hotel respalda su versión.

Kevin Porter Jr. fue detenido por agresión y estrangulamiento, pero uno de los cargos fue retirado por "insuficiencia de pruebas".

Gondrezick dice que se está abriendo para protegerse a ella misma, no a Kevin, y no quiere que las autoridades la sigan silenciando. También pide que los funcionarios responsables de impulsar la actual narrativa rindan cuentas.

Es Simple

El abogado de Gondrezick, Bobby Altchiler, también tomó parte en el asunto. Dice que su cliente ha estado recibiendo amenazas de muerte debido a la mala gestión del caso, llamando poco ético e inmoral que no se corrija la información que está circulando.

En palabras simples, Altchiler reiteró exactamente lo que quiere Gondrezick.

"Sean honestos, por el amor de Dios".

Kevin Porter Jr. deberá comparecer ante el tribunal a finales de este mes.

Nos pusimos en contacto con la oficina del fiscal de Manhattan para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Kysre Gondrezick Slams 'False Narrative' In Kevin Porter Jr. Case ... Calls Out D.A.


WNBA player Kysre Gondrezick is raising hell, calling out prosecutors involved in Kevin Porter Jr.'s assault case ... saying the District Attorney continues to push a "false narrative" despite the fact she's repeatedly denied her ex-boyfriend attacked her.

TMZ Sports spoke with Gondrezick this week ... and she claims the Manhattan D.A.'s office's handling of the September incident has "compounded my trauma even more than the actual experience."

The 26-year-old tells us she gave officials a statement one week after Porter was arrested and explained the original criminal complaint was nowhere near what happened. Now, she wants the D.A. to publicly acknowledge her side of the story ... that she fell and hit her head after KPJ abruptly woke her up after a night out. She's adamant he never struck her.

As we previously reported, KPJ was accused of hitting Gondrezick multiple times and putting his hands around her neck -- resulting in a fractured neck vertebra and a laceration above her eye.

It was later revealed the neck ailment was NOT Porter's doing, as it was a pre-existing injury.

As for the laceration, Gondrezick says it was the result of the fall, and a makeup smear on the hotel room wall backs up her story.

KPJ was arrested for assault and strangulation ... but one charge was dropped due to "insufficient evidence."

Gondrezick says she is opening up to protect herself -- not KPJ -- as she does not want authorities to silence her. She's also calling on officials responsible for pushing the current narrative to be held accountable.


Gondrezick's attorney, Bobby Altchiler, also weighed in ... and he claims his client has been receiving death threats due to the mishandling of the case -- calling it unethical and immoral to not correct the information that is already out.

Bottom line -- Altchiler reiterated exactly what Gondrezick wants.

"Just be honest, for God's sake."

KPJ is due in court later this month.

We reached out to the Manhattan DA's office for comment ... but so far, no word back.

SHAQUILLE O'NEAL Defiende a Draymond Green ... Yo le habría hecho lo mismo a Rudy Gobert

Yo habría hecho lo mismo

Shaquille O'Neal se niega a criticar a Draymond Green por su papel en una salvaje pelea a principios de esta semana, diciéndole a TMZ Sports: "¡¡Yo hubiera hecho lo mismo!!"

Todo el mundo se fue en contra de la estrella de los Warriors después de que pusiera fuertemente su brazo alrededor del cuello de Rudy Gobert y no lo dejara ir en una pelea de los Golden State y Minnesota el martes por la noche. Pero cuando llegamos a su evento de caridad en Los Ángeles el jueves, dijo que simplemente no podía sumarse a la mayoría.

En cuanto al porqué, Shaq dijo que es simple: "Tienes que dar la cara por tu compañero de equipo".

"Si tú y yo estamos teniendo una entrevista y alguien viene aquí", dijo Shaq a nuestro fotógrafo, "voy a tener que patearle el culo. Porque tú eres mi chica".

Por supuesto, el entrenador de los Warriors, Steve Kerr, no estuvo exactamente de acuerdo con Shaq en esto. Aunque apreció el hecho de que Green estuviera defendiendo a Klay Thompson durante la pelea, le dijo a los periodistas que el alero de los Dubs llevó las cosas demasiado lejos.

Él se pasó de la raya
Golden State Warriors

"Draymond se equivocó", dijo Kerr. "Él lo sabe. No se ve bien".

Como ya informamos, la NBA sancionó a Green con cinco partidos por la terrible experiencia y hasta ahora los Warriors van 0-1 sin él.

Shaquille O'Neal Defends Draymond Green ... I Woulda Choked Rudy Gobert Too!!!


Shaquille O'Neal is refusing to criticize Draymond Green for his role in a wild fight earlier this week ... telling TMZ Sports straight up, "I woulda did the same thing!!"

Everyone's piled on the Warriors star after he put Rudy Gobert in a chokehold and wouldn't let go during a tussle at Tuesday night's Golden State vs. Minnesota game ... but when we got The Diesel at his charity event in Los Angeles on Thursday, he said he just couldn't join the masses on this one.

As for why ... Shaq said it's simple -- "you've got to stick up for your teammate."

"If me and you are having an interview and somebody comes here," Shaq told our photog, "I'm going to have to whoop their ass. Because you're my homegirl."

Of course, Warriors coach Steve Kerr wouldn't exactly agree with Shaq on this one ... while he said he appreciated the fact that Green was defending Klay Thompson during the scuffle, he told reporters this week the Dubs forward just took things way too far.

Golden State Warriors

"Draymond was wrong," Kerr said. "He knows that. It's a bad look."

As we reported, the NBA has banned Green five games over the ordeal ... and so far, the Warriors are 0-1 without him.

LaMelo Ball Forced To Cover Neck Tattoo ... Ink Violates NBA Rules

The NBA is admitting it's forcing LaMelo Ball to cover up his new neck tattoo ... claiming the Charlotte Hornets star's ink is violating league policy.

The 22-year-old got the "LF" put just below his left ear back in September ... to represent his middle name as well as his LaFrancé clothing line.

But, recently, he's covered it up with a bandage ... and on Friday, NBA spokesman Tim Frank said in a statement to ESPN it's because "players are prohibited from displaying commercial logos or corporate insignia on their body or in their hair during games."

"We try to enforce the rule reasonably, in accordance with its purpose, and taking into account players' efforts to express themselves in a non-commercial manner," Frank added. "But LaMelo Ball's neck tattoo is in obvious violation of the rule and, accordingly, he's required to cover it."

According to ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski, Ball has been fighting the ruling ... and is still in talks with the league about coming up with an alternative solution.

The scenario is similar to one Ball's older brother, Lonzo Ball, had to deal with back in 2018 ... when the league made him cover up a "Big Baller Brand" tattoo he had gotten on his arm.

Fortunately for Melo, he just signed a $260 million extension with Charlotte in July ... so he's got plenty of money to get creative with fixes if the NBA won't budge.

SHAQUILLE O'NEAL RENUEVA LA PISTA DEL CLUB BOYS & GIRLS DE L.A. ... ¡¡¡Los niños están encantados!!! 🏀

Es por los niños

Shaquille O'Neal sigue retribuyendo, esta vez la superestrella del baloncesto decidió reformar una cancha de baloncesto del club Boys & Girls Club de Los Ángeles, y luego pasó la tarde con los niños, ¡quienes estaban en la luna!

TMZ Sports estuvo allí cuando el Salón de la Fama, funcionarios locales, y representantes de Icy Hot (socio de Shaq desde hace mucho tiempo) abrieron el Comebaq Court, una iniciativa lanzada por la Fundación Shaquille O'Neal que tiene como objetivo arreglar las canchas y campos para los niños de todo el país.

"Vine aquí una vez y vi que la cancha necesitaba una reforma", nos dijo O'Neal el jueves, y añadió: "Pregunté por el arreglo. Me dijeron que sí y este es el resultado".

"Si podemos ayudar a uno, si podemos ayudar a 100, podemos ayudarlos a todos".

Para su información, esta es la quinta cancha de Comebaq de Shaq hasta la fecha. También han arreglado espacios en su ciudad natal, Newark, Nueva Jersey, además de otros lugares como Atlanta, Miami y Las Vegas, donde ha pasado un tiempo considerable.

Y, hay más por venir.

Es posible que O'Neal obtenga la mayor parte del crédito de los medios de comunicación, pero Shaq se apresura en reconocer a sus socios menos famosos que hicieron esto posible, incluyendo la Fundación Icy Hot y varios consejeros que ayudaron a contribuir.

"Esos consejeros, los que trabajan como voluntarios todos los días, deberían llevarse la mayor parte del mérito", afirma Shaq.

"Si necesitas ordenadores, portátiles, pintura fresca... entonces llamas al tío Shaq".

La leyenda de la NBA ganó casi 300 millones de dólares en sus 19 años de carrera solo por concepto de salario. Eso, sin contar todos los endosos y los lucrativos negocios que O'Neal ha hecho durante y después de sus días como jugador profesional.

Así que tiene el dinero, pero esto es mucho más que firmar un cheque. Shaq se preocupa por el bienestar de los niños y eso es impresionante. Al fin y al cabo, son cosas como estas las que hacen de Shaq uno de los atletas de la NBA más adorables de todos los tiempos.

Con las vacaciones a la vuelta de la esquina, le preguntamos al jugador de 51 años qué iba a hacer para Thanksgiving, y al más puro estilo Shaquille nos dijo: "No hago nada en mi casa".

"Trato de alimentar a las familias que no tienen hogar".

Shaquille O'Neal Refurbishes Court At Boys & Girls Club ... Kids Are Thrilled!!! 🏀


Shaquille O'Neal continues to give back ... this time the Big Fella refurbished a basketball court at a Boys & Girls Club in Los Angeles, and then spent the afternoon hangin' with the kids, and they were over the moon!

TMZ Sports was there at the BGC of Metro LA when the Hall of Famer, local officials, and Icy Hot (Shaq's longtime partner) reps opened the Comebaq Court ... an initiative launched by the Shaquille O'Neal Foundation which aims to fix courts and fields for kids across the country.

"I came here one time and I saw the court need to be refurbished," O'Neal told us on Thursday, adding, "I asked about the refurbish. They told me 'yes' and this is the result."

"If we can help one, if we can help 100, we can help 'em all"

FYI, this is Shaq's fifth Comebaq Court to date ... he also has fixed up courts in his hometown of Newark, New Jersey, in addition to several other places like Atlanta, Miami, and Las Vegas, where he's spent significant time.

And, there's more to come.

O'Neal may get most of the credit from the media, but Shaq is quick to recognize his less-famous partners who made this possible, including Icy Hot and various counselors who helped contribute.

"Those counselors, the one who volunteers every day, they actually should get most of the credit," Shaq said.

"If you need computers, you need laptops, fresh paint -- then you call Uncle Shaq."

The NBA legend made nearly $300 million over his 19-year career in NBA salary money alone. That's not counting all of the endorsements, and lucrative business moves O'Neal has made during and after his basketball playing days.

So, he's got the money, but this is about much more than writing a check. Shaq cares about the kids' well-being ... and that's awesome. At the end of the day, it's things like this that make Shaq one of the most lovable athletes of all time.

With the holidays coming up, we asked the 51-year-old what he was doing for Turkey Day... and in true Shaquille fashion he told us ... "I don't do anything in my house."

"I try to feed homeless families."

Warriors Coach Steve Kerr Slams Draymond For Chokehold ... 'The Five Games Is Deserved'

Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr made it clear he's pissed at Draymond Green for choking Rudy Gobert earlier this week ... calling the Golden State star's actions "inexcusable."

The Warriors head coach didn't hold back when talking about Green's role in Tuesday night's on-court fight just before the Dubs' game against the Oklahoma City Thunder on Thursday ... explaining to reporters he didn't find Green's actions appropriate.

"He took it too far," Kerr said. "Draymond was wrong. He knows that. It's a bad look."

Kerr added that the five-game ban that Draymond received for putting his arms around Gobert's neck and refusing to let go during the Dubs' loss to the Timberwolves was "deserved."

"It was a terrible visual for the league," Kerr said, "for Draymond and for everybody."

Initially, Kerr seemed to have Green's back following the brawl ... saying Tuesday night he thought his player did what was needed to protect Klay Thompson. In some ways, Kerr stood by that stance a bit on Thursday, telling media members he "had no problem" with Green getting Gobert off Thompson ... but "he's got to let go."

"He hung on for like six, seven seconds," Kerr said.

Without Green on Thursday night, the Warriors got blown out by the Thunder, 128-109.

The Dubs are set to be without their star player for another four games -- as Green is only eligible to return to the floor on Nov. 24.

Clipper Darrell Not Sweatin' 0-5 Start W/ Harden ... We'll Finish Top 3 In West

111623_clipper_darrell-kal NOVEMBER 2023

Much of Clips Nation is panicking over the team's disastrous start with James Harden, but not the team's most loyal fan, Clipper Darrell, who tells us he has complete confidence that the squad will not only turn things around but will also be a top seed in the Western Conference!

And, they could even compete for an NBA title.

Yes, Darrell Bailey is doubling down on the Clippers ... despite them being winless at 0-5 since acquiring the former NBA MVP from the Philadelphia 76ers about 2 and a half weeks ago.

"Anytime a new person comes in, especially of James Harden's caliber, it's gonna take time," Clipper Darrell explained, before making it clear he still has faith in Kawhi Leonard, Paul George, Russell Westbrook and the rest of the roster's ability to mesh with The Beard.

"I still believe in this team. I know we're having a hard time right now, but this team is definitely going to prosper."

Not everyone feels the same way ... Darrell admits much of the fan base is, let's call it, highly concerned.

"Oh no, they're freakin' out, they're freakin' out! They're goin' crazy! 'I told you, I didn't want him!' But hey, ya gotta believe. It's early in the season. Now if this was March, Babcock. Come on! I'd be pulling my hair out."

The good news for the 3-7 L.A. ... the NBA season is still young. We asked Darrell to look in his crystal ball and predict where the team stands after the full 82 games.

"Second seed," CD said, continuing ... "We definitely gonna be a top 3 team, but I'm looking at second seed. I want first, but I ain't gonna be greedy."

And, if things break right ... "If everything's clickin' on all cylinders, man. You're looking at 2024, man, L.A. Clippers, champions baby, going into the new arena, the Intuit Dome, baby!"

NBA's Miles Bridges Set To Return To Hornets ... After Serving 30-Game Suspension

Miles Bridges is slated to make his return to the hardwood on Friday -- the Charlotte Hornets just announced he's fulfilled the terms of his 30-game suspension related to a domestic violence incident.

The team released a statement on Bridges' status on Thursday ... saying, "We are comfortable with Miles returning to play based on our current understanding of the facts of the recent allegations and remain in contact with the NBA as that matter proceeds through the court process."

Bridges -- who re-signed with the Hornets this past summer -- hasn't played a second of NBA ball since he was arrested for allegedly assaulting the mother of his children in June 2022.

The 25-year-old forward maintained his innocence throughout the case ... but pled no contest to the felony domestic violence charge in court last year.

Bridges was handed the 30-game ban in April 2022 ... but was credited with serving 2/3 of that punishment as he remained a free agent during the 2022-23 season.

Hornets head coach Steve Clifford said earlier this week he expects Bridges to have a "significant role right away" ... and the team could use him, as it's currently 3-7.

Bridges -- who averaged 20 points in 2021-22 -- could suit up as early as Friday against the Milwaukee Bucks.

JORDYN WOODS le regala a Karl-Anthony Towns un anillo de diamantes por su cumpleaños

bling bling

Jordyn Woods se aseguró de que su novio, la estrella de la NBA Karl-Anthony Towns, brillara en su cumpleaños número 28, regalándole un anillo de diamantes y una cadena de hielo.

El pívot de los Timberwolves celebró otro viaje alrededor del sol el miércoles y aunque Minnesota tuvo que jugar un partido contra los Suns, su señora se aseguró de que su día fuera muy espeial.

En un video que compartió en redes sociales, se puede ver que ella le regaló el conjunto de diamantes después de la derrota de los Wolves en Phoenix. Las piezas creadas por "Tim Da Joyero" son increíbles.

nuevo bling para mi novio

TMZ Sports ha indagado, el anillo cuenta con 15.4 quilates de diamantes VVS1/VVS2, mientras que el colgante es de 14 quilates de oro rosa con 37.5 quilates de diamantes VVS1/VVS2. Ambos fueron diseñados para que se viera el número 32, un guiño al número de camiseta que lleva en la NBA.

"Feliz cumpleaños mi amor 🤍", le dijo la chica de 26 años a Karl en un post separado de IG. "No puedo imaginar la vida sin ti 🤍".

Woods y Towns —la primera elección global en el Draft de la NBA de 2015— se juntaron en 2020 y han hecho saber que han sido muy felices el uno con el otro desde entonces.

De hecho, Woods elogió recientemente su relación con el tres veces All-Star, diciendo que ama la confianza, el tiempo de calidad y los regalos que comparten juntos.

"Nos encanta darnos regalos, ¿por qué? ¿El lenguaje del amor? El lenguaje del amor es el tiempo de calidad. Nos encanta todo", dijo a la revista PEOPLE.

"Él hace mucho por mí. Yo hago lo que puedo por él. Nos amamos mucho. Así que cuando llega el momento de mostrar ese aprecio, nos gusta ir lo más lejos posible".

Jordyn Woods Gifts KAT Massive Diamond Ring, Chain ... 'Happy Birthday My Love'


Jordyn Woods made sure her boyfriend, NBA star Karl-Anthony Towns, was shinin' on his 28th birthday ... gifting him a massive diamond ring AND an iced-out chain!!

The Timberwolves center celebrated yet another trip around the sun on Wednesday ... and even though Minnesota had to play a game against the Suns, his lady made sure his cake day wasn't all about work.

In a video she shared on her social media page, you can see she gifted KAT the diamond set after the Wolves' loss in Phoenix ... and the pieces -- created by Tim Da Jeweler -- are incredible.


TMZ Sports has learned ... the ring features 15.4 cts of VVS1/VVS2 diamonds, while the pendant is 14K rose gold with 37.5 cts of VVS1/VVS2 diamonds. Both were fashioned so they made out the No. 32 ... a nod to the jersey number he wears in the NBA.

"Happy Birthday my love 🤍," the 26-year-old said to KAT in a separate IG post. "Can't imagine life without you 🤍"

Woods and Towns -- the first overall pick in the 2015 NBA Draft -- got together in 2020 ... and they've made it well known they've been super happy with each other ever since.

In fact, Woods recently praised her relationship with the 3-time All-Star ... saying she loves the trust, quality time and gifts they share together.

"We love gift giving and ... What is it? The love language? The love language is quality time. We love everything," she said to PEOPLE magazine.

"He does so much for me. I do what I can for him. I want to say it's a lot. So when it's time to show that appreciation, we like to go all out."

Raptors Announcer Hilarious Intro For Star Rookie Gradey ... 'Mr. Big Big Energy!'


9:35 AM PT -- Turns out Gradey's intro was more PG-13 than rated R ... 'cause the Raptors tell us their announcer did actually say the D-word, but instead went with the clean version, "Big Big Energy!"

Latto's smiling somewhere ... after the Toronto Raptors PA man announced rookie Gradey Dick in the most hilarious way during player introductions -- "Mr. Big Dick Energy!"

The WTF moment happened right before the Raptors took on Damian Lillard and the Bucks at Scotiabank Arena in Toronto on Wednesday.

The Raptors' PA announcer began introducing the Raptors starting lineup ... which for the first time ever, included Dick.

The announcer made sure GD's first time starting would be very special ... and the intro was hysterical.

"Wearing number one, Mr. Big Dick energy!" the announcer yelled, before eventually saying his full name. Video of the intro has gone viral.

Courtesy of NBA/ESPN/@Raptors

Of course, it's not the first joke that's been made about Gradey's last name since the 19-year-old was selected with the 13th overall pick in the 2023 NBA Draft ... Raptors fans immediately began having fun with it.

"I’m not a fan of grading draft picks this early but I’m no stranger to grading Dick picks," a fan said on draft night in June.

Insert a million and one other jokes here.

Gradey's been a star since he arrived in the city of Toronto ... and even become buddies with Drake. In fact, Gradey made a cameo in Adonis' music video for his song, "My Man Freestyle!"

We'll see if the BDE intro continues, or if it gets the kibosh when the Raptors return to the court at home on Friday vs. the Celtics.


Drake dice que la fuerza se ha apoderado de él y que las canciones fluyen como nunca, por lo que las está lanzando la tercera edición de su serie "Scary Hours" EP.

El jueves, Drake hizo el anuncio improvisado a través de un trailer filmado dentro de una de sus lujosas fincas, donde explicó el método para su última ronda de canciones.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Drake dice que está tan confiado en su álbum recién lanzado —"For All The Dogs"— que podría irse de vacaciones un par de años, pero dice que ese no es su estilo.

¡Citó su famoso "If You're Reading This It's Too Late" mixtape como inspo detrás de la caída 'SH3' y afirma haber escrito el proyecto en los últimos 5 días!

Kevin Durant y el ingeniero de Drake Noel Cadastre también figuran como productores ejecutivos para el proyecto, pero las apariciones de invitados son mamá por ahora.

me tengo que enfocar en mí
Table For One / SiriusXM

Drake no hizo mención de los "problemas estomacales" que trajo a colación el mes pasado cuando le dijo a sus fans que no iba a lanzar música por un tiempo.

El nuevo EP y el hecho de que se va de gira con J. Cole, parecen buenas señales de que ya no está preocupado por su salud.

Como ya informamos, su gira "Big As The What" pasará por ciudades universitarias populares y el dúo acaba de lanzar el video de su colaboración número 1 "First Person Shooter"  así que todo parece estar bien en el mundo de Drake.

Drake 'Scary Hours 3' Coming at Midnight ... KD Executive Producing

Drake says the force has taken hold of him, and the songs are writing themselves, so he's releasing them -- the 3rd edition of his 'Scary Hours' EP series is about to drop!

On Thursday, Drake made the impromptu announcement via a video trailer shot inside one of his lavish estates, where he explained the method for his latest round of madness ... comparing his latest tier to being on drugs!!!

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Drake says he's so confident in his recently released album "For All The Dogs" that he could go MIA for a couple of years ... but says that's not his style.

He cited his famed "If You're Reading This It's Too Late" mixtape as inspo behind the 'SH3' drop and claims to have written the project within the last 5 days!!!

Kevin Durant and Drake's longtime engineer Noel Cadastre are also listed as executive producers for the project but the guest appearances are mum for now.

Table For One / SiriusXM

Drake made no mention of the "stomach issues" he brought up last month when he told fans he wouldn't be releasing music for a while.

The new EP, and the fact he's going on tour with J. Cole, seem like good signs he's no longer worried about his health.

As we told you, their "Big As The What" tour will hover around popular college towns and the duo just dropped the video to their No. 1 collab "First Person Shooter" ... so all appears to be A-OK in Drake's world.