NASCAR's Bubba Wallace Finds Noose In Team Garage ... FBI Launches Probe


10:37 AM PT -- 6/22 NASCAR officials have just added "#IStandWithBubba" in white paint on the track's grass for today's race.


9:40 AM PT -- 6/22 The FBI has made its way to the racetrack to begin its investigation into the incident.


"The U.S. Attorney’s office for the Northern District of Alabama, FBI and the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division are reviewing the situation surrounding the noose that was found in Bubba Wallace’s garage to determine whether there are violations of federal law," officials said in a statement Monday.


"Regardless of whether federal charges can be brought, this type of action has no place in our society."


9:23 AM PT -- 6/22 Richard Petty -- who co-owns the team Wallace races for -- says he is "enraged" over the noose incident.


"There is absolutely no place in our sport or our society for racism," 82-year-old Petty says.


"This filthy act serves as a reminder of how far we still have to go to eradicate racial prejudice and it galvanizes my resolve do use the resources of Richard Petty Motorsports to create change."


Petty continues, "The sick person who perpetrated this act must be found, exposed, and swiftly and immediately expelled from NASCAR."


"I believe in my heart this despicable act is not representative of the competitors I see each day in the NASCAR garage area."


"I stand shoulder to shoulder with Bubba, yesterday, today, tomorrow and every day forward."

Bubba Wallace -- the only Black driver in NASCAR's top series -- confirms a noose was found in his team's garage stall at Talladega Superspeedway on Sunday ... and now the racing org is investigating.

The noose was found by a member of Wallace's team -- just hours after someone flew a Confederate flag over the legendary Alabama track to protest NASCAR banning the symbol at all events.

The crew member who found the noose immediately alerted NASCAR, which is now working with law enforcement to find the culprit.

"We are angry and outraged, and cannot state strongly enough how seriously we take this heinous act," NASCAR said.

"We have launched an immediate investigation, and will do everything we can to identify the person(s) responsible and eliminate them from the sport."

Wallace called the situation a "despicable act of racism and hatred" -- and says he's "incredibly saddened."

He added, "We will not be deterred by the reprehensible actions of those who seek to spread hate. As my mother told me today, 'They are just trying to scare you.'"

"This will not break me, I will not give in nor will I back down. I will continue to proudly stand for what I believe in."

LeBron James offered his support to Wallace -- calling the entire situation "sickening."

"[Bubba Wallace] my brother! Know you don’t stand alone," Bron said ... "I’m right here with you as well as every other athlete."

"I just want to continue to say how proud I am of you for continuing to take a stand for change here in America and sports! NASCAR I salute you as well!"

As for the confederate flag flyover which took place before the Geici 500 race was set to begin -- still unclear who was responsible for that. NASCAR says they're looking into that as well.

That wasn't the only display of the Confederacy either -- not by a long shot. While no Confederate flags were allowed inside the venue, a bunch of truck drivers rolled past the Speedway in what seemed to be a coordinated protest parade, with many flying the flag.

Some folks who wanted to show it off some more even set up camp across the street, and were proudly displaying the Confederate flag, alongside some Trump flags too.

Obviously, some people aren't all too pleased with NASCAR's new policy. But, it doesn't sound like the org gives a damn about them, 'cause one of their top dogs took a swipe at the people acting in defiance ... flatly rejecting their thinking, and calling them names too.

Steve O'Donnell, NASCAR's executive VP, addressed the fly-over on Twitter, writing ... "You won’t see a photo of a jackass flying a flag over the track here...but you will see this... Hope EVERYONE enjoys the race today."

Originally published -- 6/21 1:26 PM PT

NASCAR's Daniel Suarez I'm the Only Latino Driver ... We Need More, Stat!!!

Daniel Suarez -- the ONLY Latino driver in NASCAR's top circuit -- says he's inspired by Bubba Wallace ... but the diversity battle's just begun.

Daniel Suarez -- the ONLY Latino driver in NASCAR's top circuit -- says he's inspired by Bubba Wallace ... but the diversity battle's just begun.

"I want be successful but [I also want to] make a path for more Latinos," the Mexican-born driver tells TMZ Sports.

"The sport is amazing, we just have to make it for everyone."

28-year-old Suarez and 26-year-old Wallace have been friends for years -- and have been in close contact ever since Bubba starting publicly calling out the racial issues in NASCAR.

"I'm really proud of him for everything that he has done for taking leadership on this situation," Suarez says.

"I don't feel like many people in his shoes would've done the same. He's done a great job."

Of course, Wallace has had a big week -- speaking out against the Confederate flag and racing in a "Black Lives Matter" car.

Suarez says he and Wallace have been brainstorming ways to capitalize on the momentum so they can change the sport for other people of color.

"We're slowly moving the needle and hopefully 5 to 10 years from now, we see a lot of more Latinos on the race track. Not just fans but also drivers, pit crews, mechanics, African Americans and all kinds of people."

There's more ... Suarez also talks about the support he and Bubba have received from the white NASCAR drivers -- noting some were hesitant to speak up at first because they didn't want to piss off their sponsors, but ultimately came around.

"Everyone was a little hesitant in the beginning to actually speak up and move but once we start pushing people and working together, everyone jumped on board, which is great."

Suarez was the 2015 NASCAR Xfinity Series Rookie of the Year -- and won the Xfinity series in 2016.

NASCAR's Ray Ciccarelli My Family's Been 'Attacked & Abused' ... Over Confederate Flag Post

"My wife, my family have been attacked and abused on social media. It’s just heartbreaking.”

That's the reaction NASCAR truck series driver Ray Ciccarelli says he's received since he threatened to quit over the sport's confederate flag ban ... and now, he just wants it to all stop.

The 50-year-old gave a lengthy interview to shortly after his infamous Facebook post ... saying he believes all of his comments were "misconstrued."

Specifically, Ray says he does NOT necessarily support the confederate flag ... he just supports people being allowed to fly whatever flag they want at races.

"In no way shape or form was I defending the Confederate flag," he said. "Everything I was saying was the fact that I understand both sides' feelings toward the flag."

"My viewpoint, all I was trying to say is how do you take [the flag] from one group and help support the group that it offends and then what do you do to the group that you took it from? Now, they get outraged."

Ray says his comments on kneeling during the national anthem were also twisted a bit ... saying he has NO issue with protestors there as well.

Ciccarelli claims he just has a problem with NASCAR implementing rules on both matters "out of left field."

"I had seen the news thing come through referring to, NASCAR now allows you to kneel during the anthem, It just irritated me some,” Ciccarelli said. “I believe in standing for the national anthem, and I believe that if you want to kneel during the anthem, you should kneel."

"It just kind of triggered me, because we’re being told you can’t kneel, now you can kneel. It just set me off."

Ciccarelli says he's hopeful his clarification on his comments will get critics off his back, saying, "This was a very educational learning experience."

He also added he's "TBA" on whether or not he'll go through with his quitting threat now.

NASCAR's Ray Ciccarelli I'm Quitting!!! Over Confederate Flag Ban

NASCAR truck series driver Ray Ciccarelli -- who has 0 career wins in the series -- is QUITTING over the organization's new Confederate flag ban ... saying it's all a bunch of "political BS."

The 50-year-old -- who joined NASCAR's Gander RV & Outdoors Truck Series in 2017 -- teed off on the ban on his Facebook page Wednesday night ... announcing his plan to leave over the matter.

"Well its been a fun ride and dream come true but if this is the direction NASCAR is headed we will not participate after 2020 season is over," Ciccarelli's post read.

"I don't believe in kneeling during Anthem nor taken ppl right to fly what ever flag they love."

Ciccarelli insists he "could care less" about the Confederate flag, but claims he's standing up for the people who take pride in it. Ciccarelli believes love of the flag alone doesn't make someone racist.

"All you are doing is f***ing one group to cater to another and i ain't spend the money we are to participate in any political BS!!"

"So everything is for SALE!!"

Of course, NASCAR banned the confederate flag Wednesday -- after Bubba Wallace spoke out about the issue.

Wallace -- the only black driver at NASCAR's highest level -- pointed out the Confederate flag is offensive to black people and shouldn't be welcomed at NASCAR.

"No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race," Wallace said. "So it starts with confederate flags. Get them out of here."

NASCAR Bans Confederate Flag at Races Bubba Wallace Makes Statement


4:30 PM PT -- Hours after NASCAR's announcement, Wallace appeared at Martinsville Speedway ... proudly sporting an "I Can't Breathe" shirt while standing next to his Black Lives Matter car.


Bubba also appeared in a video on NASCAR's Twitter account on Wednesday ... calling the race "the biggest race" of his career.


Bubba Wallace got what he wanted ... NASCAR has officially banned the Confederate flag from all events, starting right now.

"The presence of the confederate flag at NASCAR events runs contrary to our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans, our competitors and our industry," the org. said in a statement.

"Bringing people together around a love for racing and the community that it creates is what makes our fans and sports special."

"The display of the confederate flag will be prohibited from all NASCAR events and properties."

The announcement comes just days after Bubba -- the only black driver at NASCAR's highest level -- publicly called for a ban, saying there's just no place for them in the sport anymore.

"No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race," Wallace said. "So it starts with confederate flags. Get them out of here."

By the way, Wallace is racing Wednesday night at Martinsville Speedway in Virginia in a car featuring the words, "Black Lives Matter."

Originally Published 1:52 PM PT

Bubba Wallace Racing With 'BLM' Paint Scheme ... After Calling For Confederate Flag Ban


2:10 PM PT -- Just hours after urging NASCAR to ban confederate flags from tracks ... Bubba announced a new Black Lives Matter paint scheme for his No. 43 race car.


Wallace and his team unveiled the new ride Tuesday ... saying the freshly coated whip will make its debut on a NASCAR track at Wednesday's Martinsville Speedway race.


The paint job is all black with a white and a black hand interlocking on the hood. The car also features several inspiring words, including "compassion, love, understanding" and "#BlackLivesMatter."


"I think it's going to speak volumes to what I stand for," Wallace said, "but also what the initiative and what NASCAR -- and the whole sport -- is trying to push."


The car will be seen by a national TV audience on FS1 ... with the race's official start time slated for 4 p.m. PT.

Bubba Wallace -- the only black driver at NASCAR's highest level -- is calling for an official ban on confederate flags at race tracks ... saying there's just no place for them in the sport anymore.

"No one should feel uncomfortable when they come to a NASCAR race," Wallace said. "So it starts with confederate flags. Get them out of here."

The 26-year-old told CNN on Monday he's going to have conversations with NASCAR officials soon, to lay down a plan to permanently remove the flags from the sport.

As for why ... while the flag represents southern pride and roots for some -- for others, according to the Anti-Defamation League, it's been used as a symbol of slavery and white supremacy.

Still don't get it?? WWE legend Stone Cold Steve Austin recently spelled it out for someone defending the flag on social media.

"That's nice and all but if I recall, it don't matter what it means to you because to African Americans everywhere it's a symbol of oppression hatred and inequality so your little 'heritage not hate' story don't mean sh*t because your stupid little 'heritage' was built on the backs of slaves and identifying with that kinda sorta definitely makes you trash in the Texas Rattlesnake's eyes. So you can continue to spew your bullish*t but just know that none of us care ya dumb sumbitch and that's the bottom line."

Bubba says he never had an issue with the flags until recently ... but now says after he's done his homework -- it's clear to him NASCAR needs to officially rid itself of the flags.

"Diving more into it and educating myself, people feel uncomfortable with that," Wallace said. "People talk about that. That's the first thing they bring up."

"So there's going to be a lot of angry people that carry those flags proudly, but it's time for change. We have to change that. And I encourage NASCAR -- and we will have those conversations -- to remove those flags."

NASCAR has made efforts to crack down on the flags in the past ... recently they've invoked a trade-in program at tracks, agreeing to swap an American flag for a confederate one.

But, the flags are still prevalent at almost all stops on the race circuit ... and Bubba is clearly ready for that to end.

"There should be no individual that is uncomfortable showing up to our events to have a good time with their family that feels some type of way about something that they have seen -- an object that they have seen flying."

Originally Published -- 6:28 AM PT

NASCAR's Bubba Wallace Faints During Post-Race Interview ... Says 'I'm Good'

Scary moment for NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace -- who PASSED OUT during a post-race interview Sunday ... and the whole thing went down on live TV.

... but good news, he's OKAY!!

Wallace had just completed the Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway -- where the temperature was above 85 all day long with high humidity.

When reporter Jamie Little began asking Bubba about the race -- he finished 21st -- Wallace began to nod off in a scary way. It was obvious something was wrong.

A crew member immediately called for the medical crew -- and Little says, "He's not okay" ... before the broadcast cut away from the shot.

Wallace was taken to the infield care center for treatment -- and at one point, he was seen laying down on a stretcher.

The good news ... Wallace has recovered and late Sunday night, he issued a statement on Twitter.

"Got sent to the Gulag ... Won that ... Where we dropping. Aka I’m good."

So, what happened?

Earlier in the broadcast ... Wallace had said he felt "lightheaded" -- insisting he had "sat down and got up too fast."

Wallace -- the only black driver who competes in the NASCAR Cup Series -- made headlines before the race by wearing an "I Can't Breathe" shirt, a show of support to George Floyd.

NASCAR President Steve Phelps also spoke about racial issues -- after all 40 drivers had pulled over and turned off their engines during warm-up laps, Phelps delivering a message over their radio sets.

"Our country is in pain and people are justifiably angry, demanding to be heard," Phelps said.

"The black community and all people of color have suffered in our country, and it has taken far too long for us to hear their demands for change. Our sport must do better. Our country must do better."

Ace Speedway We Feel the Need for Speed ... Without Social Distancing or Masks

Thousands of people packed into Ace Speedway in North Carolina Saturday ... and it's a vision of coronavirus.

Check out the pics ... most people aren't wearing masks as they squeezed in like sardines to watch the race.

Around 4,000 fans paid $15 a pop in rural Alamance County. Only around 1 in 10 folks were wearing masks.

There were hand sanitizer stations available, but it doesn't seem many of the fans were into it as they watched the races and hit up the concession stands.

North Carolina's Governor has partially opened the state, but the point is to practice social distancing and wear protective masks when out in public ... that message was lost here.   This is the first big sporting event in the state since March.

Folks at the race track made an effort to do contact tracing in case someone has the virus.  If even one person showed up with the virus, it could spread in a situation like this like wildfire.

Ex-NASCAR Driver Kyle Larson Competing In World Of Outlaws Race ... After N-Word Incident

Fired NASCAR driver Kyle Larson is returning to the racetrack in a World of Outlaws event on Friday ... 3 weeks after getting the boot for saying the n-word.

27-year-old Larson was kicked off the Chip Ganassi Racing team and lost a bunch of sponsors -- including McDonald's and Credit One Bank -- after using the racial slur during an iRacing event last month.

Kyle Larson 4/13/20

NASCAR suspended Larson and required him to take sensitivity training before returning to competition ... and in the meantime, he's getting his fix by racing in the W.O.O. event at Knoxville Raceway in Iowa.

According to Racer reporter Kelly Crandall, Larson DID complete a sensitivity course to be able to compete in the dirt track race ... which will also feature ex-NASCAR driver Kasey Kahne.

FYI, World of Outlaws is NOT affiliated with NASCAR.

Larson has apologized for using the word .. saying, "I made a mistake and said the word that should never ever be said and there's no excuse for that."

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"I wasn't raised that way and it's just an awful thing to say. I feel very sorry for my family, my friends, my partners, the NASCAR community and especially the African-American community."

Larsen is half-Japanese and has talked about how the NASCAR Driver for Diversity program helped him get to the big show.

As for the race, it's going down without fans in attendance due to ... well, you know.

NASCAR's Coca-Cola 600 Expected To Go Down, Fanless ... Says N.C. Governor


The governor of North Carolina says he's working like crazy with NASCAR and health officials to keep the Coca-Cola 600 Memorial Weekend race on schedule as planned next month ... but without fans in the stands.

Gov. Roy Cooper announced the plan to keep the May 24 race as scheduled ... saying the state has been in contact with NASCAR and the Charlotte Motor Speedway to come up with the safest possible social distancing protocol.

"We believe that unless health conditions go down, we believe we can hold the Coca-Cola 600," Cooper said on Tuesday ... adding NASCAR will make a statement on the decision later this week.

The state of North Carolina has extended the stay-at-home order through May 8 ... but Cooper deemed pro race team shops "essential businesses" to allow them to prepare for the future.

NASCAR has postponed all events since March 13 ... and if this can somehow happen, fans will be VERY happy.

NASCAR's Denny Hamlin Loses Virtual Race ... Daughter Turns Off Screen

This video is HILARIOUS (unless you're Denny) -- showing the 39-year-old driving competing in an iRacing Pro Invitational Series event on Sunday ... when all of the sudden, his daughter Taylor enters the room mid-race!

"I'm mad, I'm pissed off. But, they're just kids."

That's Denny Hamlin trying to keep his composure after his adorable 7-year-old daughter accidentally SHUT OFF HIS SCREEN DURING A VIRTUAL RACE!!!

The video is HILARIOUS (unless you're Denny) -- showing the 39-year-old driving competition in an iRacing Pro Invitational Series event on Sunday ... when all of the sudden, his daughter, Taylor, enters the room mid-race!

Taylor clearly doesn't understand that daddy is in the middle of a very important race -- and starts asking him if she can play with the go-karts.

She also happens to be holding the remote control to the screen Denny is using to race ... and accidentally HIT THE POWER BUTTON!

Once the screen goes black, Denny is eliminated -- which made him finish LAST in a 39 car race at the virtual track at Talladega Superspeedway.

You can hear Denny say, "My screen just went black" ... as Taylor sheepishly says, "Uh-oh."

"That was unfortunate," Hamlin said after the incident ... "That's just something you don't hear every day, folks."

Denny Hamlin Explains

It's not the first time we've seen an athlete disqualified after a technology blunder -- an Ironman champ lost a virtual race earlier this month when her husband accidentally unplugged the power cord that tied her to the event!

NASCAR's Bubba Wallace To Kyle Larson ... I Forgive You for N-Word Incident

Bubba Wallace -- NASCAR's only top-level African-American driver -- says he spoke to Kyle Larson about his N-word incident ... and has accepted his apology.

26-year-old Wallace says Larson called him on the phone 5 minutes after using the slur Sunday night during an iRacing event that was publicly streamed on Twitch.

After ignoring multiple calls, Wallace says he finally accepted a FaceTime from Larson the following day, so they could speak "face to face."

"We had a good conversation, his apology was sincere. His emotions and pride were shattered."

Wallace says, "We discussed why he chose to use that language and I shared my thoughts. I told him, it was too easy for him to use the word and he has to do better and get it out of his vocabulary."

"There is no place for that word in this world. I am not mad at him, and I believe that he, along with most people, deserve second chances, and deserve space to improve."

"I do wish him and his family nothing but the best. And, I am more than willing to work with him to address diversity and inclusion in our sport."

Wallace also explained why the word is so damn offensive -- and has no place in any part of society ... especially NASCAR.

"It’s NOT just a word. There is a ton of negative meaning behind the word. Doesn’t matter if a person uses it in an offensive way or not. The word brings many terrible memories for people and families and brings them back to a time that WE as a community and human race have tried our hardest to get away from."

"The sport has made combatting this stereotype one of their top priorities. NASCAR has been doing what it can to get away from the ‘racist and redneck sport’ labels. Diversity and inclusion is a main priority for the sport across every team, every car, every crew member and employee. With that said, it hurts to see the African-American community immediately throw NASCAR under the bus with the ‘I’m not shocked it’s NASCAR.’"

He added, "NASCAR has been, and will be way better than how we’ve been represented in the last couple of weeks. As the person that arguably has the biggest voice on this topic in our sport, it’s tough for me to speak to because I didn’t imagine us being here."

For his part, Larson issued a public video apology -- but it didn't save his job or sponsors.

But now with Wallace's backing, you gotta think someone will give him the second chance Wallace says he deserves.

MLB's Marcus Stroman Wants UFC Fight with Kyle Larson ... For Saying N-Word

NY Mets ace Marcus Stroman is FURIOUS with NASCAR driver Kyle Larson for saying the n-word ... saying he should never race again and deserves to have his ass kicked.

Of course, the 27-year-old dropped an n-bomb during a virtual race on Easter Sunday ... apparently not realizing his audio was streaming out to thousands of people on Twitch.

Larson -- who later apologized for the slur -- was suspended by NASCAR, lost sponsorships, and was booted from his team.

Enter, Stroman -- whose parents are black and Puerto Rican. He's so pissed off about the incident, Stro wants to throw down with Larson in the Octagon.

"He should never be allowed to race again in @NASCAR," Stroman tweeted.

"Said that derogatory word so nonchalantly. Your apology doesn’t matter."

"Post-career...I’ll fight this man in a @ufc event for charity. He needs his ass beat. Would love to hear him say that word in the octagon."

Other athletes also went after Larson for his slur ... including Reggie Bush, who tweeted "apologize deez nuts."

"We not buying it and wear that racist badge with honor don’t hide we need to see who you really are!"

Someone get Dana White on the phone!

NASCAR's Kyle Larson Fired By Racing Team After N-Word Incident

The fallout continues ...

NASCAR star Kyle Larson has been fired by his team, Chip Ganassi Racing, after using the n-word during an iRacing event.

"After much consideration, Chip Ganassi Racing has determined that it will end its relationship with driver Kyle Larson," the team said.

"As we said before, the comments that Kyle made were both offensive and unacceptable especially given the values of our organization."

Kyle Larson 4/13/20

The statement continued, "As we continued to evaluate the situation with all the relevant parties, it became obvious that this was the only appropriate course of action to take."

The 27-year-old dropped an n-bomb during a virtual race on Easter Sunday ... apparently not realizing his audio was streaming out to thousands of people on Twitch.

After crashing during Lap 6, Larson apparently had a difficult time communicating with other drivers and said -- "You can't hear me? Hey, n*****."

Larson apologized on Monday -- but sponsors (including McDonald's and Credit One Bank) dropped him anyway.

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Larson -- who is half Japanese -- is a pretty damn good driver. He's been driving in the NASCAR Cup Series for the past 7 years and has won several major races including the 2020 Chili Bowl Nationals.

NASCAR Driver Kyle Larson Apologizes for N-Word ... 'An Awful Thing to Say'

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3:07 PM PT -- Two major sponsors have just cut ties with Larson ... with McDonald's and Credit One Bank blasting the driver for his actions while terminating their deals with him.


"We were extremely disappointed and appalled to hear about this incident," McDonald's announced Monday. "The comments made by Kyle Larson are insensitive, offensive and not reflective of our inclusive values and will not be tolerated. McDonald’s is taking immediate action to terminate the relationship with Larson."


Added Credit One, "Credit One Bank denounces the highly offensive language used by Kyle Larson during Sunday’s iRacing event. In addition to the quick actions taken by NASCAR and Chip Ganassi Racing, Credit One Bank is terminating its sponsorship of Kyle Larson."


9:26 AM PT -- Larson just issued a video apology -- saying, "I just want to say I'm sorry."


"Last night I made a mistake and said the word that should never ever be said and there's no excuse for that."


"I wasn't raised that way and it's just an awful thing to say. I feel very sorry for my family, my friends, my partners, the NASCAR community and especially the African-American community."


"I understand the damage is probably unrepairable and I own up to that. I just want to let you all know how sorry I am and I hope everybody is staying safe during these crazy times."


8:05 AM PT -- Larson's team, Chip Ganassi Racing, just suspended the driver without pay while it investigates the situation.


“We are extremely disappointed by what Kyle said last night during an iRacing Event," the team said in a statement ... calling Larson's comments "offensive and unacceptable."


"As of this moment we are suspending Kyle without pay while we work through this situation with all appropriate parties.”


7:25 AM PT -- A rep for NASCAR tells TMZ Sports ... "NASCAR is aware of insensitive language used by a driver during an iRacing event on Sunday, and is currently gathering more information."

Kyle Larson 4/13/20

NASCAR driver Kyle Larson has big problems -- the 27-year-old dropped an n-bomb during a virtual race on Easter Sunday ... with the hard R and all.

Larson -- who drives the #42 car during the NASCAR Cup Series -- was competing in an iRacing event, streamed live to thousands of people on Twitch.

After crashing during Lap 6, Larson apparently had a difficult time communicating with other drivers and that's when things got bad.

"You can't hear me? Hey, n****," Larson said casually.


The comment was immediately met with shock from other drivers, who commented (vocally) on the live stream,

Anthony Alfredo: “Kyle, you’re talking to everyone, bud.”

Aaron MacEachern: “Yup, we heard that.”

Conor Daly: “Yikes!”

Justin Botelho: “Oh, damn! He did not just say that.”

Yeah, BAD.

By the way, Larson is half Japanese and has talked about how the NASCAR "Driver for Diversity" program helped him get to the big show.

He is the only active NASCAR driver of Japanese descent.

FYI, the race itself was called Monza Madness -- at the famous Autodromo Nazionale Monza in Italy -- and featured top drivers from NASCAR, IndyCar, NHRA and the eSports world.

Originally Published -- 5:45 AM PT

NASCAR's Ryan Newman I've Hit Race Simulator Since Crash ... 'I Can Drive'


Great news from Ryan Newman ... the NASCAR star who's recovering after an insane crash last month tells TMZ Sports he's back to driving, and has even hit a racing simulator!!

The 42-year-old miraculously survived a wild wreck at the Daytona 500 on Feb. 17 ... and when we got him out in NYC on Wednesday, he said things are starting to get back to normal.

Newman says he's feeling good ... and even got in a laugh with our photog about the coronavirus!

Ryan also tells us he's had ZERO thoughts about retiring from the sport in wake of the accident ... and says he's been cleared to get behind the wheel of his daily driver.

As for a return to the NASCAR wheel ... he says he has no timetable for that yet, but he did tell us he's already been in a race simulator to prepare for his comeback.

By the way, Newman says his outlook on life has changed a bit since he was hospitalized ... telling us, "I'm a little bit more appreciative."

He added, "I know I was lucky, there's no doubt about that."

Old news is old news!
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