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UFO sightings apparently have nothing to do with anything extraterrestrial -- at least that's what Uncle Sam is saying, anyway, after digging into the issue.

For the past couple years, the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has been digging into all those UFO videos in recent years ...  and on Friday, they came out and said it was all much ado about nothing ... at least as far as aliens are concerned.

The Pentagon says they've found zero evidence that any of those mysterious UAP sightings were from outer space ... and also no proof of hidden spacecraft dropping by either.

The unclassified 63-page report goes on to state there's no evidence of the government or any sneaky private companies having their hands on extraterrestrial tech to reverse engineer UFOs in secret ... something that's been alleged by supposed whistleblowers.

In fact, Tim Phillips, the acting director of AARO, told reporters there's no indication that anyone's been hiding stuff from Congress at all on this issue ... adding that the alleged secret UAP programs being kept under wraps by the U.S. government don't exist at all.

Worth noting ... Congress ordered up this report 'cause there's been a lot of renewed interest about UFOs -- so the whole thing may just be a tactic to divert attention elsewhere or cover it up altogether ... that's certainly what conspiracy theorists are gonna say about this.

TMZ Studios

Navy fighter pilot commander David Fravor, a witness of the infamous "Tic Tac" UFO sighting, and former pilot Ryan Graves, also testified alongside David Grusch under oath about UFOs and secret government programs allegedly involving extraterrestrial tech.

A lot of their testimonials were covered in our own doc about this ... 'UFO Revolution.'

Their stories were pretty alarming, and some of those stories about UFO sightings are seriously convincing ... especially with some of the videos that have been released.

As far as the Pentagon is concerned, though ... no little green men are among us.

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Jeff Bezos "la humanidad tiene que ir al espacio"

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The Lex Fridman Podcast

Jeff Bezos dice que la calidad de vida para la humanidad es mejor ahora que nunca, pero no puede decir lo mismo del mundo natural y cree que el espacio es la respuesta.

El multimillonario dice que la idea de "todo tiempo pasado fue mejor" es 0una ilusión, porque básicamente todas las métricas indican que la calidad de vida es mejor ahora de lo que era en el pasado.

Sin embargo, mientras Jeff dice que la humanidad avanza, ve que la naturaleza retrocede. Dice que el mundo natural era "prístino" hace 500 años, pero desde la Revolución Industrial los humanos han dañado la naturaleza para mejorar nuestras propias vidas.

Jeff tiene una solución para devolver la naturaleza a donde estaba, mientras que también continúa moviendo a la humanidad a un lugar mejor. Compartió estas ideas en el podcast de Lex Fridman.

La solución... el espacio exterior.

Jeff dice que en algún momento la humanidad tendrá que vivir afuera, porque la Tierra tiene recursos finitos y necesitamos más y más energía para seguir mejorando nuestra calidad de vida.

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Blue Origin

Por supuesto, la compañía aeroespacial Blue Origin de Jeff se dedica a esta misma idea.

Bastante salvaje para pensar.

Jeff Bezos Life's Improving, But Nature's Not ... Outer Space Is Solution!!!

The Lex Fridman Podcast

Jeff Bezos says the quality of life is better now than it has ever been for humanity, but he can't say the same about the natural world ... and he thinks space is the best alternative.

The billionaire owner of Blue Origin Aerospace Co. says the notion of "the good ole days" is mostly an illusion, because basically every metric for measuring the quality of life is higher now than it was in the past.

But, while Jeff says humanity is moving forward, he sees nature moving backward. He says the natural world was "pristine" 500 years ago, but since the Industrial Revolution humans have damaged nature to improve our own lives.

Jeff's solution for bringing nature back to where it was before, while also continuing to move humanity into a better place ... is outer space, and he shared his vision on the Lex Fridman podcast.

He says, at some point, humanity will have to live off the moon and beyond ... because Earth has finite resources and we need more and more energy to keep improving our quality of life.

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Blue Origin

Of course, Jeff's Blue Origin aerospace company is dedicated to this very idea, and it's interesting to hear him explain why he's banking on it.

Lots here to make you go, hmmm. 🤔

Ring Cameras Offers $1 Million Prize For Alien Footage ... Captured On Our Tech!


Ring, the company known for its doorbell and home security cameras, wants to see proof of alien life ... and is offering up a hefty cash prize for anyone who can capture footage.

The company launched its "Million Dollar Search for Extraterrestrials" this week, offering up a $1M grand prize for anyone who has "unaltered proof of Extraterrestrial life" -- specifically documented on one of its Ring cameras.

Ring says the footage can be of an unearthly being walking around your backyard, or even a UFO pullin' up to your driveway ... but all submitted materials will be looked at by an expert for approval.

Skeptics might see this as an easy challenge from Ring -- putting up big bucks for something that may not be legit ... but for those that buy the strange phenomenon, here's your shot.

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In case ya forgot, we spoke with Neil deGrasse Tyson in August about the potential of alien life visiting our planet -- especially as the topic's being taken more seriously in the U.S.

According to Neil, the high-tech world we live in is a reason why he's not so sure UFOs are here ... mostly because the only alleged footage we've seen is grainy as hell! But, Ring's big challenge might put Neil's concerns to rest.


BTW, people who don't have legit proof can still participate for the company's "Out of this World" prize of a $500 Amazon gift card ... as long as you submit a clip of yourself in an Alien costume, or of your best homemade UFO!

Ring Cameras Ofrece $1 millón por imágenes extraterrestres ... ¡Capturadas con nuestra tecnología!

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Ring, la compañía conocida por sus cámaras de seguridad para el hogar, quiere ver pruebas de vida extraterrestre y para ello está ofreciendo un premio en efectivo bastante considerable para quien pueda capturar esas imágenes.

La compañía lanzó la campaña "Million Dollar Search for Extraterrestrials" esta semana, en donde ofrece un premio de 1 millón de dólares para quien tenga una "prueba inalterada de vida extraterrestre", y tiene que estar documentada específicamente en una de sus cámaras.

Ring dice que las imágenes pueden ser de un ser sobrenatural caminando en tu patio trasero, o incluso de un OVNI acercándose hasta la entrada de tu casa, pero todos los materiales serán examinados por un experto para su aprobación.

Los escépticos podrían ver esto como un reto fácil para Ring, esto es, poner mucho dinero en algo que puede que no sea legítimo, pero para aquellos que compran estos extraños fenómenos, esta puede ser su oportunidad.

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¿Extraterrestres en la tierra?

En caso de que lo hayan olvidado, hablamos con Neil deGrasse Tyson en agosto sobre la posibilidad de que los extraterrestres visiten nuestro planeta, sobre todo considerando que el tema se está tomando más en serio en Estados Unidos.

Según Neil, el mundo de alta tecnología en el que vivimos es una de las razones por las que no está tan seguro de que los ovnis estén aquí, ¡sobre todo porque las únicas supuestas imágenes que hemos visto son muy granuladas!

Pero el gran reto de Ring podría acabar con las preocupaciones de Neil.

Mira este especial

¡Por cierto, las personas que no tienen pruebas legítimas todavía pueden participar en la campaña "Fuera de este Mundo", y obtener una tarjeta de regalo de $500 en Amazon! Esto, siempre y cuando envíen un clip disfrazados de Alien o de su mejor OVNI casero.



Los humanos estamos un paso más cerca de descifrar los misterios del universo y todo gracias a una cápsula de la NASA que acaba de regresar con algo de suelo espacial ¡desde muy lejos!

La cápsula fue derribada de una nave espacial más grande llamada OSIRIS-REx, que fue lanzada al cielo hace 7 años con la idea de que viajaría miles de millones de kilómetros para llegar a un enorme asteroide llamado Bennu, que si bien está lejos todavía está a nuestro alcance.

La NASA quería estudiar los restos de este asteroide que al parecer es muy, muy viejo. Los científicos afirman que las muestras recogidas van a ayudarnos a comprender mejor nuestros orígenes, por no hablar de otros descubrimientos sobre nuestro sistema solar y tal vez incluso sobre la galaxia en general.

La cápsula tardó un poco en aterrizar pero finalmente lo hizo el domingo en el desierto de Utah, donde la NASA desplegó helicópteros como parte de un equipo de recuperación. Parece que querían ser muy cuidadosos con este objeto, incluso cuando regresaron al laboratorio, había gente con traje de materiales peligrosos en abundancia.

En cuanto a lo que consisten exactamente las muestras, es en su mayoría sólo rocas y polvo, pero teniendo en cuenta que proviene de un asteroide que probablemente viajó desde muy lejos, la precaución es necesaria.

Aunque se trata de la primera misión de este tipo de la NASA a un asteroide, la agencia espacial japonesa ya se nos había adelantado un par de ocasiones. Aún así, es un gran logro para los EE.UU. y es sólo otro ejemplo de cómo la gente comienza a aventurarse al espacio cada vez más.

Con las muestras de vuelta aquí en la Tierra, ahora van a ir a Texas para su posterior estudio. La NASA dice que planea revelar sus hallazgos en octubre.

NASA Capsule Back on 🌎 w/ Asteroid Stuff!!! ... Years-Long Expedition

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Humans are one step closer to figuring out the mysteries of the universe -- and it's all thanks to a NASA capsule that just got back with some space soil ... from a long way away!

The capsule was shot down from a larger mother ship spacecraft called OSIRIS-REx, which got launched into the sky a whole 7 years ago ... with the idea being that it'd travel billions of miles to reach a huge asteroid named Bennu, which while far ... it's still within reach for us.

NASA wanted to study debris from this asteroid, which is said to be very, very old. Scientists say the samples collected are going to help us understand more about our origins, not to mention other discoveries about our solar system and maybe even the galaxy at large.

It took a while, but the capsule finally touched down Sunday ... landing in a Utah desert, where NASA deployed helicopters as part of a recovery team. Seems they wanted to be extra careful with this thing -- even when they got back to the lab, it was hazmat suit galore.

As for what exactly the samples consist of ... it's mostly just rocks and dust, but considering it comes from an asteroid that likely traveled from a far distance, precaution is necessary.

While this is the first such asteroid mission for NASA, Japan's space agency has already beat us to it ... a couple different times, actually. Still, it's a major accomplishment for the U.S. -- and just another example of people venturing out into space more and more now.

With the samples back here on Earth, they'll now go to Texas for further study. NASA says it plans to reveal its findings sometime in October.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Think Science Is Wack? Lemme Tell Ya About This Asteroid!!!


An asteroid the size of the Empire State Building has a slight chance of smashing into Earth, but Neil deGrasse Tyson says the fact scientists were able to recover samples of the space rock might be even bigger news.

Neil joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" ... talking us through NASA's remarkable mission to send a probe -- dubbed the OSIRIS-REx -- to collect rocks and dust off the ancient asteroid known as Bennu.

What's amazing is that probe launched from Earth 7 years ago, aiming to hit a moving target ... and now it's expected to land this weekend in Utah!!!

Neil wants to make sure everyone's aware of just how spectacular this is -- he's throwing a little jab at the science deniers out there, too.

BTW, a new report revealed Bennu could hit Earth around 2182, but the odds of it happening are currently about 1 in 3,000 ... so we're probably good. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Of course, marveling at humankind's scientific accomplishments puts new perspective on what a potential alien species might be able to do.

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Remember, governments and scientists around the world are taking UFO reports more seriously these days -- and Neil says there's plenty of reason to believe we're not alone in the universe.

But, check out his rationale for why they're probably not here among us.

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And, in case ya forgot, NdT was singin' the same tune last month when we talked to him. Bottom line ... he hasn't seen enough tangible evidence to change his mind about aliens.

Not yet, anyway.


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que gran momento para estar vivo

Un asteroide del tamaño del Empire State Building tiene una pequeña posibilidad de estrellarse contra la Tierra, pero Neil deGrasse Tyson dice que el hecho de que los científicos fueran capaces de recuperar muestras de la roca espacial podría ser una noticia aún mayor.

Neil se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live" y nos habló de la notable misión de la NASA de enviar una sonda (OSIRIS-REx) para recoger rocas y polvo del antiguo asteroide conocido como Bennu.

Lo sorprendente es que la sonda se lanzó desde la Tierra hace 7 años con el objetivo de alcanzar un objetivo en movimiento ¡¡¡y ahora se espera que aterrice este fin de semana en Utah!!!

Neil quiere asegurarse de que todo el mundo es consciente de lo espectacular que es esto. Además, aprovecha de lanzar un pequeño golpe a los negacionistas de la ciencia.

Por cierto, un nuevo informe revela que Bennu podría chocar con la Tierra en torno a 2182, pero las probabilidades de que esto ocurra son actualmente de 1 entre 3.000... así que probablemente estemos bien. 🤷🏽‍♂️

revelando al alien

Por supuesto, maravillarse con los logros científicos de la humanidad pone una nueva perspectiva sobre lo que una especie alienígena potencial podría ser capaz de hacer.

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Recordemos que los gobiernos y los científicos de todo el mundo están tomando los informes de ovnis más en serio estos días, y Neil dice que hay un montón de razones para creer que no estamos solos en el universo.

Sin embargo, échale un vistazo a su razonamiento de por qué probablemente no están aquí entre nosotros.

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hay que hacerse cargo de lo que uno dice

En caso de que lo hayas olvidado, nuestro amigo estuvo afirmando las mismas teorías mes pasado cuando hablamos con él.

Russian Spacecraft Crashes into Moon

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Russia's first mission to the moon in 5 decades has ended in failure, as their Luna-25 spacecraft crashed into the surface on approach.

The unmanned vessel, which launched from the Vostochny Cosmodrome earlier this month, crashed on the moon's surface Saturday. Not much is known about the cause of the failure, but officials called it an "abnormal situation."

The launch marked Russia's first attempt to approach the moon since 1976 ... the goal was to attempt a landing near the moon's south pole.

The Russian space agency, Roscosmos, said they lost contact with the craft Saturday afternoon stating, "spacecraft entered an unplanned orbit and ceased to exist after colliding with the surface of the Moon."

tmz gilgo special 30

All additional efforts to make contact have since failed.

Marshawn Lynch, Lance Armstrong Throw Flames On 'Stars On Mars' ... 'Say Hello To My Little Friend!!!'


Marshawn Lynch and Lance Armstrong turned the heat all the WAY up while out on "Mars" ... wielding some massive flamethrowers -- and the video of them chucking fireballs is awesome!!!

The dudes got armed with the weapons for a challenge on the latest episode of the Fox show, "Stars on Mars" ... and the former athletes sure seemed to love being fungus-killing pyros for a few minutes.

Check out the clip ... as Lynch went to extinguish his foe with a massive blaze, he channeled his inner Al Pacino -- screaming out, "Say hello to my little friend!"

Armstrong, too, handled the big gun well ... though he did note the thing was hot as hell!!

It was a cool change of pace for the guys ... because in last week's episode, some of the show's contestants were seen really feeling their separation from the real world.

In fact, Ronda Rousey actually broke down in tears while FaceTiming with her fam.

But, everyone seemed to enjoy the most recent hot challenge ... especially Lynch!!

The full episode airs Monday night at 8 PM ... better get that A/C crankin'!

UFO Mass Sighting Over CA Military Base!!!

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Weaponized with Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp

There's something strange happening in our sky ... new footage shows a mass UFO sighting in the California desert, and it's eerily reminiscent of a famous UFO event.

Experts Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp revealed the startling footage Tuesday morning on their podcast, "Weaponized," saying the video and photos were shot back in April 2021 over Twentynine Palms, CA.

Jeremy says the UFO was hovering over the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Camp Wilson ... and he says the event lasted for 10 minutes, with more than 50 eyewitnesses, including dozens of Marines being trained at the sprawling base.

Ya gotta see the footage ... the triangular formation of lights looks like California's version of the famous "Phoenix Lights" sighting from March 1997 in Arizona.

Jeremy says the UFO appeared at 8:20 PM and after hovering over the base for 9 minutes, the Marines launched a significant air and ground response.

He says the Marines fired flares at the UFO, and the mysterious craft disappeared just before the flares got close enough to expose the UFO.

Based on the footage, Jeremy estimates the UFO -- which was silent -- could be as big as a 3-bedroom, 2-story house.

Jeremy and George are calling the sighting a "dream UFO case" .. and it sounds like they're gonna be dropping a bunch of other evidence as the pod continues, too.

Moondust Lunar Soil Up For Sale At $1.25 Million ... From 1976 Soviet Mission


Here's a chance to literally give someone the moon ... lunar soil from a Soviet mission to the Moon is up for grabs ... but it's going to cost seven figures.

Moondust recovered from the USSR's last successful lunar probe is up for sale over at Moments In Time ... with a whopping $1,250,000 price tag for three tiny pieces.

The lunar soil sample particles were collected from the moon way back in 1976, when the Soviets sent their Luna 24 probe up into space. The probe landed near the Moon's then-unexplored "Mare Crisium" and drilled two meters into the soil, collecting 170 grams of moondust.

The Luna 24 mission was historic ... in addition to being the last lunar spacecraft launched by the Soviet Union, it's also the last probe from any country to make a soft landing on the planet.

What's more, these moondust particles are the only known Luna 24 material to fall into private hands. They were first gifted to Soviet First Secretary Leonid Brezhnev on his 70th birthday in 1976, and when he died the moondust went to his daughter, who eventually passed the lunar soil on to a private collector.

For $1.25 mil, the buyer gets the moondust and a scale model of the Luna 24 lunar lander probe ... plus a magnifying glass for an up-close look.

NASA Astronauts Get Brand New Spacesuits!!!

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It's like Fashion Week ... for space, as NASA unveils the freshly designed spacesuits its astronauts will be rocking on the moon.

Axiom Space designed the new look, and NASA proudly flaunted it Wednesday at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX -- the sleek new suits were primarily designed for the Artemis lunar missions scheduled for 2025.

The new suit is called Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit, or AxEMU, and it's way more flexible than the old bulky suits worn for over 50 years -- and they can be worn by men and women. Big diff from the Apollo missions of the '60s and '70s.

Fun fact: NASA says the new suits would fit at least 90% of the folks in the U.S.

You'll recall, NASA initially pulled the plug on the first all-female spacewalk back in 2019 ... all because the existing suits couldn't fit the 2 women heading to space.

Although they eventually did make the spacewalk in October 2019, it was clear the space agency needed a new vision for its spacesuits.

NASA enlisted Axiom last year to fix the problem, and they sound thrilled with the end result.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson says, "Axiom's next generation spacesuits will not only enable the first woman to walk on the Moon, but they will also open opportunities for more people to explore and conduct science on the Moon than ever before."

BTW, don't get used to that black and orange color pattern ... Axiom noted that's just to show off its logo. The final version will likely be all-white to reflect the intense heat astronauts are exposed to in space.


Flying Cars Buckle Up, They're Coming Soon ... Minimal Training Needed

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Flying cars could be soarin' into the market much sooner than we thought ... according to one Aerospace CEO who's working hard to make this sci-fi dream a reality.

Doron Merdinger, CEO of Doroni Aerospace Inc., joined us Tuesday on "TMZ Live" -- filling us in on how his company's new flying cars could be up for sale in the next 2 years ... adding his team has already been testing its flagship project in Florida.

Their vehicle is aptly named the Doroni H1, a 2-seater that can travel a couple hundred feet off the ground with the use of joysticks -- not a steering wheel. The futuristic whip can come in handy in a bunch of ways, according to Doron.

The ride will set you back a few hundred Gs, though ... but Doron says his crew is doing everything they can to make it a true bang for your buck -- which includes its seriously-impressive top speed.

For those unaware, President Biden asked for a $27.2B budget for NASA last week, with some of the funds to be used to test flying cars, and Doron's company is one of the many working with NASA towards a future in the skies.

BTW -- Biden's budget request came after Trump called for the government to invest in the tech ... saying we've gotta beat China to the punch. In addition, there are other start-ups developing flying cars too.

Move over "space race" ... there's a new competition in town!

Famed Astronaut Buzz Aldrin 93-Year-Old Astronaut Marries Longtime GF ... I'm Over the Moon for Her!!!


Moonwalker Buzz Aldrin just had his 93rd birthday, and he celebrated by getting hitched!!!

Buzz tied the knot Friday night with his beautiful longtime girlfriend, Anca Faur, who is 63.

Here's how Buzz described the happy occasion ...“On my 93rd birthday & the day I will also be honored by Living Legends of Aviation I am pleased to announce that my longtime love Dr. Anca Faur & I have tied the knot."

He added, “We were joined in holy matrimony in a small private ceremony in Los Angeles & are as excited as eloping teenagers.”

Check out the photos of the smiling couple dressed to the nines at their ceremony -- outta this world!

Speaking of which, Buzz was the second man to ever walk on the moon after fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong ... Buzz and Neil rocketed into space together in the Apollo 11 spacecraft back in 1969.

As for marriage ... Buzz is no stranger...he's walked down the aisle three previous times, but the nuptials all ended in divorce. He also has three children.

Let's hope fourth time's a charm. Congratulations, you two!!