Ryan García Se va de juerga en Los Ángeles ... Horas antes de conocer su fallo en el test de drogas

De fiesta

Ryan García claramente no estaba preocupado de haber reprobado un test de drogas horas antes de que se diera a conocer al público porque TMZ Sports obtuvo un video suyo saliendo de fiesta en L.A. la noche del martes, aparentemente sin ninguna preocupación.

García llegó a Bootsy Bellows en West Hollywood alrededor de la medianoche, aproximadamente 20 horas antes de que se revelara que tenía Ostarine en su sistema el día antes de su gran victoria sobre Devin Haney, y estuvo bailando sobre una mesa de lo más relajado.

Una persona que estuvo ahí nos dice que García estuvo de buen humor todo el tiempo, tomando tequila e incluso tomándose algunas selfies con otras personas del club.

Ryan Garcia Partied Hard At L.A. Nightclub ... Hours Before Flunked Drug Test Revealed


Ryan Garcia clearly wasn't sweating his flunked drug test in the hours before it became known to the public ... 'cause TMZ Sports has obtained video of him partying hard at an L.A. hotspot on Tuesday night -- seemingly without a care in the world.

Garcia hit up Bootsy Bellows in West Hollywood at around midnight -- roughly 20 hours before it was revealed he had Ostarine in his system the day before his huge upset win over Devin Haney -- and he danced at his table with no signs of worry.

We're told by one person in attendance that Garcia appeared to be in great spirits the entire time he was there -- sippin' on tequila ... and even taking selfies with other clubgoers.

Keyshia Cole Hunxho Romance Ruined Already??? 💔 Drama As He Collabs with Ex-GF

Keyshia Cole's been official with rapper Hunxho for a couple of weeks, but it looks like their relationship's hit the skids -- now that his ex-GF appears to be creeping back into the picture.

Hunxho just got up-and-close and personal with his ex, and fellow rapper, Gloss Up for a new track ... and Keyshia isn't taking the news well.

Gloss dropped her new EP "Not Ya Girl: Act 1" on Friday, complete with a music vid for the Hunxho-featured single "Come Here" -- a booty call anthem that showed both Gloss and Hunxho playing out the scenes, which include a soapy and steamy bathtub!!!

Ole Miss Un grupo de blancos llama "Lizzo" a una manifesante negra

Las manifestaciones se vuelven racistas

Una manifestante negra y pro Palestina fue llamada "Lizzo" por un grupo de protestantes blancos durante un acalorado enfrentamiento esta semana y recibió insultos racistas que la comparaban con un mono.

La horrible escena ocurrió el jueves en la Universidad de Mississippi, cuando los ánimos entre las facciones pro-Palestina y pro-Israel se calentaron en el campus luego de que un grupo de hombres se centrara en una mujer negra del lado palestino de las cosas.

Ella estaba sola de pie y filmando todo mientras los hombres, la mayoría de ellos blancos, la insultaban repetidamente sobre su peso, invocando el nombre de Lizzo y llamándola "perra", además de otros insultos explícitos.

Ole Miss Black Protester Called 'Lizzo' by White Guys ... Receives Monkey Taunts


A Black pro-Palestine protester was called "Lizzo" by a group of white counter-protesters during a heated faceoff this week ... and she received racist taunts likening her to a monkey.

The ugly scene went down Thursday at the University of Mississippi -- with both pro-Palestine and pro-Israel factions holding dueling protests right there on the campus, which got heated when a group of bros zeroed in on a Black female on the Palestine side of things.

She was standing there all alone and filming them ... and the men, most of whom were white, could be heard repeatedly insulting her weight -- invoking Lizzo's name to get the point across ... all while calling her a "bitch" and other explicit insults.

Britney Spears Tiene un historial de peleas con su novio Paul Soliz

Las peleas entre Britney Spears y su actual novio Paul Soliz no comenzaron el miércoles en el hotel Chateau Marmont en Sunset Strip, nos dicen que hay un historial de conflictos.

Fuentes familiarizadas con el tema le dicen a TMZ que Britney y Paul estuvieron en el Wynn Las Vegas la última semana de diciembre y tuvieron una pelea tan fuerte que cuando dejaron de discutir la pieza del hotel estaba destrozada. Nos dicen que Britney terminó pagando decenas de miles de dólares al hotel para cubrir los daños.

Lo que es más, durante el viaje Paul habría manejado y dañado su Mercedes, nos dicen.

Kendrick Lamar's '616' Akademiks Reacts to 'Compromised' Line ... Calls Budden For Answers!!!

Drake hasn't responded to Kendrick Lamar's "6:16 in L.A." -- but Akademiks captured his own reaction in real-time after learning K. Dot also flamed him!!!

compromised ???

Kendrick quips on the track, "Yeah, somebody's lyin', I can see the vibes on Ak/ Even he lookin' compromised, let's peel the layers back" -- all of which was a total surprise to Ak, who couldn't believe he was being targeted.

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It's not like Kendrick pulled Ak's favoritism out of thin air ... Drake actually used a sound bite of Ak ranting at Kendrick on "Push Ups" -- still, Ak maintains he checks his bias at the door when it comes to reporting.

Jalen Brunson On Verge Of Being Greatest Knick Ever ... Says Diehard Fan Fat Joe


Willis Reed, Walt Clyde Frazier, and Patrick Ewing are generally considered the greatest Knicks ever, but the trio of Hall of Famers may have to slide over ... 'cause diehard NYK fan, Fat Joe, says Jalen Brunson's on the verge of being the G.O.A.T.!

"[Jalen's] so close to being the greatest Knick ever," Crack told Babcock on the "TMZ Sports" TV show (airs nightly on FS1), adding ... "So close, and in such short time."

Of course, the hip-hop superstar grew up in The Bronx, New York, and has been a loyal Knicks fan through the good, and unfortunately for New Yorkers, many bad times in his 5 decades as an NYK supporter.

Britney Spears History of Fights, Trouble with BF Paul Soliz

Britney Spears and her current boyfriend Paul Soliz didn't start fighting Wednesday at the Chateau Marmont hotel on the Sunset Strip ... we're told there's a history of conflict.

Sources familiar tell TMZ ... Britney and Paul were at the Wynn Las Vegas the last week of December, and we're told they got in an intense fight that was so bad ... when it was over their hotel room was trashed. We're told Britney ended up paying the hotel tens of thousands of dollars to cover the damage.

What's more ... during the trip, we're told Paul was driving and damaged her Mercedes.

Kendrick Lamar '6:16' Conspiracy Theory Theater After New Drake Diss

Kendrick Lamar's knack for deeper lyrical meanings has fans dissecting his new Drake diss under a microscope, and they're unearthing some interesting Easter eggs ... or so they think.

Fans quickly latched on to the fact K. Dot was flexing on Drake with the "6:16 in LA" title, as the Toronto rapper has several songs in his catalog named after the timestamp in a city.

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Social media chatter soon revolved around religious connotations and even anniversaries like Tupac Shakur's birthday -- fans think Kendrick is avenging after Drake's A.I. trick.

Kendrick Lamar '6:16' Makes Back to Back Drake Disses ... Ak Gets Sniped Too!!!

Drake's awakened the demon in Kendrick Lamar, and apparently, Akademiks has too -- K. Dot just unleashed another diss bomb before they could recover from "Euphoria!!!"

On Friday morning -- 6:16 AM, to be exact -- Kendrick dropped his new track over a bangin’ Al Green sample aimed at Drake’s OVO camp allegedly leaking him info Drake was planning to use against him.

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Kendrick clowns Drake for having disloyal hounds around him, dragging his manager Anthony Saleh into the mix … and also targets Ak for instigating on the sidelines and getting his facts screwed up.

Kendrick Lamar Lanza segundo diss track contra Drake

Drake ha despertado al demonio de Kendrick Lamar y parece que Akademiks también, porque K. Dot acaba de lanzar otra bomba antes de que pudieran recuperarse de "Euphoria".

El viernes por la mañana, a las 6:16 AM para ser exactos, Kendrick compartió su nueva pista sobre un sample de Al Green dirigido al equipo de Drake en OVO, el que supuestamente le habría filtrado información que Drake estaba planeando usar en su contra.

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Kendrick se burla de Drake por tener sabuesos desleales a su alrededor, trapea el suelo con su manager Anthony Saleh y también apunta a Ak por instigar desde el margen.

Kate Beckinsale Luce radiante en evento de NYC ... Tras misterioso susto de salud

Kate Beckinsale regresó a los focos el jueves para un elegante evento de Nueva Yotk, después de un duro año luchando contra unos problemas médicos.

La actriz se veía como de un millón de dólares en su vestido blanco mientras se paseaba por la alfombra roja ante un montón de fotógrafos en la primera gala anual de King's Trust Global en la Casa Cipriani de Manhattan.

De vuelta a la alfombra roja

Echa un vistazo a los videos y fotos, Kate estaba en excelente forma, girando y sonriéndole a las cámaras en su magnífico vestido, que exponía partes de su tonificado cuerpo. Para rematar, Kate lucía joyas y llevaba el pelo recogido como una auténtica estrella.

Britney Spears Llaman a los paramédicos por un posible ataque de nervios

Britney Spears se metió en una pelea enorme con su novio la noche del miércoles, y terminó fuera de control, llorando, posiblemente cortada, y casi llevada a una ambulancia... TMZ ha indagado.

Britney llegó al Chateau Marmont el miércoles por la noche con su novio Paul Soliz. Hubo algún tipo de disturbio y alguien llamó a la policía, alegando que una mujer que coincide con la descripción de Britney estaba acosando y amenazando a los empleados del hotel y los huéspedes. Los oficiales se presentaron poco después de las 10:30 PM, pero no vieron signos de problemas y se fueron.

Nos dicen que Britney y Paul se retiraron a una habitación de hotel alrededor de las 11 PM donde continuaron de fiesta y bebiendo. Mientras estaban en la habitación terminaron teniendo un gran altercado que se volvió físico -según las fuentes- y Britney podría haberse hecho daño en la pierna.

KATE BECKINSALE Looks Ravishing At NYC Event ... After Mystery Medical Scare

Kate Beckinsale returned to the spotlight Thursday after a tough year battling medical issues, hitting the red carpet for a swanky NYC event.

The actress looked like a million bucks in her sexy white gown as she strolled out before a bunch of shutterbugs at the first annual King's Trust Global Gala at Casa Cipriani in Manhattan.


Check out the videos/pics ... Kate was in rare form, turning and smiling for the cameras in her magnificent dress that exposed portions of her slim, yet toned body. To top things off, Kate was dripping in jewelry and her hair was done up like a true starlet!

Britney Spears Paramedics, Police Called to Hotel ... Guests Feared Mental Breakdown

Britney Spears got into a huge fight with her boyfriend Wednesday night, and she ended up out of control, crying, possibly cut, and almost driven away in an ambulance ... TMZ has learned.

Britney got to the Chateau Marmont late Wednesday night with boyfriend Paul Soliz ... and there was some sort of disturbance and someone called police, claiming a woman matching Britney's description was harassing and threatening hotel employees and guests. Officers showed up shortly after 10:30 PM, but they saw no signs of trouble and left.

We're told Britney and Paul retreated to a hotel room around 11 PM where they continued partying and drinking. While they were in the room they ended up getting into a huge altercation that we're told turned physical, according to sources, and Britney may have hurt her leg.