Frank Sinatra Su hija reacciona a la biopic de Scorsese... Parece apoyar la idea

La hija de Frank Sinatra está dando su opinión sobre los planes de Martin Scorsese de convertir la vida del cantante en una película, y por lo que parece, está más que bien con el proyecto.

Por si no lo sabían, Martin está planeando hacer una película biográfica sobre Ol 'Blue Eyes, con Leonardo DiCaprio como posible candidato a interpretar al famoso cantante. Según los informes, Tina Sinatra, la hija de Frank y quien controla el patrimonio de su padre, aún no ha dado su bendición para la próxima película.

Sin embargo, Tina habló con nosotros y cuando le preguntamos directamente sobre los planes de Scorsese, los que han estado dando vueltas desde hace muchos años, ella sonaba positiva.

Shyne "Fui el chivo expiatorio del tiroteo del 99..." Pero no culpará a Diddy

Shyne dice que fue el chivo expiatorio del tiroteo de 1999 en un club de Nueva York por el que cumplió condena, y mientras que la víctima del tiroteo está señalando con el dedo a Diddy, Shyne no está siguiendo sus pasos.

El ex-Bad Boy -que cumplió cerca de 8 años de prisión por el infame incidente- habló con los medios de comunicación esta semana en Belice, donde es un miembro electo de la Cámara de Representantes.

Channel 5 Belize

Shyne dice que ha tratado de dejarlo todo atrás, pero el tema ha resurgido en línea gracias a la demanda de Rodney Jones contra Diddy que ha abierto viejas heridas, pero él defiende su inocencia.

Frank Sinatra Daughter Reacts to Scorsese Biopic ... She Seems A-OK With It!!!

Frank Sinatra's daughter is weighing in on Martin Scorsese's plans to turn the singer's life into a film -- and from the sounds of it ... she's more than fine with the project.

ICYMI ... Martin is planning to make a biopic about Ol' Blue Eyes -- with Leonardo DiCaprio potentially playing the famed crooner. According to reports, Tina Sinatra, Frank's daughter who controls her father's estate, hasn't yet given her blessing for the upcoming movie.

However, Tina talked to us ... and when we asked her directly about her thoughts on Scorsese's plans -- ones he's circled for many years now -- she sounded positive.

Drake Trollin' Kendrick's Manager ... Where Is This Supposed Smoke?!?

Drake has turned his scope away from Metro Boomin and Rick Ross, and returned it to the main event ... Kendrick Lamar!!!

In his latest IG post, Drake somehow dug up a photo of Kendrick's manager Anthony Saleh poppin' tags shopping at one of the rap megastar's OVO stores.

It's unclear when Saleh was loading up on the golden owl gear, but Drake pushed the issue on Kendrick's response with his caption -- "Are we getting in our bag or nah??"

Shyne I Was Fall Guy for '99 Shooting ... But Won't Blame Diddy

Shyne says he 100% was the fall guy in the 1999 NYC club shooting, for which he did time,  -- and while the shooting victim is pointing the finger at Diddy ... Shyne isn't quite going there.

The ex-Bad Boy star -- who did about 8 years in prison over the infamous incident -- spoke to the media this week down in Belize ... where he's now an elected member of the House of Representatives.

It Opens Wounds
Channel 5 Belize

It's fascinating ... Shyne says he's tried putting the whole saga behind him, but the renewed online buzz about it -- thanks to Rodney Jones' lawsuit against Diddy -- has opened old wounds, but he's maintaining his innocence.

GloRilla DUI Arrest on Body Cam Video ... Does Several Sobriety Tests

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GloRilla got put through the gauntlet of a typical DUI arrest -- having to do a bunch of field sobriety tests for the responding officer ... which we can now see on video.

TMZ has obtained the body cam footage from Tuesday night in Gwinnett County, GA -- where cops pulled her over and ultimately took her to jail and booked her on suspicion of driving under the influence, among other charges.

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Now, we can see exactly how the whole thing played out on camera -- and you can tell right from the get-go the officer here wasn't gonna let her off the hook, despite GloRilla insisting she was okay to drive. The cop wasn't buying that, and made her get out of the car.

Sauce Gardner Scares Jets Fan After Pic W/ Drake ... Terrified Of The Curse!!!

The Jets are no strangers to bad luck (Exhibit A, Aaron Rodgers last season) ... and that's why star Gang Green fans went into a full-on panic when star CB Sauce Gardner posted a photo with Drake, fearing the famed Drizzy Curse would plague them in '24!

But, the young Pro Bowler is trying his best to assuage the fan's fears ... saying he's actually using the Drake Curse for good, to take down the 31 other NFL teams.

"I told Drake that he should bet on all other 31 teams each week," the lockdown corner wrote on X.

Kanye y Bianca De paseo en sus carros... No parecen preocupados por el lío legal

Kanye West y Bianca Censori parecían estar de buen humor esta semana, conduciendo por Los Ángeles en sus respectivos carros, solo horas después de que un hombre presentara una denuncia por agresión en contra de Ye.

Los fotógrafos captaron a la pareja atrapada en el tráfico el miércoles y andaban en vehículos completamente diferentes. Bianca pilotaba su Porsche y Ye iba de copiloto en un Cybertruck, ambos aparentemente tranquilos después de lo que parece fue una noche dura.

Es difícil saber lo que Bianca está usando aquí. No está claro si es su habitual estilo de transparencias, pero tiene los ojos fijos en la carretera mientras espera en los semáforos.


Dickey Betts -- the longtime guitarist from the Allman Brothers Band -- has died after some health issues ... this according to his family.

The musician's loved ones announced the sad news Thursday, saying he passed away at his home in Osprey, Florida, earlier today ... sharing, "Dickey was larger than life, and his loss will be felt world-wide." He died from cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Dickey's last few years were marred with ailments -- he had a mild stroke in August 2018, and the following month fell and hit his head while playing with his dog. The fall caused a brain bleed ... forcing him to undergo surgery.

DICKEY BETTS guitarrista de ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND Muere a los 80 años

Dickey Betts -el guitarrista de la Allman Brothers Band- ha muerto después de algunos problemas de salud, esto de acuerdo a su familia.

Los seres queridos del músico anunciaron la triste noticia el jueves, diciendo que falleció en su casa en Osprey, Florida, el día de hoy, diciendo: "Dickey era más grande que la vida, y su pérdida se sentirá en todo el mundo". Murió de cáncer y enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.

Los últimos años de Dickey se vieron empañados por dolencias: tuvo un derrame cerebral leve en 2019 y se estaba recuperando cuando se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza mientras jugaba con su perro al mes siguiente. La caída le causó una hemorragia cerebral, obligándolo a someterse a una cirugía.

Damian Lillard Estranged Wife Clowns GloRilla ... After DUI Arrest

Damian Lillard's estranged wife was apparently not a fan of GloRilla recently shooting her shot at the NBA superstar ... the hooper's ex clowned the Memphis rapper shortly after she was arrested for DUI.

GloRilla was arrested in Georgia on Tuesday for suspicion of driving under the influence, consuming/possessing an open alcoholic beverage container, as well as another traffic charge.

Kay'La -- who was married to Dame from September 2021 until he filed for divorce in October 2023 -- saw the legal trouble as an opportunity to roast the rapper ... this after she said she wanted to be with the Milwaukee Bucks guard.

Nuevo álbum de Taylor Swift Supuesta filtración... Los fans escuchan letras de Matty Healy

El nuevo álbum de Taylor Swift supuestamente se filtró antes de tiempo, y si esto es real, los fans están sorprendidos de escuchar algunas referencias a Matty Healy, cuando todo el mundo pensaba que se trataría enteramente de Joe Alwyn.

Esta es la cuestión, un enlace de Google Drive ha estado circulando por Internet en las últimas 24 horas que promete tener todas las canciones de "The Tortured Poets Department", su nuevo proyecto musical que saldrá el viernes.

No está claro si esto es verdad o no, pero mucha gente en X piensa que es una filtración legítima y, si es cierto, hay un montón de Swifties que están sorprendidos de escuchar un poco acerca de Matty.

Taylor Swift's New Album Purportedly Leaks Early ... Fans Hear Matty Healy Lyrics

Taylor Swift's new album supposedly leaked early -- and if it's real, fans are shocked to hear some Matty Healy references ... this when everyone thought it'd be all about Joe Alwyn.

Here's the deal ... a Google Drive link has been floating around the internet for the past 24 hours or so that purports to have all of Taylor's songs from "The Tortured Poets Department" -- her new project that's dropping Friday.

It's unclear if these are the real McCoy or not, but a lot of people on X think it's a legit leak -- and, if true, there's a lot of Swifties who are shocked to hear quite a bit about Matty.

Kanye West Sospechoso en una denuncia de agresión... Un tipo supuestamente agarró a Bianca


10:16 PM PT -- Un representante de Kanye West le dice a TMZ: "'Agarrar' es muy inadecuado como una descripción de lo que sucedió. Bianca fue agredida físicamente".

Y añaden: "El agresor no se limitó a chocar contra ella. Le metió las manos por debajo del vestido, directamente sobre el cuerpo, la agarró por la cintura, la hizo girar y luego le sopló besos. Fue maltratada y agredida sexualmente".

Kanye West podría tener un nuevo problema legal en sus manos, ya que el rapero aparece como sospechoso en una denuncia sobre agresión y ahora la policía está revisando las afirmaciones en su contra ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Kanye West Suspect in LAPD Battery Report ... Guy Allegedly Grabbed Bianca


10:16 PM PT -- A rep for Kanye West tells TMZ ... "'Grabbed' is grossly inadequate as a description of what happened. Bianca was physically assaulted."

They add, "The assailant didn't merely collide into her. He put his hands under her dress, directly on her body, he grabbed her waist, he spun her around, and then he blew her kisses. She was battered and sexually assaulted."

Kanye West might have new legal trouble on his hands -- he's the named suspect in a battery report, and cops are now looking into the claims against him ... TMZ has learned.

GloRilla Arrested for DUI in Georgia ... Cops Say Boob Popped Out

GloRilla found herself in a jail cell this week after cops busted her for DUI -- and she apparently had a wardrobe malfunction while this all went down ... TMZ has learned.

According to a police report, obtained by TMZ, the rapper was arrested and booked early Tuesday morning on suspicion of driving under the influence, consuming/possessing an open alcoholic beverage container and a separate traffic charge in Gwinnett County, GA.

She was hauled into jail around 6:12 AM ET and bonded out a few hours later. Her booking info, obtained by TMZ, notes that one of her aliases is Hallelujah ... which is her legal middle name.