Xzibit New Game Isn't 'Pimp My Ride' ... But Trust My Car Cred, It's Dope!!!


Xzibit got fans hyped with a video teaser making it seem like he's bringing back his "Pimp My Ride" franchise -- but it's actually a mobile game that confirms he's still fully dedicated to car culture!!!

Mr. X to the Z checked in with TMZ Hip Hop Friday to discuss his partnership with Chrome Valley Customs, which added his likeness and all sorts of digital accessories to the app.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

X tells us he was surprised fans associated the announcement with 'PMR' -- especially because it's been off the air since 2007 -- but understands the passion for it.

MTV's 'Siesta Key' Production Paused After 5 Seasons ... Show's Future Uncertain

MTV's "Siesta Key" won't be returning for a 6th season anytime soon ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected to the show tell us the series is not considered officially canceled by the network ... as there’s a possibility it could return in the future. Still, the current incarnation of the show has come to an end after 5 seasons.

Many fans online, including several Reddit threads, have been wondering for months when they would get a 6th season of the show -- which hit an all-time ratings low in season 5 before airing its finale in January 2023.


Connor Smith -- a former MTV star from 2015's "Are You the One?" -- has been arrested in Florida for allegedly trying to hook up with an underage girl ... bringing a year-long manhunt to an end.

The 33-year-old was booked into custody Thursday afternoon, according to an inmate log from Pinellas County, Florida -- following reported sightings of him from the Sunshine State.

The ex-reality show contestant had been wanted in the state of Illinois since February 2023 ... where the Lake County Sheriff's Office said he interacted with an undercover detective online for weeks, thinking the cop was a 15-year-old girl.

Estrella de "16 and Pregnant" Primer vistazo al lugar donde murió Sean...

Sean Garinger murió tristemente en la propiedad de su madre después de que su ATV se volcara sobre él, y ahora su familia está honrando el espacio como tierra sagrada.

Echa un vistazo a estas imágenes obtenidas por TMZ, que muestran el pedazo de tierra que se derrumbó cuando la estrella de "16 and Pregnant" quedó clavado por culpa de su ATV, el que aplastó su cabeza y le quitó la vida antes de que pudiera recibir ayuda.

Como se puede ver, hay un mini-deslizamiento de tierra en la ladera de una colina junto a un camino de tierra. Aquí es donde la madre de Sean, Mary Hobbs, dice que estaba aparcando el ATV para hacer espacio para su carro cuando ocurrió el accidente. Ahora, hay un altar improvisado que tiene flores y carteles que dicen: "Te queremos Squishy". Nos dicen que ese era el apodo de Sean.

María nos dice que están planeando hacer un monumento permanente.

Su padrastro Dan Wolfe está construyendo el monumento y le dice a TMZ que habrá un muro de piedra con un grabado láser de la foto de Sean, además de una urna personalizada hecha de madera de cerezo negro, grabado con láser con la huella del pulgar de Sean. Esto, además de su foto, fecha de nacimiento y muerte.

También habrá un jardín que rodeará el monumento cuando todo esté listo.

María dice que su hijo creció montando ATVs, motos de cross, vehículos de cuatro ruedas, etc y que no estaba haciendo nada imprudente cuando murió. Solo fue una tragedia absoluta.

Sean estaba en la temporada 6 de la serie con su ex, Selena Gutiérrez y ahora sus dos hijos pequeños crecerán sin su padre, algo por lo que Selena está agonizando.

Últimos momentos juntos

Selena le dice a TMZ que sus dos hijas, Dareli, de 3 años y Esmi y 19 meses son demasiado jóvenes para entender lo que le pasó a su padre. Pero está contenta de que hayan podido pasar tiempo con él unas semanas antes de su muerte.

TMZ también obtuvo algunas fotos de la familia y videos de su última visita con sus hijos, donde Sean aparece amorosamente interactuando con sus hijos. Selena dice que era "un padre increíble que amaba a sus hijas" y su madre dice que sus hijas eran todo su mundo.

Sean solo tenía 20 años.

Que en paz descanse.

'16 and Pregnant' Star First Look at Sean's Death Site ... To Be Permanent Memorial

Sean Garinger sadly died on his mother's property after an ATV flipped over on him -- and now, his family is marking the space as hallowed ground ... and TMZ has the first look at it.

Check out these photos, obtained by TMZ, that show the patch of ground that caved in as the "16 and Pregnant" star was driving his ATV, causing the off-road vehicle to pin him underneath ... crushing his skull in the process and taking his life before help arrived.

As you can see, there's a mini-landslide on a slope of a hill next to a dirt road ... this is where Sean's mother, Mary Hobbs, says he was parking the ATV to make room for her car when the accident happened. Now, there's a makeshift memorial where Sean died ... with flowers and signs that say, "We Love You Squishy." We're told that was Sean's nickname.

Mary tells us they're planning a permanent memorial here ... which is currently in the works.

His stepdad, Dan Wolfe, is building the memorial -- and he tells TMZ ... there will be a stone wall with a laser engraving of Sean's picture, plus a custom urn made from black cherry wood, laser engraved with Sean's thumbprint, picture, birth date and death date. A garden will also surround the memorial when it's all said and done.

Mary says her son grew up riding ATVs, dirt bikes, four-wheelers, etc. ... and he wasn't doing anything reckless when he died ... it was a freak thing, and an absolute tragedy.

Of course, Sean was on Season 6 of the show with his ex, Selena Gutierrez ... and now -- their two young children will grow up without their father, something Selena is agonizing over.


Selena tells TMZ ... their two daughters, 3-year-old Dareli and 19-month-old Esmi, are too young to understand what happened to their father at the moment ... but she's glad they got to spend time with him a few weeks before he died.

TMZ also obtained some family photos and videos of his last visit with his children ... showing Sean lovingly interacting with his kids. Selena says he was "an amazing father who loved his girls" and his mom says Sean's daughters were his whole world.

Sean was only 20.


Jenelle Evans de "Teen Mom" Publica imágenes de un intento de robo ... Hombre pasea por la propiedad

Jenelle Evans todavía está temblorosa de un intento de robo en su casa que tuvo lugar hace apenas unos días y es fácil entender por qué, pues la peligrosa escena fue capturada en video.

Divagando por la propiedad
TikTok / @jenellelevans

La estrella de "Teen Mom 2" tomó TikTok el sábado para compartir imágenes de vigilancia de su propiedad y le dio a los fans una mirada de primera mano del incidente que recientemente ha estado describiendo.

Jenelle comenzó su video pidiéndole a la gente en las redes sociales que la ayude a identificar a la persona que entró ilegalmente en su propiedad, y que estaba medio caminando sin rumbo alrededor su finca.

Ella comenzó recapituló la situación frente a los fans, antes de mostrar el clip de seguridad, que muestra a un hombre parado en su casa a eso de la 1 AM.

El hombre, que iba vestido con una chaqueta de color naranja brillante, comenzó a golpear la puerta del cuarto de lavado de Jenelle, antes de tirar de una puerta corredera de cristal, de acuerdo con Evans, antes de salir.

Aunque es difícil ver exactamente lo que está pasando, sin duda suena como que el hombre está haciendo algo con un metal, posiblemente una puerta o cerradura. Luego Jenelle dice que saltó hasta su porche delantero y comenzó a gritar la palabra en español para nombrar a la policía.

En lugar de asustar al hombre, parece que Jenelle acaba disuadiéndolo porque comenzó a caminar tranquilamente lejos del cobertizo y le pidió disculpas.

Jenelle dice que está aterrorizada, ya que esta persona no ha sido capturada e incluso afirma que está lidiando con el trastorno de estrés postraumático por el incidente.

La traumática experiencia

Recuerden, Evans nos dijo en un comunicado de su manager que la policía estaba investigando el incidente, pero ella y sus hijos todavía estaban conmocionados. Desde entonces ha revelado poco a poco más detalles sobre el intento de robo, pero esta es la primera vez que comparte imágenes

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Es fácil ver por qué está tan asustada, con este material de archivo muestra que estuvo muy cerca de pasar un gran susto.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Posts Footage From Break-In Attempt ... Man At Ease On Property

Jenelle Evans is still reeling from an attempted break-in that took place just days ago ... and it's easy to see why -- 'cause the scary scene was captured on video.

TikTok / @jenellelevans

The "Teen Mom 2" star took to TikTok on Saturday to share surveillance footage from her property ... giving fans a first-hand look at the incident she's recently been describing.

Jenelle started out her video by asking people on social media to help her identify the person who trespassed on her property, sorta walking aimlessly around the expansive estate.

She began to recap the situation for fans ... before letting the security clip do much of the talking for her -- showing a man walk right up to her house at just after 1 AM.

The man, clad in a bright orange jacket, started banging on Jenelle's laundry room door before pulling a sliding glass door off its hinges, according to Evans -- before walking out to Evans' "she shed" where the video picks back up

Though it's hard to see exactly what's happening, it certainly sounds like the man's rustling with something metal -- possibly a door or lock -- before Jenelle says she hopped out on her front porch and started yelling the Spanish word for police.

Instead of scaring the man, it seems Jenelle just deterred him ... 'cause he starts walking calmly away from the shed -- apologizing but moving at his own pace.

Jenelle says she's terrified since this person hasn't been caught -- and she's even claiming she's dealing with PTSD in the aftermath of the incident.


Remember ... Evans told us in a statement through her manager that the police were looking into the incident, but she and her kids were still shaken up. She's since slowly revealed more details about the break-in attempt -- but this is the first time she's dropped footage.

TMZ Studios

It's easy to see why ... with this footage showing a very close call indeed.

'Jersey Shore' Star Mike Sorrentino My Addiction Situation Was Dire And It's All In My New Book


Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino was addicted to pills for a long time during his heyday -- a dark period he's now shining a light on with his new book.

The "Jersey Shore" star's memoir "Reality Check: Making the Best of the Situation -- How I Overcame Addiction, Loss, and Prison" drops Tuesday, and dives into just about all of Mike's ups and downs during his TV career -- including his battle with drugs.

As it turns out, The Situation was actually hooked on painkillers for years ... much of which overlapped with his time on the hit MTV reality series, up to and including Season 5.

Mike came on 'TMZ Live' Monday to break down the infamous cement self-KO headbutt he did on camera, saying it was actually tied to him going through withdrawals at the time. Seeing how deep into the belly of the beast he was, MS counts himself lucky to be alive.

He also tells us the MTV team came to him often during filming and asked if he needed help -- but, at one point, his addiction got so bad ... he says they gave him an ultimatum, which is detailed in his new book.

We asked Mike what the lowest point for him was during this saga -- and while you might think his prison stint would be in the ballpark of contenders ... he actually says another time he tried a new drug was when he hit rock bottom. As MS explains ... he once tried heroin.

The guy has lived a lot of life, and has been through a lot as well ... thankfully, he's 8 years sober and ready to share his story honestly with fans. Lots to unpack here, no doubt.

Jersey's Finest Rappers Latifah, Treach, Sugarhill Gang + More Legends Rep NJ For 'MTV Unplugged'

New York may be hip hop's birthplace, but New Jersey rappers have plenty of rights to the legacy -- just ask the Garden State All-Stars leading the charge for 'MTV Unplugged's resurrection.

Last month, several Garden State rap pioneers such as Queen Latifah, Wyclef Jean, Redman and Naughty By Nature's Treach, took over the Newark Symphony Hall to celebrate their specific contributions to Hip Hop's 50th anniversary.

Other Jersey-grown talent for the special includes Def Jam's first female act Heather B., Poor Righteous Teachers, Lady Luck, Lords Of The Underground, and "Rapper's Delight" creators The Sugarhill Gang.

Adam Blackstone, the music director who helped Rihanna break Super Bowl numbers back in February, is steering the ship here and is also part of the frat ... he hails from Trenton.

Queen Latifah is one of the co-executive producers for the special, which airs on December 14 on MTV before encoring on BET on Friday and VH1 the following Tuesday.

If that doesn't soothe your NJ fix ... the cast of "Jersey Shore" will also be receiving even more flowers this year with a special cast reunion episode.

'Challenge' Star Nelson Thomas Charged With DWI ... Months After Fiery Car Crash

"The Challenge" star Nelson Thomas has officially been charged with DWI for his near-fatal car crash from earlier this year.

Thomas was hit with the misdemeanor charge at the end of September in Texas, according to docs obtained by TMZ ... and officers said he had "bloodshot, glassy eyes" as he explained to them that another car had swerved in front of him before the crash.

The docs say Thomas told cops he "only had 2-3 mixed alcoholic drinks," but officers claimed Thomas had a "strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath" while being treated for injuries at the hospital.

Cops say a blood test done while at the hospital came back with a BAC of .178 -- which kicked up his charge to Class A misdemeanor.

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As we reported, Minnesota Vikings receiver K.J. Osborn and a few others helped pull Thomas out of the fiery vehicle back in March while driving by in an Uber, likely saving his life. Thomas later thanked K.J. for the heroic assist.

He also shared some pics of himself from the hospital, showing gnarly cuts and burns on his body ... and his GoFundMe was met with a ton of love and cash from fans and fellow reality TV stars like Corey Lay, Mark Long, and Tori Deal.

The Ashley's Reality Roundup first reported the news.

NELSON THOMAS ACUSADO DE CONDUCIR EBRIO Meses después de un accidente de carro

La estrella de "The Challenge", Nelson Thomas, ha sido oficialmente acusado de manejo en estado de ebriedad por su accidente casi fatal de principios de este año.

Thomas fue acusado con el cargo de delito menor a finales de septiembre en Texas, de acuerdo con documentos obtenidos por TMZ. Los oficiales dijeron que tenía "los ojos inyectados en sangre y vidriosos" cuando él les explicó que otro coche se había desviado delante de él antes del accidente.

Los documentos dicen que Thomas le dijo a la policía que "solo había rastro de dos o tres bebidas alcohólicas mezcladas", pero los agentes afirmaron que Thomas tenía un "fuerte olor a alcohol que emanaba de su aliento", mientras era tratado por las lesiones en el hospital.

La policía dice que un análisis de sangre realizado mostró un nivel de alcohol de 0,178, lo que significa que es un delito menor.

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extraído de los escombros

Como informamos, el receptor de los Minnesota Vikings (KJ Osborn) y algunos otros ayudaron a sacar a Thomas del vehículo en llamas en marzo mientras conducía en un Uber, probablemente salvando su vida. Thomas agradeció más tarde a KJ por el acto heróico.

También compartió algunas fotos de sí mismo desde el hospital, mostrando cortes y quemaduras en su cuerpo. Su GoFundMe se reunió con una tonelada de amor y dinero en efectivo de los aficionados y compañeros estrellas de la televisión realidad como Corey Lay, Mark Long, y Tori Deal.

JENELLE EVANS Responds To Husband's Child Abuse Charge ... 'I Do Not Trust Anyone Around Me'

Jenelle Evans says she can't trust anyone in her life, not even her own family, and she's reeling in the wake of her husband being charged with child abuse.

The 'Teen Mom' star just broke her silence on the child abuse charge against David Eason in a case involving her 14-year-old son Jace ... going after police and the folks closest to her.

Jenelle says ... "I do not trust anyone around me ... I have no idea what human being I can trust anymore, not even my own blood."

She continues ... "I'm being fed all these different stories from different people. People trying to get on my good side.. To then betray me over and over."

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Jenelle does not name names in her social media posts ... and she also takes aim at the North Carolina cops who oversaw the child abuse case saying ...



TMZ broke the story ... David was charged with a misdemeanor after Jace ran away from David and Jenelle's home back in September, prompting an investigation. It was the third time Jace had run away from home in about a month's time.

Remember ... Jenelle got custody of Jace from her mother, Barbara, earlier this year and he's David's stepson.

For his part, David's remained mum on the incident ... but now Janelle's speaking out.

JENELLE EVANS Responde A La Acusación De Abuso De Menores De Su Marido NO CONFIO EN NADIE A MI ALREDEDOR

Jenelle Evans dice que no puede confiar en nadie, ni siquiera en su propia familia, y se siente terrible a raíz de su marido siendo acusado de abuso infantil.

La estrella de "Teen Mom" acaba de romper su silencio sobre la acusación de abuso infantil contra David Eason en un caso que involucra a su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice: "No confío en nadie a mi alrededor. Ya no puedo confiar en ningún ser humano, ni siquiera en mi propia sangre".

Ella continúa: Es como si pasara siempre lo mismo. Gente tratando de ponerse de mi lado, para luego traicionarme una y otra vez".

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lidiando con los haters

Jenelle no da nombres en sus mensajes por redes sociales, y apunta a los policías de Carolina del Norte que supervisaron el caso de abuso infantil diciendo:



TMZ publicó la historia, David fue acusado de un delito menor cuando Jace escapó de su casa (y la de jenelle) en septiembre, lo que provocó una investigación. Era la tercera vez que Jace se escapaba de casa en el lapso de un mes.

Recordemos que Jenelle obtuvo la custodia de Jace de su madre, Barbara, a principios de este año y él es hijastro de David.

Por su parte, David ha guardado silencio sobre el incidente, pero Janelle comenzó a hablar.

Jenelle Evans Husband Charged with Child Abuse In Case Involving 14-Year-Old Son

Jenelle Evans' husband, David Eason, has been charged with child abuse in a case involving Jenelle's 14-year-old son, Jace.

We don't yet know the circumstances surrounding David's charges, but we do know the investigation was opened up after Jace ran away from home. The charge is a misdemeanor.

TMZ broke the story, Jace snuck out a window at David and Jenelle's home back in September ... running off into the woods and prompting a police response. Once he was located, cops started diving into the case as possible neglect as it was the third time Jace had run away in about a month's time.

While it's unclear exactly what happened, we're told there's video of an assault involving Jace ... and both cops and child protective services had the video in their possession.

Our law enforcement sources tell us while Jenelle hasn't yet been charged, there's a possibility she could eventually face charges as well. Jace is David's stepson.

It was earlier this year when Jenelle got custody of Jace from her mother, Barbara, who had cared for him from a young age as Jenelle was deemed an unfit parent.

You might remember the incident from 2019 when Eason shot and killed the family dog after it allegedly bit their young daughter in the face ... Eason was not charged for that incident.

We've reached out to a rep for Jenelle and David ... so far, no word back.

JENELLE EVANS Su marido es acusado de maltrato infantil en un caso relacionado con su hijo de 14 años

El marido de Jenelle Evans, David Eason, ha sido acusado de maltrato infantil en un caso que involucra al hijo de Jenelle, Jace, de 14 años.

Todavía no conocemos las circunstancias que rodean las acusaciones, pero sí sabemos que la investigación se abrió después de que Jace se escapara de casa.

El cargo corresponde a un delito menor.

TMZ publicó la historia, Jace se escabulló por una ventana en la casa de David y Jenelle en septiembre para huir hacia el bosque, lo que provocó una respuesta de la policía. Una vez que fue localizado, los oficiales comenzaron a bucear en el caso como posible negligencia, ya que esta era la tercera vez que Jace se escapaba en un mes aproximadamente.

Si bien no está claro qué pasó exactamente, nos dicen que hay un video de un violento altercado que implica a Jace y que está en manos de ambos policías y de los servicios de protección de menores.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Jenelle no ha sido acusada, pero existe la posibilidad de que eventualmente pueda enfrentar cargos. Jace es el hijastro de David.

Jenelle consiguió la custodia de Jace a principios de este año, de manos de su madre, Barbara, quien lo cuidó desde pequeño, cuando Jenelle fue considerada una madre no apta.

Es posible que recuerden el incidente de 2019 cuando Eason disparó y mató al perro de la familia después de que supuestamente mordiera a su pequeña hija en la cara. Eason no fue acusado por ese incidente.

Nos hemos comunicado con un representante de Jenelle y David, pero hasta ahora no hemos recibido respuesta.

Jenelle Evans & David Eason Gun Show w/ Kids ... Amid Possible Charges

Jenelle Evans and David Eason are possibly on the verge of being charged with child neglect -- and amid that scary reality ... here they are taking the family to a gun show.

The 'Teen Mom' star was spotted Sunday with her husband and two children hitting up an event in Wilmington, NC -- where firearms, knives and other weaponry were out on tables and up for grabs for gun enthusiasts ... the perfect place to bring your little ones.


Eyewitnesses tell us David was hanging with Jenelle's 9-year-old son, Kaiser, while she stayed near her and DE's 6-year-old daughter Ensley. The boys checked out a number of items -- knives, holsters and rifle scopes. As far as what they actually picked up -- we're told David appear to purchase a bullet-proof vest for himself, and a wooden battle ax for Kaiser.

Jenelle and Ensley were only there briefly, leaving about 20 minutes into the shopping spree -- the other child in their custody at the moment, 14-year-old Jace, was nowhere to be seen.

Jace's repeated runaway attempts have been at the center of a probe there -- where law enforcement officials are considering bringing charges against either Jenelle, David or both. In addition to Jace constantly fleeing the home, we've heard there've also been abuse claims.

As we reported ... the investigation is in the final stages, and our sources tell us criminal charges are likely. We've reached out to Jenelle and David -- but haven't heard back.

While they haven't responded to us ... Dave has telegraphed that everything's fine in the household -- recently posting a bunch of photos of him and Jace, and saying no one understands their relationship, suggesting they're close.


If that was the case, you'd figure Jace might've tagged along for this outing -- but he didn't.