Kathy Bates Ready For My Close-Up, Kim ... Put Me in a Skims Ad!!!

Kathy Bates is ready to slide into some stylish shapewear -- saying she'd be happy to star in a campaign for SKIMS ... all Kim Kardashian has to do is make the call!

The actress attended the CBS Fall Schedule Celebration in L.A. Thursday and chatted with People about Kim's turn on "American Horror Story" ... providing a unique perspective since Bates regularly pops up in the anthology series, although she's not in KK's season.

Kathy admits she hasn't watched Kim in 'AHS' yet ... but, the two apparently have a rapport -- 'cause Kathy says Kim sent her SKIMS a few years back and apparently told her she'd put her in an an ad one day. Welp, Kathy's ready to take her up on it, saying she's still waiting!

Rachel Zegler Rings in 23rd Birthday Ominously The 'Hardest Year of My Life'

Rachel Zegler just hit the big 2-3 this week -- and while she's looking forward to a new year of life, she notes age 22 was brutal for her ... and a big reason seems to be 'Snow White.'

The actress posted some telling messages to her Instagram Story Thursday night -- which show her posing in a couple different dresses (with the top of her head cropped out) and lengthy captions attached that touch on how rough this past year has been for her.

She writes, "I hope 23 holds a lot less hatred, a lot less being afraid for my safety in public, and a lot more understanding for growing up."

Rachel Zegler Cumple 23 años, ansiosa por dejar atrás el pasado El año más difícil de mi vida

Rachel Zegler acaba de cumplir 23 años y aunque está ansiosa por empezar un nuevo año, dijo que los 22 años fueron brutales para ella y "Blancanieves" parece ser un gran motivo.

La actriz publicó unos reveladores mensajes en sus Instagram Story el jueves por la noche, donde aparece posando en diferentes vestidos, sin mostrar su rostro, y compartió extensos comentarios que abordan lo duro que fue este último año para ella.

Rachel escribe: "Espero que los 23 tengan mucho menos odio, mucho menos miedo por mi seguridad en público y mucha más comprensión de lo que es crecer".

Guionista de "Volver Al Futuro" Lo del viajero en el tiempo es mentira... Marty nunca envejeció!!!

El hombre que escribió "Volver al Futuro" dice que es un engaño el video de un hombre que afirma haber capturado a un viajero en el tiempo en la vida real, y todo se reduce a la logística de romper el espacio-tiempo continuo.

Bob Gale, quien escribió los guiones de la trilogía de los 80, dice a TMZ que es hora de frenar la teoría de Alec Schaal de que atrapó a un tipo que habría viajado en el tiempo luego de entrar en su cobertizo y supuestamente haber salido mucho más viejo.

¿se confirma lo del viaje en el tiempo?
TikTok / @alecschaal

En su opinión como experto, su lógica simplemente no tiene sentido con los viajes en el tiempo reales, algo con lo que está familiarizado.

'Back to the Future' Writer Calls BS on TikTok 'Time Traveler' ... Marty Never Aged, Y'all!!!

The guy who wrote "Back to the Future" calls BS on a video claiming to have captured a real-life time traveler ... and it boils down to the logistics of breaking the space-time continuum.

Bob Gale -- who penned the scripts to the beloved '80s trilogy -- tells TMZ ... it's time to slam on the DeLorean brakes on Alec Schaal's theory that he caught a dude who actually time-traveled by popping into his shed ... and supposedly emerged way older.

TikTok / @alecschaal

In his (movie) expert opinion ... the logic simply doesn't add up to real time travel, as he's familiar with it, which is why he thinks this whole damn thing is a hoax.

John Leguizamo Patrick Swayze "no podía seguir el ritmo"... En "To Wong Foo"

No podía seguir el ritmo
Radio Andy / SiriusXM

John Leguizamo se puso a hablar un poquito mal de los muertos, luego de etiquetar al fallecido Patrick Swayze de inseguro durante el rodaje de una película de los años 90, entre otras descripciones.

El actor habló con Andy Cohen en su programa de radio SiriusXM esta semana y se pusieron a discutir de la comedia de 1995, "To Wong Foo", en la que Pat, John y Wesley Snipes compartieron la atención en cámara encarnando a tres drag queens.

Andy le dijo a John que solo había oído maravillas de Patrick, pero cuando John dudó en responder, se metieron en el chisme y le dijo que tenían opiniones muy distintas en el set.

John Leguizamo Patrick Swayze 'Couldn't Keep Up' On 'To Wong Foo' Movie

couldn't keep up
Radio Andy / SiriusXM

John Leguizamo is kinda speaking ill of the dead -- labeling the late Patrick Swayze as insecure while shooting a movie in the '90s ... with some other descriptions to boot.

The actor was talking to Andy Cohen on his SiriusXM radio show this week -- and they started discussing JL's '95 comedy 'To Wong Foo' ... in which Pat, John and Wesley Snipes portrayed drag queens and shared the spotlight together on camera.

Andy tells John he'd only heard wonderful things about Patrick -- but when John hesitates to confirm that ... they get into a little gossip, with John describing them butting heads on set.

Kate Beckinsale Luce radiante en evento de NYC ... Tras misterioso susto de salud

Kate Beckinsale regresó a los focos el jueves para un elegante evento de Nueva Yotk, después de un duro año luchando contra unos problemas médicos.

La actriz se veía como de un millón de dólares en su vestido blanco mientras se paseaba por la alfombra roja ante un montón de fotógrafos en la primera gala anual de King's Trust Global en la Casa Cipriani de Manhattan.

De vuelta a la alfombra roja

Echa un vistazo a los videos y fotos, Kate estaba en excelente forma, girando y sonriéndole a las cámaras en su magnífico vestido, que exponía partes de su tonificado cuerpo. Para rematar, Kate lucía joyas y llevaba el pelo recogido como una auténtica estrella.

Ryan Reynolds encuentra un nuevo negocio en la ropa deportiva

Ryan Reynolds está doblando su inversión en el mundo del deporte, y es en gran parte debido a los fans de sus 2 mayores franquicias... TMZ ha indagado.

La firma del actor -Maximum Effort- anunció el jueves que está gastando a lo grande para convertirse en uno de los principales inversores en Homage, una empresa de ropa deportiva con una especialidad en atuendos de estilo vintage.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el actor está encantado con la nueva adición a su cartera debido a sus experiencias con el club de fútbol Inglés y las películas de "Deadpool".

KATE BECKINSALE Looks Ravishing At NYC Event ... After Mystery Medical Scare

Kate Beckinsale returned to the spotlight Thursday after a tough year battling medical issues, hitting the red carpet for a swanky NYC event.

The actress looked like a million bucks in her sexy white gown as she strolled out before a bunch of shutterbugs at the first annual King's Trust Global Gala at Casa Cipriani in Manhattan.


Check out the videos/pics ... Kate was in rare form, turning and smiling for the cameras in her magnificent dress that exposed portions of her slim, yet toned body. To top things off, Kate was dripping in jewelry and her hair was done up like a true starlet!

Supuesto "viajero en el tiempo" Hombre se cuela en su cobertizo... ¿Sale más viejo?

¿Viaje en el tiempo confirmado?
TikTok / @alecschaal

Un hombre afirma haber capturado a un Marty McFly en la vida real en su Airbnb de Florida, con un video que sin duda parece sugerir que el viaje en el tiempo es real. Esto, si te crees que toda esta historia es real, por supuesto.

Un tipo llamado Alec Schaal publicó una serie de videos esta semana que tiene a todos hipnotizados y perplejos en Internet porque muestra a un tipo al parecer escondiéndose en su propiedad, en un cobertizo, y saliendo un día más tarde viéndose muy, muy diferente.

Con eso, queremos decir que el hombre se supone que es un "viajero en el tiempo" que habría emergido varios años mayor.

Ryan Reynolds Fans Inspired New Biz Opportunity!!!

Ryan Reynolds is doubling down on his investment in the sports world, and it's in large part due to fans of his 2 biggest franchises ... TMZ has learned.

The actor's investment firm, Maximum Effort, announced Thursday it's spending big to become one of the leading investors in Homage, a sports apparel company with a specialty in vintage-style getups.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us ... RR is thrilled about the new addition to his portfolio because of his experiences with his English soccer club and the 'Deadpool' movies.

Alleged 'Time Traveler' FL Man Sneaks Into Shed Comes Out Way Older Day Later?!?

TikTok / @alecschaal

One guy claims to have captured a real-life Marty McFly on camera at his Florida Airbnb -- posting a video that certainly seems to suggest time travel is real ... if you buy this, that is.

A dude named Alec Schaal posted a series of videos this week that has the internet equally mesmerized and stumped -- because it shows what appears to be a dude sneaking onto his property, going into a shed ... and coming out a day later looking way different.

By that, we mean the man purported to be a "time traveler" emerges several years older.

Ryan Gosling I'm Passing on 'Dark Roles' Nowadays ... Gotta Protect My Family!!!

Ryan Gosling is staying away from heavy material when it comes to acting these days -- and the reason is simple ... he's got a family now, and doesn't wanna be a drag around them.

The actor talked to The Wall Street Journal about this -- explaining that he's simply not taking certain roles that he feels are too dark or psychologically screwy ... because accepting that kind of work will ultimately have an impact at home, with Eva Mendes and their kids.

RG says he considers what sorts of parts/movies will be good for the whole fam -- and he'll dive into stuff that he thinks will help him bond with his partner and their two daughters.

Anya Taylor-Joy A Few Pointers for Fashionistas ... Look, But Don't Touch!!!

Anya Taylor-Joy embodied the not-so-distant future at an event for her new flick ... leaving little to the imagination -- while also telegraphing to the world, keep your paws off!

The actress pulled up to the Australian premiere of "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" -- the upcoming series prequel -- Thursday in Sydney ... and she was rocking post-apocalyptic chic, definitely pulling off the look with some flair to spare.

Anya's got a metal/gold aesthetic here, stitched together so loosely her backside's totally showing through. More importantly, she's got a helluva lot of spikes all over the getup.

'The Fall Guy' Ryan Gosling Movie Blasted By Fans ... Depp/Heard DV Not Funny!!!

Ryan Gosling's new action flick is stirring up controversy ... 'cause fans are pissed about a throwaway line in the final film -- and, it's all about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.

"The Fall Guy" -- which is out Friday, but seems to have been viewed by some via advanced screenings -- contains a joke at one point about the volatile former couple, specifically focused on their knockdown/drag-out fights from when they were still together.

In the flick, Emily Blunt and "Ted Lasso" star Hannah Waddingham -- playing a director and movie producer -- reportedly walk into a totally wrecked star's trailer ... when Waddingham quips, "It’s like Amber and Johnny were just in here."