TMZ TV Hot Takes Joe Biden's Suicidal Thoughts ... Emma Stone, Xavier Worthy

The end of another hectic week, but -- before you hit the town Saturday -- check out some of our best clips from the week.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live," Harvey and Charles discuss President Joe Biden's Howard Stern interview ... where he reveals he contemplated suicide after his first wife's tragic death.


O.J. Simpson's Bank of America credit card has been auctioned off just over 2 weeks after his death.

The business account card, which expired in 2023, fetched $10,675 at Goldin Auctions ... making the seller quite the profit after he purchased it on eBay for only $70.

Jonathan Lepore told us he'd initially planned to gift the card to his pal's dad, who apparently used to hang out with O.J. and Nicole Brown Simpson in the Hamptons during the '80s and early '90s.

"The Pickup" de Eddie Murphy Toma área muestra un complejo accidente... 8 miembros del equipo fueron hospitalizados!!!

Dramáticas imágenes de un dron muestran el lamentable accidente que ocurrió en el set de la nueva película de Eddie Murphy, el que dejó a 8 miembros de su equipo hospitalizados y el registro revela lo feo que fue el incidente.

En este nuevo ángulo obtenido por TMZ se puede ver a un camión blindado deteniéndose junto a un coche, lo que era parte de una escena que estaban rodando el pasado fin de semana en Atlanta, donde se está llevando a cabo el rodaje de "The Pickup", de Eddie. Los otros actores no estaban en el set ese día y, por ende, no estuvieron involucrados.

Algo salió mal...

El equipo a cargo de filmar esta complicada escena contaba con un montón de profesionales y miembros del equipo. Ocho de ellos resultaron heridos y uno permanece hospitalizado con una lesión en la espalda, según informa el NYT.

Eddie Murphy's 'The Pickup' AERIAL VIEW SHOWS Gnarly CRASH ... 8 from Crew Hospitalized!!!

Dramatic drone footage of a stunt-gone-wrong on the set of Eddie Murphy's new movie -- which left 8 crew members hospitalized -- shows an ugly crash ... and it's all on video.

In this new angle -- obtained by TMZ -- you can see an armored truck pulling up alongside a car that's part of a scene they were shooting last weekend down in Atlanta -- where Eddie's "The Pickup" is currently filming. Eddie and the other actors were not on set that day ... and not involved.


This was the team filming a stunt for the movie with a bunch of professionals and crew members -- and while eight people were hurt ... one remains hospitalized with a back injury, per NYT.

Ryan Reynolds Devastated by Crew Member's Death ... 'D&W' Team Rocked


2:35 PM PT -- Ryan just addressed Ray's passing himself, writing ... "RIP Ray Chan. Words are pretty inadequate in comparison to this loss."

He adds, "There's an incomparable reservoir of skill, tender grit and talent no longer with us. As Production Designer, he was as important a creative force on Deadpool & Wolverine as the writers, director and stars. I don't pretend to know every chapter of Ray's heart, but I know it's unusual to encounter someone with that level of artistry, who simultaneously moved through the world with such an indelible humanity."

Ryan says he last saw Ray 2 weeks ago, and the two of them shared a lot of playful banter. Sounds like RR was able to share fond memories with the guy -- something Ryan cherishes.

Emma Stone Al diablo con mi famoso nombre... Llámenme Emily

Todos conocen a Emma Stone por su nombre, pero la famosa actriz ahora quiere cambiarlo por un toque más formal.

En una entrevista con The Hollywood Reporter esta semana, Stone dijo que está harta de que la llamen Emma después de todos estos años y quiere que se refieran a ella por su verdadero nombre, Emily.

Stone explicó que originalmente se decidió por Emma Stone porque otra actriz de SAG-AFTRA ya había agarrado Emily Stone.

ROSE MCGOWAN Speaks Out on Weinstein ... They Will Never Overturn Us!!!

Rose McGowan is slamming the fact Harvey Weinstein's NYC rape conviction was overturned ... and she's got an empowering message for all of his alleged victims.

The actress posted a video Thursday in response to the Weinstein news -- with a caption reading, "They will never overturn who we are. Blessings to all who gave their all." The actual clip itself is just robust ... RMG says they might've overturned the conviction, but the survivors can never be erased.


She gives kudos to everyone fighting the good fight -- noting how proud she is of how far they've come ... and what they know to be true in their fight against "evil."

Emma Stone Scrub My Famous First Name ... Just Call Me Emily

Everyone knows Emma Stone by name, but now the famous actress wants to change it up with a more formal twist.

In an interview with "The Hollywood Reporter" this week, Stone said she's over being called Emma after all these years – and wants to be referred to by her real name, Emily.

Stone explained that she originally settled on Emma Stone because another SAG-AFTRA actress had already snagged Emily Stone.

TMZ TV Hot Takes Neil Tennant Blasts Taylor Swift ... Harvey Weinstein, Reggie Bush

Almost the end of the week, and TMZ's got more hot takes for ya. Take a look at the best from a controversial Thursday.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live" Harvey and Charles address the controversial comments Neil Tennant of Pet Shop Boys fame made about Taylor Swift.

Harvey Weinstein Festejos y lágrimas Tras la anulación de su condena por violación

La condena por violación de Harvey Weinstein en Nueva York ha sido anulada y la decisión lo hizo emocionarse mientras se encuentra cumpliendo su tiempo en prisión.

La representante de Weinstein Juda Engelmayer le dice a TMZ que charló con su cliente dos veces hoy y está muy contento por el fallo de la Corte de Apelaciones el jueves, el que determinó que sus derechos constitucionales fueron violados en 2020 durante su juicio.

Sin embargo, Juda dice que el magnate del cine que actualmente se encuentra en una prisión del norte del estado de Nueva York, solo está cautelosamente optimista por el fallo del tribunal y sabe que tiene un camino difícil por delante, sobre todo porque queda por ver si va a ser procesado nuevamente y cuándo.

HARVEY WEINSTEIN CHEERS & TEARS After Rape Conviction Overturned

Harvey Weinstein's NYC rape conviction getting overturned has him so elated it's reduced him to tears as he sits in prison.

Weinstein's rep Juda Engelmayer tells TMZ he chatted with his client twice today, and Harvey's over the moon about the news of the Court of Appeals ruling Thursday ... which determined his constitutional rights were violated back in 2020 during the trial.

However, Juda says the disgraced movie mogul -- currently incarcerated in an upstate NY State prison -- is only cautiously optimistic about the court's ruling, and knows he has a difficult road ahead of him, especially since it remains to be seen if and when he'll be prosecuted again.

Tiffany Haddish He tenido ocho abortos espontáneos... Debido a la endometriosis

Tiffany Haddish dice que ha tenido un montón de problemas con los embarazos en los últimos años y todo se debe a sus luchas con la endometriosis.

La comediante compartió su experiencia en una nueva entrevista con People, la que también detalla en su nuevo libro de memorias "I Curse You With Joy", que sale en menos de dos semanas, y revela que ha sufrido ocho abortos involuntarios.

Tiffany ha compartido previamente sus problemas de fertilidad, pero ahora nos estamos haciendo una mejor idea de ello, ya que resulta que tiene endometriosis, una condición donde el tejido crece fuera del útero y puede afectar la capacidad para concebir.

Johnny Depp Director Maïwenn Backtracks ... Johnny Isn't Scary!!!

French director Maïwenn is walking back her claim Johnny Depp "scared" her crew on the set of "Jeanne du Barry" ... saying she was misunderstood.

Maïwenn hit back at The Independent after its headline suggested the actor was a terror while shooting her French period drama. She clarified to Variety that she was referring to JD's star power when referring to the crew being scared of the Oscar nominee.

She defended her initial statement, saying, "[I] was shocked when I discovered that the newspaper had headlined that ‘The crew were afraid of [Johnny Depp]’ because written like that, and without its context and subtleties, it absolutely no longer means the same thing. The journalist did not want to grasp the subtlety of my words."

Tiffany Haddish I've Had Eight Miscarriages ... Due to Endometriosis

Tiffany Haddish says she's had a lot of trouble with pregnancies over the years ... and it's all due to an ongoing battle with endometriosis.

The comedian shared her struggles in a new interview with People ... which she also details in her new memoir, "I Curse You With Joy," which drops in less than 2 weeks. One of the big takeaways in the book is that Tiffany says she's suffered eight miscarriages.

Tiffany has previously shared her fertility struggles, but now we're getting more of a sense of why -- as it turns out, she deals with endometriosis ... which means tissue grows outside the uterus, which can affect a woman's ability to conceive.

Chris Pine Letting the Blond Locks Flow ... Wiggin' Out at 'Poolman' Premiere???

Chris Pine's got the California surfer look down ... a style he seemingly raided from the set of his new movie "Poolman," and seems comfortable keeping long after filming.

The actor-director pulled up to the L.A. premiere of his new flick Wednesday night ... and, fans who haven't seen CP recently should cut themselves some slack if they didn't recognize him -- 'cause he's way hairier than we're used to seeing him look.

Check out the pics ... Pine's wearing a novelty t-shirt under a sandy blazer and jorts -- while a bushy gray beard and blond hair down to his chest make him look far less buttoned-up than we've seen in the past.

Dermot Mulroney No consiguió trabajo por 1 año tras la "La boda de mi mejor amigo"

Dermot Mulroney dice que tuvo un año duro tras "La boda de mi mejor amigo" y está culpando a la campaña de marketing de la película y su diminuta aparición en el póster.

El actor le dijo al New York Times que no consiguió ningún trabajo por aproximadamente un año luego de actuar en la icónica comedia romántica de los años 90 junto a Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz y Rupert Everett, y atribuye esto al hecho de que fue minimizado en el cartel de la película que circuló por ese entonces.

Dijo: "Yo estaba sentado allí listo para recibir los regalos que se suponía que vendrían junto con estar en una película popular y, en lugar de eso, probablemente no trabajé por un año".