Emma Stone Scrub My Famous First Name ... Just Call Me Emily

Everyone knows Emma Stone by name, but now the famous actress wants to change it up with a more formal twist.

In an interview with "The Hollywood Reporter" this week, Stone said she's over being called Emma after all these years – and wants to be referred to by her real name, Emily.

Stone explained that she originally settled on Emma Stone because another SAG-AFTRA actress had already snagged Emily Stone.

TMZ TV Hot Takes Neil Tennant Blasts Taylor Swift ... Harvey Weinstein, Reggie Bush

Almost the end of the week, and TMZ's got more hot takes for ya. Take a look at the best from a controversial Thursday.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live" Harvey and Charles address the controversial comments Neil Tennant of Pet Shop Boys fame made about Taylor Swift.

Harvey Weinstein Festejos y lágrimas Tras la anulación de su condena por violación

La condena por violación de Harvey Weinstein en Nueva York ha sido anulada y la decisión lo hizo emocionarse mientras se encuentra cumpliendo su tiempo en prisión.

La representante de Weinstein Juda Engelmayer le dice a TMZ que charló con su cliente dos veces hoy y está muy contento por el fallo de la Corte de Apelaciones el jueves, el que determinó que sus derechos constitucionales fueron violados en 2020 durante su juicio.

Sin embargo, Juda dice que el magnate del cine que actualmente se encuentra en una prisión del norte del estado de Nueva York, solo está cautelosamente optimista por el fallo del tribunal y sabe que tiene un camino difícil por delante, sobre todo porque queda por ver si va a ser procesado nuevamente y cuándo.

HARVEY WEINSTEIN CHEERS & TEARS After Rape Conviction Overturned

Harvey Weinstein's NYC rape conviction getting overturned has him so elated it's reduced him to tears as he sits in prison.

Weinstein's rep Juda Engelmayer tells TMZ he chatted with his client twice today, and Harvey's over the moon about the news of the Court of Appeals ruling Thursday ... which determined his constitutional rights were violated back in 2020 during the trial.

However, Juda says the disgraced movie mogul -- currently incarcerated in an upstate NY State prison -- is only cautiously optimistic about the court's ruling, and knows he has a difficult road ahead of him, especially since it remains to be seen if and when he'll be prosecuted again.

Tiffany Haddish He tenido ocho abortos espontáneos... Debido a la endometriosis

Tiffany Haddish dice que ha tenido un montón de problemas con los embarazos en los últimos años y todo se debe a sus luchas con la endometriosis.

La comediante compartió su experiencia en una nueva entrevista con People, la que también detalla en su nuevo libro de memorias "I Curse You With Joy", que sale en menos de dos semanas, y revela que ha sufrido ocho abortos involuntarios.

Tiffany ha compartido previamente sus problemas de fertilidad, pero ahora nos estamos haciendo una mejor idea de ello, ya que resulta que tiene endometriosis, una condición donde el tejido crece fuera del útero y puede afectar la capacidad para concebir.

Johnny Depp Director Maïwenn Backtracks ... Johnny Isn't Scary!!!

French director Maïwenn is walking back her claim Johnny Depp "scared" her crew on the set of "Jeanne du Barry" ... saying she was misunderstood.

Maïwenn hit back at The Independent after its headline suggested the actor was a terror while shooting her French period drama. She clarified to Variety that she was referring to JD's star power when referring to the crew being scared of the Oscar nominee.

She defended her initial statement, saying, "[I] was shocked when I discovered that the newspaper had headlined that ‘The crew were afraid of [Johnny Depp]’ because written like that, and without its context and subtleties, it absolutely no longer means the same thing. The journalist did not want to grasp the subtlety of my words."

Tiffany Haddish I've Had Eight Miscarriages ... Due to Endometriosis

Tiffany Haddish says she's had a lot of trouble with pregnancies over the years ... and it's all due to an ongoing battle with endometriosis.

The comedian shared her struggles in a new interview with People ... which she also details in her new memoir, "I Curse You With Joy," which drops in less than 2 weeks. One of the big takeaways in the book is that Tiffany says she's suffered eight miscarriages.

Tiffany has previously shared her fertility struggles, but now we're getting more of a sense of why -- as it turns out, she deals with endometriosis ... which means tissue grows outside the uterus, which can affect a woman's ability to conceive.

Chris Pine Letting the Blond Locks Flow ... Wiggin' Out at 'Poolman' Premiere???

Chris Pine's got the California surfer look down ... a style he seemingly raided from the set of his new movie "Poolman," and seems comfortable keeping long after filming.

The actor-director pulled up to the L.A. premiere of his new flick Wednesday night ... and, fans who haven't seen CP recently should cut themselves some slack if they didn't recognize him -- 'cause he's way hairier than we're used to seeing him look.

Check out the pics ... Pine's wearing a novelty t-shirt under a sandy blazer and jorts -- while a bushy gray beard and blond hair down to his chest make him look far less buttoned-up than we've seen in the past.

Dermot Mulroney No consiguió trabajo por 1 año tras la "La boda de mi mejor amigo"

Dermot Mulroney dice que tuvo un año duro tras "La boda de mi mejor amigo" y está culpando a la campaña de marketing de la película y su diminuta aparición en el póster.

El actor le dijo al New York Times que no consiguió ningún trabajo por aproximadamente un año luego de actuar en la icónica comedia romántica de los años 90 junto a Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz y Rupert Everett, y atribuye esto al hecho de que fue minimizado en el cartel de la película que circuló por ese entonces.

Dijo: "Yo estaba sentado allí listo para recibir los regalos que se suponía que vendrían junto con estar en una película popular y, en lugar de eso, probablemente no trabajé por un año".


Dermot Mulroney says he had a one-year acting dry spell post-"My Best Friend's Wedding" -- and he's blaming the movie's marketing campaign ... and his teeny-tiny placement.

The actor told the New York Times that he didn't get any work for about a year after acting in the iconic '90s rom-com opposite Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, and Rupert Everett -- and he attributes this to the fact he was downplayed in the actual movie poster that went around.

He says, "I was sitting there ready for the gift with purchase that was supposed to come along with being in a popular movie, and instead, I probably didn't work for a year."

Harvey Weinstein NY Rape Conviction Overturned ... Got Unfair Shake at Trial


7:28 AM PT -- A rep for the Manhattan D.A.'s Office tells TMZ ... "We will do everything in our power to retry this case, and remain steadfast in our commitment to survivors of sexual assault."

Harvey Weinstein's New York rape conviction just got overturned in the appeals court -- and a new trial has been ordered ... although it remains to be seen if he'll be prosecuted again.

The 4-3 ruling came down Thursday ... with the majority of judges agreeing that the disgraced movie producer's constitutional rights were violated back in 2020 when this case was first going down. According to them, prosecutors allowed other women to testify who weren't pertinent to the charges he was facing.

Harvey Weinstein Condena por violación es anulada en NY ... Recibió un trato injusto en el juicio


7:28 AM PT - Un representante de la Oficina del Fiscal de Manhattan le dice a TMZ: "Haremos todo lo posible para volver a juzgar este caso y permanecer firmes en nuestro compromiso con las sobrevivientes de abuso sexual".

La condena por violación de Harvey Weinstein en Nueva York acaba de ser anulada en el tribunal de apelaciones y se ha ordenado un nuevo juicio, aunque está por verse si va a ser procesado nuevamente o no.

La mayoría de los jueces coincidieron en que los derechos constitucionales del productor de cine fueron violados en 2020, cuando se inició el caso. Según ellos, los fiscales permitieron que declararan otras mujeres que no eran pertinentes a los cargos que enfrentaba.

En última instancia, decidieron que terminó siendo juzgado por otros casos relacionados con su presunto comportamiento en el pasado y no por los delitos específicos de los que había sido acusado. Como resultado, el Tribunal de Apelaciones de Nueva York consideró que Weinstein merece un jurado completamente nuevo para ser juzgado.

Emma Stone I Didn't Call Jimmy Kimmel a Prick!!! Wasn't Upset at the Oscars

Emma Stone is shutting down the notion she was pissed off at Jimmy Kimmel when he cracked a joke about her movie, "Poor Things," while hosting the Oscars this year.

Remember, Emma went viral during the Academy Awards as she seemingly called Jimmy a "prick" after he poked fun at "Poor Things" for all its sex scenes. The camera caught her mouthing something immediately after Jimmy's shot -- however, Emma's now telling The Hollywood Reporter she didn't have any beef.

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the viral moment

She said ... "I didn’t call him a prick. I wasn’t upset with him at all. I’ll have to look that up."

Emma Stone ASEGURA QUE NO LLAMÓ IDIOTA A KIMMEL "No estaba enojada en los Oscar"

Emma Stone ha desmentido la idea de que se enfadó con Jimmy Kimmel cuando hizo un chiste sobre su película, "Poor Things", mientras presentaba los Oscar de este año.

Recordemos que Emma se hizo viral durante la gala de los Oscars cuando llamó "idiota" a Jimmy después de que este se burlara de "Poor Things" por todas las escenas de sexo. La cámara la captó diciendo algo inmediatamente después del disparo de Jimmy, sin embargo, Emma ahora le dice a The Hollywood Reporter que no tenía ninguna queja.

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el momento clave

Ella dijo: "Yo no lo llamé idiota. No estaba molesta con él en absoluto".

OWEN WILSON rechazó el papel en la película que presenta a O.J. Simpson como inocente

Owen Wilson no quiso tener nada que ver con una película que se inclina por la idea de que O. J. Simpson era inocente de los infames asesinatos del 94, rechazando una gran cantidad de dinero por el papel principal.

El director de la película parcialmente terminada -Joshua Newton- admite que pensó que Owen era perfecto para el papel del abogado Douglas McCann, pero dice que incluso ofreciéndole un cheque de $12 millones no pudo convencer a Owen a firmar.

Newton le dice a Rambling Reporter que las conversaciones inicialmente fueron bastante profundas con Owen sobre el papel de McCann, un abogado de la vida real que fue vinculado a varias teorías de conspiración durante el juicio penal de Simpson en 1995.


Owen Wilson wants nothing to do with a movie leaning into the idea O.J. Simpson was innocent of the infamous '94 murders -- turning down a boatload for the lead part.

The partially finished flick's director, Joshua Newton, admits he thought Owen was perfect for the role of attorney Douglas McCann, but he says even dangling a whopping $12 million check couldn't sway Owen to sign on the dotted line.

Newton tells Rambling Reporter talks initially went pretty deep with Owen about playing McCann ... a real-life attorney who got sucked into various conspiracy theories during Simpson's 1995 criminal trial.