Leonardo DiCaprio y su novia -Vittoria Ceretti- no están comprometidos a pesar de las grandes especulaciones después de que ella luciera un anillo en ESE dedo, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Leo no le ha hecho la pregunta a la modelo italiana, a pesar de que muchos asumieron que era el caso después de que ella luciera un anillo en su dedo anular mientras almorzaban en un restaurante de Los Ángeles el martes.

Mientras que la joya podría haber parecido bastante reciente para algunos, nuestras fuentes dicen que Vittoria en realidad ha estado usando el anillo desde al menos 2022, mucho antes de comenzar a salir con Leo.

Jussie Smollett Aprueban su apelación Será escuchado por el Tribunal Supremo de Illinois

Jussie Smollett tendrá su día en los tribunales por la apelación de su condena penal, de hecho, podrá presentar su caso frente a la mayor corte de Illinois.

El actor se acaba de anotar una gran victoria porque el Tribunal Supremo de Illinois notificó que están abiertos a escuchar su caso. En otras palabras, su apelación ante el Tribunal Supremo del Estado fue aprobada y los jueces del tribunal juzgarán sobre esta saga de una vez por todas.

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Registro audiovisual

Recuerden, Jussie ha estado apelando su condena desde el 2021, cuando un jurado lo declaró culpable por mentirle a la policía sobre un crimen de odio del que habría sido víctima.


Leonardo DiCaprio and his girlfriend, Vittoria Ceretti, are not engaged despite major speculation after she was rocking a ring on THAT finger ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us LDC has not popped the question to the Italian model -- even though many assumed that to be the case after she flaunted a sparkler on her ring finger while out to lunch with her man at a restaurant in Los Angeles on Tuesday.

While the bling might've looked fairly recent to some -- our sources say Vittoria has actually been wearing the ring since at least 2022, well before she started dating Leo.

Jussie Smollett Appeals Case Re: Conviction To Be Heard by IL Supreme Court

Jussie Smollett will have his day in court over his appeal of his criminal conviction -- in fact, he'll be able to make his case in front of the highest court in the land ... of Illinois, that is.

The actor just scored a huge W Wednesday -- 'cause the Supreme Court of Illinois ticked his case off as one they are open to hearing ... in other words, his appeal to the State Supreme Court is approved, and the justices for this court will weigh in on this saga once and for all.

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Remember, Jussie has been appealing his conviction pretty much ever since it came down way back in 2021 ... when a jury found him guilty of lying to cops about a hate crime he claimed he'd been victim to.

Will Smith Le preguntan sobre su patrimonio... No confirma si posee $350M

Will Smith se tomó una pregunta sobre su patrimonio neto como si fuera una cuestión filosófica, aunque cuando lo presionaron para que dijera su valor, el tipo se desvió.

Speedy Morman de Complex le preguntó al actor si era cierto que su patrimonio neto era de 350 millones de dólares como aparece en Google, pero Will se rio y dijo que en realidad no hacía seguimiento a esas cosas. Así que, en otras palabras, no lo confirmó ni lo negó.

Finalmente, Will se sumergió en la pregunta, pero solo elaboró su manera de pensar sobre estas cosas. Dijo que cuando estaba avanzando en Hollywood, todo se trataba de hacer dinero. Pero que ahora no tanto, sin embargo.

WILL SMITH Asked About Net Worth ... But Doesn't Confirm $350M

Will Smith took one question about his net worth and turned it into a philosophical session ... but when pressed on how much he might be worth, the dude deflected.

The actor was asked by Complex's Speedy Morman if it was true his net worth was $350M as listed on Google ... but Will laughed it off, saying he didn't really keep track of that stuff. So in other words, he didn't confirm or deny.

Eventually, Will dove in on the question -- but only elaborated on his mindset, saying when he was coming up in Hollywood, he was all about making money. Not so much now though.

Eva Mendes Dejé de actuar... Después de tener hijos con Ryan Gosling

Eva Mendes puso su carrera como actriz en un segundo plano después de tener hijos con Ryan Gosling, algo con lo que está tranquila, pues no tiene ningún problema con que él sea quien provea a la familia.

La actriz habló con "Today" sobre un montón de cosas en una entrevista esta semana y se refirió, por ejemplo, a su dinámica de trabajo y vida con su pareja, con quien ya lleva varios años. Eva y Ryan tienen dos hijas, una de 9 años y otra de 7.

Sobre haberse alejado de la actuación, Eva dijo que era una obviedad, pues valora ser una madre a tiempo completo y pasar tiempo con sus hijas, lo que es igual de demandante que trabajar. También dijo que persigue otras oportunidades, pero solo lo hace desde casa.

Eva Mendes Here's Why I Stopped Acting ... After Kids w/ Ryan Gosling

Eva Mendes put her acting career on the back burner after having kids with Ryan Gosling -- something she's happy with ... as she has no issue with him bringing home the bacon.

The actress talked to "Today" about a number of things in an interview this week -- and she touched on her work-life dynamic with her partner ... with whom she's been with for several years now. Eva and Ryan share two daughters... a 9-year-old and a 7-year-old.

On the topic of stepping away from acting, Eva says it was a no-brainer -- adding that she values being a full-time mom and spending time with her children, which she says is just as much work. EM also says she pursues other opportunities, but just does it from home.

Rebel Wilson Claims Sacha Baron Cohen Asked Her to Stick Finger Up His Butt

Rebel Wilson's claims against Sacha Baron Cohen are becoming more clear -- because an excerpt from her new book is out ... and she details a pretty disturbing story about him.

The actress's new memoir, 'Rebel Rising,' is due out in a few days ... and People Mag obtained an excerpt -- which features descriptions of things Rebel claims happened on the set of their 2016 flick 'The Brothers Grimsby' ... including a lot of inappropriate behavior.

She writes, "It felt like every time I’d speak to SBC, he’d mention that he wanted me to go naked in a future scene. I was like, 'Ha, I don’t do nudity, Sacha.'"

Allanamientos de Diddy Ridley Scott queda atrapado en medio del caos... No puede pasar a su casa

El director Ridley Scott parecía muy frustrado después de haber quedado atrapado en medio del caos, mientras se llevaba a cabo la redada federal en la casa de Diddy en L.A.

Echa un vistazo a las nuevas fotos que muestran al nominado al Oscar saliendo de su vehículo el lunes después de que los oficiales le impidieran llegar a su casa en Holmby Hills. Sin duda, no era el mejor día para ser vecino de Diddy.

Mientras la policía acordonaba la calle y el vecindario cercano a la mansión de 40 millones de dólares de Diddy, el cineasta fue visto atrapado en medio del caos.

Ridley, sin embargo, no fue diferente de los otros intrusos, ya que en una foto parece estar mirando más de cerca la situación, pero se tienen que imaginar que también estaba frustrado por no poder llegar a donde estaba tratando de ir.

Tenemos la sensación de que Ridley no fue la única persona de alto perfil afectada por los acontecimientos de ayer.

Holmby Hills es un barrio de la zona oeste de Los Ángeles que solía ser el hogar de varias celebridades, como Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand y Michael Jackson.

Hoy en día hay más magnates de los negocios y CEOs por ahí, pero Ridley, Diddy, Rod Stewart y Kylie Jenner todavía están en el Holmby 'hood.

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Allanando la mansión
Fox 11

Kylie se hizo con una morada de 7 dormitorios en la elegante zona por 36,5 millones de dólares en 2020. Aunque, recientemente puso en venta la costosa mansión, por lo que podría no residir mucho más tiempo allí.

Todos los ojos estaban puestos en el exclusivo vecindario cuando la Seguridad Nacional descendió sobre la propiedad de Diddy como parte de una investigación en curso.

Como informó TMZ, decenas de agentes y oficiales cerraron toda la zona con múltiples helicópteros dando vueltas alrededor de la escena.

La casa de Diddy en Miami también fue allanada por los federales que emitieron órdenes de registro y trataron de reunir pruebas que podrían ser utilizadas para procesar a Diddy.

Diddy: Últimos desarrollos

Aunque los federales aún no revelan qué tipo de pruebas están buscando, ha habido múltiples acusaciones de tráfico sexual en las demandas civiles presentadas contra Diddy, y los federales probablemente está investigando si se violaron leyes federales.

Diddy Home Raids Ridley Scott Caught Up in Chaos ... Blocked From Home

Director Ridley Scott appeared seriously frustrated after he was inadvertently caught in the crossfire, figuratively, during the federal raid on Diddy's Los Angeles-area home.

Check out the new photos showing the Oscar nominee getting out of his vehicle Monday after law enforcement blocked him from getting to his home in Holmby Hills ... not a great day to be Diddy's neighbor.

As police taped off the neighborhood street near Diddy's $40 million mansion, the filmmaker was spotted stuck in traffic amid the chaos.


Will Smith fue multado por exceso de velocidad... y los policías de la estación nos dijeron que nadie tiene preferencias al momento de ir demasiado rápido en ciertas partes peligrosas de la carretera.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que el actor de 55 años, iba a 63 en una zona de 45 mph el viernes por la mañana en la autopista Pacific Coast en Malibú.

Ese es un camino traicionero. 58 personas han muerto en la carretera en los últimos 14 años, por lo que la policía tiene tolerancia cero para los amantes de la velocidad, no importa quién seas.


Will Smith was hit with a speeding ticket ... and cops at the station told us NO ONE gets a break for putting the pedal to the metal on such a super dangerous stretch of highway.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the 55-year-old was doing 63 in a 45 mph zone Friday morning on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.

PCH is treacherous ... 58 people have died on the highway in the last 14 years, so cops have zero tolerance for speed demons, no matter who they are.


Jake Gyllenhaal's new flick, "Road House," packs one helluva punch ... but Key West's Mayor ain't too thrilled with how their sunny paradise has been portrayed on-screen.

Teri Johnston, the mayor of Key West, tells TMZ ... while she hasn't caught the film, she's not pleased with its rowdy, drug-filled, and crime-ridden portrayal of the Florida Keys ... saying that might've been The Keys in the '70s and '80s, but it's a whole new ball game in 2024!

Mayor Johnston lays down the facts ... telling us 90% of Key West residents are transplants  -- representing a diverse mix of environmentalists, artists, business owners, teachers, firefighters, and police officers.

Josh Allen, Hailee Steinfeld Lookin' Like Lovebirds ... In Cute Gender Reveal Video Cameo

Josh Allen and Hailee Steinfeld's romance is starting to feel real serious ... as the two couldn't have looked more in love during a cameo they recently did for a baby's gender reveal.

The video was posted on TikTok on Sunday ... and in it, several family members and friends -- including Allen and Steinfeld -- appeared on screen to guess the gender of Allen's sister's unborn child.

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After introducing themselves, Allen and Steinfeld both predicted it'd be a boy -- but check out the footage, the two looked super smitten with one another.

Josh appears to have his hand on her lower back -- and at one point during their short appearance, Hailee stumbles and braces herself with the NFL star's core. The two also flashed big grins throughout.

The couple has been pretty much inseparable recently -- they've been spotted cruising around the Los Angeles area a few times this offseason ... and they were also looking lovey-dovey during their trip to Paris Fashion Week earlier this month.

Up & Adams

In fact, they've gotten so tight -- Allen's Bills teammate, Dion Dawkins, proclaimed in early March the quarterback "is in love."

The two have now only been dating for around a year ... but it's certainly starting to feel like this one could go the distance.

Brett Gelman Slams Bookstores After Canceling Appearances ... 'Pure Jew Hatred'!!!


Brett Gelman is opening up about the recent backlash he's faced for vocally supporting Israel amid its conflict with Hamas in Gaza ... and he thinks it's BS that his gigs are getting nixed.

The "Stranger Things" star joined us Monday on "TMZ Live," where he slammed bookstores for canceling his upcoming appearances over the ongoing controversy in the Middle East.

Brett -- who recently released his book, 'The Terrifying Realm of the Possible' -- confirmed that three different bookstores canceled his promotional appearances amid alleged security concerns.