Rob Lowe celebra su cumpleaños número 60 en Los Ángeles, con una fiesta repleta de estrellas al más puro estilo de la alfombra roja de los Oscar.

La estrella de cine y televisión cumplió 60 años la semana pasada, pero lo celebró a lo grande en la playa de la hermosa Santa Mónica este fin de semana. El hombre tiene un montón de amigos famosos en sus más de 40 años de carrera en Hollywood.

Cameron Diaz y su pareja Benji Madden -quienes acaban de darle la bienvenida a otro niño- pasaron para saludar a Rob en su gran día, disfrutando de una agradable noche en pareja, dejando a los niños en casa.

El amigo de Lowe en "Parks and Recreation" -Chris Pratt- apareció para apoyar a su viejo compañero de reparto con su esposa y -super celebridad por derecho propio- Katherine Schwarzenegger.

Incluso Ellen DeGeneres -quien ha estado viviendo la vida tranquila desde que dejó su programa de entrevistas- llegó a la ciudad para el evento.

Entre los otros nombres notables están: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, Adam Levine, Kenny G, Maria Shriver, Christopher Schwarzenegger, Zoe Saldana, Marco Perego, Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen, Maude Apatow, John Owen Lowe, y el jefe de Netflix Ted Sarandos.

Nos enteramos de que Kenny G actuó en la función, y la fiesta se prolongó hasta altas horas de la madrugada del domingo. ¡Suena como una gran fiesta!

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El cumpleaños de Rob en realidad es el 17 de marzo, pero parece que lo pasó con la familia en algún paraíso tropical. Esta parece ser la fiesta más grande posible para honrar realmente al hombre de Hollywood.

Ah, y por cierto, los paparazzi pillaron al propio Rob paseando en el exterior -no te preocupes si no lo reconoces- el tipo no parece tan viejo como para tener 60 años. Un ejemplo perfecto de envejecer como el vino.

Felices 60, Rob. Salud por muchos más🥂.

Rob Lowe Celebratin' 60th Bday w/ Celeb Pals ... RDJ, Chris Pratt & More!!!

Rob Lowe's ringin' in a new decade right ... partying hard at a rager in Los Angeles -- with as much star power as the Oscars red carpet.

The film and television star turned 60 last week, but celebrated big by the beach in beautiful Santa Monica this weekend ... and, the guy's got a ton of celebs from his more than 40 years in Hollywood who showed up to get down.

Cameron Diaz and her man Benji Madden -- who just welcomed another kid into the world, BTW -- pulled up to support RL on his big day ... enjoying a nice couple's night out while leaving the kiddos at home.

George Lazenby Aaron Taylor-Johnson Can Handle 007 ... And All The Ladies, Too!!!

Aaron Taylor-Johnson gettin' his license to kill it as James Bond from a former 007 ... who tells us ATJ's got the toughness to handle the secret agent life.

George Lazenby -- who played Bond in 1969's "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" -- gave Aaron his seal of approval ... saying the 33-year-old can handle the stunts, and all the ladies who love a man in a tux.

Worth noting, Aaron's already got a leading lady of his own -- director/producer Sam Taylor-Johnson ... but we get where George is goin'.

Lazenby adds he's pretty sure Aaron doesn't have the part yet ... 'cause when he auditioned for the part back in the 1960s, he went through a bunch of different tests and auditions before he won the role.

James Bond has gone totally international now, according to George ... who points out the character's been played by people of different nationalities over the past 60 years, including a Scot, a Welshman, an Irishman, multiple Englishmen, and George himself, who is Australian.

Because of that variety of national origins, Lazenby says he's fine with wherever the actor happens to hail from ... as long as they do the character justice.

George Lazenby Aaron Taylor-Johnson puede hacer de 007...

Aaron Taylor-Johnson está recibiendo su licencia para matar como James Bond de parte de un ex 007, quien nos dice que el actor tiene la dureza para manejar al agente secreto.

George Lazenby, que interpretó a Bond en la película "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" de 1969, le dio su aprobación a Aaron, al decir que el actor de 33 años puede manejar las acrobacias y a las chicas que adoran a un hombre en esmoquin.

Cabe señalar que Aaron ya tiene su propia protagonista, la directora y productora Sam Taylor-Johnson... pero ya entendemos para dónde va George.

Lazenby añade que está bastante seguro de que Aaron aún no tiene el papel porque cuando se presentó a la audición para el rol en los años 60, pasó por un montón de pruebas y audiciones diferentes antes de ganarse el papel.

James Bond se ha vuelto totalmente internacional, según George, quien señala que en los últimos 60 años el personaje ha sido interpretado por personas de diferentes nacionalidades, incluyendo un escocés, un galés, un irlandés, varios ingleses y el propio George, que es australiano.

Debido a esa variedad de nacionalidades, Lazenby dice que no tiene problemas con que el actor sea de donde sea, siempre y cuando le haga justicia al personaje.

George también tiene algunos consejos para Aaron, por ejemplo, que el ganador del Globo de Oro debe sea fiel a sí mismo y reinvente el papel para adaptarlo a su estilo, al igual que hizo él cuando le tocó interpretarlo.

Por supuesto, George tomó el relevo del icónico actor Sean Connery, y el papel ha cambiado de manos un buen número de veces desde entonces, volviendo a Connery antes de Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan y Daniel Craig, quien dejó la franquicia después de su quinto filme como el agente 00 en 2021.

Los ojos puestos en Elba
The Deadline Podcast Crew Call

Ahora, Aaron Taylor-Johnson al parecer tiene una oferta para interpretar el papel, superando a otros actores como Idris Elba y Henry Cavill.

Bueno, él tiene la aprobación de al menos una leyenda de Bond, pero puede que tenga que moverse rápido, de seguro no tiene todo el tiempo del mundo para aceptar su oferta.

Tiffany Haddish Sobria después del arresto... Por mandato judicial

No es tan difícil
The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet

Tiffany Haddish está viviendo una vida recta, pues asegura que no ha bebido ni fumado por más de dos meses, aunque admite que no ha sido totalmente por elección.

La comediante se unió a "The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet" el viernes, donde reveló que está llevando una vida sobria por estos días y que no ha bebido ni fumado ni hecho cualquier otra cosa en unos 72 días.

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Tiffany con las esposas

Tiffany dice que no ha sido tan difícil porque nunca ha sido una gran consumidora de sustancias, así que está bien con dejar todo eso.

Pero, no se dejen engañar. Haddish no lo está haciendo totalmente por iniciativa propia, también afirma que un juez le ordenó que dejara cualquier sustancia.

Tiffany también añade que habría luchado contra su cargo más reciente de conducción en estado de ebriedad (DUI) si el estrés no estuviera haciendo estragos en su salud, pues solo estaba conduciendo cansada.

En aprietos

Por supuesto, Haddish llegó a un acuerdo de culpabilidad en su caso de DUI de Hollywood, tras declararse no contendiente en febrero por una condena de conducción temeraria, un cargo mucho menor.

Recuerden, Tiffany fue detenida en noviembre luego de que los policías la encontraran dormida en su carro, el que estaba aparcado torpemente en la calle. Ella fue liberada poco después y bromeó sobre el incidente durante una rutina de comedia.

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Broma sobre el arresto

Más allá de todas las bromas, parece que Haddish realmente ha hecho un gran cambio en su vida, incluso si no era 100% su idea cuando comenzó.

¡¡¡Felicidades por tu sobriedad, Tiffany!!!

Tiffany Haddish Off Substances After DUI Arrest ... Court-Mandated Sobriety

The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet

Tiffany Haddish is living a straight-and-narrow existence ... saying she's been off substances for well over two months -- though admitting it's not totally by choice.

The comedian joined "The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet" Friday where she revealed she's living the sober life these days ... claiming she hasn't drunk, smoked weed or done anything else in about 72 days.

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TH says it hasn't been super hard for her ... 'cause she says she's never been a big user of substances anyway -- so she's cool with giving all that up.

But, don't get fooled ... Haddish isn't totally making that decision on her own -- 'cause she claims she's actually been ordered by a judge to lay off any and all substances.

Tiffany also adds she would've fought her most recent DUI charge if the stress wasn't doing a number on her health -- saying she was just driving while tired.


Of course, Haddish copped a plea deal in her Hollywood DUI case ... pleading no contest in February to a conviction of reckless driving -- a much lesser charge.

Remember ... Tiffany was arrested in November when cops claimed they found her asleep in her car, parked awkwardly on the street. She was released pretty soon after, and joked about the incident during a comedy set pretty quickly after.

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Through all the jokes, it seems Haddish has really made a huge change to her life -- even if it wasn't 100% her idea to begin with.

Congrats on your sobriety, Tiffany!!!

Cameron Diaz, Benji Madden We Just Had Baby No. 2!!!

Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden made an unexpected announcement Friday ... they just had another baby!

The couple shared the good news about the birth of their second child, Cardinal, unsurprisingly saying they're "so happy" he's now come into their lives.

The actress and her musician husband continued to gush about their new bundle of joy, calling him "awesome" and "really cute."

But they made a point of saying they wouldn't upload any photos of him online for security and privacy reasons.

The two accompanied their message with a colorful illustration scrawled with the words, "A Little Bird Whispered To Me," which was a clear reference to the kiddo's name, which takes after the tiny, red bird.

As you know, Cameron and Benji tied the knot in 2015. Four years later, the two had their first child, a daughter named Raddix.

Raddix will now have a brother to play with in their family home. How lucky!

Congrats Cameron and Benji!

Cameron Diaz y Benji Madden Dan la bienvenida a su segundo hijo!!!

Cameron Diaz y Benji Madden hicieron un anuncio inesperado el viernes, ¡acaban de tener otro bebé!

La pareja compartió la noticia sobre el nacimiento de su segundo hijo, Cardinal, diciendo que estaban "tan felices" de que ha llegado a sus vidas.

La actriz y su marido músico siguieron compartiendo su emoción, diciendo que el bebé era "increíble" y "muy lindo."

Pero advirtieron que no subirían ninguna foto de él por razones de seguridad y privacidad.

Los dos acompañaron su mensaje con una colorida ilustración garabateada con las palabras "A Little Bird Whispered To Me" (Un pajarito me susurró), en clara referencia al nombre del pequeño, que proviene del pequeño pájaro rojo.

Como saben, Cameron y Benji se casaron en 2015 y cuatro años después tuvieron su primera hija Raddix.

Raddix ahora tendrá un hermano con el que jugar. ¡Qué suerte!

¡Felicidades Cameron y Benji!

Lindsay Lohan Irlanda espera un repunte en el turismo... Tras el #1 de "Irish Wish"

Lindsay Lohan está en un papel protagónico nuevamente y los irlandeses están celebrando, pues esperan que su nueva película sea el amuleto de la suerte para impulsar el turismo en su país.

Un representante de Turismo de Irlanda, una entidad oficial del gobierno irlandés, le dice a TMZ que su equipo está muy emocionado de que la nueva película de Lohan "Irish Wish" se haya convertido en número #1 en Netflix, y están cruzando los dedos para que inspire a más personas a viajar a la Isla Esmeralda.

Nos dicen que su tierra natal se ve magnífica en la película y aprecian que los directores hayan añadido algunos lugares emblemáticos en el filme, como Killruddery House y los acantilados de Moher.

El Turismo de Irlanda también está estudiando el impacto que otras películas y series de televisión han tenido en la actividad del país. Destacan el aumento que experimentó el país vecino, Irlanda del Norte, tras el rodaje de "Juego de Tronos", y el gran número de personas que acudieron a Inis Mor y a la isla de Achill para ver las localizaciones de "The Banshees of Inisherin".

A pesar de sus esperanzas, nos dicen que aún no saben si "Irish Wish" ha tenido algún impacto, pero esperan ver uno pronto. Además, están soñando que el fácil acceso de la película a través del streaming mantendrá a la gente interesada durante muchos años.

"Irish Wish" se estrenó el pasado fin de semana en Netflix, llegando a más de 1 millón de hogares durante el fin de semana, según algunos informes, incluso mejor que su película de Navidad, "Falling for Christmas" de 2022.

"Falling" marcó el primer papel importante de Lohan en una película en años, por lo que parece que está totalmente de vuelta a las pistas, especialmente con proyectos que funcionan tan bien como "Irish Wish".

Por cierto, toneladas de personas pueden estar viendo "Irish Wish", pero eso no significa que les está encantando. La película tiene un decepcionante 37% en Rotten Tomatoes.

Pero quién sabe, con un poco de suerte, el deseo turístico de Irlanda podría hacerse realidad. 🍀

Lindsay Lohan Ireland Hoping For Tourism Bump ... After 'Irish Wish' Goes #1

Lindsay Lohan's a leading lady once again, and the Irish are celebrating ... 'cause they're hoping her new flick is the lucky charm they need to boost tourism in that country.

A rep for Tourism Ireland -- an official arm of the Irish government -- tells TMZ ... their team is super excited that Lohan's new movie "Irish Wish" came outta the gates #1 on Netflix, and they've got fingers crossed that it inspires people to travel to the Emerald Isle.

We're told they think their homeland looks magnificent in the film, and they appreciate how the directors added some iconic locations -- like Killruddery House and the Cliffs of Moher -- to the movie.

Tourism Ireland is also looking at the impact other movies and TV shows have had on tourism in the country. They note the spike their neighboring nation of Northern Ireland got after "Game of Thrones" filmed there -- and tons of people apparently hit up Inis Mor and Achill Island to see "The Banshees of Inisherin" locations.

Dolph Lundgren on 'Superman' Don't Know David Corenswet ... But Give Him A Chance!!!

Give Corenswet A Shot!

Dolph Lundgren's not against recasting an iconic character -- telling fans to give David Corenswet's Superman a chance ... even if he's not entirely sure who he is.

We talked to the action movie star in Los Angeles Friday, and asked him all about the DC Universe coming to an end -- 'memba, Dolph starred as King Nereus in the 'Aquaman' films -- and he says he's sad to see it go 'cause of his great time working on the flick.

DL name-drops a few of his costars from the flick before moving on to the outrage surrounding Henry Cavill being dropped as Superman for Corenswet.

Lundgren says he isn't familiar with David -- by name or reputation -- but he says fans always get up in arms when one of their fav characters ends up being played by someone else ... and they need to give the guy a chance to flex his superhero muscles.

It seems like Dolph doesn't know Corenswet's work very well -- and yet, he's very positive here, saying he's rooting for DC's newest Man of Steel ... which is pretty awesome.

That said, Dolph's very clear there's one character he doesn't want recast ... Apollo Creed, played by the late great Carl Weathers.

Lundgren -- who played Soviet boxer Ivan Drago in "Rocky IV" and fought Creed in the movie -- says no one can replace Carl. On the Superman front, though ... have it, he says.

Ben Affleck Clean-Shaven Look for 'Accountant 2' ... Throwback Vibes!!!

Ben Affleck is looking a lot younger these days -- and it probably has to do with the fact that he's gotten rid of his face hairs ... all just in time for a new movie he's working on.

The actor was out and about in L.A. Thursday rocking a whole new mug -- and by that, we mean he was totally clean-shaven ... having lost his full salt and pepper beard, which he's been sportin' for quite a while now.

Now, Ben's got nothing but his bare skin out in the wild ... and we gotta say, he looks fresh!

Dude's got a cool 'fit on as well -- color-coordinated, per usual -- and he even had a basketball in hand that he was bouncing around as he strolled. Indeed, BA's got a pep in his step ... and something tells us him shaving might have something to do with it.

Frankly, he looks like a 30-something all over again ... albeit, with a more mature vibe.

If you're wondering why Ben lost the beard -- it appears directly tied to the start of production for his new movie, 'The Accountant 2,' which reportedly started filming this week. With him playing the lead character again (who was also clean-shaven), the face trim makes sense.

Like we said, Ben hasn't had a fully shaven face like this in quite a bit -- lately, he's been letting his facial hair grow ... which is why he was almost unrecognizable in these pics.

Of course, we'd recognize that handsome face anywhere with or without whiskers -- the real question now is ... what does the missus at home, Jennifer Lopez, think about it?

Ben Affleck Looks Better ...

And, perhaps more importantly ... does he look better shaven or covered in fur???

RFK JR. to ALICIA SILVERSTONE Here's $400 for (Vegan) Cheesin' with Me!!! Muenster Campaign Refund

Here's some Gouda news for Alicia Silverstone -- her staunch support of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for president isn't going unnoticed, as the campaign just handed her some cheddar!

The "Clueless" star apparently pitched in to help with catering one of RFK Jr.'s campaign events in L.A. ... dropping $427.25 to get Vromage -- a fancy L.A. vegan cheese shop -- to provide hors d'oeuvres.

TMZ pulled a Federal Elections Commission filing -- under "report of receipts and disbursements" -- which states the Kennedy campaign committee fully reimbursed Alicia for fronting the cheesy tab.

Last June, Alicia publicly endorsed RFK Jr., applauding his vision of "peace, unity, and justice for all."

As for the food she chose to cater the event, Alicia's long been a vocal advocate for her vegan lifestyle -- and being in L.A. and all, it's no shock she has a fave vegan cheese shop to satisfy her plant-based palate!

In fact, the actress' been singing Vromage's praises for years ... blogging about the shop and sharing snaps of delicious meals featuring dairy-free cheese on social media.

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From cruelty-free eats to politics, you better brie-lieve Alicia's spreading her values one delicious bite at a time!

Gwyneth Paltrow Cool It On The Superhero Movies ... Losing Their Originality

hinders quality !!!
YouTube / First We Feast

Gwyneth Paltrow's reminiscing on her glory days ... saying they don't make movies like they used to -- and blasting the superhero genre for saturating the market, despite being in many such flicks herself.

The Marvel star went on "Hot Ones" Thursday when host Sean Evans asked her about a comment "American Fiction" writer/director Cord Jefferson made at the Oscars ... basically, begging Hollywood to invest in smaller indie projects like his.

Welp, it seems like GP agrees ... saying she feels studios put more of their resources into big-budget superhero flicks these days -- and suggesting the work's suffering because of it.

Check out the vid for yourself ... Gwyneth kinda craps on the superhero genre for its lack of originality -- while adding it's impossible to cater to as many people as the studios try to while still being unique and full of substance.

Of course, Paltrow knows a thing or two about superhero movies ... she appeared as Pepper Potts -- Tony Stark/Iron Man's love interest in seven Marvel films -- so, she's been around the superhero block, which is why what she's saying is so surprising.

With that said, everyone knows Paltrow got her start in smaller-budget projects like "Se7en" and "Shakespeare in Love" -- for which she won an Oscar -- and she says the art reaches a higher form when less money is involved ... because real artists are allowed to take risks.

Gwyneth's one of many who seem burnt out on all the superhero flicks ... Paul Dano, Martin Scorsese, Jennifer Aniston, Francis Ford Coppola and others have spoken out against the genre in recent years -- with John Mulaney cracking jokes about it at the Oscars.

Bigger than all those stars, though ... audiences seem sick of superhero movies as well. Just look at the box office for "Madame Web" and "The Marvels" over the last six months or so.

You know something's wrong when you lose one of your own, like Gwyneth here ... time to rethink the formula!

Mark Ruffalo Legal Event Invite Withdrawn ... Palestine Support An Issue

Mark Ruffalo's calendar just opened up a bit ... 'cause a conference he was supposed to speak at just canceled his appearance, and his support for Palestine seems to be the key.

The actor was all set to speak at MTMP -- a conference for lawyers and their paralegals to discuss the ins and outs of class action lawsuits, etc. The conference is taking place in early April, but now ... it appears Ruffalo won't be there, 'cause they're nixing him from the lineup.

The event's organizers sent out a statement to the attendees this week saying Mark had been invited to speak at the conference after playing an environmental activist/attorney in the movie "Dark Waters" back in 2019 -- which touched on a lot of the things they already do in the real world ... so they wanted to have him show up and speak to the same issues.

Ruffalo -- an environmental activist himself -- was set to be a big-time guest for the conference, but the event said this was before Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7 ... and more importantly, before Ruffalo's very public support of Palestine, especially at the Oscars.

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ICYMI ... Mark spoke with reporters at the Oscars and showed visible excitement while heading in over a Palestinian protest that delayed him. He also donned a pin representing Artists Call for Ceasefire Now ... so yeah, he was leaning into his pro-Palestine position.

It seems Ruffalo's stance is too controversial for the MTMP conference ... because organizers say they didn't want the event to be overshadowed by the war in the Middle East, and by Mark as well. Instead, they say they're canceling Ruffalo's appearance -- despite possibly losing their speaking fee in the process -- and asked the attendees not to boycott the event.

Ruffalo's been an outspoken advocate for a number of causes over the years, and that hasn't stopped since the surprise attack by Hamas on October 7 or the subsequent invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israel.

Back in November, Ruffalo called out Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for referring to Palestinians in Gaza as "collateral damage" while also sharing a petition to end "child bloodshed" in the region the month before.

On its face, it seems not everyone who was planning to go to MTMP was happy with his recent comments ... and, it looks like it's affecting gigs of his, including this one.

Ruffalo's rep declined to comment.

Mark Ruffalo Retiran su participación en un evento... Por su apoyo a Palestina

La agenda de Mark Ruffalo se acaba de despejar un poco, luego que una conferencia en la que iba a hablar cancelara su aparición y el motivo parece ser su apoyo a Palestina.

El actor iba a intervenir en MTMP, una conferencia de abogados en la que se debaten los entresijos de las demandas colectivas, etc. La conferencia iba a tener lugar a principios de abril, pero ahora parece que Ruffalo no estará allí, porque lo han borrado del programa.

Los organizadores del evento enviaron un comunicado a los asistentes esta semana diciendo que Mark había sido invitado a hablar en la conferencia después de interpretar a un activista ambiental y abogado en la película "Dark Waters" en 2019, la que abordó muchas de las cosas que ya hacen en el mundo real, por lo que querían que se presentara y hablara de los mismos temas.

El propio Ruffalo es un activista por el medio ambiente y había sido calificado como uno de los grandes invitados de la conferencia, pero el evento dijo que esto fue antes de que Hamás atacara a Israel el 7 de octubre, y lo más importante, antes del apoyo público que Ruffalo dio a Palestina, especialmente en los Oscar.

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Por si se lo perdieron, Mark habló con los periodistas en los Oscar y se mostró visiblemente emocionado mientras se dirigía a una protesta palestina que lo retrasó. También se puso un pin que representaba a Artists Call for Ceasefire Now, así que sí, estaba inclinándose hacia su posición pro-Palestina.

Parece que la postura de Ruffalo es demasiado controvertida para la conferencia MTMP porque los organizadores dicen que no querían que el evento se viera ensombrecido por la guerra en Medio Oriente, y por ende por Mark. En su lugar, dicen que están cancelando la aparición de Ruffalo, a pesar de la posibilidad de perder su cuota de intervención en el proceso, y le pidieron a los asistentes que no boicotearan el evento.

Ruffalo ha sido un abierto defensor de varias causas a lo largo de los años, y eso no ha parado desde el ataque sorpresa de Hamás el 7 de octubre o la posterior invasión de la Franja de Gaza por parte de Israel.

Ya en noviembre, Ruffalo criticó al primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu, por referirse a los palestinos de Gaza como "daños colaterales", al tiempo que compartió una petición para poner fin al "derramamiento de sangre infantil" en la región el mes anterior.

A primera vista, parece que no todos los que planeaban ir a MTMP estaban contentos con sus recientes comentarios ... y, parece que está afectando a conciertos suyos, incluyendo éste.

El representante de Ruffalo se negó a comentar.