Pete Davidson Se aleja de "Bupkis" Concentrado en grandes películas

Pete Davidson se está despidiendo de "Bupkis" y su esperada 2ª temporada, pues el actor y comediante ha decidido dirigir su atención hacia la gran pantalla.

El ex alumno de "SNL" le dijo a THR el jueves que estaba feliz de haber tenido la oportunidad de contar su propia historia a través de "Bupkis", teniendo en cuenta lo documentados que están sus movimientos y su vida privada en los medios.

Y añadió: "También siento que esta parte de mi vida ha terminado. Estoy muy emocionado por este próximo capítulo y porque ustedes vean el trabajo. Gracias a todos los que me apoyan porque estoy eternamente agradecido".

La publicación informó que el agente de Pete le mandó un correo a Peacock a principios de esta semana para avisarles que se alejaba de la serie, pero al parecer no se lo dijo a la productora de la serie de Lorne Michaels, Broadway Video, hasta más tarde. Una vez que se enteraron de la situación, siguieron adelante con la cancelación.

THR también informa que el final de la serie no tiene nada que ver con los grandes recortes presupuestarios que está viviendo la industria de Hollywood en este momento. La única razón es que Pete quería avanzar hacia otras cosas.

Ahora sabemos cómo se ve este nuevo horizonte para Pete. Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que pronto saldrá una nueva película en la que ha estado trabajando, con nada menos que la leyenda de la comedia Eddie Murphy, así como la nominada al Emmy Keke Palmer, quien fue fichada como co protagonista.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que, en general, Pete se ha centrado en el stand-up y el cine y que quiere mantener su atención allí. Por lo tanto, no habrá más televisión por ahora.

Eso concuerda con lo que el propio actor y comediante ha estado haciendo estos últimos años. Es cierto que estuvo trabajando en "Bupkis", pero también ha estado construyendo su currículum cinematográfico en silencio en películas como "Dumb Money", "Bodies Bodies Bodies", "El Escuadrón Suicida", "Fast X" y otras.

Por supuesto, echaremos de menos "Bupkis", que hizo vibrar a todo el mundo el año pasado con sus 8 episodios de media hora protagonizados por Edie Falco y Joe Pesci como la madre y el abuelo de Pete. Era muy al estilo de Dave.

Peacock la renovó para una segunda temporada en junio, solo dos meses después de su estreno, ya que tuvo una gran acogida por parte de los espectadores y la crítica. Con todo ese impulso, parecía que el cielo era el límite para la serie. Pero ahora, Pete está despidiéndose de ella y dando vuelta la página.

Por cosas más grandes y mejores, de las cuales parece que habrá muchas en el futuro.


Conor McGregor se desnudó completamente en la nueva película "Road House", y tenemos que admitir que el tipo tiene un buen culo.

Las mejillas de la superestrella de la UFC tienen un breve cameo en el nuevo proyecto de Prime Video que se estrenó el jueves, donde por un momento, Conor aparece vistiendo nada más que una sonrisa en su rostro.

No vamos a revelar ningún spoiler de la película -literalmente acaba de estrenarse- pero teniendo en cuenta Conor ha hablado de la escena del desnudo en la gira de promoción previa al lanzamiento, es justo hablar de su retaguardia.

Es bastante gracioso, Conor declaró anteriormente que no tenía ni idea de que su personaje "Knox" se mostraría desnudo, pero su dedicación le impidió rechazar la oportunidad de mostrarlo todo.

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Por supuesto, "Road House" es una re-imaginación del clásico de culto de 1989, y el difunto Patrick Swayze también muestra su trasero en el original, por lo que al parecer se ha convertido en toda una tradición para los hombres mostrar piel en estas películas.

Ha habido un montón de ruido en torno a la película dirigida por Jake Gyllenhaal, no solo Conor tiene un papel importante, Post Malone también muestra su talento como actor.

Está claro que Conor ha estado trabajando en sus sentadillas y empujes de cadera en su tiempo fuera del Octágono... eso es seguro.

PETE DAVIDSON Walks Away from 'Bupkis' Focused On Big Movies Coming Soon!!!

Pete Davidson's bowing out of "Bupkis" -- bidding adieu to the planned 2nd season of his own show ... and it's all because he's turning his attention to the big screen.

The 'SNL' alum told THR Thursday that he was happy to have the opportunity to tell his story in his own words through "Bupkis," after having his every move and private life documented in the media.

He adds, "I do also feel that this part of my life is finished. I'm very excited for this next chapter and for you guys to see the work. Thank you to all who support me for I am forever grateful."

The publication went on to report that Pete's agent emailed Peacock earlier this week, breaking the news about him walking away from the show ... but apparently didn't tell the show's production company, Lorne Michaels' Broadway Video, until later. Once they caught wind of the situation, they rolled on with the cancelation.

Another point ... THR reports the end of the show has nothing to do with industry-wide budget cuts plaguing Hollywood right now ... it's all about Pete wanting to move onto greener pastures.

We now know what that new horizon looks like for Pete -- sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ he's got a huge new movie coming out, with none other than comedy legend Eddie Murphy, as well as Emmy nominee Keke Palmer, signed on to costar ... something he's been working on lately.

Our sources tell us that, generally, Pete has been focused on his stand-up and movie career -- and that he wants to keep his attention there. So on its face, no more TV for now.

That tracks with what Pete's been doing these past few years -- yes, he was working on "Bupkis" ... but he's been quietly building out his film resume behind the scenes with flicks like "Dumb Money," "Bodies Bodies Bodies," "The Suicide Squad," "Fast X" and others.

Of course, "Bupkis" will be missed -- as it had everyone buzzing last year with its 8-episode half-hour series which starred Edie Falco and Joe Pesci as Pete's mother and grandfather. It was very 'Dave'-esque.

It got picked up for a second season by Peacock in June, just 2 months after its debut with a strong reception from viewers and critics alike. With all that momentum, it seemed like the sky was the limit for the show. But now, Pete's pulling the plug and moving on.

Here's to bigger and better things ... of which it sounds like there'll be lots for him.


Sydney Sweeney es la nueva it girl favorita de todo el mundo en Hollywood, pero para cualquiera que lo haya olvidado, ella está comprometida, algo que dejó claro esta semana.

La actriz estuvo en la ciudad de Nueva York el jueves, caminando de la mano con Jonathan Davino, con quien ha estado comprometida desde hace unos 2 años, aunque se conocen desde el 2018.

Como se puede ver, son una pareja adorable. Él también parecía muy feliz, ¿y quién no lo estaría con alguien como Sydney a su lado?

La popularidad de Sydney ha explotado el último año, y sigue llamando la atención en casi todos los eventos a los que va. Por supuesto, ella es absolutamente hermosa y es probablemente una de las mayores actrices rubias que hemos visto en mucho tiempo.

Mientras que todo el mundo parece estar sediento por ella últimamente, Davino a menudo aparece escondido en el fondo y, sin embargo, parece muy confiado en la relación.

Recordemos que el año pasado se especuló mucho sobre la posibilidad de que hubiera algo entre ella y su coprotagonista Glen Powell, pero capearon el temporal y siguieron adelante. Incluso la acompañó a los Oscar hace unas semanas.

Otro hecho curioso es que tienen un negocio juntos, ella y Jon co-producen proyectos bajo su compañía, Fifty-Fifty Films, por lo que, obviamente, están muy unidos.

No está claro cómo se conocieron exactamente, pero Jon ha estado presente en casi todo el meteórico ascenso de Sydney en Hollywood, y a pesar de su creciente fama, el tipo no parece estar acomplejado al respecto.

Lo que también es interesante es que ella y Jon mantienen las cosas en privado. No se sabe mucho acerca de él o de su dinámica. En cualquier caso, ella está enamorada.

Muchos chicos pueden o no ser conscientes del hecho de que ella está fuera de las pistas, pero si no lo sabías, te damos un recordatorio de que está felizmente comprometida.

Mientras tanto, Sydney sigue rodando películas a diestra y siniestra, y la última de ellas es una de terror que llegará a los cines esta semana.

Conor McGregor Butt Naked For 'Road House' ... Mac Got Back!!!

Conor McGregor got fully naked for his role in the new "Road House" movie ... and we can't even front -- the dude has a nice ass.

The UFC superstar's cheeks make a brief cameo in the new Prime Video project that dropped on Thursday ... when at one point, Conor shows up wearing nothing but a smile on his face.

We're not going to reveal any spoilers -- the flick literally just dropped -- but considering Conor has talked about the nude scene in the promo tour leading up to the release, it's fair game to talk about the dude's peach.

It's pretty funny -- Conor previously stated he had no idea his "Knox" character would be shown in the buff ... but his dedication to the role kept him from turning down the opportunity to lay it all on the line.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Of course, "Road House" is a re-imagining of the 1989 cult classic ... and the late Patrick Swayze also shows off his tush in the original, too -- so apparently it's become quite the tradition for dudes to show skin in these flicks.

There's been a ton of hype around the Jake Gyllenhaal-led movie -- not only does Conor have a big role, but Post Malone also shows off his acting chops as well.

It's clear Conor's been working on his squats and hip thrusts in his time away from the Octagon ... that's for damn sure.

SYDNEY SWEENEY PARADES Fiancé AROUND IN NYC ... Lil' Reminder, Engaged!!!

Sydney Sweeney's everyone's new favorite it girl in Hollywood --  but for anyone who's forgotten, she's engaged ... something she made loud and clear this week with her fiancé.

The actress was out and about in NYC Thursday, walking hand-in-hand with Jonathan Davino -- to whom she's been engaged for about 2 years now, and dated even longer going all the way back to 2018.

As you can see, they're 2 peas in a pod ... and SS flashed a big smile with her man. He was looking pretty happy too -- and who wouldn't be with someone like Sydney at your side?

Sydney's blown up over the past year as an A-list star, and she continues to turn heads at just about every event she shows up to -- for good reason, too, as she's absolutely gorgeous and is probably one of the biggest blonde bombshell actresses we've seen in a long time.

While everyone seems to be thirsting over her lately, Davino is often tucked away in the background -- and yet, he's clearly confident in the relationship ... as is Sydney, it seems.

Remember, there was a lot of speculation last year that something might've been going on between her and her costar Glen Powell ... but she and Jon weathered the storm, and they're going strong. He even accompanied her to the Oscars a couple weeks ago.

Another fun fact ... they're in business together -- she and Jon co-produce projects under her production company, Fifty-Fifty Films ... so, they're obviously very tight and in lockstep.

Unclear how exactly they first hooked up ... but Jon's been in the picture pretty much all throughout Sydney's meteoric rise in Hollywood. Despite her growing fame, the dude doesn't appear to be bothered one bit ... and ditto for Sydney.

What's also interesting is that she and Jon are incredibly private ... not much is really known about him or their dynamic. In any case, she's smitten with the guy.

Lots of dudes out there may or may not be aware of the fact she's off the market -- but if you didn't know ... here's a reminder -- there's no chance of shooting your shot with her, 'cause she's happily taken!

In the meanwhile, Sydney keeps on rolling with gigs -- she's pumping out movies left and right these days ... and her latest includes a horror movie that's hitting theaters this week.


Aaron Taylor-Johnson is speaking out about all the fuss over the 24-year age gap between him and his wife, Sam Taylor-Johnson ... saying he finds it downright bizarre.

The 33-year-old actor rumored to be the next James Bond spilled the beans to Rolling Stone UK about his marriage to the 57-year-old director ... saying all the criticism isn't warranted 'cause he's got an old soul thanks to his child acting days.

Essentially, he says he's had a different timeline than most.

Aaron, who started his professional acting career at 6, explains what others were doing in their 20s, he was doing at 13. In other words, he grew up fast ... so why the criticism?

If you're unfamiliar -- their relationship has been talked about for a long time ... especially considering when they first met and how old Aaron was. They crossed paths in 2008 while she was working on 'Nowhere Boy,' which he auditioned for. Aaron was around 17 back then.

Obviously, they stayed in touch, 'cause he married this woman a few years later in 2012, when he was barely 21. Since then, they've had 2 daughters ... plus, he's the stepfather of her other kids.

Anyway ... ATJ also opens up about the protectiveness he feels for Sam, saying that if some things don't click between them, he feels responsible.

And, on the issue of their 24-year age difference ... Aaron says in this new interview that how people perceive his personal life doesn't bother him, because he's just trying to balance family, work and mundane stuff like dentist appointments.

He might need to level up his juggling skills, 'cause word on the street is he's been handed the chance to be the next James Bond!

If he nails down that role, he'll be stepping into some big shoes -- becoming the seventh actor to ever play the iconic role since 1962.

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Dana Carvey Apologizes to Sharon Stone ... Over Undressing 'SNL' Skit

Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade

Dana Carvey wants to say sorry over an old 'SNL' skit that saw Sharon Stone stripping on the set -- but funny enough ... Sharon says no apology is needed, 'cause she's not trippin'.

The comedian and his podcast cohost, David Spade, were hosting the actress on their show 'Fly On the Wall' and they were recapping when SS hosted on 'SNL' way back in 1992 ... this on the heels of "Basic Instinct" being released in theaters and taking the country by storm.

In particular, they revisited this one controversial skit called the "Airport Security Sketch" -- where DC played an Indian security guard who kept ordering Sharon to remove one piece of clothing at a time ... because she kept setting off the security buzzer.

Dana has regrets about that ... saying that while Sharon was cool about it back then, they'd probably get "arrested" for that scene nowadays. Spade even chimed in, saying it was offensive.

But, Sharon made it clear that an apology wasn't warranted ... adding there's a big difference between a misdemeanor and a felony -- and that back in '92, they were all "committing misdemeanors," thinking it wasn't a big deal at all.

Sharon adds she had other things to deal with at the time ... and was totally fine being the butt of the joke 'cause she thought it was funny.

She also says people's attitudes about this sort of stuff nowadays are weird and precious ... with people spending too much time alone, and not knowing how to be funny or intimate with each other anymore. In other words, she thinks PC culture is alive and well in 2024.

It's an interesting conversation for sure ... basically, Sharon is okay with the humor from the old days, even though some today might perhaps be offended on her behalf.



Conor McGregor le dice a TMZ Sports que su papel en el nuevo reboot de "Road House" estará lejos de ser su última aparición en la gran pantalla.

La superestrella de la UFC no se anduvo con rodeos cuando le preguntamos sobre su futuro como actor mientras estaba en Nueva York promocionando la nueva película con Jake Gyllenhaal, diciéndonos que "por supuesto" que está planeando seguir con su nueva carrera.

No está claro exactamente lo que está por venir para el luchador de 35 años de edad, pero cuando le preguntamos si tenía más papeles en mente, nos dijo: "¡Por supuesto, por supuesto!".

"¡Oh, sí!", añadió.

Por el momento parece que le está yendo muy bien. Las primeras críticas de "Road House" han sido positivas, y los clips que hemos podido ver hasta ahora muestran que McGregor sabe cómo patear traseros en cámara.

Por supuesto, McGregor sigue con su trabajo como luchador a pesar de su incursión en Hollywood, y ha estado entrenando duro para un futuro combate con Michael Chandler.

Parece que se está empezando a acostumbrar a los paparazzis... y probablemente comencemos a verlo más seguido en estos ambientes.

Conor McGregor More Acting Roles Lined Up After 'Road House' Debut ... 'For Sure, For Sure!!!'


Conor McGregor tells TMZ Sports his role in the new "Road House" reboot will be far from his last appearance on the silver screen ... saying this week he's got a whole lot more irons in the cinema fire.

The UFC superstar made no bones about it when we asked him about his acting future while he was out in NYC promoting the new Jake Gyllenhaal flick ... telling us "of course" he's planning to keep pursuing the new career.

It's unclear exactly what's coming next for the 35-year-old fighter ... but when we asked if he had any more roles lined up at the moment -- he said straight up, "For sure, for sure!"

"Oh, yes!" he added.

As for how job No. 1 in the new industry went for The Notorious, so far, it seems so good. Early reviews for the "Road House" reimagining are positive ... and the clips we've gotten to see so far show McGregor certainly knows how to kick ass on command on cam.

Of course, McGregor's still keeping up with his day job despite the foray into Hollywood ... he's been training hard for a future bout with Michael Chandler.

But, first, it seems it'll be all about schmoozing for paps on red carpets for now ... something we all apparently better get used to seeing from McGregor going forward.

BILLY BALDWIN Mellowed Out on Stone Feud ... Better Things to ✍️ About

feeling 1,000 percent

Billy Baldwin's beef with Sharon Stone sounded fiery online -- but in person, the dude doesn't seem to wanna keep the battle going ... 'cause he's turning down the temperature.

We got the actor out in L.A. Wednesday, where our photog asked him about a number of things -- including what happened to his left eye. If you can't quite see, he's got a little nick there ... and Billy tells us exactly how it happened.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

Eventually, we get to what everyone wants to know ... namely, whether his feud with Sharon -- whom he eviscerated online last week after she name-dropped him -- was alive and well.

Check it out ... Billy seems to have moved on from all that, refusing to further trash Sharon here on camera. Although, when we asked if he was still writing a book -- like he suggested he might do when he was first crapping on Sharon -- BB tells us what he'd put in it.

A would-be book wouldn't include any bad-mouthing or tea -- like he teased on X ... instead, he says it'd include all the positive things in his life, like his family and his career.

Good to see that Billy's not holding a grudge against Sharon ... 'cause like we said, he was fired up when she first invoked his name last week during a podcast interview, in which she alleged that a producer on a film they both worked on tried pushing her into banging him.

All's well that ends well ... Bill's waiving the white flag.


Powerful Truth Angels

Johnny Depp's not taking accusations from a former costar lying down ... he's firing back over an actress blasting him for treating her poorly on the set of "Blow."

The actor's rep is coming out swinging, saying Lola Glaudini's allegation Johnny was verbally abusive while filming one particular scene in the 2001 movie -- saying, "Johnny always prioritizes good working relationships with cast and crew and this recounting differs greatly from the recollection of other members on set at the time."

As for Lola's side of the story ... she actually said it back in January while on the "Powerful Truth Angels" podcast, but it's been resurfaced online. During the appearance she claimed Depp went off on her after director Ted Demme told her to burst into laughter at one of his lines.

According to Lola, Depp didn't catch wind she was following Demme's direction, leading him to think she was intentionally interrupting his scene.

Lola's full description of the alleged incident definitely ain't for kids' ears -- "Johnny Depp, when they say cut, walks over to me, comes up to me, sticks his finger in my face -- and I'm in a bikini on the ground like this -- and he comes over, and he goes, 'Who the f*** do you think you are? Who the f*** do you think you are? Shut the f*** up. I'm out here, and I'm trying to f***ing say my lines, and you're f***ing pulling focus."

Need a few more f-bombs? Why not? Lola claims the rant continued ... "You f***ing idiot. Who the f*** do you think … Oh, now, oh now it's not so funny? Now you can shut up? Now you can f***ing shut the f*** up? Oh it's not funny now? The quiet that you are right now, that's how you f***ing stay.'"

She says she was just trying to hold back the tears after he screamed in her face -- and claims Depp offered a "non-apology" afterward.

Aside from issuing the statement in Johnny's defense, Depp's rep says a sound tech from "Blow," Sam Sarkar, backs Johnny's version of events ... saying he doesn't remember any of what Lola's claiming took place.


explotando en el set
Powerful Truth Angels

Johnny Depp no acepta las acusaciones de una ex compañera de reparto, la cual asegura que la trataba mal en el set de "Blow".

El representante del actor ha salido a hablar, negando rotundamente la acusación de Lola Glaudini de que Johnny fue verbalmente abusivo durante el rodaje de una escena en particular en la película de 2001, diciendo: "Johnny siempre le da prioridad a las buenas relaciones de trabajo con el elenco y el equipo y esta historia difiere en gran medida del recuerdo de otros miembros en el set en ese momento".

Lola hizo comentarios por primera vez en enero en el pódcast "Powerful Truth Angels", el cual ha circulado en línea. En ese entonces, afirmó que Depp se abalanzó sobre ella luego de que el director -Ted Demme- le dijo que estallara en risas en una de sus líneas.

Según Lola, Depp no se dio cuenta de que ella estaba siguiendo las indicaciones de Demme, lo que le llevó a pensar que ella estaba interrumpiendo intencionadamente su escena.

La descripción completa del supuesto incidente por parte de Lola no es apta para niños: "Johnny Depp, cuando dicen 'corten', se acerca a mí, se me acerca, me mete el dedo en la cara -yo estoy en bikini en el suelo-, se acerca y me dice: '¿Quién coño te crees que eres? ¿Quién coño te crees que eres? Cállate de una puta vez. Estoy aquí fuera, y estoy intentando decir mis jodidas líneas, y tú me estás jodiendo".

¿Más insultos? ¿Por qué no? Lola afirma que el despotrique continuó: "Maldita idiota. ¿Quién coño te crees que...? ¿Ahora ya no es tan gracioso? ¿Ahora puedes callarte? ¿Ahora puedes callarte la p*** boca? ¿Ahora no es gracioso? Con lo calladita que estás, así es como te quedas'".

Ella dice que intentó contener las lágrimas después de que él le gritó en la cara, y afirma Depp ofreció una "no disculpa" después.

Además de emitir la declaración en defensa de Johnny, el representante de Depp dice que un técnico de sonido de "Blow", Sam Sarkar, respalda la versión de Johnny de los acontecimientos... Diciendo que no recuerda ningún incidente parecido.

'Christmas With the Kranks' Star M. Emmet Walsh Dead at 88

M. Emmet Walsh -- who was memorably in "Christmas With the Kranks" and "Blade Runner," among several other films -- has died ... TMZ has confirmed.

The actor's manager, Sandy Joseph, tells us Walsh passed away at a hospital in Vermont Tuesday as a result of cardiac arrest. No word on what exactly landed him in the hospital, or what sort of ailment he might've been battling.

Walsh was a veteran in Hollywood, and one of the most prolific character actors in the biz -- having racked up a whopping 233 acting credits to his name, with roles dating back to the '60s, playing Jason Randall on an episode of "The Doctors."

Since then, he'd starred in countless well-known films and TV shows spanning decades.

In addition to his work on 'CWTK' -- where he played Tim Allen's cranky neighbor and archenemy, Walt Scheel -- Walsh has acted in flicks like "Ordinary People," "The Jerk," "Fletch," "Blood Simple," "A Time to Kill," "Romeo + Juliet," "Wild Wild West," and many, many more.

His TV work is equally impressive ... Walsh had worked on TV series like "Starsky and Hutch," "Baretta," "The Rockford Files," "The Sandy Duncan Show," "East of Eden," "Little House on the Prairie," "The Twilight Zone," "Unsub," "The Flash," "Home Improvement," "The X-Files," "NYPD Blue," "Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot," "Damages," "Adventure Time" and others.

Walsh is survived by his nieces and nephews. He was 88.


Megan Fox on 'CHD' Talks Past Plastic Surgery & Quirks Defends Drinking Blood!!!

It's A Big Deal
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox says her paranoia surrounding surgery has been her saving grace in not going under the knife too much ... even though she admits she's had quite a lot of work done.

The actress appeared on Wednesday's episode of "Call Her Daddy," where she opened up about all her plastic surgery experiences -- including a lengthy pre-op routine she says she requires all her surgeons to follow, 'cause she wants to make sure there's no bad energy.

MF says she responds poorly to general anesthesia, so she demands that her doctors tell her if they've seen any bad omens before cutting into her ... take a listen to what those are.

On the actual procedures themselves -- Megan admits to having had three separate boob jobs, and insists she's only had her nose worked once, despite what some people think. She also teases a mystery surgery she's had as well ... but wouldn't disclose what that was.

Megan also says she's considered a BBL -- but notes she doesn't have the body fat for it.

Anyway ... there was more Megan talked about -- including the fact she and Machine Gun Kelly drink each other's blood ... which has been accused of being Satanic.

It's Sweet!
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan defends the practice here ... saying it's a lot more innocent than folks think -- likening it to two kids putting their bleeding thumbs together on the playground when they think they've found their "soulmate." She says she and MGK share that kind of bond.

She's also got a pretty graphic comparison in making her point -- saying she finds girls who engage in oral sex so freely to be way more gross than anything she's doing with her man.

Lots of interesting nuggets from the Fox here ... we're certainly learning a lot!


es algo serio
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox dice que su paranoia en torno a la cirugía ha sido su salvación para no excederse con el bisturí, a pesar de que admite que se ha hecho más de una intervención.

La actriz apareció en el episodio del miércoles de "Call Her Daddy", donde se abrió sobre todas sus experiencias de cirugía plástica, incluyendo una larga rutina pre-operatoria que dice que le exige a todos sus cirujanos a seguir, porque quiere asegurarse de que no hay mala energía.

Megan dice que responde mal a la anestesia general, por lo que le exige que sus médicos que le digan si han visto algún mal presagio antes de proceder.

En cuanto a las operaciones, Megan admite que se ha operado tres veces el busto e insiste en que solo se ha operado la nariz una vez, a pesar de lo que algunos piensan. Ella también bromea sobre una cirugía misteriosa, pero no reveló mucho más.

Megan también dice que ha considerado una gluteoplastía, pero señala que no tiene la grasa corporal para hacerlo.

Megan también habló sobre el hecho de que ella y Machine Gun Kelly bebían la sangre del otro, acto por el que se les tilda de satánicos.

es muy dulce
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan defiende la práctica, diciendo que es mucho más inocente de lo que la gente piensa, y lo compara con dos niños que ponen sus pulgares sangrantes juntos en el patio de recreo cuando piensan que han encontrado su "alma gemela". Ella dice que ella y MGK comparten ese tipo de vínculo.

Además, asegura las niñas que participan el sexo oral con libertad entre ellas son mucho más sangrientas...

Un montón de pepitas de parte de Fox... ¡Ciertamente estamos aprendiendo mucho!