'Christmas With the Kranks' Star M. Emmet Walsh Dead at 88

M. Emmet Walsh -- who was memorably in "Christmas With the Kranks" and "Blade Runner," among several other films -- has died ... TMZ has confirmed.

The actor's manager, Sandy Joseph, tells us Walsh passed away at a hospital in Vermont Tuesday as a result of cardiac arrest. No word on what exactly landed him in the hospital, or what sort of ailment he might've been battling.

Walsh was a veteran in Hollywood, and one of the most prolific character actors in the biz -- having racked up a whopping 233 acting credits to his name, with roles dating back to the '60s, playing Jason Randall on an episode of "The Doctors."

Since then, he'd starred in countless well-known films and TV shows spanning decades.

In addition to his work on 'CWTK' -- where he played Tim Allen's cranky neighbor and archenemy, Walt Scheel -- Walsh has acted in flicks like "Ordinary People," "The Jerk," "Fletch," "Blood Simple," "A Time to Kill," "Romeo + Juliet," "Wild Wild West," and many, many more.

His TV work is equally impressive ... Walsh had worked on TV series like "Starsky and Hutch," "Baretta," "The Rockford Files," "The Sandy Duncan Show," "East of Eden," "Little House on the Prairie," "The Twilight Zone," "Unsub," "The Flash," "Home Improvement," "The X-Files," "NYPD Blue," "Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot," "Damages," "Adventure Time" and others.

Walsh is survived by his nieces and nephews. He was 88.


Megan Fox on 'CHD' Talks Past Plastic Surgery & Quirks Defends Drinking Blood!!!

It's A Big Deal
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox says her paranoia surrounding surgery has been her saving grace in not going under the knife too much ... even though she admits she's had quite a lot of work done.

The actress appeared on Wednesday's episode of "Call Her Daddy," where she opened up about all her plastic surgery experiences -- including a lengthy pre-op routine she says she requires all her surgeons to follow, 'cause she wants to make sure there's no bad energy.

MF says she responds poorly to general anesthesia, so she demands that her doctors tell her if they've seen any bad omens before cutting into her ... take a listen to what those are.

On the actual procedures themselves -- Megan admits to having had three separate boob jobs, and insists she's only had her nose worked once, despite what some people think. She also teases a mystery surgery she's had as well ... but wouldn't disclose what that was.

Megan also says she's considered a BBL -- but notes she doesn't have the body fat for it.

Anyway ... there was more Megan talked about -- including the fact she and Machine Gun Kelly drink each other's blood ... which has been accused of being Satanic.

It's Sweet!
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan defends the practice here ... saying it's a lot more innocent than folks think -- likening it to two kids putting their bleeding thumbs together on the playground when they think they've found their "soulmate." She says she and MGK share that kind of bond.

She's also got a pretty graphic comparison in making her point -- saying she finds girls who engage in oral sex so freely to be way more gross than anything she's doing with her man.

Lots of interesting nuggets from the Fox here ... we're certainly learning a lot!


es algo serio
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox dice que su paranoia en torno a la cirugía ha sido su salvación para no excederse con el bisturí, a pesar de que admite que se ha hecho más de una intervención.

La actriz apareció en el episodio del miércoles de "Call Her Daddy", donde se abrió sobre todas sus experiencias de cirugía plástica, incluyendo una larga rutina pre-operatoria que dice que le exige a todos sus cirujanos a seguir, porque quiere asegurarse de que no hay mala energía.

Megan dice que responde mal a la anestesia general, por lo que le exige que sus médicos que le digan si han visto algún mal presagio antes de proceder.

En cuanto a las operaciones, Megan admite que se ha operado tres veces el busto e insiste en que solo se ha operado la nariz una vez, a pesar de lo que algunos piensan. Ella también bromea sobre una cirugía misteriosa, pero no reveló mucho más.

Megan también dice que ha considerado una gluteoplastía, pero señala que no tiene la grasa corporal para hacerlo.

Megan también habló sobre el hecho de que ella y Machine Gun Kelly bebían la sangre del otro, acto por el que se les tilda de satánicos.

es muy dulce
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan defiende la práctica, diciendo que es mucho más inocente de lo que la gente piensa, y lo compara con dos niños que ponen sus pulgares sangrantes juntos en el patio de recreo cuando piensan que han encontrado su "alma gemela". Ella dice que ella y MGK comparten ese tipo de vínculo.

Además, asegura las niñas que participan el sexo oral con libertad entre ellas son mucho más sangrientas...

Un montón de pepitas de parte de Fox... ¡Ciertamente estamos aprendiendo mucho!


Kaley Cuoco está de luto por una pérdida en su familia..., ya que anunció la muerte de Blue,  su querido perro.

La actriz compartió la triste noticia el miércoles, diciendo que estaba muy triste por la pérdida. Explicó que la pérdida de Blue fue aún más triste porque era el tercer perro que ha tenido que sacrificar el último año.

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Recordemos que Kaley anunció el fallecimiento de King el mes pasado, menos de un año después de que su cachorro rescatado -Dump Truck- muriera el pasado mes de mayo.

Mientras Kaley está claramente desconsolada por Blue, dice que también está particularmente triste por su pareja, Tom Pelphrey, que es el dueño original del perro.

Según Kaley, les tomó algún tiempo a Blue y a ella estar completamente cómodos el uno con el otro, naturalmente, él aún extrañaba a Tom.

Sin embargo, "Después de algún tiempo, Blue finalmente se dio cuenta de que éramos una familia y que estábamos todos juntos. Algo cambió. Era increíble. Protector conmigo y con el resto de nuestros cachorros, siempre en guardia. Me sentía tan segura sola en casa con él y cuando alguien venía a la puerta le ponía la correa a Blue y hacía que se sentara a mi lado".

Kaley continuó añadiendo que Blue era increíblemente paciente y gentil con su pequeña hija Matilda, que nació el año pasado.

No es ningún secreto que Kaley es una amante de los animales, ya que ha rescatado a varios perros a lo largo de los años, y también posee algunos caballos.

Blue era claramente un favorito de la familia, Kaley y Tom una vez usaron suéteres de Navidad con la cara del cachorro un año.

Buen chico, Blue. Muy buen chico.

Jonathan Majors No le preocupa la demanda de su ex novia... Entrenando por trabajo

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Para nada sorprendido

Jonathan Majors no está preocupado por la nueva demanda de su ex novia Grace Jabbari, en cambio, se está poniendo en forma para lo que parece ser un nuevo rol en una película.

Nos encontramos con el actor el miércoles en Los Ángeles, cuando acababa de salir de una sesión de gimnasio con su entrenador -esto es, fuerza y acondicionamiento con el gurú Jason Best- y Jonathan Majors realmente estaba dispuesto a conversar. Esto, por supuesto, mientras caminaba sin camisa y se paseaba absolutamente tonificado.

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A toda máquina

Por cierto, Best es el mismo tipo que lo puso en plena forma para su papel de culturista en "Magazine Dreams" y evidentemente siguen trabajando juntos porque JM se ve muy bien.

De todos modos, hablamos con Jon sobre todo lo que está pasando en su vida en este momento, incluyendo este posible trabajo del que hemos escuchado en una película, aunque los detalles exactos todavía son un poco oscuros. ¡Jonathan nos confirmó, sin embargo, que se está poniendo en forma para el "trabajo" y cuando le preguntamos si era para este papel, ciertamente no lo negó!

Nuestro fotógrafo también habló con Jon sobre su relación con Meagan Good, que sigue muy en serio con los tortolitos apareciendo en eventos públicos juntos y muy cariñosos.

Le preguntamos a Jon qué tiene Meagan que es diferente de otras novias y su respuesta es muy reveladora, insinuando fuertemente que Meagan capturó su corazón y algo más.

Jonathan dijo que Meagan, quien estuvo a su lado durante todo el juicio, era su corazón y acreditó la conexión que tienen como el motivo de éxito de su relación.

Nuestra conversación con Jonathan llega un día después de que se revelara que su ex, Grace Jabbari, quien testificó en su contra en diciembre durante un juicio penal, lo demandó, alegando que la agredió en el transcurso de su relación y también la difamó.

Recuerden, Jonathan fue condenado por delito menor de agresión y acoso en diciembre y actualmente está a la espera de su sentencia. Su equipo legal ha solicitado que se anule la condena y nos dijo que no estaban sorprendidos por la reciente demanda de Grace.

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Responsable por haber estado ahí
ABC News

Jonathan expresó un sentimiento similar sobre esto el miércoles, diciéndonos que está listo para dejar todo en el pasado o, al menos, está tratando.

Kaley Cuoco Announces Her Dog's Death ... You're My Boy, Blue!!!

Kaley Cuoco is mourning a loss in her family ... as she announced the death of her beloved dog, Blue.

The actress shared the sad news Wednesday, saying she was in tears over the loss. As Kaley explained, Blue's loss was even more upsetting because he was the third dog she's had to put down in the last year.

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Remember, Kaley announced the passing of King last month -- less than a year after her rescue pup Dump Truck died last May.

While Kaley's clearly heartbroken over Blue, she says she's also particularly sad for her partner, Tom Pelphrey ... who's the dog's original owner.

According to Kaley, it took some time for Blue and her to grow comfortable with one another -- naturally, he favored Tom over her.

However, "After some time Blue finally realized we were a family and we were all sticking together. Something changed. He was amazing. Protective of me and the rest of our pup crew, always on guard. I felt so safe home alone with him and when anyone came to the door I would put Blue on the leash and have him sit right next to me."

Kaley went on to add that Blue was incredibly patient and gentle with their young daughter Matilda, who was born last year.

It's no secret Kaley is an animal lover, having rescued several dogs over the years, and she also owns a few horses.

But, Blue was clearly a family favorite, with Kaley and Tom wearing the pup on Christmas sweaters one year.

Good boy, Blue. Very good boy.

Jonathan Majors Hittin' the Gym for 'Work' Unbothered by Ex-GF's Lawsuit

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Jonathan Majors isn't sweating Grace Jabbari's lawsuit against him -- but he is working up a sweat ... continuing to train for what sure sounds like a new movie role.

We got the actor out Wednesday in L.A., where he was just leaving a gym session with his trainer -- strength and conditioning guru Jason Best -- and JM was actually willing to chat ... this, of course, while walking out shirtless and looking absolutely ripped.

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BTW -- Best is the same guy who got him in peak condition for his bodybuilding role in "Magazine Dreams" -- and clearly, they're still working together ... 'cause JM looks great here.

Anyway, we chopped it up with Jon about a number of things going on in his life right now -- including this potential gig we've been hearing he has lined up for a film project ... although, the exact details are still a little murky. Jonathan did confirm to us, though, that he's getting in shape for "work" ... and when we asked if it was for the role, he certainly didn't deny it!

Our photog also talked to Jon about his relationship with Meagan Good -- which is going strong ... as the lovebirds continue to hit public events together ... and pack on PDA.

We asked Jon what makes MG different than other girlfriends he's had ... and he's got a pretty telling response, strongly hinting that Meagan's captured his heart and then some.

Jonathan called Meagan, who stood by him during his highly-publicized trial, his heart and credited their connection for their success as a couple.

Our chat with Jonathan here comes a day after it was revealed that his ex, Grace Jabbari -- who testified against him in December during a criminal trial -- sued him, claiming he assaulted her over the course of their relationship and defamed her as well.

Remember, Jonathan was convicted of misdemeanor assault and harassment in December ... and is currently awaiting sentencing. His legal team has filed to have the conviction tossed out -- and told us that they weren't surprised by Grace's recent filing.

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ABC News

Jonathan expressed a similar sentiment about the sitch on Wednesday too ... telling us he's just ready to put the whole situation behind him, or is trying to anyway.

Sydney Sweeney Cree que el fracaso de "Madame Web" fue un movimiento inteligente

Sydney Sweeney es una maestra de las relaciones públicas o tiene todo resuelto en el mundo del espectáculo, pues está explicando por qué el épico fracaso de "Madame Web" fue en realidad una jugada buena para su carrera.

Básicamente, la actriz tiene una perspectiva estratégica con que la película haya sido un fracaso de taquilla, pues le dijo a GQ Reino Unido que lo está viendo como un movimiento inteligente si uno ve el cuadro completo, pues su participación en la película la ha ayudado a fortalecer sus lazos con los grandes ejecutivos de Sony.

Sydney dice que protagonizar la película le ha abierto puertas a las que, de otro modo, no habría tenido acceso.

Por ejemplo, gracias a su conexión con Sony, consiguió que se hiciera su otra película "Anyone But You" e incluso consiguió el papel protagonista en la nueva película de "Barbarella", todo bajo el paraguas de Sony.

En cuanto a las malas reacciones que ha tenido "Madame Web", Sydney dice que fue contratada como actriz y que estaba encantada de dar vida al personaje.

Pero cuando se trata de las consecuencias del fracaso, dice que está bien con que la ola la haya llevado a donde quiera que sea, sobre todo porque no era parte de los productores.

En 2020, Sydney lanzó su propia productora Fifty-Fifty Films, que ayudó al éxito de su otra película "Anyone But You", protagonizada por Glen Powell.

"Madame Web" no consiguió el mismo éxito, ya que apenas recaudó 25,8 millones de dólares en su fin de semana de estreno.

Pero para Sydney, el argumento de una película no es un factor decisivo a la hora de elegir guiones, ella se centra en entablar relaciones profesionales.

En otras palabras, Syd juega a largo plazo.


Sydney Sweeney's a hall of fame spin doctor, or she's got showbiz all figured out ... because she's explaining why the epic flop of "Madame Web" is actually good for her career.

The actress basically has a strategic business perspective on the film crashing and burning at the box office ... telling GQ UK she's seeing it as a smart move in the grand scheme of things 'cause her involvement in the film has strengthened her ties to the big wigs at Sony.

Sydney says starring in the flick opened doors she wouldn't have access to, otherwise.

Case in point, thanks to her connection with Sony, she managed to get her other movie "Anyone But You" made and even snagged the lead role in the new "Barbarella" movie -- all under the Sony umbrella.

As for directly addressing the "Madame Web" backlash ... Sydney's saying she was just hired as an actor, and was stoked to breathe life into the character.

But when it comes to the fallout from it flopping, she's cool with riding the wave wherever it takes her, especially since she's not in the producer's seat.

IYDK, back in 2020, Sydney actually launched her own production company, Fifty-Fifty Films, which helped the success of her other film, "Anyone But You," costarring Glen Powell.

"Madame Web" didn't quite hit the same mark -- barely scraping together $25.8 million domestically in its opening weekend.

But as far as Sydney's concerned, a movie's plot ain't a deal breaker when it comes to choosing scripts ... she's just focused on building professional relationships.

Translation: Syd's playing the long game!

Megan Fox Offers Cryptic Update on MGK ... We'll Always Be Connected

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I'm Not Willing To Explain
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox is finally speaking out about the status of her relationship with Machine Gun Kelly, and while she's trying to be coy ... she's also hinting there could be trouble in paradise.

The one thing Megan was very clear about while on the "Call Her Daddy" podcast, was that her romance with MGK will no longer play out in the public eye -- and then she attempted to play the "no comment" card in a very cryptic way.

Try to decipher this -- Megan told host Alex Cooper she will always have love for MGK ... referring to the artist as her "twin soul," and there will always be "a tether to him, no matter what."

The comment suggests they're no longer engaged, but Megan refused to say anything specific about their current status.

For anyone scratching their heads over the starlet's vague relationship update, she confessed that she can see how it is confusing for the public to understand.

That's nice of her ... but still totally lacking clarity.

Megan's statement comes not long after MGK opened up about his grief in the aftermath of their miscarriage a while back. He got candid about it in the song, "Don't Let Me Go," which dropped at the end of February.


The couple still hasn't set a wedding date -- 2 years after getting engaged -- but things have been rocky since last year when Megan fueled breakup speculation with a post quoting song lyrics from Beyoncé's "Lemonade" album.

Maybe MGK's massive new tattoo was a sign things were changing? If so, Megan's not ready to fully come clean.

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Megan Fox Da críptica actualización de su relación con Machine Gun Kelly...

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No puedo explicarlo
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox finalmente está hablando sobre su relación con Machine Gun Kelly, y aunque fue algo esquiva, también insinúo que podría haber problemas entre ellos.

La única cosa en la que Megan fue muy clara es que su romance con MGK ya no se desarrollará en el ojo público, según contó en el podcast "Call Her Daddy", y luego trató de jugar la carta del "sin comentarios" de una manera muy críptica.

Traten de descifrar esto, Megan le dijo a la anfitriona Alex Cooper que siempre querrá a Machine Gun Kelly, refiriéndose al artista como su "alma gemela", y que siempre habrá "una atadura a él, no importa qué".

El comentario sugiere que ya no están comprometidos, pero Megan se negó a decir algo específico sobre su estado actual.

Para todos los que se están tomando la cabeza con esta vaga actualización sobre su relación, ella misma confesó que entiende lo confuso que puede ser para el público.

Eso es tierno de su parte, pero sigue siendo igualmente confuso.

La declaración de Megan se produce poco después de que MGK se abriera sobre el dolor que vivieron por su aborto involuntario hace un tiempo. Se sinceró al respecto en la canción, "Don't Let Me Go", que salió a fines de febrero.

La pareja aún no ha fijado una fecha para su boda, dos años después de que se comprometieron, pero las cosas han sido difíciles desde el año pasado, cuando Megan alimentó las especulaciones sobre una ruptura con un post donde citaba letras de canciones del álbum "Lemonade" de Beyoncé.

¿Tal vez el nuevo tatuaje de MGK era una señal de que las cosas estaban cambiando? Si es así, Megan no está lista para confesarlo todo.


La nueva comedia romántica de Anne Hathaway tiene muchos elementos en común con la relación de Olivia Wilde y Harry Styles, pero aclara que no hay ninguna conexión.

La última película de la actriz, "The Idea of You", trata de una madre soltera de 40 años -interpretada por Anne- que se mete en un tórrido romance con un cantante de 24 años, interpretado por Nicholas Galitzine, y la gente ya ha interpretado esto como una inspiración.

Como ustedes saben, Olivia también era una madre soltera cuando se enganchó con Harry un par de años atrás y es por eso que la gente cree que Anne y compañía llevaron su historia a Amazon Prime.

Por desgracia para todos los que esperaban que esto fuera cierto, Anne hizo una aclaración en una reciente entrevista con Extra esta semana mientras promocionaba la película.

Cuando le preguntaron explícitamente sobre la teoría de Olivia y Harry, respondió. "No, simplemente no". En su lugar, Anne dice que la película trata de su personaje haciendo todo lo posible para recuperarse del desamor después de que su ex marido la dejara hecha pedazos... bastante genérico la verdad.

Puede haber algunos paralelismos, pero la verdad es que no pasa de una coincidencia.

Volviendo a Anne, ella dice que su nuevo papel es perfecto en este punto de su carrera, a pesar de que algunos han sugerido que ella es demasiado para el papel. Anne aclara que solo quería divertirse, y parece que lo está haciendo.

Keanu Reeves ¡¡¡Aparece con el pelo corto!!! Por primera vez en años

Keanu Reeves se está deshaciendo de su larga melena por un peinado muchísimo más corto y todo por un nuevo rol en una película.

El actor apareció en el set de "Outcome" con el pelo mucho más corto de lo que hemos visto de él en años.

Aunque el papel requería que la estrella se recortara su larga melena, al actor de 59 años se le permitió conservar su característica barba, que luce desde hace tiempo.

El pelo de Keanu se ha ido alargando progresivamente a lo largo de las 4 primeras películas de John Wick, pero su barba ha permanecido intacta en su mayor parte. Así que nos preguntamos qué significa esto para la próxima entrega de "John Wick".

Sin embargo, cuando lo fotografiaron el mes pasado, Keanu aún lucía su pelo largo, por lo que el recorte debe haber ocurrido en las últimas semanas.

De hecho, Keanu tenía el pelo notablemente más corto en una foto para la que posó con su novia Alexandra Grant, Rob Lowe y Sheryl Lowe, que fue publicada la semana pasada, por lo que el corte puede ser super nuevo.

Lo importante es que el nuevo look se le ve más que excelente.

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Además de lucir el nuevo peinado, Keanu fue fotografiado con unos vaqueros clásicos, una camisa blanca y una chaqueta de color canela para la película dirigida por Jonah Hill.

Para aquellos curiosos sobre "Outcome", en la película Keanu interpreta a una estrella de Hollywood ficticia que tiene la tarea de hacer las paces con su pasado cuando es extorsionado con un clip suyo que ha vuelto a resurgir.

Cameron Diaz, que regresó a la actuación el año pasado después de un paréntesis de 10 años, también es parte del proyecto.

Entre la transformación del pelo de Keanu y el regreso de Cameron, hay mucho que esperar de esta película.


Anne Hathaway's new rom-com has a lot of the same elements as Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles' one-time real relationship -- but AH says there's no connection there whatsoever.

The actress' latest movie, "The Idea of You," is all about a 40-year-old single mom -- played by Anne -- who gets into a steamy romance with a super young 24-year-old boy band singer, played by Nicholas Galitzine ... which is why folks think OW and HS are the inspiration.

As you know ... Olivia was also a single mom when she hooked up with Harry a couple years back -- and that's why people believe Anne and co. took their story to Amazon Prime.

Unfortunately for everyone who was hoping for this to be true ... Anne shut it down explicitly in a recent interview with Extra this week while promoting the film.

When asked explicitly about the Olivia and Harry theory, AH replied. "No, just no." Instead, Anne says the movie's all about her character pulling out all the stops to bounce back from heartbreak after her ex-husband leaves her in pieces ... so, more generic than anything.

There might be some parallels ... but it's not anything Anne and co. looked to for reference, despite what some might think.

But back to Anne ... she's saying her new role was perfect for her to sink into at this point in her career -- even though some have suggested she's, perhaps, above it. Anne says she just wanted to have some fun, and it looks like she's doing that for this movie.

Keanu Reeves Steps Out With Short Hair!!! First Time in Years

Keanu Reeves is ditching his signature long locks for a drastically shorter 'do ... all for a new movie role.

The actor stepped out on the set of his new feature film, "Outcome," and debuted the shortest cut we've seen on him in years.

While the role clearly required the action star to trim his lengthy hair, the 59-year-old A-lister was allowed to keep his trademark beard, which he's sported for a while.

Keanu's hair has gotten progressively longer across the first 4 'John Wick' movies -- but his beard has stayed the same for the most part. So, we wonder what this means for the next 'John Wick' installment.

However, Keanu was photographed just last month still rocking his longer hairstyle -- so the snip must have happened in the last few weeks.

In fact, Keanu had noticeably shorter hair in a photo he posed for with girlfriend Alexandra Grant, Rob Lowe, and Sheryl Lowe ... which was posted last week, so the cut may be super fresh.

FWIW, the new look is most excellent.

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In addition to sporting the new 'do, Keanu was photographed wearing classic denim blue jeans, a white shirt and a tan jacket for the Jonah Hill-directed feature.

For those curious about the new flick, "Outcome" features Keanu playing a fictional Hollywood star tasked with coming to terms with his past when he's extorted over a resurfaced clip.

Cameron Diaz, who returned to acting last year after a 10-year hiatus, is also starring in the project.

Between Keanu's hair transformation and the return of Cameron, there's a lot to look forward to with this movie.

Jake Gyllenhaal Dazzles With Conor McGregor At 'Road house' Premiere

Jake Gyllenhaal was the man of the moment at the NYC premiere of his new movie, "Road House," posing for a slew of photos with his costar – none other than UFC Legend Conor McGregor!

Jake first hit the red carpet with his model girlfriend Jeanne Cadieu at Manhattan's Lincoln Center Tuesday night -- and the two were total knockouts. The actor looked super spiffy in his black suit and tie while Jeanne was the epitome of glamour in her long dark dress.

A bunch of shutterbugs snapped pictures of the smiling couple surrounded by shimmering powder blue neon signs that read, "Road House."

At one point, the couple was joined by Jake's parents, Stephen and Naomi, and all four mugged for the cameras.

But the real treat was when Conor popped up and shared the floor with Jake for their little photo shoot. The costars stood side by side, shaking hands, putting up their dukes and laughing and joking with one another.

Afterward, everyone went inside the theater to enjoy the film, which was a remake of the famous 1989 bar fight drama starring the late Patrick Swayze, who died of pancreatic cancer in 2009.

Jake took on Swayze's iconic role of tough guy protagonist Elwood Dalton while Conor played the villainous hired muscle named Knox. Post Malone also had a cameo as a character called Carter.

Sounds like this reboot packs one helluva punch!