'Leaving Neverland' Director Michael Jackson Biopic Ain't Honest ... Any Creative Freedom???

Michael Jackson's biopic is already causing controversy ... with the film's creators promising the uncensored truth and the "Leaving Neverland" director calling BS.

Here's the deal ... the new MJ film's reportedly been touted in multiple press releases as an honest portrayal of Michael Jackson's life with a focus on both his talent and his very human struggles.

Variety checked in with producer Graham King and screenwriter John Logan, who do put the abuse allegations into the film -- after all, Michael went through a very public criminal trial over them, so it would be hard not to -- but ultimately portray him through a lens of innocence since he wasn't convicted back then.

In a separate statement, Graham King said he didn't sanitize Michael's life one bit ... instead working hard to present an unbiased picture of the King of Pop.

Well, "Leaving Neverland" director Dan Reed's not buying that ... telling the outlet he's read a copy of the "Michael" screenplay -- and it's basically an ode to MJ.

Remember ... "Leaving Neverland" featured allegations of child sex abuse against Jackson by Wade Robson and James Safechuck -- their court case against Jackson's estate is still awaiting trial.

Reed says the movie goes out of its way to show Michael interacting with kids in a positive way ... and he even goes as far as to say it seems like Michael's former attorney John Branca -- an executive producer on the film -- sat the creative team down and straight up told them what to write.

We've shown you quite a few behind-the-scenes looks at the movie being made over the months -- catching Jaafar Jackson, Colman Domingo, Nia Long and more stars all dressed up and ready for the camera to roll.

Bottom line ... this biopic's already stirring the pot -- and it'll only get bigger when it hits theaters next year.

'Star Wars' Star Anthony Daniels C-3PO Head Sold at Auction ... Mind-Blowing $850k Price!!!

Anthony Daniels is making a fortune off his "Star Wars" trinkets ... selling off a C-3PO head from 'Return of the Jedi' for enough cash to satiate even Han Solo himself.

The actor sold off the prop for $843,750 Tuesday through Propstore Auction -- a popular site for fanboys and fangirls to buy their favorite movie and TV super collectibles.

Propstore says the head matches several scenes from the film, and it was the only head still in a private collection before it was sold -- as of yet, it's still unclear exactly who bought it.

The fiberglass head -- made up of three components -- still lights up ... so the lucky mystery buyer's got a pretty dang cool new addition to what we imagine is already a stacked "Star Wars" collection.

As for why he's selling ... Daniels told The Hollywood Reporter last week all his 'Star Wars' stuff's just gathering dust in boxes and cupboards -- and he'd rather it go on display or to someone who might really enjoy it.

The head wasn't the only thing Daniels put up for auction either ... he also sold a custom Pittsburgh Penguins hockey jersey given to him by the team after he participated in a charity event as well as a gingerbread cookie given to him on his last day of shooting 'The Last Jedi,' among other wild items.

While the head may be sold, a ton of other "Anthony Daniels" collection items are still up for sale ... so hop over to Propstore quickly before they're all sold off.

Turns out C-3PO was the droid one lucky buyer was looking for!

Olivia Munn Reveals Breast Cancer Diagnosis ... Had Double Mastectomy

Olivia Munn's opening up about her health struggles ... revealing she's been fighting breast cancer for the better part of a year, and also saying she's undergone a double mastectomy.

The actress shared a series of pics to IG Wednesday featuring her in a hospital gown -- getting a battery of tests run on her. She also posted a video of her sobbing while lying in a hospital bed while a medical professional appeared to be consoling her.

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Munn also dropped text posts explaining her cancer journey so far in greater detail -- the first time anyone has heard about this -- and admitting she's kept this a secret for a while.

Olivia was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2023 after a doctor decided to calculate her Breast Cancer Risk Assessment score. She said she's had four surgeries since the diagnosis and has spent numerous days laid up in a hospital bed.

Munn says that in February 2023, she took a genetic test with her sister that checks you for cancer genes, including BRCA -- which she says she tested negative for. She also had a routine mammogram, which was also clear but her OBGYN suggested doing further testing due to her age and family history. Olivia credits her doctor with saving her life after the doctor found that her lifetime risk for breast cancer was 37% and a biopsy then found she had Luminal B cancer.

OM says she went in for a double mastectomy one month after her biopsy ... and she encourages other women to go to their OBGYN to have their own cancer risk assessed early and often.

Munn thanked friends and family in the post ... specifically mentioning her partner, comedian John Mulaney, for all the support he'd given her through this trying time. BTW, Munn showed up with John Sunday at the Oscars ... and nobody suspected a thing about this.

She goes on to say she kept a framed photo of John and their son Malcolm on her bedside throughout every medical procedure ... making sure it was the first thing she saw when she woke up.

Olivia didn't mention being cancer-free or in remission in her post ... so it's unclear if she's out of the woods on this front.

In any case, brave of her to come forward and share this. She's getting a lot of kudos too.

OLIVIA MUNN REVELA EL DIAGNÓSTICO DE CÁNCER DE MAMA Luego de someterse a una mastectomía doble

Olivia Munn se está abriendo sobre sus luchas de salud, revelando que ha estado luchando contra el cáncer de mama durante la mayor parte del año, y también diciendo que se ha sometido a una mastectomía doble.

La actriz compartió una serie de fotos en Insta el miércoles, que la muestran a ella en una bata de hospital sometiéndose a muchos exámenes. También publicó un video de ella sollozando mientras yacía en una cama de hospital mientras un profesional médico parecía consolarla.

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manteniéndose firme

Munn también envió mensajes de texto explicando su historia con el cáncer hasta ahora con más detalle -la primera vez que alguien ha oído hablar de esto- y admitiendo que lo ha mantenido en secreto durante un tiempo.

Olivia fue diagnosticada con cáncer de mama en abril de 2023 después de que un médico decidiera calcular su puntuación de Evaluación de Riesgo de Cáncer de Mama. Ella dijo que ha tenido cuatro cirugías desde el diagnóstico y ha pasado numerosos días acostada en una cama de hospital.

Munn dice que en febrero de 2023, se hizo una prueba genética con su hermana que te comprueba los genes del cáncer, incluyendo BRCA, el cual asegura que dio negativo. También se hizo una mamografía rutinaria, que también salió bien, pero su ginecólogo le sugirió que se hiciera más pruebas debido a su edad y a sus antecedentes familiares. Olivia le atribuye a su médico el haberle salvado la vida después de que el este descubriera que su riesgo vital de cáncer de mama era del 37% y una biopsia descubriera entonces que tenía cáncer Luminal B.

Olivia dice que se sometió a una mastectomía doble un mes después de su biopsia, y ella anima a otras mujeres a ir a su ginecólogo para tener su propio riesgo de cáncer evaluado temprano y con frecuencia.

Munn agradeció a amigos y familiares en el post, mencionando específicamente a su pareja, el comediante John Mulaney, por todo el apoyo que le había dado a través de estos momentos tan difíciles. Por cierto, Munn apareció con John el domingo en los Oscar y nadie sospechaba nada de esto.

Ella continúa diciendo que mantuvo una foto enmarcada de John y su hijo Malcolm junto a su cama durante cada procedimiento médico, asegurándose de que era lo primero que veía cuando se despertaba.

Olivia no mencionó estar libre de cáncer o en remisión en su puesto, por lo que no está claro si ella está fuera de peligro en este frente.

En cualquier caso, es muy valiente de su parte abrirse como lo ha hecho y le deseamos lo mejor.


Billy Baldwin dice que las afirmaciones de Sharon Stone de que un productor de cine le instó a dormir con él mientras trabajaban en una película juntos son falsas.

El actor salió el martes a desmentir una afirmación que Sharon hizo recientemente en un pódcast, donde alegó que el productor Robert Evans le dijo que debería acostarse con Billy para obtener una mejor actuación de él en "Sliver" de 1993, en la que ella actuó junto a Billy.

"mi trabajo es actuar"
The Louis Theroux Podcast

En respuesta a eso, Billy escribió: "¿No estoy seguro de por qué Sharon Stone sigue hablando de mí todos estos años después? ¿Sigue enamorada de mí o sigue dolida después de todos estos años porque rechacé sus insinuaciones?".

Billy continúa afirmando que Sharon le confió a su amiga, Janice Dickinson, que iba a "hacer que se enamorara tanto de mí que le daría vueltas la cabeza". Básicamente, está haciendo parecer que Sharon realmente quería estar con él mientras rodaban.

Billy hace otra alegación sorprendente, escribiendo: "La historia de la reunión que tuve con Bob Evans implorándole que me permitiera "coreografiar" la escena de sexo final en la foto de abajo para no tener que besar a Sharon es una leyenda absoluta".

Sharon sale con esta historia después de años de estar lista para revelar la identidad de un productor que ella dice que era escoria, y ahora, ella está denunciando que Evans fue ese tipo.

Sharon continuó explicando que le dijeron que había problemas de actuación en la película y la estaban culpando a ella, todo porque se negó a dormir con Billy, y agrega que Evans aparentemente pensó que teniendo sexo iban a "salvar" la escena y la película.

Ella dice que había sugerido otros actores además de Billy -como Michael Douglas- a quien ella dice que considera un profesional, así que sí, ella está destrozando Billy.

Por cierto, ya que Billy invocó el nombre de Janice, ella salió el miércoles y dijo que no recordaba de lo que él estaba hablando.


Billy Baldwin is calling BS on Sharon Stone's allegations that a film producer urged her to sleep with Billy while working on a movie together ... suggesting she was actually into him.

The actor came out swinging Tuesday to deny a claim Sharon recently floated on a podcast -- where she alleged late producer Robert Evans told her she should bang Billy to get a better performance out of him in 1993's 'Sliver,' in which she starred opposite Billy.

The Louis Theroux Podcast

In response to that, Billy wrote ... "Not sure why Sharon Stone keep talking about me all these years later? Does she still have a crush on me or is she still hurt after all these years because I shunned her advances?"

Billy goes on to claim that Sharon confided with her friend, Janice Dickinson, that she was going to "make him fall so hard for me, it's gonna make his head spin." Basically, he's making it seem like Sharon actually wanted to get with him while they were shooting.

Billy makes another startling allegation, writing ... "The story of the meeting I had with Bob Evans imploring him allow me to choreograph the final sex scene in the photo below so I wouldn't have to kiss Sharon is absolute legend." He teases spilling some tea one day.

Sharon coming out with this story follows years of her teasing being ready to reveal the identity of a producer she says was scummy -- and now, she's naming Evans as that guy.

Sharon went on to explain that she'd been told the acting issues with the movie at the time were being blamed on her ... all because she refused to sleep with Billy, which she says Evans apparently thought would make their chemistry better and "save" the flick.

She says she'd suggested other actors besides Billy -- like Michael Douglas -- whom she says she considers a professional ... so yeah, she's kinda trashing BB here too.

BTW, since Billy invoked Janice's name here -- she came out Wednesday and said she had no recollection of what he was talking about.

Estrella de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd Ingresó a rehabilitación hace 10 meses ... Por brote sicótico

La estrella infantil de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd ha estado recibiendo tratamiento en un centro de salud mental los últimos 10 meses, según revela su madre.

Lisa Lloyd dice que su hijo, famoso por interpretar al joven Anakin Skywalker en el "Episodio I: La Amenaza Fantasma" de 1999, comenzó su programa de hospitalización en marzo de 2023. Le dijo a Scripps News el lunes que Jake experimentó un brote psicótico mientras conducían a casa después de hacer una parada en McDonald's.

Lisa relató que Jake, ahora de 35 años, quiso apagar el carro en un momento dado e inquietantemente lo hizo mientras estaban en medio de tres carriles de tránsito, lo que dio lugar a un tumultuoso intercambio de gritos y gritos entre Jake y ella.

El incidente provocó un gran atasco, lo que llevó a otros conductores a llamar al 911. Cuando los policías llegaron a la escena le preguntaron un montón de cosas a Jake para obtener detalles del incidente.

Sin embargo, Lisa dice que Jake fue incapaz de responder coherentemente a las preguntas de los oficiales y las describió como una "ensalada de palabras". Escuchar un discurso incoherente a menudo se asocia a condiciones como la esquizofrenia, condición con la que Jake fue diagnosticado en 2008.

Jake fue ingresado en el hospital ese mismo día y más tarde entró al centro de rehabilitación para una estancia prolongada de 18 meses para intentar lidiar con sus demonios.

Afortunadamente, hay buenas noticias respecto a su progreso. Lisa dice que está muy bien y que incluso ha superado sus expectativas en lo relativo a relacionarse con otras personas y ser un poco más sociable.

Se acordarán de que Jake se ha enfrentado a varios desafíos a lo largo de su vida. En junio de 2015, fue arrestado, pasó 10 meses en prisión y más tarde buscó ayuda psiquiátrica después de una persecución a través del condado que terminó con él estrellando un carro.


'Star Wars' child star Jake Lloyd has been receiving treatment at a mental health facility for the past 10 months ... according to his mother.

Lisa Lloyd says her son -- famous for playing young Anakin Skywalker in 1999's "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" -- began his inpatient program in March 2023. She told Scripps News Monday, he'd been experiencing a psychotic break while they were driving home after making a McDonald's run.

Lisa recounted how Jake, now 35, expressed a desire to turn off the car, and unsettlingly, proceeded to carry out the act while they were in the middle of 3 lanes of traffic ... leading to a tumultuous exchange of yelling and screaming between Jake and her.

The incident caused a major traffic jam, prompting other drivers to call 911, and when cops arrived on the scene, they asked Jake a bunch of questions to get deets surrounding the incident.

However, Lisa says Jake was unable to make sense of the officers' questions ... describing them as a "word salad." Hearing a jumble of incoherent speech is often associated with conditions like schizophrenia, which Jake was diagnosed with back in 2008.

Jake was admitted to the hospital that day ... and later entered the rehab facility for an extended 18-month stay to battle his demons.

Thankfully, there's good news regarding his progress -- Lisa says he's doing great, even exceeding her expectations by relating to people better and becoming a bit more social.

You'll remember ... Jake's faced his fair share of challenges over the years. In June 2015, he was arrested, spent 10 months in prison, and later sought psychiatric help following a cross-county chase that ended with him crashing the car.

NEVE CAMPBELL A BORDO DE "SCREAM 7" Luego de desacuerdos salariales

Neve Campbell vuelve a "Scream", algo que acaba de anunciar tras su salida hace un par de años por discrepancias salariales y mucho drama.

La actriz dio la noticia en Instagram el martes, publicando una foto de un guion de "Scream 7" con su nombre en él y algunos otros detalles interesantes acerca de quién está escribiendo y quién está dirigiendo (más detalles a continuación).

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Nave escribe: "¡Estoy tan emocionada de anunciar esta noticia! ¡Sidney Prescott vuelve! Siempre ha sido un placer y un honor interpretar a Sidney en las películas de "Scream". Mi aprecio por estas películas y por lo que han significado para mí nunca ha disminuido".

Y añade: "Estoy muy feliz y orgullosa de decir que me han pedido, de la manera más respetuosa, que traiga de vuelta a Sidney a la pantalla y ¡no podría estar más emocionada! Bueno, en realidad sí podría".

Neve continúa diciendo que se siente honrada de trabajar en esta última entrega con el guionista original de las dos primeras entregas -Kevin Williamson- que ahora dirige.

Y termina diciendo: "A los increíbles fans de Scream, espero que estén tan emocionados como yo. Nos vemos en el set".

Está claro que los problemas salariales que Neve tuvo cuando se alejó de "Scream 6" se han resuelto, recordemos que primero dijo que los responsables de la película no le pagaban lo que ella consideraba justo, y como resultado se ausentó de la última película.

Por supuesto, después de toda la polémica, la franquicia "Scream" ha perdido a dos de sus estrellas principales -Melissa Barrera y Jenna Ortega- por lo que este movimiento para volver a tener a Neve como personaje principal (de nuevo) es una especie de obviedad. Ella es el alma de la franquicia después de todo.

A principios de este año, Neve sugirió que estaba dispuesta a volver en medio de todo el caos que la franquicia había experimentado últimamente, pero también dio a entender que solo volvería por la cantidad adecuada de dinero. Está claro que le dieron un buen cheque.

Bien por Neve, ¡y bienvenida de nuevo!

Neve Campbell Comes Aboard for 'Scream 7' ... After Exiting Over Pay

Neve Campbell is coming back into the fold for 'Scream' -- something she just announced after exiting a couple years back over pay discrepancies ... and a lot of drama since.

The actress broke the news on Instagram Tuesday, posting a photo of a 'Scream 7' script with her name on it -- and some other interesting deets about who's writing this, and who's directing (more on that later).

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NC writes, "I’m so excited to announce this news!!! Sidney Prescott is coming back!!!! It’s always been such a blast and an honor to get to play Sidney in the Scream movies. My appreciation for these films and for what they have meant to me, has never waned."

She adds, "I’m very happy and proud to say I’ve been asked, in the most respectful way, to bring Sidney back to the screen and I couldn’t be more thrilled!!! Well actually I could."

Neve goes on to say that she's honored to work on this latest installment with the original screenwriter for the first and second films -- Kevin Williamson -- who's now directing.

She finishes by saying ... "To the amazing Scream fans, I hope you are as excited as I am. See you on set."

Clearly, whatever pay issues Neve had when she first walked away from 'Scream 6' have been resolved -- remember, she first said the honchos behind the film weren't shelling out a wage that she considered fair ... and as a result, she was absent from the last movie.

Of course, in the aftermath of all that ... the 'Scream' franchise has lost two of its lead stars -- Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega -- so this move to get Neve back into the mix as the main character (again) is sort of a no-brainer. She's the soul of the franchise, after all.

It's interesting ... earlier this year, Neve strongly suggested she was open to returning amid all the chaos the franchise had been experiencing of late -- but also implied she'd only come back for the right amount of money. Clearly, they wrote her a fat check.

Good for Neve ... and welcome back!

Josh Allen Teammate Proclaims ... QB 'Is In Love' With Hailee Steinfeld!!!

Up & Adams

Josh Allen and Hailee Steinfeld are now apparently so serious ... one of the NFL star's closest teammates just said he believes the quarterback is "in love" with the actress.

Buffalo Bills left tackle Dion Dawkins broke it all down while appearing on Kay Adams' "Up And Adams" show on Tuesday alongside Taylor Lewan.

The 29-year-old offensive lineman -- who's great pals with Allen -- was talking about how the signal-caller famously split his pants in Paris last week ... when he insinuated the QB's obsession with Steinfeld led to the now-viral moment.

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Dawkins explained that because he thinks Josh is so smitten with Steinfeld, he's been open to trying out a new wardrobe ... which culminated in the pants malfunction.

Then, he dropped the L-word into the conversation.

"You know your quarterback, man," Dawkins said. "And I know Josh, and I know Josh is not a product of his environment, but, you know, Josh is in love."

"Josh is in love," Dawkins continued. "So, if his girl is shopping and she's like, 'Joshee, try these on!' Josh is going to say, 'All right. I'll try these on!'"

Lewan's eyes got super big when "love" got thrown around ... but it sure doesn't seem like Dawkins was speaking in hyperbole.

After all, Allen and Steinfeld have been dating for around a year -- and while they've largely kept out of the public eye, they've seemed to spend a ton of time together. In fact, Steinfeld was seen traveling to L.A. this past December to watch Allen's game against the Chargers, before she jetted back to Buffalo to presumably spend the holidays with him.

Neither has publicly commented on the other much -- if at all -- but it sure looks like behind closed doors, a real-deal romance is brewin'.

For more viral news check out TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.


muy cariñosos

Leonardo DiCaprio y su coprotagonista, Teyana Taylor, se mostraron muy cariñosos durante el fin de semana en una fiesta pre-Oscars.

Échale un vistazo a estos videos en los que se puede ver a los actores -que se encuentran actualmente en la producción de la nueva película indie de PT Anderson- pasándola muy bien el viernes por la noche en la fiesta de WME aquí en Los Ángeles.

En concreto, Leo fue visto con su brazo alrededor de la cintura de Teyana mientras se acercaban y charlaban en privado en medio de todo el ajetreo y el bullicio de la fiesta a su alrededor.

A propósito, Teyana llevaba un traje que mostraba su espalda de manera muy sensual.

Hubo otro momento en el que Teyana y Leo estuvieron frente a frente y ella le arregló la cola de caballo. No es precisamente un beso... pero se ve que hay mucha confianza.

Luego de esto, continuaron hablando bastante animados, aunque las cosas no fueron más allá de las risas y coqueterías

Sin embargo, esto es bastante revelador, sobre todo porque Leo se supone que está saliendo con la modelo Vittoria Ceretti... quien no asistió a la fiesta. La última vez que Leo y Vittoria fueron vistos juntos en público fue hace a finales de febrero.

Teyana está en medio de un divorcio con Iman Shumpert, y las cosas se han complicado por momentos. Comparten los niños, y mientras Teyana ha tratado de mantener su proceso de divorcio en privado, gran parte del drama ha salido a la luz pública.

Por supuesto, el telón de fondo más grande aquí es Leo y Tey actuando en la misma película ultimamente, y parece que se han hecho muy amigos. Hemos visto toneladas de imágenes de ellos en el set, y han rodad muchas escenas juntos.

Si son algo más que amigos, sin embargo ... nadie lo sabe. Está claro que se sienten cómodos el uno con el otro, lo suficiente como para tocarse, al menos. Una última cosa .... sabemos Leo y Teyana salió de esta fiesta por separado, por lo que vale la pena.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Leo y Teyana, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Leo DiCaprio & Teyana Taylor Touchy-Feely Flirt Sesh at Oscars Bash ... Just Friends, Not Dating

cozy costars


9:35 AM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Leonardo DiCaprio and Teyana Taylor are not dating, and there's nothing romantic between them at all. We're told Leo is still in a relationship, and he's not with Teyana. This interaction was strictly friendly, we're told.

Leonardo DiCaprio and his costar, Teyana Taylor, were looking pretty damn cozy over the weekend at a pre-Oscars party ... with a lot of touching going on between the two of them.

Check out these videos of the two actors -- who are currently in production for PT Anderson's new indie flick -- hobnobbing Friday night at the WME party here in L.A., where they were seen making contact at a couple different points in the evening.

Specifically ... Leo was seen with his arm wrapped around Teyana's waist as they got close and chit-chatted in private amid all the hustle and bustle of the party going on around them.

Teyana was wearing a fairly revealing outfit, FWIW ... and her lower back was exposed.

There was another moment where they were getting a little flirty -- with Teyana and LD facing each other and TT fixing Leo's ponytail from the back of his baseball cap. This one wasn't PDA, per se, but you can tell Teyana was comfortable doing it ... and ditto for Leo.

Once the hair help was complete, they continued to talk ... and laughed it up as well. No signs of them doing anything more telling than what we can see here, including kissing.


Still, it's pretty eye-opening to see ... especially since Leo is supposed to be dating model Vittoria Ceretti -- who was noticeably absent from this shindig. The last time Leo and Vittoria were spotted together in public was actually recent -- they were out and about in late Feb.

Teyana, of course, is in the middle of a divorce with Iman Shumpert ... which has gotten pretty ugly at times. They share children together, and while Teyana has tried keeping their divorce proceedings private -- much of the drama has surfaced in public court docs.

Of course, the bigger backdrop here is Leo/Tey acting in the same movie of late -- and on its face, it would appear they've gotten close. We've seen tons of footage of them on set, and they seem intricately involved in the script ... 'cause Teyana's shot a lot of scenes with LD.

Whether they're more than just friends, though ... anyone's guess. Clearly, they're comfortable with one another -- comfortable enough to put hands on each other, at least. One last thing .... we know Leo and Teyana left this party separately, for whatever that's worth.

We've reached out to Leo and Teyana's camp ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 8:11 AM PT

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'OPPENHEIMER' A-Bomb Test Victim Says ... NO ILL FEELINGS Over Oscars Success

"Oppenheimer" making nearly $1 billion, and now winning Best Picture, doesn't mean it's immune to criticism, especially from the real-life people harmed by the atomic testing -- but in the wake of the Oscars, some are willing to forgive ... though, not forget.

Maybe the only bad thing uttered about the Christopher Nolan-directed flick has been that it glosses over the long-lasting radiation exposure and cancer cases generations of New Mexico locals have endured following the July 1945 nuclear bomb test.

Despite the omission, one of those victims, Wesley Burris, tells TMZ he doesn't have any ill will about the film being cemented as "the best" of the year. He says it's unlikely the cast or filmmakers were aware of the victims' backstories ... let alone that there were victims at all, starting nearly 80 years ago.

Remember, the explosive test took place amid thunderstorms over White Sands Missile Range, resulting in toxic debris falling back to Earth in the ensuing rain. It contaminated the landscape, water supplies, the food chain and exposed NM residents to harmful radiation.

Wesley reflected on the event that changed his life when he was just 5 years old. He described the detonation as being so bright, it was like looking at the sun, and the force blew him outta bed.

The medical fallout for his whole family's been devastating -- Wesley got skin cancer, his brother had radiation cancer, his sister had breast cancer and her daughter was born with leukemia. He also had friends who died from cancer they attributed to the atomic test.

Wesley acknowledges the government might not have known what the outcome would be, but failing to inform residents about it ahead of time was messed up.

In fact, he says they were all in the dark about what went down for a while, only to be told years later it was a nuclear test.

As for the movie, he says he paid money to go and watch it and thought it was good. But, he still thinks people should know what really happened in the aftermath, and realize people are still dying from it.

Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, joined us last week on "TMZ Live" ... to share how the nuclear testing is still affecting NM families -- including her own who lived 15 miles from the blast.

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Tina's less forgiving than Wesley ... as she believes the literal and figurative fallout was intentionally left out of the film -- just as NM residents were left out of 1990's Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, which provided compensation to residents living near nuclear testing sites. But, only those in Arizona, Utah and Nevada.

So, as "Oppenheimer" is celebrated for its acting, directing and storytelling ... Wesley and Tina agree on one thing -- like thousands of others in New Mexico -- they're waiting on the U.S. government to recognize their struggle.

Olive In 'Little Miss Sunshine' 'Memba Her?!

American actress Abigail Breslin was just 9 years old when she played Olive Hoover -- the shy kid who loves her waffles 'a la mode' while on a wild adventure to win a beauty pageant -- in the comedic film "Little Miss Sunshine" back in 2006.

Breslin shared the big screen with Paul Dano as Olive's older brother and an aspiring Air Force pilot, Dwayne, Alan Arkin as Olive's loving grandfather and drug addict, Edwin and Toni Collette as the stressed out working mother, Sheryl.

She also starred as "Little Rock" in "Zombieland" alongside Emma Stone and Bill Murray.

Guess what she looks like now!


La actriz estadounidense Abigail Branson tenía tan solo 9 años cuando interpretó a Olive Hoover, la niña tímida que ama sus gofres "a la mode", en una aventura salvaje para ganar un concurso de belleza en la película cómica "Pequeña Miss Sunshine" en 2006.

Branson compartió la pantalla grande con Paul Dano como Dwayne, el hermano mayor de Olive y aspirante a piloto de la Fuerza Aérea, Alan Arkin como Edwin, el cariñoso abuelo adicto a las drogas de Olive, y Toni Collette como Sheryl, la estresada madre trabajadora.

También actuó como "Little Rock" en "Zombieland" junto a Emma Stone y Bill Murray.

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