Steve-O Defends Jimmy Kimmel's RDJ Addiction Joke ... No Apology Needed!!!


Steve-O is siding with Jimmy Kimmel after the late-night host poked fun at Robert Downey Jr.'s past substance abuse issues during his Oscars 2024 monologue.

Check out our chat with him above ... where he stood by his fellow comedian, arguing people take jokes way too seriously these days. He told TMZ ... "Let comedians tell jokes!"

Despite overcoming addiction issues himself -- the "Jackass" star felt it was totally within JK's rights to call out RDJ on his troubled past.


Not only did the 49-year-old call hosting a "thankless job" ... he also reminded us that people who are sober regularly discuss their sobriety journeys, like at AA and NA meetings -- so why does it matter if Jimmy chimes in?

So ... it wasn't surprising when Steve-O declared Jimmy does not owe Robert an apology. Though, he made it clear he won't be following in Jimmy's footsteps, explaining he likes to make himself the butt of a joke.

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Steve-O's stance comes a day after Jimmy sparked awkward laughter at the Academy Awards after calling "Oppenheimer" one of the highest points in Robert's career ... alluding to his previous court-ordered rehab stay in the early '00s.

Robert -- who has been sober since 2003 -- was a good sport about the dig ... making an "on the nose gesture" when the cameras panned to him. He also called out his struggles in his Oscars acceptance speech -- thanking his entertainment lawyer Tom Hansen for "trying to get [him] insured and bailing [him] out of the hoosegow" over the years.

It's clear that RDJ is unbothered ... so why should we be upset???

SUZANNE SOMERS' Husband Okay w/ Oscars 'In Memoriam' Snub ... I Respect It!!!

Suzanne Somers' omission from the Oscars' "in memoriam" main segment left many fans livid ... but her husband is saying he's all good with the Academy's decision to leave her out.

Alan Hamel explains his POV to TMZ ... saying, "Last time I checked, we still had a First Amendment. I respect the Academy's decision to not include Suzanne In Memoriam. Frankly, the outpouring from millions of her fans, was the kind of In Memoriam Suzanne would have lovingly embraced."

He adds, "She adored and respected her Fans and similarly enjoyed a beautiful relationship with the Media and Paparazzi who elevated her career to heights rarely seen. She debuted on Carson in 1973 with her first of 27 books and remained active and relevant until her passing. God bless Suzanne Somers."

In addition to Somers, actors Lance Reddick, Treat Williams, Ron Cephas Jones, and Burt Young were also overlooked during the main event ... as were screenwriter Norman Lear and British filmmaker Terence Davies.

Suzanne's name was only included in the last slide of the segment, but it was written in a small font along with the names of other late stars. She wasn't shown as one of the main stars who were honored with their faces shown.

As we reported ... Suzanne -- famous from "Three's Company" and a bunch of other TV shows/movies -- passed away after a long battle with cancer at her home in October.

The legendary actress was first diagnosed with melanoma in 2000 ... and developed breast cancer shortly after which she battled on and off for years. It fully returned in the summer of 2023 ... months before her tragic death.

Suzanne was also well-known for TV roles in "Starsky and Hutch" and "Hollywood Wives" and her movie roles included "American Graffiti", "The Nutty Professor," "Say It Isn't So" and more.

AL PACINO aclara el momento de Mejor Película en los Oscars Culpa a los productores

Al Pacino tuvo un momento muy incómodo en los Oscar, y sucedió en la premiación más importante de la noche... y aclara que no fue su culpa.

El legendario actor le dijo a TMZ: "Parece haber cierta controversia sobre el hecho de que no mencioné cada película por su nombre anoche antes de anunciar el premio a la Mejor Película. Solo quiero dejar claro que no fue mi intención omitirlas, sino una elección de los productores de no repetirlas, ya que fueron destacadas individualmente a lo largo de la ceremonia".


Añade: "Me sentí honrado de ser parte de la velada y elegí seguir la forma en que querían que se presentara este premio".

Al concluye diciendo que se siente mal por cualquiera de los nominados que no fueron mencionados antes de que anunciara al ganador, diciendo: "Me doy cuenta de que ser nominado es un hito enorme en la vida de alguien y no ser reconocido completamente es ofensivo y doloroso. Lo digo como alguien que se identifica profundamente con los cineastas, actores y productores, así que empatizo profundamente con aquellos que se han sentido menospreciados por este descuido, y por eso sentí necesario hacer esta declaración".

Si no lo viste... Al Pacino anunció de alguna manera al ganador de la Mejor Película, que finalmente resultó ser "Oppenheimer". Sin embargo, la forma en que lo anunció fue muy anticlimática.

Se podía notar que todos se sorprendieron por la manera en que Al reveló la información, incluso el equipo de "Oppenheimer" no estaba seguro de si realmente los había nombrado como los ganadores.

Por supuesto, sí lo hizo, completando una especie de barrido virtual de casi todas las categorías principales. Y si alguien sintió que no fueron reconocidos adecuadamente en ese momento, Al está diciendo... ¡Hablen con los jefes de los Oscar, porque yo solo estaba haciendo mi trabajo!

Al Pacino Clarifies Best Picture Moment ... Blame Producers for Snafu

Al Pacino had a very awkward moment at The Oscars -- and it happened at the biggest possible moment in the night ... something he now says wasn't really his fault.

The legendary actor tells TMZ ... "There seems to be some controversy about my not mentioning every film by name last night before announcing the Best Picture award.  I just want to be clear it was not my intention to omit them, rather a choice by the producers not to have them said again since they were highlighted individually throughout the ceremony."


He adds, "I was honored to be a part of the evening and chose to follow the way they wished for this award to be presented."

Al finishes by saying he feels bad for any of the nominees who weren't mentioned before he announced the winner, saying ... "I realize being nominated is a huge milestone in one’s life and to not be fully recognized is offensive and hurtful. I say this as someone who profoundly relates with filmmakers, actors and producers so I deeply empathize with those who have been slighted by this oversight and it’s why I felt it necessary to make this statement."

If you didn't see it ... Al sorta stumbled his way to the Best Picture winner, which ultimately ended up being "Oppenheimer." The way he announced it, though, was very anticlimactic.

You could tell everyone was taken aback by the way Al spilled the beans -- even the "Oppenheimer" crew themselves weren't quite sure if he'd actually named them as the victors.

Of course, he had ... capping a virtual clean sweep of almost all the major categories. And, if anyone felt they weren't properly recognized in the moment -- Al's saying ... take it up with the Oscars honchos, 'cause I was just doing my job!!!

TAYLOR y TRAVIS BAJO PERFIL En fiesta posterior a los Oscar

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce pueden haber fracasado en hacer su debut en la alfombra roja como pareja en los Oscar 2024, pero al menos se presentaron para una fiesta posterior.

TMZ ha confirmado que la estrella del pop y el semental de la NFL pasaron por la fiesta exclusiva de Madonna y Guy Oseary's post Oscars en una residencia privada en Hollywood Hills el domingo por la noche, donde no se permitían fotos en el interior.

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Por supuesto, British Vogue publicó una serie de fotos de estrellas que aparecieron y posaron en lo que parece ser un área designada para sesiones de fotos, la cual tenía varios recortes divertidos, entre otras cosas.

Algunas de las estrellas que fueron fotografiadas incluyeron a Robert De Niro, Matthew McConaughey, Jodie Turner-Smith, Lenny Kravitz, Salma Hayek y otros. Cabe destacar que Taylor y Travis no formaron parte de la alineación de fotos, pero están mencionados como invitados famosos que participaron.

Como dijimos, fuentes con conocimiento directo nos informan que, de hecho, estuvieron allí, aunque parece que hicieron un esfuerzo consciente por no ser vistos o fotografiados, lo cual resulta interesante.

La llegada de Taylor y Travis a Los Ángeles se produce después de los seis conciertos agotados en Singapur como parte de su gira "Eras", que concluyó el pasado fin de semana. Parece que estaban listos para salir de allí y regresar a Estados Unidos, y eso es exactamente lo que hicieron.

Disfrutaron de un tiempo a solas en Asia durante el breve periodo en que Travis estuvo allí, pero obviamente, con su gira en pausa durante aproximadamente un mes, estaban listos para volver a casa.

No han tenido problemas en dejar que su historia de amor se desarrolle en público en ciertos entornos, pero en otros son extrañamente privados, y realmente no tiene mucho sentido.

Recuerda que la cantante apoyó al tight end de los Kansas City Chiefs en varios de sus juegos de fútbol, incluido el Super Bowl, y Travis ha asistido al tour "Eras" de Taylor en cuatro ciudades diferentes. A simple vista, parece que solo se sienten cómodos siendo captados en público en ciertos momentos.

Incluso Taylor parece ser increíblemente reacia a ser fotografiada en ocasiones, llegando al punto de esconderse bajo paraguas para evitar que los paparazzi la capturen, lo cual, nuevamente, resulta muy extraño. En esta fiesta posterior, parece que fue más de lo mismo: una gran preferencia por la privacidad extrema.

Quizás Taylor y Travis han tenido suficiente de los comentarios de todos aquellos opinando sobre cada uno de sus movimientos. ¡El tiempo dirá!

Estamos cubriendo todo lo relacionado con Taylor en el nuevo "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast", disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Taylor & Travis Fly Under the Radar ... At Oscars After-Party

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce may have failed to make their red carpet debut as a couple at the 2024 Oscars ... but they at least showed up for a shindig afterward, albeit on the DL.

TMZ has confirmed that the pop star and the NFL stud stopped by Madonna and Guy Oseary's Oscars exclusive after-party at a private residence in the Hollywood Hills on Sunday evening ... where there weren't any photos allowed inside.

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Of course, British Vogue published a bunch of shots of stars who showed up and posed at what appears to be a designated photo-op area -- which had a bunch of fun cutouts, etc.

Some of the stars who were pictured included Robert De Niro, Matthew McConaughey, Jodie Turner-Smith, Lenny Kravitz, Salma Hayek and others. Notably, Taylor and Travis were not part of the photo lineup ... but are listed among the celeb guests who crashed it.

Like we said, sources with direct knowledge tell us they were in fact there ... even though they seem to have gone out of their way to not be seen/photographed, which is interesting.

Taylor and Travis landing here in L.A. comes after T-Swift's six sold-old shows in Singapore as part of her "Eras" tour -- which wrapped up this past weekend. Sounds like they were ready to get the hell out of there and come back stateside ... which is exactly what they did.

They enjoyed some alone time in Asia for the brief period Travis was there -- but obviously with her tour being on pause for a good month or so ... they were ready to come home.

They've had no problem letting their love story play out in the public eye in some settings ... but in others, they're weirdly private, and it really doesn't make much sense.

Remember, the singer supported the Kansas City Chiefs tight end at several of his football games -- including the Super Bowl -- and Travis has seen Taylor's "Eras" tour in four different cities. On its face, it seems like they're only cool being snapped in public at certain times.

Taylor herself even seems to be incredibly averse to being photographed at times -- going so far as to hidey under umbrellas to keep paparazzi from snapping her ... which, again, is so bizarre. Here for this after-party, it looks to have been more of the same ... ultra privacy.

Perhaps Taylor and Travis have had enough of the Dads, Brads and Chads weighing in on their every move? Time will tell!

We're covering all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast," available on all podcast platforms.

LILY GLADSTONE HACE ESPERAR A AL CEO DE APPLE Para tomarse una foto en los Oscar

los muros de gladstone

Lily Gladstone tuvo que estar 100% lista para la cámara antes de que pudiera posar para un retrato con Tim Cook... sí, incluso el propio jefe tiene que esperar su turno.

La actriz -que fue candidata a Mejor Actriz anoche, pero perdió ante Emma Stone- salió para los Oscar de Apple después de la fiesta en la Sunset Tower el domingo por la noche, y ella estaba codeándose con el CEO de Apple, incluso tomándose algunas fotos con él.

Sin embargo, antes de que las cámaras pudieran disparar... su equipo de retoque tuvo que acercarse constantemente y ajustar algunos detalles... lo que dejó a Timbo esperando incómodamente a su lado.

Échale un vistazo al video obtenido por TMZ, en el que Tim está tratando de averiguar qué hacer mientras el equipo de Lily sigue haciendo su trabajo, moviendo su vestido, arreglando su pelo, etc.

Tim no se inmutó... simplemente sonrió y se mantuvo al margen del caos. Al final, Tim y Lily pudieron posar para una serie de fotos, así que misión cumplida.

Es comprensible que Lily mereciera este tipo de atención en la noche de los Oscars, ya ella era una de las favoritas durante la ceremonia, pero incluso después de perder ante Emma, parece que la gente todavía estaba hiper-enfocada en ella y queriendo charlar. Tim... no tanto.

Mucha gente cree que Lily se ha quedado sin estatuilla... pero lo dejaremos estar.

De hecho, todos los miembros de "Killers of the Flower Moon" se fueron con las manos vacías, pero bueno... al menos se tienen los unos a los otros... por no mencionar a un puñado de manipuladores que intervendrán en cualquier momento.

¡Más suerte la próxima vez!

Lily Gladstone Glam Team Makes Tim Wait Patiently ... Awk Oscars Bash Moment

a-list apple treatment

Lily Gladstone had to be 100 percent camera ready before she could pose for a portrait with Tim Cook ... yes, even the head honcho himself has to acquiesce to an Oscars glam team.

The actress -- who was up for Best Actress last night, but lost to Emma Stone -- stepped out for Apple's Oscars after-party at the Sunset Tower Sunday evening ... and she was hobnobbing with Apple's CEO, even stepping in to take some photos with him.

Before the cameras could fully snap away, though ... her touch-up crew had to constantly come over and adjust things on her -- which left Timbo awkwardly waiting right by her side.

Check out the video, obtained by TMZ ... TC is trying to figure out what to do with himself as Lily's team keeps doing its work ... moving her dress around, fixing her hair, etc. You can tell he's a bit of an afterthought here -- and he's just there to make her look good!

Tim was notably unbothered ... he just smiled and stood to the side of the chaos. Eventually, Tim and Lily were able to pose for a series of pics -- so, mission accomplished.

Understandable that Lily would warrant this type of attention on Oscars night -- she was one of the front-runners during the ceremony ... but even after losing out to Emma, it looks like people still were hyper-focused on her and wanting to chat her up. Tim ... not so much.

A lot of folks feel like LG actually got snubbed out of a statuette ... but we'll leave that be.

Everyone from "Killers of the Flower Moon" left empty-handed, in fact, but hey ... at least they have each other -- not to mention a bunch of handlers who'll jump in at a moment's notice.

Better luck next time!

EMMA STONE LLAMA A JIMMY KIMMEL "IDIOTA" Durante broma en los Oscars

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el momento del chiste

Emma Stone fue una de las protagonistas de los Oscars el domingo, no solo se llevó el premio a la Mejor Actriz, sino que también está llamando la atención en Internet por su reacción a la broma de Jimmy Kimmel sobre su película "Poor Things".

Si no viste el programa... durante la velada se emitieron fragmentos de las películas nominadas a Mejor Película, cuando el presentador soltó una broma sobre la película de Emma, de clasificación R, diciendo: "Esas son todas las partes de Poor Things que se nos permite mostrar en televisión". El público se lo tragó, desternillándose de risa... ¡Pero ella no estaba precisamente riéndose!

Échale un vistazo al momento incómodo, la cámara corta inmediatamente a Stone, ella dispara sobre una mirada a su marido Dave McCary antes de aparentemente murmurar la palabra "idiota". ¡Hablando de una reacción sin filtro!

El momento fue inmediatamente compartido en las redes y la gente todavía está tratando de descifrar qué fue lo que realmente dijo en respuesta a la broma que insinuaba que "Poor Things" era simplemente sobre sexo.

Algunos están absolutamente convencidos de que dijo "idiota"... y añaden que en realidad no tenía motivos para enfadarse porque Jimmy dio en el clavo con su broma. Luego está el otro bando, que dice a todo el mundo que se calme y no saque conclusiones precipitadas.

La única que realmente puede aclarar lo que se dijo es la propia Emma, pero vamos a darle un poco de margen, ya que tiene un nuevo y brillante Oscar para celebrar después de todo.

De todos modos, no todo fueron tensiones entre Emma y Jimmy durante la velada; de hecho, él comenzó la ceremonia elogiando su actuación en "Poor Things" durante su monólogo de apertura.

Además del trofeo a la mejor actriz para Emma, la película también ganó las categorías de diseño de vestuario, diseño de producción, maquillaje y peluquería. ¡Felicidades a todo el equipo detrás de Poor Things!


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Emma Stone didn't seem to like Jimmy Kimmel's quip about her movie "Poor Things" -- and she let it show right afterward ... now, everyone's playing lip-reader as to what she said.

Clips of the Best Picture nominees played throughout the evening -- and when the "Poor Things" montage went up ... JK dropped a zinger about Emma's R-rated nominated movie, saying, "Those were all the parts of 'Poor Things' we're allowed to show on TV."

The audience chuckled a bit -- but when the cameras cut to Emma in the immediate aftermath of Jimmy's joke ... she quickly said something to her husband, Dave McCary.

On its face -- and based on nothing but trying to make out the words -- it appears she said "What a prick" ... that or "Oh my god." The internet seems to think it was the former.

The moment was immediately picked up online ... and people are still trying to decipher what ES actually said in response to JK insinuating that "Poor Things" was all about sex -- which, to be frank, it kinda is. There's more themes beyond that ... but sex is the main driver.

The only one who can clear the air on what was said is Emma herself -- but she's got a shiny new Oscar to celebrate right now, and she probably ain't gonna spill the tea today.

Anyhoo, it wasn't all tension between Emma and Jimmy during the evening -- in fact, he kicked off the ceremony showering her "Poor Things" performance with praise during his opening monologue ... so he had some love for her, and we're sure ES appreciated it.

In addition to Emma's Best Actress trophy ... her movie also won Costume Design, Production Design, and Makeup & Hairstyling. Big night for the "Poor Things" camp -- jabs regardless.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


John Cena se desnudó en los Oscar... pero ahora sabemos cuánta piel mostró realmente.

El luchador convertido en actor subió al escenario del Teatro Dolby en Hollywood, California, aparentemente desnudo; sin embargo, hay nuevas fotos que demuestran que estaba usando un tapado color piel, en otras palabras, su trasero estaba cubierto después de todo.

más cómodo desnudo

Como se puede ver en las nuevas fotos, John estaba totalmente imperturbable por la mínima vestimenta que tuvo que llevar, mientras sonreía fuera del escenario a la espera de que comenzara su segmento hilarante.

Incluso se le vio pidiendo silencio a algunas personas entre bastidores mientras solo llevaba unas sandalias Birkenstock y un impresionante reloj.

Hay que recordar que John no es ajeno a las actuaciones con poco o nada: es famoso por haber luchado sin camiseta y con pantalones cortos vaqueros durante la mayor parte de su carrera en la WWE.

un reto rápido

En cuanto a cómo realizó su cambio rápido en el escenario para presentar la categoría de Mejor Vestuario... el video de arriba muestra a varios asistentes de producción de los Oscar cubriendo a John con telas mientras sonaba el montaje de los nominados.

No cabe duda de que el compromiso valió la pena. La aparición de John ha sido aplaudida como uno de los mejores momentos de la noche.

Otros momentos destacados de los Oscar de este año fue Emma Stone acercándose al micrófono durante la actuación de Ryan Gosling con "I'm Just Ken", el intercambio de palabras entre Jimmy Kimmel y Donald Trump en pleno espectáculo y el reencuentro en el escenario de los coprotagonistas de "Twins", Arnold Schwarzenegger y Danny DeVito.

Cabe preguntarse qué le habrá parecido todo esto a la ex de John, Nikki Garcia, quien también asistió a la alfombra roja de los Oscars.

John Cena Wasn't Completely Naked at Oscars ... But Just About!!!

John Cena stripped down to practically nothing to pull off a streaker bit at the Oscars ... but we now know just how much skin he really showed, and what was actually covered up.

The wrestler-turned-actor took to the Dolby Theatre stage in Hollywood, Calif. in nothing but nude-colored modesty wear to make it appear like he was really naked at the annual industry event. In other words, his junk/ass was covered up after all, so he wasn't totally naked.


As you can see from the new photos ... John was totally unfazed by the minimal amount he had to wear -- as he smiled offstage while waiting for his hilarious segment to begin.

He was even snapped shushing a few people behind the scenes while rocking only Birkenstock sandals and an impressive timepiece.

Remember, John is no stranger to performing in little to nothing -- he famously wrestled shirtless while rocking only denim jorts throughout most of his WWE career.

Quick Change Crew

As for how he pulled off his onstage quick change to present the Best Costume Design category ... the video above shows several Oscars production assistants draping John in fabric as the nominee montage played.

And the commitment to the bit has certainly paid off -- JC's appearance has been applauded as one of the night's highlights.

Other notable moments at this year's Oscars include Emma Stone ripping her dress during Ryan Gosling's performance of "I'm Just Ken," Jimmy Kimmel and Donald Trump exchanging words mid-show, and "Twins" costars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito's reuniting onstage.

Ya gotta wonder how John's ex, Nikki Garcia, felt about the bit -- as she was also in attendance working the Oscars red carpet.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


Los Oscar han terminado y todas las estrellas se han ido de fiesta por la ciudad, y el lugar de moda ha sido la fiesta de Vanity Fair, en la que se ha reunido todo el mundo.

La lista A de Hollywood acudió a la reunión anual de la revista después de los Oscar, lo cual se ha convertido en algo habitual durante la temporada de premios, y donde casi todo el mundo que estuvo en la ciudad pasó para tomarse fotos y codearse con otras celebridades después del espectáculo.

Por supuesto, no se puede culpar a nadie por querer asistir a esta fiesta de los Oscar: la alfombra roja y las letras gigantes son llamativas y todo el mundo va vestido de punta en blanco.

Las fotos de la ceremonia eran dignas de ver, pero una vez dentro, también hubo mucho que ver... con muchas estrellas cruzándose e intercambiando sonrisas. De hecho, los propios ganadores de los Oscar estaban presentes, al igual que los finalistas.

Algunas de las celebridades presentes fueron: Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Emily Blunt y John Krasinski, Margot Robbie, America Ferrera, Billie Eilish, Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez, Sydney Sweeney, Sofía Vergara, Lenny Kravitz y muchos otros.

A propósito, no fue la única celebración en la ciudad... Beyoncé y Jay-Z dieron otra fiesta en el Chateau Marmont que también estuvo repleta de estrellas. De hecho, es posible que la fiesta fuera doble.

Solo una pequeña muestra de las estrellas que acudieron a la fiesta de Jay y Bey son: los KarJenner, LeBron James, Kelly Rowland, Ciara y Russell Wilson, Chrissy Teigen y John Legend, Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, MGK y Megan Fox, Kerry Washington y muchos más.

Fue sin duda una noche para recordar, especialmente por algunas películas como "Oppenheimer", "Poor Things", "The Zone Of Interest" y un puñado de otras películas que realmente limpiaron y arrasaron.

"Barbie" se fue con las manos relativamente vacías, al igual que "Killers of the Flower Moon", pero eso no quiere decir que la gente no estuviera contenta en la ceremonia... porque lo estuvieron.

Échale un vistazo a todas las fotos que muestran lo que ocurrió entre bastidores. Una noche para recordar y mucho más.

Oscars 2024 Stars Show Up for Glitzy After-Parties ... Vanity Fair Place to Be!!!

The Oscars are over, and the stars all went out with a bang hitting up after-parties around town -- but the biggest hot spot was 100% Vanity Fair's shindig ... where it was a who's-who.

Hollywood's A-list crowd hit up the magazine's annual post-Oscars get-together -- which has become a staple during awards season, and where just about everyone who was in town swung by to have their photos taken and to hobnob with other celebs post-show.

Of course, ya can't blame anyone for wanting to hit up this Oscars bash -- the red carpet and giant lettering is eye-catching, to say the least, and everyone's dressed to the nines.

The pap shots were something to behold, but once people were inside and mingling -- there was a lot to see there as well ... with lots of different stars crossing paths and exchanging smiles. Indeed, Oscar winners themselves were on hand ... as were the runner-ups.

Some of the celebs on hand ... Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Emily Blunt and John Krasinski, Margot Robbie, America Ferrera, Billie Eilish, Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez, Sydney Sweeney, Sofía Vergara, Lenny Kravitz and lots of others.

FWIW, that wasn't the only game in town ... Beyoncé and Jay-Z threw another party at the Chateau Marmont -- and that bash was just as star-studded. In fact, there may have been some double dipping here.

Just a smidge of the stars who showed up for Jay and Bey's party -- the KarJenners, LeBron James, Kelly Rowland, Ciara and Russell Wilson, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo, MGK and Megan Fox, Kerry Washington and more.

It was certainly a night to remember ... especially for some movies like "Oppenheimer," "Poor Things," "The Zone of Interest" and a handful of other flicks that truly cleaned up and swept.

"Barbie" left relatively empty-handed ... as did "Killers of the Flower Moon." That's not to say people weren't happy at the actual ceremony, though ... 'cause they absolutely were.

Peep all the photos showing the behind-the-scenes. A night to remember and then some!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.



Ryan Gosling hizo su gran número musical en los Oscars, subiéndose al escenario delante de todos sus compañeros y cantando la canción estrella de "Barbie", y lo hizo a lo grande.

El actor acaba de terminar de interpretar "I'm Just Ken" durante la emisión del domingo y fue tan épico como todo el mundo esperaba. Ryan se vio totalmente comprometido y remeció los Oscars con su voz y ¡con la compañía de Slash!

En efecto, el rockero del sombrero de copa se unió a Ryan en el escenario para tocar la guitarra en directo, y se lució mientras el actor cantaba la canción favorita de los fans del mayor éxito de taquilla del año pasado.

Ryan incluso se acercó a la primera fila, donde Margot Robbie y Greta Gerwig le ayudaron a cantar la canción. Y sí, estaba completamente vestido de rosa para la ocasión.

Durante un tiempo, no estaba claro si Ryan realmente iba a hacer actuar en los Oscar, pero al final lo hizo y su coprotagonista Margot recientemente le aseguró a todos que estaba ansioso por hacerlo, a pesar de que se mostró un poco tímido durante toda la temporada de premios de este año.

Fue uno de los únicos momentos destacados de "Barbie"de la noche hasta el momento, Billie Eilish acaba de ganar Mejor Canción, para "What Was I Made For", pero las cosas han sido bastante tranquilas para el equipo detrás de la muñeca.

Veremos si "Barbie" termina recibiendo algo de amor a la Mejor Película, o si 1 Oscar es todo.

Ryan Gosling Performs 'I'm Just Ken' at Oscars ... With Assist from Slash!!!


Ryan Gosling did his big musical number at the Oscars  -- getting onstage in front of all his peers and belting out the 'Barbie' standout song ... and he did it guns (n' roses) blazing.

The actor just got done performing 'I'm Just Ken' during Sunday's broadcast -- and it was as epic as everyone expected ... with the Ry Guy fully committing to the bit ... and rocking the house with some killer vocals and even better backing musicians, including Slash!

Indeed ... the top hat-rockin' rocker joined Ryan onstage to play some live guitar, and he absolutely shredded as RG belted out the fan fave from the biggest blockbuster last year.

Ryan even came down to the front row -- where he had Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig help him sing the tune. And yes, he was fully decked out in all-pink wardrobe for the ditty.

For a little while, it was unclear whether Ryan was actually gonna do 'IJK' at the Oscars -- but in the end ... he finally signed on, and his costar Margot just recently reassured everyone he was itching to do it ... despite him kinda playing coy throughout this year's award season.

It was one of the only 'Barbie' highlights of the night thus far -- Billie Eilish just won Best Song, for 'What Was I Made For,' but it's been fairly quiet for the doll crew otherwise.

We'll see if 'Barbie' ends up getting some love for Best Picture ... or if 1 Oscar is it.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.