Millie Bobby Brown Defends Constantly Changing Accent ... I Reflect My Surroundings!!!


Millie Bobby Brown has been flip-flopping accents lately -- and amid some criticism, she's telling haters to piss off ... 'cause she says she's a chameleon in terms of how she speaks.

The "Stranger Things" star recently addressed this issue head-on in a sit-down with TikToker Max Balegde -- where she was plugging her new Netflix movie, "Damsel," and where she was asked directly about her accent constantly switching up ... albeit, in very fawning terms.

Watch ... Max prods the subject, but does so in a way that's already taking Millie's side. He says he totally gets the notion of someone's accent changing depending on where they are.

That's the rationale a lot of her fans/supporters have offered up in defense of Millie after an interview she did with Jimmy Fallon nearly two weeks ago went viral ... where she sounded like a straight-up Yankee, despite having risen to fame with her signature British accent.

MBB took the reins in the convo here and explained why her accent changes on a dime -- BTW, during this conversation with Max ... she sounded like her usual red coast self, almost exaggeratedly so -- and basically said, yeah ... my accent changes with my surroundings.

She notes that she bounced around as a kid in terms of where she grew up -- including living across the pond, as well as here in the States -- and now, she's living in NYC with her fiancé, Jake Bongiovi ... so she says she's adopted more of an American accent lately.

That's all fine and good, but what Millie also admits is she'll tweak her accent depending on who she's talking to -- as a courtesy, it seems, and to fit in better. Which is ... interesting.

Some have accused her of being a little fake with all the accent changes -- but she's digging her heels in ... and suggesting it's really much ado about nothing. Big picture, it kinda is. 🤷🏽‍♂️

VÍSPERA DE LOS OSCARS CAGE, DE NIRO Y GLADSTONE ... Brindis con Scorsese en Beverly Hills

las estrellas de "flower moon"

Ya sabes que es fin de semana de los Oscars cuando Nicolas Cage está en escena... Y esta vez apareció para honrar al director de "Killers Of The Flower Moon" Martin Scorsese y el elenco de su película nominada a Mejor Película.

TMZ tiene un video dentro de la celebración en Bevery Hills, donde Nic, él mismo un ganador del Oscar, y su esposa -Riko Shibata- se mezclaron en la fiesta organizada por Giorgio Armani.

una mirada al interior

Es raro ver a Cage en eventos del mundo del espectáculo. Él es más de un tipo de bar de karaoke, pero, como hemos dicho, es ese tipo de fin de semana en Hollywood.

También pudimos ver a la gran Lily Gladstone, que es candidata a Mejor Actriz. Ya ha hecho historia como la primera mujer nativa americana nominada al premio, y la mayoría de los críticos dicen que tiene muchas posibilidades de ganar el domingo por la noche.

Su coprotagonista y nominado al premio al mejor actor de reparto, Robert De Niro, también estuvo ahí y parecía estar de buen humor, ya que se paró a tomarse unas fotos con la gente.

También pudimos ver a Ke Huy Quan, ganador del premio al Mejor Actor de Reparto del año pasado, a Olivia Munn y John Mulaney, y a Jane Seymour y Paris Jackson charlando.

Otros rostros entre el público fueron: Jeffrey Wright -nominado a Mejor Actor- Alessandra Ambrosio, Scott Eastwood y Callum Turner, que no estaba con su relativamente nueva novia Dua Lipa, una pena para él y para todos los presentes.

Oscars Eve Cage, De Niro & Gladstone ... Toast Scorsese in Bev Hills


Y'know it's Oscars weekend when even the likes of Nicolas Cage are out on the scene ... in this case to honor "Killers of the Flower Moon" director Martin Scorsese and the cast of his Best Picture-nominated film.

TMZ got video inside the Bev Hills celebration, where Nic, himself an Oscar winner, and his wife Riko Shibata mingled at the Giorgio Armani-hosted party.


It's a rare sighting of Cage at showbiz events. He's more of a karaoke bar kinda guy, but, like we said, it's that kinda weekend in Hollywood.

Several other nominees were front and center ... including 'Flower Moon' star Lily Gladstone, who's up for Best Actress. She's already made history as the first Native American woman nominated for the award, and most critics say she's got a good shot to win Sunday night.

Her costar, and Best Supporting Actor nominee, Robert De Niro was there and looked to be in good spirits ... as he stopped to take a few snaps with folks. We also got shots of last year's Best Supporting Actor winner Ke Huy Quan, Olivia Munn and John Mulaney, Jane Seymour and Paris Jackson doing the small talk thing.

Other faces in the crowd -- Best Actor nominee Jeffrey Wright, Alessandra Ambrosio, Scott Eastwood and Callum Turner, who was not with his relatively new GF Dua Lipa ... unfortunate, for him, and everyone else there.

This was far from the only pre-Oscar bash in town this weekend -- the one CAA threw was just as star-studded, with a lot of the same names ... but just a different location, really.

Jonathan Majors Se ejercita duro en el gimnasio Para posible nuevo papel...

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Trabajando duro en el gym

La carrera de Jonathan Majors en Hollywood aún no ha terminado, incluso con su sentencia acercándose, él ha estado yendo al gimnasio a tiempo completo para ponerse en forma para un próximo papel en una película y nos dejó tener un vistazo de su rutina.

Fuentes cercanas a Majors le dicen a TMZ que el actor estuvo en Los Ángeles una semana, entrenando duro en el gimnasio y poniéndose en forma para un posible rol antes de volar de regreso a Nueva York.

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Poniéndose en forma

No se sabe cuál podría ser ese papel, pero nos dicen que requeriría que él esté en increíble forma y es por eso que estaba entrenando tan intensamente.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Jonathan tiene como objetivo verse súper musculoso, como un superhéroe musculoso, y el video muestra que se está acercando bastante a su meta.

Jonathan solía ser una estrella de Marvel antes de que el estudio lo dejara luego de que un jurado de Nueva York lo declarara culpable por el delito menor de agresión y acoso por el ahora famoso incidente con su ex novia, Grace Jabbari.

Nos dicen que Jonathan está haciendo ejercicio con sus entrenadores habituales, quienes lo están poniendo en plena forma.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que durante el próximo mes Jonathan viajará entre Los Ángeles y Nueva York para ver a Meagan Good y entrenar en L.A.

Lo que no está claro es cuándo comenzaría el rodaje de la película, si lo consigue, el tiempo es esencial, suponiendo que tenga que hacerlo antes de ser sentenciado.

En estos momentos, la sentencia está fijada para el 8 de abril, pero sus abogados siguen intentando que se anule la condena.



Lukas Gage definitely got people talking when he referred to fellow actor Archie Madekwe as his new husband -- but now, he's setting the record straight on where their bromance stands.

We got the "Euphoria" actor at LAX, and while he's quick to acknowledge the "Saltburn" star is a major hottie, he says they're categorically not dating -- and, at this stage anyway, they're just really good friends.

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New Man, Who's This

The clarification was necessary after their joint arrival at a Vanity Fair party this week ... where Lukas dubbed AM his new spouse when one of the paps grilled him about their status.

As you can see in the clip, LG said, "Yes, this is my new husband" -- but his body language certainly suggested he was just joking around.

It also looks like Lukas was poking fun at that speculation when we talked to him -- especially since his 6-month marriage to Chris Appleton just came to an end in November. Having already found himself a new hubby would have been quite the rebound!

But, it did seem like the 'White Lotus' star was giving love another shot, joining Hinge at the start of the year. However, the update on his dating app activity is they're just not his thing ... for now.

Lukas says he's focused on finding himself, and happily dating himself. Preach!

He does have a celeb crush, though, which could get awkward for him ... since they're doing a bunch of media together. Check out the clip to see who's caught his eye.

Lukas Gage El actor de "Saltburn" no es mi nuevo marido!!! Feliz soltero...

Estoy saliendo conmigo mismo

Lukas Gage definitivamente dio que hablar cuando se refirió a su compañero Archie Madekwe como su nuevo marido, pero ahora está aclarando las cosas sobre su bromance.

Nos encontramos con el actor de "Euphoria" en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles el jueves y aunque se apresuró en reconocer que el actor de "Saltburn" es un bombón, dijo categóricamente que no están saliendo y que solo son buenos amigos.

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Nuevo hombre, quién es

La aclaración era necesaria después de que llegaran juntos a la fiesta de Vanity Fair la noche anterior, donde Lukas apodó a Archie como su nuevo marido después de ser consultado por los paparazzis.

Como se puede ver en el clip, Lukas dice: "Sí, este es mi nuevo marido", pero su lenguaje corporal sin duda sugería que solo estaba bromeando.

También parece que Lukas se estaba burlando de las especulaciones cuando hablamos con él, especialmente porque su divorcio de Chris Appleton ocurrió apenas en noviembre. Haber encontrado un nuevo marido tan rápido habría sido un poco exagerado.

De todos modos, parecía que la estrella de "The White Lotus" le estaba dando otra oportunidad al amor cuando se unió a Hinge a principios de año. Sin embargo, la última actualización es que la app no es lo suyo, por ahora.

Lukas dice que por ahora se está encontrando a sí mismo y está feliz con su soltería.

Sin embargo, dice que sí tiene un flechazo con una celebridad, lo que podría ser incómodo para él, pues están haciendo un montón de prensa juntos. Echa un vistazo al clip para saber quién ha llamado su atención.

Jonathan Majors Hitting Gym Hard For Potential New Movie Role

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Jonathan Majors' Hollywood career isn't over yet -- even as his sentencing looms, he's going full gym rat, getting in shape for an upcoming film shoot ... and we got a glimpse of his routine.

Sources close to Majors tell TMZ … he was in L.A. for a week, hitting the gym hard and training for a possible gig before flying back to New York.

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No word on what Jonathan's potential role might be, but we're told it would require him to be in incredible shape ... and that's why he was training so intensely.

Our sources say Jonathan's aiming to get shredded -- like superhero ripped -- and the video shows he's getting pretty close to that goal.

Remember, Jonathan was a Marvel star before the studio dropped him immediately after a New York jury found him guilty of misdemeanor assault and harassment for the now-infamous incident with his ex-GF, Grace Jabbari.

We're told Jonathan's working out with his regular trainers, who are getting him in tip-top shape.

For the next month or so, our sources say Jonathan will be shuffling back and forth between visiting Meagan Good in New York and training in Los Angeles.

What's unclear is when the movie shoot would begin -- if he lands it, time is of the essence ... assuming he'd have to get it done before he's sentenced.

Right now, sentencing is set for April 8, but his lawyers are still trying to get the conviction thrown out.

Fiesta pre-Oscars de CAA ¡¡¡Gran encuentro de celebridades!!!

La fiesta de CAA previa a los Oscar era el lugar para estar este viernes, pues tuvo entre sus invitados a los mejores representantes del negocio, quienes se prepararon para el glamour del domingo en el Sunset Tower Hotel.

La legendaria fiesta es conocida como uno de los principales eventos previos a los Oscars, y como cada año, la noche del viernes contó con un montón de figuras de Hollywood, incluyendo muchos de los nominados, como el aspirante a Mejor Actor Cillian Murphy, quien estuvo en la fiesta codeándose con sus compañeros.

Los ya ganadores del Oscar Viola Davis y Brendan Fraser también estuvieron en el evento junto con Chris Rock y Sacha Baron Cohen. Por supuesto, han pasado dos años desde que Chris fue abofeteado por Will Smith en el escenario de los Oscar, así que es agradable verlo nuevamente disfrutando de las festividades.

Danny DeVito, Demi Moore, Jeff Goldblum, Donald Glover, Sir Patrick Stewart, el nominado a Mejor Actor Jeffrey Wright, Chris Evans, Salma Hayek, Olivia Wilde, y Neil Patrick Harris fueron otros de los invitados a la fiesta.

El futuro del cine también estuvo presente, con actores más jóvenes como el actor de "May December", Charles Melton, Anya Taylor-Joy, Glen Powell de "Top Gun: Maverick" y la modelo Kaia Gerber.

Aunque no son grandes figuras de la pantalla grande, los anfitriones Andy Cohen y Kelly Ripa animaron la fiesta, que tenía a DJ Rashida y Lady Sha haciendo a todos bailar.

CAA representa algunos de los nombres más grandes del negocio, como a las estrellas de "Barbie" Margot Robbie y Ryan Gosling, y organiza esta fiesta previa a los premios cada año para celebrar a sus clientes, colegas y compañeros.

Siempre tiene una gran asistencia y una vez más fue una de las mejores fiestas de la ciudad.


The CAA Pre-Oscars shindig was the place to be ... with the best of the biz out to play at The Sunset Tower Hotel, gearing up for the glitz and glam to come on Sunday.

The legendary bash is known as one of the major Oscars warm-up events, and just like every year, Friday night's shindig featured a who's who in Hollywood with lots of the nominees -- like Best Actor hopeful Cillian Murphy -- in the mix and rubbing elbows.

Previous Oscar winners Viola Davis and Brendan Fraser were also part of the line-up -- along with Chris Rock and Sacha Baron Cohen. Of course, it's been 2 years since Chris was targeted by Will Smith onstage at the Oscars -- so, it's nice to see him back enjoying the festivities.

Some of the others mingling the night away were Danny DeVito, Demi Moore, Jeff Goldblum, Donald Glover, Sir Patrick Stewart, Best Actor nominee Jeffrey Wright, Chris Evans, Salma Hayek, Olivia Wilde, and Neil Patrick Harris.

The future of the movie biz was also on hand ... younger actors like "May December" star Charles Melton and Anya Taylor-Joy, "Top Gun: Maverick's Glen Powell and model Kaia Gerber.

Now, they're not big screen stars, but the hosts with the most Andy Cohen and Kelly Ripa kept the party vibes going strong at the bash, which had DJ Rashida and Lady Sha spinning the beats.

CAA reps some of the biggest names in the biz -- such as "Barbie" stars Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling -- and it hosts this pre-awards bash every year to celebrate clients, colleagues and peers.

It always has a major turnout ... and once again, it was one of the hottest tickets in town!

WME Pre-Oscars Bash DiCaprio, Usher, Timberlake & More ... Inside Bev Hills Event

Hollywood's elite are warming up for Sunday's Oscars with pre-parties every bit as celeb-packed as the main event will be ... as Usher, John Legend and Leo DiCaprio rallied in one of the town's more iconic mansions!


TMZ got this video inside the William Morris Endeavor talent agency's big bash in Bev Hills Friday night -- it was held at the Beverly Estate, sometimes referred to as the "Godfather" mansion, and it was absolutely swimming with A-Listers.

Check out these faces in the crowd -- Justin Timberlake, Tobey Maguire, Teyana Taylor, Busta Rhymes, Rob Lowe and, of course, the 3 aforementioned superstars ... all rubbing elbows, literally and figuratively.

Even the celebs themselves seemed starstruck at times ... you can see Justin, Usher and Teyana were posing together for a few snaps as they chatted and laughed.

After their little photo sesh, Justin chatted a bit with some of the other guests as Teyana walked around, mingling.

At one point, Teyana bumped into Busta and the two began to shoot the breeze. Rob was also spotted making the rounds.

Never one to miss a party filled with beautiful people ... Leo, along with his pal Tobey, popped in just as the music started pumping and everyone was hitting the dance floor.

By all accounts, Leo was in good spirits and not even hiding his face that much, as we usually see him.

As for John Legend ... Mr. EGOT got off his feet to do the small talk thing ... sitting on a couch to chat up some other guests.

By the way, the mansion where all this was going down is the spot where they filmed the famous horse's head scene for "The Godfather" flick.

Much happier ending last night ... and no animals were harmed.

Fiesta Pre-Oscars de WME DiCaprio, Usher, Timberlake y más Juntos en Beverly Hills

La élite de Hollywood se prepara para los Oscars este domingo y las fiestas previas han tenido tantas celebridades como el evento mismo. Usher, John Legend y Leo DiCaprio, por ejemplo, se reunieron en una de las mansiones más emblemáticas de la ciudad.


TMZ consiguió este video de la fiesta de la agencia de talentos William Morris Endeavor en Beverly Hills el viernes, que se celebró en la denominada mansión "El Padrino" y contó con un montón de A-Listers.

Fíjate bien en los invitados, Justin Timberlake, Tobey Maguire, Teyana Taylor, Busta Rhymes, Rob Lowe y, por supuesto, las 3 superestrellas antes mencionadas se estaban codeando literal y figurativamente.

Incluso las propias celebridades parecían deslumbradas con sus colegas famosos por momentos. Se puede ver que Justin, Usher y Teyana posaron juntos para algunas fotos mientras charlaban y se reían.

Después de su pequeña sesión de fotos, Justin charló un poco con algunos de los otros invitados mientras Teyana se mezcló con el resto de la fiesta.

En un momento dado, Teyana se encontró con Busta y los dos empezaron a conversar. Rob también fue visto hablando con todos los invitados.

Nunca se pierde una fiesta llena de gente guapa. Leo, junto a su amigo Tobey, apareció justo cuando empezó a sonar la música y todo el mundo se fue a la pista de baile.

Sin lugar a dudas, Leo estaba de buen humor y ni siquiera ocultó tanto su cara, como suele hacer.

En cuanto a John Legend, el Sr. EGOT también conversó alegremente con los invitados, sentado en un sofá y muy animado en la charla con los otros invitados.

Por cierto, la mansión donde pasó todo esto es el lugar donde filmaron la famosa escena de la cabeza del caballo para la película "El Padrino".

Un final mucho más feliz el de anoche y sin ningún animal herido.

Armadora de "Rust" No lo pasa bien en la cárcel... Tras ser condenada

La cárcel es un infierno para Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. La armadora de "Rust" no lo está pasando bien mientras espera la sentencia por su condena de homicidio involuntario.

El abogado de Hannah, Jason Bowles, le dice a TMZ que ella está teniendo un tiempo muy difícil en el centro de detención de Nuevo México.

Nos dicen que la familia de Hannah ya se está organizando para ir a visitarla y sus seres queridos se encuentran devastados con la sentencia de culpabilidad por el homicidio involuntario de Halyna Hutchins mediante a un disparo.

Hannah fue declarada culpable el miércoles y rápidamente fue ingresada en el Centro de Detención de Adultos del Condado de Santa Fe, donde posó para una foto policial.

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Escuchando el veredicto
Court TV

Como bien saben, Hannah era la armera que estaba en el set de la película "Rust" cuando Alec Baldwin le disparó a Halyna con un arma de utilería cargada con munición real durante una escena.

El abogado de Hannah dice que van a apelar su condena e intentarán anular el veredicto y la sentencia.

Hannah fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, pero fue considerada inocente del cargo de manipulación de pruebas.

Recuerden, la defensa de Hannah atribuyó el accidente a que ella estaba sobrecargada con el trabajo de producción, y su equipo legal insistió en que el disparo fatal de Halyna no tuvo nada que ver con Hannah.

El abogado de Hannah dice que la sala quedó conmocionada cuando se emitió el veredicto de culpabilidad y parece que ella está lidiando con su propia conmoción mientras se adapta a su vida tras las rejas.

Aún no se ha fijado la fecha de la sentencia, pero se enfrenta a 18 meses de prisión.

'Rust' Armorer Having Difficult Time In Jail ... After Manslaughter Conviction

Jail is hell for Hannah Gutierrez-Reed ... the "Rust" armorer is having a tough time behind bars as she awaits sentencing for her manslaughter conviction.

Hannah's lawyer, Jason Bowles, tells TMZ ... she is having a really ​difficult time in her new digs, a New Mexico detention center.

We're told Hannah's family is already setting up a time to visit her ... and her loved ones have been devastated by her guilty verdict for involuntary manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of Halyna Hutchins.

Hannah was found guilty Wednesday and was quickly booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility, posing for a mug shot.

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Court TV

As you know ... Hannah was the armorer on the "Rust" movie set when Alec Baldwin shot Halyna with a prop gun loaded with live ammunition during a scene.

Hannah's lawyer says they will be appealing her conviction, seeking to overturn the verdict and judgment.

While Hannah was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, she was found not guilty of evidence tampering.

Remember, Hannah's defense blamed the accident on her being overworked by the production, and her legal team insisted Halyna's fatal shooting wasn't on Hannah at all.

Hannah's attorney says the courtroom was shocked when the guilty verdict was returned ... and it sounds like she's dealing with shock of her own as she tries to adjust to life behind bars.

Her sentencing date has not been set yet, but she's facing up to 18 months in prison.

'Anatomy of a Fall' Dog Luncheon Cameo P.O.'d Oscar Contenders ... Will Be MIA at Award Show

A dog featured in a movie that's up for an Oscar this year reportedly ruffled feathers at an awards event last month -- where other contenders got pissed off for him being a good boy.

Back in mid-February ... the border collie from 'Anatomy of a Fall' -- whose real name is Messi but who goes by Snoop in the film -- made an appearance at the Oscars luncheon ... where he was a big hit with all the stars, especially with Ryan Gosling, who seemed pretty smitten with the pooch.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Nothing wrong with bringing the dog from the film to make a little cameo for a pre-Oscars powwow right??? WRONG!!!! At least that's how some felt about it behind the scenes.

According to THR, production companies (and presumably studios) that have films up for Academy Awards apparently complained about Messi's presence at the luncheon ... griping that the dog being there and being so popular was giving his film an unfair advantage.

The dog showed up when Oscar voting was still going on -- and per THR, multiple companies with their hat in the ring complained to Academy honchos about it.

Fast-forward to today -- and the newest news is that Messi will be MIA from Sunday's ceremony ... a bummer, of course. Whether that decision has anything to do with the luncheon "scandal" ... jury's out. THR reports the luncheon thing had always been planned to be a one-off for Messi -- but if his being there angered that many people, who knows!

BTW, this dog is super talented -- and some have joked that it might actually be worthy of an Oscar nod itself. If you haven't seen 'Anatomy' yet ... there's a memorable scene with the dog, where it almost overdoses on aspirin ... and it plays out looking scarily real.

As it turns out ... that's because it was, meaning the dog was actually playing dead. A BTS look at how that came to fruition surfaced this week -- and it's pretty fascinating. Smart pup!

The Oscars are on Sunday ... and we're sure Messi's work will be rewarded. 'Anatomy' is supposed to do fairly well -- 'cause it's a damn good movie, even outside his performance.

Dakota Johnson, Chris Martin ¡¿Han estado comprometidos por años?! Dicen los reportes

Se dice que Dakota Johnson y Chris Martin están comprometidos, y no solo eso, al parecer lo han estado durante un par años.

Según varios medios de comunicación, el cantante de Coldplay le hizo la proposición a la actriz hace un tiempo, aunque no está claro exactamente cuándo podría haberse arrodillado. Algunos informes sugieren que podría haberlo hecho en 2020, si no antes.

Los mismos informes sugieren que la pareja no tiene prisa por casarse, no parece que haya ningún plan concreto para fijar una fecha y dar el "sí, quiero". Así que están relajados.

Un informe incluso llegó a sugerir que la ex esposa de Chris, Gwyneth Paltrow, está totalmente de acuerdo con que se casen, lo que coincide con la forma en que ella y Dakota suelen interactuar en público. Son muy amigas.

Por supuesto, Dakota también ha estado jugando a ser madrastra de los dos hijos de Chris y Gwyneth: Apple, de 19 años, y su hijo Moses, de 17. Gwyneth Paltrow, por su parte, ha sido súper abierta acerca de cómo el amor por sus hijos ha hecho que mantengan una relación fuerte con Chris Martin después del divorcio, que se produjo dos años después de su "desacoplamiento consciente" allá por 2014.

En cuanto a Chris y Dakota, han estado vinculados desde 2017, con un breve bache en 2019, cuando se separaron brevemente. Volvieron a estar juntos, por supuesto, y han estado saliendo felizmente desde entonces. Aunque con esta nueva actualización, parece que han sido prometidos y prometidos entre sí por un tiempo.

Dakota podría haber estado enviando ese mensaje cada vez que lucía un anillo en su dedo anular y algunos informes sugieren que era un anillo de compromiso después de todo.

Nos pusimos en contacto con sus representantes, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.


Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin are reportedly engaged -- and not just that ... but, apparently, they've been set to be married for years.

According to multiple outlets, the Coldplay singer popped the question to the actress a while back ... although it's unclear exactly when he might've gotten on bended knee. Some reports suggest he might've popped the question as far back as 2020, if not earlier.

These same reports go on to suggest the couple are in no rush to get hitched -- doesn't sound like there's any concrete plan on setting a date and saying 'I do.' So, they're chillin'.

One report even goes so far as to suggest that Chris' ex-wife, Gwyneth Paltrow, is fully on board with them getting married ... which jibes with how she and Dakota interact in public ... they're pretty chummy.

Of course, Dakota's also been playing stepmom to Chris and Gwyneth's two kids, Apple, 19, and son Moses, 17 -- and GP's even been super open about how their love for their kids keeps their co-parenting relationship strong post-divorce, which came two years after their "conscious uncoupling" back in 2014.

As for Chris and Dakota, they've been linked since 2017, with a brief bump in the road in 2019, when they briefly split. They got back together, of course, and have been happily dating ever since ... but with this new update, it seems they've been fiancé/fiancée to one another.

Dakota might've been telegraphing this all along she's been spotted bling on her ring finger in recent years -- and some reports suggest that it was an engagement ring after all.

We've reached out to their reps ... so far, no word back.