Ariana Grande Sugiere que Dalton la engañó... En una nueva canción

Ariana Grande puede haber arrojado nueva luz sobre su divorcio con Dalton Gómez, insinuando fuertemente que podría haberle sido infiel en una nueva canción, al menos, si las letras son una indicación de algo.

La estrella del pop lanzó su último álbum "Eternal Sunshine" el viernes y en la canción titular, ella se refiere a un hombre que jugó con ella, y la forma en que dice que sucedió fue a través de la mentira y aparentemente también el engaño.

Así es como dice uno de los versos: "Nunca he visto a alguien mentir como tú // Tanto, que incluso tú empiezas a creer que es verdad // Así que ahora jugamos nuestras escenas separadas // Ahora, ahora ella está en mi cama, mm-mm, acostada en tu pecho // Ahora estoy en mi cabeza, preguntándome cómo termina".

Ariana continúa cantando: "Showed you all my demons, all my lies // Yet you played me like Atari // Now it's like I'm lookingin' in the mirror // Hope you feel alright when you're in her. Encontré a un buen chico y está de mi lado".

A primera vista, Ari parece estar acusando directamente a Dalton, el hombre con el que estaba casada y cuya relación antecede inmediatamente a este gran álbum.

Del mismo modo, ella también parece estar refiriéndose a su actual novio Ethan Slater, como el "chico bueno".

Si se refiere a un supuesto engaño por parte de Dalton en esta canción, entonces se podría argumentar que Ariana está tratando de ajustar la narrativa sobre cómo terminaron las cosas con su ex marido y cómo comenzó su romance con Ethan. Recuerden, ella fue infamemente etiquetada como una "rompehogares" por parte de los fans e incluso la ex esposa de Ethan, Lilly Jay, insinuó que Ari se había abalanzado sobre su esposo.

No mucho después de que se supo la noticia, Ethan puso fin oficialmente a su matrimonio. Desde que se hizo pública su relación con Ari, los dos han sido prácticamente inseparables.

En octubre, Ariana y Dalton resolvieron oficialmente su divorcio. Dalton no ha sido nombrado en todo el asunto y ha seguido adelante con otras damas después de Ari.

Es interesante que ahora Ariana esté aparentemente acusando a Dalton de estar con otra persona mientras estaban juntos. Habíamos oído de fuentes con conocimiento en la materia de que su matrimonio se vino abajo después del COVID debido a problemas de programación, con Ari volviendo a reanudar su agenda de A-lister.

Ahora, sin embargo, parece que hay un nuevo elemento en la mezcla, al menos desde el punto de vista de Ari.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Chloe Bailey Keeping Halle's Preggo Secret Was Easy!!!

I Feel Great

Chloe and Halle Bailey have a bond that can't be broken -- which is probably why the older sibling here says it was no issue keeping her little sister's pregnancy a secret.

We caught up with sister duo at Essence mag's pre-Oscar gala on Thursday -- and Halle couldn't help but blush and gush about her newborn baby boy Halo, whom she shares with boyfriend DDG ... who was enjoying fatherhood as we spoke with Mama Bear.

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Just check out the video DDG threw up recently ... showing him goofing around with the kid.

Anyway, back to Halle -- our photog asked if Halle's musical talents have transferred over to the baby just yet ... and based on her reaction, it sounds like it might be too early to tell.

So, instead ... we lobbed her a softball, asking how motherhood was going -- and HB told us it was great. Chloe, however, gave us a little more insight into her sister's pregnancy ... which sorta flew under the radar (although, not really).

Nonetheless, we asked Chloe if was difficult keeping everything under wraps for Halle -- and she told us it was actually a breeze. Halle herself addressed this as well during her remarks at the event ... and said she had no obligation to share her pregnancy with the world.

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DDG echoed her sentiments to us recently -- saying he didn't cave to social media pressure nor did he feel the need to. Good on them.

Kylie Jenner Se niega a hablar de Timothée... y de su cambio de estilo

Kylie Jenner no quiso hablar de su novio Timothée Chalamet en una nueva entrevista de alto perfil y que también abordó la suposición de que él la ha hecho cambiar de estilo.

La magnate de la belleza habló con el NYT el jueves sobre una amplia gama de temas y, por supuesto, el tema de su relación con Timbo salió en la conversación, aunque muy brevemente, porque estaba claro que Kylie no quería ahondar en su vida privada.

El entrevistador le señala que muchos de sus fans se sorprendieron el año pasado cuando publicó una foto con un vestido blanco que gritaba "cottagecore", con muchos diciendo que aparentemente había cambiado su estilo por Timmy.

Le preguntaron a Kylie si había visto alguno de esos comentarios, a lo que ella respondió que "no", explicando que solo lee los comentarios en los post vinculados a sus negocios.

Luego fue citada diciendo: "No sé cómo me siento al respecto". El reportero señala que Kylie se estaba poniendo incómoda a medida que surgían más preguntas sobre Timothée Chalamet y luego dijo: "Simplemente no quiero hablar de cosas personales".

Es interesante, Kylie y Timmy son bastante privados, pero llegaron juntos a los Globos de Oro como pareja, lo que parecía confirmar que eran oficiales públicamente. Por supuesto, habían sido vistos antes de eso besándose y acurrucándose en diferentes eventos.

Desde entonces, sin embargo, no hemos visto mucho de ellos juntos. Hay que considerar que Tim ha estado ocupado promocionando "Dune 2" con el resto de sus coprotagonistas, por lo que objetivamente ha estado ocupado.

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Algunos han sugerido que están separados y aunque ella se negó a hablar sobre él en esta entrevista, hay otras señales de que Kylie y Timothee todavía van en serio, si es que la nueva promoción de la quinta temporada de "Kardashians" significa algo. Está increíblemente "Dune-codificada".

Kylie no habló de Tim, pero sí abordó el escrutinio que ha recibido toda su vida por su apariencia. En esta misma entrevista dice: "Son solo años y años de no sentir que mi cara o mi apariencia son aceptadas. No hay nada que puedan decir ahora que me haga daño".

Suena como que Kylie está lanzando escudos a su alrededor para proteger su humanidad, lo que es comprensible. Ella está bajo la lupa constantemente, y al parecer, siempre bajo fuego.

En términos de dónde están las cosas con Tim, ella está guardándose los detalles.

Ariana Grande Fans Think New Song Implies Cheating ... Accusatory Lyrics in Song

Ariana Grande may have shed new light on her divorce from Dalton Gomez ... at least that's what some fans think after hearing her new song, which appears to suggest infidelity.

The pop star dropped her latest album, "Eternal Sunshine," on Friday ... and in the titular song, she calls out a man whom she says played her -- and the way she says that happened was through lying and apparent cheating.

Here's how one telling verse goes ... "I've never seen someone lie like you do // So much, even you start to think it's true // So now we play our separate scenes // Now, now she's in my bed, mm-mm, layin' on your chest // Now I'm in my head, wonderin' how it ends."

Ariana continues to sing ... "Showed you all my demons, all my lies // Yet you played me like Atari // Now it's like I'm lookin' in the mirror // Hope you feel alright when you're in her
I found a good boy and he's on my side."

On its face, Ari seems to be accusing an ex here -- although it's not entirely clear which one -- but many suspect she's perhaps pointing the finger at Dalton ... y'know, since that was her last big relationship. She was only married to the dude, after all.

Inversely, she also appears to be referencing her current BF, Ethan Slater, as the "good boy" -- again, that's how some of her fans are taking this ... with some interpreting the words literally and trying to apply it to her real life. Understandable ... artists do that sometimes.

If she is, in fact getting at alleged cheating in this song -- on Dalton's part -- then you could argue this is Ariana trying to tweak the narrative over how things ended with DG and how her romance with Ethan started. Remember, she was infamously labeled a "homewrecker" by fans ... and even Ethan's ex-wife, Lilly Jay, implied Ari had swooped in on her hubby.

Not long after the news broke ... Ethan officially pulled the plug on his marriage. Since word of his and Ari's relationship went public -- the two of them have been virtually inseparable.

By October, Ariana and Dalton had officially settled their divorce. Dalton's been mum on the whole thing ... and in the aftermath of Ari, he's already moved on with other ladies.

It's interesting that fans now seem to think Ariana might be shifting the blame a bit -- that is, if you're taking her words to heart and projecting it onto Gomez ... which some certainly are.

We'd heard from sources with knowledge that their marriage fell apart in a post-COVID world due to scheduling issues, and Ari resuming being an A-lister. Now, however ... some are hearing another possibility -- but TBH, they might be reaching a bit on this one.

Fact is ... Ari's lyrics are up to interpretation -- as is the case with all music -- and while it's understandable why some might be perceiving this as a shot at Dalton ... it very well might be about something else entirely. In fact, she's spoken fondly of him in recent interviews.

Ariana recently did an interview with Zach Sang to plug the new album -- and she alluded to the fact that she wasn't holding any hate in her heart over previous relationships ... and that she wasn't carrying anything negative onto this new album of hers -- which suggests there's no ill will at Dalton at all. Eye of the beholder, we suppose ... that's how these things go.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

J.K. Rowling Es reportada a la policía Por faltarle el respeto a una presentadora trans

J.K. Rowling fue denunciada a la policía por la presentadora británica India Willoughby, quien afirma que JKR la ha insultado repetidamente en medio de una disputa en redes.

India, la ex concursante de "Celebrity Big Brother" que es una mujer transgénero, habló con Byline TV sobre el tema, afirmando que logró involucrar a la policía de Northumbria, luego de que J.K. se refiriera constantemente a ella como un hombre a pesar de que su estatus legal es el de una mujer.

Según ella, el hecho de que J.K. se refiera a ella como un hombre constituye un delito en el Reino Unido y podría violar la Ley de Igualdad y la Ley de Reconocimiento de Género. India también insinúa que esto podría calificarse como un delito de odio, pero como mínimo, piensa que es un caso de comunicaciones maliciosas.

Variety informa que la policía de Northumbria está a la espera y lista para tener una conversación con la autora sobre todo este calvario, pero no se sabe si J.K. va a hacerlo.

Mientras tanto, J.K. ya ha respondido, diciendo que ya consultó con un abogado que no solo considera que tiene un caso sólido contra India por difamación, sino que el hecho de que India la señale constantemente en Internet podría calificarse de acoso, por lo que está pensando en emprender acciones legales por su cuenta.

J.K. añade: "Consciente como soy de que es un delito mentirle a las fuerzas de la ley, simplemente tendré que explicarle a la policía que, en mi opinión, India es un ejemplo clásico de un narcisista masculino que vive en un estado de rabia perpetua por no poder obligar a las mujeres a aceptarle en su propia valoración".

Por supuesto, Rowling se ha enfrentado a un montón de reacciones negativas por sus polémicos comentarios sobre las personas transgénero. Muchos la han calificado de "TERF" (feminista radical transexcluyente) y la han tachado de intolerante e incluso algunos miembros del reparto de "Harry Potter" se han distanciado de ella.

J.K. ha dicho abiertamente que no le quita el sueño el cómo la recuerden en el futuro. ¿La razón? Simple y claro: "Estaré muerta".

Natalie Portman Se divorcia discretamente de Benjamin Millepied ... Ya está finiquitado

Natalie Portman no solo ya solicitó el divorcio de su marido de más de una década, sino que el caso ya está resuelto, según ha confirmado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que un informe de People Mag, que dice que Natalie y Benjamin Millepied pusieron fin a su divorcio en Francia, es correcto ... Así que sí, ya no están casados y oficialmente solteros a los ojos de la ley en Europa.

Todavía no hay detalles sobre lo que implica este acuerdo de divorcio, esto es, la custodia y manutención de sus dos hijos, la manutención del cónyuge, la división de bienes, etc.

Todo lo que sabemos con certeza es que Natalie es una mujer soltera, lo que es un desarrollo sorprendente teniendo en cuenta que ella y Ben han estado en el centro de los chismes desde hace más de un año, en medio de las acusaciones de infidelidad por parte de él, que todavía no han sido abordadas.

Sin embargo, el hecho de que Natalie se divorciara del chico parece dar cierta credibilidad a las conjeturas. La actriz también ha estado paseando sola por Estados en medio de la temporada de premios de los últimos meses.

Por si no están familiarizados, se ha rumoreado que Ben habría tenido una aventura con la activista climática Camille Etienne en 2023.

Varios medios de comunicación informaron que Natalie y Ben se separaron debido a esa supuesta infidelidad, pero la pareja nunca lo ha confirmado o negado oficialmente.

Ella recientemente dijo que se había mudado a París con sus hijos mientras se desarrollaba todo este lío y el divorcio se tramitó en los tribunales franceses. También hemos confirmado que Natalie y Ben, de hecho, se separaron el año pasado y, claramente, terminaron su matrimonio tras bambalinas.

La pareja fue bastante privada con su relación desde que se casaron en 2012 en Big Sur, California. Se conocieron en 2009 durante el rodaje del "Cisne Negro" y Benjamin dejó a su novia del momento para estar con Natalie. Él también es bailarín y coreógrafo.

Natalie Portman y Benjamin Millepied estuvieron casados 11 años. Ellos comparten dos hijos: Aleph, de 12 años, y Amalia, de 6 años.

No se sabe si había un acuerdo prenupcial o no, pero podemos imaginar que puede haber sido el caso.

Kylie Jenner Refuses to Talk About Timothée ... Including 'Changed' Style

Kylie Jenner didn't want to talk about her boyfriend, Timothée Chalamet, in a new high-profile interview -- and that includes punting on the issue of him "changing" her style.

The beauty mogul spoke to the NYT Thursday about a wide range of topics -- and, of course, the topic of her relationship with Timbo came up in conversation ... albeit, very briefly ... 'cause it was clear Kylie didn't wanna delve into her private life.

The interviewer is pointing out that a lot of KJ's fans were taken aback last year when she posted a shot of herself in a white dress that screamed "cottagecore" -- with many apparently saying her fashion sensibility had switched up ... and some attributing that to Timmy.

Kylie was asked if she'd seen any of those comments, to which she replied, "no" -- explaining she only reads feedback on posts tied to her businesses.

She was then quoted as saying... "I don’t know how I feel about that." The reporter notes that Kylie was getting uncomfortable as more questions about TM were being brought up, and she then said ... "I just don’t want to talk about personal things."

It's interesting ... Kylie and Timmy are fairly private as it is, although they hit the Golden Globes together as a couple -- which seemed to be them officially going public. Of course, they'd been spotted out before that ... making out and showing PDA at different events.

Since then, however, we haven't seen much of them together -- granted, though, Tim's been busy promoting 'Dune 2' with the rest of his costars ... so he's objectively been busy.

Some have suggested they're actually split up -- and while she was mum on talking about him in this chat ... there are other signs Kylie and Timothee are still going strong, if the new 'Kardashians' promo for Season 5 is any indication. It's incredibly 'Dune'-coded.

Kylie didn't discuss Tim ... but she did address the scrutiny her appearance has gotten throughout her life. She says in this same interview ... "It's just years and years of not feeling like my face or looks are accepted. There's nothing anyone could ever say now that would hurt me."

Sounds like Kylie's throwing up shields around her to protect her humanity -- which is understandable ... she's under a microscope constantly, and seemingly is always under fire.

In terms of where things stand with her and Tim ... she's playing her cards close to the vest.

J.K. ROWLING Reported to U.K. Cops Allegedly Misgendered Broadcaster

J.K. Rowling has been reported to the police by British broadcaster India Willoughby ... who claims JKR has repeatedly misgendered her online as part of an ongoing online beef.

India -- the ex-"Celebrity Big Brother" contestant who's a transgender woman -- spoke to Byline TV regarding the issue ... claiming she's gotten Northumbria Police involved, as she says J.K. has consistently referred to her as a man despite her legal status as a woman.

She says J.K.'s alleged repeated misgendering constitutes a crime in the U.K. -- suggesting it violates the Equalities Act and Gender Recognition Act. India also hints this could possibly qualify as a hate crime ... but at the very least, thinks it's a malicious communications case.

Variety reports that Northumbria Police are on standby, ready to have a chat with the author about this whole ordeal ... but no word on whether J.K.'s gonna play ball.

Meanwhile, J.K.'s already fired back ... saying she's already consulted a lawyer who not only reckons she has a solid case against IW for defamation, but says India constantly targeting J.K. online might qualify as harassment -- so she's mulling legal action of her own.

J.K. adds, "Aware as I am that it's an offense to lie to law enforcement, I'll simply have to explain to the police that, in my view, India is a classic example of the male narcissist who lives in a state of perpetual rage that he can't compel women to take him at his own valuation."

Of course, Rowling's faced a ton of backlash for her controversial remarks about transgender folks. She's been called out as a "TERF" (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) and labeled a bigot by many -- some of the 'HP' cast have even distanced themselves from her.

J.K. has straight-up said she's not losing any sleep over how the world will remember her once she's gone. Her reason? Simple and to the point ... "I'll be dead."

Natalie Portman Quietly Divorced Benjamin Millepied ... Already Finalized

Natalie Portman has not only already filed to divorce her husband of over a decade -- but the whole case is already settled in the books ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us a report from People Mag -- which says Natalie and Benjamin Millepied have finalized their divorce in France -- is accurate ... so yes, they're no longer married and officially single in the eyes of the law there in Europe.

There are no details just yet about what the divorce settlement entails -- including custody and child support of their two children ... ditto for spousal support, division of assets, etc.

All we know for sure is that Natalie is unattached -- which is a stunning development considering she and Ben have been at the center of gossip and speculation for well over a year now ... this amid allegations of infidelity on his part, which has gone unaddressed.

The fact Natalie divorced the guy, however, seems to lend some credence to the conjecture. She was also rolling solo here in the States for award shows of late.

If you're unfamiliar ... Ben is reported to have had a fling with climate activist Camille Etienne in 2023.

Several media outlets reported Natalie and Ben separated as a result of the alleged cheating -- but the couple never confirmed or denied on the record.

She recently said she'd relocated to Paris with their children as this whole mess unfolded -- and the divorce was handled in French courts. We've also confirmed that Natalie and Ben did, in fact, separate last year ... and clearly, they ended their marriage behind the scenes.

They were pretty private about their relationship since tying the knot in 2012 in Big Sur, CA -- although the 2 met in 2009 during the filming of "Black Swan," and Benjamin left his girlfriend at the time to be with Natalie instead. He's a dancer/choreographer himself, BTW.

NP and BM were married for 11 years. They share 12-year-old Aleph and 6-year-old Amalia.

No word on whether there was a prenup or not ... but ya gotta figure there might've been.

Alec Baldwin May Call Celeb Witnesses ... For Defense at 'Rust' Trial

Alec Baldwin may look to enlist the help of other celebs when his manslaughter trial over Halyna Hutchins' death gears up this summer -- but there's a catch ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with knowledge of the case tell TMZ ... the actor's team is considering putting together a list of famous people to potentially testify on Alec's behalf during his trial in July -- but we're told these stars would be people who've already spoken out in Alec's defense.

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Specifically, we're told Alec and his team would possibly be eyeing public figures who've weighed into the issue of whether an actor can be held responsible for weapons on set.

Worth noting ... our sources say this potential witness list hasn't come to fruition just yet -- remember, the trial is still months away -- and we're told nothing is set in stone either.

Still ... if this comes to pass, it'd be major news -- especially with the potential names.

So far ... Alec has received public support from a number of stars, all of whom have taken a firm stance -- namely, that it's crazy to go after Alec for something he wasn't tasked with checking in an acting capacity. Some of those names include Debra Messing, Mickey Rourke, DJ Qualls, Frances Fisher (who also starred in "Rust") and others.

Interesting to note ... some of these actors have already committed to being available in court if Alec should come to call on them -- including Mickey ... who tells us he's game to testify.

Mickey tells TMZ ... "Whatever Alec needs I’ll be there 100%. The armorer is 100% responsible for any gun handed to an actor. Especially, to an actor who didn't have experience with guns."

Rourke adds ... nobody from Alec's legal team has reached out to him yet.

As we reported ... Alec pled not guilty to an involuntary manslaughter charge in January ... over two years after he held the prop gun that went off and killed Halyna during a "Rust" rehearsal. Director Joel Souza was also injured at the time.


The armorer on set, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, was just convicted of involuntary manslaughter herself -- and while some feel that doesn't bode well for AB ... others disagree, arguing it only cements that the person responsible for weapons on set was found criminally liable.

We reached out to Alec's attorney, Alex Spiro, for comment -- but no word back yet.

Mike Epps Richard Pryor's Widow Killed Biopic ... I Didn't Give Her the D!!!

Mike Epps is still feeling some sorta way about the Richard Pryor biopic that didn't happen -- and 10 years after he got the dream role, he's blaming Richard's widow for shutting it down.

Mike did his best to crack jokes about it as revealed the backstory to Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson on their "All the Smoke" podcast -- claiming things went south with Jennifer Lee Pryor because he refused to render certain services for her.

Call it the ultimate d**k move -- or lack thereof -- but Mike claims Jennifer wanted a little quid pro quo ... and when he refused to sleep with her, she yanked the role from him.

Mike claims he and Jennifer clashed harder at Richard's funeral in 2005, which he says doubled as a comedic event ... albeit not intentionally!!!

He threw the late Paul Mooney and Richard's other friends in attendance under the bus for not speaking at the funeral -- instead leaving Mo'Nique and George Lopez to pay their respects even though they didn't actually know the comedic legend.

You gotta see Mike paint the picture of how the funeral went down ... especially his Diana Ross impression.

But the jokes stopped when he talked about walking up to Jennifer to insist he was the man for the biopic role, because his legacy has outlived Richard's -- and all the kids know it!!!

Lee Daniels was originally on board to direct the RP film in 2014 but jumped ship 2 years later, leaving Mike to portray Pryor in minor capacities as he did in HBO's short-lived "Winning Time" series ... potentially the last time he'll get to impersonate his idol.

We reached out to Jennifer for her version of events, but no word back yet.



Joe Biden's celeb-packed State of the Union address preview was a stroke of genius -- this according to political heavy-hitters, Lis Smith and April Ryan.

We spoke to both on 'TMZ Live,' Thursday ... with Lis telling us that whoever in Biden's camp came up with that idea deserves a serious raise, 'cause these speeches can be a major snooze-fest ... so making politics cool for those who might not care is a big deal!


Lis goes on to say that if more folks in politics injected a little fun and humor into the mix, maybe we wouldn't be so stressed out all the time.

She's also saying the positives of that clip and Biden's approach totally outweigh any negatives ... adding that people throwing shade at it were probably never gonna vote for JB in the first place.


April -- the White House Correspondent for TheGrio -- also backs Lis' sentiments ...  saying Joe's team dropped that video to connect with everyone and show he's in touch with people's everyday struggles despite sitting in one of the most important buildings in the world.

She also tells us it's a smart move on his part 'cause becoming the U.S. President ain't just about domestic policy issues ... it's about playing on the global stage, too.

By putting out that video of him hilariously seeking advice from former President actors Morgan Freeman, Bill Pullman, Geena Davis, Michael Douglas, and Tony Goldwyn ahead of his super serious speech ... he's painting a winning picture and showing confidence, rather than highlighting setbacks.

Of course, Joe's definitely had his fair share of criticism during his presidency -- especially when it comes to concerns about his age.

Nonetheless, he's pulling out all the stops -- and all the big names -- to secure that second term ... and there are some who believe it's working.

Lupita Nyong'o y Joshua Jackson Todo pasando en México ... Feliz cumpleaños, baby!!!

Lupita Nyong'o y Joshua Jackson siguen yendo muy en serio, lo que es evidente por las nuevas fotos de su reciente viaje a México, donde se ven súper cariñosos y cercanos.

La pareja de actores no pudo quitarse las manos de encima en Puerto Vallarta la semana pasada. Ciertamente, parecían enamorados y por una buena razón: son súper atractivos. Lupita en particular, que está celebrando sus 41 años, se ve increíble.

Ella se ve muy contenta con el viaje y con Joshua a quien le planta un buen beso.

Josh no se opuso a su cariño, envolvió sus brazos alrededor de Lupita e incluso apoyó sus manos en su trasero en un momento. Sí, un montón de demostración afectiva en público.

Dejen que estos dos calientes las cosas en México, que ya es bastante calentito.

Lupita y Joshua han sido prácticamente inseparables desde que fueron vistos juntos por primera vez en octubre en un concierto en Los Ángeles. La ganadora del Oscar aún no había anunciado su ruptura con Selema Masekela y la salida con Joshua sin duda echó andar las especulaciones. Ahora, sabemos que están juntos.

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Ya son oficiales

En su momento, la actriz de Marvel confirmó que ya no estaba con Selema y procedió a pasear por todo el estado de California con su nuevo novio. Desde entonces, han sido vistos juntos por todas partes y no están intentando ocultar más su amor.

Joshua también se convirtió en un hombe soltero recientemente. Recordemos que su distanciada esposa, la actriz Jodie Turner-Smith, solicitó el divorcio tras 4 años de matrimonio. Tienen una hija en común.

Josh ha seguido adelante con su vida y Lupita también, obviamente.

¡Estos dos están perdidamente enamorados!

Steve and Eydie Steve Lawrence muere a los 88 años

Steve Lawrence, la mitad del icónico dúo musical Steve and Eydie, que solía ser telonero de Frank Sinatra y aparecer en un montón de programas de variedades, ha muerto.

Steve falleció el jueves como consecuencia de complicaciones derivadas del Alzheimer, según informó su hijo, David. David hizo pública una declaración tras la muerte de su padre que dice: "Mi padre fue una inspiración para mucha gente. Pero, para mí, solo era un tipo encantador, guapo e histéricamente divertido, que cantaba mucho. A veces solo y a veces con su increíblemente talentosa esposa".

Y añadió: "Tengo mucha suerte de haberlo tenido como padre y estoy muy orgulloso de ser su hijo. Mi esperanza es que sus contribuciones a la industria del entretenimiento sean recordadas por muchos años".

Con su esposa Eydie Gorme, Steve formó parte de uno de los dúos de cantantes más queridos del país en su momento. Steve and Eydie comenzaron en la década de 1950 y actuaron juntos hasta 2009, cuando ella se retiró.

Steve and Eydie cantaron en muchos programas de variedades y late-night shows, como "The Judy Garland Show", "The Julie Andrews Hour", "Night Gallery", "The Danny Kaye Show", "The Tonight Show" y muchos otros.

Él y su esposa también actuaron en clubes nocturnos de Las Vegas y, en la década de 1980, en el Carnegie Hall. Steve fue incluso telonero de Ol' Blue Eyes durante su gira "Diamond Jubilee", así que sí, en aquellos tiempos solía tocar con los mejores.

La canción más exitosa de Steve durante su carrera en solitario fue su sencillo de 1962 "Go Away, Little Girl", que alcanzó el número 1 en las listas de éxitos.

Como actor, obtuvo una nominación al Tony por su trabajo en el musical de Broadway "What Makes Sammy Run?". También protagonizó junto a Eydie el musical "Golden Rainbow".

Steve ganó un Primetime Emmy por un especial de televisión que celebraba a Irving Berlin y tenía un montón de otros créditos de televisión, en programas como "La niñera" y "Hot in Cleveland".

Lawrence tenía 88 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Lupita Nyong'o & Joshua Jackson Hot Stuff in Mexico ... Happy Birthday, Baby!!!

Lupita Nyong'o and Joshua Jackson are still going strong ... evident in new PDA-filled photos from their recent trip to Mexico, where they're looking really hot and heavy.

The actor couple couldn't keep their hands off each other down in Puerto Vallarta last week. They certainly look smitten, and for good reason ... these two are an absolute smoke show. Lupita in particular -- who just turned 41, and who's celebrating her bday -- looks amazing.

She seems grateful for the trip -- planting a kiss on Joshua while standing on a lounge chair.

Josh wasn't opposed to the affection -- he wrapped his arms around LN ... even resting his hands on her behind at one point. Yeah, we're looking at a lot of PDA here ... no doubt.

Leave it to these two to make things even hotter in Mexico ... which is already toasty as is.

LN and JJ have been practically inseparable since first being spotted together in October at a concert in Los Angeles. Since the Oscar winner hadn't announced her split from longtime love Selema Masekela ... the outing certainly got tongues waggin'. Now, we know they're an item.

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Eventually, the Marvel actress confirmed that she was no longer with Selema -- and proceeded to run errands all over the state of California with her new boo. Since then, they've been seen all over the place ... and they're not trying to hide their love anymore.

Joshua also recently became single.  Remember, his estranged wife, actress Jodie Turner-Smith, filed for divorce after 4 years of marriage. They share one child together, a daughter.

Josh has bounced back and then some ... and ditto for Lupita, obviously.

These two are head over heels!

Steve and Eydie Steve Lawrence Dead at 88

Steve Lawrence -- one half of the iconic music duo Steve and Eydie, who used to open for Frank Sinatra and be featured on tons of variety shows -- has died

Steve passed away Thursday as a result of complications from Alzheimer's disease ... this according to his son, David. He released a statement in the aftermath of his father's death -- saying, "My Dad was an inspiration to so many people. But, to me, he was just this charming, handsome, hysterically funny guy who sang a lot. Sometimes alone and sometimes with his insanely talented wife."

He added, "I am so lucky to have had him as a father and so proud to be his son. My hope is that his contributions to the entertainment industry will be remembered for many years to come."

With his wife Eydie Gorme, Steve was part of one of the country's most beloved singing duos way back in the day ... Steve and Eydie got their start in the 1950s and performed together until 2009, when she retired.

Steve and Eydie sang on lots of variety and late-night shows, including "The Judy Garland Show," "The Julie Andrews Hour," "Night Gallery," "The Danny Kaye Show," 'The Tonight Show,' and lots of others.

He and his wife also played Las Vegas nightclubs -- and in the 1980s ... they played sold-out shows at Carnegie Hall as well. Steve even opened for Ol' Blue Eyes during his 'Diamond Jubilee' tour ... so yeah, he used to roll with the best of them in those days.

Steve's biggest hit song from his solo career ... his 1962 single, "Go Away, Little Girl," which hit No. 1 on the charts.

As an actor, Steve earned a Tony nomination for his work in the Broadway musical "What Makes Sammy Run?" He also starred alongside Eydie in another musical, "Golden Rainbow."

Steve won a Primetime Emmy for a TV special celebrating Irving Berlin, and he had a bunch of other TV credits, on shows like "The Nanny" and "Hot in Cleveland."

Lawrence was 88.