J Lo & Ben Affleck Pick Up Their Theater Trash ... After Watching 'Dune 2'

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck watched 'Dune 2' in theaters just like everyone else -- but unlike normies, they actually went out of their way to clean up their area afterward.

Ben and J Lo caught a showing of the Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya-led sci-fi flick Monday night in Los Angeles ... but the fact the famous couple squeezed in between a bunch of regular folks isn't the most interesting thing here.

A group sitting behind Ben and Jen took a cell phone video of them leaving their theater seats -- and you see them picking up their trash ... namely, popcorn buckets and soda cups.

Check it out ... Bennifer (but mostly Ben) gives their seats a good once over to make sure everything is spick and span before heading out. It's certainly good etiquette, we'll say that.

Ben and Jen kept a pretty low profile here too ... people in the theater say they didn't even know the couple was sitting there until the credits rolled and the lights came back on.

Also ... it seems J Lo barely touched her huge popcorn bucket too ... and they opted for a regular container, not one of those viral 'Dune 2' ones that have been making the rounds.

In any event, it looks like Ben and Jen left no trace as they exited ... which can't be said for everyone who goes to movie theaters in America these days. A lot of slobs out there, as we all know very well.

Bravo. 👏🏽

Sinbad Gives Health Update After Stroke ... Expect to See More of Me!!!

Miracles Happen

Sinbad is speaking out publicly for the first time in a long time, and he's showing face too -- which is major following his stroke 4 years ago ... and crazier yet, he's teasing a comeback.

The comedian posted a new video to IG that revealed a lot -- including giving fans an update on his health ... which many have been asking for ever since he suffered his medical episode in 2020. This also marks his first post since 2022, when he gave another big update.

In the new upload, Sinbad told fans that he appreciated their kind words and prayers to him over these past few years ... noting the kind words meant a lot to him as he recovered.

He also said folks could expect to see more of him soon ... an encouraging sign.

Sinbad actually stepped back into the spotlight a bit at the end of February to accompany his costars "A Different World" for their initial stop on a 10-city tour of HBCUs. While Sinbad only participated over Zoom -- he was met with a passionate round of applause from the crowd.

In this latest clip ... he says he was surprised that the college kids even knew who he was.

Perhaps the comic is underestimating his legacy -- which includes starring roles in "Jingle All the Way," "The Sinbad Show," "Coneheads," and six seasons on "The Cosby Show" spinoff.

In any case, Sinbad made sure to thank his fans for their continued love and support ... informing them that he saw and read everything that was sent in during his recovery.

As we reported ... Sinbad suffered from a stroke in October 2020 -- which his family later said was caused by a blood clot that traveled from the heart to the brain. At the time ... his loved ones said they were grateful for fans' outpouring of love.

Welcome back, Sinbad ... good to see you're doing well!

Daniel Day-Lewis Se mantiene firme con lo de retirarse... Culpa a los streamers

Daniel Day-Lewis se mantiene firme con lo de retirarse de la actuación y no se está echando para atrás, de acuerdo con su amigo director de toda la vida, quien dice que el streaming es la razón que lo mantiene alejado.

Jim Sheridan, quien ha colaborado con Daniel Day-Lewis en 3 películas diferentes, le dijo a ScreenDaily: "Él dice que se acabó", y agregó que todavía está hablando con el actor para ver si puede atraerlo de nuevo a las pistas.

Esta es la cuestión, Jim sugiere que Daniel tiene motivos para estar molesto, pues la revolución del streaming ha cambiado las reglas del cine, y al parecer, para peor.

Jim Sheridan dice: "Él dice que se acabó. Yo sigo hablando con él. Me encantaría que hiciéramos algo juntos de nuevo. Es como todo el mundo. Se abre a los streamers y hay siete mil opciones, ninguna de ellas buena".

Y añade: "El cine ha pasado del dominio público al privado: tienes un mando a distancia, puedes pararlo. No es la misma experiencia. Sería genial ver a Daniel volver y hacer algo porque es muy bueno".

No hace falta decir que cada vez que Jim y Daniel trabajan juntos es oro. Basta con ver su historial: Daniel ganó un Oscar por "My Left Foot" en el 89, fue nominado por "In the Name of the Father" en el 93, y luego volvieron a juntarse para "The Boxer" en el 97.

El retiro de Daniel del mundo de la actuación no es algo nuevo. Después de su interpretación en "Lincoln", en 2012, con el que se ganó una estatuilla, se tomó un descanso de cinco años. Pero incluso después de eso regresó para "Phantom Thread" en 2017, lo que le valió otra nominación al Oscar a Mejor Actor, pero luego decidió retirarse.

Jim no es el único director que está rezando para que Daniel vuelva a la pantalla. Martin Scorsese ha rogado recientemente porque Daniel Day-Lewis vuelva para hacer una película más, pero no hay ninguna señal de que eso vaya a suceder.

A pesar de todas las súplicas de sus amigos directores, todavía no hay ninguna palabra oficial del hombre en cuestión. Suponemos que necesita un poco más de convencimiento para desempolvar sus habilidades interpretativas y volver al juego, eso o alguna otra razón, como por ejemplo, un renacimiento de las películas de teatro.


Daniel Day-Lewis is sticking to his guns on retiring from acting, and he's not backing down -- this according to his longtime director buddy ... who says streaming is keeping him away.

Jim Sheridan -- who's collaborated with DDL on 3 different movies, -- told ScreenDaily, "He says he's done," adding that he's still talking to the actor to see if he can lure him back into the spotlight.

Here's the kicker ... he suggests Daniel's got a bone to pick with how the whole streaming revolution's changed the movie game ... for the worse, it seems.

JS says ... "He says he’s done. I keep talking to him. I’d love to do something with him again. He’s like everybody else. He opens up the streamers and there’s seven thousand choices, none of them are good."

He adds ... "Film has been moved out of the public domain into a private domain -- you have a remote, you can stop it. It’s not the same experience. It’d be great to see Daniel coming back and doing something because he’s so good."

Goes without saying, whenever Jim and Daniel teamed up, it was gold. Just look at their track record ... Daniel snagged an Oscar for '89's "My Left Foot," got nominated for "In the Name of the Father" in '93, and then they came together again for 97's "The Boxer."

Daniel's retirement isn't breaking news ... after his Oscar-winning performance in 2012's "Lincoln," he took a five-year break. But, even after he came back for "Phantom Thread" in 2017 -- earning him yet another Best Actor nod, he hung it up for good.

Jim ain't the only director praying for Daniel to get back onscreen ... Martin Scorsese has recently begged DDL to come back for one more film, but there's no sign that'll happen.

Despite all the pleading from his director pals, there's still no official word from the man himself. Guess he needs a bit more convincing to dust off his acting chops and jump back into the game ... that or another reason to dive back in, like a renaissance of theater flicks.

Kate Winslet Ozempic suena terrible!!! Habla de la manía por el peso

Kate Winslet acaba de enterarse de Ozempic y digamos que no estaba saltando de alegría exactamente cuando dio a conocer sus pensamientos mientras comía un pastel.

La actriz tropezó con todo el asunto de Ozempic mientras hablaba con The New York Times Magazine, donde explicó que había oído rumores sobre "una píldora que la gente está tomando o algo así", pero ella no sabía exactamente lo que era.

Algo a tener en cuenta es que Ozempic es originalmente un medicamento para tratar la diabetes tipo 2, que se usa fuera de indicación en Gran Bretaña, de donde es nativa Kate, pero no es tan popular como lo es aquí en los Estados Unidos.

Como resultado, Kate estaba aparentemente horrorizada cuando se enteró para qué se ha estado utilizando. Dijo que sonaba "terrible" y en su lugar animó a la gente a comer más.

El disgusto de Kate con esta estrategia para perder peso a escondidas tiene sentido total si tenemos en cuenta el escrutinio público al que se ha enfrentado por su propio cuerpo, especialmente desde sus días en Titanic, por allá en el 97.

Ella le dijo al medio que los comentarios sobre su peso llegaron a tal punto que comenzó a luchar contra un trastorno de la alimentación, que se lo guardó para sí misma en ese entonces.

Desgarradoramente, Kate compartió que cuando perdió peso, la gente comentaba lo bien que se veía, reforzando esta idea de que verse bien estaba directamente relacionado con cuánto pesaba.

Hoy en día, cuando la gente trata de hacer comentarios sobre el peso de Kate, ya no engancha para nada y se apresura en llamarles la atención al instante. Es seguro decir, que Kate ha tenido malas experiencias con el tema, por lo que sus sentimientos sobre Ozempic no son tan sorprendentes.

Por cierto, hay que decir que está en minoría en este punto. Más famosos están con Ozempic por estos días que no.


Kate Winslet's just found out about Ozempic, and let's just say she's not exactly jumping for joy about it -- making her thoughts known while munchin' on a pastry.

The actress stumbled upon the whole Ozempic thing while speaking to The New York Times Magazine ... where she explained she's heard murmurings about "some pill that people are taking or something like that" ... but she didn't exactly know what it was.

Something to note here ... Ozempic, originally a type 2 diabetes drug, is used off-label in KW's native Britain, but it's not exactly all the rage there like it is here in the States.

As a result, Kate was apparently horrified when she found out what it's actually been used for ... with the star adding it sounded "terrible," and encouraging people to just eat more food instead.

Kate's disgust at the whole sneaky weight loss method makes total sense when you consider the public scrutiny she's faced about her body ... especially since her Titanic days back in '97.

She told the publication the historical comments about her weight got to the point where she began battling an eating disorder ... but she kept it to herself at the time.

Heartbreakingly, Kate shared that when she did lose weight, people would comment on how good she looked, reinforcing this idea that looking good was directly tied to how much she weighed.


Nowadays, when people try to comment on Kate's weight, she's not having any of it ... quick to call them out on it right then and there. Safe to say, Kate's been through the wringer on this issue ... so her feelings on Ozempic aren't all that surprising.

She's in the minority here, BTW ... more stars are for Ozempic these days than not.


Jonathan Majors is gaga for Meagan Good ... and not even his recent legal woes can put a dent in their relationship -- just check out the first words out of his mouth about her.

The couple was out and about Sunday at the 7th annual AAFCA Special Achievement Awards luncheon here in L.A. ... and the ex-Marvel star's practically glowing while sharing an update on their relationship when he was asked by Extra how they're doing.

Listen to JM's gushy response here -- he says, "We're in love... We're doing good, thanks for asking." Meagan chimes in too, saying, "We're doing great. God's good."

Jonathan has clearly got himself a keeper in Meagan ... remember, she stood by his side during his assault trial brought on by ex-GF, Grace Jabbari -- and she continues to stick by him even now post-conviction.

As we reported -- the jury ended up finding him guilty of one count of reckless assault in the third degree and one count of harassment. He was acquitted on 2 other charges.

Jonathan told us he was leaning on his faith in the aftermath of his conviction ... helping him stay strong in the run-up to his April sentencing. His legal team has filed to have the conviction tossed ... arguing the whole case was botched and unfair to him from day 1.

Of course, he'd been relying on Meagan all throughout the trial -- last month, the pair got away from NYC for a bit, hitting the road together for a cross-country road trip which included a pit stop in Dallas to see Majors' mother, Terri.

No doubt, Meagan's loyalty is rock solid ... and it's pretty clear she's sticking around for the long haul. Also interesting to see JM make the rounds in light of everything. Good on him?

EXPERIENCIA WILLY WONKA terrorífico villano "The Unknown" Tendrá su propia película de terror

Hay más secuelas de la fallida Experiencia Willy Wonka, solo que esta vez es algo positivo. Resulta que van a hacer una película de esto... o al menos de un personaje.

Resulta que una productora con sede en Escocia está planeando hacer una película de terror relacionada con el desastre viral, pero se están centrando en un cameo memorable que tomó Internet por sorpresa... Nos referimos a "The Unknown."

"él es lo desconocido"

Por medio de Bloody Disgusting, Kaledonia Pictures ha anunciado un nuevo proyecto en el horizonte que esperan filmar y estrenar este año con el nombre del villano.

La compañía dice: "La película sigue a un renombrado ilustrador y a su esposa, quienes están atormentados por la trágica muerte de su hijo, Charlie. Desesperados por escapar de su dolor, la pareja deja el mundo atrás para ir a las remotas Tierras Altas de Escocia, donde un mal desconocido los espera".

TikTok / @felicia.wishes

La productora añade: "Estamos emocionados de comenzar la producción y esperamos compartir más con ustedes tan pronto como sea posible. En realidad estamos a pocos kilómetros del evento, por lo que es bastante surrealista ver a Glasgow en todas las redes sociales, en todo el mundo".

Si no te has enterado de todo esto, el villano fue uno de los aspectos más destacados de la experiencia Wonka, retratado como algún espíritu maligno oscuro que fue integrado a la trama sin mayor explicación.

Vamos a admitir que es un personaje bastante espeluznante -al menos los niños pensaron así- y la chica detrás de la máscara se presentó para confirmar que el trabajo de aquel día fue tan horrible como los otros actores han dicho que fue.


La esperanza es que esta historia llegue a la gran pantalla, aunque no está claro si la empresa detrás de la experiencia Wonka estará involucrada, probablemente no... aunque es solo una suposición.

Willy Wonka Experience Scary Villain 'The Unknown' Getting Its Own Horror Movie!!!

More fallout from the failed Willy Wonka Experience -- only this time, it's somewhat positive ... 'cause they're gonna make a movie out of this, or at least one character and one genre.

As it turns out, a Scotland-based production company is planning to make a horror film in connection to the viral disaster -- but they're honing in on a memorable cameo in the whole thing that kinda took the internet by storm. Of course ... we're referring to The Unknown.


Per Bloody Disgusting ... Kaledonia Pictures has announced a new project on the horizon that they're hoping to film and release this year, and yes it's named after the big bad.

The company says, "The film ... follows a renowned illustrator and his wife who are haunted by the tragic death of their son, Charlie. Desperate to escape their grief, the couple leave the world behind for the remote Scottish Highlands -- where an unknowable evil awaits them."

Making The Unknown Known
TikTok / @felicia.wishes

KP adds ... "We are excited to begin production and look forward to sharing more with you as soon as possible. We are actually only a few miles from the event, so it is quite surreal to see Glasgow all over social media, worldwide."

If you didn't catch all this ... The Unknown was one of the hilarious highlights from the Wonka experience -- portrayed as some obscure evil spirit that was randomly thrown into the mix.

We'll admit it was a pretty creepy character -- at least the kids thought so -- and the girl behind the mask came forward to confirm the job that day was as awful as the other actors have also said it was.

Land Of Pure Disappointment

The silver lining ... now this tale is hitting the big screen, although it's unclear if the company behind the Wonka experience will have anything to do with it. Probably not ... just a guess.

Jamie Foxx Promises to Spill on Health Scare ... During AAFCA Speech

Jamie Foxx says he's going to finally address what exactly happened to him that landed him in the hospital last year -- but it sounds like it'll be a televised special of some sort.

The comedian/actor was accepting a Producers Award Sunday night in L.A. at the African American Film Critics Association Awards -- where he delivered a touching speech and discussed how his whole view on life has changed for the better after what he went through.

Of course, he's referring to the health scare that sidelined him for most of 2023 -- a mystery ailment that never quite got cleared up ... but which he says has given him new perspective.

He was cracking jokes while addressing this, but at one point -- he made a revelation ... namely, that he was going to discuss the details of his hospitalization in due time. The only caveat, he says, is that he's going to do it his way ... meaning, with humor and comedy.

The way he talks about it here ... it seems like Jamie wants to do this in a stand-up setting.

No timeline was offered on when this might be coming to fruition -- but it's the first time we've heard Jamie promise to tackle the issue head on ... as there's been lots of rumors and speculation, which he's well aware of. We're talking al the clone conspiracy chatter here.

One other highlight from Jamie's time at the event ... he posed with Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good -- both of whom attended the AAFCA, and who looked like a happy couple.

Jonathan's fresh off a criminal conviction ... but he's carrying on with his life regardless.

As for Jamie ... he's obviously still hilarious -- that much was clear from this event, as he's back to his old self. It'll be interesting to see if/when he spills the tea on what went down.

Timothée Chalamet & Zendaya 'Dune: Part 2' Makes $81.5 Million at Box Office

The numbers are in and it's looking good for Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya at the box office ... because the 'Dune' sequel made big money.

The running total for opening weekend for "Dune: Part Two" stands at $81.5 million at the domestic box office ... a pretty strong figure.

Remember ... the movie was projected to rake in between $76 million to $80 million ... so 'Dune 2' is outperforming so far.

The sci-fi movie's predecessor made $41 million during opening weekend back in 2021, so the sequel almost doubled that figure.

Internationally, "Dune: Part 2" is doing pretty well too ... bringing in another $97 million to sweeten the global pot to $178 million. Not bad.

The solid opening weekend follows some pent-up excitement for 'Dune 2' ... folks were looking forward to seeing the new stars added to the mix, like Austin Butler, Florence Pugh, Christopher Walker and Léa Seydoux ... just to name a few.

Timothée, Zendaya and the rest of the star-studded cast did a great job promoting the film and drumming up excitement ... who can forget Zendaya's revealing chrome body suit from the London premiere.

And those special 'Dune 2' popcorn buckets didn't hurt either!!! 😂


Timothée Chalamet y Zendaya están muy de buenas, porque la secuela de "Dune" ha recaudado mucho dinero.

El total del fin de semana de estreno de "Dune: Parte Dos" asciende a 81.5 millones de dólares en la taquilla nacional, una cifra bastante fuerte.

Recordemos que la película fue proyectada para rastrillar entre $76 millones a $80 millones, por lo que podemos asegurar que es un éxito total.

La película de ciencia ficción predecesora hizo 41 millones de dólares durante el fin de semana de apertura en 2021, por lo que la secuela casi duplicó esa cifra.

A nivel internacional, "Dune: Parte 2" también lo está haciendo bastante bien, recaudando otros 97 millones de dólares para sumar unos 178 millones de dólares. No está nada mal.

El fin de semana de apertura sólida es una demostración de que la gente quería ver a las nuevas estrellas que se unieron al elenco, como Austin Butler, Florence Pugh, Christopher Walker y Léa Seydoux, solo por nombrar unos pocos.

Timothée, Zendaya y el resto del elenco de estrellas hicieron un gran trabajo de promoción de la película, sobre todo Zendaya, que lució un revelador traje de cromo en la premiere de Londres.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

¡Y esos cubos especiales de palomitas de "Dune 2" tampoco se quedaron atrás! 😂

Mark Dodson 'Gremlins' Voice Dead at 64

Mark Dodson, the actor who gave voice to some of the little creatures in "Gremlins," has died ... TMZ has learned.

The voice actor also brought to life characters for "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi," "Day of the Dead" and countless video games -- and still made appearances at fan conferences. In fact, Mark's daughter tells TMZ he died while in Evansville, Indiana, to attend Horror Con.

She says Mark had flown to Indiana for the event, and checked into his hotel ... and that's where he suffered a "massive heart attack" while sleeping.

Dodson's first big break in Hollywood came in 1983 -- he was the voice of Salacious Crumb, the little creature with the high-pitched voice that was always seated dangerously close to Jabba the Hut in 'Return of the Jedi.'

And, as it turned out, 'Star Wars' opened the door for another iconic role the next year.

In "Gremlins," Mark was the voice of Mogwai ... and, inadvertently, had kids everywhere -- who saw the movie in 1984 -- imitating his voice.

Mark worked continuously for several decades in film, video games, radio and commercials. As his rep tells us, Mark added "his unique voice and sound to each character and script he touched."

TMZ Studios

His daughter, Ciara, says Mark "never ceased making me proud" and his legacy will live on through his grandchildren and her.

Mark was 64. RIP

Timothée Chalamet Elogiado por Hans Zimmer por sus dotes musicales Sabe lo que hace

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T y Z saben lo que hacen

Timothée Chalamet puede tener un futuro en la música, o al menos eso piensa el famoso compositor de bandas sonoras Hans Zimmer, según le dice a TMZ.

Nos pusimos al día con el ganador del Oscar, de 66 años, en Nueva York y Hans Zimmer tuvo grandes elogios para la mente musical de Timothée después de haber trabajado en las nuevas películas de "Dune". Según nos cuenta Hans, Timothée Chalamet, que interpreta al protagonista Paul Atreides en "Dune: Parte II", "sabe lo que hace".

Hans, que en realidad trabajó por primera vez con el actor en la película de Christopher Nolan "Interstellar" de 2014, dio a entender que estaba abierto a co-componer con la estrella en un futuro proyecto, pero la pelota, o más bien la batuta, está en manos de Timothée.

Timothée no es un desconocido en el mundo de la música, como recordarán, la estrella de "Wonka" cantó en la precuela de "Willy Wonka y la fábrica de chocolate" el año pasado. El novio de Kylie Jenner también se volvió viral en 2017 por rapear como su alter-ego "Timmy Tim" en videos resurgidos de sus días en la escuela secundaria

Hans Zimmer no solo tenía amor por Timothée, también expresó su admiración por la actriz principal Zendaya y sus instintos musicales. Pero esa no es información nueva: la ex estrella de Disney Channel colaboró con Labrinth en la conmovedora canción "All for Us" para la temporada 1 de "Euphoria" de HBO.

Puedes ver más de Timothée y Zendaya en la segunda película de "Dune", que tiene curiosos envases de palomitas rompiendo internet y llega a los cines esta semana.

Timothée Chalamet Praised by Hans Zimmer For Music Skills ... He Knows His Stuff!!!

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Timothée Chalamet may just have a future in music ... or, at least, that's what famed film score composer Hans Zimmer tells TMZ.

We caught up with the 66-year-old Oscar winner in NYC ... and HZ had high praise for Timothée's musical mind after the two worked on the new 'Dune' films. As Hans tells us ... he had TC -- who plays leading man Paul Atreides in "Dune: Part Two" -- weigh in on the upcoming sci-fi flick's score ... and the 28-year-old actor "knows his stuff."

Hans ... who actually first worked with TC on Christopher Nolan's 2014 "Interstellar" film ... hinted he was open to co-composing with the A-lister on a future project -- but the ball, or baton rather, is in Timothée's hand.

Timothée's no stranger to music -- you'll recall, the "Wonka" star's singing chops were front and center for the "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" prequel film last year. Kylie Jenner's boyfriend also went viral in 2017 for rapping as his alter-ego "Timmy Tim" in resurfaced videos from his high school days.

HZ didn't just have love for Timothée ... as he also shouted out leading lady Zendaya's musical instincts. But, that isn't new information -- the former Disney Channel star collaborated with Labrinth on the soulful song "All for Us" for season 1 of HBO's "Euphoria."

You can catch more of Timothée and Zendaya in the second 'Dune' movie -- which has infamous popcorn buckets breaking the internet and hits theaters this week.

Zendaya Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Zendaya's looks over the years have been EUPHORIC!

Here is a 13-year-old version of a young Zendaya showcasing her winning smile on the Santa Monica Pier back in 2010 (left). This was her breakout year playing Rocky Blue on Disney's "Shake It Up".

And, 14 years later the gorgeous gal hit New York City and brought her striking brows and beauty to the "Dune: Part Two" premiere at the Lincoln Center earlier this week (right).

Yes, she continues to raise brows around the world (and Tom Holland's of course) with her stunning looks, but the question here is ...

Zendaya ...