Jennifer Coolidge Taylor y Travis tienen un pase por su cita... Aunque entiendo la molestia de PETA

Jennifer Coolidge le está dando el beneficio de la duda a Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce cuando se trata de juzgar su cita en el zoológico de Sydney, a pesar de que cree que PETA tiene razón en desaprobarlo.

La estrella de "The White Lotus" estaba en LAX cuando un fotógrafo le preguntó sobre la polémica cita de Travis y Taylor, que está provocando la ira de PETA.

Déjenlos en paz

Jennifer dice que los tortolitos deberían tener un pase por varias razones: no cree que pensaran mucho en ir al zoológico y solo querían hacer algo romántico juntos.

Como una gran partidaria de PETA, dice que Taylor y Travis parecen ser amantes de los animales y no va a condenarlos por esto. Pareciera estar caminando una línea muy fina aquí, como una gran fan y también como una gran amante de los animales.

Como hemos informado, PETA dijo que la famosa pareja debería buscar en otra parte la próxima vez que deseen estar cerca de los animales y sugirió que visiten un santuario de animales en lugar de un zoológico.

PETA también se opuso a que la pareja alimentara a un canguro en el zoológico de Sydney, diciendo que era perjudicial para ellos hacer eso.

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Jennifer se detiene en criticar demasiado duramente a Taylor y Travis, pero dice que, en última instancia, está de acuerdo con lo que PETA dice sobre el asunto. Es bastante divertido verla luchar con este dilema en cámara, se puede ver que los ama y no quiere criticarlos.

En pocas palabras, Jennifer parece estar tomando un enfoque más diplomático que algunos.

Willy Wonka Experience Script Not Even Close To Reality ... Hilariously Awful!!!

The visuals from the Willy Wonka pop-up attraction in the UK are pretty sad and underwhelming ... but the script is even worse, and more out of touch with reality.

The 13-page script that the actors were given to perform at the now-viral "Willy's Chocolate Experience" in Glasgow, Scotland, has surfaced online ... and if you thought the actual experience itself looked rough, wait until you get a load of the fake plotline behind it.

The first thing that jumps off the page ... set descriptions painting a picture of a whimsical, enchanting and immersive experience do not line up AT ALL with what was actually awaiting paying parents, who ended up demanding refunds for the bait and switch.

The trainwreck doesn't end there ... the script is littered with predictions for how the audience would respond to the set and the actors playing Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas ... but the rosy outlook didn't play out that way in real life.

Paul Connell, the actor hired to play Wonka, says the cast only got the script the day before the event, leaving them little time to memorize their lines ... and he told The Independent the writing was a bunch of AI-generated gibberish.

A perfect example of how the script greatly deviates from the real deal ... the "Bubble and Lemonade Room."

In the script, the space is described as "a room where the air sparkles with floating bubbles, and rivers of sparking lemonade flow freely." Sounds cool, but in reality, it's just a fold-out table with plastic cups containing a few sips of lemonade ... and a clearly visible trash bag.

There's also mention in here of some kind of evil villain/spirit thing called The Unknown -- and video of an actor portraying it during one of the tours last weekend is out too.

Let's just say ... it was creepy as hell, and scared the crap out of the kids who witnessed it.

Bottom line -- the execution of the script didn't turn out great ... but to be honest, the actual writing itself isn't very good either. The whole thing is disjointed and somewhat hard to follow ... and it sounds like that manifested in the real world when they tried to bring this to life.

Remember ... parents complained their kids were given a quarter cup of lemonade and a few jellybeans, and they piled on the crappy decorations and said the whole thing took a minute to walk through.

Everything about the event is so grim it's almost funny ... seriously, if you need a good laugh read through the script. It's pretty wild.

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Those poor kids ... those poor actors!!!


Un primer vistazo a Bill Skarsgård en el remake de "The Crow" ha salido a la luz y los fans están enojados, criticando el arte corporal exagerado y comparándolo con el Joker de Jared Leto.

Reslulta que Bill es el protagonista de un remake del clásico gótico de culto de 1994 y las primeras imágenes de su personaje renovado "Crow" acaba de caer el miércoles a través de Vanity Fair. Hay un montón de fotos del set que tienen ... pero todo el mundo se centra en esta toma de dinero.

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Por si no lo sabías, "El cuervo" sigue la historia de un hombre asesinado que vuelve a la vida para promulgar su venganza contra los hombres que lo mataron a él y a su prometida. Todo esto impregnado de una honda dark/noir. Toda la película es básicamente una película de venganza impregnada con fantasía gótica, y cuenta con un maquillaje y puesta en escena memorables.

En la película original, el personaje -interpretado por el hijo de Bruce Lee, Brandon- llevaba chaquetas de cuero negro y el maquillaje blanco de la cara le hacía parecer más un cadáver, pero en general su aspecto era bastante discreto, especialmente cuando se compara con la versión de Bill. Eso es lo que parece opinar Internet.

Mira las fotos, Bill lleva el cuero y el maquillaje blanco en la cara y el cuerpo, así como una serie de tatuajes indecorosos y un tanto caricaturescos, como un ojo gigante en medio del pecho y la palabra "Lullaby" escrita sobre la ceja derecha.

Todos estos tatuajes han hecho que los fans piensen en otro personaje extravagante... el Joker de Leto en "Escuadrón Suicida", que tenía literalmente escrito "Damaged" en la frente, para que el público no pasara por alto ese rasgo particular del personaje, suponemos.

El punto es que los fans están muy molestos, con algunos diciendo que este concepto del personaje escupe en la cara de la memoria de Brandon.

Por si n lo sabía, Brandon fue asesinado a tiros en el set de "El Cuervo" después de que una pistola de utilería le disparara un fragmento de bala sin limpiar de una escena anterior. Nadie fue acusado penalmente, pero su madre Linda Lee Caldwell demandó con éxito a los cineastas.

Los fans son bastante celosos del personaje de Lee y su legado y están bastante seguros de que el aspecto de Skarsgård solo va a dañar la memoria de Brandon y "The Crow".

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Tendremos que ver cómo marchan las cosas, ya que la fecha de estreno de la película está fijada para junio, y parece poco probable que el estudio pueda arreglar el problema a tiempo.

Jennifer Coolidge Taylor, Travis Get Pass For Zoo Date ... But I Get Why PETA's Upset

Jennifer Coolidge is giving Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their Sydney Zoo date ... even though she says PETA is right to disapprove.

The "White Lotus" star was at LAX when a photog asked her about Taylor and Travis' controversial date idea, which is drawing PETA's ire.

Letting Them Off The Hook

Jennifer says the lovebirds should get a pass for a few reasons ... she doesn't think they put a lot of thought into going to the zoo and were just looking for something romantic to do together.

A big PETA supporter herself, Jennifer says Taylor and Travis seem like fellow animal lovers ... and isn't going to condemn them here. She's kinda walking a fine line here -- huge fan, but also ... big animal lover.

As we reported ... PETA says the famous couple should look elsewhere the next time they're in the mood to be around animals, suggesting they hit up an animal sanctuary instead of a zoo.

PETA also took issue with the couple feeding a kangaroo at the Sydney Zoo ... saying it was harmful to the animal to do that.

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Jennifer's stopping short of calling out Taylor and Travis too hard ... but says she ultimately agrees with whatever PETA says on the matter. It's pretty funny to see her wrestle with this dilemma on camera ... you can tell she loves them, and doesn't wanna slam 'em.

Bottom line ... Jennifer seems to be taking a more diplomatic approach than some.

Bill Skarsgård Fans Blast 'The Crow' First Look ... Point to Leto's Hokey Joker

A first look at Bill Skarsgård in the remake of "The Crow" is out ... and fans are pissed -- blasting the over-the-top body art, unkindly comparing him to Jared Leto's Joker.

Here's the deal ... Bill's the lead in a remake of the gothic cult classic hit movie from 1994 -- and the first pictures of his revamped "Crow" character just dropped Wednesday via Vanity Fair. There's a lot of set photos they have ... but everyone's focused on this money shot.

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FYI ... "The Crow" follows a murdered man who comes back to life to enact his revenge against the men who killed him and his fiancée -- which is it has this dark, noir-esque vibe. The whole film is basically a fantasy revenge flick ... with memorable makeup/costumes.

In the OG film, the eponymous character -- played by Bruce Lee's son Brandon -- wore black leather jackets and bodysuits, and white face makeup made him look more like a corpse, but overall his look was pretty understated ... especially when compared to Bill's version. That's how the internet seems to feel about it anyway!

Just check out the pics ... Bill's got the leather and white face/body makeup -- as well as a series of unseemly and sorta cartoonish tattoos ... including a giant eye in the middle of his chest and the word "Lullaby" written above his right eyebrow.

All of these tats have fans thinking about another outlandish character look ... namely, Leto's Joker in "Suicide Squad" who literally had "Damaged' written on his forehead -- just so the audience wouldn't miss that particular character trait, we guess.

Point is, fans are super upset ... with some even going as far as saying this concept of the character spits in the face of Brandon's memory.

If you don't know ... Brandon was actually shot and killed on "The Crow" set after a prop gun fired an uncleared bullet fragment from a previous scene at him. No one was criminally charged, but his mom Linda Lee Caldwell successfully sued filmmakers.

Safe to say ... fans are pretty protective of Lee's character and his legacy -- and they're pretty sure Skarsgård's look is only going to hurt the memory of Brandon and "The Crow" -- that's what some are saying about this.

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We'll just have to see how it all comes out ... since the movie's release date is set for June, it seems unlikely the studio can fix the perceived issue now.


Kim Kardashian y Anya Taylor-Joy están siendo acusadas de perpetuar lo que algunos consideran lo contrario de la positividad corporal.

Kim es la última en ser criticada, aunque a Anya ya le pasó a principios de semana. La Kardashian publicó algunas fotos con un corsé de Mugler que hace que su cintura parezca diminuta y mucha gente no estuvo contenta.

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La gente vino por ella en los comentarios, acusándola de establecer estándares de belleza poco realistas para las mujeres, mientras que otros la llamaron por promover un ideal de delgadez imposible. Por supuesto, todo lo que Kim hizo fue publicar las fotos y mencionar la marca.

Todo lo demás que se está diciendo en esta conversación es solo gente proyectando sus interpretaciones y quejas, y sin embargo, ella sigue siendo criticada. ¿Qué hay de nuevo?

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Kim no es la única que la gente está criticando en línea esta semana por usar corsé, Anya también ha recibido quejas por lo mismo.

La actriz compartió una instantánea en blanco y negro luciendo un corsé de una prueba de Maison Margiela antes del estreno de "Dune 2" y ella también fue atacada por normalizar y dar glamour a su pequeña figura, cuando, en realidad, no muchas personas se ven así.

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Ninguna de las dos estrellas ha abordado todas las críticas que están recibiendo, pero la gente está haciendo mucho ruido al respecto.

KIM K, ANYA TAYLOR-JOY SPARK Body Positivity CONTROVERSY By Posting Corset Photos

Kim Kardashian's catching some heat for rocking a corset, as is Anya Taylor-Joy ... both of whom are being accused of perpetuating what some consider the opposite of body positivity.

Kim is the latest one to get backlash -- although, Anya kicked it all off earlier in the week. KK posted some photos of herself wearing a Mugler corset that makes her waist look teeny-tiny ... and a lot of people weren't happy with it.

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People came for her in the comments ... accusing her of setting unrealistic beauty standards for women, while others called her out for promoting an impossible skinny ideal on her platform. Of course, all Kim did, really, was post the pics and mention the brand.

Everything else that's being kicked around in this convo is just people projecting their interpretations/gripes ... and yet, she's still getting dragged. What else is new?

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FWIW, Kim isn't the only one who people are bashing online this week over corset looks -- Anya has also been getting criticism for her own photo with a corset on.

The actress shared a B&W snap of herself wearing a corset from a Maison Margiela fitting ahead of the 'Dune 2' premiere ... and she too was lambasted for what some consider normalizing and glamorizing her tiny frame -- when, in reality, not many people look like this.

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Neither A-lister has addressed all the flak they're getting ... but people are making a lot of noise about it regardless.

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Ben Affleck tenía una petición importante para Jennifer López antes de volver con la superestrella... mantener su relación fuera de las redes sociales, una demanda que no ganó.

El actor compartió su demanda de privacidad en el nuevo documental de Amazon Prime de su esposa, "The Greatest Love Story Never Told", que pone toda su relación bajo un microscopio, por lo que su confesión es irónica. Ben inicialmente quería mantener su romance reavivado en secreto.

Explica: "Al volver a estar juntos, dije: 'Escucha, una de las cosas que no quiero es una relación en las redes sociales'". Sin embargo, luego se dio cuenta de que no estaba siendo justo, ya que Jen utiliza mucho las redes sociales y tiene cientos de millones de seguidores.

Una vez que consideró esto, Ben dice que cedió, añadiendo: "Es algo como te fueras a casar con un capitán del barco y dices, "Bueno, no me gusta el agua". Terminó diciendo: "Solo somos dos personas con diferentes tipos de enfoques tratando de aprender a comprometerse".

Por supuesto, la pareja se conoció en 2002, pero se la cosa se puso seria en 2004. Se reunieron de nuevo casi 20 años más tarde y para volver a empezar.

TMZ publicó la historia, las antiguas llamas reavivaron su historia de amor en 2021, se casaron al año siguiente en una lujosa ceremonia en Georgia. Desde entonces, han sido inseparables.

Mientras que Ben dice que ha cedido en su postura de evitar las redes sociales, parece que Jenny ha respetado al menos un poco sus deseos originales, ya que solo aparece de vez en cuando en sus cuentas.

De hecho, Jennifer confirmó en un documento que su marido no es realmente un fan de los focos, pero lo llamó su musa para su noveno álbum de estudio, "This Is Me... Now". Por lo tanto, él fue parte de la historia le guste o no, y parece que le parece bien.

Ben puede haberse mostrado reacio, pero sin duda ayudó a dar vida al producto final, ya que fue su idea capturar cada momento detrás de escenas.

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Puede que no le guste toda la atención, ¡pero todo el mundo lo ama!

Ben Affleck I Didn't Wanna Be a Social Media Hubby ... But I Caved

Ben Affleck had a major ask of Jennifer Lopez before getting back together with the superstar -- keeping their relationship off social media ... a demand he didn't win.

The actor shared his privacy demand in his wife's new Amazon Prime documentary -- "The Greatest Love Story Never Told" ... which puts their whole relationship under a microscope -- which is why his confession is ironic. Ben initially wanted J Lo to keep their rekindled romance under wraps.

He explains, "Getting back together, I said, 'Listen, one of the things I don’t want is a relationship on social media.'" However, he then realized he wasn't being fair -- noting Jen heavily uses social media and has hundreds of millions followers.

Once he considered this, Ben says he caved -- adding ... "It’s sort of like, you’re gonna marry a boat captain and you go, 'Well, I don't like the water.'" BA finished by saying ... "We're just two people with different kinds of approaches trying to learn to compromise."

Of course ... Bennifer first got together in 2002 -- but called things off for good by 2004 ... or, so we thought at the time. They got back together almost 20 years later and started again.

TMZ broke the story ... the former flames rekindled their love story in 2021 -- getting married that next year in a lavish ceremony in Georgia. Since then, they've been inseparable.

While Ben says he's relented on the no-social-media stance -- it appears Jenny has at least somewhat respected his original wishes ... as he only pops up occasionally on her social media accounts.

In fact ... Jennifer confirmed in her doc that her husband isn't really a fan of the spotlight -- but called him her muse for her ninth studio album, "This Is Me...Now." So, he was front and center for this project -- whether he liked it or not, and he seems to be cool with it.

Ben may've been a reluctant participant ... but he certainly assisted in bringing to life the final product -- as it was his idea to capture every single behind-the-scenes moment.

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He might not like all the attention ... but everyone sure loves him, FWIW.

Rebecca Ferguson Mystery A-List Costar ... Screamed at Me On Set Once

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Reign With Josh Smith

Rebecca Ferguson says she once got berated by an A-list costar who she refuses to work with ever again -- and while she didn't name names ... she did exclude two people, which has left the internet rife with guesses.

The actress dished this tea on the "Reign with Josh Smith" podcast -- and she was responding to a question about a time when she owned her voice and took control of her situation ... which led to this wild anecdote about a mystery fellow cast member.

Rebecca doesn't ID them, nor does she implicate gender, but what she does say is that this actor she was working on the film with was absolutely horrible ... allegedly yelling at her.

She says they were frustrated while they were doing scene work together, and they'd apparently hurl insults at Rebecca -- openly questioning her acting methods and tenacity ... while also noting they were the number 1 person on the call sheet. So, a big star basically.

Rebecca goes on to explain that nobody had her back on that set, but eventually ... she found her own inner strength and told this actor to f*** off -- and apparently even demanded that the person turn around while she recited her own lines.

In other words, she didn't wanna be in the same space as this person, and it sounds like she put her foot down while shooting. The big question ... who the hell is this awful person???

Like we said, Rebecca went out of her way to protect this celeb's anonymity -- but she did give some clues ... including the fact this supposedly happened in the last 10 to 12 years. Of course, the internet is rife with speculation on which costar this could possibly be.

We should note ... RF explicitly said it wasn't Hugh Jackman and it wasn't Tom Cruise. Technically -- with the parameters she's described -- there's only a select few actors it could possibly be We're not gonna name anybody and fuel speculation ... but folks seem to know who the options are here, guy or girl.

One person who's stepped forward to seemingly distance himself from this drama is The Rock -- who starred opposite Rebecca in 2014's 'Hercules.'

He responded, "Hate seeing this but love seeing her stand up to bullshit. Rebecca was my guardian angel sent from heaven on our set. I love that woman. I’d like to find out who did this."

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So, that's one person down ... and a handful of others left as the would-be culprit. Just goes to show -- not everyone in Hollywood is all that sweet -- at least according to Rebecca.

Play nice, everyone.

'Good Time' Actor Buddy Duress Dead at 38 ... Brother Points to Drugs

Buddy Duress, best known for starring opposite Robert Pattinson in the Safdie Brothers hit "Good Time," has died ... according to his brother.

Christopher Stathis confirmed the news to People Tuesday saying Buddy died back in November ... a death Christopher attributes to cardiac arrest brought on by drugs.

Duress has several credits on IMDb including "Person to Person," "The Great Darkened Days," "Beware of Dog," "Flinch," "Funny Pages" and "Heaven Knows What."

Buddy dealt with drug abuse and legal issues for much of his adult life it seems. He met director Josh Safdie after his release from NYC's Rikers Island prison -- where he did time for drug charges -- and filmed his part in "Heaven Knows What."

After that, he was rearrested for not going to rehab.

Josh and his brother Benny Safdie asked Buddy to journal his experiences in prison -- which partly served as a basis for "Good Time" according to the Los Angeles Times.

It appears Buddy still has 2 more projects set to be released posthumously ... "Mass State Lottery" and a short film called "Skull" should be coming out over the course of the next year.

He is survived by Christopher and his mother Jo-Anne.

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Buddy was 38.


Billy Porter Pone a la venta su casa en Nueva York Tras los problemas económicos de la huelga

Billy Porter se está despidiendo de su casa de Nueva York después de expresar los problemas financieros que tuvo durante la huelga de SAG-AFTRA este verano, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la venta le dicen a TMZ que la estrella de "Pose" puso en venta su casa de 4 dormitorios y 4,5 baños el martes, por una suma de $2.5 millones. La propiedad se encuentra a 70 millas de Nueva York, en la ciudad costera de Bellport Village en Long Island y tiene más de un acre de extensión.

Si bien puede parecer una suma elevada, cada centavo lo vale. La casa viene con un patio exterior precioso, una piscina climatizada, un gimnasio en casa y su propia casa del árbol. La propiedad también ofrece más de 4.500 pies cuadrados de espacio habitable en terrenos bien cuidados.

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Esto no es un juego

Ahora bien, si se están preguntando por qué Billy se desharía de una inversión así, en agosto compartió que estaba teniendo dificultades financieras debido a la huelga de SAG, y dio a entender que este tipo de movimiento podría suceder.

En ese momento, dijo que una película y un programa de televisión en los que estaba trabajando se habían descartado debido a las protestas, las que duraron 118 días.

También está esto: Billy Porter y su exmarido Adam Smith anunciaron su separación el año pasado, y no sería la primera pareja de celebridades que vende su casa en medio de una división de activos.

Parece que Billy tendrá un nuevo comienzo cuando se concrete la venta.

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Loretta Drew de Old Purchase Properties tiene el listado.

Billy Porter Lists NY Home ... After Strike's Financial Woes

Billy Porter is parting ways with his New York home after expressing financial woes during the SAG-AFTRA strike this summer ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the sale tell TMZ ... the "Pose" star listed his 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath house -- which is located 70 miles outside NYC in the beach town of Bellport Village in Long Island -- on Tuesday ... asking for a cool $2.5 million for the over one-acre property.

While it may sound like a pretty penny to some ... it's worth every cent. The house comes with a gorgeous outside patio, a heated lap pool, a home gym, and its very own tree house. The property also offers over 4,500 square feet of living space on well-kept grounds.

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Now if you're wondering why Billy would part ways with such an ideal investment ... he actually shared back in August he was hurting financially, as a result of the SAG strike, and telegraphed this sort of move might happen down the line.

At the time, he said both a movie and a TV show he was working on got scrapped due to the protests ... which lasted a whopping 118 days.

There's also this ... BP and his ex-husband Adam Smith announced their split last year -- and they wouldn't be the first celebrity couple to sell their home amid a division of assets.

It looks like Billy will have a fresh start when the ink dries on his house sale.

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Loretta Drew of Old Purchase Properties holds the listing.

Gary Sinise Su hijo Mac muere a los 33 años ... Luego de una batalla contra el cáncer

Gary Sinise está llorando la pérdida de su hijo después de una batalla contra una rara forma de cáncer y el homenaje que ha compartido de su hijo es más que conmovedor.

La estrella de "Forrest Gump", que interpretó al teniente Dan, publicó un mensaje para su hijo Mac, que murió el 5 de enero pasado tras luchar contra un cordoma, un tipo de cáncer que afecta a la columna vertebral.

Gary dice que Mac fue diagnosticado con este cáncer en 2018, el mismo año en que su esposa Moira fue diagnosticada con cáncer de mama en etapa 3. Afortunadamente, ella se ha recuperado desde entonces y está en remisión.

Gary publicó fotos junto a su hijo, incluyendo una toma en la que aparece en una silla de ruedas. También señala que Mac estaba muy involucrado en su fundación y tenía un gran amor por la música, tanto que incluso ayudó a crear un álbum con composiciones originales.

Gary escribió: "Compartiendo nuestra historia, esperamos encender un poco de luz en lo que ha sido un momento difícil para nosotros, Mac fue realmente una luz para todos nosotros".

Gary añade: "Una increíble inspiración para quienes lo conocían y lo querían, afrontó su batalla con gracia, valentía y amor. Incluso con un revés tras otro, nunca dejó de vivir y aprender, crear, dar y amar. Amaba a toda nuestra familia".

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Termina su post diciendo: "Gracias, Mac. Lo hiciste. Resurrection & Revival vivirán. Y tú también. En nuestros corazones para siempre. Tuvimos la bendición de tenerte en nuestras vidas como hijo, hermano y amigo y te echaremos de menos y te querremos por toda la eternidad".

Mac solo tenía 33 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Gary Sinise Son Mac Dead at 33 ... After Cancer Battle

Gary Sinise is mourning the loss of his son after a battle with a rare form of cancer -- and his obituary for his boy is beyond moving.

The "Forrest Gump" star -- who played Lieutenant Dan -- posted a tribute Tuesday to his son, Mac, who he revealed died last month. Gary says Mac passed away on Jan. 5 and was laid to rest on Jan. 23 ... this after he succumbed to chordoma, which affects the spine.

Gary says Mac was diagnosed with this cancer in 2018 ... the same year his wife, Moira, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Luckily, she's recovered since and is in remission.

Gary posted photos of himself and Mac together -- including a shot that features his son in a wheelchair. He also notes Mac was heavily involved in his foundation, and had a love for music -- noting he even helped create an album with original compositions.

He writes of his son, "In sharing our story, we hope to shine a little bit of light on what has been a difficult time for us as Mac was truly a light for all of us."

Gary adds, "An incredible inspiration to those who knew and loved him, he faced his battle with grace, courage, and love. Even with one setback after another, he never stopped living and learning, creating, and giving, and loving. He loved all our family."

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He ends his tribute post with this ... "Thank you, Mac. You did it. Resurrection & Revival will live on. And so will you. In our hearts forever. We were blessed to have you in our lives as son, brother, and friend...and we will miss you and love you for eternity."

Mac was only 33.



Gabourey Sidibe and her husband Brandon Frankel are in for a double take in their life ... 'cause she's pregnant with twins!

Yes, that's right ... the 40-year-old "Precious" star broke the happy news on IG ... sharing snaps of herself in a pink dress while Brandon cradled her baby bump at a Babylist baby registry event.

You could tell the parents-to-be are overjoyed -- which you can see in the photos they posted to ring in the momentous occasion. As you can see, they posted different shots of themselves -- which appear tied to plugging this Babylist company, FWIW -- which showed they'd already picked out a double stroller, carrier, and clothes for their new additions.

If the pics didn't give away Gabby's excitement, her caption certainly did ... she wrote: "I'm pregnant! We thought it was time to give our cats some responsibility so we're giving them each a baby to take care of! Double the babies, double the cats, double the fun!!"

She added ... Twin Delivery coming soon!" Gabby went hard on her twin puns, signing off, "Twinty Twinty Four!!" So yeah, she's leaning into the twin stuff -- as she should, we suppose.

For a refresher ... Gabourey married Brandon in March 2021 ... but she only made the news public the following year on "Live With Kelly And Mark."

She told the hosts they got engaged in November 2020 after meeting on a dating app ... but hated weddings to the point they'd already tied the knot over a year ago -- a confession that completely caught everyone off guard.

Looks like they've been living the happily married life ever since ... and now, Gabby's getting ready to welcome her first kids. She's come a long way since playing Precious in the movie -- now, GS is all grown up and all set to become a mom. Boy, time flies!

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Brandon has poured his heart out about his new wife ... writing on IG there was no one else he'd rather be raising kids with. His dream is coming true -- Brandon and Gabby are expanding their family.
