Jennifer Lopez's new flick "This Is Me ... Now" is buzzin' with some major guest stars ... but it could've been a whole different ball game -- that's if some other big shots hadn't passed on it.

The star spilled the tea on the casting journey in her newly dropped Prime Video doc, "The Greatest Love Story Never Told" ... where she and her crew first reached out to big shots like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. But, Tay was busy with her "Eras" tour, and AG was filming "Wicked" over in London. Bummer!

That wasn't all ... Jason Momoa, Jennifer Coolidge, Lizzo, Vanessa Hudgens and even Snoop Dogg all passed 'cause they were unavailable.

And get this, Khloé Kardashian was supposed to pop in for a cameo, but she pulled out at the eleventh hour -- something J Lo chalked up to the reality star being scared to put herself out there.

SZA, Bad Bunny, and Anthony Ramos rounded out the list of A-listers who also passed. Imagine the star power if they'd all signed on!

But, J Lo's all about keeping it real ... and during a candid chat with her manager Benny Medina she acknowledged that no one wanted to turn her down ... but as someone who's been in the biz for a long time, she knows that people will pass on a project if they don't think the script is up to par. It's just how the game goes, and J Lo gets it.

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But, J Lo didn't let those rejections get her down ... she bounced back big time by rounding up a stellar crew including Sofia Vergara, Jane Fonda and Trevor Noah.

They all jumped on board to play zodiac signs in her imaginative Zodiac Council. It's like their involvement was written in the stars or something!

Reesa Teesa de TikTok Ex estudia acciones legales... Por "Who TF Did I Marry"

El ex de Reesa Teesa está contando su versión de la saga viral que se ha tomado completamente TikTok, y aunque ha sido pintado de una manera, él dice que tiene una historia diferente y que podría terminar en los tribunales.

Jerome McCoy, que se hace llamar "Legion" en la ahora infame serie de videos de Reesa "Who TF Did I Marry", que tiene al menos 50 partes en este momento, le dice a TMZ que todo lo que Teresa Johnson (verdadero nombre de Reesa) declaró sobre él es falso.

Reesa hizo muchas acusaciones contra Legion, incluyendo mentiras acerca de su carrera, su familia y su riqueza, etc., y ahora él está contraatacando con sus propias acusaciones.

Legion afirma que él y Reesa estaban teniendo problemas de confianza en un momento dado y que ella trató de reconciliarse supuestamente con él, amenazando con "exponerlo" si no cumplía. Sugiere que no cedió y es por eso que todo esto está saliendo a la luz.

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No hace falta decir que el ex de Reesa está sintiendo el contragolpe de los videos de TikToks y afirma que está perjudicando su trabajo en el área de las relaciones públicas, que dice que hace para un hospital. En medio de toda esta vorágine, Legion nos dice que se reunió con unos abogados el lunes en el trabajo para discutir la adopción de medidas legales contra Reesa, a primera vista, parece que su empresa cree que podría haber sido dañado por su narración. Legion dice que apoya cualquier movimiento que puedan hacer.

No está claro si está considerando un abogado privado en este momento, pero sin duda está reflexionando sobre sus opciones. En resumen, Legion dice que no es la persona que ha sido retratada por Reesa y siente que ha sido agraviado por la historia que ha dicho.

No se puede negar que los videos de Reesa han sido un gran éxito en Internet. Un video acumula más de 11 millones de visitas en TikTok. La cuenta de Reesa también cuenta con casi 32 millones de "me gusta".

La actriz Danielle Pinnock, de la serie de televisión "Ghosts", ya se ofreció para interpretar a Reesa si la saga viral llega a tener una adaptación para la pantalla chica y algo nos dice que podría convertirse en una película o serie más adelante. De hecho, es así de salvaje.

TMZ investiga
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Conociendo a Hollywood, probablemente alguien ya está trabajando en el guion.

TikTok's Reesa Teesa Ex Weighing Legal Action ... Over 'Who TF Did I Marry'

Reesa Teesa's ex is telling his side of a viral TikTok saga that's taken the internet by storm -- and while he's been painted one way, he's got a different story ... which might end in court.

Jerome McCoy -- who goes by "Legion" on Reesa's now-infamous 'Who TF Did I Marry?' video series, which is at least 50 parts deep at this point -- tells TMZ ... everything Reesa, whose real name is Teresa Johnson, declared about him in her lengthy video series is false.

While Reesa made many allegations against Legion -- including claims that he fibbed about his career, family and wealth, etc. -- he's hitting back with accusations of his own.

Legion claims he and Reesa were having trust issues at one point -- and goes on to claim she attempted to reconcile with him while allegedly threatening to "expose" him if he did not comply ... and he suggests him not budging is why this is all coming out.

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It goes without saying ... Reesa's ex is feeling the backlash of the TikToks going viral and claims it's hurting his job in PR -- which he says he does for a hospital. Amid all this attention, Legion tells us he met with attorneys Monday at work to discuss taking legal action against Reesa -- on its face, it seems his company believes they mighta been damaged by her storytelling. Legion says he's supportive of any moves they might make.

Unclear if he's considering private counsel for himself at this point ... but he's certainly mulling his options right now. Bottom line ... Legion tells us the way he's been portrayed by Reesa is NOT who he is at all -- and he feels he's been wronged by the tale she's told.

There's no denying that Reesa's videos have been a huge hit online ... with one video garnering over 11 million views on TikTok. Reesa's account also boasts nearly 32M likes.

Actress Danielle Pinnock -- from the TV show 'Ghosts' -- has already pitched herself to play Reesa if the viral saga ever gets a small screen adaptation ... and something tells us this thing might just get made into a movie or show down the line. Indeed, it's that wild.

TMZ Studios

Knowing Hollywood ... someone is probably already working on the screenplay.

Joe Manganiello GF Shows 'Today' Show Makeup Room After Kelly Rowland Drama

The Kelly Rowland dust is just now settling -- but now, Joe Manganiello's girlfriend posted a shot from behind the scenes at 'Today,' including what may be one of the rooms Kelly got pissed about.

Here's a look inside one of the backstage rooms on the set of "Today" ... which Caitlin O'Connor posted on her social media account Monday showing support at Joe's appearance-- this as Joe was plugging his new "Deal or No Deal Island" show, on which he's the host.

Anyway ... here's a glimpse of what 'Today' looks like behind the scenes for talent and friends of talent. We're told this is a makeup room there -- so, not necessarily a dressing room, it seems, but probably pretty close. That jibes with what we've heard about these rooms ... namely, they kinda suck -- which is proven here in the bare-bones environment COC's in.

Worth noting ... we're told Joe was in a different room than the one Caitlin posted from -- so, unclear if it was worse or better than this. Based on what we've heard about Kelly's walk-out, it probably ain't much better ... and that's saying something based on what we see here.

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Based on Caitlin's photos, the makeup room doesn't look all that glamorous ... and it comes off as cramped. There's a chair, bulletin board, and some storage units and that seems to be it, at least going off what's in the frame.


As you know, the 'Today' makeup and dressing rooms are under the microscope because Kelly stormed off the set earlier this month, a result of what her team says were issues and complaints with her dressing room.

Kelly has pretty much refused to talk about the incident, which is why folks are still interested in what went down.

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inside look at the dressing rooms

Bethenny Frankel's already ripped Kelly for being a drama queen ... she says it's no secret the dressing rooms at 'Today' aren't super glamorous, and she showed them off in an earlier video. According to Bethenny -- this is something that comes with working on 'Today.'

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Now, we're getting a different angle from Joe's GF ... and it doesn't look all that better, TBH.

The dressing room saga continues ... and we're getting one step closer to seeing these things with our own eyes. To be continued, we're sure.


El juicio de Alec Baldwin por el tiroteo de "Rust" ha sido programado, y va a ser antes de lo esperado. Resulta que se ha fijado una fecha para mediados del verano, y se prolongará durante una semana o más.

Los procedimientos judiciales para el juicio por homicidio involuntario del actor están programados para comenzar con la selección del jurado, la cual comenzará el 9 de julio. Después de eso, el juicio comienza al día siguiente -el 10 de julio- y las autoridades de Nuevo México dicen que va a estar en el banquillo durante los siguientes 9 días.

Se espera que el juicio se extienda por lo menos hasta el 19 de julio. Alec va a pasar una buena parte del verano allí en Santa Fe mientras los fiscales tratan de demostrar, más allá de toda duda razonable, que es legalmente responsable de la muerte de Halyna Hutchins. Alec se ha declarado formalmente inocente.

Va a haber un montón de mociones previas al juicio durante los meses previos a la fecha del mismo y mejor creer que Alec y sus abogados están preparando su mejor defensa.

NBC News

A propósito, la armera del set de la película también está actualmente en juicio y está siendo procesada por cargos de homicidio involuntario. Queda por ver cómo va a terminar todo este asunto.

Como hemos informado, esta es la segunda vez que Alec ha sido acusado de homicidio involuntario por el Estado, la primera vez terminaron retirando los cargos, pero los últimos meses se han desenterrado más pruebas que intentan probar que se trata de un crimen.

Un gran jurado dictó otra acusación en su contra a principios de este año, una decisión que muchos esperaban sobre la base de la forma en que los funcionarios estaban hablando sobre el caso en los últimos tiempos.

Alec ha insistido durante mucho tiempo que no tenía ni idea de que había una carga real en el arma que utilizó durante el ensayo y también ha dicho claramente que encargarse de la seguridad no era su responsabilidad.

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Vamos a ver qué pruebas tienen los fiscales para hacer su caso... esto se ha prolongado durante mucho tiempo.

Alec Baldwin 'Rust' Trial Date Set for Summer ... Expected to Last 9 Days

Alec Baldwin's trial for the "Rust" shooting has been calendared -- and it's coming sooner than he might've expected ... a date's been set for mid-summer, and it'll go for a week-plus.

Court proceedings for the actor's manslaughter trial are scheduled to begin with jury selection, which will start on July 9. After that ... the trial kicks off the next day on July 10, and New Mexico officials say he'll be in the hot seat for the following 9 days.

The trial is expected to run through at least July 19 ... and that doesn't seem to factor deliberations afterward. All in all, Alec will be spending a good portion of his summer there in Santa Fe as prosecutors attempt to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was legally responsible for the death of Halyna Hutchins -- which Alec has pled not guilty to, formally.

There's gonna be a bunch of pretrial motions that'll be heard in the months ahead of the trial date -- and best believe Alec and his lawyers will be preparing their best defense.

NBC News

Mind you, the on-set armorer for the doomed film is currently on trial herself -- and she, too, is being prosecuted on manslaughter charges. It remains to be seen how that'll shake out.

As we reported ... this is the 2nd time AB has been accused of manslaughter by the state -- the first time around, they ended up dropping the charges ... but in the months since, they've dug up more evidence that they believe implicates him in a crime and went after him anew.

A grand jury handed down another indictment against him earlier this year ... a decision that many were expecting based on the way officials were talking about the case of late.

Alec has long insisted ... he had no idea there was a live round in the gun he used during a rehearsal, and he's also said clearly -- making sure it was safe wasn't his responsibility.

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We'll see what evidence prosecutors have to make their case ... this thing's been dragging on for a long while now.

MARY POPPINS Se modifica la clasificación por edades en el Reino Unido Por lenguaje discrimnatorio

"Mary Poppins" tendrá una nueva mirada en 2024 al otro lado del charco. Su clasificación por edades ha sido aumentada porque contiene lenguaje discriminatorio que no es apropiado para todos los públicos.

Si bien es probable que nunca hayas notado el término ofensivo en la película... la Junta Británica de Clasificación Cinematográfica -comúnmente conocida como la BBFC- está llamando la atención sobre el uso de la frase "hotentotes", ya que se dice que es inadecuado para los jóvenes.

Puede que aquí en Estados Unidos nos suene extraño, pero ese término tiene su historia en Gran Bretaña. Se trata de una frase antigua que se ha considerado muy ofensiva desde el punto de vista racial y que fue utilizada en su día por los colonizadores europeos en África, concretamente en relación con los khoikhoi, un grupo indígena del suroeste de África.

Se cree que el término "hotentotes" surgió como imitación su lengua y hoy es una palabra antigua con carga racial que ya no se utiliza y sin embargo, está en "Mary Poppins".

En cuanto a cuándo se utiliza la frase insensible en la querida película de Disney... ocurre durante uno de los momentos más icónicos de la película, el número "Step in Time", protagonizado por Dick Van Dyke, el deshollinador (Bert), cuando todos los chicos tienen hollín negro cubriendo sus caras.

Esto ocurre cuando Bert y su banda de deshollinadores irrumpen en un baile en la azotea. El excéntrico vecino de la familia Banks, el almirante Boom (Reginald Owen) -que cree que todavía está al mando de un barco de la marina- declara: "Estamos siendo atacados por hotentotes".

El Almirante Bloom de Owen también dice el término al principio de la película, cuando pregunta a los niños Banks... si van a "luchar contra los Hotentotes". Recuerde, esta película salió en la década de 1960, era una época diferente.

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El cambio en la clasificación por edades es de esperar que ayude a los padres preocupados de exponer a sus hijos a "lenguaje o comportamiento discriminatorio", que podría repetirse involuntariamente.

El tiempo pasa ¿No?

'Mary Poppins' Age Rating Changed in UK 'Discriminatory Language'

"Mary Poppins" is getting a fresh look in 2024 across the pond -- its age rating has been raised because it features discriminatory language ... which ain't appropriate for all audiences.

While you probably may have never noticed the offensive term in the live-action flick ... the British Board of Film Classification -- commonly referred to as the BBFC -- is calling out the film's use of the phrase "Hottentots," as it's said to be unsuitable for youngsters.

It may sound like gibberish to us here in the States -- but that term has history there in Britain. It's a dated phrase that's been deemed too racially offensive ... and was used way back in the day by European colonizers in Africa -- specifically as it pertains to the Khoikhoi, an indigenous group from Southwestern Africa.

It's believed the term "Hottentots" came about as an imitation of the group's language, which featured clicks ... and these days, it's an old-timey racially charged word that isn't really used anymore. And yet, it's in "Mary Poppins."

As for when the insensitive phrase is used in the beloved Disney movie ... it occurs during one of the film's more iconic moments -- the "Step in Time" number led by Dick Van Dyke's Bert, the chimney sweep ... when all the guys have black soot covering their faces.

Specifically, when Bert and his band of chimney sweeps break into a rooftop dance ... the Banks family's eccentric neighbor, Admiral Boom (Reginald Owen) -- who thinks he's still commanding a naval ship -- declares, "We're being attacked by Hottentots."

Owen's Admiral Bloom also says the term at the start of the film, when he asks the Banks children ... if they're "going to fight the Hottentots." Remember, this flick came out in the 1960s ... so even then, it was a different time.

TMZ Studios

The shift in age rating will hopefully help concerned parents from exposing their children to "discriminatory language or behavior," which could be unintentionally repeated.

It went from being rated U (their version of rated-G) to PG ... so, there ya go!

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'Once Upon A Time' Actor Chris Gauthier Dead at 48

Chris Gauthier -- known for shows like "Once Upon A Time" and "Smallville" -- has died ... his agency confirmed in a statement.

The actor reportedly passed away suddenly Friday after recently falling ill with TriStar Appearances/Event Horizon Talent lamenting his loss to TVLine.

Tristar's Chad Colvin wrote in a Facebook post that Gauthier was the very definition of a character actor ... not an actor with a name one might know, but one whose sheer presence in a show or movie could pique the interest of any audience.

Gauthier appeared in a number of popular projects over the years including "A Series of Unfortunate Events," "iZombie," "Psych," "Supernatural," "Smallville," "Watchmen," "Agent Cody Banks," "Little Man," "Freddy vs. Jason" -- and a whole lot more.

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He was perhaps best known for his role in the TV show science-fiction show "Eureka" where he played gourmet chef Vincent in 67 episodes, and later as Mr. Smee -- Captain Hook's first mate in the ABC drama "Once Upon A Time."

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In fact, his 'OUAT' costar Colin O'Donoghue, who played Captain Hook in the series, also posted a touching tribute to Chris ... saying he was the real captain all along.

Chris is survived by his wife Erin and their two children.

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He was 48.


ACTOR DE "STAR TREK" Y MARVEL FALLECE A LOS 49 AÑOS Sufría de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica

Kenneth Mitchell -que protagonizó una serie de televisión de "Star Trek" y una película de Marvel- ha muerto, según un comunicado de su familia.

La familia anunció a través de su cuenta de Instagram que el actor falleció el sábado, recordándolo no solo como un actor condecorado, sino también como un dedicado hombre de familia.

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Su familia dice que falleció después de una batalla contra la ELA que comenzó hace más de cinco años diciendo que creía que cada día era un regalo a pesar de las dificultades que enfrentó con su enfermedad.

Mitchell apareció en varias películas y programas de televisión a lo largo de los años, incluyendo "Nancy Drew", "The Astronauts Wives Club", "NCIS", "Castle", "Criminal Minds" y "Grey's Anatomy".

Su papel más destacado llegó en 2006, cuando obtuvo un papel protagónico en la serie "Jericho". Mitchell apareció en 27 de los 29 episodios de la serie durante sus dos temporadas.

Más recientemente, Mitchell dio el salto al reino de la ciencia ficción, apareciendo como Joe -el padre de Carol Danvers- en el éxito de Marvel de 2019 "Captain Marvel" y apareciendo en una serie de papeles para el original de Paramount + "Star Trek: Discovery".

A Mitchell le sobreviven su esposa Susan, sus hijos Lilah y Kallum, sus padres, hermanos y numerosas sobrinas y sobrinos. La familia le está pidiendo a la gente que done a la investigación de la ELA en su memoria.

Kenneth tenía 49 años.


'Star Trek' & Marvel Actor Kenneth Mitchell Dead at 49 ... Lengthy Battle w/ ALS

Kenneth Mitchell -- who starred in a 'Star Trek' television show and Marvel movie -- has died, according to a statement from his family.

The actor passed away Saturday his family announced via his Instagram account ... remembering him as not only a decorated actor but also a dedicated family man.

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His family says he passed away after a battle with ALS that began more than five years ago saying he believed each day was a gift despite the difficulties he faced with his illness.

Mitchell appeared in a number of movies and television shows over the years including "Nancy Drew," "The Astronauts Wives Club," "NCIS," "Castle," "Criminal Minds," and "Grey's Anatomy."

His breakout role came back in 2006 when he received a starring part in the show "Jericho." Mitchell appeared in 27 of the show's 29 episodes during its two-season run.

More recently, Mitchell made the jump into the science-fiction realm ... appearing as Carol Danvers' father Joe in the 2019 Marvel hit "Captain Marvel" and appearing in a number of roles for the Paramount+ original "Star Trek: Discovery."

Mitchell is survived by his wife Susan, kids Lilah and Kallum, his parents, siblings and numerous nieces and nephews. The family's asking people to donate to ALS research in his memory.

Kenneth was 49.


Emily Blunt ¡¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?!

¡Los looks de Emily Blunt a lo largo de los años son francamente hermosos!

Aquí tenemos una versión de 23 años de esta morena en los premios Hollywood Life's Breakthrough of the Year Awards donde ganó el premio "Star Of The Year" por su icónico papel en "El diablo viste a la moda" allá por 2006 (izquierda).

Y, 18 años más tarde, Blunt ha estado ofreciendo looks estelares y girando cabezas durante la temporada de premios, y recientemente, fue todo sonrisas y se veía hermosa en un evento a principios de este mes (derecha).

Sí, acaba de cumplir 41 años y sigue deslumbrando.

Pero la pregunta aquí es...

Emily Blunt....

Emily Blunt Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Emily Blunt's looks over the years are bluntly beautiful!

Here is a 23-year-old version of the brunette beauty at the Hollywood Life's Breakthrough of the Year Awards where she won the "Star Of The Year" award for her iconic role in "Devil Wears Prada" back in 2006 (left).

And, 18 years later Blunt has been delivering stellar looks and turning heads during award show season ... and most recently was all smiles and looked gorgeous at an event earlier this month (right).

Yes, she just celebrated turning 41, and she continues to stun!

But, the question here is ...

Emily Blunt ...

Billie EIlish Always Has Time For An Autograph ... Signs Melissa McCarthy's Face At SAG Awards


Billie Eilish always has time for her fans ... proving she's really a woman of the people by stopping the SAG Awards to sign an autograph -- directly on Melissa McCarthy's face!

The singer-songwriter and the actress hit the stage to present the award for Outstanding Female Actor in a Comedy Series ... and Melissa -- playing up her trademark comedic enthusiasm -- couldn't help but gush over Billie.

After excitedly rambling on about all the times she'd met BE, Melissa asked her to sign her chrome silver dress ... something Eilish turned down because she said she didn't wanna ruin the gown.

So, McCarthy upped the stakes ... asking if Billie would sign her face, an opportunity Billie hopped on without much delay.

She then went to town with black Sharpie on Melissa's forehead, covering her mouth while putting the final flourishes on her signature.

The two stars are clearly having a ball, 'cause it seems Billie couldn't help but crack up laughing during the bit.

Of course, Billie's at the ceremony 'cause she contributed to the soundtrack for "Barbie" -- which is up for four awards tonight.

TMZ Studios

Ya gotta imagine Billie's hoping "Barbie" sweeps its nominations ... and Melissa's probably just hoping this Sharpie will come off!!!

Director Werner Herzog Vi 30 minutos de "Barbie"... Barbie Land podría ser el infierno

En "Barbie", puede parecer que los ciudadanos de Barbie Land están pasándolo increíble, pero en realidad están viviendo una pesadilla infernal, al menos según un legendario director de cine.

¿Barbie land o el infierno?
Piers Morgan Uncensored

El actor y director Werner Herzog, conocido por su papel como The Client en "Mandalorian", se sentó junto a "Piers Morgan Uncensored" a principios de esta semana, y no se anduvo con rodeos al momento de hablar de la película.

Werner admitió que solo vio unos 30 minutos de la película nominada al Oscar, pero su teoría es que Barbie Land no es un país de las maravillas, sino más bien un sitio con un clima mucho más caliente.

Herzog dijo: "No tengo una respuesta, pero tengo una sospecha. ¿Es posible que el mundo de Barbie sea un infierno? Y, con una entrada al cine, como público puedes presenciar el infierno lo más cerca posible".

Piers le dijo a su invitado que vio toda la película y cree que Werner dio en el clavo.

Las palabras de Werner son quizá la crítica más impactante a la película, que ha encantado al público de todo el mundo y ha recibido muchos premios. Este año opta a ocho premios de la Academia y ha recaudado más de mil millones de dólares en taquilla, lo que no es precisamente una tortura para los espectadores.

Sin embargo, no es que Barbie vaya a ganar todos los premios de esta temporada. Quedó completamente excluida en los BAFTA y solo ganó dos de los nueve Globos de Oro a los que optaba.

Por lo tanto, parece que "Barbie" no está poniendo exactamente a los críticos por las nubes, aunque llamar infierno a la película podría ser ir demasiado lejos.

PARA SU INFORMACIÓN, "Barbie" es candidato a cuatro nominaciones a los premios SAG, que comienza en tan solo unas horas, así que tendremos que esperar y ver si el gremio le otorga sus laureles a la película.

TMZ investiga
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Pero si Herzog se sale con la suya, "Barbie" podría vivir otra noche decepcionante.

Director Werner Herzog Watched 30 Minutes of 'Barbie' ... Barbie Land Might Be Hell!!!

Barbie Land's citizens might look like they're having a great time in "Barbie," but it turns out they're actually living a hellish nightmare ... at least according to one legendary film director.

Piers Morgan Uncensored

Actor/director Werner Herzog -- known for his role as The Client in 'Mandalorian' -- sat down on "Piers Morgan Uncensored" earlier this week when the biggest flick of 2023 came up ... and Herzog didn't mince words when it came to the movie.

Werner admitted he only watched about 30 minutes of the Oscar-nominated film ... but he's theorizing Barbie Land isn't a magical wonderland -- but somewhere with a much hotter climate.

Herzog said, "I don't have an answer, but I have a suspicion. Could it be that the world of 'Barbie' is sheer hell? And, for a movie ticket, as an audience you can witness sheer hell as close as it gets?"

Piers told his guest he's actually seen the whole flick, and he thinks Werner's spot on when it comes to his assessment.

Werner's words are perhaps the most shocking indictment of the film that's charmed worldwide audiences and received a lot of awards buzz. It's up for eight Academy Awards this year and made over $1 billion at the box office ... not exactly torturing viewers.

Still, it's not like Barbie's winning every award this season ... it was completely shut out at the BAFTAs and only won two of the nine Golden Globes awards it was up for.

So, it seems "Barbie" isn't exactly putting the critics in a heavenly mindset ... but to call parts of the movie hell might be taking it a bit too far.

FWIW ... "Barbie" is up for four SAG Award nominations with the show kicking off in just a few hours, so we'll have to wait and see if the guild gives the movie its laurels.

TMZ Studios

If Herzog gets his way though ... "Barbie" might be in for another disappointing night.