Billie EIlish Always Has Time For An Autograph ... Signs Melissa McCarthy's Face At SAG Awards


Billie Eilish always has time for her fans ... proving she's really a woman of the people by stopping the SAG Awards to sign an autograph -- directly on Melissa McCarthy's face!

The singer-songwriter and the actress hit the stage to present the award for Outstanding Female Actor in a Comedy Series ... and Melissa -- playing up her trademark comedic enthusiasm -- couldn't help but gush over Billie.

After excitedly rambling on about all the times she'd met BE, Melissa asked her to sign her chrome silver dress ... something Eilish turned down because she said she didn't wanna ruin the gown.

So, McCarthy upped the stakes ... asking if Billie would sign her face, an opportunity Billie hopped on without much delay.

She then went to town with black Sharpie on Melissa's forehead, covering her mouth while putting the final flourishes on her signature.

The two stars are clearly having a ball, 'cause it seems Billie couldn't help but crack up laughing during the bit.

Of course, Billie's at the ceremony 'cause she contributed to the soundtrack for "Barbie" -- which is up for four awards tonight.

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Ya gotta imagine Billie's hoping "Barbie" sweeps its nominations ... and Melissa's probably just hoping this Sharpie will come off!!!

Director Werner Herzog Vi 30 minutos de "Barbie"... Barbie Land podría ser el infierno

En "Barbie", puede parecer que los ciudadanos de Barbie Land están pasándolo increíble, pero en realidad están viviendo una pesadilla infernal, al menos según un legendario director de cine.

¿Barbie land o el infierno?
Piers Morgan Uncensored

El actor y director Werner Herzog, conocido por su papel como The Client en "Mandalorian", se sentó junto a "Piers Morgan Uncensored" a principios de esta semana, y no se anduvo con rodeos al momento de hablar de la película.

Werner admitió que solo vio unos 30 minutos de la película nominada al Oscar, pero su teoría es que Barbie Land no es un país de las maravillas, sino más bien un sitio con un clima mucho más caliente.

Herzog dijo: "No tengo una respuesta, pero tengo una sospecha. ¿Es posible que el mundo de Barbie sea un infierno? Y, con una entrada al cine, como público puedes presenciar el infierno lo más cerca posible".

Piers le dijo a su invitado que vio toda la película y cree que Werner dio en el clavo.

Las palabras de Werner son quizá la crítica más impactante a la película, que ha encantado al público de todo el mundo y ha recibido muchos premios. Este año opta a ocho premios de la Academia y ha recaudado más de mil millones de dólares en taquilla, lo que no es precisamente una tortura para los espectadores.

Sin embargo, no es que Barbie vaya a ganar todos los premios de esta temporada. Quedó completamente excluida en los BAFTA y solo ganó dos de los nueve Globos de Oro a los que optaba.

Por lo tanto, parece que "Barbie" no está poniendo exactamente a los críticos por las nubes, aunque llamar infierno a la película podría ser ir demasiado lejos.

PARA SU INFORMACIÓN, "Barbie" es candidato a cuatro nominaciones a los premios SAG, que comienza en tan solo unas horas, así que tendremos que esperar y ver si el gremio le otorga sus laureles a la película.

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Pero si Herzog se sale con la suya, "Barbie" podría vivir otra noche decepcionante.

Director Werner Herzog Watched 30 Minutes of 'Barbie' ... Barbie Land Might Be Hell!!!

Barbie Land's citizens might look like they're having a great time in "Barbie," but it turns out they're actually living a hellish nightmare ... at least according to one legendary film director.

Piers Morgan Uncensored

Actor/director Werner Herzog -- known for his role as The Client in 'Mandalorian' -- sat down on "Piers Morgan Uncensored" earlier this week when the biggest flick of 2023 came up ... and Herzog didn't mince words when it came to the movie.

Werner admitted he only watched about 30 minutes of the Oscar-nominated film ... but he's theorizing Barbie Land isn't a magical wonderland -- but somewhere with a much hotter climate.

Herzog said, "I don't have an answer, but I have a suspicion. Could it be that the world of 'Barbie' is sheer hell? And, for a movie ticket, as an audience you can witness sheer hell as close as it gets?"

Piers told his guest he's actually seen the whole flick, and he thinks Werner's spot on when it comes to his assessment.

Werner's words are perhaps the most shocking indictment of the film that's charmed worldwide audiences and received a lot of awards buzz. It's up for eight Academy Awards this year and made over $1 billion at the box office ... not exactly torturing viewers.

Still, it's not like Barbie's winning every award this season ... it was completely shut out at the BAFTAs and only won two of the nine Golden Globes awards it was up for.

So, it seems "Barbie" isn't exactly putting the critics in a heavenly mindset ... but to call parts of the movie hell might be taking it a bit too far.

FWIW ... "Barbie" is up for four SAG Award nominations with the show kicking off in just a few hours, so we'll have to wait and see if the guild gives the movie its laurels.

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If Herzog gets his way though ... "Barbie" might be in for another disappointing night.

Charles Melton Split with Chloe Bennet Last Year

Charles Melton is the toast of the town these days -- but if you've been noticing he's looking a little single during awards season, well ... that's because he's fresh off a breakup.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the actor -- who's been making the rounds over his performance in "May December" these past couple months -- is no longer dating Chloe Bennet ... whom he'd been with for much of 2023.

Their relationship was pretty low-key --- they weren't really spotted in public together all that much since hooking up in the Spring -- but now ... we're being told they're officially over.

Unclear when exactly things fell apart, but our sources tell us they quietly split at the end of last year -- which kinda aligns with the fact they haven't been seen with or around one another to kick off the new year. No word on who ended things ... sounds like it just fizzled out.

Chloe -- who's an actress herself -- was spotted out in January with "The Bear" star Lionel Boyce ... and them hanging out got some thinking they were a new item -- but we've been assured they're just good friends.

The last time Charles and Chloe were seen together was actually way back in August -- when they went to a Taylor Swift concert ... and were photographed strolling out side by side.

Before Charles, Chloe had famously dated Logan Paul ... and CM himself has been around the block too -- he's been linked to Camila Mendes, Chase Sui Wonders and a handful of other starlets around his age.

Now, the homeboy's on to bigger and better things besides TV -- he's a bona fide movie star!

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Chloe's doing just fine, too, BTW ... she's been steadily working a lot lately, and is steadily on the rise in Hollywood. All's well that ends well -- and the good news ... these two hotties now appear unattached and on the market.

Happy hunting, everyone.

Ethan Slater Sin camiseta en un reaparecido video ... Los fans de Ariana Grande lo aprueban

Los fans de Ariana Grande se están acercando un poco más a su novio Ethan Slater y todo lo que bastó fue un viejo clip donde aparece mostrando sus músculos.

Un fornido Ethan aparece sin camiseta en un sketch de hace unos años, y ahora sus fans están apoyando la relación con su coprotagonista en "Wicked", ¡porque el tipo se ve bien!

Ethan ha estado ocultando su físico en Broadway y en sus salidas públicas con Ariana. Al menos hasta ahora, no habíamos visto su cuerpo. Sin embargo, ha vuelto a circular este video de 2017, donde aparece luchando con su compañero de piso por el dinero del alquiler. Más importante aún, estamos echando un vistazo a su torso desnudo y se ve marcado.

Abdominales, bíceps, pectorales, lo que sea, Ethan lo tiene todo en este registro, que fue inocuamente reflotado en Internet esta semana, cuando los usuarios de X lo publicaron y trataron de hacerlo parecer como algo que no era.

La verdadera historia aquí, sin embargo, es cómo los fans de Ariana están babeando por Ethan y empezando a ver lo que ella ve en él.

Recuerden, la pareja se hizo súper cercana cuando filmaron "Wicked" juntos y decidieron divorciarse de sus respectivos cónyuges para iniciar una relación en toda regla. Es seguro decir, que la línea de tiempo se veía algo desordenada cuando todo esto se juntó.

Como les hemos dicho, Ariana y Ethan están pasando casi todo el tiempo juntos y más en privado en lugar de galantear por la ciudad, aunque salen en público de vez en cuando.

Ahora que hemos visto más del cuerpo de Ethan no es de extrañar que Ariana lo quiera todo para ella y ese es un el consenso de sus fans. ¡Dicen que Bob Esponja está bueno!

Para aquellos que tenían dudas, las fotos sin camisa los están haciendo cambiar de opinión.

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No te duermas con Ethan Slater, tiene el cuerpo de un dios.

J. Robert Oppenheimer's Grandson Need To Reach Out to Opponents ... Can't Handle AI on Own


Artificial intelligence, climate change and nuclear annihilation are just a few issues facing the human race ... and we've got no chance against them unless we work together -- at least according to J. Robert Oppenheimer's grandson.

Charles Oppenheimer ... founder of The Oppenheimer Project -- a nonprofit working toward creating a safer future as technology rapidly changes -- joined us on TMZ Live Friday to answer some of the biggest questions of our time.

When asked about the grim prospect of rogue AI, global warming and nukes ... Charles said it's easy to feel despair -- but he's choosing to stay hopeful instead, promoting cooperation between people on opposite sides of the issues.

The way Charles sees it ... we don't have to agree on everything, but we gotta come together on the big stuff to avoid massive extinction-level events.

CO says political tensions make everything worse ... so, he hopes people can put their politics aside to confront issues that affect everyone, regardless of political party or nationality.

Oppenheimer says the world totally shifted on its axis when the first atomic bomb went off in July 1945 which Charles said really heralded the beginning of global interdependence -- nations forced to rely on one another whether they wanted to or not.

Charles adds we can't go back to the days of the Cold War ... when a country tried to deter its enemies by building more bombs, essentially becoming the biggest, baddest dude on the block.

He said the only way out of that mindset is to work with those countries that otherwise might become enemies -- like China and Russia, two other global superpowers the U.S. doesn't exactly get along with.

The name Oppenheimer's on everyone's minds these days, mostly in regards to the Oscar-nominated flick -- but, there's another Oppenheimer focused on the world's problems too ... Charles, obviously.

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And, his warning is pretty clear ... put aside frivolous differences or else.

Ethan Slater Shirtless In Resurfaced Clip ... Ariana Grande Fans Approve

Ariana Grande fans are coming around on her boyfriend Ethan Slater ... and all it took was an old clip of him showing off his muscles.

A ripped Ethan is shirtless in a resurfaced skit from a few years back, and now Ariana stans are giving her props for getting with her "Wicked" costar -- 'cause the dude looks good!

Ethan's been hiding a jacked physique on Broadway and during his public outings with Ariana ... until now, we haven't seen what his bod looks like. However, this old short film he was in from 2017 has been making the rounds anew, which features him wrestling his roommate over rent money. More importantly, we're getting a look at his bare torso ... and it's chiseled.

Abs, biceps, pecs ... you name it, Ethan's got it in this footage ... which had been innocuously floating around the internet until this week, when users on X posted it and tried to make it look like something it wasn't.

The real story here, though, is how Ariana fans are drooling over Ethan ... and starting to see what she sees in him.

Remember ... Ariana and Ethan got super close when they were filming "Wicked" together and they both divorced their spouses and got into a full-blown relationship.

As we've told you, Ariana and Ethan are spending almost all of their time together ... and they prefer spending it in private as opposed to gallivanting around town -- although, they do go out in public from time to time.

Now that we've seen more of Ethan's body ... it's no wonder Ariana wants him all to herself ... and that's kinda the consensus among her fans too. They're saying SpongeBob's a hunk!

For those who were on the fence before, the shirtless shots are pushing them over the edge.

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Don't sleep on ES ... he's got the body of a god.

BBC Defiende la entrevista de Andrew Scott Se malinterpretó la pregunta a Barry Keoghan

La BBC está defendiendo la entrevista a Andrew Scott en los BAFTA y que ha sido tachada de homofóbica por una pregunta sobre una escena de Barry Keoghan desnudo.

En un comunicado emitido el viernes, la BBC dijo que ha recibido quejas de personas a las que no les gustó la forma en que el corresponsal de entretenimiento Colin Paterson le preguntó a Andrew sobre la escena en que Barry se desnuda hacia el final de "Saltburn".

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No voy a estropearlo

Colin ha sido criticado en línea por preguntarle a Andrew, que es gay y estaba en los BAFTA promocionando otra película, sobre el pene de Barry. Pero la BBC dice que las preguntas de Colin buscaban reflejar "la discusión en torno a la escena y no causar ofensa".

La BBC dice que Colin comenzó la entrevista preguntándole a Andrew sobre su película, "All of Us Strangers", antes de consultarle sobre la popularidad de sus compañeros actores irlandeses, como Barry.

Andrew estaba claramente incómodo con las preguntas sobre la escena de Barry desnudo, pero Colin siguió presionando y le dijo: "Se habló mucho de las prótesis, ¿hasta qué punto lo conoces?". La BBC dice que esta pregunta específica fue "malinterpretada".

Aun así, la BBC dice que había una razón detrás de preguntarle a Andrew sobre Barry. La cadena dice que la película tuvo un impacto cultural y la escena del desnudo llamó mucho la atención, cosa que el propio Barry abordó.

La BBC también dice que Colin hizo preguntas similares al escritor y director de "Saltburn" Emerald Fennell, además de la cantante Sophie Ellis-Bextor, cuya canción "Murder On The Dancefloor" suena durante la escena del desnudo

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Colin, dice la BBC, abordó el tema más tarde en la emisión de los BAFTA y admitió que su "interrogatorio puede haber ido demasiado lejos y que lo sentía si ese era el caso".

Zendaya Fascinada con el encanto de Tom Holland!!!

Tom Holland sin duda tiene a Zendaya bajo su hechizo porque la enamorada actriz no pudo evitar hablar del encanto de su novio.

En una entrevista con Buzzfeed Puppy, Zendaya fue consultada sobre el "carisma" del elenco de "Dune 2", pero ella rápidamente dirigió el tema a su hombre, Tommy boy.

Ella dijo: "Creo que alguien que tiene un carisma hermoso, no en el reparto de "Dune", pero que personalmente funciona para mí, es el señor Tom Holland".

Zendaya explicó por qué Tom la tiene enganchada y al parecer todo se reduce a sus grandes habilidades de conversación. Dice que a ella le toma un tiempo salir de su caparazón porque es tímida, pero su novio es un maestro hablando y conociendo gente.

En cuanto a cómo fue seducida, Zendaya admite que Tom tuvo que tirar un poco de ella, pero dado su don innato para coquetear, no pasó mucho tiempo para que hiciera su magia.

Esta es solo una prueba más de que su relación está muy sólida. Esto, en medio de los rumores de ruptura que se iniciaron cuando Z dejó de seguir a todo el mundo en sus redes sociales, incluyendo a Tom, el año pasado.

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Van en serio

Desde entonces, han sido vistos algunas veces de la mano, y por si eso no fuera suficiente para aplastar los rumores de ruptura, Tom aclaró todo en enero cuando le dijo a un paparazzi que "absolutamente" no habían terminado.

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Así que, a menos que haya pruebas concretas de una ruptura, es seguro asumir que los novios de Hollywood están juntos a largo plazo.

Tyler Perry Se inclina por usar IA en sus películas ... Detiene la expansión de sus estudios

Tyler Perry dice que está por utilizar la inteligencia artificial en sus próximos proyectos porque dice que le permitirá ahorrar dinero y recursos, y por eso está deteniendo temporalmente la expansión de sus estudios.

El magnate de los medios de comunicación, que tiene su propio estudio de producción en Georgia, le dijo a THR esta semana que ha estado siguiendo de cerca la IA y está impresionado de lo que ve, tanto es así que está influyendo en algunos planes que tenía para el enorme lote de 330 acres que posee.

Le preguntaron sobre el programa de OpenAI Sora, que puede crear escenas muy realistas y visuales solo con un comando de texto, y Perry dice que va a revolucionar la forma de hacer películas.

Tyler dice: "He estado observando muy de cerca la IA y sus avances. Durante los últimos cuatro años he estado planeando una ampliación de 800 millones de dólares en el estudio, lo que habría aumentado enormemente el backlot: íbamos a añadir 12 platós más. Todo eso está actualmente e indefinidamente en suspenso debido a Sora y a lo que estoy viendo".

Y añade: "Ya no tendría que viajar a las localizaciones. Si quisiera estar en la nieve en Colorado, solo tendría que escribir. Si quisiera escribir una escena en la luna, solo tendría que escribir, y esta IA podría generarlo como si nada. Si quisiera tener a dos personas en una sala en las montañas, no tendría que construir un plató en las montañas, no tendría que poner un plató. Podría sentarme en una oficina y hacer esto con un computador, lo que me parece chocante".

Tyler fue aún más sincero sobre el impacto que cree tendrá la tecnología en la industria diciendo: "Me preocupa mucho toda la gente del negocio. Porque mientras lo miraba, inmediatamente empecé a pensar que todos en la industria se verían afectados por esto, incluyendo actores y camarógrafos y eléctricos y transporte y sonido y editores, y viendo esto, creo que tocará todos los rincones de nuestra industria".

Y añade: "Así que estoy muy, muy preocupado de que, en un futuro próximo, muchos puestos de trabajo se vayan a perder".

En resumen, Tyler ve el futuro y lo está abrazando, pero sus palabras no han sido bien recibidas. Echa un vistazo en X y verás que la gente lo está criticando por abandonar a los creativos y estar dispuesto abiertamente a recortar puestos de trabajo para ahorrar dinero.

Si eso es justo o no, que Internet decida, suponemos ... Pero la verdad es que Tyler ve lo grande que es la IA, y seguirá siendo, y está listo para ponerla en práctica a su favor.

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Es lo que es. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Timothée Chalamet Kenny Smith Is A Style Icon ... He's Bold!!!

Move over, Harry Styles, there's a new fashion icon in town -- ex-NBA star Kenny "The Jet" Smith ... whose wardrobe got major props from one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, Timothée Chalamet!!

The 'Dune' actor revealed his style inspiration in an interview with Elle this week ... where he raved about the "Inside the NBA" analyst's drip.

Timmy C explained his random choice for who he considers his "style icon" ... saying Smith has varying style, but is always bold -- especially when he rocks sneakers with his suits.

Chalamet also praised Smith's confidence ... adding that's what throws all his looks together.

It's pretty surprising -- not because Smith is a bad dresser by any means, but some probably assumed Chalamet would pick someone more prominent in the fashion scene like a David Beckham, A$AP Rocky or Brad Pitt.

Austin Butler -- who also took part in the interview -- said his "style icon" is Chalamet ... but we're assuming he wasn't just saying that because the dude was in the room -- he's quite the sharp-dressed man.

Guess we can thank Smith for that!!


"Love Is Blind" contestant Chelsea Blackwell is patching things up with the one person at the heart of her whole look-alike drama: Megan Fox.

IYDK, Chelsea's been getting roasted online for dropping the comparison between herself to the actress while getting to know Jimmy Presnall on the latest season of "Love Is Blind." But she's now owning up to it big time ... saying she totally regrets making that comment and she's gone as far as reaching out to Megan Fox herself to apologize.


"I did reach out to her [Fox], and I was like, 'I'm so sorry I did this to you,'" Chelsea told "Entertainment Tonight" ... adding she's waiting to hear back from Megan.

Amid all the online heat, she did see some solidarity from Julia Fox. The model/actress, came through with some support ... commenting, "don't worry sis. I see it," under Chelsea's TikTok video where she begged anyone who'd ever said she looked like Megan to fess up.

Some other folks have also cut Chelsea some slack, saying they can kinda squint and see the resemblance ... but the overwhelming online vote says she's not a Megan doppelgänger by a long shot. Tough crowd!

You'll remember ... on the show, Chelsea spilled the beans on how people compared her to Megan 'cause of her dark hair and blue eyes ... and Jimmy was totally hyped by the name drop.

However, he realized he hadn't exactly hit the jackpot when they came face-to-face, admitting to the cameras ... "She definitely lied to me about some, uh, how she looked."

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Props to Jimmy for not calling her out on it directly, but the online crowd wasn't as forgiving ... and judging by her new damage control tour, it seems like Chelsea's swearing off ever mentioning that resemblance again!

BBC Defends Andrew Scott Interview ... But Barry Keoghan Nude Question Was Misjudged

The BBC is largely defending an interview with Andrew Scott at the BAFTAs that's been slammed as homophobic ... over a question about a Barry Keoghan nude scene.

In a statement Friday, the BBC says it's received complaints from folks who didn't like the way entertainment correspondent Colin Paterson asked Andrew about Barry stripping down at the end of "Saltburn."

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I Won't Spoil It

Colin's been dragged online for asking Andrew, who is gay and was at the BAFTAs promoting another movie, about Barry's penis ... but the BBC says Colin's questions were "meant to be a light hearted reflection of the discussion around the scene and was not intended to cause offense."

The BBC says Colin began the interview by asking Andrew about his movie, "All of Us Strangers," before moving on to ask him about the popularity of his fellow Irish actors, like Barry.

Andrew was clearly uncomfortable with questions about Barry's nude scene, but Colin kept pressing and asked, "There was a lot of talk about prosthetics ... how well do you know him?" The BBC says this specific question was "misjudged."

Still, the BBC says there was reason behind asking Andrew about Barry getting naked in "Saltburn" ... the network says the film had a cultural impact and the nude scene grabbed a lot of attention, which Barry himself addressed.

The BBC also says Colin asked similar questions to "Saltburn" writer and director Emerald Fennell, plus singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor, whose song "Murder On The Dancefloor" plays during the nude scene.

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Colin, the BBC says, addressed the issue later in the BAFTA broadcast, admitting his "questioning may have gone too far and that he was sorry if this was the case."


Tom Holland certainly got GF Zendaya under his spell ... 'cause the smitten actress can't stop gushing about his "rizz" to whoever will listen.

Zendaya was asked during the Buzzfeed Puppy Interview about the 'Dune 2' cast's "rizz" -- short for charisma -- and she quickly steered the topic back to her man, Tommy boy.

She says ... "I think someone who has beautiful charisma, not on the Dune cast, but personally works for me, is Mr. Tom Holland."

Zendaya explained why TH's got her hooked ... and it all comes down to his killer conversational skills, apparently. She says it takes her a while to come outta her shell 'cause she's shy ... but in contrast, her BF's a master at talking and getting to know people.

When it came to how he swooned her directly ... Zendaya admits he had to pull it out of her a bit ... but seeing as he's got a natural gift for flirting, it didn't take long for him to work his magic on her.

Zendaya gushing about Tom is just further proof their relationship is solid ... this amid breakup rumors that kickstarted when Z unfollowed everyone, including Tom, last year.

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Since then, they've had some hand-in-hand sightings, and if that wasn't enough to squash the breakup rumors, Tom set the record straight himself ... straight-up telling a paparazzo in Jan that they were absolutely not dunzo.

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So, unless there's concrete evidence of a split, it's safe to assume Hollywood's sweethearts are in it together for the long haul.

Tyler Perry Leaning Into AI Tech for Movies ... Halting Studio Expansion

Tyler Perry says he's down to use artificial intelligence in his projects going forward, 'cause it'll save him money and resources ... which is why he's temporarily halting his studio expansion.

The media mogul -- who has his own production studio in Georgia -- told THR this week that he's been keeping a close eye on AI ... and he's impressed by what he sees, so much so that it's actually influencing some big plans he had for the massive 330-acre lot.

He was asked about OpenAI's Sora program -- which can create very lifelike scenes and visuals with nothing but a text command -- and TP says it's gonna revolutionize filmmaking.

Tyler says, "I have been watching AI very closely and watching the advancements very closely. I was in the middle of, and have been planning for the last four years, about an $800 million expansion at the studio, which would’ve increased the backlot a tremendous size -- we were adding 12 more soundstages. All of that is currently and indefinitely on hold because of Sora and what I’m seeing."

He adds, "I no longer would have to travel to locations. If I wanted to be in the snow in Colorado, it’s text. If I wanted to write a scene on the moon, it’s text, and this AI can generate it like nothing. If I wanted to have two people in the living room in the mountains, I don’t have to build a set in the mountains, I don’t have to put a set on my lot. I can sit in an office and do this with a computer, which is shocking to me."

Tyler was even more candid on what impact he thinks it will have on the industry ... saying, "It makes me worry so much about all of the people in the business. Because as I was looking at it, I immediately started thinking of everyone in the industry who would be affected by this, including actors and grip and electric and transportation and sound and editors, and looking at this, I’m thinking this will touch every corner of our industry."

He adds, "So I am very, very concerned that in the near future, a lot of jobs are going to be lost."

Bottom line ... Tyler sees the future, and he's embracing it -- but his words here have not been well-received. Take a look on X and you'll see ... people are dragging him for what they characterize as abandoning creatives and openly being willing to slash jobs to save a buck.

Whether that's fair or not is for the Internet to decide, we suppose ... but the fact is, Tyler sees how big a deal AI is and will continue to be -- and he's ready to implement it to his benefit.

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It is what it is. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Natalie Portman Las estrellas de cine ya no son tan importantes... Los jóvenes solo conocen YouTube!!!

Natalie Portman está viendo cómo el cine está perdiendo popularidad entre los jóvenes, y parece que tiene sentimientos encontrados al respecto cuando se refiere a su responsable.

La actriz se sentó con Vanity Fair a principios de esta semana para una entrevista, donde se abrió sobre la gran influencia que están teniendo las estrellas de redes sociales en los niños en comparación con las estrellas de cine tradicionales, como ella misma.

Portman dice que el cine se siente "mucho más de nicho" por estos días y que si le preguntas a alguien de la generación de sus hijos -ella tiene un niño de 12 años y otro de 7- tienden a conocer mucho más YouTubers y personas virales que actores.

Ahora, Natalie no está diciendo que esto sea necesariamente algo malo. Señala que la libertad para realizar películas en una época en la que el comercio no es la principal preocupación, mientras transitas la delgada línea de no hacer proyectos demasiado elitistas, requiere tener a la audiencia en mente.

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Además, Natalie dice que es genial que los niños de ciudades más remotas y pequeñas tengan acceso a grandes obras de arte en cualquier lugar, lo que ha llevado a que los actores tradicionales sean degradados, haciendo que Hollywood sea más inclusivo.

Esta liberación a la que Natalie se refiere en la industria del entretenimiento no está sentando bien a todo el mundo, sin embargo. Recuerden, Billie Eilish fue pillada hablando mal de los influencers invitados a los People's Choice Awards el pasado fin de semana.

No puedo con estos tiktokers

Por si no lo saben, Eilish estaba hablando con Kylie Minogue y, aunque trató de susurrar, se podía oír claramente que se estaba quejando de la cantidad de TikTokers en el evento. Ella no parecía muy feliz por su participación.

Billie podría querer hacer las paces con la presencia de influencers en eventos como este, pues parece que Natalie está convencida de que están aquí para quedarse, e incluso podrían estar tomando el control del mundo del espectáculo.