El juicio por homicidio involuntario de Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed comenzó el jueves, y tanto la fiscalía como la defensa han revelado sus pasos en la batalla judicial, con la fiscalía echándole la culpa directamente a Hannah mientras que la defensa apunta a un fallo institucional más amplio.

La armera de "Rust" -que fue acusada de homicidio involuntario en la muerte de la directora de fotografía Halyna Hutchins- apareció en un tribunal de Nuevo México, y las declaraciones de apertura se llevaron a cabo no hace mucho tiempo.

La fiscalía comenzó todo el juicio diciendo que creen que fue culpa de Gutiérrez-Reed la ronda que mató a Hutchins en el primer lugar.

Los fiscales dicen que Hannah no siempre se adhiere a los protocolos de seguridad en el set y afirman que no se ofreció a mostrarle a los actores las rondas dentro del arma o tener el arma inspeccionada delante el proceso, un protocolo que los fiscales insisten que se suponía que debía seguir.

Hannah no siguió los protocolos de acuerdo a la fiscalía, la cual afirma que van a proporcionar varios testigos que declararán que Guiterrez-Reed no realizaba adecuadamente sus funciones.

Dicen que regularmente dejaba armas y municiones tiradas por el plató e incluso permitió que munición real se abriera paso en el set. Incluso afirman que Hannah no podía reconocer una ronda en vivo.

Los abogados de Hannah dicen que se le encomendó la tarea de múltiples puestos de trabajo en el set cuando ella tenía solo 24 años -tanto armera como asistente de utilería- lo cual es mucho de que ocuparse. Su equipo afirma que la edad de Hannah y su relativo anonimato la convierten en el chivo expiatorio ideal para la tragedia.

NBC News

También dicen que hizo bien su trabajo, señalando que incluso le pidió al director de producción más días de armera, porque estaba dividiendo el tiempo entre los puestos de trabajo y quería centrarse en sus responsabilidades. Sus abogados dicen que su solicitud fue denegada en última instancia por la producción.

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"el peor día de mi vida"

Además, la defensa dice que la OSHA -una agencia gubernamental encargada de la salud y la seguridad en los lugares de trabajo- encontró numerosos errores en la producción en general, los cuales no se le pueden adjudicar solo a Reed. La defensa añadió que OSHA multó a la producción, y fue una de las más grandes en la historia de Nuevo México.

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fuera de sus labores

Alec Baldwin también fue mencionado, con Hannah diciendo que violó la regla más básica de seguridad de armas: no apuntes un arma a alguien a menos que quieras disparar. Dicen que o bien tenía el dedo en el gatillo o tiró de él, pero de cualquier manera, no fue culpa de Hannah.

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Se supone que el juicio durará hasta el 8 de marzo y seguramente va a estar lleno de giros y vueltas.

Manténgase en sintonía...

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed Involuntary Manslaughter Trial Begins ... Opening Statements

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's manslaughter trial kicked off Thursday, and both the prosecution and defense have revealed their hands for the court battle ... with the prosecution laying the blame squarely on HGR while the defense is pointing to a broader institutional failure.

The "Rust" armorer -- who was charged with involuntary manslaughter in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins -- appeared in a New Mexico court, and the opening statements took place not long ago.

The prosecution started the whole trial by first saying they believe it was Gutierrez-Reed's fault the live round that killed Hutchins ended up on set in the first place.

Prosecutors say Hannah didn't always adhere to safety protocols on set ... for example, they claim she didn't offer to show the actors the rounds inside the weapon or have the gun inspected in front of them -- a protocol prosecutors insist she was supposed to follow.

Hannah not following protocols was common on set according to the prosecution, which claims they'll provide several witnesses who will testify about Gutierrez-Reed not adequately performing her duties.

They say she regularly left guns and ammo just lying around the set ... and even allowed live ammo to make its way on set. They even claim Hannah couldn't recognize a live round when it was sitting in her lap.

In Hannah's defense, her lawyers say she was tasked with multiple jobs on set when she was just 24 -- both armorer and prop assistant -- which was a lot to ask her to do. Her team claims Hannah's age and relative anonymity make her an ideal scapegoat for the tragedy.

NBC News

And, they're also saying she did her job well ... noting she even asked the production manager for more armorer days -- because she was splitting time between jobs and wanted to focus on her responsibilities in that domain. Her lawyers say her request was ultimately denied by the production.

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In addition, the defense says OSHA -- a government agency in charge of health and safety for workplaces -- found numerous mistakes in the production overall that can't just be pinned on Reed individually. The defense added OSHA fined the production ... a fine they say was one of the largest in New Mexico's history.

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Alec Baldwin was also mentioned ... with Hannah's layers saying he violated the most basic gun safety rule -- don't point a gun at someone unless you want to shoot them. They say he either had his finger on the trigger or pulled it ... but either way, it wasn't Hannah's fault.

TMZ Studios

The trial's supposed to run through March 8 ... filled with what we imagine will be a ton of twists and turns.

Stay tuned ...

Kelly Rowland Look, I'm Not Talking 'Today' Exit ... But I Love Hoda & Co.!!!

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Kelly Rowland is passing on an opportunity to explain exactly what happened on the "Today" show ... and as she makes clear here, she only wants to discuss her new movie.

The singer was directly asked about her recent "Today" controversy during an interview Wednesday with WGN News in Chicago -- where she was plugging her upcoming movie, "Mea Culpa" ... and based on this alone, you can tell she ain't gonna spill the beans.


The news anchor asks Kelly if she can clear up what happened on "Today" -- because, as he notes, there's all these different reasons out there as to why she bailed on cohosting the show. Remember, some suggested she was actually peeved over Beyoncé questions.

Anyway, Kelly sticks to her guns here ... and kinda dug her heels in on refusing to talk about it -- and we'll be honest, it's kinda awkward. Check it out ... she says straight up, nah.

Kelly explains that she's not going to talk about it because she wants to keep the spotlight on her new Netflix film ... though she does say she loves the "Today" show and Hoda Kotb.

Like we said ... it's bizarre that continues to refuse to just address the elephant in the room. In fact, you could argue that her trying to ignore it is only making the legend grow -- and at this point, it seems to be all anyone wants to talk about ... even though she insists on just promoting. On its face, her strategy seems to be backfiring ... but she's not cluing into this.

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While Kelly's not getting into the deets -- we did get to the bottom of this ourselves ... as we first told you, the true reason why she bolted from the "Today" set was, in fact, the dressing room thing. Namely, her not being satisfied with NBC's rinky-dink rooms to get prepped.

Some have accused her of being a diva -- but Hoda and co. appear to be falling on the sword for Kelly ... profusely apologizing and begging her to come back, while also publicly acknowledging their dressing rooms do actually suck. It's been a little cringe to watch, TBH.

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Kelly Come Back!

Of course, Hoda and them have since invited Kelly back ... and they're hoping for a whole do-over, with refurbished and upgraded dressing rooms ready for the Destiny's Child alum.

Based on what Kelly's saying here ... it sounds like she might, perhaps, take 'em up on it.

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We'll see if more hosts keep pressing Kelly on this issue -- so far, it sounds like she ain't gonna bend, and she ain't gonna talk.

Kelly Rowland No voy a hablar de lo que pasó en "Today"... Pero amo a Hoda y Co.!!!

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Esquivando las preguntas

Kelly Rowland está dejando pasar la oportunidad de explicar lo que pasó exactamente en "Today", y como deja claro en este clip, solo quiere hablar de su nueva película.

La cantante fue consultada directamente por su reciente controversia en "Today" en una entrevista con WGN News de Chicago este miércoles, donde estuvo promocionando su próxima película "Mea Culpa" y basándonos en esto, se puede decir que no va a hablar.

Señales mixtas

El presentador de noticias le pregunta si puede aclarar lo que pasó, porque como él señala, hay diferentes razones circulando de por qué desistió de co-presentar el programa. Recuerden, algunos sugirieron que estaba enfadada por las preguntas sobre Beyoncé.

De todos modos, Kelly se rehusó a habar y vamos a ser honestos, fue un poco incómodo. Echa un vistazo, ella directamente le dice que no.

Kelly explica que no va a hablar de ello porque quiere centrar la atención en su nueva película de Netflix, aunque dice que le encanta el programa "Today" y Hoda Kotb.

Como hemos dicho, es extraño que se siga resistiendo a abordar el "elefante en la habitación". De hecho, se podría argumentar que su intento por ignorarlo solo está agrandando el mito, y a estas alturas, parece que todos quieren hablar de ello, a pesar de su insistencia en centrarse en la promoción del filme. A primera vista, su estrategia parece ser contraproducente ... pero ella no está dando ninguna pista.

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Sigamos adelante

Aunque Kelly no ha entrado en detalles, nosotros decidimos llegar al fondo del asunto por nuestra cuenta. Como les contamos por primera vez, la verdadera razón por la que se escapó del set de "Today" fue, de hecho, por los camerinos. Esto es, que no estaba satisfecha con las habitaciones de mala muerte de NBC para prepararse.

Algunos la han acusado de ser una diva, pero Hoda y compañía parecen estar de acuerdo con ella y le han pedido disculpas profusamente, rogándole incluso que vuelva. También han reconocido públicamente que sus camerinos en realidad apestan.

Para ser honestos, ha sido un poco incómodo de ver.

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Kelly regresa

Por supuesto, Hoda y el equipo han invitado a Kelly nuevamente desde entonces y están esperando poder hacer todo de nuevo, actualizado los camerinos para que estén listos para la ex integrante de Destiny's Child.

Por lo que Kelly está diciendo aquí, suena como que tal vez podría.

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Veremos si otros presentadores siguen presionando a Kelly sobre el tema. Por ahora, parece que no va a ceder.

Natalie Portman Se sincera sobre sus problemas matrimoniales ... No alimenta los rumores de engaño

Natalie Portman finalmente se refirió a las especulaciones sobre sus supuestos problemas matrimoniales y los rumores de infidelidad que involucran a su marido Benjamin Millepied, aunque la artista no ofreció ninguna pista al respecto.

La actriz ganadora del Oscar se sentó con el escritor de Vanity Fair Keziah Weir para hablar sobre su última película "May December" y una serie de otros temas, incluyendo su vida personal.

En un momento dado, Weir abordó el elefante en la habitación, diciendo que en el período previo al estreno de "May December" en 2023, el matrimonio de Portman estuvo en el centro del debate "de una manera muy pública." A continuación le preguntó cómo era eso.

Portman no dudó en responder y afirmó: "Es terrible. No tengo ningún deseo de contribuir a ello". Y eso fue todo.

Por supuesto, la actriz se estaba refiriendo a las acusaciones de infidelidad por parte de Millepied, quien supuestamente tuvo una aventura con la activista climática Camille Etienne el año pasado, pero pronto terminó. Otros medios han informado que los dos se han separado debido a los rumores de engaño, algo que ellos aún tienen que confirmar o negar.

Millepied, bailarín y coreógrafo francés, ha estado casado 11 años con Portman. La pareja tiene dos hijos: Aleph, de 12 años, y Amalia, de 6.

En la entrevista con Vanity Fair, Portman también habló de su pasión por vivir en París y Los Ángeles, yendo y viniendo de ambas ciudades. Disfruta especialmente su tiempo en Los Ángeles, donde lleva una vida muy distinta a la de Hollywood.

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Dice que sale con muchos amigos que no están en la industria de la televisión o el cine, cambiando las fiestas de famosos por cenas en el patio trasero. Pero admite que todavía tiene algunos amigos en la industria con los que se divierte de vez en cuando.

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Como todos saben, Portman ha tenido una larga y exitosa carrera en Hollywood. En 2011 ganó el Oscar a la Mejor Actriz por su papel en "El cisne Negro."

Natalie Portman Opens Up About Marital Issues ... Not Feeding Into Cheating Rumors

Natalie Portman finally addressed all the speculation about her alleged marital issues and cheating rumors involving husband Benjamin Millepied -- but she didn't offer any real insight.

The Academy Award winning actress sat down for a recent interview with Vanity Fair writer Keziah Weir to talk about her latest film, "May December," and a range of other topics, including her personal life.

At one point, Weir addressed the elephant in the room, saying in the lead up to the 2023 release of "May December," Portman's marriage was in the spotlight "in a very public way." She then asked her what that was like.

Portman didn't miss a beat, stating, "It's terrible. I have no desire to contribute to it." And that was that.

Of course, Portman was referring to allegations of infidelity by Millepied, who supposedly had a fling with climate activist Camille Etienne last year, but it soon ended. Other media outlets have reported rumors the two have separated over the cheating claims -- which the pair has yet to confirm or deny.

Millepied, a French dancer and choreographer, has been married to Portman for 11 years. The couple share two kids, Aleph, 12,  and Amalia, 6.

In the VF interview, Portman also discussed her love of living in Paris and L.A., going back and forth between both cities. She particularly enjoys her time in L.A., where she leads a very non-Hollywood life.

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She said she hangs out with many friends who are not in the TV or film industry, trading in celebrity parties for backyard dinners. But she admits she still has some industry pals with whom she spends time.

TMZ Studios

As everyone knows, Portman has had a long, successful career in Hollywood, winning the 2011 Oscar for Best Actress for her role in "Black Swan."

Shaquem Griffin Shopping Biopic ... Lots of Interest in My Story!!!



12:18 PM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ Sports ... Michael and his camp have actually not heard from Shaquem's agent to discuss the selling of rights for his movie and no talks have been had at all.

Shaquem Griffin says interest in a biopic about his life has recently exploded ... so much so, he tells TMZ Sports Michael B. Jordan has shown interest in acquiring it!!

The former NFL star -- who inspiringly made it to the league despite having his left hand amputated when he was just 4 years old -- has been working on a movie about his life journey for over two years.

He told us out at Super Bowl week in Las Vegas that, initially, he wanted to get the flick out ASAP. But, he said as more and more people have become aware of the project, he's seen plenty eager to get their hands on it ... including Adonis Creed himself.

He explained ... his agent has been in talks with Jordan's Outlier Society production company -- and he's confident even more are going to come forward as the script gets closer and closer to being done.

"Something special is finna happen," Griffin said.

Unclear if MBJ would have his eyes on the starring role ... but if he did, Griffin would clearly endorse it, even if they would then need to add his limb difference via CGI.

TMZ Studios

Griffin has now been out of the NFL since the 2021 season ... but he's stayed busy in retirement. In addition to working on his movie, his twin brother told us back in 2022 he's become a damn good motivational speaker as well.

Originally Published -- 12:20 AM PT

SHAQUEM GRIFFIN quiere un biopic ¡En conversaciones con Michael B. Jordan!

la magia del cine

Shaquem Griffin dice que el interés en una película biográfica sobre su vida ha explotado recientemente ... tanto es así, que le dice a TMZ Sports Michael B. Jordan ha mostrado interés!

La ex estrella de la NFL - que inspiradoramente llegó a la liga a pesar de tener su mano izquierda amputada cuando tenía sólo 4 años de edad - ha estado trabajando en una película sobre su viaje de la vida por más de dos años.

En la semana de la Super Bowl, en Las Vegas, nos contó que, al principio, quería estrenar la película lo antes posible. Pero, dijo que a medida que más y más personas se han dado cuenta del proyecto, que ha visto muchos deseosos de poner sus manos en él ... incluyendo el propio Adonis Creed.

Explicó ... su agente ha estado en conversaciones con la compañía de producción de Jordan Outlier Society - y confía en que aún más se van a presentar como el guión se acerca más y más cerca de ser hecho.

"Algo especial va a suceder", dijo Griffin.

No está claro si MBJ tendría sus ojos en el papel protagonista ... pero si lo hiciera, Griffin claramente lo apoyaría, incluso si luego tendrían que añadir su diferencia de extremidades a través de CGI.

Griffin lleva fuera de la NFL desde la temporada 2021, pero se ha mantenido ocupado en su retiro. Además de trabajar en su película, su hermano gemelo nos dijo en 2022 que se ha convertido en un orador motivacional muy bueno también.

'MIGHTY DUCKS' Star Shaun Weiss Video Sparks Relapse Concern Among Fans ... But He Says He's Clean

Instagram / @shaunweiss

Shaun Weiss has some fans thinking he relapsed on drugs ... but he says folks are reading way too far into a video he posted online.

The "Mighty Ducks" star shared a video Wednesday on Instagram, talking about how blessed he is to be paid to travel around and interact with fans ... but his physical appearance seemed to throw people off.

Shaun, who recently celebrated 4 years of sobriety, is looking kinda thin and he has a red substance smudged between his eyes ... leading some to wonder if he busted his head open, even though his caption says it's "consecrated ash from Sadhguru."

Shaun tells TMZ ... he's still 100% clean and has not relapsed.

Josh Rivera

He says he's doing great and has never been better, adding ... "If I ever need help I promise I will reach out to people. No going backward."

As for what's on his forehead, Shaun tells us it's from his "spiritual practice." He says it's supposed to "activate my third eye."

Shaun says he's getting into the inner engineering teachings of Sadhguru, a famous Yogi ... telling us, "It has been a game changer in terms of my overall balance and levels of joy."

The video that first sparked relapse concern among fans was on Shaun's page for about 5 hours until we talked to him ... and he's since uploaded a new video where he wipes off the red substance from his face and says he's fine and there's nothing to worry about.

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... Shaun says he's okay and no need for concern.

TOP GUN: MAVERICK Wolfman, de la película original, demanda a paramount "¡Que se haga justicia!"

Una de las estrellas de "Top Gun" ha demandado a Paramount, alegando que la compañía cinematográfica ha robado su imagen para la exitosa secuela.

Según los documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, Barry Tubb, que interpretó a Wolfman en el éxito de 1986, dice que el término "secuela" nunca se mencionó o contempló en su contrato original. Por lo tanto, no tenían derecho a utilizar su careto en "Top Gun: Maverick".

La escena en disputa: dos de los protagonistas de la secuela, Hangman (interpretado por Glen Powell) y Coyote (Greg Tarzan Davis) descubren que Rooster Bradshaw (Miles Teller) es el hijo superviviente de Goose.

Rooster señala la fotografía de la clase de Top Gun del 86 que cuelga detrás de él ... y cuando la cámara se acerca, se ve a Wolfman sentado junto a Goose, Iceman y Maverick.

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Tubb dice que no tenían derecho a usar esa foto, que nunca le pidieron permiso y que nunca le pagaron ni un céntimo. Pide una indemnización no especificada, pero teniendo en cuenta que la película ha recaudado casi 1.500 millones de dólares, quiere mucho.

"Top Gun: Maverick" superó en taquilla a "Vengadores: Infinity War" para convertirse en la sexta película más taquillera de todos los tiempos.

Megan Thee Stallion 'Fire Crotch' Line Out of 'Mean Girls' Scrubbed in Digital Release

Megan Thee Stallion said the infamous "fire crotch" line in the new "Mean Girls" on the big screen -- but you won't find it in the digital release ... and Lindsay Lohan's probably happy.

The rebooted flick -- which is now a musical -- finally hit VOD this week ... so it's available to rent on all your major players, Amazon and the like. The only difference this time around ... Meg's quote that pissed off LiLo in theaters is completely gone.

Indeed ... eagle-eyed fans noticed it right away as they started to stream the flick from home -- the part where MTS is supposed to say "Y2K fire crotch is back" has been edited out.

Instead, Meg here just ends her little piece of dialogue with "We are going back to red," and it then cuts to her laughing ... totally glossing over the line that was featured and seen in theaters, and which drew the ire of Lindsay and team -- who publicly denounced it.

Remember, Lindsay's rep came out and said LiLo was hurt by the fact the phrase had been included ... and not just that, but apparently, nobody had told her it would be in there.

The crazy part about that was ... Lindsay herself is ALSO in the movie, making a cameo.

It was all very bizarre ... and what made it even stranger was the fact that Tina Fey -- who EP'd and wrote "Mean Girls," and who's presumably pals with Lindsay -- didn't come out and address any of this last month when Lindsay made a big fuss about it ... just crickets.

However, now ... we can clearly see she heard LiLo loud and clear -- and made a change.

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infamous 'fire crotch' video

As you probably know by now ... the "fire crotch" insult first started with oil heir Brandon Davis -- who used to party with Paris Hilton back in the 2000s, and who used to run his mouth a lot to paps after nights on the town with his famous friend.

He was happy to trash Lindsay at the time, and even though it was years ago ... it clearly still bothers her to this day -- making it all the more surprising TF put it in the film at all.

TMZ Studios

All's well that ends well though ... fire crotch is gone and post-production magic is in!

'Top Gun: Maverick' Wolfman from OG Film Sues Paramount I Have a Need for Justice!!!

A star in the OG "Top Gun" is suing Paramount, claiming the movie company ripped off his image for the hit sequel.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Barry Tubb, who played Wolfman in the 1986 monster hit, says the term "sequel" was never mentioned or contemplated in his original contract. Therefore, they had no right to use his mug in "Top Gun: Maverick."

The scene in contention -- two of the sequel's main characters Hangman (played by Glen Powell) and Coyote (Greg Tarzan Davis) discover Rooster Bradshaw (Miles Teller) is Goose's surviving son.

Rooster points at the photograph of the Top Gun Class of '86 hanging behind him ... and when the camera zooms in, you see Wolfman sitting beside Goose, Iceman, and Maverick.

TMZ Studios

Tubb says they had no right to use that photo, never asked permission and never paid him a cent. He's asking for unspecified damages, but given that the flick has grossed nearly $1.5 billion, he wants a lot.

"Top Gun: Maverick's" massive numbers at the box office in '22 even beat out "Avengers: Infinity War" to become the 6th highest-grossing movie of all time

Jonathan Majors Marvel ya se estaba alejando antes de la sentencia Dice un reporte

Jonathan Majors fue rápidamente abandonado por Marvel luego de que se conociera su condena por agresión, pero resulta que el estudio ya estaba pensando en seguir adelante sin el actor, al menos según un nuevo informe.

Como todos saben, el actor fue cortado minutos después de que el jurado de Nueva York lo declarara culpable de dos de los cuatro cargos presentados por su ex novia, Grace Jabbari, incluyendo los de acoso y agresión.

Por supuesto, solo terminó siendo condenado por lo que pasó fuera del carro, no por lo que ocurrió en el interior, ya que en esos casos los fiscales aseguraron que había realmente maltrato de su parte. Inmediatamente después, Marvel anunció que no iba a trabajar más con Majors en el futuro. No se demoraron ni un segundo.

Pero una nueva historia de THR sugiere que Marvel originalmente estaba planeando entablar una relación con Majors como su nuevo gran villano, pero esos planes cambiaron cuando se vio envuelto en este caso de violencia doméstica.

Dicen que la próxima película de "Avengers", que iba a llamarse "The Kang Dynasty", ya no va a incluir el nombre del personaje de Majors y están reescribiendo las próximas películas para eliminar a Kang por completo o para marginarlo y convertirlo en una nota al pie de página en la trama. Es una carga pesada, pero todo el mundo esperaba que así fuera.

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Majors dejando el tribunal

Lo más interesante de este reportaje es la noción de que Marvel/Disney ya había tomado una decisión en cuanto a lo que querían hacer con Kang y Majors.

Citando fuentes, THR dice que Marvel ya estaba haciendo movimientos para minimizar la participación de Kang en las próximas películas, y la aparente razón, el dinero. Parece que la aparición de Majors en "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" no fue un éxito financiero (definitivamente no lo fue) y debido a eso sintieron que la audiencia simplemente no estaba de humor para ver más de Kang.

La película hizo $476 millones a nivel mundial por sus visionados en los cines, pero comparado con otras películas de superhéroes, es bastante malo. Así que, a primera vista ... parece que el destino de Majors ya estaba sellado.

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Por supuesto, Majors no ha sido sentenciado todavía y su equipo está tratando de que la condena sea anulada. Pero pareciera que Marvel ya le cerró la puerta a todo esto.

DEVIN RATRAY SE DECLARA CULPABLE de violencia doméstica No hay tiempo de cárcel en el acuerdo

Devin Ratray -que interpretó a Buzz en "Mi Pobre Angelito"- ha llegado a una resolución en su caso de violencia doméstica en Oklahoma y el acuerdo que alcanzó lo mantendrá fuera de la cárcel.

El actor se declaró culpable de dos cargos de violencia doméstica el miércoles, lo que finalmente le puso fin al caso después de estar pendiente durante casi 3 años.

Documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, muestran que después de entrar en su declaración de culpabilidad, fue sentenciado por un juez y solo va a estar en libertad condicional durante los próximos tres años. También se le ordenó completar un programa de intervención para maltratadores y someterse a una evaluación de drogas y alcohol.

Devin, que apareció a través del enlace de video con su abogado, también está obligado a cubrir los costos de la corte y tienen cero contacto con la víctima.

Usted recordará que Devin fue arrestado después de que fue acusado de empujar, golpear y presionar sus manos contra la garganta y la boca de su ex durante un altercado borracho en diciembre de 2021.

Fue fichado por delito grave de asalto doméstico y agresión por estrangulamiento, así como por delito menor de asalto doméstico y agresión. Más tarde fue puesto en libertad con una fianza de $25K.

Devin inicialmente entró en una declaración de no culpabilidad en febrero de 2022 y las cosas se han movido muy lento desde entonces. Ahora, él ha emitido una declaración de culpabilidad que parece haberle evitado el tiempo tras las rejas.

El caso se actualizó el mes pasado cuando los abogados de Devin le informaron recientemente al juez que fue hospitalizado "en estado crítico".

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Todavía no se sabe por qué el hombre de 47 años llegó al hospital de Nueva York en primer lugar, pero parece que se ha recuperado y ahora puede dejar el caso atrás.

Jonathan Majors Marvel Was Already Pivoting Away ... Before Conviction: Report

Jonathan Majors was quickly dropped by Marvel in the wake of his assault conviction -- but as it turns, the studio was already inclined to move on ... at least according to a new report.

As everyone knows, the actor was cut loose just minutes after word came down from a NYC jury in December that he was guilty on two of four counts -- including harassment and assault -- as it pertained to charges that he'd harmed his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari.

Granted, he only ended up getting convicted on what happened outside of the car -- not inside, where prosecutors claimed he'd really roughed her up -- and yet ... Marvel immediately announced he wasn't working with them going forward. They didn't skip a beat.

Welp, per a new THR story ... Marvel is now in the cleanup process of their next chapter -- as they were originally planning on hitching their wagon to Majors' star as the new big villain ... but those plans changed once he got caught up in this DV case.

They say the next 'Avengers' movie -- which was going to be called 'The Kang Dynasty' -- is now not going to include Majors' character's name at all ... and they're rewriting the next slate of films to either cut out Kang altogether, or to seriously sideline him and make him a footnote in the larger plot. It's a heavy lift, but everyone expected that to be the case.

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The more interesting tidbit here in this report is the notion that Marvel/Disney had apparently already made a decision in terms of where they wanted to go with Kang and Majors.

THR, citing sources, says Marvel was already making moves to minimize Kang's involvement in future movies -- and the apparent reason ... money. It sounds like Majors' appearance in 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' wasn't a financial success (it definitely wasn't) and because of that ... they felt audiences just weren't in the mood for more Kang.

The movie made $476 million globally through its theatrical run ... but by superhero movie standards, that's pretty trash. So, on its face ... it sounds like Majors' fate was sealed.

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Of course, Majors hasn't been sentenced yet ... and his team is trying to have his conviction thrown out. Either way though ... it almost feels like Marvel's closed the door on all this.


Devin Ratray -- who famously played Buzz in "Home Alone" -- has reached a resolution in his domestic violence case in Oklahoma ... and the deal he struck will keep him out of jail.

The actor pleaded guilty to two counts of domestic violence Wednesday ... which finally brought the case to a close after it'd been pending for nearly 3 years.

Court documents, obtained by TMZ, show that after entering his plea, he was sentenced by a judge -- and he'll just be on probation for the next 3 years ... while also being ordered to complete a Batterers Intervention Program and undergo a drug/alcohol assessment.

Devin -- who appeared via video link with his attorney -- is also required to cover court costs and have zero contact with the victim.

You'll remember ... Devin was arrested after he was accused of pushing, punching and pressing his hands against his ex-GF's throat and mouth during a drunk altercation in December 2021.

He was booked for felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation, as well as misdemeanor domestic assault and battery. He was later released on a $25K bond.

Devin initially entered a not-guilty plea back in February 2022 ... and things have moved super slow since. Now, he's copped a plea and it looks like he avoided time behind bars because of it.

The case saw further holdup last month when Devin's lawyers recently informed the judge he was hospitalized "in critical condition."

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Still no word as to what landed the 47-year-old in the NYC hospital in the first place, but it appears he's recovered and can now put the case behind him.