Zendaya ha estado causando un gran impacto en la gira de promoción de "Dune" hasta ahora y parece que su compañero Timothée Chalamet quizo entrar en la acción, porque le está siguiendo los pasos.

Échale un vistazo a lo que estos coprotagonistas llevaban en el estreno de "Dune: Part Two" en Corea del Sur el miércoles, son literalmente dos gotas de agua en atuendos de cuero a juego, posando en sincronía con las manos en los bolsillos y todo. ¡Toda una propuesta de doble impacto!

El actor optó por una versión gris de la pieza única, mientras que Zendaya, fiel a su forma fashionista, estilizó su versión, llevándolo colgado del hombro y con tacones a juego.

Ambos atuendos son de la diseñadora Juun J, con sede en Seú y Zendaya habló durante una entrevista sobre lo maravilloso que era apoyar a los diseñadores locales.

Timothée también se refirió a su hermanamiento durante la misma entrevista, diciendo que en realidad fue el estilista de toda la vida de Zendaya, Law Roach, a quien se le ocurrió la genial idea.

Por supuesto, no es ninguna sorpresa, ya que Law también estuvo detrás del increíble traje vintage completo de Zendaya en el estreno mundial de la película en Londres la semana pasada.

Las fotos hablan por sí solas, Zendaya literalmente acaparó todas las miradas con un look metalizado de Thierry Mugler, Otoño '95 de alta costura, que solo ella podía llevar a cabo.

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En pocas palabras ... Zendaya puede hacer que una bolsa de basura se vea bien - y Tim está feliz de montar sus faldones también, parece.


Zendaya has been making a showstopping impact on the "Dune" promo tour so far ... and seems like her costar Timothée Chalamet wanted in on the action, 'cause he's copying her.

Check out what these costars were rockin' at the "Dune: Part Two" premiere in South Korea Wednesday ... they're literally two peas in a pod in matching leather jumpsuits, posing away in sync with their hands in their pockets and all. That's double the impact for ya!

TC opted for a gray version of the one-piece ... while Zendaya, true to her fashionista form, styled up her light peach version, wearing it slung off her shoulder and with towering matching heels.

Both getups are by Seoul-based designer Juun J ... and Zendaya gushed during a sit-down interview about how wonderful it was to support local designers.

Timothée also addressed their twinning during the same interview ... saying it was actually Zendaya's longtime stylist, Law Roach, who came up with the genius idea.

Of course, it comes as no surprise as LR was also behind Zendaya's incredible full vintage suit at the movie's London world premiere last week.

The pics spoke for themselves ... Zendaya literally hogged the spotlight with a metallic Thierry Mugler Fall '95 haute couture look, which only she could pull off.

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... Zendaya can pretty much make a trash bag look good -- and Tim's happy to ride her coattails too, it seems.

LA ESTRELLA DE "PORKY'S" TONY GANIOS MUERe A LOS 64 años Sufre un ataque al corazón

Tony Ganios, famoso por "Porky's" y otras películas clásicas de culto, ha muerto.

La prometida del actor, Amanda, nos cuenta que Tony falleció el domingo en un hospital de Nueva York, luego de que el sábado le detectaran una grave infección en la médula espinal. Nos dicen que fue a cirugía, pero sufrió un ataque al corazón fatal al día siguiente mientras se recuperaba.

Amanda dice que Tony estaba en su camino a un tratamiento de diálisis el domingo por la mañana cuando entró en paro cardíaco, y nos dicen que también estaba experimentando insuficiencia orgánica. Amanda dice que su muerte fue repentina y que está absolutamente destrozada en este momento, explicando que estaban planeando su boda la semana pasada. Habían estado juntos como pareja durante al menos 9 años.

Ella publicó un dulce homenaje a Tony en línea, escribiendo: "Las últimas palabras que nos dijimos fueron "Te amo". El amor es un eufemismo. Lo eres todo para mí. Mi corazón, mi alma y mi mejor amigo. #Te quiero #tonyganios".

A Tony se le recordará sobre todo por su papel protagonista en la película de 1981, "Porky's", que se convirtió en una de las comedias sexuales favoritas de los fans y desarrolló un culto de seguidores. También dio lugar a varias secuelas, incluyendo "Porky's II" y "Porky's Revenge" ambas protagonizadas por él.

Por supuesto, los fans lo conocen como Meat Tuperello, uno de los chicos que tratan de perder sus tarjetas V en un burdel y que terminaron haciendo de mirones. La escena de la ducha de la película es probablemente una de las más icónicas en la categoría de comedias subidas de tono.

"Porky's" fue sin duda su mayor película/franquicia, pero Tony también participó en otras películas memorables, como "The Wanderers", de 1979, en la que interpretó a Perry.

Otras de sus películas son "Back Roads", "Continental Divide", "Body Rock", "Die Hard 2", "Rising Sun", "The Taking of Beverly Hills" y muchas más. Tony también actuó en series como "The Ring of the Musketeers", "Wiseguy", "The Equalizer" y "El espantapájaros y la Sra. King".

Parece que dejó atrás el mundo del espectáculo en los 90... pero sin duda dejó su huella en la cultura pop. De hecho, el productor de cine Sean Clark tuvo unas amables palabras para Tony al enterarse de su fallecimiento.

Sean escribió: "Es triste enterarme del fallecimiento de Tony Gainos, alias Meat de "Porky's". Esta foto es de hace 20 años con Tony y el co-protagonista de Porky's Scott Colomby. Aunque tuve muchas conversaciones de negocios con él a lo largo de los años, no diría que era un amigo".

Y añade: "No lo conocía muy bien, sin embargo, era un buen tipo y es una pena que falleciera a solo dos semanas de la gran reunión de "Porky's" en el Cult Classics Weekend en Bastrop, Texas, a la que se suponía que iba a asistir. Asi que, dicho esto, siento mucho NUESTRA perdida".

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Amanda le dice a TMZ que Tony había estado trabajando y activo en los últimos años de su vida. Tenía 64 años.


'Porky's' Star Tony Ganios Dead at 64 ... Heart Attack After Surgery

Tony Ganios -- famous from "Porky's" and a ton of other cult classic films -- has died.

The actor's fiancée, Amanda, tells us Tony passed away Sunday at a NY hospital -- this after he was taken in on Saturday and was found to have been suffering a severe spinal cord infection. We're told he went into surgery, but suffered a fatal heart attack the following day as he was recovering.

Amanda says Tony was on his way to a dialysis treatment Sunday morning when he went into cardiac arrest ... and we're told he was experiencing organ failure too. Amanda says his death came so suddenly, and she's absolutely shattered right now ... explaining they were just planning their wedding last week. They'd been together for a couple for at least 9 years.

She posted a sweet tribute to Tony online, writing ... "The last words we said to each other were "I love you." Love is an understatement. You are everything to me.  My heart, my soul and my best friend. #I love you #tonyganios."

Tony will best be remembered for his lead role in the 1981 film, which went down as a fan-fave sex comedy flick and developed a cult following. "Porky's" also went on to churn out several sequels ... including "Porky's II: The Next Day" and "Porky's Revenge!" -- both of which he starred in.

Of course, fans know him as Meat Tuperello ... one of the guys trying to lose their V-cards at a brothel, and who ended up playing peeping Toms. The shower scene from the movie is probably one of the most iconic in the raunchy comedy category of movies.

While "Porky's" was arguably his biggest flick/franchise ... Tony was in a handful of other memorable films as well -- including 1979's "The Wanderers," in which he played Perry.

Other movies of his include "Back Roads," "Continental Divide," "Body Rock," "Die Hard 2," "Rising Sun," "The Taking of Beverly Hills" and more. TG had been in shows as well -- such as "The Ring of the Musketeers," "Wiseguy," "The Equalizer" and "Scarecrow and Mrs. King."

He appears to have left showbiz behind in the '90s ... but he certainly left his mark on pop culture. In fact, film producer Sean Clark had some kind words for Tony upon hearing about his passing.

SC wrote, "Sad to hear of the passing of Tony Gainos aka Meat from Porky's This photo is from 20 years ago with Tony and Porky's co-star Scott Colomby Although I had many business conversations with him over the years I would not say he was a friend."

He adds, "I did not know him well at all. However he was a nice guy and it's a shame he passed just 2 weeks away from the big Porky's reunion at Cult Classics Weekend in Bastrop TX in which he was supposed to attend. So with that said I'm sorry for OUR loss."

TMZ Studios

Amanda tells TMZ Tony had been working and active in the final years of his life. He was 64.


Dakota Johnson No está nerviosa por el fracaso de "Madame web" De vacaciones con Chris!!!

La nueva película de superhéroes de Dakota Johnson ha sido un fiasco en taquilla, pero ella no está deprimida para nada, pues el agua de México le sienta bien, especialmente si está con su novio a su lado.

La actriz estaba usando un traje de baño blanco de una pieza mientras se refrescaba con su hombre Chris Martin en las playas de Puerto Vallarta el domingo, continuando su gira IDC (realmente no me importa) y demostrando que ni siquiera un fracaso de proporciones puede arruinar su buen momento.

En las fotos se puede ver a la pareja relajándose en una tumbona antes de que Dakota se secara con una toalla tras un refrescante chapuzón en el mar.

Ahora, algunos pueden argumentar que tal vez Dakota huyó a México para evitar todo el ruido de "Madame Web" luego de que se hundiera este fin de semana. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta su gira promocional, donde incluso ella admitió que no había visto la película, para consternación de los fans, algo nos dice que probablemente ni siquiera ha registrado lo mal que fue recibida por los fanáticos y críticos por igual.

Es seguro decir que Dakota realmente no dio lo mejor de sí para promocionar la película, al menos a simple vista, y las cifras hablan por sí solas. Si ella es responsable de algo de eso, bueno, ya es una conjetura.

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Crisis existencial superada
Magic Radio

En los seis días de fin de semana largo, que comenzaron en San Valentín y terminaron el Día de los Presidentes, la recaudación fue de solo $25,8 millones a nivel nacional y aproximadamente la misma cantidad a nivel mundial, definitivamente lejos de las cifras de apertura de una película de superhéroes importante.

TMZ investiga
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De hecho, The Hollywood Reporter la calificó como la peor apertura para una película de Sony con personajes relacionados a Spider-Man y el consenso parece ser el mismo en todos los ámbitos.

Mientras tanto, Dakota está viviendo su vida y haciendo lo suyo, probablemente ya se ha olvidado de que estaba en este fiasco.

DAKOTA JOHNSON Not Sweatin' 'Madame Web' Flop De Vacaciones Con Chris!!!

Dakota Johnson's new superhero movie bombed at the box office -- but she's not trippin' ... 'cause the water in Mexico is fine, especially with her boyfriend right next to her.

The actress stripped down to a white halter neck-style swimsuit as she cooled off with her man Chris Martin in the beachy waters of Puerto Vallarta Sunday -- continuing her IDC tour by proving not even a major film flop was gonna ruin her good time.

The couple could be seen recharging on a sunlounger ... before Dakota dried off with a towel after a refreshing dip in the ocean.

Now, some may argue that DJ, perhaps, fled to Mexico to avoid all the 'MW' noise after it tanked this weekend. However, given her unbothered promo tour -- where she even admitted she hadn't watched the film much to the dismay of comic book fans -- something tells us she probably didn't even register how poorly it was received ... by fans and critics alike.

Safe to say ... Dakota didn't really put her best foot forward promoting the film -- at least on the face of it -- and the figures speak for themselves. Whether she's to blame for any of it though ... well, that's anyone's guess.


The running total for the six-day holiday weekend -- beginning Valentine's Day and ending on President's Day -- was just $25.8 million domestically and about the same amount globally ... definitely not up to par for a major superhero flick opening.

TMZ Studios

In fact, The Hollywood Reporter put it down as the worst opening for a Sony movie featuring Spider-Man-related characters ... and the consensus seems to be the same across the board.

In the meantime, Dakota's living her life and doing her thing ... she's probably already forgotten she was even in this dud.

Sam Mendes Listo para dirigir cuatro películas de los Beatles... Una por cada miembro

¡Alerta, fanáticos de los Beatles! Sam Mendes acaba de anunciar que dirigirá cuatro películas de la banda, cada una desde la perspectiva de cada uno de sus miembros, y se supone que todas ellas saldrán el mismo año.

El famoso cineasta fue contratado para dirigir lo que solo puede llamarse como una empresa de proporciones en el negocio del cine, es decir, hacer cuatro largometrajes de un Beatle diferente: Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon y George Harrison.

Sony es el estudio detrás de todo esto, es decir, quien va a financiar y distribuir las películas. Pero no solo eso: los dos Beatles vivos y las familias de los miembros que han fallecido también están a bordo.

Los 4 miembros y sus herederos le han dado a Sam y Sony los derechos sobre su vida y su música para las respectivas películas, y él explica que entrelazará sus historias a través de una intrincada red de narración para mostrar la historia completa de la legendaria banda.

Lo más loco de todo es que Sam y compañía planean estrenar las 4 películas en 2027, lo cual es una locura.

Por cierto, una empresa multimedia que los Beatles comenzaron hace mucho tiempo, Apple Corps Limited, tambiém va a ser socio en la producción, así que todos están unidos en esto.

No hace falta decir que esta sería la primera vez que los Beatles, en general, son representados en una película que no es un documental. En otras palabras, el biopic definitivo de los Beatles ha llegado.

TMZ investiga
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¡No nos decepcionen!

Sam Mendes Set to Direct 4 Beatles Movies ... POVs from Each Member

Major Beatles alert -- Sam Mendes will direct four different movies from each band member's perspective ... and all of them are apparently supposed to come out the same year.

The famed filmmaker was announced as being hired to helm what can only be called a massive undertaking in the movie biz -- namely, making four feature-length films ... with each one focused on a different Beatle, including Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon and George Harrison.

Sony is the studio getting behind this -- they'll finance and distribute these flicks -- and not just that ... but the two living Beatles and the families of the late members are all on board.

All 4 members/their estates have given Sam and Sony the life and music rights for the respective scripted films -- and what he says he'll do is intertwine all their stories in an intricate web of storytelling to bring the band's full legendary history to life on the big screen.

The craziest part ... Sam and co. plan on releasing all 4 films in 2027, which is crazy.

BTW, a multimedia company the Beatles started way back when -- Apple Corps Limited -- is going to be a partner in producing these ... so yeah, everyone's coming together for this.

It goes without saying ... this will be the first time the Beatles, at large, are depicted in a film as a unit that wasn't a doc. In other words -- the definitive Beatles biopic(s) has arrived.

TMZ Studios

Don't let us down!


Sylvester Stallone dice que no le aconseja a los actores que hagan sus propias acrobacias en el mundo del cine, y 7 cirugías deberían servir de advertencia... ¿Escuchaste, Tom Cruise?

La legendaria estrella de acción hizo la revelación en un próximo episodio de su reality show de Paramount, "The Family Stallone", donde dijo que se había sometido a más de media docena de cirugías de espalda para hacerle frente a una lesión que sufrió en el set de "The Expendables" en 2010.

Básicamente, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin -que también está en la película- estaba golpeando el cuerpo de Sly en el set, y el Sly realmente estaba absorbiendo los golpes, yendo toma tras toma tras toma.

Hice cosas estúpidas. Estaba dirigiendo "Expendables" y, como un idiota, estaba haciendo la toma diez, la toma que fuera, y recuerdo un golpe y realmente pude sentir un "bang". Steve lo sabía. Nunca me recuperé de "Expendables 1". Después de esa película, nunca volví a ser físicamente el mismo".

Sly añade: "Le he advertido a la gente... no hagas tus propias acrobacias".

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Stallone se fracturó el cuello y necesitaba una placa de metal insertado para estabilizar las cosas, y como señala en broma... su próximo papel podría ser Quasimodo en una versión del "Jorobado".

Mientras que él podría estar discutiendo en broma en su programa sobre las lesiones y cirugías son bastante graves, al parecer, los médicos de Sylvester le han dicho que podría necesitar discos artificiales en su columna vertebral inferior en la línea, y su esposa Jennifer Flavin dice en el programa que es difícil para la familia.

Donnell Rawlings Goes Ballistic on Corey Holcomb ... Laugh Factory Showdown

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Donnell Rawlings lost it on fellow comic Corey Holcomb at a comedy club this weekend -- and it all seems to have stemmed from an insult the latter hurled at DR.

This wild scene unfolded Sunday night at the Laugh Factory here in Los Angeles -- where Donnell went up to do a set ... and Corey went on after him when we're told he started hurling wild claims and barbs at Donnell and Dave Chappelle's expense.

"I'M A BEAST!!!"

Donnell tells TMZ he wasn't going to let Corey torch his close friend -- the two of them were on "Chappelle's Show" together back in the day -- so he confronted him over it.

That argument is what you see here on video, obtained by TMZ, with Donnell going absolutely ballistic on Corey -- whom you can hear calling DR "mild" and a lame funny man.

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You can also hear Corey questioning Donnell's street cred ... and Donnell was ready to defend himself and his rep -- which he did from the audience level, right in front of everybody. Indeed, it must've been pretty surreal to see play out live.

Now, Donnell claims another inflammatory comment that Corey made played into how angry he got -- namely, Corey allegedly saying that anyone in comedy who has 3 movies or more under their belt has had to perform fellatio on someone in the biz.

Corey Holcomb 5150 Show

The reason Donnell says he got as fired up -- in addition to feeling insulted and hearing his friends get insulted -- is because he has 3 movies, and he insists he's never done anything like that in his career.


BTW, this beef between Donnell, Corey and Dave runs pretty deep -- Corey recently did a podcast where he trashed DC ... and suggested he simply wasn't funny, let alone a legend.

In terms of how this ended, Donnell tells us he ended up walking away from the situation before things escalated further. However, he says he'd still like to hash things out with Corey in a more calm setting and hopefully put their differences aside.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Corey's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Sylvester Stallone Don't Do Your Own Stunts ... 7 Surgeries a Warning!!!

Sylvester Stallone says he doesn't advise actors to do their own stunts in the movie biz ... and 7 surgeries oughta serve as a warning -- you listening, Tom Cruise???

The legendary action star made the revelation in an upcoming episode of his Paramount reality show, "The Family Stallone," where he said he'd undergone more than half a dozen back surgeries to deal with an injury he suffered on the set of "The Expendables" back in 2010.

Basically, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin -- who's also in the movie -- was body-slamming Sly on set ... and the dude was actually absorbing the blows, going take after take after take.

He says, "I did stupid stuff. I was directing 'Expendables' and like an idiot I’m doing take ten, take whatever, and I remember one slam and I could actually feel one bang. Steve knew. I never recovered from Expendables 1. After that film, it was never physically the same."

Sly adds .. "I’ve warned people -- don’t do your own stunts."

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SS fractured his neck and needed a metal plate inserted to stabilize things -- and as he jokingly notes ... his next role might be Quasimodo in a 'Hunchback' flick.

While he might be discussing it in jest on his show -- the injuries/surgeries are quite serious ... apparently, Sylvester's doctors have told him he might need artificial discs popped into his lower spine down the line, and his wife Jennifer Flavin says on the show it's tough on the family.

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Anson Mount ¿Lo recuerdas?

El 2002 fue el año cumbre en la carrera del actor estadounidense Anson Mount, a sus 28 años cosechó un gran éxito en la gran pantalla junto a los grandes de Hollywood, como Britney Spears en "Crossroads" y Robert De Niro en "City By The Sea".

Del cine a la televisión, Anson interpretó a Jim Steele en la serie de la NBC "Conviction" en 2006 y protagonizó a Cullen Bohannon en la serie dramática del oeste "Hell On Wheels" en 2011.

Más recientemente, interpretó al capitán Chris Pike en la serie de Star Trek "Discovery, Short Treks" y a Black Bolt en "Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Madness".

¡Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora!

Actor Anson Mount 'Memba Him?!

At 28 years old, 2002 was a career high for American actor Anson Mount who found much success on the big screen with the big dogs in Hollywood like Britney Spears in "Crossroads" and Robert De Niro in "City By The Sea".

From movies to TV shows, Anson portrayed Jim Steele on the NBC series "Conviction" back in 2006 and starred as Cullen Bohannon on the western drama series "Hell On Wheels" in 2011.

Most recently, he played Captain Chris Pike on Star Trek's "Discovery, Short Treks" and Black Bolt in "Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Madness".

Guess what he looks like now!

Actress Cocoa Brown Georgia House Burns Down ... GoFundMe Started for Help

Cocoa Brown's home burned down in a devastating fire this week -- and her friends are now coming together to help her out ... understandable when you see the extent of the damage.

The actress/comedian -- famous from "For Better or Worse," and lots of other shows and movies -- suffered a massive blow Sunday when flames overtook her entire property in Fayetteville, GA ... where she lives with her young son, Phoenix.

In terms of how this even happened, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Cocoa believes a lit candle may have fallen into some clothes in the house -- and by the time the fire alarm went off ... CB ran to the room, but it was quickly becoming an inferno.

We're told Cocoa tried her best to put out the fire with an extinguisher she had on hand -- but the fire started overtaking the whole house ... and she had to escape while she could.

Our sources say Cocoa was able to get her kid and her pets ... and they fled the home with nothing but the clothes on their backs -- and we're told they're lucky they made it out OK.

In the aftermath ... Cocoa's loved ones have started a GoFundMe for her -- with a goal of $50,000 -- and so far, a lot of people have come out to support her during this trying time.

Cocoa is a working actress and comedian, and while she has worked A LOT -- with over 60 acting credits to her name, plus a ton of comedy specials as well -- having your house go up in flames and it becoming as damaged as it clearly did here is a major setback for her.

As the GFM rightly notes ... "Cocoa Brown has brought laughter and light to countless lives with her talent and humor. Now, it's our turn to rally around her and show our support in her time of need. Together, let's shine a beacon of hope and happiness in this time of darkness."

Here's hoping she can get back on her feet soon. 🙏

'Love Is Blind' Contestant People Say I Look Like Megan Fox ... Internet, Fiancé Disagree!!!

A contestant on "Love Is Blind" is getting dragged for saying she looks like Megan Fox ... 'cause the internet doesn't see the resemblance, and neither does her TV fiancé.

In the latest season of the hit Netflix dating show ... Chelsea Blackwell -- one of the ladies featured as moving out of the pods -- casually reveals Megan is her celeb doppelgänger ... which piques the interest of the man she's conversing with through a wall, Jimmy Presnell.

Of course, Chelsea and Jimmy can't see each other as they converse at first -- that's the whole premise behind 'LiB' -- and at one point, they start talking about their appearances when Chelsea asks Jimmy if he ever gets told he looks like a celebrity.

Jimmy says, "Yeah, I do" ... before Chelsea tells him she often gets compared to "one person" during her job as a flight attendant.

Chelsea made sure to note she doesn't see the resemblance beyond sharing dark hair and blue eyes, warning Jimmy not to get excited before saying ... "It's uh, I don't even know if it's MGK's wife or his girlfriend."

Jimmy perks up and asks ... "Megan Fox? You're saying you look like Megan Fox?" He smiles and asks Chelsea, "I mean ... can we get married?"

However, when Chelsea and Jimmy finally come face-to-face for the first time after getting engaged in their pods, he admits to the cameras ... "She definitely lied to me about some, uh, how she looked."

Now, the internet is having a field day at the couple's expense ... blasting Chelsea for bringing up the Fox comparison and ripping Jimmy for seemingly popping the question based off that alone.

Some folks are giving Chelsea the benefit of the doubt and twisting themselves into knots saying there is some resemblance -- but the general consensus online seems to be ... there's no way Chelsea is a Megan Fox look-alike, not by a long shot.

For his part, Jimmy says on the show ... "At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. I am very attracted to her. I can work with that."

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Chelsea told Access Hollywood that producers cut out Jimmy's celeb doppelgänger ... she says he told her he looks like NFL star Christian McCaffrey.

Meanwhile, the girl Jimbo ended up passing on in picking Chelsea is an absolute smoke show -- Ms. Jessica Vestal.

They're already teasing bringing her back to show Jimmy what he missed out on.

Of course, Megan Fox's name is once again being thrown around in the looks department -- only this time, people are using her as the gold standard for hotness. She hasn't said anything about the viral moment just yet ... but there's a lot of 'LiB' left to go!

BBC Host at BAFTAs Slammed as Homophobic For Andrew Scott Q About 'Saltburn'

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I Won't Spoil It

A BBC reporter is getting blasted as homophobic for grilling Andrew Scott over Barry Keoghan's nude scene in "Saltburn" -- questioning him at the BAFTA's, of all places.

BBC entertainment correspondent Colin Paterson thought it was cool to ask Andrew -- who's gay -- his reaction to Barry's naked dance sequence in "Saltburn" -- and you can see AS's uncomfortable response in the clip, which is cringe-worthy, to say the least.

Scott laughs and shakes his head at first ... trying to navigate around the awkward question by saying he doesn't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. He does play along a little though, saying the scene was great.

But, Colin kept pushing it ... continuing to say, "There was a lot of talk about prosthetics ... how well do you know him?"

The insinuation behind the question proved too much for Andrew, who quickly stepped out from the camera shot ... with CP finally registering it was "too much." It took him that long to realize??!

CP's interview with AS had people fuming online, with one person writing on X: "This is frankly disgusting. Andrew Scott is there to support his multiple nominated film and THIS is what you ask? Then when he looks visibly uncomfortable the guy carried on. Truly horrid. #BAFTAs."

Another wrote ... "This is appalling: presenter Colin Paterson "interviewing" brilliant Andrew Scott, & asking about a fellow actor's genitals (in a film Andrew is not even in). Because Andrew is also Irish, like Barry Keoghan? Because he's gay? Baffling & insulting to both of these talented actors."

The BBC has yet to respond to the criticism ... and Colin also hasn't addressed his misstep.

As for Andrew, he clearly handled the off-guard moment with grace ... especially considering he was there to promote his movie "All Of Us Strangers" ... which sadly didn't win any of the 6 noms it was up for.

Pretty crazy that this sorta thing can fly in 2024, and yet ... here we are.