Sharon Stone Los policías me protegieron durante la persecución a O.J.

Sharon Stone no tenía ninguna conexión con O.J. Simpson en 1994, pero cuando este anduvo suelto, Stone estaba encerrada y con los policías escoltándola en un hotel.

La megaestrella habló con InStyle Magazine sobre su estrellato a la fama tras el estreno de "Basic Instinct" en 1992 y dijo que fue tan famosa luego de eso que cuando O.J. estaba siendo perseguido por los policías, los agentes de Los Ángeles se presentaron en su puerta.

Según Sharon Stone mientras estaba en curso la dramática persecución, los oficiales se presentaron en su puerta y le dijeron que empacara un bolso en los próximos 10 minutos.

Stone dice que un oficial le dijo específicamente: "Él es peligroso. Y no sabemos cuán peligroso y no sabemos qué es esto".

Vale la pena señalar que Stone no tenía ninguna conexión real con Simpson, por lo que muchos se están preguntando por qué la policía se presentaría en su casa. Obviamente, Stone fue una de las mayores estrellas de cine de la época, pero cientos de famosos viven en Los Ángeles y LAPD no puede ir a todas sus casas por lo que sabemos.

Una persona que no cuestionó lo que pasaba fue Sharon Stone, quien rápidamente hizo una maleta y se fue con los oficiales que la llevaron a un hotel. Sharon dijo que su vida se había vuelto tan loca después de que "Basic Instinct" explotara, que no pensó en nada.

Le recomendaron que comprara una casa con puerta y contratara seguridad, un consejo que ella siguió y fue una de las muchas medidas caras que tuvo que pagar para estar a salvo.

Por supuesto, Simpson más tarde regresó a su casa donde, después de un largo enfrentamiento, se entregó a la policía. Fue acusado de los asesinatos de Nicole Brown Simpson y Ron Goldman, pero por supuesto, fue declarado inocente de ambos asesinatos.

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En cuanto a por qué se presentaron los policías para proteger a Stone, tal vez solo querían conocerla. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Sharon Stone Cops Protected Me During O.J. Chase ... I Was THAT Famous in '90s

Sharon Stone didn't have any connection to O.J. Simpson back in 1994 ... but when The Juice was loose, Stone was locked up tight -- with cops sequestering her in a hotel room.

The megastar actress talked about how her fame exploded after the 1992 film "Basic Instinct" came out in an interview with InStyle Magazine ... and said she was so big two years later that when O.J. took cops on a low-speed chase, LAPD officers showed up at her door.

According to SS ... while the dramatic pursuit was in progress, officers showed up at Sharon's door and told her to pack a bag in the next 10 minutes.

Stone says one officer specifically told her, "He’s dangerous. And we don’t know how dangerous, and we don’t know what this is."

Worth noting ... Stone had no actual connection to Simpson -- leading some to wonder why the police would show up to her house anyway. Obviously, Stone was one of the biggest movie stars of the time, but tons of famous people live in L.A., and LAPD didn't go to all their houses as far as we know.

One person who didn't question why the police were there ... Sharon Stone, who quickly packed a bag and left with officers who took her to a hotel. Sharon said her life had become so crazy after "Basic Instinct" blew up she didn't think anything of the protection.

They recommended she buy a house with a gate and hire some security -- advice Stone took, and one of many expensive measures Sharon said she paid for to keep herself safe.

Of course, Simpson later returned to his home where -- following a lengthy standoff -- O.J. turned himself in to police. He was charged with the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman ... but, of course, he was found not guilty of both slayings.

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As for why officers showed up to protect Stone ... maybe they just really wanted to meet her. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Bruce Willis' wife, Emma Heming, paid a heartwarming Valentine's tribute to him ... letting the actor, who is battling dementia, know that he'll always have her by his side.

"Love is a beautiful thing ❤️ Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day 🫶🏽," Emma wrote in an IG post Wednesday, which shows the 68-year-old "Die Hard" actor's face pressed up to her while posing at Niagara Falls.

She revealed in the comments it was an old school photo from March 2010, which was two years after they went public with their romance.

Emma's love for Bruce is clearly stronger than her ... proving she'll never leave his side, especially amid his grueling dementia battle. His family announced his aphasia diagnosis two years ago, and his retirement from acting.

Bruce's condition worsened exactly one year ago when he was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia.

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Emma's spoken candidly of his health ... telling 'Today' that it's "hard to know" how aware he is and he'd lost the ability to make decisions for himself -- and it looks to be taking a toll on her, too, as she's become his caretaker.

Of course, Bruce has a huge family ... and the rest of his nearest and dearest, including his ex, Demi Moore, and all of his adult children, have stepped in to help, too.

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Family always has a way of pulling through, especially when times get tough.

Kevin Costner, Christine Baumgartner Divorce Final

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner have settled their super bitter divorce and finalized the judgment ... TMZ has learned.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kevin and Christine signed a Marital Settlement Agreement, which they filed with the court. Since more than 6 months have passed since Christine filed for divorce -- the required waiting time in California -- the case is over.

Details of the settlement are not yet available, but we're told the judge validated the prenup that became a big bone of contention during the divorce.

Both parties asked for joint custody of their 3 kids, and, as you know, Christine got $63,000 a month in child support. She was asking for an eye-popping $248,000 a month, but her justification was shaky, to say the least. One of the items she put in her expense declaration -- $100,000 for cosmetic surgery. BTW, before the child support ruling, Kevin offered her $75k a month.

Kevin and Christine personally signed the document signaling the settlement, along with their respective lawyers, disso queen Laura Wasser and Marisa Beuoy.

The document also says the parties waive the typical requirement of co-parenting classes.

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Both Kevin and Christine have moved on. He's dating Jewel, and Christine is dating a friend of hers and Kevin's, Josh Connor.

Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner Finalizan su divorcio

Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner han resuelto su amargo divorcio, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Según documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kevin y Christine firmaron un acuerdo marital, que fue presentado ante el tribunal. Dado que han pasado más de 6 meses desde que Christine pidió el divorcio, el tiempo de espera que se requiere en California, el caso ha terminado.

Los detalles del acuerdo aún no están disponibles, pero nos dicen que el juez validó el acuerdo prenupcial que se convirtió en un gran objeto de discordia durante el divorcio.

Ambas partes pedían la custodia compartida de sus tres hijos y, como ya saben, Christine recibía 63.000 dólares al mes en concepto de manutención. Ella pedía 248.000 dólares al mes, pero su justificación era, como mínimo, poco convincente. Una de las cosas que puso en su declaración de gastos fue que necesitaba $100.000 para cirugías estéticas. Por cierto, antes de la sentencia final, Kevin le había ofrecido $75k al mes.

Kevin y Christine firmaron personalmente el acuerdo estipulado en el documento, junto con sus respectivos abogados, la famosa abogada Laura Wasser y Marisa Beuoy.

El documento también dice que las partes renuncian al requisito de clases de co-paternidad.

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Tanto Kevin como Christine han seguido adelante. Él está saliendo con Jewel y Christine está saliendo con un amigo de ambos, Josh Connor.

Emma Heming publica un emotivo post de San Valentín

La esposa de Bruce Willis -Emma Heming- hizo un conmovedor homenaje de San Valentín, haciéndole saber al actor que siempre la tendrá a su lado.

"El amor es algo hermoso ❤️ les deseo a todos un Feliz Día de San Valentín 🫶🏽", escribió Emma en un post de Insta el miércoles, que muestra la cara del actor de 68 años de "Duro De Matar" apretada contra ella mientras posaba en las cataratas del Niágara.

Ella reveló en los comentarios que se trataba de una vieja foto escolar de marzo de 2010, es decir, dos años después de que hicieran público su romance.

El amor de Emma por Bruce es claramente muy fuerte, demostrando que nunca se separará de su lado, especialmente en medio de su agotadora batalla contra la demencia. Su familia anunció su diagnóstico de afasia hace dos años y su retiro de la actuación.

La condición de Bruce empeoró hace exactamente un año, cuando se le diagnosticó demencia frontotemporal.

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Emma ha hablado con franqueza de su salud, diciendo en "Today" que es "difícil saber" lo consciente que es y que había perdido la capacidad de tomar decisiones por sí mismo  ahora es ella quien tomó las riendas de su cuidado.

Por supuesto, Bruce tiene una gran familia, y el resto de sus seres más cercanos y queridos, incluyendo a su ex -Demi Moore- y todos sus hijos adultos han intervenido para ayudar.

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La familia siempre sabe salir adelante, sobre todo cuando los tiempos se ponen difíciles.

Joaquin Phoenix & Lady Gaga Get Up Close And Personal ... In New 'Joker' Movie Pics

Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix celebrated their love for one another on Valentine's Day, but it's not what you might think ... their affection was only on display for the new 'Joker' movie.

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Todd Phillips, director of the upcoming "Joker: Folie 'a Deux," posted three photos on Instagram Wednesday, showing Phoenix as Arthur Fleck, better known as the infamous Joker, and Gaga as his criminal sidekick Dr. Harleen Quinzel, AKA Harley Quinn.

In the snaps, Phoenix and Gaga literally seem gaga for each other, while dressed in their costumes and makeup. The photos show them standing face-to-face and nose-to-nose, as well as slow dancing on a rooftop, during which Phoenix dips Gaga with her arm swung around his neck.

Under the photos, Phillips wrote in the caption, "Hoping your day is full of love. 10.4.24." October 4th is the film's scheduled release date.

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Last Valentine's Day, Phillips posted an IG photo of Phoenix and Gaga in their characters, apparently in the throes of maniacal sex with their red lipstick smeared across their faces. Phillips has also uploaded several other spooky images of the stars on set.

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Specific details about the forthcoming flick have been kept under wraps. Yet, based on what has trickled out so far, the sequel to the original 2019 "Joker" film should be one helluva ride.

Joaquin Phoenix y Lady Gaga Comparten nuevas fotos del "Joker"

Lady Gaga y Joaquin Phoenix celebraron su amor en el Día de San Valentín, pero no es lo que se podría pensar, su afecto solo tiene que ver con la nueva película del "Joker".

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Todd Phillips, director de la próxima película "Joker: Folie 'a Deux", publicó tres fotos en Instagram el miércoles, que muestran a Phoenix en el personaje de Arthur Fleck, más conocido como el infame Joker, y a Gaga, en el de su compañera criminal la Dra. Harleen Quinzel, alias Harley Quinn.

En las fotos, Phoenix y Gaga parecen literalmente flechados el uno por el otro, mientras lucen vestidos y maquillados en sus icónicos personajes. Ambos están de pie, cara a cara, como si estuvieran bailando un lento en una azotea.

Bajo las fotos, Phillips escribió: "Espero que su día esté lleno de amor. 10.4.24." El 4 de octubre es la fecha prevista para el estreno de la película.

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El pasado San Valentín, Phillips publicó una foto de Phoenix y Gaga en sus personajes, aparentemente en medio de una escena de sexo, con el pintalabios rojo esparcido en la cara de ambos. Phillips también ha subido otras curiosas fotos de las estrellas en el set.

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Los detalles específicos de la próxima película aún se han mantenido en secreto. Sin embargo, basándonos en lo que se ha filtrado hasta ahora, la secuela de la película original del "Joker" de 2019 debería ser un viaje infernal.

"La princesa y el sapo" alaba el cambio de temática de Disney En Splash Mountain

La estrella de "La princesa y el sapo" Jennifer Cody está encantada de que Tiana's Bayou Adventure esté tomando forma en los parques Disney, sustituyendo a la controvertida Splash Mountain tras años de protestas del público.

La actriz que interpretó a Charlotte La Bouff en la película de 2009 le dice a TMZ que está aplaudiendo a Disney por decidir finalmente mantenerse al día y reemplazar a los animatronics de Splash Mountain debido a sus temas racistas.

La atracción se basó en la película de 1946, "Song of the South", que ha sido muy criticada durante años por sus representaciones racistas de los hombres negros del Sur y su retrato del Sur de antebellum.

Por esa razón, Jennifer nos dice que ya era hora de que hiriente atracción fuera retirada.

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Su sustituta -Tiana's Bayou Adventure- abrirá sus puertas este verano en el Magic Kingdom de Walt Disney World y más adelante en el parque Disneyland de California. Se dice que los animatronics de la nueva atracción son de primer nivel, algo que encanta a Jennifer porque cree que no se apreció lo suficiente a los animadores de la primera historia de princesas negras del estudio.

Sin embargo, aunque está contenta de que Disney esté invirtiendo en historias de afroamericanos... espera que la gente en la atracción pueda ver más allá del concepto de "princesa afro" de Tiana... y se sienta inspirada para emular sus fuertes y valientes cualidades empresariales.

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Jennifer confía en que la nueva atracción sea un éxito para los fanáticos de Disney y espera que incluso supere a la atracción favorita de los fans, "Guardianes de la Galaxia". El tiempo lo dirá, pero de lo que estamos seguros es de dónde estará Jennifer este verano.


"The Princess and The Frog" star Jennifer Cody is thrilled Tiana's Bayou Adventure is taking shape at the Disney parks ... replacing the controversial Splash Mountain after years of public outcry.

The actress, who played Charlotte La Bouff in the 2009 movie, tells TMZ she's applauding Disney for finally deciding to keep up with the times and replacing Splash Mountain's animatronics due to its racist themes.

IYDK, SM was based on the 1946 film, "Song of the South," which has been heavily criticized for years for its racist depictions of Southern Black men and its portrayal of the antebellum South.

For that reason, Jennifer tells us it was about time the hateful and hurtful ride was taken down.

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Its log flume replacement, Tiana's Bayou Adventure, will open up Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom this summer and later on in the year at Cali's Disneyland Park. Animatronics for the new attraction are said to be next-level -- something that delights Jennifer 'cause she thinks the animators from the studio's first Black princess story weren't appreciated enough.

However, while she's happy Disney's investing in Black stories ... she's hoping people on the ride can look past Tiana's "Black princess" concept -- and feel inspired to emulate her strong, courageous entrepreneurial qualities.

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All in all, JC has every confidence the new ride will go down a treat for Disney fanatics ... hoping it'll even beat out the fan-favorite 'Guardians of the Galaxy' ride. Only time will tell, but one thing we know for sure is where Jennifer will be this summer!

Johnny Depp 'Bromance' with Saudi Prince MBS Reportedly Fuels New Films

Johnny Depp has a new powerful, and allegedly dangerous, friend in Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman -- and their relationship's being described as a "bromance like no other."

The seemingly odd pairing is detailed in a new profile in Vanity Fair ... which claims Johnny is getting the royal treatment over in Saudi Arabia.

MBS hosted JD in the Saudi Kingdom for nearly 2 months last year, putting Johnny up in royal palaces and transporting him in helicopters, yachts and a private plane ... according to Vanity Fair.

Unsurprisingly, it sounds like money is a huge factor in this "bromance" ... Johnny's shooting movies in Saudi Arabia as he waits on a potential 7-figure deal to make him one of the nation's global cultural ambassadors.

MBS and the Saudis have been trying to buy their way into all sorts of global industries as part of MBS' grand plan to make people overlook his country's reported human rights abuses ... and the Crown Prince has been investing big in movies.

Johnny and MBS are said to have begun their friendship in July 2022 when Depp was shooting "Jeanne du Barry," a film bankrolled by the Saudis.

They've grown closer ever since, to the point where Johnny says he felt comfortable enough to ask MBS about the killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The VF profile says MBS told Depp he didn't order Khashoggi's dismemberment, but took responsibility ... claiming he just wanted the reporter arrested because Khashoggi had become a rogue operative working to undermine the country.

Johnny definitely seems to be buying what MBS is selling in terms of a cultural revolution in Saudia Arabia.

Depp tells VF ... "Though I admit I was somewhat naïve at first to what was transpiring in the region, I’ve since experienced firsthand the cultural revolution that is happening there."

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JD added, "I've had the opportunity to meet people from various parts of the region who have been most welcoming in sharing with me their culture, their traditions, and their stories."

Saudia Arabia is also financing Depp's next crack at directing a movie ... a biopic about Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani starring Al Pacino.

There are some ties that bind here -- both men are remaking their public images ... but it seems doubtful they'd be pals if MBS weren't throwing around insane amounts of oil money.

Russell Brand Niega la denuncia de agresión sexual de una actriz... Tampoco estaba borracho!!!

Russell Brand está negando con vehemencia las acusaciones de que se emborrachó en un set de filmación y agredió sexualmente a una actriz. Dice que no hay manera de que sus afirmaciones sean ciertas, porque estaba sobrio.

En nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Russell se está defendiendo de una demanda que asegura que este expuso su pene frente a una mujer en el set de la película "Arthur" y luego la agredió sexualmente en un baño.

Russell afirma que no recuerda a la actriz que lo está demandando por el supuesto incidente de 2010, y que toda su demanda se basa en la falsa afirmación de que estaba intoxicado en el set.

Russell dice que solo estaba interpretando el papel de borracho en la película y que no había consumido drogas ni probado un sorbo de alcohol desde el 13 de diciembre de 2002, afirmando que llevaba 8 años sobrio en el momento de la supuesta agresión.

En los documentos presentados por su abogado Andrew Brettler, Russell dice que la mujer "es incapaz de distinguir la actuación de la realidad". Añade que su trabajo era "actuar como borracho y retratar a un borracho", pero que "no bebió ni un sorbo de alcohol ni consumió drogas en ningún momento durante la producción".

Como informamos, la denunciante, que está demandando como Jane Doe, afirma que antes de la supuesta agresión "parecía intoxicado, olía a alcohol y andaba con una botella de vodka en el set".

Russell dice que la botella de vodka era solo un accesorio para la película y que no contenía alcohol real.

La mujer afirma que Russell la siguió a un cuarto de baño donde la agredió sexualmente, aunque él dice que eso tampoco es cierto y alega que su memoria es "defectuosa".

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La denunciante de Russell ha afirmado que fue contratada para trabajar tres días en la película, pero que no regresó después de que ocurriera el supuesto asalto en su primer día. Russell dice que no la reconoce por su nombre o fotografía y que no recuerda ninguna interacción con ella en absoluto.

Russell Brand Denies Actress' Sexual Assault Claim ... I Wasn't Drunk Either!!!

Russell Brand is vehemently denying accusations he got drunk on a movie set and sexually assaulted an actress ... he says there's no way her claims are true, because he was sober.

In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Russell pushes back on a lawsuit alleging he exposed his penis to a woman on the set of the movie "Arthur," and then sexually assaulted her in a bathroom.

Russell claims he doesn't recall the actress who is suing him over the alleged 2010 incident, and he says her entire suit rests on the false claim he was intoxicated on set.

RB says he was just playing a drunk in the movie ... and he hasn't done drugs or had a sip of alcohol since Dec. 13, 2002 ... claiming he was 8 years sober at the time of the alleged assault.

In the docs, filed by his attorney Andrew Brettler, Russell says the woman "is unable to distinguish acting from reality." He says his job was to "act drunk and portray a drunk," but "he did not drink a sip of alcohol or consume any drugs at any time during production."

As we reported ... Russell's accuser, who is suing as a Jane Doe, claims prior to the alleged assault he "appeared intoxicated, smelled of alcohol, and was carrying a bottle of vodka on set."

Russell says the vodka bottle was just a prop for the film ... and contained no real booze.

The woman claims Russell followed her into a bathroom where he sexually assaulted her ... but he says that's not true either, claiming her memory is "faulty."

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The accuser claimed she was hired to work the movie for 3 days, but wasn't brought back after the alleged assault happened on her first day. Russell says he doesn't recognize her by her name or photograph and doesn't recall any interaction with her whatsoever.

Ben Affleck Spirited Convo with J Lo at Premiere ... During 'This Is Me... Now'

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Emotions Flare At Premiere

Ben Affleck tends to wear his emotions on his sleeves -- and he seemed to be doing exactly that at Jennifer Lopez's premiere ... where he looked a bit fired up while talking to his wifey.

The famous couple showed up in their designer duds to the Dolby Theater Tuesday night for J Lo's "This Is Me ... Now" flick/music video -- and everything seemed pretty hunky-dory at first. They posed for pics, smiled and went about their business like normal ... all smiles.

However, at some point while inside ... the mood appeared to change, and so did Ben's.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ ... J Lo and Ben were having a private convo in the lobby of the large, crowded auditorium -- and it looks like the two of them were engaged in a pretty engrossing chat, at least from Ben's side anyway ... dude had a lot to say.

Hard to say what exactly he might've been communicating here -- you could say he looks a little annoyed, but he also just comes across as spirited. Jen, meanwhile, is totally chillin'.

Eventually, she turns away and talks with others ... while Ben continues to speak with a guy.

This is Me Now

As for the movie experience itself ... everyone seemed to love it and was really into seeing J Lo's life story on the silver screen. The leading lady herself even got onstage and gave a speech, bringing herself to tears as she talked about producing the biopic, of sorts.

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"This Is Me ... Now: A Love Story" will be released Friday on Amazon Prime, along with her new album by the same name.


Ben Affleck Conversa muy animado con JLo en el estreno... De "This is me Now"

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Ben Affleck tiende a mostrar sus emociones muy abiertamente y ayer hizo exactamente lo mismo en el estreno de la nueva película de Jennifer López, donde parecía un poco encendido mientras hablaba con su esposa.

La famosa pareja apareció en el Dolby Theater el martes por la noche, vestidos con atuendos de diseñador, para el estreno de "This Is Me ... Now", de J Lo, y al principio todo parecía ir de maravilla. Ellos posaron para las fotos, sonrieron y se dedicaron a sus negocios como siempre: todo sonrisas.

Sin embargo, en algún momento mientras estaban en el interior, el estado de ánimo pareció cambiar un poco y también lo hizo el de Ben.

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ, J Lo y Ben estaban teniendo una conversación privada en el vestíbulo del auditorio, lleno de gente, y parece que los dos estaban comprometidos en una charla bastante absorbente, al menos desde el lado de Ben, pues el hombre tenía mucho que decir.

Es difícil saber exactamente lo que podría estar diciendo, se podría conjeturar que se ve un poco molesto, pero también aparece animado. Jen, mientras tanto, está totalmente relajada.

Finalmente, ella se aleja y habla con los demás mientras Ben sigue hablando con un chico.


En cuanto a la película en sí, a todo el mundo le pareció encantar y estaban realmente interesados en ver la historia de J Lo en la pantalla grande. La propia protagonista incluso subió al escenario y dio un discurso con el que se emocionó mientras hablaba de la producción de la película biográfica, o algo por el estilo.

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"This Is Me ... Now: A Love Story" se estrenará el viernes en Amazon Prime, junto con su nuevo álbum homónimo.

Taylor Swift's Ex Joe Alwyn Looking Snazzy As He Gets Into Car with Hot Actresses

Taylor Swift seems totally in love with Travis Kelce these days -- but her ex-boyfriend, Joe Alwyn, is looking pretty damn happy too ... including last night, in the company of hotties.

The British actor was attending a pre-BAFTAs dinner in London Tuesday -- where, upon exiting, the dude came across as sharp and ready to mingle ... dressed to the nines in a tux and rocking a sly smile that telegraphed pure confidence.

More interesting than his dapper appearance was who he eventually left the event with ... namely, actresses Ellie Bamber and Saffron Hocking -- who were in the same van he hopped into as they all made an exit.

As Joe piled into the vehicle ... paps fired away, and they happened to catch Saffron grinning wide and eyeing the homeboy here with a good old-fashioned once-over. Indeed ... she seems happy to see him.

From what we can gather ... he's fully moved on from T-Swift and enjoying his life across the pond with other lovely ladies, who just so happen to be in the same line of work as him.

Of course, it's interesting to see JA in such high spirits lately -- especially since Tay Tay is dropping a new album soon that just about everyone suspects will take aim at him and their relationship ... that's what the Swifties are anticipating anyway.

By most accounts, their relationship didn't end all that well ... and considering that Taylor's very much so living out loud -- especially in her new relationship with Travis -- many suspect she's happier and freer than she's ever been ... including when she was with Joe.

In any case ... Joe doesn't seem to be sweating it very much -- he's a man about town!

Taylor, meanwhile, appears all set to dredge up their past anew with another breakup album -- that's what looks to be promised, at least. Her fans eat that stuff up -- but it's a little weird ... especially since she's knee-deep with a whole new boyfriend now.

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Whatever pays the bills, we suppose!