"Danny Phantom" de David Kaufman Tom Holland ha tenido suficientes superhéroes... ¿Dupla Noah Schnapp y Billie Eilish?

David Kaufman no se está quedando callado en la conversación sobre quién debiese interpretar a Danny Phantom en una película live action y le dice a TMZ que tiene algunas ideas claras del casting.

El actor, que puso voz al personaje titular en los 53 episodios de la serie de televisión y repitió su papel en las películas posteriores y en los videojuegos, nos dijo que está a favor de que Tom Holland interprete a Danny aunque cree que con Spider-Man podría ser suficiente con los roles de superhéroes por un tiempo.

Esta es la cuestión, Butch Hartman, creador de un montón de programas de televisión para Nickelodeon en los 2000, habló recientemente con MegaCon en Orlando y dijo que si alguna vez hubiera una película de acción real de "Danny Phantom", solo querría a Tom Holland en el papel.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, "Danny Phantom" seguía a un adolescente llamado Danny Fenton que adquiría habilidades fantasmales después de que explotara un portal a otro mundo y lo convirtiera en un ser mitad humano, mitad fantasma.

Un gran pero, sin embargo, es que nada de esto ha entrado en producción o ha sido anunciado por lo que podemos decir, pero sigue siendo algo en la mente de Kaufman y piensa que Tom Holland estaría bien si él quiere hacerlo.

David señaló que Tom se dirige al West End para una producción de "Romeo y Julieta", algo que considera muy bueno para él, ya que significa un salto hacia otros papeles, distintos de los superhéroes que Holland ha interpretado hasta ahora.

Francamente, no es difícil imaginar a Tom queriendo perseguir diferentes tipos de papeles en el futuro, ya que el tipo es un tour de force de talento.

Kaufman no solo estaba contrarrestando la idea de Butch, sino que también tiene sus propias ideas para el elenco, como el actor de "Stranger Things", Noah Schnapp, como Danny y Billie Eilish como su amiga y luego amor de Sam.

David felicitó a Noah por su sentido de la comedia y piensa que ese es un gran sello del carácter de Danny, por lo que cualquier actor que lo interprete tiene que saber cómo hacer una broma. Y basta ver algunas fotos de los personajes para advertir que es un casting bastante perfecto, al menos en apariencia.

Billie no tiene mucha experiencia como actriz, pero eso nunca ha sido un problema en Hollywood. Es candidata, además, a su segundo Oscar por Mejor Canción Original, así que tal vez ella se inspire para darle una oportunidad a la actuación.

TMZ investiga
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Será mejor que alguien de Nickelodeon empiece a hacer algunas llamadas, ¡no querrán que una oportunidad como esta vuelva y los persiga!

'Danny Phantom' David Kaufman Tom Holland's Superheroed Out ... Schnapp/Eilish Power Couple?!?

David Kaufman's not going ghost on the conversation about who should play Danny Phantom in the live-action movie ... telling TMZ he's got some clear casting ideas.

The actor -- who voiced the titular character in all 53 episodes of the television show and reprised his role in subsequent movies and video games ... told us he's all for Tom Holland playing DP though he thinks Spider-Man might be all done with superheroes for a while.

Here's the deal ... Butch Hartman, creator of a whole bunch of well-known animated shows for Nickelodeon in the 2000s, recently spoke at MegaCon in Orlando and said if there ever was a "Danny Phantom" live-action movie, he'd only want Tom Holland in the role.

For those who don't know, "Danny Phantom" followed a teenager named Danny Fenton who gained ghost-like abilities after a portal to another world exploded and turned him into half-human, half-ghost.

A big if of course ... nothing like this has gone into production or even been announced as far as we can tell -- but it's still something Kaufman really put his mind to, and he decided TH is fine by him if he wants to do it.

DK pointed out Tom's headed to the West End for a production of "Romeo & Juliet" ... a fact David thinks is great for him since it's a departure from the superhero roles Holland has nailed to this point in his career.

Quite frankly, it's not difficult to imagine Tom wanting to pursue different kinds of roles moving forward either since the dude's a talent tour de force.

Kaufman wasn't just countering Butch's idea though ... he also came up with a couple casting calls of his own -- "Stranger Things" actor Noah Schnapp as Danny and Billie freakin' Eilish as his friend-turned-love-interest Sam.

David complimented Noah on his comedic timing, saying he thinks that's a huge part of Danny's character -- so any actor playing him needs to know their way around a joke. And, just look up some pics of the characters ... pretty perfect casting, at least appearance-wise.

Billie doesn't have much acting experience, but that's never stopped Hollywood before ... and she's up for her second Best Original Song Oscar, so maybe she'll be inspired to give acting a try.

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Someone from Nickelodeon better start making calls ... they wouldn't want an opportunity like this to come back and haunt them!

KANE HODDER DE "VIERNES 13" Le encanta la máscara Jason de Kanye West ¡¡¡Le ofrece una mejor!!!

El sello de calidad de Jason

Kane Hodder está molesto porque Kanye West esté usando una máscara de Jason, pero no porque no quiera ser asociado con Ye, ¡sino que porque quiere ofrecerle una mejor!

Hablamos con Kane, quien ha interpretado a Jason Voorhees en varias películas y juegos de "Viernes 13", en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles y dice que es genial ver al polémico rapero representando al legendario personaje, pero no cree que la máscara esté a la altura.

Hablándole directamente a Kanye a través de nuestra cámara, Kane le imploró que le permita darle una mejor máscara, diciendo que la que lleva puesta es "cursi" e insistió en que puede conseguirle una "bonita".

Kane dijo que incluso tiene algunas máscaras de películas en su casa, aunque parecía un poco reacio a desprenderse de ellas. Sin embargo, se hizo la idea, así que siempre y cuando Ye no se quede con ellas, él lo consideraría.

Letras controversiales

También le dio algunos consejos, como que amplíe sus ojos en el escenario cuando esté con la máscara porque realmente va a sorprender a la audiencia.

Kane también dijo que no está preocupado por las controversias en torno a Kanye. Dice que no le hace daño a la marca, sino que solo le eleva el perfil, ya que hace que las personas se acuerden de la legendaria serie de terror.

Kanye realmente ha interpretado el papel de Jason recientemente. El fin de semana pasado llegó a usar una máscara de Michael Myers durante el rodaje de un extraño video musical.

También la ha utilizado en algunas actuaciones sobre el escenario e incluso casualmente alrededor de Los Ángeles, como cuando recientemente se detuvo en uno de los partidos de baloncesto de su hijo Saint con ella puesta.

Y es una buena cosa que Kane no esté preocupado de que Ye manche la imagen, porque su nuevo álbum "Vultures" recibió un lanzamiento suave el viernes y comenzó una tormenta de fuego absoluta en línea

Ye hizo más referencias a los judíos e incluso nombró a Taylor Swift. No es una disidencia directa, pero incluso menciona su nombre, lo que llevó a los Swifties a golpear contra la pared dada su complicada historia.

Y en la portada del álbum está usando la máscara de hockey junto a su esposa Bianca Censori, quien aparece básicamente desnuda, por lo que el estilo va a ser asociado con Kanye durante mucho tiempo.

Ye también está siendo acusado por múltiples artistas y sus herederos por utilizar samples de sus canciones sin permiso. No está claro si estas reclamaciones pretenden perseguirlo.

TMZ investiga
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Dicho todo esto, EL Jason Voorhees está apoyando que Ye use la máscara, por lo que el rapero puede esconder su mirada durante mucho tiempo por delante.

'Friday the 13th' Kane Hodder Loves Kanye Rockin' the Jason Mask ... Offers Him a Better One!!!



5:12 PM PT -- Kane may want to hold on to his masks for now ... 'cause Ye's seemingly moved off the whole Jason theme already. He just posted a new version of his album cover to IG -- and he blacked out the mask!

Kane Hodder's upset about Kanye West wearing a Jason mask ... not because he doesn't want to be associated with Ye -- 'cause he wants to get him a better one!

We spoke with Kane -- who has played Jason Voorhees in several "Friday the 13th" movies and games -- at LAX and he says it's great to see the controversial rapper repping the legendary character, but he doesn't think the mask is up to snuff.

Speaking directly to Kanye through our camera, KH implored KW to let him give the rapper a better mask, calling the one he's wearing "cheesy" and insisting he could hook Ye up with a "nice" one.

Kane said he's even got a few movie-worn masks at his house ... though he seemed a bit reluctant to part with one of those. However, he came around to the idea a bit -- so long as Ye doesn't piss him off by trying to keep it, he said he'd consider it.


He also gave some advice to Kanye ... telling him to really widen his eyes onstage when in the mask -- 'cause it'll really shock the audience.

Kane said he's not worried about any controversy surrounding Kanye ... he says it doesn't hurt the brand -- instead saying it just raises the profile because it makes people remember the legendary horror series.

Kanye's really played into the Jason mask style recently ... even going as far as to wear it over a Michael Myers mask during a bizarre music video shoot just last weekend.

He's also worn it onstage during performances and even just casually around Los Angeles ... like when he recently pulled up to one of his son Saint's basketball games with it on.

And, it's a good thing Kane's not worried about Ye tainting the mask ... 'cause his new album "Vultures" received a soft rollout Friday and started an absolute firestorm online.

Ye made more references to Jewish people and even name-dropped Taylor Swift -- not an outright diss, but even mentioning her name drove Swifties up the wall ... given their complicated history.

And, on the album's cover ... Ye's in the hockey mask, and his wife Bianca Censori basically naked, so the look's gonna be associated with Kanye for a long time to come.

Ye's also being accused of multiple artists and their estates of using samples from their songs without permission ... unclear if these claims will come back to haunt him.

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All that said ... THE Jason Voorhees is signing off on Ye using the mask -- so, Ye may lean into the look for a long time to come.

Originally Published -- 1:06 PM PT

Jada Pinkett Smith Dos hombres subieron a su balcón Ella los asustó!!!

Jada Pinkett Smith tuvo un aterrador incidente en su casa de Los Ángeles a principios de esta semana: la policía dice que dos hombres se subieron a su balcón mientras ella estaba dentro.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los hombres con capuchas intentaron entrar poco antes de las 8 PM pensando que no había nadie en la casa, pero que se asustaron cuando la presentadora de "Red Table Talk" los vio.

La policía se dirigió a la escena, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que los sospechosos se habían ido y no estaban en ninguna parte.

No está claro si Jada era el objetivo o si solo era una banda golpeando casas bonitas alrededor de la zona de Los Ángeles.

Nos dicen que los oficiales hicieron un informe de intento de robo y el caso está bajo investigación.

Jada ha estado separada de su marido Will desde hace unos años, y aunque todavía están en muy buenos términos, especialmente después de la bofetada de los Oscar, es muy poco probable que estuviera con ella en el momento del robo.

TMZ investiga
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La policía dice que no está claro si ella estaba acompañada de otra persona en el momento o estaba completamente sola.

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Sobre la bofetada en la cara...

La casa de la actriz es la última de una serie de robos en Los Ángeles, entre ellos la estrella de "El Juego del Calamar" Lee Byung-hun, la actriz Lena Waithe, la modelo Abigail Ratchford, y el icono de Hollywood Keanu Reeves.


Jada Pinkett Smith had a terrifying incident go down at her Los Angeles Area home earlier this week -- cops say two men climbed onto her balcony while she was inside!

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the men wearing hoodies attempted to break in a little before 8 PM thinking the coast was clear -- but we're told they were scared off when the "Red Table Talk" host saw them.

Police responded to the scene ... but our sources say the suspects had long taken off and were nowhere to be found.

Unclear if Jada was the target or if this was just a crew hitting nice homes in and around the L.A. area.

We're told deputies took an attempted burglary report ... and the case is now under investigation.

Jada's been separated from hubby Will for a few years now, and though they're apparently still on pretty good terms, especially in the aftermath of that Oscars slap, it's highly unlikely that he was with her at the time of the break-in.

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Cops say it's unclear whether she had other company at the time ... or was alone.

Speaking of being alone, Jada said last year she and Will would eventually move back in together. That clearly hasn't happened yet.

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The actress' home is the latest in a series of break-ins in Los Angeles, with "Squid Game" star Lee Byung-hun, actress Lena Waithe, model Abigail Ratchford, and Hollywood icon Keanu Reeves among the recent victims.

Glen Powell and Johnny Manziel We're Amigos!!! Party Together In Scottsdale

in the club

New Hollywood bromance alert ... Glen Powell and Johnny Manziel are apparently buddies, because they partied their faces off together in the desert.

TMZ obtained video of Glen and Johnny hanging out last night at Casa Amigos Tacos and Tequila in Scottsdale, where Johnny Football had a VIP section.

Folks who were there say Johnny was already in the club when Glen showed up and joined the group.

We're told this wasn't a coincidence ... Johnny and Glen clearly planned to hang out, and their group of about a dozen were mostly hot chicks.

As you can see, Glen is chatting up a woman in one of the videos ... and we're told they stayed close throughout the night.

Johnny meanwhile, was talking to several different ladies ... and we're told there was no drama and everyone seemed to be in good spirits, with JM and GP partying for at least a few hours.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Glen was in town to play golf in Wednesday's Pro-Am at the WM Phoenix Open ... Johnny wasn't golfing, but he's never turned down a good time.

It's an interesting pairing ... Johnny won the Heisman Trophy at Texas A&M and Glen studied at the University of Texas at Austin before heading to Hollywood. The schools are big rivals, but it's more of a big brother-little brother type deal.

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No word who picked up the tab.


Taylor Swift's ex-BFs usually serve as inspo for her songs ... but one particular track from her upcoming album shouts out a famed silent film actress -- whose family is loving it.

TayTay's song, 'Clara Bow,' is one of the cuts featured on her forthcoming 'Tortured Poets Department' album -- and fans were rife with excitement/speculation over what it could mean ... as there are many ways to interpret this.

Clara was one of the first movie stars of her day back in the 1920s -- and she also got a ton of media attention/scrutiny ... which ended in tragic fashion (more on this later).

Anyway, because of the historical significance ... many have taken this song to be an important on 'TPD' -- but either way ... Clara's real-life descendants are incredibly appreciative of the spotlight T-Swift is shedding on their ancestor.

Clara's great-granddaughter Brittany Grace Bell tells TMZ ... their family is hoping the attention from the pop idol can highlight Clara's many accolades and talents -- rather than the media scrutiny and gossip she was subjected to during her career.

We're told TS's team never got in contact with her family over the song ... but Brittany says she'd love to connect with them to find out exactly what prompted the track's name and get more of the backstory. She's absolutely over the moon about it ... she'd like to link up.

As for her own theory, BGB tells us she thinks TayTay can relate to her legendary great-grandmother 'cause she's a modern-day "IT girl," and Clara was the original "It" girl.

Brittany also addresses fan speculation that Taylor may have dropped a major Easter Egg of the musical tribute with her recent Grammys look.

People noticed TS wore a necklace similar to the one Clara was photographed wearing back in the day -- leaving Brittany fascinated over whether Clara actually inspired the outfit.

As for all the attention she's now receiving, Brittany tells us she thinks Clara would be thrilled to see her family name live on and have a new generation hear her story/learn about her life.

While Brittany says she hopes the reaction is positive, she says we'll just have to wait and see what the song's lyrics are like before she can make any further judgments.

We should mention ... Clara's life was challenging -- with issues ranging from mental health struggles and beyond -- and many look back on her story as a cautionary tale, which is why Taylor invoking her name has piqued curiosity ... as many see it as ominous commentary.

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In any case ... the door's open from the Bow family if Taylor wants to chat.

Barry Keoghan Keeps Mum on His Valentine ... Amid Carpenter Romance


Barry Keoghan is keeping his relationship status a closely guarded secret ... refusing to say if rumored GF Sabrina Carpenter is his Valentine -- even though we all know the deal.

We talked to BK out in Los Angeles Thursday afternoon and -- in between doling out signatures and taking selfies with a bunch of fans -- we asked Barry if he had a Valentine, specifically Carpenter, this year ... and he gave us something of a non-answer answer.

Check out the vid ... Barry doesn't answer the question and instead simply repeats the questions with a mischievous grin on his face -- before posing for another selfie and taking off down the alley.

He doesn't flat-out deny having a Valentine ... so, it seems his rumored romance with Sabrina's still going strong. A number of outlets are reporting the pair got nice and cozy at a post-Grammys bash earlier this week.

As we reported ... Barry and his ex-wife Alyson Kierans reportedly split in 2023 about a year after welcoming son Brando together. Keoghan seemingly confirmed the news during an interview GQ published last month.

The couple's been spotted out a few times together in previous months ... with paps catching them on a dinner date in Brentwood in early December and fans taking some quick pics at an interactive museum in L.A. in January. They've also posed together at events ... so the cat's outta the bag, really. You'd never be able to tell from BK's response to us though!

We also asked Barry Keoghan if he wants a bathwater-scented candle created in his honor, like the one made for his pal and costar Jacob Elordi based on their iconic and disturbing bathtub scene in "Saltburn" ... and Keoghan jokes he hopes to reach that milestone one day!

It appears Barry's love life is staying in the zipped-lips realm for now ... though his tongue-in-cheek body language may be another indication he's going steady with Sabrina.

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Happy Valentine's Day, you two!

Ben Affleck Pissed at Britney Spears Question ... Won't Dish on Alleged Kiss


Ben Affleck's not taking questions about the alleged kiss he shared with Britney Spears ... with even the mention of the moment putting him in a seemingly sour mood.

The actor was walking down the street in Santa Monica Friday when a photog fired a question at him in Spanish ... a language in which Ben's pretty much fluent, and it sure seems like he fully understood this question.

Check out the vid ... Ben's face breaks into a big grin when he hears the pap greet him in Spanish -- possibly excited at breaking out his bilingual skills -- but then he quickly gets, "Is it true what Britney Spears said about you that you and she shared a kiss??"

Once the full question is out, Ben's expression totally changes ... smile gone and exasperatedly shaking his head as he walks swiftly to his car and drives off.

BA's clearly not happy about having this question directed at him ... all triggered by one of Britney's social media posts.

As we previously reported ... BS shared a throwback snap of herself with Ben and legendary songwriter Diane Warren, and claimed she made out with Ben on the same night the photo was taken back in 1999.

She also implied a lot more happened before they locked lips, but didn't share exactly what she meant by that with fans.

The comment raised a lot of eyebrows ... after all, Britney just released her memoir packed full of bombshell revelations -- so it's odd she seemed to have left this out. She's claiming she completely forgot about it which seems unlikely, to say the least.

She later took down the post -- an added layer of drama -- but it appears that move isn't quelling interest in what is, at this point, just a rumor she's created.

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They can keep asking, but Ben's lips are firmly sealed on this one.

Brad Pitt "Hangover" me hizo creer en Bradley ... Le da un premio a Cooper

Brad Pitt sabía que Bradley Cooper iba a ser una estrella, no por las actuaciones que le valieron nominaciones al Oscar, sino que por un papel más cómico.

El actor de 60 años subió al escenario del Festival Internacional de Cine de Santa Bárbara el jueves para darle a su compadre de 49 años el Premio al Mejor Intérprete del Año por su papel de Leonard Bernstein en "Maestro", una película que también dirigió y co-escribió.

Fue un gran honor para el evento y le dio a Brad Pitt la oportunidad de hablar sobre el trabajo de Cooper en el tiempo, incluyendo el momento en que supo que iba a ser grande.

Por cierto, "Maestro" es la quinta actuación por la que Cooper recibe una nominación al Premio de la Academia, pero Pitt no hizo alusión a ninguna de esas actuaciones, en su lugar se deshizo en elogios por su papel en "The Hangover".

Pitt señaló las sutiles complejidades de la actuación de Cooper y cómo el actor mejoró la película desde el lado de la pantalla en un sentido. ¡Bastante impresionante para una película cuyo uno de sus personajes principales es un tigre!

El ganador del Oscar no solo habló de "The Hangover". También se refirió a la actuación de Cooper en "A Star is Born" y su rol de director, señalando cómo Bradley logró de alguna manera equilibrar sus escenas emocionales bebiendo con su capacidad para tener un ojo en el equipo y asegurarse de que estaba recibiendo la toma perfecta.

Brad añadió: "Hacer eso muy, muy bien es poco menos que perfecto".

Esperemos que la Academia piense lo mismo. Cooper es candidato a Mejor Actor por su papel en "Maestro" en los Oscar de este año.

TMZ investiga
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Y si no logra ningún premio, Bradley siempre puede pensar en hacer "The Hangover Part IV", ¡parece que a Brad le encantaría!

Brad Pitt 'Hangover' Made Me Believe in Bradley ... Gives Cooper Award

Brad Pitt knew Bradley Cooper was gonna be a star ... not because of his Oscar-nominated performances -- but because of a more comedic role.

The 60-year-old actor hit the stage at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival Thursday to give his 49-year-old compadre the Outstanding Performer of the Year Award for his part as Leonard Bernstein in "Maestro" -- a movie he also directed and co-wrote.

It's a top honor at the event ... and it gave BP the opportunity to talk about Cooper's work through the years -- including the moment he knew BC was gonna be big.

"Maestro" is the fifth performance for which Cooper received an acting Academy Award nod BTW ... but Pitt didn't point to any of those performances -- instead he heaped praise on Cooper for his role in "The Hangover."

Pitt pointed out the subtle intricacies of Cooper's performance -- saying so many of the moments Cooper makes great have very little to do with him ... improving the film from the side of the screen in a sense. Pretty impressive for a movie where one of the main characters is a tiger!

The Oscar-winner didn't just talk about "The Hangover" though ... he also brought up Cooper's "A Star is Born" performance and direction -- noting Cooper somehow balanced emotional drunk acting scenes while also keeping an eye on the crew to make sure he's getting the perfect shot.

Brad added, "To do that really, really well is nothing short of perfect."

Hopefully, the Academy feels the same way ... Cooper's up for Best Actor for his role in the movie at this year's Oscars -- an award he's 0-for-3 on so far.

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And -- if it doesn't work out -- Bradley can always look into making "The Hangover Part IV" ... seems like Brad would love it!

Jonathan Majors & Megan Good Living Together in the Big Apple ... After Cross-Country Trip

Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good are still going strong after his assault trial conviction ... and they've even bonded further while living in NYC, and taking a cross-country road trip together.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... they're easy to spot around lower Manhattan's Greenwich Village, where they're constantly walking their dog.

Not only that, but our sources say the couple's been, basically, inseparable -- although we're told Meagan's going back to work on the TV show "Harlem" next week ... so, they'll probably be spending a bit more time apart.

MG and JM haven't been spotted out together in a while, BTW ... photogs last snapping them in public way back in December, but there seems to be a good reason for that -- they were recently out on the open road, driving coast-to-coast.

We're told the pair drove all the way from L.A. to NYC, with a quick pit stop in Dallas to see Majors' mother, Terri ... to whom Meagan got close during Jonathan's trial.

The couple just got back to New York within the last week.

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It's not surprising they've kept a low profile over the past couple months ... all eyes were on Meagan and Jonathan during the trial which ended with the jury finding him guilty on one count of reckless assault in the third degree and one count of harassment. He was acquitted on 2 other charges.

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As Majors himself told us, he's relying a lot on God and faith in the aftermath of his conviction and leading up to his sentencing in April.

Seems he's relying a lot on Meagan, too.

Jonathan Majors y Meagan Good "inseparables"

Jonathan Majors y Meagan Good siguen juntos después de su condena de juicio por asalto, y a pesar de que viven en Nueva York, están en medio de un viaje por la carretera a través del país juntos.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que son fáciles de detectar en torno a Greenwich Village del Bajo Manhattan, donde están constantemente paseando a su perro.

No solo eso, nuestras fuentes nos informan que la pareja ha sido inseparable, aunque nos dicen que Meagan va a volver a trabajar en el programa de televisión "Harlem" la próxima semana, por lo que probablemente, van a pasar un poco más de tiempo separados.

Meagan y Jonathan no han sido vistos juntos por un tiempo. fotógrafos última instantánea de ellos en público camino de vuelta en diciembre, pero parece que hay una buena razón para que - que fueron recientemente en la carretera, la conducción de costa a costa.

Nos dicen que la pareja condujo todo el camino desde Los Ángeles a Nueva York, con una parada rápida en Dallas para ver a la madre de Majors -Terri- a quien Meagan se le acercó durante el juicio de Jonathan.

La pareja acaba de regresar a Nueva York durante la última semana.

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No es de extrañar que han mantenido un perfil bajo los últimos meses, todos los ojos estaban puestos en Meagan y Jonathan durante el juicio que terminó con el jurado declarándolo culpable de un cargo de asalto imprudente en tercer grado y un cargo de acoso. Fue absuelto de otros dos cargos.

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manteniendo la fe

Como el propio Majors nos dijo, está confiando mucho en Dios... Recordemos que debe asistir a su condena en abril.

Parece que también confía mucho en Meagan.

Hija de Don Rickles Quiere que "Toy Story 5" use la voz de su padre ¡¡Pero aléjense de la IA!!

Don Rickles no puede grabar nuevas líneas para "Toy Story 5", pero su hija espera que Disney tenga más audios archivados de su padre que puedan utilizar, pues quiere que este aparezca en la película ... ha averiguado TMZ.

Por si no lo saben, el miércoles se anunció que la quinta entrega de la película animada tiene fecha de lanzamiento para el 2026. Aún no tenemos detalles del elenco, pero Rickles, quien interpretó al Sr. Cara de Papa en las primeras cuatro entregas, falleció en 2017.

Hablamos con Mindy Rickles, la hija del fallecido actor y comediante, quien nos dice que Disney o Pixar aún no se ha comunicado sobre un plan para usar la voz de Don, lo cual es interesante teniendo en cuenta que el Sr. Cara de Papa es un personaje clave en el filme.

De hecho, Mindy tiene tan poca información que ni siquiera sabía que se había anunciado una "Toy Story 5" y no tiene ni idea si planean usar su voz o la refundición de MPH.

Con eso dicho, Mindy nos dice que le da permiso a la franquicia para utilizar la voz de su padre a través de imágenes que podrían haber dejado y escondido en la bóveda durante los años. Pero tiene que ser realmente su padre porque no le parece el uso de la IA.

Este no es un concepto nuevo. "Toy Story 4" se estrenó en 2019, unos dos años después de la muerte de Don y él no había grabado una sola línea para la película en ese momento.

El equipo se puso creativo y seleccionó líneas no utilizadas de las tres primeras películas, parques temáticos, videojuegos asociados e incluso para el espectáculo "Disney On Ice: Toy Story" para reconstruir su parte. Eso es exactamente lo que Mindy quiere que ocurra ahora.

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No está claro exactamente cuánto más diálogo podría tener Disney de Don, pero con la muerte de la actriz que interpretaba a la Sra. Cara de Papa, Estelle Harris, en 2022, los creativos detrás de "Toy Story" podrían solo decir que la pareja se fue con otra familia, como pasó con Wheezy el pingüino y Bo Peep entre la segunda y tercera película. Por supuesto, también podrían conseguir nuevos actores de doblaje.

Veremos qué camino toma Pixar, pero Mindy lo deja claro: la compañía siempre tendrá un amigo en la familia Rickles, y espera que el sentimiento sea mutuo.

Don Rickles' Daughter Wants 'Toy Story 5' to Use Dad's Voice ... But Keep AI Away!!!

Don Rickles can't record new lines for "Toy Story 5" -- but his daughter's hoping Disney has more archived audio to use, 'cause she wants her dad in the flick ... TMZ has learned.

ICYMI ... the fifth installment of the beloved animated franchise got a 2026 release date, announced Wednesday. We don't have cast details yet, but Rickles -- who played Mr. Potato Head in the first four installments of the franchise -- passed away in 2017.

We spoke to Mindy Rickles -- the daughter of the late great actor and comedian -- and she tells us ... Disney or Pixar has not yet reached out about a plan to use Don's voice, which is interesting considering Potato Head is a huge character in the franchise.

In fact -- MR was so in the dark, she says, that she didn't even know "Toy Story 5" was announced ... and doesn't have a clue if they plan on using his voice, or recasting MPH.

With that said ... Mindy tells us she's giving the franchise two thumbs up to use her dad's vocals via footage they might have left over and stashed away in the vault over the years -- but it's gotta really be him ... because she says AI's a no-go for her.

This isn't a new concept ... "Toy Story 4" came out in 2019 -- about two years after Don passed away and he hadn't recorded a single line of dialogue for the movie at the time.

The 'TS4' team got creative and cherry-picked unused lines he recorded for the first three movies, theme parks, associated video games, and even the 'Disney On Ice: Toy Story' show to piece together his part. That's exactly what Mindy tells us she wants to happen now.

TMZ Studios

It's unclear exactly how much more dialogue Disney might have from Don ... but with Mrs. Potato Head actress Estelle Harris' death in 2022, the creatives behind 'Toy Story' might just say the couple's moved on to another family -- like Wheezy the singing penguin and Bo Peep between the second and third movies. Of course, they could just get new voice actors too.

We'll see what route Pixar takes, but Mindy's making it clear ... the company will always have a friend in the Rickles fam, and she's hoping the feeling's the same.