Brad Pitt Allegedly 'Volatile' on 'LOTF' Set ... So Claims Director in Book

Brad Pitt was a young and restless actor on the set of "Legends of the Fall" way back in the '90s -- so claims the director of that film ... who's painting BP as passionate to a fault.

Edward Zwick -- who helmed the famed romance epic -- which launched Brad into orbit as a heartthrob hunk and a mainstream A-list actor -- has this new book coming out called "Hits, Flops, and Other Illusions: My Fortysomething Years in Hollywood."

Vanity Fair obtained some excerpts from the forthcoming memoir ... and there's a fair amount of writing about Brad, who was the lead star of the movie as one of the Ludlow brothers, the free-spirited and wild-hearted Tristan.

As it turns out ... the character and the man playing him might've not been so different -- at least according to Zwick, who says Brad could be "volatile when riled" while they were shooting. Even from the jump EZ claims Brad wanted to quit after just the first table read.

Once they were able to get Brad to stay on, they would often clash when it came to getting the best takes out of Brad -- not to mention what each of them wanted from the character ... especially when it came to showing different sides of himself as an actor.

He writes that Brad would "get edgy whenever he was about to shoot a scene that required him to display deep emotion." Zwick says he wanted Brad to express himself more in portraying Tristan -- but he says Brad would challenge him and push back.

Zwick then says he once gave an acting instruction to Brad in front of the crew, and that they got into a heated argument ... which Zwick describes this way, "I don’t know who yelled first, who swore, or who threw the first chair. Me, maybe? But when we looked up, the crew had disappeared. And this wasn’t the last time it happened. Eventually, the crew grew accustomed to our dustups and would walk away and let us have it out."

In the end, they were able to work past their creative issues and finish the film -- with Zwick ending on a positive note about Brad ... calling him "forthright, straightforward" and "capable of great joy." Frankly, that's exactly what Tristan Ludlow himself was like!

It's also pretty funny that Zwick feels like Brad wasn't emoting enough on camera -- fact is, if you've seen this movie, you know Brad goes balls to the wall as a thespian ... and there are a lot of tears shed by his character.

The way Zwick characterizes things now -- makes you wonder if we only saw the raw emotion Brad showed on the big screen because the director truly pushed him to let it out.

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We've reached out to Brad's team for comment ... so far, no word back.

'Love & Hip Hop's' Mona Scott Young Issa Rae Going Indie Is Best Move For Sake of Black Audiences


Issa Rae's jump into independent filmmaking is something more Black creators might have to explore ... according to Mona Scott-Young, who says it's all about maximizing your value!!!

We spoke to the "Love & Hip Hop" architect as she was shimmering outside of Clive Davis' pre-Grammy party, and she was confident Issa would continue to be a powerhouse in Hollywood, one way or another.

Issa recently predicted a doomsday for future Black programming on major TV networks after her HBO series "Rap Sh!t" got canceled ... publicly accusing studios for making Black shows less of a priority.

Several shows geared towards Black audiences -- "Southside," "A Black Lady Sketch Show," "The Game" reboot, and Issa's other HBO series, "Sweet Life: Los Angeles" all recently got the axe ... so, it feels like a shift is real.

Mona has operated several variations of 'L&HH' with VH1 for over a decade, so her experience with big wig execs isn't necessarily the same -- but she says if Issa needs to go indie to get the job done, then so be it!!!


When we asked Vivica A. Fox about this very subject, the actress could only speak positively of her travels through Tinseltown, so there are plenty of different perspectives hovering around the testy topic.

You can play the cards you're dealt, or in Issa's case, buy a new deck!!!

Jonathan Majors Sentencing Hearing Delayed Lawyers Want Verdict Set Aside

Jonathan Majors was supposed to learn his fate today -- but the matter got kicked down the road ... because his team is asking a judge to vacate the conviction entirely.

The actor's sentencing hearing was scheduled for Tuesday, but instead of him showing up to hear what sort of punishment he'd be facing after being found guilty of assault and harassment ... the judge in his case continued sentencing for a whole 2 months.

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Jon's next hearing is scheduled for April 8 -- and the reason is because his legal team filed some last-minute motions that they want heard and considered first before then.

The motion in question ... we're told his team is asking to set aside the verdict that came down in December, when a jury found him guilty of two counts, but not the other 2 -- which were far more serious. Remember, he was convicted of reckless assault in the 3rd degree and harassment.

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Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Jonathan's lawyers feel like they have several grounds for their motion to be granted -- including insufficient evidence presented at trial, inconsistent charges, and the idea that prosecutors pursuing a "reckless" theory was BS.

Long story short ... we're told JM's team believes prosecutors argued that the assault was intentional throughout the trial ... but then they ended up giving the jury instructions about convicting him for a "reckless" assault -- offering up a separate option for a potential conviction on something they weren't really arguing throughout the course of the trial.

That's why his lawyers believe presenting the "reckless" assault to the jury wasn't justified, and should've never been on the table at all. Bottom line ... Jon's team doesn't feel like he got a fair shake, and because of that -- they're asking the judge here to throw out the verdict.

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The judge will presumably rule on his team motion, and on sentencing as well in April.

Gina Carano demanda a Disney por el despido de "Mandalorian" Y Elon Musk la apopya

Gina Carano ha demandado a Disney por su despido de "The Mandalorian", alegando que fue castigada por no seguir la línea de un partido político... y Elon Musk la apoya.

La actriz -que fue despedida por la Casa del Ratón en 2021- justo en la crisis del COVID- acaba de presentar una demanda contra su ex empleador, alegando que fue despedida injustamente por publicar sus opiniones políticas en redes sociales, algo que ella afirma que no le pasó a sus compañeros de trabajo masculinos que hicieron publicaciones similares.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Carano afirma que fue despedida por no ajustarse a la "ortodoxia progresista" de la empresa y en el público en general, especialmente en lo que respecta a las políticas del COVID en ese momento.

En concreto, Gina dice que lo que enfadó a Disney fue un mensaje que publicó y que hacía referencia a la persecución de los judíos durante el Holocausto, comparando ese escenario con lo que estaba ocurriendo con la gente que hablaba de COVID y otras posturas de tendencia conservadora.

Mientras que la compañía salió en su momento a criticarla por lo que dijeron era "denigrar a las personas en función de sus identidades culturales y religiosas", Carano dice que su publicación en las redes sociales no tenía esa intención en lo absoluto y que se perdió el contexto de lo que quería decir.

Y lo que es más importante, Gina afirma que Disney no la despidió por su rendimiento, sino simplemente por expresar opiniones políticas que se consideraban impopulares y contrarias a las de Disney... y Gina dice que eso era ilegal.

Lo que es más, Gina dice que otros coprotagonistas masculinos suyos también hicieron comentarios políticamente incendiarios en línea en ese momento -como cuando Mark Hamill fue acusado de publicar un tuit transfóbico- pero Disney aceptó sus explicaciones y siguió adelante.

En resumen, Carano afirma que su carrera se vio afectada negativamente y que perdió un montón de dinero, teniendo en cuenta que su trabajo iba viento en popa antes de que las cosas dieran un giro político. Ella está demandando por daños y perjuicios no especificados.

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Por cierto, Elon y X están financiando esta demanda. Un representante de X dice: "Como muestra del compromiso de X Corp con la libertad de expresión, estamos orgullosos de proporcionarle apoyo financiero a la demanda de Gina Carano, permitiéndole buscar la reivindicación de sus derechos de libertad de expresión en X y la capacidad de trabajar sin intimidación, acoso o discriminación".

Gina Carano Sues Disney for 'Mandalorian' Firing ... Elon Musk Funding Suit

Gina Carano is suing Disney over her firing from "The Mandalorian" -- claiming she was punished for not toeing the political party line ... and Elon Musk's backing her.

The actress -- who got canned by the Mouse House in 2021, right in the thick of COVID -- just filed suit against her former employer ... alleging she was wrongfully terminated from her job over posting her political views on social media ... something she claims didn't happen to her male co-workers who made similar posts.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Carano claims she was fired for not conforming to "progressive orthodoxy" that was being espoused at the company and in the general public, especially as pertained to COVID policies at the time.

Specifically, Gina says a message she reposted that referenced persecution of Jews during the Holocaust -- comparing that scenario to what was going on with folks who spoke out about COVID and other conservative-leaning positions -- was what pissed Disney off.

While the company came out at the time to slam her for what they said was "denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities" ... GC says her social media post wasn't meant that way whatsoever, and that the context of what she was getting at got lost.

More importantly, Gina claims Disney didn't fire her over performance -- but simply for expressing political views that were considered unpopular and antithetical to Disney's ... and Gina says that was a legal no-no.

What's more, Gina says other male costars of hers also made politically inflammatory comments online at the time -- including when Mark Hamill was accused of liking a transphobic tweet -- but Disney accepted their explanations and moved on.

Bottom line ... Carano says her career was negatively impacted, and that she lost out on boatloads of cash considering her work was going swimmingly before things took a political turn. She's suing for unspecified damages ... but we're guessing it'll be a lot.

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BTW, Elon and X are funding this lawsuit of hers -- something EM vowed to do a while back. A rep for X says, "As a sign of X Corp’s commitment to free speech, we’re proud to provide financial support for Gina Carano’s lawsuit, empowering her to seek vindication of her free speech rights on X and the ability to work without bullying, harassment, or discrimination."

Un miembro del equipo de Marvel muere en el Radford Studio Center De Los Ángeles

Un miembro del equipo falleció en un conocido estudio de cine de Los Ángeles y pasó mientras se preparaba para un espectáculo de Marvel... TMZ ha confirmado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que los socorristas fueron enviados al Radford Studio Center en Studio City el Martes a las afueras del centro de Los Ángeles en respuesta a un accidente.

Nos informan que los paramédicos llegaron al lote y se encontraron con un hombre de mediana edad que fue declarado muerto. Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que el hombre parece haber caído de la zona de las vigas en el escenario de sonido temprano en la mañana.

Según Deadline, se trataba de un trabajador que estaba preparando el set para la serie de televisión de Marvel "Wonder Man", cuya producción no está prevista que comience hasta el próximo mes. Un representante de Marvel dice: "Nuestros pensamientos y más profundas condolencias están con su familia y amigos y nuestro apoyo está detrás de la investigación sobre las circunstancias de este accidente".

"Wonder Man" está protagonizada por Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, y Destin Daniel Cretton se encargará de la producción de la serie que se estrenará en Disney+. El hombre que murió estaba encargado de la creación de luces para el set.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que hay una investigación federal en proceso... OSHA está investigando.

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La identidad de la persona aún no ha sido revelada.


Radford Studio Center Crew Member Falls to His Death in L.A. While Working on the Lot

A crew member fell to his death at a well-known movie studio in Los Angeles -- and it was while preparing for a show for none other than Marvel ... TMZ has confirmed.

Law enforcement sources tell us first responders were dispatched to Radford Studio Center in Studio City, CA Tuesday -- just outside of central L.A. -- in response to an apparent accident on a set there.

We're told paramedics arrived to sound stage 3 on the lot and came upon a middle-aged man, who was pronounced dead at the scene. Our sources tell us the man appears to have fallen from the rafters area in the sound stage ... and it happened early in the morning.

According to Deadline, it was actually a worker who was prepping a set for Marvel's "Wonder Man" TV show -- which isn't set to go into production until next month. A Marvel rep says ... "Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with his family and friends, and our support is behind the investigation into the circumstances of this accident."

"Wonder Man" is set to star Yahya Abdul-Mateen II -- with Destin Daniel Cretton set to develop the show -- which will eventually debut on Disney+. The man who died was reportedly a rigger ... somebody who deals with setting up lights on set.

Our sources tell us there's no foul play suspected at this point in the police investigation -- but we're told this has actually triggered a federal probe ... OSHA's now looking into it.

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The identity of the individual who perished has yet to be revealed.



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Hollywood moves quickly ... Teyana Taylor's addition to Paul Thomas Anderson's new movie went down just a few days ago, but she's already on set with Leonardo DiCaprio.

TMZ obtained these clips of the pair making power moves in downtown Sacramento, where they were filming scenes on Saturday.

The duo was in business attire, and getting key guidance from Anderson ... right up until cameras rolled, and they made fierce strides into a high-rise.

You can also see it's being shot on a public sidewalk in broad daylight with a significant film crew presence, so there clearly wasn't a chance for passersby to get an up-close glimpse of Leo and Teyana. Admire from a distance only!!

The movie's plot has been shrouded in secrecy, and any scenes filmed so far have been low-key ... so the corporate setting might seem like a clue about the film's premise.

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However, scenes of Leo looking worse for wear in a trench coat and disheveled beard ... shot earlier last week prove otherwise.

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TMZ also got clips of Leo shooting with Regina Hall and a younger, unknown actress at a chill NorCal diner days later ... once again, keeping us on our toes about its plot.

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Two things we do know for sure is the movie boasts a killer cast -- as if Regina, Leo and Teyana weren't enough, it's also got Sean Penn and Alana Haim ... and it's coming out in 2025.

Leonardo DiCaprio En el set con Teyana Taylor... Graban escenas juntos!!!

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En el set

Hollywood se mueve rápido, hace apenas unos días se supo que Teyana Taylor estaría en la nueva película de Paul Thomas Anderson, y ya está en el set con Leonardo DiCaprio.

TMZ obtuvo estos clips de la pareja caminando por el centro de Sacramento, donde estaban filmando escenas el sábado.

El dúo estaba vestido con trajes de negocios y recibiendo orientación clave de Anderson, antes de que las cámaras se pusieran a rodar.

También pueden notar que los actores están rodando en una vereda pública a plena luz del día con una gran presencia del equipo de filmación, por lo que claramente no hubo oportunidad para que los transeúntes pudieran ver de cerca a Leo y Teyana. ¡¡¡Admírenlos solo desde la distancia!!!

La trama de la película ha estado envuelta en secreto y todas las escenas filmadas hasta ahora han sido de bajo perfil. La única pista en torno a la película podría ser que está ambientada en un entorno corporativo.

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Sin embargo, las escenas de Leo con un aspecto desgastado en una gabardina y barba desaliñada captadas a principios de la semana pasada, demuestran lo contrario.

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Leo en acción

TMZ también obtuvo clips de Leo con Regina Hall y una actriz más joven y desconocida en un restaurante de NorCal días después, dejándonos otra vez con el misterio.

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Estrellas grabando

Dos cosas que sabemos con certeza es que la película cuenta con un elenco increíble, como si Regina, Leo y Teyana no fueran suficientes, también tiene a Sean Penn y a Alana Haim y se estrenaría en 2025.

El nuevo disco de Taylor Swift podría ser un troleo a Joe Alwyn "Tortured Man Club"

Taylor Swift podría tener una indirecta más para su ex novio -Joe Alwyn- es decir, si su nuevo álbum está relacionado con un club de chicos... y parece que es así.

Fans con ojos de águila se dieron cuenta de que el próximo proyecto de Tay Tay -que ella ha titulado "The Tortured Poets Department"- suena extrañamente similar a un grupo que Joe admitió una vez que había creado entre sus amigos en el mundo virtual, y Taylor podría estar troleándolo en su cara.

La razón por la que muchos están llegando a esa conclusión es que Joe contó este pequeño detalle hace un par de años durante una entrevista que le hizo Paul Mescal en un segmento de "Actors on Actors".

En la entrevista, Paul y Joe -que son amigos- revelaron que forman parte de un grupo de WhatsApp llamado "Tortured Man Club" (Club del Hombre Torturado)... donde, al parecer, comparten sus problemas con sus parejas. Se rieron de ello, señalando que ya no estaban tan torturados.

Esto fue durante una época en la que Paul y Joe estaban ambos en relaciones. Joe estaba obviamente todavía con Tay Tay a finales de 2022, y el propio Paul estaba saliendo con la cantante Phoebe Bridgers.

Por supuesto, el nombre de su club es una broma y suena inquietantemente similar al título del nuevo álbum de Taylor. Hay que tener en cuenta que Paul rompió con Phoebe no mucho tiempo después de esta charla con Joe (por no hablar de Joe y Taylor rompiendo), aparentemente todo está conectado.

Curiosamente, Taylor y Phoebe son mejores amigas estos días, así que sí, es una indirecta.

Mientras que sus fans se deleitan con esta nueva amistad, básicamente se viene otro álbum post-ruptura con Taylor quemando a su ex. Algunos están levantando una ceja si esta es de hecho la ruta que está siguiendo, porque ella está metida hasta las rodillas en una relación con Travis Kelce.

El hecho es que si Taylor va a utilizar un álbum entero (o una buena parte de él) para destrozar a Joe y airear sus sentimientos acerca de su ruptura -lo cual la mayoría de la gente está asumiendo- entonces hace que te preguntes... ¿cómo se sentirá Kelce al respecto?

No es el tipo de persona que se muerde la lengua, y tienes que imaginar que si le molestara, lo haría saber. Su álbum saldrá en unos dos meses, así que ya veremos que es lo que pasa.


Por cierto, recientemente nos encontramos con  la estrella de "Million Dollar Matchmaker" -Patti Stanger- y nos dieron sus impresiones acerca de Taylor y Travis, y si ella piensa que van a continuar juntos.

Resulta que Patti cree que van a terminar casándose, y compartió algunas especulaciones de como debe ser la vida sexual de la pareja. Según ella, ¡tienen muy buen sexo!

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TMZ Studios

Una cosa más Swifties... tenemos un nuevo pódcast que sale esta semana en el que tocaremos todas las cosas relacionadas a Taylor Swift, que se llama "TMZ Swift-Tea" y vamos a estar hablando todo sobre Tay Tay... TODO, lo bueno o malo.

Llegará a nuestras redes de pódcast a partir del martes seis de febrero, así que ¡atentos Swifties!

Taylor Swift New Album Might Be Riff On Ex's 'Tortured Man Club'

Taylor Swift might have one more dig for her ex-boyfriend, Joe Alwyn -- that is, if her new album is in any tied to a boy's club he admitted to have created ... and it sure seems to be.

Eagle-eyed fans noticed that Tay Tay's forthcoming project -- which she's titled "The Tortured Poets Department" -- sounds eerily similar to a group that Joe once admitted he'd created among his buddies in the virtual world ... and on its face, Taylor might be trolling it.

The reason many are jumping to that conclusion -- Joe spilled this little detail a couple years ago during an interview he did with Paul Mescal on an 'Actors on Actors' segment.

In the sit-down, Paul and Joe -- who are friends, BTW -- reveal they're part of a WhatsApp group called the 'Tortured Man Club' ... where they apparently share their woes about their significant others. They had a good laugh about it, noting they weren't so tortured anymore.

This was during a time when Paul and Joe were both in relationships -- Joe was obviously still with Tay Tay in late 2022, and PM himself was dating singer Phoebe Bridgers.

Of course, the name of their joke-y club sounds eerily similar to Taylor's new album title ... almost to a T. And considering that Paul broke up with Phoebe not too long after this chat with Joe (not to mention Joe and Taylor hitting Splitsville) ... it's all seemingly connected.

Funny enough, Taylor and Phoebe are low-key BFFs these days ... so yeah, it's a dig.

While her fans are reveling in this perceived connection -- basically, it's yet another post-breakup album with Taylor torching her ex -- some are raising an eyebrow if this is in fact the route she's pursuing ... 'cause she's knee-deep in a relationship with Travis Kelce.

Fact is ... if Taylor's gonna use a whole album (or a good portion of it) to trash Joe/air out her feelings about their breakup -- which most people assume is the case at this point -- then it makes ya wonder ... how does TK feel about that???

He's not the type to hold his tongue -- and you gotta imagine if he's bothered by it, he'd let it be known. Her album is coming out in about 2 months ... so we'll see, we suppose.


BTW, we recently ran into "Million Dollar Matchmaker" star Patti Stanger ... and we got her thoughts about Taylor and Travis, generally, and whether she thinks they'll go the distance.

As it turns out ... PS does think they'll get hitched eventually, and had some other interesting insights -- including what their sexual chemistry might be like between the sheets. According to her, they have great sex!

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One more thing we'll leave you with regarding TS -- we actually have a new podcast coming out this week that touches on all things T-Swift ... it's called "TMZ Swift-Tea" and we're going to be talking all about Tay Tay and everything that comes with her ... good or bad.

It'll hit our podcast network starting Tuesday Feb. 6 -- so keep an eye out, Swifties!

Glen Powell abandona la fiesta previa a los Grammy Con varias modelos

Glen Powell está acabando con todos esos rumores sobre Sydney Sweeney, porque en lugar de suspirar por su prometida compañera de reparto, está de fiesta con un montón de modelos.

El actor salió en Los Ángeles el sábado a una fiesta Pre-Grammys con unas cuantas damas encantadoras, y aunque no le dijo nada a los fotógrafos, dejó una gran impresión entre la multitud.

"adelante chicas"

Glen se subió a un carro de lujo con varias personas, entre ellas las modelos Sienna Raine y Sarah Hands y, si somos honestos, un par de sus acompañantes parecían absolutamente enamoradas del chico.

Basta con mirar a esas caras. Grandes sonrisas y ojos atentos, parece que Powell era el alma de la fiesta. No es de extrañar, ya que el tipo no solo es guapísimo, ¡sino también muy divertido!

Glen claramente está avanzando en el mundo de las citas, recordemos que su ex novia -Gigi Paris- lo dejó en medio de especulaciones de que estaba interesado en Sydney Sweeney de Euphoria, los dos protagonizaron la comedia romántica "Anyone But You" y las fotos en el set se veían bastante coquetas para ser honestos.

Por supuesto, la pareja ha negado que algo estuviera pasando entre ellos, aunque Sydney dejó algunos comentarios sugerentes en el Insta de Glen y dijo que ella se preocupa por él profundamente... este tipo de cosas sin duda llamó la atención de los fans.

Glen parece estar poniendo esos rumores atrás, esperemos que de una vez por todas, porque el hombre está claramente disfrutando de la vida de soltero después de salir de una larga relación.

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En pocas palabras, ¡"Anyone But You" es solo el título de una película, porque parece que estas damas no estaban interesadas en Anyone But Glen!

Glen Powell Ready to Party All Night Long... Hanging w/ Giggly Models

Glen Powell's really putting all those Sydney Sweeney rumors to bed ... 'cause instead of pining over his engaged costar he's partying with tons of models!

The actor stepped out in L.A. Saturday after a Pre-Grammys bash with a few lovely ladies ... and even though he didn't say anything to the photogs waiting outside the venue he still made quite the impression on the crowd.


GP hopped in an SUV with several people including models Sienna Raine and Sarah Hands ... and, if we're being honest, a couple of his companions seemed absolutely smitten with the guy.

Just look at those faces ... big smiles and attentive eyes -- seems like Powell was the life of the party. Not exactly surprising given the dude's not only drop-dead gorgeous, but he's also hella funny to boot!

Glen's clearly moving on in the dating world ... remember, his longtime GF Gigi Paris dumped him amid speculation he was interested in Euphoria's Sydney Sweeney -- the two starred in the rom-com "Anyone But You" and on-set photos looked flirty as hell.

Of course, the pair have denied anything was going on between them ... though Sydney left some suggestive comments on Glen's IG and said she cares about him deeply -- a lot of stuff that caught fans' eyes.

Glen seems to be putting those rumors to rest -- hopefully once and for all -- here ... 'cause the man's clearly enjoying the single life after getting out of a long relationship.

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Bottom line ... "Anyone But You" is just a movie title -- 'cause it seems these ladies weren't interested in Anyone But Glen!

Steph Curry le regala una camiseta de Lindsay Lohan A su ahijado Luai

Steph Curry hizo el sábado por la noche algo que sólo ha hecho una vez en su vida: anotar 60 puntos durante un partido, y Lindsay Lohan fue la beneficiaria de su hazaña.

Los Warriors de Steph perdieron ante los Hawks 134-141, pero Steph hizo historia, es solo es el 10º jugador en la historia de la NBA en anotar 60 puntos al menos dos veces.

En cuanto a Lindsay, ella y su marido estaban en la cancha viendo el partido. Luego, Steph firmó su camiseta y se la dio a Lindsay, escribió: "¡Tus padrinos te quieren! Para Luai. Warriors" El niño de un año de LiLo se llama Luai.

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Por si no lo sabías, Steph y Ayesha son efectivamente las madrinas de Luai. En cuanto a la conexión, Lindsay y Ayesha protagonizaron juntas "Irish Wish", que se estrenará el 15 de marzo en Netflix.

Siento la pérdida Steph, felicidades por los 60 puntos, y qué manera de anotar Luai.

Steph Curry Gifts 60 point Jersey to Lindsay Lohan's Son!!!

Steph Curry did something Saturday night he's only done one time in his life -- scored 60 points during a game, and Lindsay Lohan was the beneficiary of his achievement.

Steph's Warriors lost to the Hawks in OT -- 134-141, but Steph made a little history -- he's only the 10th player in NBA history to score 60 points at least twice.

As for Lindsay, she and her hubby were right there courtside in ATL watching the game. Afterward, Steph signed his jersey and gave it to Lindsay ... the inscription reads, "Your Godparents love you! To Luai. Warriors" LiLo's one-year-old kid's name is Luai.

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In case you didn't know, Steph and Ayesha are indeed the godparents to Luai. As for the connection, Lindsay and Ayesha starred together in "Irish Wish," which will be released March 15 on Netflix.

Sorry about the loss Steph, congrats and the 60 points, and way to score Luai.

The Rock WWE Fans Criticize New Storyline ... Dwayne Skipped The Line!!!

The Rock may be cooking in the WWE once again ... but some fans aren't super happy about it -- 'cause it seems his return has knocked a major storyline off track.

Here's the deal ... last night, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson got into an intense staredown with current Undisputed WWE Universal champ Roman Reigns at the end of ESPN's WWE SmackDown -- an insane moment seemingly setting up a match between the two wrestlers.

Indeed, rumors have been floating around today that they will fight in the next couple of months -- maybe at WrestleMania in early April -- and the online response ... is a bit lukewarm if we're being totally honest.

Sure, there are diehard Rock supporters who want to see their champ-turned-actor wipe the floor with Reigns ... but a lot of people are pointing to recent Royal Rumble winner Cody Rhodes and asking why it seems his story's now taking a backseat to The Rock's.

See, right before The Rock came out for his staredown ... CR talked about taking RR's title from him -- a right to challenge Cody earned by winning The Royal Rumble just last week -- and then seemingly stepped aside as he introduced The Rock to the crowd as if to indicate DJ's getting the chance instead of him.

That's all kinda shocking for fans ... 'cause Rhodes has been on the road to Roman for a while now while The Rock only recently hopped back into the ring.

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As we previously reported ... Dwayne called out Roman Reigns back in early January during a surprise appearance on RAW during which he asked if he should be sitting at the "head of the table."

So it seems clear The Rock wants the title ... and that's where people are starting to voice their frustration -- because it sounds like the WWE's not really interested in furthering Cody Rhodes' journey anymore. Basically, they've backed a different dawg in the ring, and -- based on the X trend -- fans just aren't totally on board.

The major question here ... is it fair for fans to voice their frustration with The Rock at all? After all, the guy's not writing his own storylines as far as we know, and he's a legend in the sport, so it makes sense the WWE wants to use him.


But, Johnson recently joined the TKO Group board -- the governing body of the WWE and UFC -- and he now holds "The Rock" trademark ... so you could say he's got a lot more agency than your average WWE superstar.

Plus, Johnson's got a bit of a rep as someone who gets what they want in Hollywood. When he was working on "Black Adam," for example, he said he worked his magic to make a standalone film instead of first appearing in "Shazam!" ... a departure from the OG plan.

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Bottom line ... The Rock may still be cookin', but it seems a fair few wrestling fans want to try a new recipe.