Margot Robbie Se refiere a los Oscar... Greta merecía ser nominada!!!

Mucho por lo que celebrar
YouTube / @Concertsandconversations

Margot Robbie finalmente se está refiriendo a los comentados desaires a "Barbie" en los Oscar y aunque está siendo muy correcta cuando se trata de ella, sí batalló por su directora.

La actriz compartió sus pensamientos sobre el tema el martes por la noche durante un panel de SAG-AFTRA, y es interesante porque no abordó su propio desaire en la categoría de Mejor Actriz, pero sí defendió explícitamente a Greta Gerwig.

Margot dice: "Obviamente, creo que Greta debería estar nominada como directora, porque lo que hizo es algo único en su carrera, algo único en la vida, lo que logró, realmente lo es. Pero ha sido un año increíble para todas las películas".

También dijo que estaba "más que encantada" porque "Barbie" acumulara tantas nominaciones (8), pero al mismo tiempo, entiende la decepción de los fans.

Margot terminó diciendo: "Solo sospecho que es más grande que nosotros. Es más grande que esta película, más grande que nuestra industria". No está claro lo que quiere decir exactamente con eso, pero parece que se refiere a la política dentro de la Academia.

Lo último que mencionó sobre este asunto: "Nos propusimos hacer algo que cambiara la cultura, que afectara a la cultura, que tuviera algún tipo de impacto. Y ya lo ha hecho, y mucho más de lo que habíamos soñado. Y esa es realmente la mayor recompensa que podría salir de todo esto", dijo Margot.

Recordemos que hubo indignación generalizada por el hecho de que Margot y Greta se quedaran fuera de la lista de nominados al Oscar, a pesar de que Ryan Gosling y America Ferrera obtuvieron nominaciones.

Muchos pensaron que si Ryan estaba nominado, era una obviedad que Margot lo estaría también, ya que literalmente ella lleva la película y es el corazón de todo el asunto.

TMZ investiga
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Claramente está un poco molesta, pero no por ella, parece. Suena como que está en la misma sintonía que todos en esto y es que "Barbie" debería haber recibido más reconocimiento.

Margot Robbie Breaks Silence on Oscar Snubs ... Greta Deserved a Nod!!!

YouTube / @Concertsandconversations

Margot Robbie is finally speaking on the Oscar snubs heard 'round the world over "Barbie" -- and while she's taking the high road for herself ... she's going to bat for her director.

The actress shared new remarks on the issue Tuesday night during a SAG-AFTRA panel where she was present and given the floor to air out her thoughts. It's interesting ... MR doesn't address her own snub for Best Actress, but she does explicitly defend Greta Gerwig.

Margot says, "Obviously, I think Greta should be nominated as a director, because what she did is a once-in-a-career, once-in-a-lifetime thing, what she pulled off, it really is. But it’s been an incredible year for all the films."

She went on to say that she's "beyond ecstatic" that 'Barbie' racked up as many nominations as it did (8) -- but in the same breath, noted she understood the disappointment from fans.

Margot finished by saying ... "I just suspect it’s bigger than us. It’s bigger than this movie, it’s bigger than our industry." Unclear what exactly she means by that ... sounds like she's referring to politics within the Academy, though.

Last thing Margot mentioned on this topic ... "We set out to do something that would shift culture, affect culture, just make some sort of impact. And it’s already done that, and some, way more than we ever dreamed it would. And that is truly the biggest reward that could come out of all of this."

Remember, there was widespread outrage over the fact Margot and Greta had been left off the nominations list -- even though Ryan Gosling and America Ferrera got Oscar nods.

Many felt if Ryan was nominated, it was a no-brainer to get Margot in there too ... seeing how she literally carries the film, and is the heart and soul of the whole thing.

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She's clearly a little peeved about it ... but not for herself, it seems. Sounds like she's in the same camp as everyone else on this -- namely, "Barbie" should've gotten more recognition.

Dua Lipa One Kiss Isn't Enough ... Makeout Sesh With Callum

Dua Lipa and Callum Turner look smitten ... packing on the PDA while out shopping and grabbing coffee.

The "One Kiss" singer and her British actor boyfriend were all over each other Tuesday in Los Angeles' Larchmont Village.

Dua and Callum were kissing, hugging and smiling as they picked up some java and did a little bit of shopping.

TMZ Studios

As you can see, they look like a super happy couple in the very early stages of a romance ... which is exactly where they are.

Ever the gentleman, Callum kept an arm around Dua's shoulder and he ever carried their shopping bags. It's 2024 and chivalry is very much alive, even in L.A.

This PDA sesh is the second time we've seen Dua and Callum making out this month ... last time, they were kissing outside a super popular West Hollywood sushi spot as they made their relationship official.

Safe to say Dua and Callum are off to a hot start.


Beach Boys' Brian Wilson Wife Melinda Dead at 77

Beach Boys frontman Brian Wilson says his heart is broken ... because his wife of 28 years has tragically died.

Brian just announced the death of his spouse, Melinda Kae Ledbetter Wilson ... and their kids say she died peacefully Monday at home. An official cause of death is unknown... and the exact circumstances surrounding her death haven't been revealed either.

In a heartfelt Instagram post, Brian says ... "Melinda was more than my wife. She was my savior. She gave me the emotional security I needed to have a career."

Brian continues ... "She encouraged me to make the music that was closest to my heart. She was my anchor. She was everything for us."

The couple adopted five children together and Brian says they are all in tears and are lost.

Brian and Melinda first met way back in 1986 when she sold him a Cadillac ... dating on and off for a couple years until rekindling their romance in 1992 and getting hitched in 1995 at Wayfarers Chapel in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA.

Their relationship even inspired a biopic ... 2014's "Love & Mercy" starring John Cusack as Brian and Elizabeth Banks as Melinda.

Briana and Melinda's kids are remembering her as "a force of nature and one of the strongest women you could come by. She was not only a model, our fathers savior, and a mother, she was a woman empowered by her spirit with a mission to better everyone she touched."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

They say she taught them lasting lessons, like ... "How to take care of the person next to you with out expecting anything in return, how to find beauty in the darkest of places, and how to live life as your truest self with honesty and pride."

TMZ Studios

Melinda was 77.


Richard Simmons Posts New Message About Bullies But Still Not a 'Comeback'

Richard Simmons seems to be showing signs of a potential comeback, 'cause he's getting back to putting out positive messages ... and his latest offering is about tuning out the bullies.

The reclusive fitness guru posted an uplifting message on his Facebook page Tuesday, saying ... "For as long as I can remember, people have made fun of me. And people still to this day make fun of me. But you know what? I am glad to be me! And you should be glad that you are you."

Richard says music helps boost his confidence and ignore the naysayers ... and he's recommending three songs from back in the day. Seems Richard is a big Gloria Gaynor fan ... because he says two songs he often listens to are her classic hits "I Will Survive" and "I Am What I Am."

Another tune Richard recommends comes from the soundtrack for "The Greatest Showman" ... with the full cast singing, "This Is Me."

Richard's always been about helping people, and it got to the point back in the day where he basically could not turn anyone down. That seems to be what he's alluding to in these recent posts of his.

RS ultimately disappeared from the spotlight and has been laying low for years, but his recent FB activity seems to be a sign he's getting closer to being back in the public eye.

Richard's been way more active on FB recently, which lines up with Pauly Shore portraying him in a new short film, "The Court Jester," and developing an upcoming biopic ... which Richard may finally be coming around on.

Before Pauly's projects, Richard only had one FB post in all of 2023 ... and he didn't post a lot in 2022 either until our TMZ documentary on his life and his disappearance.

Richard's still got a lot of fans out there ... and while it might feel like we might be hearing (or even seeing) more from him going forward -- we've learned that's not the case. A source directly connected to Richard tells TMZ ... "after all the Pauly news, Richard wanted his fans to know he's doing well and that he appreciates their support."

TMZ Studios

In other words ... this isn't the start of a public reemergence by any stretch, he's just letting people know he's still around and willing to put good vibes out into the universe.

Leonardo DiCaprio interpreta su nuevo papel En una película de Paul Thomas Anderson

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leo en acción

Leonardo DiCaprio está trabajando en una nueva película, lo que tiene sentido, ya que su campaña de los Oscar ha terminado finalmente, y no rindió frutos este año.

TMZ ha obtenido un video del actor en el set el lunes en el norte de California, donde estaba en traje completo, maquillaje y caracterizado para su papel. El equipo de Paul Thomas Anderson rodó una escena con al menos un par de tomas diferentes y Leo entra en acción frente a las cámaras.

Leo está interpretando a un personaje muy diferente a lo que nos tiene acostumbrados. Últimamente, el hombre ha interpretado figuras históricas en hisotiras de época ("Asesinos de la Luna", "Érase una vez en Hollywood", etc).

Aquí, Leo parece más un tipo moderno con mala suerte en un escenario actual. De hecho, se ve bastante casero y áspero.

Incluso exhibe sus dotes actorales en nuestro video, gritando en el receptor en un teléfono público, cerrándolo de golpe y cayendo con mucha emoción. El tío está en su salsa.

Aún no se sabe cuál será el argumento de esta película, que por ahora se mantiene en secreto, pero sí sabemos quién más se unirá a Leo a medida que avance la producción... Sean Penn y Regina Hall también han sido contratados para protagonizar, por lo que podemos asegurar que es un sólido elenco.

Un testigo ocular también nos dice que parece que la ciudad ficticia que están tratando de crear podría llamarse Baktin Cross, porque los carros de policía que pasan cuentan con ese logo.

Todo está aún rodeado de misterio, pero conociendo el estilo de Paul, parece que se está perfilando en la línea de "Licorice Pizza", "Boogie Nights", "Inherent Vice", "Punch Drunk Love" o incluso "Magnolia". Un dato curioso de Boogie Nights... Paul ha dicho públicamente que quería a Leo para ese papel, pero no pudo conseguirlo, y en su lugar eligió a Mark Wahlberg.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Ahora, por fin tiene la oportunidad de trabajar con Leo, y parece que están haciendo magia en la pantalla. Tampoco se nos escapa que Paul Thomas Anderson ha conseguido que muchos actores hayan sido nominados a los Oscar a lo largo de los años, como Tom Cruise, Joaquin Phoenix, Julianne Moore y otros.

Viendo cómo Leo se perdió este año por su película con Scorsese, tal vez quiere unir fuerzas con el talentoso director para ir tras la estatuilla.

Al igual que un boxeador que está contra las cuerdas, ¡se levanta y lanza una respuesta!

Leonardo DiCaprio I Got Oscar Snubbed ... So, Back to Work with PTA I Guess!!!

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Leonardo DiCaprio is getting right back to work on a new movie -- which makes sense, we suppose, since his Oscar campaign is finally done ... with nothing to show for it this year.

TMZ has obtained video of the actor on set Monday in Northern California, where he was in full-blown costume, makeup and character as he and Paul Thomas Anderson's crew shot a scene with at least a few different takes ... and LDC going all out while cameras were rolling.

As you can see here, Leo is taking on quite a different character than what he might normally do -- lately, the guy's been playing more historical figures in period pieces (see "Killers of the Flower Moon," "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood," etc.).

Here, Leo looks like more of a modern down-on-his-luck dude in a setting that looks like present day. In fact, he comes across as kinda homely ... and rough around the edges.

He even puts his acting chops on display in our video ... yelling into the receiver at a payphone, slamming it and slumping down with a lot of emotion. Dude's very in his element.

No word yet on what the plot of this film might be -- it's being kept under wraps for now -- but we do know who else will eventually join Leo as the production continues ... Sean Penn and Regina Hall have also been tapped to star, so it's a solid cast in the mix here.

An eyewitness also tells us that it appears that the fictional town PTA and co. are trying to create might be called Baktin Cross ... 'cause the cop cars that pass feature that signage.

It's all still shrouded in mystery -- but knowing PTA's style, this looks to be shaping up in the vein of "Licorice Pizza," "Boogie Nights," "Inherent Vice," "Punch-Drunk Love" or even "Magnolia." Speaking of 'BN,' fun fact ... Paul has publicly said he wanted Leo for that lead role, but wasn't able to land him, going with Mark Wahlberg instead. LDC was the one who got away!

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Now, he's finally got his chance to work with Leo ... and so far, it appears they're making magic onscreen. It's also not lost on us that PTA has gotten tons of actors nominated at the Oscars over the years ... including Tom Cruise, Joaquin Phoenix, Julianne Moore and others.

Seeing how Leo missed out this year for his Martin Scorsese flick, maybe he wants another bite at the apple with Paul. Based on what we see here ... the homeboy's coming for that statuette.

Just like a boxer ... he's getting right back into the ring for another round. Leo's hungry!

Christian Bale Presumiendo en su cumpleaños... ¡¿Qué saben de tener 50?!

Christian Bale es conocido por sus extremas transformaciones corporales en la gran pantalla, pero para su cumpleaños número 50 el tipo ha llegado a un buen punto medio, luciendo súper en forma y tonificado.

El actor ganador del Oscar fue fotografiado el lunes celebrando sus grandes 50 en Cabo, México, para ser específicos, y como hemos dicho, estaba definitivamente listo para mostrar sus enormes atributos a las cámaras, pues apareció en el balcón sin su camiseta.

También llevaba una toalla alrededor de su cintura en un momento también...

Finalmente, Christian Bale se puso un top, un sombrero y unas gafas de sol para protegerse de los rayos y se dirigió a la playa con su mujer Sibi Blažić y su hijo de nueve años, Joseph. Vamos a decir esto.... incluso vestido, Christian deja en vergüenza a otros padres.

Christian y Sibi también son padres de Emmeline, de 18 años, aunque parece que ella no estuvo presente en esta escapada familiar.

El actor de Hollywood está claramente disfrutando su tiempo libre después de tomarse un respiro en su carrera. Su único crédito en 2023 fue la voz en off para la película animada "El niño y la garza", y actualmente no tiene nada en carpeta para este año.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Por supuesto, él sigue siendo uno de los actores más prolíficos hoy en día y aún está en un punto alto de su carrera. Sin duda, puede permitirse un descanso ante las cámaras.

Por suerte para nosotros (y todos los demás), aquí está ofreciendo otro tipo de espectáculo. Tampoco se exigen entradas de admisión general para verlo.

Feliz cumpleaños, Christian, ¡eres una joya, señor!

CHRISTIAN BALE Birthday Boy Flexin' ... Whatchu Know 'Bout 50?!?

Christian Bale is known for his extreme on-screen body transformations -- but for his 50th birthday, the dude's reached a great middle-ground ... looking super ripped and toned.

The Oscar-winning actor was photographed Monday ringing in the big 5-0 down in Mexico -- Cabo, to be specific -- and like we said ... the guy was definitely ready to show off his huge guns for the cameras, 'cause he was hanging out on the balcony without a shirt on.

He was also wearing a towel around his waist at one point too ... big-time thirst trap vibes.

Eventually, CB popped on a top, hat, and shades to shield himself from the rays ... making his way down to a beach with his wife, Sibi Blažić, and their nine-year-old son Joseph. We'll say this about him ... even when clothed, Christian puts other dad bods to shame.

Christian and Sibi are also parents to daughter Emmeline, 18 ... although, she didn't appear to be on the family getaway here.

The Hollywood actor is clearly making the most of his downtime after taking a bit of a breather on the career front -- his only 2023 credit was voiceover work for "The Boy and the Heron" ... and he currently has nothing in the pipeline this year.

TMZ Studios

Granted, he's still one of the most prolific actors working today -- and he's still killing it at this point in his career. He can most certainly afford to take a break from on-camera work.

Lucky for us (and everyone else) ... he's right here putting on another type of show, no general admission tickets needed either.

Happy bday, Christian ... you're a gem, sir!

Lionel Richie Watch Me Party 'All Night Long'!!! Duets With Jon Batiste, Celebrates 'WATW' Doc


Lionel Richie is still buzzing with the magic from "The Greatest Night In Pop" exactly 39 years later ... the legendary singer proved he can still bring the house down with today's fresh, young talent!!!

TMZ also obtained footage of LR performing a duet with Jon Batiste of his chart-topping track, "All Night Long," inside Delilah in West Hollywood.

Lionel introduced Jon and Andra Day to the stage ... and was enjoying the show until Jon played the opening keys of "All Night Long" and Lionel couldn't resist joining in ... can't have those TikTokers thinking JB came up with the track!!!


Jon spoke on the song being a beacon of togetherness and he and Lionel harmonized the 'Jambo Jumbo' together.

Later, Jon and Andra joined forces to belt out their version of "We Are the World" ... earning LR's approval!!! Good job, guys.


Netflix had its premiere for "The Greatest Night In Pop" at The Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood beforehand ... a doc that chronicles the backstory of 1985's megahit "We Are the World" ... the African charity megahit that became the fastest-selling single at the time.

The record boasted of virtually every superstar in music at the time ... Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles -- you name it ... and goes into detail about how they were able to manage dozens of legends' egos and end up winning 4 Grammy awards.

More importantly, though ... this charitable effort raised tons of cash -- upwards of $60 mil toward fighting famine and hunger in Ethiopia. So, it was a success on all fronts.

Inside the premiere, Lionel joked about the differences between the film and music industry and got a hearty laugh from the crowd ... because it's probably true!!!

TMZ Studios

From his experience, making movies is much more taxing in his book -- but this one was worth it!!!

Lionel Richie estrena el documental de "We Are The World" Y canta a dúo "All Night Long" con Jon Batiste

"all night long"

Lionel Richie sigue vibrando con la magia de "The Greatest Night In Pop" exactamente 39 años después, ¡el legendario cantante demostró que todavía puede hacer vibrar la casa con los jóvenes talentos de hoy en día!

TMZ también obtuvo imágenes de Lionel interpretando a dúo con Jon Batiste su éxito "All Night Long" en Deliah en West Hollywood.

Lionel presentó a Jon y Andra Day y estaba disfrutando del espectáculo hasta que Jon tocó las teclas de apertura de "All Night Long". Por supuesto ¡Lionel no pudo resistirse!, lo cual terminó siendo un momento bastante épico.

disfrutando las canciones

Jon habló de la canción como un faro de unión y él y Lionel armonizaron juntos el '"Jambo Jumbo".

Más tarde, Jon y Andra unieron fuerzas para cantar su versión de "We Are the World", ¡ganándose la aprobación de Lionel! Buen trabajo, chicos.

discurso antes del visionado

Netflix estrenó "The Greatest Night In Pop" en el Egyptian Theatre de Hollywoo, un documental que narra la historia del mega hit de 1985 "We Are the World", el cual destinó sus ganancias para ayudar a África, se convirtió en el single más rápidamente vendido en ese momento.

El disco contó con la participación de prácticamente todas las superestrellas de la música de la época, Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles... y entra en detalles acerca de cómo fueron capaces de manejar los egos de decenas de leyendas y terminar ganando 4 premios Grammy.

Dentro de la premiere, Lionel bromeó sobre las diferencias entre la industria del cine y la de la música y consiguió una sonora carcajada del público... ¡porque probablemente sea verdad!

Según su experiencia, hacer películas es mucho más agotador... ¡pero valió la pena!

Florence Pugh The Camera Broke ... In 'Oppenheimer' Sex Scene!!!

Florence Pugh got caught in a vulnerable state while shooting "Oppenheimer" -- namely, when she and Cillian Murphy were naked ... during which cameras weren't rolling.

The actress shared this cringeworthy story at a recent screening of the blockbuster, where there was a Q&A ... and where FP revealed there were some technical difficulties at one point in the production, and it came at the worst time ... during a sex scene.

Universal Pictures

If you've seen the movie ... you know there's at least 3 sex scenes where Florence and Cillian are nude -- so it's unclear which one exactly this happened for, but it sounds awkward.

Apparently, while they were filming this intimate scene, one of the main cameras broke ... and the whole crew had to hit pause while they worked on it to fix the problem. That left Florence and Cillian standing by (naked) as they waited for the issue to be resolved.

Luckily, FP had a good attitude about it all -- her whole point here is that 'Oppenheimer' was very much like an old-school Hollywood production ... and she's talking about how in awe she was by everyone and how they handled their craft. Even during this stop-down, she says she found stuff to appreciate ... and learned a thing or two about the equipment, etc.

Her point about the set being like a classic Hollywood movie isn't lost on us either -- considering Christopher Nolan's rep for wanting his cast/crew to be in the moment (and, allegedly, not to sit down either) ... this kinda makes sense that Florence and Cillian stuck around during this.

You'd figure the stars of a major film like this could head back to their trailers during this in-between time ... not so for a CN flick though, apparently! On his set, you see it through.

Anyway, sticking with it for these inconveniences clearly paid off for Florence and Co. -- 'Oppenheimer' is an Oscar darling this year, and is primed to win a bunch of awards.

TMZ Studios

A little sacrifice for art goes a long way ... something Florence is now very familiar with!

Florence Pugh La cámara se rompió... En la escena de sexo de "Oppenheimer"

Florence Pugh fue atrapada en un estado vulnerable durante el rodaje de "Oppenheimer", es decir, cuando ella y Cillian Murphy estaban desnudos, ¡y las cámaras no estaban grabando!

La actriz compartió esta historia en una reciente proyección de la superproducción, donde se realizó un Q&A y Florence Pugh relató algunas dificultades técnicas en un momento de la producción, las que llegaron en el peor momento, durante su escena de sexo.

No fue el mejor momento
Universal Pictures

Si han visto la película, sabrán que hay al menos tres escenas de sexo donde Florence y Cillian están desnudos, por lo que no está claro en cuál de ellas ocurrió esto exactamente, pero suena incómodo.

Al parecer, mientras estaban grabando esta escena, una de las cámaras principales se rompió y el equipo tuvo que hacer una pausa mientras solucionaban el problema. Eso dejó a Florence y Cillian de pie (desnudos) mientras esperaban a que se resolviera el asunto.

Afortunadamente, Florence se tomó las cosas con una buena actitud. Su punto aquí es que "Oppenheimer" fue muy parecida a una producción de Hollywood de la vieja escuela y está asombrada por cómo todos manejaban su oficio. Incluso durante esta pausa, dice que encontró cuestiones que apreciar y aprendió un par de cosas sobre el equipo, etc.

Tampoco se nos escapa su comentario de que el plató era como una película clásica de Hollywood, teniendo en cuenta la reputación de Christopher Nolan de querer que su reparto y su equipo estén presentes tiene sentido que Florence y Cillian se quedaran en el plató.

Uno se imagina que las estrellas de una película tan importante como ésta podrían haber vuelto a sus trailers durante este intermedio, ¡pero no fue así en esta película de Christopher Nolan, al parecer! En su plató, te quedas hasta el final.

En cualquier caso, Florence y compañía han sabido sobreponerse a estos inconvenientes: "Oppenheimer" es una de las favoritas a los Oscar de este año y está preparada para ganar un montón de premios.

TMZ investiga
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Un poco de sacrificio por el arte hace mucho, ¡algo con lo que Florence está muy familiarizada!

Sydney Sweeney I Custom Designed a Ford Mustang GT ... Now We're Giving It Away!!!

Sydney Sweeney is about to upgrade someone's garage in a major way ... because a custom 2024 Ford Mustang GT she designed herself is part of a new giveaway.

The actress is once again teaming up with Ford, and this time they're holding a contest for one lucky fan to win her super sweet Mustang.

Sydney's custom designs are pretty awesome ... inspired by Sydney's Brittany Blue 1966 Mustang, this car features a Robin's Egg Blue exterior with a crushed glass clear coat and 20-inch chrome rims.

Under the hood, Sydney's signature is emblazoned on the engine.

Sydney and Ford's collab logo, a heart bolt emblem, is featured on the dashboard and exterior side panel ... and it's embossed on the leather seats.

SS is big on nighttime cruises ... so she added color-changing LED stars across the headliner. Pretty cool stuff.

The contest begins today and runs through Feb. 7 and Sydney and Ford say they're looking for someone who defies stereotypes with their pursuit of their passions.

TMZ Studios

Sydney's doing that some herself ... she's really big into cars and the mechanics behind them.

Participants can enter to win by sharing their stories on the Ford Instagram or TikTok channels.

And, get this ... Ford actually made two of these Mustangs ... meaning the contest winner and Sydney will have identical cars!!!

Good luck!!!

Lindsay Lohan En sus deberes de madre y actriz... Pasea a su bebé en Georgia con su marido

Lindsay Lohan está extendiendo sus alas por los Estados Unidos últimamente. Hace poco, estuvo en Nueva York para hacer un poco de promoción y ahora está en Georgia, en compañía de su pequeño bebé.

La actriz apareció el lunes en Alpharetta, Georgia, que se encuentra a unos 40 minutos de Atlanta, con su marido Bader Shammas y su bebé Luai. Los tres estaban dando un agradable paseo en su cochecito, con el papá a cargo del coche y LiLo de la merienda.

Si se preguntan qué diablos están haciendo Lindsay y compañía en el estado del sur, les alegrará saber que probablemente tiene que ver con trabajo, en concreto, con una nueva película de Netflix.

Recientemente se anunció que Lindsay protagonizará otra película navideña junto a Kristin Chenoweth, después de haber participado en otra similar para ellos hace un par de años, "Falling for Christmas". ¡Parece que al streamer le gustó su material y la fichó para otra!

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Teniendo en cuenta la gran cantidad de películas y espectáculos que se están filmando constantemente en el estado de Georgia, y con "Our Little Secret" ya en producción, es una apuesta casi segura que eso es lo que LiLo está grabando en estos momentos. Por suerte para ella tiene a su familia a su lado, lo que parece ser su nueva norma.

Es interesante, Lindsay normalmente vive en el extranjero en Dubai, pero últimamente ha estado en Estados Unidos por negocios. Como dijimos previamente, hace un par de semanas estuvo en la Gran Manzana para el estreno de la nueva película de "Mean Girls", en la que hizo un breve cameo / aparición.

Es genial verla hacer la cosa de Hollywood después de estar fuera durante tanto tiempo. ¡Bienvenida de nuevo!

Lindsay Lohan On Mommy & Actress Duties in GA Strolling w/ Baby & Hubby

Lindsay Lohan is spreading her wings in the States lately -- she was just recently in NYC for some promo work -- and now, she's in Georgia ... where her little one is tagging along.

The actress popped up in Alpharetta, GA Monday -- about 40 minutes outside of Atlanta -- where she and her husband, Bader Shammas, were on a nice little walk with their baby boy, Luai, who was chillin' in his stroller ... with dad taking care of push duties, as LiLo snacked.

If you're wondering what the heck Lindsay and co. are doing in the southern state right now -- you might be happy to hear it's likely work-related ... namely, a new Netflix movie.

My Favorite Person

She was recently announced to star in yet another Christmas flick opposite Kristin Chenoweth -- this after having been in a different Xmas movie for them a couple years back, 'Falling for Christmas.'

Seems the streamer liked her stuff and signed her up for another one! BTW, we recently got Kristin at LAX ... and she had some kind words for Lindsay -- saying she's a pleasure to work with.

TMZ Studios

Seeing how films/shows are constantly filming in the state of Georgia -- and with 'Our Little Secret' already in production -- it's a safe bet that's exactly what LiLo's shooting right now. Lucky for her, she's got her family right by her side ... which seems to be her new norm.

It's interesting ... Lindsay normally lives abroad in Dubai, but lately -- she's been here in America for business. Like we said up top ... she was just in the Big Apple a couple weeks ago for the premiere of the new 'Mean Girls' ... in which she had a brief cameo/appearance.

It's kinda cool seeing her do the Hollywood thing again after being away for so long. Welcome back!