Rihanna Fanática de Natalie Portman 'La más hot de Hollywood'

Modo Fan con Natalie

Rihanna y Natalie Portman son el dúo que no sabíamos que necesitábamos hasta ahora. Ambas se reunieron, en la más épica de las formas, con una adoración mutua por la otra.

Echa un vistazo a este clip que está circulando por todas partes. En él se ve a Rihanna en modo súper fan después de encontrarse con Natalie en París, donde ella la llama la "bitch más caliente de Hollywood". Natalie Portman tampoco fue tímida a la hora de repartir cumplidos, porque es claramente una fan de Rihanna también.

Rihanna deja muy claro que conoce muy bien todo el currículum de Natalie, elogiando particularmente sus habilidades para lograr la perfecta impresión de inocencia. Sí, no está bromeando sobre ser una fan, es fácil darse cuenta que ha visto su trabajo.

Natalie, por su parte, le dice que podría desmayarse por todo el amor que vierten sobre ella. Como hemos dicho, también está ciertamente familiarizada con Rihanna.

Es bastante divertido de ver. Por lo general, Rihanna tiene una actitud fría, tranquila y serena en casi todo lo que hace, pero aquí es como una niña en una tienda de dulces.

El intercambio no termina ahí, Rihanna le pide a alguien que les tome una foto, a lo que ellas acceden encantadas. Las dos mega estrellas posaron juntas muy sonrientes.

Sí, probablemente Rihanna va a enmarcar esta foto, tal vez lo mismo para Natalie.

Oliver Stone Apologizes To Ryan Gosling ... Sorry For The 'Barbie' Barb

Oliver Stone has issued an apology to Ryan Gosling for blasting the actor for playing the role of Ken in the wildly popular "Barbie" film, while calling his own comments ignorant.

The legendary director posted a statement Monday on X, praising the movie for its "originality" and "themes" after he accused Gosling of accepting the role of Barbie’s boyfriend solely for monetary reasons in a recently resurfaced 2023 interview.

In his post on X, Stone wrote that he “was able to see 'Barbie' in a theater back in July and appreciated the film for its originality and its themes.” He added, “I found the filmmakers’ approach certainly different than what I expected. I apologize for speaking ignorantly.”

Stone also gave kudos to "Barbie" director Greta Gerwig, saying her 2017 flick, "Ladybird," was one of his favorites that year. As you know, Gerwig's "Barbie" was the highest-grossing film of 2023, raking in more than $1.4 billion at the box office while costarring Margot Robbie as Barbie alongside Gosling's Ken.

Stone made his controversial statements about Gosling during a June 2023 interview with City A.M. -- just weeks before Barbie was to be released in theaters.

Stone told a reporter Gosling was "wasting his time if he's doing that s*** for money," referring to "Barbie."

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The director also slammed Gosling for being "a part of this infantilization of Hollywood." Stone added, "Now it’s all fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, including all the war pictures: fantasy, fantasy."

Lil en "Coyote Ugly" ¿La recuerdas?

La actriz estadounidense Maria Bello tenía poco más de 30 años cuando interpretó a Lil, la rubia y ardiente dueña del bar "Coyotes", en la película "Coyote Ugly" en el año 2000.

Maria compartió la gran pantalla con Piper Perabo en el papel de Violet Sanford, aspirante a músico, John Goodman como Bill, el padre de Violet, Adam Garcia como el Sr. O'Donald, interés amoroso de Violet y, por supuesto, LeAnn Rimes y Tyra Banks son otras de las notables barwoman de la película.

Justo un año antes del estreno de "Coyote Ugly", Bello protagonizó "Payback" con Mel Gibson, y en 2004 coprotagonizó con Johnny Depp "Secret Window".

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora.

Lil In 'Coyote Ugly' 'Memba Her?!

American actress Maria Bello was in her early 30's when she played Lil -- the rough around the edges, hot blonde bar owner who managed the 'Coyotes' -- in the boot-stomping bar film "Coyote Ugly" back in 2000.

Maria shared the big screen with Piper Perabo as the aspiring musician, Violet Sanford, John Goodman as Violet's father, Bill, Adam Garcia as Violet's love interest, Mr. O'Donald ... and of course LeAnn Rimes and Tyra Banks are other notable bar babes in the movie.

Just one year prior to "Coyote Ugly's" release, Bello starred in "Payback" with Mel Gibson, and in 2004 she co-starred with Johnny Depp in "Secret Window".

Guess what she looks like now!

David Gail investigan y consideran posible sobredosis

La muerte repentina de David Gail está bajo investigación y los policías nos dicen que están considerando la posibilidad de una sobredosis de drogas fatal.

Las fuerzas del orden le dicen a TMZ que la policía está a la espera de las pruebas de toxicología para determinar una causa oficial de la muerte. Con eso dicho, nos dicen que una sobredosis es lo que la policía sospecha que podría haber sido el motivo. No se sabe qué tipo de sustancias están en el radar de la policía todavía.

Como informamos, la hermana de David, Katie Colmenares, anunció su muerte el sábado en un post en redes sociales, dejando un recuerdo dulce y conmovedor en la confirmación de su fallecimiento.

Su hermana no dio una causa de la muerte de su hermano, pero sí dijo que "te abrazaría tan fuerte cada día en mi corazón". También dijo que echará de menos a David "cada segundo de cada día para siempre".

Recordemos que el famoso David apareció en siete episodios de "BH: 90210" como Stuart Carson, el prometido del personaje de Shannen Doherty. DG también fue grande en el mundo de la telenovela, él está en 216 episodios de la "Hospital General" spin-off "Port Charles".

tmz investigates
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Sus otros créditos como actor incluyen, "Matlock", "Murder, She Wrote", "The Round Table", "Doogie Howser, M.D.", "Perfect Opposites" y "Growing Pains". En la gran pantalla, David protagonizó junto a Bradley Cooper la comedia romántica de 2002 "Bending All The Rules".

David sólo tenía 58 años.

David Gail Death Investigated As Possible OD

David Gail's sudden death is under investigation ... and cops tell us they are looking into the possibility of a fatal drug overdose.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... no foul play is suspected in David's case but police are waiting for toxicology tests to determine an official cause of death. With that said, we're told an OD is what police suspect might've gone down here. No word on what type of substances are on cops' radar just yet.

As we reported ... David's sister, Katie Colmenares, announced his death Saturday in a social media post -- leaving a sweet and touching remembrance in confirming his passing.

His sibling did not give a cause of death for her brother -- but did say she would "hold you so tight every day in my heart." She also said she'll miss David "every second of every day forever."

Remember ... David famously appeared in 7 episodes of 'BH: 90210' as Stuart Carson, the fiancé of Shannen Doherty's character. DG was also big in the soap opera world ... he's in 216 episodes of the "General Hospital" spin-off "Port Charles."

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His other acting credits include ... "Matlock," "Murder, She Wrote," "The Round Table," "Doogie Howser, M.D.," "Perfect Opposites" and "Growing Pains." On the big screen, David starred alongside Bradley Cooper in the 2002 rom-com "Bending All The Rules."

David was only 58.



Too Short is adding filmmaking to his resume ... and he's already scored some Hollywood heavy hitters for his movie, "Freaky Tales," which recently premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.

He spoke to us Monday on "TMZ Live," about the "anthology horror-movie-thriller-comedy" ... which depicts 4 interconnected stories during 1987 Oakland, and heavily features his music.


The film serves as a "love letter to Oakland," and also mirrors Short's experience growing up there in the eighties -- and he tells us his emotional attachment to the project is even more significant because he's an executive producer and narrator for it.

He acknowledges it also means a lot to the others involved -- most noticeably its A-list cast that includes Tom Hanks, Pedro Pascal, Normani, and the late Angus Cloud. It's also directed by "Capt. Marvel" writers/directors Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden -- which is major.

After the movie's debut, Short took advantage of his time in Park City, UT ... deciding to hit the slopes for his first time.


He tells us he didn't need much convincing to give it a whirl, because he's always been adventurous and agile, even at 57.

While he mostly got the hang of it, things went downhill fast, literally, when he ended up on a mountain he couldn't navigate as a beginner -- forcing his ski instructor to rescue him.

director de Jesucristo Superstar Muere a los 97 años

Norman Jewison, el director conocido por "Jesucristo Superstar" y otros éxitos, ha muerto.

El afamado cineasta falleció en paz en su casa el sábado, según informó su equipo. No se ha descubierto la causa exacta del fallecimiento.

Mientras que su mayor éxito fue el musical de 1973 -adaptación de la famosa obra de Broadway- Norman tiene toneladas de películas como director, incluyendo "Moonstruck", "En el calor de la noche" y "El huracán", solo para nombrar unos pocos.

Otras películas que dirigió a lo largo de su carrera: "El violinista en el tejado", "The Cincinnati Kid", "Rollerball", "Y justicia para todos", "Mejores amigos", "F.I.S.T.", "Historia de un soldado", "Agnes of God", "En el campo", "Solo tú", "Cena con amigos"... y muchas más.

Por supuesto, mientras que la carrera cinematográfica de Norman fue ciertamente prolífica, en realidad comenzó en la televisión, sirviendo como director en episodios de grandes programas como "The Big Party", "The Chevy Showroom Starring Andy Williams", "Your Hit Parade", "The Revlon Revue" y otros.

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Norman también produjo para programas como "The Judy Garland Show".

Norman fue un director condecorado, habiendo sido nominado a tres premios Óscar en tres décadas distintas. También ha recibido muchos otros galardones, como un BAFTA y premios a la trayectoria profesional de varias organizaciones.

Tenía 97 años.


Actor de "Mi Pobre Angelito" está hospitalizado y aplazan su juicio Por violencia doméstica

El juicio por violencia doméstica por el que está pasando el actor de "Mi Pobre Angelito" —Devin Ratray— se ha retrasado después de que sus abogados le informaron al juez que fue hospitalizado "en estado crítico".

Un miembro de la familia le dice a TMZ que Devin —más conocido por su papel de Buzz McCallister— ha sido dado de alta del hospital de Nueva York y está de vuelta en casa descansando por prescripción médica.

No se sabe la razón por la cual el hombre de 45 años terminó en el hospital, o incluso cuando fue que pasó, pero en los registros judiciales se nota que estaba fuera del estado cuando su emergencia médica fue notificada.

La pesadilla médica del actor provocó un aplazamiento en su caso judicial. La selección del jurado se fijó para comenzar el lunes en un tribunal de Oklahoma, pero ahora, todo el asunto ha sido reajustado para antes del juicio el próximo mes, y todo causa de la hospitalización.

Devin fue detenido tras las acusaciones de que golpeó a su ex novia durante un altercado borracho en diciembre de 2021, con la ex diciendole a la policía que la empujó, le dio un puñetazo en la cara, y presionó sus manos contra la garganta y la boca.

TMZ obtuvo la declaración jurada de causa probable, cuando Lisa le dijo a las autoridades Devin dijo: "Así es como se muere".

tmz investiga
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Fue fichado por delito grave asalto doméstico y agresión por estrangulamiento, así como delito menor asalto doméstico. Más tarde fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza de 25.000 dólares.

Devin tuvo su primera comparecencia ante el tribunal en febrero de 2022, entrando en una declaración de no culpabilidad, pero las cosas se han movido lentamente desde entonces.


"Home Alone" star Devin Ratray's domestic violence trial has been delayed ... after his lawyers informed the judge he was hospitalized "in critical condition."

A family member tells TMZ ... Devin -- best known for his role as Buzz McCallister -- has now been released from the NYC hospital and is back home resting on doctor's orders.

No word as to what landed the 47-year-old in the hospital in the first place, or even when -- but court records do note he was out of state when his medical emergency went down.

The actor's medical nightmare triggered a hold-up in his DV case as jury selection was set to begin Monday in an Oklahoma courtroom ... but now, the whole thing's been reset for pretrial next month, all 'cause of the hospitalization.

A rundown of his legal woes ... Devin was arrested following accusations he beat up his ex-GF during a drunk altercation in December 2021 ... with the ex-GF telling cops he pushed her, punched her in the face, and pressed his hands against her throat and mouth.

TMZ obtained the probable cause affidavit at the time ... in which Lisa told authorities Devin said, "This is how you die."

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He was booked for felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation, as well as misdemeanor domestic assault and battery. He was later released on $25K bond.

Devin had his first court appearance in February 2022, entering a not-guilty plea ... but things have moved slowly since then.

'Jesus Christ Superstar' Director Norman Jewison Dead at 97

Norman Jewison -- the director known for 'Jesus Christ Superstar' and other hits -- has died.

The famed filmmaker passed away peacefully at home Saturday -- this according to his team. An exact cause of death wasn't provided.

While his biggest claim to fame is, perhaps, the 1973 musical -- adapted from the famed Broadway play -- Norman has tons of notable films under his directorial belt from over the years ... including 'Moonstruck,' 'In the Heat of the Night' and 'The Hurricane,' just to name a few.

Other movies he directed throughout his career ... 'Fiddler on the Roof,' 'The Cincinnati Kid,' 'Rollerball,' 'And Justice for All,' 'Best Friends,' 'F.I.S.T.,' 'A Soldier's Story,' 'Agnes of God,' 'In Country,' 'Only You,' 'Dinner with Friends' ... and many more.

Of course, while Norman's film career was most certainly prolific -- he actually got his start in television ... serving as the director on episodes for huge shows like 'The Big Party,' 'The Chevy Showroom Starring Andy Williams,' 'Your Hit Parade,' 'The Revlon Revue' and others.

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NJ also produced for shows like 'The Judy Garland Show.'

Norman was a decorated director ... having been nominated for 3 Oscars in three separate decades. He's earned many other accolades as well, including a BAFTA and Lifetime Achievement Awards from a handful of orgs.

He was 97.


Jamie Dornan fue hospitalizado con síntomas de infarto Debido a una oruga

una oruga muy tóxica
The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected/BBC

Jamie Dornan aparentemente pensó que estaba teniendo un ataque al corazón el año pasado luego de experimentar síntomas preocupantes, sin embargo, fue una falsa alarma.

El susto fue revelado a través de un amigo suyo -el locutor escocés Gordon Smart- durante una aparición en la BBC en "The Good, The Bad and The Unexpected", donde contó esta historia que involucra a Jamie y algunos otros amigos con los que visitaron Portugal el año pasado.

Después de una noche de fiesta, Smart dice que algunos en su grupo comenzaron a sentirse muy enfermos al día siguiente, y terminaron enviando a con Gordon al hospital. Ya que sentía un hormigueo en la mano y en el brazo, Smart pensó que estaba teniendo un ataque al corazón, pero más tarde le dijeron que había sido infectado por una oruga local.

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En concreto, Smart dice que le dijeron que debía haber entrado en contacto con orugas de la procesionaria del pino, las cuales tienen pelos venenosos por todo el cuerpo y que pueden infectar a los seres humanos. No suelen ser mortales para las personas, pero pueden matar a los animales.

De todos modos, dice que cuando regresó al hotel donde se alojaba Jamie, vio que Jamie también estaba conectado a un equipo médico y notó que había sufrido los mismos síntomas.

Con el tiempo, los síntomas de ambos se aclararon y en términos de cómo podrían haber entrado en contacto con estos pequeños bichos, Smart dice que parecen estar en todos los campos de golf, que es donde los chicos estaban vagando justo antes de caer enfermos.

Jamie no se ha referido a la historia. El mundo es salvaje... tomen precauciones.

Jamie Dornan Hospitalized Last Year w/ Heart Attack Symptoms ... After Run-In w/ Caterpillar

the very toxic caterpillar
The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected/BBC

Jamie Dornan apparently thought he was having a heart attack and might die last year after he started experiencing tell-tale symptoms for a heart attack ... but he was just buggin' out.

The actor's health scare was revealed through a friend of his -- Scottish broadcaster Gordon Smart -- during an appearance on the BBC's 'The Good, The Bad and The Unexpected'  ... where he told this wild story about him, Jamie and some other pals hitting Portugal last year.

After a night out, Smart says some in their group started to feel really sick the next day -- with GS getting sent to the hospital ... as he felt tingling in his hand and arm. Smart thought he was having a heart attack ... but was later told he'd been infected by a local caterpillar.

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Specifically, Smart says he was told he must've come into contact with pine processionary moth caterpillars -- which have poisonous hairs all over their bodies, and which can infect humans. They're not usually deadly for people -- but they can, in fact, kill animals.

Anyway, he says when he got back to the hotel where Jamie was staying -- he saw JD, too, was hooked up to medical equipment ... and noted he'd suffered from the same symptoms.

Eventually, both of their symptoms cleared up -- and in terms of how they might've come into contact with these little buggers ... Smart says they seem to be all over golf courses there, which is where the boys were roaming just before coming down with their illnesses.

Jamie hasn't addressed the story himself. It's a wild world out there ... take precautions, y'all.


A celebrity dog breeder had his lip hanging on by a thread ... after a French bulldog viciously bit him in the face.

Ronnie Wright of Famous Owned Bullies tells TMZ ... he needed 11 stitches this week when an adult Frenchie at a client's house lunged at his face as he went to kiss it.

He didn't have much time to stop the gush of blood from his mouth ... telling us when he walked into the house to wash it off another Frenchie pounced onto his leg -- though he managed to kick it off.

Ronnie tells us when he looked in a mirror, his lip was hanging off his face and he was rushed straight to the ER.

Currently, he's still super swollen ... meaning it's hard for him to talk, eat, or sleep. He has been dealing with dogs his entire life and Frenchie's for 16 years and never had a single incident.

To rub salt in the wound ... he's gotta have reconstructive surgery when his stitches come out ... 'cause the bite ripped out a piece of his lip cartilage.

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Ronnie, based in Carlsbad, San Diego, has built a successful career for himself ... entrusted by clients including Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, Jamie Foxx, Selena Gomez, and more -- so the attack undoubtedly comes as a shock.

David Gail '90210', Soap Star Dead at 58

David Gail -- a soap opera star who acted in several episodes of "Beverly Hills, 90210" has died ... according to his sister.

The actor's sister, Katie Colmenares, shared the tragic news on Instagram Saturday  ... saying she'd "hold you so tight every day in my heart" and she'd miss him "every second of every day forever" -- she did not give a cause of death.

Peter Ferriero, host of a "Beverly Hills, 90210" rewatch podcast confirmed the death as well.

Gail's got numerous credits -- including seven appearances as 'BH: 90210' where he played Shannen Doherty's character's fiancé, Stuart Carson -- but he's best known for his work in the soap opera world.

David appeared on 216 episodes of the "General Hospital" spin-off Port Charles where he played Dr. Joe Scanlon #2, according to IMDb.

A few of Gail's other credits ... "Matlock," "Murder, She Wrote," "The Round Table," "Doogie Howser, M.D.," "Perfect Opposites" and "Growing Pains." He even starred alongside Bradley Cooper in the 2002 rom-com "Bending All The Rules."

Gail was 58.


Pro-Palestine Protesters Shut Down Street Outside Sundance ... Melissa Barrera, Indya Moore Attend

Pro-Palestine protesters shut down a street near the Sundance Film Festival on Sunday afternoon ... and a couple famous faces joined their numbers.

About 100 protesters reportedly showed up on Park City's Main Street for a protest organized by "Let Gaza Live" ... with police in the small Utah town shutting down the block to traffic.

Among those protesting ... former 'Scream' star Melissa Barrera -- who was fired for her comments on the war between Israel and Hamas -- and model/actor Indya Moore.

MB kept a low profile with her hood on and sunglasses covering her eyes while IM was more front and center ... at one point using a megaphone at the rally.

BTW, Barrera's been talking a lot about her firing recently ... telling the Associated Press Friday night that getting laid off from the popular franchise was a "big awakening" for her adding she's "grateful" for everything that's happened.

The protest was pretty peaceful all morning ... with videos populating social media of passionate protesters -- though their chants stirred up some controversy.

Some of the protesters used the phrase "From the river to the sea" which is a point of contention between Israel supporters and Palestine supporters ... they're also going right after President Biden calling him "Genocide Joe" and repurposing an old condemnation of Lyndon B. Johnson -- asking him how many kids he's "killed today."

Protesters in support of Israel were also on the streets in Park City ... seemingly mounting a counter-protest and chanting "Bring them home" in reference to hostages taken by Hamas during the tragic October 7 attack.

It should be noted that the protest was not affiliated with Sundance, instead just running near it ... a move other political protesters have used in the past to capitalize on media attention. Thousands of protesters gathered back in 2017 to protest then-newly inaugurated President Trump.

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Festival representatives released a statement before the march saying they were aware of the demonstration and working with local law enforcement to keep festivalgoers safe.