'Wizard of Oz' Mobster Admits, Yep, I Stole the Ruby Red Slippers!!!

The ruby red slipper theft has been solved ... with a confession from a mobster!

Terry Jon Martin has copped to stealing one of the most iconic items in movie history -- Dorothy's ruby red slippers from "The Wizard of Oz."

Terry Jon now admits ... he's the guy behind the smash and grab back in 2005 ... he used a hammer to obliterate the display case that was supposed to protect the slippers.

JJM says he was under the mistaken impression the shoes were bedazzled with real jewels. The reason he thought that -- the shoes were famously insured for $1M.

The shoes were recovered in 2018 and Martin was arrested and pled guilty to the theft.

The 76-year-old will not go to jail ... he's suffering from a serious illness so the judge showed him mercy. He's in hospice care and is only expected to live another 6 months.

TMZ Studios

BTW ... the current market value of the shoes -- $3.5 MILLION!!!

Un mafioso confesó haber robado los zapatos de rubí del Mago de Oz

El robo de los zapatos rojos de rubí ha sido resuelto, ¡luego de que de un mafioso confesara!

Terry Jon Martin confesó haber robado uno de los artículos más emblemáticos de la historia del cine, zapatillas de color rojo rubí de Dorothy en el "El Mago de Oz".

Terry Jon admite ahora que él es el  autor del robo que ocurrió en 2005. Utilizó un martillo para destruir la vitrina que se suponía iba a proteger las zapatillas.

Terry dice que estaba bajo la impresión errónea de que los zapatos estaban adornados con joyas reales. La razón por la que pensó eso... los zapatos estaban famosamente asegurados por $1M.

Los zapatos fueron recuperados en 2018 y Martin fue arrestado y se declaró culpable del robo.

El hombre de 76 años no irá a la cárcel, sufre una enfermedad grave, por lo que el juez tuvo piedad de él. Está en cuidados paliativos y solo se espera que viva otros seis meses.

¡A propósito, el valor actual de los zapatos es de $3.5 MILLONES!

Too Short aprende a esquiar en Sundance Tras el debut de su película "Freaky Tales"

¡a las pistas!

Too Short se siente él mismo estos días, con una nueva película que acaba de debutar en el Festival de Cine de Sundance, ¡y se sintió lo suficientemente seguro como para conquistar las pistas!

Short y su representante, David Weintraub, estuvieron en el Festival para presentar su nueva película, "Freaky Tales", protagonizada por Pedro Pascal y Tom Hanks y dirigida por los guionistas y directores de Capt. Marvel Ryan Fleck y Anna Boden. Short coprotagoniza y narra la película.

La película recuerda un poco a Taylor Swift y está inspirada en los álbumes de Short.

presentándose en sundance

En cuanto a las desafiantes pistas de Dear Valley, Short pasó los diamantes y se aventuró a las pistas de conejo durante tres horas. Finalmente se graduó en las pistas azules.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

¡Felicidades por la película y por aventurarte al esquí!

Too Short I Got a Mountain High!!! Hits Up Ski Slopes After Sundance Film Debut


Too Short is feeling himself these days, with a new film that just debuted at the Sundance Film Festival, and he felt confident enough to conquer the slopes!

Short and his manager, David Weintraub, were at the Festival to unveil their new film, "Freaky Tales," starring Pedro Pascal and Tom Hanks and directed by Capt. Marvel writers/directors Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden. TS co-stars in and narrates the flick.

The movie has shades of Taylor Swift ... it's inspired by Short's albums.


As for the challenging slopes of Dear Valley, Short passed on the diamonds and ventured out onto the bunny slopes for 3 hours. He eventually graduated to the blue square runs.

TMZ Studios

Congrats on the film and taking a powder!

Jacob Elordi bromea en 'SNL' sobre la escena de sexo En la tumba de "Saltburn"

Jacob Elordi tomó las riendas de 'SNL' el sábado por la noche y su monólogo, como era de esperar, comenzó con LA escena de sexo de "Saltburn".

SPOILER: El personaje de Jacob, Felix, muere y el personaje de Barry Keoghan tiene sexo en su tumba.

Jacob fue directo al grano: "Si viste la película, gracias. Si viste la película con tus padres, lo siento. Si viste la película con tu novia, de nada".

prueba esto

El actor australiano, que dio el puntapié inicial al primer "SNL" del año, respondió a las preguntas del público/cast, incluida una en la que le preguntaron por esa escena "asquerosa" de su película. El pobre Jacob pensó que se refería a "Saltburn", pero en realidad se refería a "The Kissing Booth".

No hay rastro de Olivia Jade durante el show, pero fue vista en un afterparty. Los dos han estado saliendo desde finales de 2021 y alla estuvo allí durante los ensayos.

Jacob está de buena racha, aparte de "Saltburn" y "Kissing Booth", protagonizó "Priscilla" el año pasado. También protagoniza "He Went That Way", que fue lanzado a principios de este mes.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

No está mal para un tipo que solo ha estado actuando durante 7 años

Jacob Elordi Host 'SNL' That 'Saltburn' Sex Scene on My Grave is Super Hot!!!

Jacob Elordi took over the reins at 'SNL' Saturday night, and his monologue predictably began with THAT "Saltburn" sex scene.

SPOILER -- Jacob's character, Felix, dies and Barry Keoghan's character has sex on his grave.

Jacob got straight to the point ... "If you saw the movie, thank you. If you saw the movie with your parents, I'm sorry. If you saw the movie with your girlfriend, you're welcome."


The Aussie actor, who kicked off the first "SNL" of the year, took questions from the audience/cast, including one where he was asked about that "gross" scene in his movie. Poor Jacob thought it was about "Saltburn," but she was actually referring to "The Kissing Booth."

No sign of Olivia Jade during the show ... but she was spotted at an afterparty ... the two've been dating since the end of 2021. She was there during rehearsals.

Jacob's on quite the run ... aside from "Saltburn" and "Kissing Booth," he starred in "Priscilla" last year. He also stars in "He Went That Way," which was released earlier this month.

TMZ Studios

Not bad for a dude who's only been acting for 7 years.

Richard Simmons Dramatic Turnaround Over Pauly Shore Biopic Wishes Pauly 'Good Luck!'

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Well, this is crazy ... just days after Richard Simmons seemed pissed Pauly Shore was doing an unauthorized biopic on his life, RS now seems to be giving the thumbs up to the project.

TMZ obtained this video from the Sundance Film Festival Friday night, where Pauly got onstage to introduce the short film that will eventually become the full movie version of Richard's life.

He began by telling the crowd Richard texted him earlier in the day, wishing him "good luck" with the screening. The audience gave its rousing approval.

It's a total about-face ... just a few days ago, Richard wrote on Facebook, "You may have heard they may be doing a movie about me with Pauly Shore. I have never given my permission for this movie. So don't believe everything you read."

To say he never gave his permission is as much as saying DON'T DO THIS!

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If Pauly is putting yesterday's text in full context, maybe Richard had a change of heart.

TMZ Studios

The Wolper Organization, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. that's developing the film, told us -- "While we would love to have him involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him and tells a dramatic story."

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Pauly was at the Salt Lake City Int'l Airport Thursday and made it clear ... his intentions are good and thinks RS will like the film.

Richard Simmons Dramático giro sobre la bioepic de Pauly Shore Le desea buena suerte!!!

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Richard le desea lo mejor

Bueno, esto es una locura ... pocos días después de que Richard Simmons parecía enojado con Pauly Shore porque estaba haciendo una película biográfica de su vida, ahora parece estar dando su visto bueno al proyecto.

TMZ obtuvo este video del Festival de Cine de Sundance el viernes por la noche, donde Pauly se subió al escenario para presentar el cortometraje que con el tiempo se convertirá en la versión cinematográfica completa de la vida de Richard.

Comenzó diciéndole a la multitud que Richard le había enviado un mensaje de texto temprano en el día, deseándole "buena suerte" con la proyección. El público reaccionó con una entusiasta aprobación.

Hace solo unos días, Richard había escrito en Facebook: "Puede que hayan oído que van a hacer una película sobre mí con Pauly Shore. Nunca he dado mi permiso para esta película. Así que no se crean todo lo que leen".

Decir que nunca dio su permiso es igual que decir ¡NO HAGAS ESTO!

Si Pauly está compartiendo el mensaje de ayer en todo su contexto, puede ser que Richard tuvo un cambio de corazón.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

La Organización Wolper, una filial de Warner Bros. que está desarrollando la película, nos dijo: "Aunque nos encantaría tenerlo involucrado, respetamos su deseo de privacidad y planeamos producir una película que lo honre, lo celebre y cuente una historia dramática".

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Él entrará en razón... yo creo

Pauly estuvo el jueves en el aeropuerto internacional de Salt Lake City y dejó claro que sus intenciones son buenas y que cree que a Richard le gustará la película.

Pauly Shore Richard Simmons Short Premieres ... Viral 'Ellen' Appearance

Pauly Shore's Richard Simmons short dropped last night ... and Simmons stans will recognize the moment it's based on -- plus get an idea of what the feature film's gonna be like.

PS premiered "The Court Jester" at Sundance, and he went full Simmons for the role -- he looks a ton like him with the hair, tank top and thigh-high shorts ... and on top of that, Shore picked a viral moment from Richard's life. While the screening took place during the festival it was not an official Sundance selection.

The short -- not the full-scale biopic he's making -- opens with a production assistant backstage of a show hosted by a woman who looks and sounds like Ellen DeGeneres ... when Richard is called onto the stage.

Pauly's Richard comes out with a ton of energy, running around in front of the audience, sweat dripping down his forehead ... a clear reenactment of Richard's appearance on "Ellen" more than a decade ago.

Check it out ... Richard jumps around so fast cameras can barely keep up, pushes the same DVD and even pretends to be a workout machine Ellen can use -- art imitating life taken to the extreme!!!

TMZ Studios

Pauly's also showing off his acting chops in the more low-key moments too -- having a heart-to-heart with the PA from the beginning of the short while chowing down on a sprinkle donut.

Shore's clearly trying to be pretty respectful of Richard ... backing him with an angelic light while he drops knowledge on the young "Ellen" crew member -- though at this point, Richard's probably not coming around to Pauly's upcoming biopic

As we reported ... Richard -- who doesn't speak publicly much anymore -- came out and blasted Pauly's movie ... basically saying he didn't give his permission or blessing to Shore's project.

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When we talked to Pauly about it ... he said he's holding out hope Richard comes around, but he's going forward with the project whether he gets the fitness guru's thumbs up or not.

You never know ... maybe Richard's a big fan of short films?!?

Pauly Shore Se estrena el corto de Richard Simmons

El corto de Pauly Shore sobre Richard Simmons se estrenó anoche, y los fans de Simmons reconocerán el momento de su vida en el que está basado y podrán también hacerse una idea de cómo será el largometraje.

Pauly Shore estrenó "The Court Jester" en Sundance, y se sumergió completamente en el papel de Simmons, con el pelo, la camiseta sin mangas y los pantalones cortos hasta los muslos, y más encima, eligió un momento viral de la vida de Richard.

El corto, que no es la película completa que está realizando, comienza con un asistente de producción entre bastidores, de un show que es presentado por una mujer que se parece a Ellen DeGeneres. Luego, Richard es llamado al escenario.

El Richard de Pauly sale con un montón de energía. Corre delante del público, con el sudor goteándole por la frente... una clara recreación de la aparición de Richard en "Ellen" hace más de una década.

Compruébalo tú mismo, Richard salta tan rápido que las cámaras apenas pueden seguirle el ritmo, empuja el mismo DVD e incluso pretende ser una máquina de ejercicios que Ellen puede usar, ¡¡¡el arte imitando la vida al extremo!!!

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Pauly también está mostrando sus dotes de actuación en los momentos más discretos, como por ejemplo, cuando tiene una conversación con el asistente de producción al principio del corto, mientras se come una dona.

Shore está claramente tratando de ser muy respetuoso con Richard, aunque a estas alturas, Richard probablemente no será parte de la próxima película biográfica de Pauly.

Como hemos informado, Richard, que no habla mucho públicamente, salió a criticar la película de Pauly diciendo que no dio su permiso o bendición para el proyecto.

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Él entrará en razón... yo creo

Cuando hablamos con Pauly al respecto dijo que tenía la esperanza de que Richard se terminara sumando, pero que va a seguir adelante con el proyecto, ya sea con el pulgar hacia arriba del gurú o no.

Nunca se sabe, ¡¿tal vez Richard es un gran fan de los cortometrajes?!


'King of Kong' star Billy Mitchell is keeping score after Twin Galaxies reinstated his historical records ... after a multi-year dispute over cheating allegations.

You Can't Rewrite History

Billy tells TMZ ... he's satisfied and relieved with the recent resolution in his defamation case against the video game database ... nearly 6 years after they suggested he fabricated his Donkey Kong record through an emulation software, banned him, and wiped his scores from their site.

He tells us when the investigation and claims began in 2018, his first order of business was going back to the arcade and beating all the scores, which he did.

For some people this wasn't good enough, so now that his name is cleared, he is going to get back to what he enjoys doing, which is playing games, breaking records, attending events, and being an ambassador for competitive gaming.

TMZ Studios

Billy's happy his history has finally been restored -- but doesn't get why people were trying to rewrite it in the first place ... especially 'cause Twin Galaxies ain't as relevant as it used to be, according to him.

"The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" was a 2007 documentary about competitive arcade gaming that followed Steve Wiebe attempting to take down Billy's high score record in Donkey Kong. Following the success of the documentary, he was told there was talk of a feature film with Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey being eyed as the lead.

As for now, Billy's taking the onslaught of movie offers his way seriously ... after putting them on the back burner while his defamation case raged on.

Billy's lead counsel, Anthony Ellrod tells TMZ... “This was an extremely hard fought case, and I am happy that the parties were ultimately able to resolve it. Cases like this where an individual’s credibility and veracity are at stake are very difficult to resolve short of trial. I credit the hard work of all parties and counsel in reaching a settlement.”

Billy's leveling up for the future now ... basically, he's saying, don't hate the player, hate the game!!

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!

Curb your fandom and excitement, because you're looking at A-list star Nicole Kidman in action! There are some "Big-Little Lies" in these two images, but before you start scoping out the scene, you may wanna make sure it's safe before crossing the street with Nicole!

The actress was on the wet, rainy set of the upcoming thriller film "Babygirl" in New York City earlier this week, and there appear to be some mishaps with her wardrobe/accessories. Can you find the minor switch-ups in the pictures?

3, 2, 1 ACTION!

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above Nicole Kidman photos!**

¡¿Cuál es la gran diferencia?!

Frena entusiasmo, porque estás viendo a Nicole Kidman en acción y hay algunas "Big-Little Lies" en estas dos imágenes, pero antes de empezar a inspeccionar la escena, ¡quizá quieras asegurarte de que es seguro cruzar la calle con Nicole!

La actriz estuvo en el húmedo y lluvioso set de la próxima película de suspenso "Babygirl" en la ciudad de Nueva York a principios de esta semana, y parece que hay algunos errores con su vestuario y accesorios. ¿Puedes encontrar los pequeños cambios en las fotos?

3, 2, 1 ¡ACCIÓN!

**PISTA: ¡Hay TRES diferencias en las fotos de Nicole Kidman!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Ayuda a Matt Iseman a hacer la gran pregunta...

Propuesta perfecta!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger es un hombre muy multifacético y de cara al fin de semana se puso el sombrero para jugar de cupido, nada menos que de Matt Iseman.

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ, que muestra al ex Mr. Olympia haciendo su mejor trabajo de director de orquesta el viernes en Austria, donde ha estado de visita por una mezcla de negocios y placer. Como se puede ver, el actor estaba liderando a la banda y cantando una melodía, con un montón de gente alrededor.

Nos han dicho que en realidad se trataba de una fiesta previa a las competencias de Hahnenkamm, un importante evento de esquí que se celebra anualmente y que atrae a grandes multitudes en todo el mundo.

De todos modos, mientras Arnie estaba haciendo lo suyo con la banda, el Sr. Iseman, famoso por ser anfitrión de "American Ninja Warrior", por no hablar de ganar el "New Celebrity Apprentice" con Arnold en 2017, también estaba allí disfrutando de la diversión ... Pero luego las cosas se volvieron románticas con su novia.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Matt acompaña a Arnold en casi todas sus apariciones -recuerden que acaba de ser el anfitrión de la gran subasta que incluía el problemático reloj no registrado- y también es el maestro de ceremonias.

Probablemente por eso Arnold lo ayudó a proponerle matrimonio a la abogada Britton All, que claramente no esperaba comprometerse en ese mismo momento. Arnold estaba obviamente comprometido con la idea. Por cierto ... John Kerry también estaba entre la multitud, como hemos dicho, esta es una fiesta del tipo quién es quién.

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Es seguro decir que Britton dijo que sí y Arnold estaba allí para ayudar. ¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Helps Matt Iseman Pop the Question ... Plays Love Conductor!!!

Pitcher-perfect proposal

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a man of many hats -- and heading into the weekend, he put on his wings and picked up a wand to play a musical cupid for none other than Matt Iseman.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ, showing the former Mr. Olympia doing his best conductor work Friday out in Austria ... where he's there for a mix of business and pleasure. As you can see, he was leading a band and singing a tune, with a lot of people around.

We're told this was actually at a pre-party ahead of the Hahnenkamm Races -- a major skiing event out there that they do annually ... and which draws big crowds across the world.

Anyway, while Arnie was doing his thing with the band ... Mr. Iseman -- famous for hosting "American Ninja Warrior," not to mention winning the "New Celebrity Apprentice" with Arnold in 2017 -- was also there enjoying the fun ... but then, things turned romantic with his GF.

Our sources say Matt accompanies Arnold for pretty much all his appearances -- remember, he was just hosting this big auction for that troublesome watch -- and he MCs those too.

That's probably why Arnold helped him propose to criminal defense attorney Britton All ... who was clearly not expecting to get engaged right then and there. Arnold was obviously in on it. Oh, BTW ... John Kerry was in the mix there too -- like we said, a who-who type shindig.

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Safe to say ... Britton said yes -- and Arnold was there to lend an assist ... congrats!!!

Alec Baldwin Hit with New Criminal Charge ... In 'Rust' Case

Alec Baldwin is being dragged back into criminal court in the "Rust" case -- and he's facing the same charge as before ... involuntary manslaughter.

The actor just got hit with a new grand jury indictment out of Santa Fe -- and it says he's being rung up on one count of involuntary manslaughter involving negligent use of a firearm. However, there's an alternative charge he could face ... involuntary manslaughter without due caution or circumspection.

The reason there are 2 charges listed is because the grand jury basically agreed there is enough evidence for him to be prosecuted on either ... but the D.A.'s office will presumably only pursue one of these.

Remember, Alec has already been put through the wringer on this front -- he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, but those charges were eventually dropped.


He might've thought he was out of the woods, but prosecutors have been signaling for months they were leaving the window open to possibly re-charge ... and now they've followed through with the grand jury's indictment.


Alec pled not guilty at first -- and we imagine he'll enter the same plea again. His attorneys, Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro, signaled as much ... telling TMZ, "We look forward to our day in court."